Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The Lord may help me and I shall attention to the gospel as recorded by Luke chapter 12 and verse 32. Luke chapter 12 and verse 32. [0:15] Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. We notice that what Luke records are the words and works of our Lord Jesus Christ as set before us in this portion of the word of God that I have read to you this evening. [0:47] That on this occasion, as on many other occasions, though the Lord spoke in the hearing of the multitudes that had gathered, the words were especially directed to those whom he describes as his own disciples. [1:08] As we read in that opening verse, that in the meantime when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trod one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all. [1:27] And this was not, this here of our Lord addressing in the hearing of the multitude, his own immediate disciples, we find mentioned a number of times in the record that is given us in the gospels of the words of the words and the work, the gracious ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ when he was here upon earth. [1:59] And let us not forget that those that were included amongst his disciples was not only the immediate twelve that he had called particularly to follow him, but there were a number of others also that accompanied him during his time of his ministry here upon earth. [2:26] We are informed that there were a number of women that accompanied him and ministered unto him of their substance. And even following the resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into heaven, that the disciples were gathered together in that upper room, a bit just shortly before the day of Pentecost, we are told the number of those that were gathered there were 120. [2:59] The point I'm just making, that even as the Lord addresses thus his immediate followers, in the words of our text, as a little flock, yes, even it was so in those days, there was that the Lord's people were but a remnant, and as it has been with respect to the church of Jesus Christ, or down the generations subsequently, it is a remnant according to the election of grace. [3:37] And yet we notice the very reality of this, though as it concerns the number of the Lord's people, that in its manifest evidence here upon earth, even amongst the nations of the earth, and the vast multitudes that dwell upon this planet, that they are, it is a remnant according to the election of grace. [4:04] And yet we are given that very insight, that the glorious reality of this, of the redeemed as gathered there, as they will surely at last be gathered, before the throne of God on high, as a number which no man can number, out of every kindred, tribe and tongue, from under heaven, and every one of them, the subjects of sovereign saving grace, and of that wherein all abroad, what a mercy is to know, some of the blessed reality of it for ourselves, all are brought indeed to ascribe salvation, unto our God, and unto the land, for ever and ever. [4:57] Ah, do we know what it is thus, for that same sovereign almighty grace, to be brought thus, not only to receive, but to believe in him, whom God has set forth, as his salvation, is Jesus Christ, precious to us, are our ears being open to hear, what the Lord will say unto us, for undoubtedly, as the Lord speaks here, to his disciples on this occasion, so, he speaks also still, in and through, his own word, as surely as we gather, for the worship of his name, we come once more, around his word, should not we come, with that expectation, and I trust that prayerful concern, likewise with us, oh, that the Lord would thus, speak to us, that we might hear, even afresh, this night, hear his voice, ah, as he speaks here, to his disciples, words, of most important, and gracious instruction, for them, and also, words of, blessed encouragement, and consolation, look at, what I've read to you, from this chapter already, this evening, are there not, words of most gracious, and important instruction, as it concerns, the living family of God, directed as it is, to the various situations, not only, was with his disciples, then, but in the succeeding generations, with regard, to his one, and his true church, and not only, as I say, words of instruction, but also, words of gracious, encouragement, and consolation, and surely, are they not found, in these, work this verse, that I have read, by way of a text, fear not, little flock, but it is, your father's, good pleasure, to give you, the kingdom, the first, thought, [7:23] I would bring, before you, respect, to what we find, in this verse here, is what, is the emphasis, upon this, and not only, in this verse, in this verse, but again, and again, in the ministry, of our Lord Jesus Christ, as he speaks, to his own disciples, and I say again, that what was spoken, to them, as that, which has its, gracious application, still, to the living, family of God, he, as he, reminds, reminds them, and us, here, in this verse, of the very, reality, of that relationship, to the one, and the only, true God, he says, it is your, father's, good pleasure, to give you, the kingdom, of this relationship, and it is, a blessed relationship, that concerns, the true church, the living, family of God, that the God, and father, of our Lord, [8:35] Jesus Christ, is the God, and father, of each, and every, one, of his own, you know, I, I feel, that, this is, so often, not only, not merely, I believe, overlooked, but indeed, neglected, as well, the reality, of this relationship, and also, regard to the, the practical, application of it, and to the, Lord's people, individually, and personally, as through grace, of believers, I feel, there has been, even amongst, us, the churches, a shine away, from addressing, our God, as our, father, which is in heaven, now I know, that many, use that, very expression, lightly, but although, others, may abuse it, let us not, friends, deny it, as a blessed, portion, and privilege, of the believer, through grace, see how, our Lord Jesus, encourages, his disciples, his followers, with regard, to the, very, to the reality, of this relationship, again, and again, in this chapter, as I say, the ministry, of the, of our Lord, upon earth, he reminds us, of