Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The Gospel by John, the first chapter, and verse 47. [0:13] Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him and said of him, Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile. [0:36] This was a particularly happy time to some. There were those in their younger years who had been mercifully and graciously called by... [1:00] And Philip speaks with much joy. And he says, We have found him of whom Moses and the prophets did write. [1:20] But it seemed so full of joy and peace and gratitude that he felt he could not keep these things to himself. [1:38] His cup really flowed over. Good when it does, when there is the right knowledge of the dear Lord Jesus communicated to our hearts. [1:58] Now, these people were not deeply experienced in the things of Jesus. [2:15] They did not know him very fully. Yet, afterwards, they should know more of him through his gracious teaching. [2:34] Sometimes so, young disciples. The Lord wonderfully favors them and blesses them. Grants a felt pardon of their sins. [2:50] And they may feel they know all there is to be known. Their hearts may be made very, very happy in the things of God. [3:06] A few younger friends, look pretty closely. In these verses, you will find that Philip made two mistakes. [3:22] I wonder if you will be able to find those two mistakes that Philip made. [3:33] The Lord didn't reprimand him for having made these mistakes. But no doubt, as he grew older, so the truth would be revealed more clearly to him. [3:57] And this man, of whom our text speaks, I believe Nathaniel was a real, true spiritual seeker. [4:12] He was one who was waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus. He had a secret religion. [4:24] That's the most valuable religion that you and I can have. A secret religion. A person may make a great outward profession and have no grace. [4:43] Some people adore themselves with various growths. Some people have a cross dangling around their neck. [4:54] And they think, with all those things, they are pleasing God. When the scripture says, God requires truth in the inward path. [5:13] Now I believe, especially in their very early days, God's people have a secret religion. [5:26] I got to bed last night. I was thinking about some of you younger ones. And I wondered if any of you have got a secret religion. If, perhaps before you went to bed, or this morning, you felt you needed Jesus to make you good, you may have felt you're far from good, in and of yourselves. [6:01] You had to pray that the dear Lord Jesus would make you a real Christian. That he would forgive you your sins. [6:15] That he would help the man in preaching. And bless you in hearing. Now there's a wonderful mercy, even in the days of our youth, to have a secret religion. [6:32] Now some of you may have to say, well, I've got a secret religion. I didn't pray last night. [6:44] I didn't pray this morning. Now I come to Chatham, but I haven't got a secret religion. Well you haven't got any religion yet. [6:58] Worth having. And it would be a wonderful mercy, if one day, God gives you a secret religion. [7:09] Now this secret religion that Nathaniel had, sent him in secret, before the Lord. [7:24] And he apparently, had that fig tree, not very far from his house. [7:37] And we understand, that in the East, a person might creep under a fig tree, and not be seen. [7:49] So this, good man, who got out of sight, to pray. He wouldn't like the Pharisees, who prayed at the street corners, made long prayers, and were very pleased, with our religion. [8:12] Father Nathaniel, had got a secret place for prayer. Perhaps, at the end of the day, after he had finished his labors, he would retire, under this fig tree. [8:32] And there we believe, he sought, for the coming, of, the dear Lord Jesus. He was praying, about the, all important things. [8:50] And one cannot help but think, we don't want to speculate, that, Philip knew, something about his friend Nathaniel. [9:04] He knew, that he was, he was, he was, a graciously, exercised man, and, a praying man. [9:18] He knew, why Nathaniel went, under, his, fig tree. And so, when, Philip is favoured, to find the dear Lord, and, when Jesus speaks to him, and he is assured, that he is the Messiah, the Saviour, of all our sinners, goes, and he finds his friend Nathaniel, and, he says, a wonderful Saviour has come, whom you are seeking, of whom Moses and the prophets did speak, he has come, we have found him, he has come, we, have, found him. [10:15] Now, Nathaniel could, hardly believe, what Philip, said to him. [10:28] Nathaniel said, is there any good thing, come out of Nazareth? Apparently, Nazareth, was, one of the most wicked places on earth, in those times. [10:46] People committed all manner of sins, and Nathaniel knew a little, what Nazareth was like. But you see, my friends, God has, had, some of his people, sometimes, in