Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The End The End The End [1:30] The End The End The End The End Trusting once again in the help of the Lord, we will turn to the book of Zechariah, chapter 8, verse 8. [2:06] The book of Zechariah, chapter 8, verse 8. [2:45] We know that in the days of the prophet Zechariah, they were very dark and cloudy days. [3:02] The Lord, for the sins and trespasses and the iniquities of his ancient people, had for the greater part dispersed them in many quarters. [3:21] And Jerusalem was almost a desolation. And those things that the Lord had ordained and appointed for the service of his house were almost, if not quite, they had come to nothing. [3:48] But my dear friends, if we are enabled just very briefly to view the awful state that God's ancient people were in, in the days of Zechariah and the other prophets, the Lord, you see, he rose up and those prophets still amongst the people to speak in his name. [4:18] And if we view the state of Zechariah, undoubtedly it was a very solemn and a very cloudy and dark day. [4:34] Religion was at a very low A. And of course, we know that we live in very similar times. [4:50] We know for the greater part that religion is at a low A. It's a dark and a cloudy day. The Lord, for the greater part, seems as though he had forsaken Zion. [5:09] As of course, it must have been apparent that the Lord had forsaken Jerusalem. For he allowed and permitted that city where David and Solomon reigned in all their glory. [5:24] And there was a wonderful day of worship in the Lord. But now, it seemed as though there was nothing but desolations. [5:37] And undoubtedly, in a greater or lesser measure, we may each feel these things very keenly. [5:48] And of course, we don't have to go out of our own hearts, out of our own circumstances. We don't have to go out of our own little churches. [6:02] And many things there are, and that calls us great concern. But I believe that in this chapter, dear friends, there is no trust. [6:15] I just pass it on to you this evening, more particularly in that second verse, where the Lord speaks by the word of the prophet Zechariah. [6:28] He says, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and I was jealous for her with great fury. [6:42] And then he says, I am returned unto Zion. Well, we know, my dear friends, that this wonderful promise was so miraculously fulfilled. [6:57] Although there was insurmountable difficulties, that confronted those that returned to Jerusalem. And it was needful and necessary for the prophet to speak unto the people. [7:19] He says, Let your hands be strong, ye that hear in these days, these words by the mouth of the prophets, which were in the day that the foundation of the house of the Lord of hosts was laid, that the temple might be built. [7:37] Well, we know that although there was men in Antobias and Sambalas, who tried and attempted to disrupt, or there was a time, of course, when the work came to a complete standstill. [7:55] But nevertheless, and that work was finished, because the Lord had returned unto Zion to dwell in the midst of them. Now, of course, and we must all come to this point, as undoubtedly many of you have been brought on various things. [8:20] We know not the will and the purpose of God. But we do know this, that the Lord is still jealous for Zion. [8:33] And we do know that he is jealous with great fearing. And because the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. [8:47] If he was jealous for Zion in these Old Testament days, and if he was jealous for her with great fury, he still is the same today, my dear friends. [9:02] There's no change can take place in him. Well, it is our earnest desire, and that you may here, and elsewhere, and up and down our beloved land, yea, over the whole of the universe, that there may be, and once again, a returning unto the dear Lord. [9:26] But what I particularly want to speak as enabled to you in this night for a few moments, the method that the Lord will use, and we trust that we may have something in our own souls, and that echo to these same things. [9:56] Now, in our text, the Lord, he tells us what he will do. What a wonderful mercy, my dear friends. [10:10] And we are made acquainted with the will of God. And what is this will? He says, And I will bring them. [10:20] He will bring them, my dear friends. It was little encouragement to me when your dear deacon opened with that hymn this evening, No wit, nor will of man, nor learning he may boast, can ever bring that soul to the Lord Jesus Christ, the offenders. [10:46] And you know what the other hymn says, in respect unto that soul being brought, that that soul will not be proposed, but he will call that soul by grace. [11:06] And