Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Bountifully with me, I will sing unto the Lord because he hath dealt bountifully with me. [0:22] It is favourable to our soul's comfort when we are able to review all the way that God has led us. [0:42] If we are able to do this, surely we must come to one conclusion, because he hath dealt bountifully with me. [0:57] We may observe that in the earlier part of this psalm, the conditions seem to be adverse. [1:09] How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord, forever? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? [1:26] How long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? And yet, despite such a confession of the difficulty of his pathway, apparently at that time, he comes to the end of this short psalm to say, I will sing unto the Lord because he hath dealt bountifully with me. [1:57] How is it that he was able to say this, and to give voice to his inward determination, that he would sing unto the Lord? [2:11] It is because he hath dealt bountifully with me. Now, as the Lord may help me, we will look first of all at the latter clause before coming to the former, because the latter clause will give the reason why the former desire is expressed. [2:36] Because he hath dealt bountifully with me. The chapters that we read in the epistle of Paul to the Corinthians spoke quite a little about God's abounding, and not least about the grace which had abounded. [3:02] Where sin abounded, we read in the Romans, there grace did much more abound. And wherever God makes this and that to abound, surely we must say, as we reflect upon it, the Lord hath dealt bountifully with me. [3:29] When we consider the power of sin reigning, or at least experienced in our hearts, and the necessity of that sin being put down, then we shall have a reason, if grace abounds, to say, the Lord hath dealt bountifully with me. [4:01] If we do not feel our sin, if we feel that we are good, then of course we shall never know anything of God's abounding grace. [4:12] And we shall not be in a position to know anything about it. We shall not be in a position to understand it. We shall be saying, well what do I want the grace of God to abound unto me for? [4:24] I have no need of that grace of God. I am not a great sinner. But should we be a great sinner, made to feel so by the power of the Spirit of God in his penetrating conviction, then to see the grace of God manifested on such an occasion to the very worst of sin. [4:54] And the grace of God will bring us to join with the psalmist and say, because he hath dealt bountifully with me. Though it may seem strange to say so, yet the more the Lord makes us feel how sinful we are, the more will we be able to observe God bountiful dealing with us. [5:27] We find the apostle expressing himself in the Romans 7 of the excellency of the law of God. [5:40] But then he goes on to say, but I am carnal, sold unto sin. Not many people would say to Paul that you are carnal. [6:00] It's not what people say to us, but what we may confess to other people. And those that feel this most are those that see the glory of God and the wonders of God more clearly. [6:20] And so we find it was when Paul said, for we know that the law is spiritual, that he also said, but I am carnal, sold unto sin. [6:38] Now there are two points to this in connection with the words of our text, because he hath dealt bountifully with me. It is a mercy to know our carnality, even though it may be painful to us, because it will surely cause us to rejoice in that abundant grace which is able to save to the uttermost. [7:05] At the same time, there will be the abundant grace which shows us the excellencies of Christ Jesus. [7:19] Could we, his person, learn to prize? We more should prize his grace. But we have to take it according to how we ourselves have experienced it. [7:37] But oh, that we might have that in our hearts this morning, to be able to join and say, I will sing unto the Lord because he hath dealt bountifully with me. [7:49] He hath taken me apart out of an ungodly generation and shown me that I need to be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation. [8:05] How bountiful that is, that God of his great mercy should have done so. And then, if he should have spoken to us those precious words of the scripture, ye are not under the law, but under grace, therefore sin shall not have dominion over you. [8:30] Shall we not find again a reason to express, the Lord hath dealt bountifully with me? It is an important matter for the children of God to feel the certainty of this, that they are not under the law, though the law has been their schoolmaster to bring them to Christ, but that they are under grace, under the power of grace, under the sweet influences of grace. [9:04] And what does grace do? Well, grace hardens, oh, softens the hardest heart. And if God does that, then would you want to sing? [9:21] And would you want to sing to the praise of him that died? And would you want to sing to the praise of him that suffered in our stead, whereby, having risen up on high, he