the very worst of places, where we, might least, expect, to find them. [11:15] for now, Philip, didn't try to, convince, Nathaniel himself, knew that would be, no good. some of our friends, some of our friends, may have felt, in much, soul anguish, concerning others, good to feel it, good to be, good to feel it, good to be, exercised about, the never dying souls, or, some around you, may have afraid about, some cases, you may have tried even to convince them of the truth, of the truth, of the faith, or, some around you, may have afraid about, some cases, you may have tried even to convince them of the truth, of the faith, or, some around you, may have afraid about, some cases, you may have tried even to convince them of the truth, of the faith, that your words, do not penetrate, their hearts, well Philip, he just simply said, to Nathaniel, come and see, come, and prove, things, for yourself, now there is a good deal of instruction in this, now this, is where the Lord's people, are mercifully, and graciously, taught the truth, when they are enabled to come to Jesus, when they are favoured to see him, and so, that it would bring him, his friend, through Jesus, through mercy, and mercy, we are favoured to bring a few sinners to Jesus, not through our own strength, not through our own ability, but as the dear Lord may give us prayer, we have experienced ourselves, we have experienced ourselves, that the all important thing, in religion, is, to be brought, to Jesus, to have a right knowledge, of this, wonderful person, and thus, [13:52] Philip says, in simple language, come and see, and there was a willing spirit, in Nathaniel, wonderful mercy, when the dear Holy Spirit, gives us willing spirit, a longing spirit, an earnest spirit, to know, and to find out things, about this, wonderful person, and now, as he was coming to Jesus, Jesus beheld him, and he said, an Israelite indeed, in whom, is, no God. [14:51] Wonderful testimony, given, by the dear Lord Jesus Christ, himself. [15:03] No duplicity, in this man, Nathaniel, he wasn't a hypocrite, he wasn't, one thing, on Sunday, and something else, on the Monday, he was not, a deceiver, he was a most, honest, upright man, and, he was not, a deceiver, he was a most, upright man, his heart, was, very, very sincere, and the Lord, knew it. [15:45] What a mercy it is, to be delivered, from, hypocrisy. hypocrisy. The Lord, searches the heart, we can only look, upon the outward appearance, you can only look at me, this morning, I can only look at you, you can't look into my heart, I cannot look into your heart, but, God can search our hearts, just search our hearts, man looketh upon the outward appearance, but God, looketh at the heart, the heart, and, some of you dare not say, I dare not say, there's been no trial, sometimes, in our hearts, dare we, know, how, poor, poor, unwrecked, sinful, proud hearts, absent on foot, natural to man, to wish to be something, tis, only grace, can, really, sweetly humble us, and, make us not, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, nothing. [17:22] Some of you today, may feel, very pride, about your own cases, the dear holy spirit, may have made you feel lately, such great sinners, such unworthy sinners, your life may be, most circumspect, but the dear Lord has been pleased to teach you, a little more, what you are in your soul, no one else knows, no one else knows, what is going on, these things are just between God and your soul, you may have come, to the Lord's sanctuary burden, may even have feared sometimes, the fear of being a hypocrite, or being a hypocrite, or being deceived, or being deceived, you may after years of profession, hardly know where you are, or what you are, thus, there is a deepening, of the work of faith, in your heart, and as you and I, are made to know and feel more, of the hidden evils of our hearts, to turn out this God, it will turn out this hypocrisy, it will turn out that spirit that is in us, that would make us proud, and make us think we were, of some importance, that we are in our life, and we are in our life, and we are in our life, we are in our life, and we are in our life, that we are in our life, in our life, and we are in our life, and we are in our life, and we are in our life, and we are in our life, and we are friends, will be very painful but it will be very profitable for your good and for my good. [19:39] We come up to God's house feeling truly in the spirit of the public that is good. [19:51] God be merciful to me a sinner. The Lord knows how to humble his dear people to turn out this car to make us sweetly simple, to make us real Christians. [20:17] Now this testimony concerning Nathaniel was given by the dear Lord himself. [20:30] An Israelite indeed. What a mercy to be an Israelite indeed. A real Christian. [20:44] A sincere Christian. I believe many people go through this life with a profession of religion and slight twiping of