I, although there was that time, when I rebelled against this wonderful doctrine, but I believe I can, I know I can say this now, I love that doctrine of election. [11:27] Because I know this sin, and would have never turned to God, if the Lord was not determined to save. [11:39] And it is in these words, I will bring them. Although they may be scattered, in many places, but he says, I will bring them, and he will bring them with a high and a mighty hand. [12:02] Jeremiah, of course, says very much of those same things in his book, where he tells us that the Lord will, he will return. [12:19] And he also tells us how they will return. And for, he says this, he says, Behold, I will bring them from the north country, I will gather them from the coast of the earth, and with them the blind, the lame, the women with child, how that travaileth with child, and together, a great company shall return thither. [12:50] They shall come, all you know, and look at, look at, look at these, these shells, and these wills of Jehovah. [13:02] They shall come, and they will return, and, and they will return, and by the hand of the Lord, and they shall come, not to propose, but call by grace. [13:17] They shall come with weeping, and with supplications, when I lead them. I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters, in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble, for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn. [13:38] Although, and Zion, as far, as far as, as, as we, we know, she seems to be in such a low state. The, the, the, the Lord has still, and that, that love, and he's still, he, the Zion, is, is that place where, he will rest, and he will dwell forever. [14:01] Let's then come more particularly, then, then to the case, and, and of course, to bring these things, as, in, in respect to our own, our own selves. [14:12] He says, I will bring them. Now, I know, and that, it is not always possible, with all of God's dear children, to, to, and state, or to speak of, of the very time, and the very place, and that, that, that the Lord, that they trusted, the Lord, begun a work of grace, in their hearts. [14:39] We know, and that, and Saul of Tarsus, he could took us, he could take, he could take us, to that very spot, he could tell us, that very time, and when the Lord, shone, shone that, unerring light, into his heart, and, and, and, and, and how, how the Lord, spake unto him, at that time. [15:04] But you see, the Lord is a sovereign. And, but, but, but, what is, in every case, and the Lord, will bring them. [15:15] And I believe, dear friends, although perhaps, you may, you may not be able, to lay, and the, these things out, in fine detail, as perhaps, you would love to do. [15:27] You know, the Lord knows, how to curb our pride. He knows, how to keep us, our necks, on the stretch. But, perhaps, if, if you, you and I, had such, a wonderful call, as, as Saul of Tarsus, we would, we would look down, we would look down, perhaps, at that, at that poor, tried, trembling, exercised soul, and that, often wonders, if or when, the Lord had, has ever a favour, to, to, to his or her soul. [16:01] But, blessed be God, my dear friends. I want to bring you, to this point, dear friends, which I believe, however, the Lord, brings his dear people, out, out of the bondage of Egypt, and, and, out of the, the, the slavery of Satan, I, I believe that, in a greater, or lesser measure, and that, that man, or that, or that person, will, will attribute it, wholly, and solely, unto, the, the sovereign, distinguishing, grace of the Lord. [16:41] Now, what, how, whatever you may be able to say, about the Lord, and bring you out, of the, north country, or the, or, or the world, and sin, and Satan, can you feel, can I feel, this night, and that, and that we would, give the dear Lord, all the honor, all the praise, and all the glory, for, we know this, and that, if, if the Lord, was not determined, to bring us out, we would have, still been in there, and been satisfied, with, and with the, with the slavery, of Satan, but, what an unspeakable, mercy, dear friends, if, if you and I, can trace, and the, these things, in our hearts, whereby, we, we attribute it, all, to, distinguishing, grace, well, that, and dear friends, I, I believe that, and that it's only, God's people, and that, that can, that can trace, and their beginnings, however small, or however great, however long, prolonged, or however short, [17:53] I, I believe there will be, of course, there will be, something whereby, the dear Lord, will teach each one, whereby, and they will know, that it is, of the Lord's doings, and it is, marvelous, in our eyes, that he should, so, condescend, to, single, such, and undeserving, wretches, as, you and