might, he has received gifts for men, yea, for the rebellious also, and the gift of faith, and the gift of repentance, about which we have just been singing? [9:50] So then, because he hath dealt bountifully with me, there is nothing small in regard to God's work. [10:05] It may be small by comparison, but it is not small, because everything that God does is great. The most insignificant work of God, that may not be seen by any other, will be great in your soul. [10:27] Let us take just one point, to create a good desire, to feel a turning toward the Lord, but a small work of God, so to speak, in the eyes of many. [10:43] But, how great has the Lord dealt with us, and with what abundance? We are living epistles, known and read of all men, and yet, silence can be eloquent, though it is good for us, to testify of what God has done for the soul, but sometimes, a meek and quiet spirit, will evince, that God has dealt bountifully with us. [11:25] God's work shines, God's work cannot be hidden, and a time does come, when God's work, has to be spoken about. [11:40] Now the psalmist says, because, he hath dealt, bountifully with me. There is that, in our natural make-up, which despises, the day of small things. [11:56] It may be said, in the present day, speaking very generally, that it is a day of small things. The power of attending, the ministry of the word, may be said, to be a day of small things. [12:17] In respect to the experience, of the people of God, it may be said, to be a day of small things. But, the word of God, speaks to us, and says, despise not the day, of small things. [12:37] Let us remember, that the day of small things, causes, the glory of God, to shine forth, as much as the day, of great things. [12:50] We read, at the time of the apostles, that great grace, was upon them all. What are we going to do, if in these days, we may have to speak, somewhat differently, and say, it isn't so now, but there is small grace. [13:09] If it is grace at all, then have we not reason, to feel thankful for that. Now what has grace done? Whereby we may say, because he hath dealt, bountifully with me. [13:28] If grace has taken us, in hand at all, then, we have reason, to say that God, has dealt bountifully. The very first desire, that has been put into our souls, is an evidence, of God's bountiful dealing. [13:47] And if he has continued, that work, we have further evidence, of God's bountiful dealing. And if we should, from time to time, see clearly, that this is the work of God, that our eyes, should be opened, our faith, should be exercised, to see this is God's work. [14:08] Working in me, a feeble desire, and a wish so weak, which Jesus inspires, and bids me still seek. [14:19] You know, we do not have to come, into wonderful, remarkable, unusual, blessings from God, to say, because, he hath dealt, bountifully with me. [14:36] And yet, we need to be warned, that we do not despise, the day of small things. How easily, we may be, be favoured, in a small way, and then be tempted, to say, oh, it is nothing. [14:52] It is nothing. It is not worth, speaking about. But, if God touches our heart, for a moment, if God causes us, to feel the spirit, of repentance, for a moment or two, then God, has dealt bountifully, because he has dealt, with you differently, from what he has dealt, with those, that are in the world, those that are ungodly, those that know, not God at all. [15:19] And anything, that is above that, is an evidence, of God, dealing bountifully. Now, says the psalmist, I will sing, unto the Lord, because, he hath dealt, bountifully, with me. [15:37] The word, dealt, dealt, mentioned here, brings our attention, to the Lord's dealings. Now, we are, blessed indeed, to feel, and to know, that the Lord, is dealing, with us. [15:59] How shall we know, that God, is dealing, with us? How shall we know, that God, is handling us? Do you believe, that he is? [16:10] Whenever you do, then, you can say, the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with me. If we think, of Ephraim, as a bullock, unaccustomed, to the yoke, then, have we felt, God, handling us? [16:28] Who can handle, a bullet, that is unaccustomed, to the yoke, filled with a frenzy? But does, God, handle us, in a way, that only God, can handle us? [16:43] Then, the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with thee. then, again, then, at those times, when, we are, fearful, and afraid, and, we should surely, be deceiving, ourselves, if we, were to say, there were never times, when we were fearful, and afraid. [17:09] But, the Lord, deals bountifully, with us, as and when, he may say, fear not. Fear not. [17:21] Those, people, that, would dispense, with doubts, and fears, and, would, preach, that they never occur, would find it difficult, to answer the reason, why God, give an answer, and a reason, why God, has, on so many occasions, included in his word, fear not. [17:51] Now, there are, there is a distinction, which we need to make, between, the fears, and doubts, which are, the outcome, of a circumstances, of circumstances, and yet, they do not proceed, from, what