how very some terribly some to be lost. [21:05] A glory to see that he clearly secured with a profession. is indeed but the Lord looked at the heart of this man and said of him an Israelite indeed ah you may feel that it's just what you feel to me the dear Lord shall to bless you and favour you to make you a real Christian you may sometimes pray with much fear and trembling search me oh God and know my heart try me and know my thoughts see if there be any wicked way in me any guile any wrong motive anything that really displeases thee make me Lord a real Christian and [22:17] Israelite indeed wonderful testimony many we read who were of Israel after the flesh but they were not real true Israelite spiritually considered we've heard good thoughts lately about the Israelis and I can't help but think last night wonderful mercy the trials the little nation of past the losses they have sustained should be sanctified to them and they by the grace of God be enabled to acknowledge the dear Lord Jesus as the true Messiah that day that it will come according to the scriptures when they shall know the dear Lord Jesus as Philip and Nathaniel knew him on this occasion [23:48] Jews generally speaking are of a proud temperament they almost glory in that they were at least the chosen people of us you know it's a mercy to be an Israelite and be real true spiritual child of God you have the sweet witness of the dear Holy Spirit with your spirit that you are real that's the all important thing in religion I don't suppose you know if the dear [24:49] Lord Jesus was to come on earth to choose a minister to preach a gospel he wouldn't go to Cambridge neither would he go to Oxford or London University no perhaps he would go out in their country whereas on this occasion by the seaside where there were these fishermen probably very unknown but oh he chose them he quit them he qualified them to preach the everlasting gospel he made these fishermen true Christians and real ministers of the gospel and how lovingly and how graciously they were enabled to preach his precious prayer my dear friend you younger friends doesn't matter how poor you are how insignificant you may be here on earth oh if the dear [26:20] Lord should make you an Israelite indeed a real Christian if he should be fitting and preparing you for glory bringing you to himself with humility and with true gracious confession of sins bringing you to himself with tears like he did some are that the all important thing for the Lord to fit us and to prepare us for eternity and if we have this wonderful preparation believe it will make us very anxious about the souls of others and if we are favored to know this wonderful [27:24] Messiah this wonderful Savior dear dear Lord Jesus I believe it will be our joy and pleasure as enabled to speak of him to others one has put it in our hymn then will I tell to sinners round what a dear Savior I have found I'll point to his redeeming blood and say behold the way to God and Israelite indeed in whom is no God no heartfulness no underneath motive where there is real true simple sacred godliness the real earnest seeker after the truth after the dear [28:40] Lord Jesus Christ on a blessed man nothing could be said better concerning us this Sabbath day than this if the dear Lord could so bless us and take away from us all that is not of his spirit now this statement made by the dear Lord Jesus very much surprised Nathaniel who knew the very wonderful word that was spoken to him and he says to the dear Lord which know his name how it is that you know all these things concerning it amazed [29:48] Nathaniel that the Lord should thus know him and know things about it and Jesus said unto him before the Philip called him when thou wast under the fig tree I saw thee not naturally but as the son of God the dear Lord Jesus saw Nathaniel and near all that went on under this fig tree God and the Lord gave to Nathaniel a striking proof of his being the all-seeing God and that one couldn't help it last night know he is very solemn that nothing takes place without [31:03] God knowing it without God seeing it you read elsewhere you know the mother sparrow fall into the ground without your father's name how many a little sparrow absolutely insignificant fall to the ground yet if you can really believe it one falls without God seeing nothing escapes his eye and some of you young ones may feel that you know that son I deceive my old dad I deceive my mother ah you may you may do things they do not see you know you can never deceive [32:11] God and some of us who have grown older may sometimes make us feel very sad we've lost our parents we may go over the days of our youth and things may come to our memory and we have to go before God and we have to confess the sins of our youth pray that God will mercy and graciously forgive us some of us were not those saintly youth were we no we were not those goody goody