I, and where, and where others are, are left to make, a wretched choice, and rather, starve, than come, dear friends, or, may it be, that we, even this evening, that we may be able, to return, a little of that, true thanksgiving, unto, the dear Lord, now, how will he bring you, well of course, I cannot go into, into, every way, where, whereby the Lord, brings his dear, dear people, into, into, into that, the kingdom, of his dear son, but, sometimes, he, he uses, a word spoken, by, by, by God's servant, and, [19:07] I, I, I'm not, I cannot, dear friends, I, I don't want to, to establish, any certain points, but, I do believe this, and that that soul, will, will have, some, some gracious, concerns, of, eternity, I wouldn't say, it's always, and the Lord, always works his way, but I believe that, for the greater part, perhaps, the, the, the Lord impresses, eternity, upon, upon that, upon that, that woman, or that person, as that, as he brings this soul, out of the ways, of sin, and death, I, I, I will remember, and one, one dear man of God, he said this, after a thousand years, we shall be no nearer, the end of eternity, and, and I, I, [20:08] I believe those words, have never, never really, left me, and I believe, I can say, that eternity, is a tremendous sound, and, and, and, and, and, of course, all, all, them, do not misunderstand me, my dear friends, I, I believe I was left, to, to go in the ways, of sin, and wickedness, after this, but these words, still continued, with me, I was never, really happy, I can never take, as it were, in, in such delight, as perhaps, others took, but, but there was, there was this eternity, that seemed to, ring in my ears, now, I do not want to offend, a poor soul, that perhaps, hasn't had these words, but I say, this is one, one way, that the Lord, does use, he uses, he uses also, and very, and very often, an affliction, he, he lays, he lays affliction, on that soul, and, and, and that, and that soul, is brought, to see, how, frail he is, and, and, and that, and, and that, he will, he will one day, have to stand, and be for, an eternal God, and to give an account, of the deeds, done in the body, whether they be good, or bad, and sometimes, he uses, a bereavement of one, the death of one, and to, and for, the life of another, there are innumerable ways, that God, [21:44] God is a sovereign, but, I, I, I just mentioned, perhaps those, those just two, or three ways, it may be, my dear friends, and that, and that, and you was, the Lord spoke to you, or, or persuaded you, in, and that, that you were, that you were running, in that way, to eternal perdition, and, and if, if it's not, if it was, if it's not for the mercy of God, that's where your eternal home may be, but, what we do know is this, it's nothing of the flesh, it, it, it, it consists in, in these words, and I will bring them, no wit, nor will of man, nor learning of me, may, may boast, we'd almost say that, the wit, and the will of man, or the learning, and will perhaps even drive that soul, far away from these things, but what we do know, and that, and that, that the wit or the will of man, will, will not ever bring that soul, to the Lord Jesus Christ, it is of, the Lord's work, and the Lord's way, and it's the Lord's appointment, from all eternity, dear friends, and what an unspeakable, mercy it is, and where, whereby, if we can trace, in some little measure, and whereby, we have been brought, and, and we have come, with weeping, and with supplications, will I lead them, well, let, let's then, then just the, second point, that I want to very briefly, bring, bring before you, is, and that the, [23:26] Lord, will bring them, to a dwelling place, you know, the, the Lord, never leaves, leaves, or leaves, his dear people, in a vacuum, and there, there is, a design, purpose, in all that he, and that he appoints, for his dear people, and, and, and, and, not only, and that, that which he will do, but, but, but he will appoint a place, where, they will dwell, now, the second point is them, and they shall dwell, in the midst, of Jerusalem, that is, of course, this, this Jerusalem, we can, look upon it, as Zion, or the church, and they, and they, and they shall dwell, in the midst, of Jerusalem, it's a beautiful verse, isn't it, that last verse, in the, 23rd Psalm, and where, and where, where the Psalmist says, goodness, and mercy, have followed me, all the days, of my life, and I will, dwell in the house, of the Lord, forever, can, can we say this, in some, humble little measure, my dear friends, can, can we not attribute, that goodness, and mercy, and that, that brought, brought us out, from, and from, from the world, and from sin, and from the slavery, of Satan, and which, of course, we, we were willing, to, to, to