we might say, the old, nature. [18:25] The point, I wish to make, is this, that, fear, comes upon us, sometimes, suddenly, Satan, comes in, and, we feel, that he's there, and we're afraid, it, and we seek, unto, our refuge, and our strength, and suggestions, sometimes, are brought, to our mind, by the, from the same source, which, raises the doubt, in our mind, now, this is, what the point, I'm making, is this, that these things, are not ours, they're brought, upon us, by this, tremendous, enemy, which makes us, as it were, tremble, tremble, but there is, such a word, where the Lord, in reply, to our, fleeing, unto him, will say, fear not, fear not, [19:37] I am the Lord, I am the Lord, fear not, I will help thee, I will deliver thee, I will comfort thee, I will say, to your enemy, thus far, shall they come, and no further, and here, shall thy proud, ways be stayed, now, as various, circumstances, come into our lives, you know, in those, circumstances, circumstances, Satan will make, the most of them, and we should not, expect, to go through, any aspect, of our lives, without Satan, being ever at hand, to put in, subtle suggestions, with the main purpose, of undermining, our faith, and so, we may come, to the time, of affliction, and of pain, and of sickness, are we so hard-hearted, that we are never, affected, by these things, that some fears, do not come, into our mind, because, of the suggestions, which come, from the enemy, of our souls, and then again, even in the day, of prosperity, let us, be aware, of this, that we should, beware, of Satan, coming in, because, he can, he will appear, under all, circumstances, [21:14] Satan, does not appear, only in the day, of adversity, he will appear, also, in the day, of prosperity, and certainly, Satan, will not be able, to bear the sight, of one of God's children, prospering, and therefore, he will stir, up as far as he can, from one quarter, and another, and this will bring, into the soul, of the child, of God, an anxiety, because he can, only see, everything, coming, into confusion, but, the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with me, because, the Lord, that reigns on high, and thunders, when he pleases, has all things, all persons, both men, and devils, under his control, and therefore, when we see this, the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with me, now, what have we found, in regard, to our pathway, very different, our pathways, may be, one from the other, but, there are none of them, such, surely, wherein, we could not say, the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with me, but we come, to look, for a moment, or two, wherein, wherein, wherein, the psalmist, says, that he hath dealt, bountifully, with me, now, if we feel, the spirit, of humbling, sometimes, and the pride, of our heart, dealt with, what an evidence, that God, has dealt, bountifully, with us, for who can put down, the pride, of our heart, who can deal, with the stubbornness, of our spirit, who can deal, with the foolishness, of our mind, and so on, the psalmist, says, the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with me, and in spite, of, what he was then, passing through, according to the context, the suggestion, that God, had forgotten him, the suggestion, that his face, was hidden, from him, and how long, would that be, yet, he's bound, to say, that because, he hath dealt, bountifully, with me, you will see, that in the day, of his adversity, yet, [24:00] God, dealt, bountifully, with him, by maintaining, his faith, and giving him, right prayers, listen, to, the words, that he prays, after having said, how long, wilt thou forget me, he says, consider, and hear, me, oh, Lord, my God, lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep, the sleep of death, lest mine enemies, say, I have prevailed, against him, and those, that trouble me, rejoice, when I, am moved, there is much, instruction, in the word, of God, to teach us, how to pray, under, varying, circumstances, shall we find, the instruction, here, that will enable us, to feel, that the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with us, is it a long time, do we feel, that God, has forgotten us, has his face, been hidden from us, do we, think upon it, and, those thoughts, be absorbing, so that we can, think of nothing else, and when we pray, we pray, in a miserable way, not asking God, for anything, but only doting, upon, our sad condition, and being filled, with self-pity, well now, the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with me, if, in turning, to, the Psalms, in finding, a description, of how we feel, we are then, led to see, what, the Psalmist, under the Spirit, of God, did, he did not, bemov himself, but he said, consider, and hear me, [25:55] O Lord, my God, lighten mine eyes, lest I, sleep, the sleep, of death, lighten mine eyes, lest I, sleep, the sleep, of death, and he was, well aware, that his enemy, was close by, to take advantage, of his low, condition, and he gives, this good reason, to God, as we may, well be able, to give a good reason, to God, lest mine