short no not by any means soon made evident in many ways that we were sinners now as we grow older and we grown citizens more nothing has been here from the eyes of earth when there was thunder the fig tree eyes saw thee and the dear [33:43] Lord Jesus didn't say of Nathaniel he was without sin he was not he was a sinner that made him feel his need of a saviour what Jesus did say positively and definitely in him is no God but he was a sinner he needed a saviour and a brave one now there's something comforting in this the dear Lord knows what you and I need this sabbath morning know that we try to pray for three things I noticed in particular our friends pray for it after our meeting peace and mercy and the love of [34:52] God God may comfort you very much sometimes. [35:22] I feel Jesus is very tender, very tender, very loving, and he knows what you would be. [35:34] He knows what you long to be. And all those secret prayers, under the victory or in secret, before God, are all known to him. [35:50] Even your sighs and cries for a child of God are known to him. We were singing in our prayer meeting a hymn taken from the experience of Jonah. [36:13] Poor man was very disobedient. And he had to suffer severely for it. Did you know for joy was upon him? [36:27] In their fish's valley. At the bottom of the sea. And Jonah's prayer reached heaven. [36:39] And you may feel well. I'm something like Jonah. I fear a poor, wayward sinner. [36:52] May feel somehow very guilty. Very unworthy of the Lord's notice. Yes, the dear Lord knows. [37:03] All about you. He can see you. His ear is attentive to your prayers. [37:14] You may feel. You may feel. Those prayers are very poor. I think all God's people. Feel often the poverty. [37:27] All of their prayers. Sometimes when they are sweetly held, they would be thankful. They would praise the name of the dear Lord. [37:40] But oh, how often. Fear our need. Of that sweet communion and fellowship with the Lord. [37:51] But he knows. Those things we cannot experience. And he can see all our needs. [38:03] And it may be even this morning. You may go unthankful. But you know what it is. For the Lord make you jealous. [38:16] Of what is in your own heart. To mercifully and graciously humble you. To make you feel your entire dependence. [38:29] Upon him. You may have felt. There has been some trial in your heart. There has been. That real true. [38:41] Godly sincerity there should be. And the Lord mercifully takes us away. Subdues his spirit. [38:53] And lays you sweetly at his dear feet. And it says of you. Behold. And Israelite. [39:07] Indeed. I read last evening. That thirty-second psalm. And a wonderful psalm it is. [39:19] Blessed is the man under whom. [39:32] The Lord in duty is not iniquity. And in whose spirit. There is. No God. No God. [39:42] Ah poor sinner. You may feel. Poor and needy. You may feel. Very very unworthy. [39:54] Of. The Lord's notice. Of the Lord's presence. But that unworthiness. No barrier. [40:07] To God's presence. I believe he loves to see. That spirit in us. There is no God. [40:19] In Jacob's heart. When Esau with those four hundred men was coming to me. No. [40:30] I believe. Israel of old. Jacob of old. Was wonderfully real and sincere. In his confession. [40:42] And in his petition. Felt so helpless. My dear friends. Isn't a safer place on earth for you. [40:54] Or for me. Than to feel. So very very helpless in ourselves. To be brought to defend. [41:05] Alone upon the dear Lord. Well. Nathaniel. By these things. Very quickly. Had a right and blessed knowledge. [41:17] Communicated to him. By the dear Lord Jesus. He said unto him. Rabbi. Thou art the son of God. Thou art the king of Israel. [41:28] Thou art the one. I've been looking for. The one I've been praying for. The one that Moses and the prophet said. Truth come. And he was sweetly sure. [41:42] He had found. As we were reading. The pearl of great love. May the Lord. So bless us. And encourage us. [41:55] Amen. The Ganzesians. For the people. [42:15] Hymn 1058. Hymn 1058 Lord, if thou thy grace impart, for in spirit meek in heart, I shall my master be rooted in humility, simple, teachable, and mild, changed into a little child, pleased with all the Lord provides, weaned from all the world besides. [42:49] 1058 Lord, if thou thy grace impart, for in spirit meek in heart, I shall have the master be rooted in humility, and I shall have the master be rooted in humility, simple, teachable, and mild, and tender, a little child, with the Lord provides, with all the Lord besides. [43:57] I shall have the master be of the Lord, I shall have the master be of the Lord, and where the master be of the universe, I'll be my first love. [44:54] And now, praise the love of the Father, the praise of the Lord Jesus, communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the days themselves gave a strong hope, and saw themober yet and thế. [45:21] Heavenly