keep in, and can we not, see the goodness, and the mercy, of the Lord, and is there not, that desire, dear friends, and that, and that, that you, you and I, would dwell, in the house, of the Lord, forever, forever, you know, we shall, never dwell, in that, heavenly Jerusalem, if, if, if there is not, a period, and this period, of course, could be defined, to a very short period, but we shall, we shall, we shall dwell, in the house, of, of, of the Lord, on earth, if we are to dwell, in the house, in that, heavenly Jerusalem, now, what, what, what, what is this, this dwelling place, first, of course, and we, we would come, we would just, we would just mention, of this, there is safety, and security, there is no other, dwelling place, my dear friends, upon the face, of this universe, and that, and where, and where, this safety, and security, and can, and will be found, look at the dear Lord, what did he say, [26:29] I will be, as a wall of fire, around them, and the glory, in the midst of them, all the many doubts, dear friends, all the many fears, and that, so often, rise up, in our poor hearts, as undoubtedly, you are frequent, with them, as equally, as much, as I am, but, but, but, but, dear friends, the Lord says, I will bring them out, and they shall dwell, and they shall dwell, in Jerusalem, and what a wonderful place, that, and Zion is, dear friends, because, there is safety, and security, look at the walls, and this, and this, and Zion, is surrounded, by those high walls, of salvation, so, salvation, shall here, point for walls, and bulwarks, and, and, and, you know, who, who, who, who then can, we, we know, there is much, to make us afraid, we are poor creatures, that, and that are full of fear, but, and, and of course, the Lord will, have us so, to keep us, pleading, and begging, and that, and that he will, watch over us, and preserve us, and, and, and keep us, near his side, but what a, but, but, as, as we examine this, dear friends, and, and where, where the Lord, and will bring, his dear people, to dwell, to dwell, in Zion, even, in his church, here, here below, can there be, my dear friends, anything to, fatally molest, or, or shall we, ever come into, utter an entire, despair, dear friends, look at those, promises, that fortify, and strengthen, these walls, and look, look at, look at, look at, look at, that, that wondrous covenant, and that, and that surrounds, and God's dear people, that could, never be broken, and, and, and look at the, those many things, that the dear Lord, has made, made known, in his precious word, dear friends, or how we have to come, to this point, so often, or my distrust, for my, my disbelieving heart, and we do desire, and, and that, that the Lord, will lift us up, even if it's, if it's only for a few moments, while we're in his house, this, this evening, and to see, the safety, and the security, of, of, of, of this, this place, where, the, the Lord, brings his dear people, and causes them to dwell, because, he dwells, there's a double fold here, you see, he dwells, in that very place, and where he brings his dear people, to dwell, and who shall lay anything, to the charge of God's elect, who can lay anything, and to the charge of God's elect, it, it, it is, it is Christ, that died, yea, rather, is risen again, poor, fearful soul, um, um, the, the, these words, perhaps, could be, could be applied to, to, to you and I, let your hands, be strong, or may, may they be strengthened, by, by the almighty God, of Jacob, and that, that, that we may be able, to view, by precious faith, the safety, and the security, of those dwellers, in Zion, but there is something, my dear friends, [30:16] I just briefly, want to bring before you, if we just look, look very momentary, at, at, at, at, at this word, in a, um, in, in, that, uh, practical way, and, and that, uh, that the prophet spoke of, we know, and that, uh, and that in Jerusalem, and was the place, where, um, David, had erected his palace, and his son, and Solomon, and, and himself, after David died, of course, and David and Solomon, reigned. [30:50] Now, this is that place, um, where, and where, not, not, not David and Solomon, we would not despise, or, or, or, or, or, or speak, or speak, um, foolishly, of, those wonderful reigns. [31:05] Look at, look at the will, uh, particularly, in the reign of King Solomon, the, the Queen of Sheba, um, and, and, and, the, the, there was not the half told of her, concerning, um, that, that kingdom of Solomon. [31:23] It must have been a wonderful sight to see, and particularly Solomon arrayed in all his beauty, and, and, in all his royal clothes. But, dear friends, what I want to come to is this, those dwellers in Zion, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, from