enemies, say, I have prevailed, against him, and when, the Lord, is absent, feelingly, from us, the enemy, will suggest, that he has prevailed, the enemy, will suggest, that, you will never, feel, the blessing, of God, again, and we forget, that he is a liar, and is the father, of lies, but how good, it is, for us, to acknowledge, [26:59] God's, bountiful, dealing, that I have, trusted in thy, mercy, my heart, shall, rejoice, in thy, salvation, because, he has dealt, bountifully, with me, bountifully, with me, in respect, to, all the circumstances, that, have come, into, our lives, a word, that, has been, much before me, in recent months, is found, in the book of Job, where we read, he causeth it to come, he causeth it to come, and whatever, may come, now, today, may we acknowledge, that he, causeth it to come, and if this is true, must we not say, that the Lord, has dealt, bountifully, with us, what God does, when he, causes anything, to come, it is not just, to satisfy, a whim, and a fancy, but, [28:17] Job goes on, to say this, he causeth it to come, for correction, and for his land, and for mercy, now, if we can see, in whatever, has come, into our lives, whatever, conflicts, we have had, in our spirits, that God, causes it to come, and if we, refer back, to the book of Job, we find, that, Satan, had permission, to afflict Job, to upset Job, to, put Job, through his sin, but, let us not overlook, this, he, causes it to come, and, there was, a rain, put upon, Satan, he could not do, what he would, neither, could he go, any farther, than the Lord, allowed him to go, but there was, a purpose in it, [29:20] Satan, might well have, concluded, that, the point, of, his being, given this, permission, was, remarkable, sufficient, for Satan, to, bring Job, down into the dust, and to make it, very clear, that, there was no, religion in Job, at all, but, God's purpose, was different, and, God's purpose, will be different, in your life, and mine, so that, he, causes it to come, for correction, how, how much, and in how many things, we need to be corrected, his chastenings, therefore, prize, the privilege, of a saint, now, chastenings, are not to be, regarded, as some, may regard them, as a thrashing, some of God's, chastenings, with the people, of God, have been, couched, in gentle terms, and in gentle, actions, there was not, dealt with us, after our sins, nor, devoured us, according to our, iniquities, now, the chastenings, of God, are, so different, from anything else, the distinction, is made, by, the apostle himself, when, after speaking, for whom the Lord, loveth, he chasteneth, and scourgeth, every son, whom he receiveth, he goes on, to say this, furthermore, we have had fathers, of our flesh, which corrected us, and we gave them reverence, shall we not, not much rather, be in subjection, unto the father, of spirit, and live, for they, verily, for a few days, chastened us, after their, own pleasure, now, here is the distinction, but he, for our prophet, that we might be, might be partakers, of his holiness, now you see, this is what, we may understand, by correction, correction, in our thinking, correction, in our walking, correction, in our general bed, and sometimes, that, requires, just a small tap, sometimes, of course, it requires, a severer, treatment, now, [32:21] Paul, who was well acquainted, with the pathway, that he here describes, says, now no chastening, for the present, seemeth to be joyous, but grievous, nevertheless, afterward, it yieldeth, the peaceable fruit, of righteousness, unto them, which are exercised, thereby, if any part, of our body, is out of truth, we shall not, put it back, into place, without there being, some pain, if there is, a dislocation, if there is, a break, if there is, a splintering, then, that needs, attention, but it will not, be put back, into place, without, some pain, now, no chastening, for those present, seemeth to be, joyous, but grievous, nevertheless, afterward, it yieldeth, the peaceable fruit, of righteousness, to them, that are exercised, thereby, because, he hath dealt, bountifully, with me, in correction, whether that correction, is small, or, or whether it is, greater, if we do not, need to be corrected, in, the letter of things, we may, sometimes, need to be corrected, in the spirit of things, and so, as the psalmist says, create in me, a clean heart, [34:15] O God, and renew, a right spirit, within me, and perhaps, some of us, will know, something about that, we've needed, God, to correct us, in our spirits, in regard to, our feelings, toward the brethren, in their afflictions, in their sorrows, and in their temptations, and so, maybe God, has brought, affliction upon us, has brought, adversity, and trial, upon us, and it has been, for correction, and God, has caused it to come, now, when we see, that God, has caused it to come, and it's been, for our profit, then we can say, the Lord, has dealt, bountifully, with me, with me, with me, with me, with me, with me, prophet, is instruction, which, has a good end, with me, with me, the purpose of God, is that we might, be profited, continually, let us not think, that, the ways of God, are for any other reason, [35:49] I believe, it will be true, to say, that all the ways of God, are intended, for our profit, sometimes, our profit, that we may know, how great, our weaknesses are, our profit, in that we may know, how, far short, we have come, from what we thought, we were, that our profit, sometimes, in, discovering, the tenderness, of the heart, of Jesus Christ, our profit, in, being favored, to realize, something, of the glory of Christ, and of his person, and of, being, having fellowship, with his sufferings, and how profitable, it will be, and which this, will surely bring us, to say, he hath dealt, bountifully, with me, if God, should speak to us, some, loving words, and address us, with a loving name, we shall not, forget it, and we shall say, that the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with us, when the Lord, says, beloved, beloved, thinketh not, strange, concerning, the trial, that is, to try you, as though, some strange thing, has happened, to you, now, sometimes, we may think, oh, that's something, coming, but if you look, closely, at the word, that is not, really, the intention, it is, that the trial, that is, to try you, is, is the present tense, and it is, [37:51] God's purpose, it is, to try you, and what for, that you might, be profited, it, so then, thinketh not, strange, concerning, the fiery trial, that which, burns up, that which, destroys, everything, everything, that is unreal, the fiery trial, that is, to try you, now, as though, some strange thing, had happened, unto you, what is in, our lives, at the moment, does it seem, a strange thing, then, let us remember, this word, that is, to try you, now, but rather, rejoice, in that you are, partakers, of the sufferings, of Christ, how wonderful, how wonderful, because here, the Lord, hath dealt, abundantly, and bountifully, with thee, in bringing you, closer, to feel, the sweetness, of the presence, of Christ, the understanding, of Christ, the consolations, of Christ, and, the benefits, of which Christ, bestows, upon his, children, end, but then, [39:21] Peter, Peter, goes on, to tell us, something, yet further, before he says, he says, there is the glory, of God, to be considered, the glory, of God, have we ever, considered that, in our, trials, the glory, of God, that, when his, glory, shall be revealed, ye may, be glad, also, with exceeding, joy, this is, true, profitability, when we observe, the glory, of God, is revealed, the glory, of God, in his, divine, compassion, the glory, of God, in his, forgiving, love, because, he has, dealt, bountifully, with me, to come, through a trial, a fiery, trial, and then, to see, at the end, of it, the glory, of God, revealed, [40:32] God, if it is, the glory, of a king, to pass, by a matter, is it, not the glory, of the king, of kings, to speak, a forgiving, sentence, to, his, suppliant, I have, forgiven thee, I will, forgive, thou art, forgiven, go, and sin, no more, because, he, hath, dealt, bountifully, with me, bountifully, this is, a great, word, if the matter, is small, shall we say, the Lord, has done, great things, for us, whereof, we are glad, let us, not despise, the day, of small things, we need, to remember, this point, if God, has touched, our heart, for a few moments, if God, has melted, our spirit, for but a short time, shall we not say, the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with me, because, he has dealt, with me, more, than the ungodly, he has dealt, with me, more, than the unrepentant, he has dealt, with me, more, than those, that, serve, the God, of this world, because, he has delivered, me, from the God, of this world, and brought, me, with a spirit, of repentance, to worship, himself, the Lord, hath dealt, bountifully, with me, look, upon, that well-known, character, in the scriptures, who, called upon, the Lord, who came, to him, with a heavy, burden, of her daughter, and she said, [42:28] Lord, help me, and the Lord's, help, was manifested, in a mysterious, way, perhaps, more deeply, than, is realized, looking at the matter, just casually, the woman, needed, continual help, she needed, help, before she realized, that she needed, help, because, the Lord, was going, to test her, he was going, to say to her, it is not, me, to give, the children's bread, unto dogs, now, she needed, help then, sometimes, we've come, to God, and we've said, Lord, help me, and it's been, on a particular matter, we haven't realized, that God, is fulfilling, that request, in the matter, of which, we're not aware, now, this woman, needed her faith, to be strengthened, when God, tested her, and subsequently, the Lord, himself, would testify, oh, woman, great is thy faith, [43:42] God, has proved it, the Lord, Jesus Christ, has proved it, but how much, she needed, the help of God, in this particular matter, even though, her case, was, in respect, to her daughter, Lord, help me, and we find, that she came, and worshipped him, when she said, Lord, help me, when we know, that kind of experience, in order, that we can join, with the psalmist, and