time to time, get a little glimpse of the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. [31:52] And how do they, my dear friends, how, how, how, and, and, and, how do they sing, and the, the King in Zion. [32:03] You know, one of our hymns says, says, says this, beautiful language, wrapped in human, in, humanity, humanity, to die. [32:17] Just ponder those words, my dear friends, to feel the King, in all his beauty, who, who he was, the second glorious person, in the ever blessed, all glorious trinity, he was wrapped, in humanity, to die. [32:42] Here's the privilege, here's one of the favours, of, of those, I'm not saying, my dear friends, and that everyone, and that every soul, but there are those things, that are applied, in this way, in that, in, in that manner, that the Lord, and chooses, to make himself known, to these dwellers, in Zion. [33:05] You know, that, that, that, that hymn, hymn goes on, goes on to, goes on to say this, O blessed sight, O lovely form, to sinful souls, like me, I'd creep beside him, as a worm, and see, him bleed for me. [33:31] Could we adopt, dear friend, in such language, as this, O blessed sight, O lovely form, to sinners, such as we, the dear Saviour, rapt in humanity, to die. [33:54] This is, this is, dear friends, and the privilege, and one of those, wondrous favours, that these dwellers of Zion, in that measure, that the Lord, sees fit, by precious faith, to reveal, to this poor sinner, all, that wondrous sight, all, and when I survey, that wondrous cross, on which, that, that, that glorious, God man, died, died for, we trust, our sins, put aside, all his glory, wrapped in humanity, for this, one great purpose, to die, for wretched sinners, that must, forever lie in hell, if he had not, had died, that accursed death, and shed, that precious blood, I will bring them, I will bring them, and not only, will he bring them, but they shall dwell, in the midst, of Jerusalem, and there's just, one more point, of course, as, as you will understand, there is, there is an eternity, of fullness here, but I just want, to mention, one more thing, the provision, the provision, and that, these dwellers, in, in, in the Zion, are provided with, it pleased the Father, that in him, should all fullness dwell, what a fullness, my dear friends, there is, in the Lord Jesus, who dwells, amongst his dear people, inside, a fullness, to support, a fullness, to help, a fullness, to cleanse us, from all our sins, a fullness, to lift us up, yea, dear friends, the catalogue, is immense, our poor little minds, can't hardly, begin to comprehend it, and that, there, there is, there is this, wondrous, for I will bring men, and they, and they, and our text says, and they shall dwell, in the midst of, [36:15] Jerusalem, now we just, want to pause, my dear friends, is there, some, something, that, that is consistent, with our, little experience, that I briefly, put before you, can I say to you, dear younger friends, is there, that desire, to dwell, and to see, this lovely, loving man, whose wounds, still gaping wide, that, that man, who hath now, ascended, into heaven, and there sits, as, as the people, shorty, and representative, I will bring them, into, to, into Jerusalem, and then, and then, and then the, we, we must pass on, very quickly, for, for, for next, and the, the, the Lord says, and what he will be, to them, these dwellers, in Jerusalem, he says, and I will, be there, and I will, and I will be, their God, dear friends, what an unspeakable, mercy, that, that, that this God, has engaged himself, to be, to be, their God, if, [37:42] I say it again, if God be for us, who, can be against us, now, now the Lord, engaged himself, in all the fullness, of his almighty, Godhead, to be, their God, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, who, has, the cattle, on a thousand hills, the gold, and the silver, are all his, he hath engaged himself, in, under that covenant, to be their God, my dear friends, we, we know that, the Lord allows and permits, that awful adversary, of souls, to, to, to assault and assail, this poor sinner, but, it doesn't make any difference, the Lord, the Lord has, the Lord has says, I will be their God, the God of their salvation, and, and, and who, and, you know, how, how, how, how the Lord says, and none shall ever pluck them, out of my hand, for, my father, is greater, than me, for, the offends, [38:52] I, I know we, we, we want the influence, of the Holy Spirit, but look at, look at the wonderful, consolations, and the comforts, the dear Lord, hath left, we're so often perturbed, with so many things, and, of course, perhaps rightly, we should be, and, but, and, but we have to come, we have to come, my dear friends, so often, what about ourselves, and the Lord has said, and that he will, he will be, our God, the, the God of, our salvation, the, the, that, that, that God, who rules and reigns, and that, and that God, who must and will, because he's engaged himself, and to bring his, each, each of his dear people, finally, and successfully, and triumphantly, through, all the perils, all the dangers, all the, all the, all the afflictions, of this poor life, or, may there be, some sweet sense, of, what the Lord, hath made himself, known to be unto his, his, his dear people, when he says, and I will be, their God, that isn't all, my dear friends, he's, also says, and, and, and they shall be, my people, they shall be, my people, they shall not, depart from me, [40:19] I will put my fear, in their hearts, and they shall, not depart from me, or how often, we are, and, and whether, in our own experience, or, amongst, our own churches, perhaps, we, we, we say, the Lord, hath forsaken us, can that woman, forsake her sucking chown, and that she should forget, the son of her womb, yea, they may forget, but thou art, engraved on the palms, of mine hand, thy wars, are continually, before me, thou art, my people, my people, and, and, and this people, they are, manifest, and by, that work, of sovereign grace, in their poor hearts, well, what a wonderful thing, my dear friends, I, I know we fear, that awful sin, of presumption, and, but, dare we deny, and that we know, nothing, of a work, of grace, the favour of God, not only providentially, but, but for, and never dying souls, we, we, we know that, there is much, that we would love the Lord, to, and, to speak unto us, and we, we often have to say, [41:43] Lord, say unto my soul, I am thy salvation, if, if, if, if I am among thy people, and why, why am I so languid, why am I so cold, our dear friends, the Lord knows how to deal, with each one of us, and to, to keep as it were, our necks on the stretch, and, but look, here, here is another, shell, a shell of Jehovah, as firm as the everlasting, the everlasting hills, and, and I, and, and he, he says, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, go to sleep on that, this, this night, would you dear friend, as enabled, on the, on the shells, and the wills, of Jehovah, I know the old adversary, will do all he can, and to, to disquiet thy poor soul, he will, he will bring up all sorts of things, my dear friends, but, here, here we have, and that, that wonderful declaration, the, the, the eternal shells, and wills of Jehovah, they shall be my people, none shall ever pluck them out of my hand, and, and, and, and, for I and my Father are one, and I will be, the God unto them, not only in time, but throughout, a never ending eternity, and he will be a God, in truth, that is, according to, all the promises, and that, that, that he hath left, in, in Zion, he will be that God, according to, all, all the promises, and he will be that, and that, that God, according to, his holy covenant, which, cannot be broken, all the difference, don't think, [43:48] I'm strong in faith, will you, but what I do desire, is to exalt, a precious Christ, but perhaps, before I get, home this evening, I may be, as dark as midnight, I don't know, but I do, I do know this, that, our feelings, make, make not the slightest difference, between, and, and what the Lord, has said, and when he says, they shall be my people, although they will, walk in darkness, they will be in trouble, they will, have many fears, they will have many temptations, they are sinners, but they shall be my people, a people saved, with an everlasting salvation, a people saved, by that, wonderful redemption, and, and by the precious blood, of Jesus Christ, a people, and that, and that, will be clothed, with the spotless, righteousness, of Christ, for he says, and I will be their God, in truth, and in righteousness, clothed, in that spotless, obedience, of the righteousness, of Christ, far, though far, far beyond, my poor little comprehension, but I trust, faith believes it, and I will bring them, and our text says, and I will bring them, and they shall dwell, in the midst of Jerusalem, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth, and in righteousness, and I will leave those, a few brief remarks, may the Lord, add his blessing, [45:37] Amen. Amen. Thank you. [46:07] Thank you. [46:37] Thank you. Thank you. [47:37] Thank you. Thank you. [48:37] Thank you. Thank you. [49:09] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [49:21] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [49:39] Thank you. The End The End [50:41] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End [51:45] The End The End Theinku of the Night I'll tell you that there's my glory. [52:29] And my grace is chosen.