say, because, he hath dealt, bountifully, with me, not only, has he granted me, that, that I requested, but he has granted me, that, that I didn't ask for, I didn't realise, that I wanted help, to sustain me, when God would prove me, but he gave me help, he gave me support, he strengthened my faith, that even when, it was said, so testingly, it is not me, to give the children's bread, unto dogs, she was not turned away, how would it have been, well, but for the help of God, how would you have felt, how should I have felt, under the same circumstances, left to ourselves, we should soon turn away, we should say, [45:04] I'm not going to be spoken to, like that, but the woman didn't, because, God had granted her, more than that, which she requested, she still pressed on, even when she was tested, and she was willing, not only, to, press on, but she was willing, to humble herself, herself, under the mighty hand, of God, hell, well, we might remember that, in connection, with the sorrow, Phoenician woman, humble yourself, therefore, under the mighty hand, of God, and he will exalt you, in due time, casting all your care, upon him, for he, careth, for you, because, he hath dealt, bountifully, with me, well, may we consider, in our own, private meditation, some of those things, wherein, [46:08] God, has dealt, bountifully, with us, if we are taught, of God, there will surely, be something, for us to remember, and as we remember it, oh, that we may, come into the psalmist's desire, to sing, I will sing, unto the Lord, because, he hath dealt, bountifully, with, me. [46:43] Let us now close, by singing, the last, the second part, of hymn, two hundred, and thirty-seven, second part, of hymn, two hundred, and thirty-seven, tune, Zundel, six hundred, and sixty-four, great high priest, we view thee stooping, with our names, upon thy breast, in the garden, groaning, drooping, to the ground, with horrors pressed, wondering angels, stood confounded, to behold their maker thus, and can we remain unwounded, when we know, t'was all for us, hymn, two, three-seventh, second part. [47:31] hmmm. o'er O'er ouhend. [47:59] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS [49:01] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS of situations and rooming. [49:45] All else carefree's Secret�� hand video, of family's Secret Kentucky, Delight Renault Lord, we thank God, just we slowly trust God, [50:49] Lord, we thank God, just we slowly trust God, Thank you. [51:46] Thank you. [52:16] Thank you. Thank you. [52:48] Thank you. Thank you. Suddenly, suddenly their peace has been disturbed. And the enemies to their soul, their enemies to Christ, have risen up and have endeavoured to snatch away their good desires. [53:15] Therefore, there is some significance in these words, calling on the name of the Lord. Calling on the name of the Lord will evidence our faith, not just in a name, but in a person. [53:34] It's because if a name is to mean anything to us, it immediately brings before us a person. Now, when we read them, calling upon the name of the Lord, we say, O Lord, I am oppressed. [53:55] First, undertake for me. There was a calling upon the name of the Lord by Hezekiah, but Hezekiah knew that name. [54:07] And he knew the person that that name represented to him. And it caused him to say, the living, the living, he shall praise me as I do this day. [54:18] Why, Taddeus, there? Arise and be baptised. [54:32] And watch away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. Two scriptures took hold of me this morning. [54:45] This is the first of them. The second one, if the Lord will, I shall look at the same thing. Amen. Amen. The best brothers are singing in 766. [55:09] In 766, hearing this whistle, In 766, 671, Sovereign grace, or sin about me, Ransom souls of my being swell, Hear the thief that knows no sounding, Who his breath or let me tell, On his glory, Let my soul forever dwell. [55:37] In 766, Chapter 66 Chapter 66 [56:38] Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 [57:54] Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 [58:56] Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Chapter 76 Title 66 Season Chapter 69 To Savior 보 thank you so I will serve you by said me for your love, for Him? I will serve you by His name not i? you will serve you by six whom I Daha sources hurt you by asking you for! You will serve you! I will serve you here too! I will serve you by our thanksri데in' His name not I will serve you by my sonicoke up! I will serve you by the mercy for his name but for you. I will meet yourself from you so I will학 you by 되어 yourself! I will beara musste on name out! I will serve you by tinham nap� fall to me! I am wide dose of you by my heart and upon your heart! I will serve you by Rogue howling salvage up! I will save you by their heart per se I will vaccine up your dream name to you bypat your heart to me by your heart in love of us and that night one tozyka Thank you. [59:53] And now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father's love, the fellowship of the eternal spirit, be with us all. Amen. [60:23] Amen.