their, father, in heaven, oh, is there not, encouragement, and consolation, here, for the tried, and the exercise, the needy, of the living, family of God, that indeed, in every, trial, in every, situation, every time, of need, we're, encouraged here, to look up, unto him, as our, father, in heaven, as, and, and, how it expresses, as well, the very, reality, of both, the love, and the care, assuring, of our, heavenly father, as it, as indeed, the Lord, tells his disciples, here, are not, five sparrows, sold, for two, farthings, not one, of them, is forgotten, before God, he says, even the very, hairs, of your head, are all numbered, here, not therefore, you have more value, than many sparrows, and with regard, as he addresses, of those situations, in the lives, of his people, and how we find, ourselves, so often, involved, with this, and that is, the over anxiety, and care, even with regard, to the needful, and necessary, things, in life, what does the Lord, remind us of here, does not, direct us, to be indifferent, to the same, but he reminds us, friends, reminds us, particularly, of this, that even, all that concerns, the believer, with regard, to the needful, and necessary, things, in this life, that, we are both, dependent, upon our God, our Father, in heaven, and what's more, he most surely, will and does, supply the needs, of his people, why he tells us, that, your heavenly Father, knoweth, what things, ye of need of, before ye ask him, and can we begin, to even think, that, the love of God, the Father, the God and Father, of our Lord, [12:30] Jesus Christ, the God and Father, of each, and every, one, that through grace, is brought, thus to believe, in Jesus Christ, that, that, that his love, to them, is in word, and in tongue, only, and not in deed, and in truth, oh, how we are encouraged, here, both, in every, well, that, in all, that concerns, the living family, of God, to look up, unto him, the sweet, testimony, of this, that our heavenly, Father, knoweth, what things, we have need of, before we ask, and again, with regard, to the reality, of this relationship, the apostle, testifies, of this, it is that, which the Lord, the Holy Spirit, bears witness, with our spirit, with regard, to it, he says, because ye are sons, ye sent forth, the spirit of his son, into your hearts, crying, [13:39] Abba Father, ah, blessed witness, of the Holy Spirit, is that, yes, it is as, one in one of our hymns, expresses it this, my God, my Father, blissful name, oh, may I call thee mine, may I, with sweet assurance, claim, a portion, so divine, well friend, be not afraid, with respect, to lay, as it were, to lay claim, to the blessedness, of that relationship, for surely, as a sinner, you have been brought, the blessed teaching, of the Holy Spirit, to flee unto, the Lord Jesus Christ, the only, refuge, of your soul, what does, the Lord Jesus, himself say, what did he, see, what he spoke, to Mary Magdalene, that very morning, that he rose, from the dead, remember, she was the first, to whom, the Lord spoke, following, his resurrection, from the dead, and he gave, her a message, which was, to be delivered, not merely, to his immediate, disciples, but I believe, it embraces, the whole, of all, that is described, thus, of those, whom he owns, as brethren, ah, it's not a testimony, in the word, to this, of our Lord, himself, declaring, behold, [15:13] I, and the children, which God, hath given me, and remember, friends, he's not ashamed, to call them, brethren, he says, to Mary Magdalene, go, and take, to my brethren, I ascend, unto my God, and your God, unto my Father, and your Father, so, as our Lord, Jesus, here, blessedly, testifies, even afresh, unto his own, the blessed reality, of it still, your, he says, it is your, Father's good pleasure, to give you, of the kingdom, just one, further thought, upon this, regard, to this, relationship, ah, friends, remember, it is that, which arises, from, the sovereign, will, and good pleasure, of our God, even, from that, those divine, appointments, and provision, even, from before, the foundation, of the world, ah, wherein, wherein, as our God, our triune God, as both loved, and chosen, and indeed, given, even, given, given, thus, he is loved, and chosen, in that covenant, ordered, in all things, and sure, to our Lord, and Saviour, [16:46] Jesus Christ, oh, the divine, appointments, there, with regard, to all, that pertains, to the glory, of God, in the redemption, salvation, and salvation, of each, and every one, of his own, it is again, as one of our hymn writers, puts it, God did love them, in his son, long, before the world, began, they, the proof, of this, receive, when in Jesus, they believe, and yes, it is of his grace, from beginning, to end, well, what the Lord, has here to say, yes, he's speaking, to his own, and ah, what a mercy, friends, is this, the Lord, not only, knows, all about, each, and every, one of his own, he knows, just what, where they are, he knows, also, those things, that trouble, and distress them, ah, there may be, well, those things, that we've come here, tonight, that trouble, and distress, and, and surely, is there not, the least of them, of that, which arises, not only, from difficulties, that we meet with, from without, but all, from what we find, still, of the very, working of sin, of the corruption, of our own, fallen nature, how very real, is a, spiritual conflict, that the child, of God, is continually, involved in, the flesh, lusteth against, the spirit, the spirit, against the flesh, the contrary, one to another, so that, he cannot do, the things, that he would, well, ah, that we, that we, we know, sure, truly, the plague, of our own heart, oh, are they not, that, wherein, it is occasion, those, that those, very fears, that do so often, beset us, notice here again, how the Lord, so graciously, and oh, how gracious, is our God, and Saviour, yes, he's tested, testified, in his word, that, that he was, tempted, in all points, like as we are, yet, without sin, he's able, to succour them, that are tempted, and see how, again, and again, in the very, ministry, of our Lord, oh, his tender, compassion, has manifest, even unto, his own, as he speaks, here, not only, as I said, to his disciples, but oh, may these words, come afresh, to your soul, and mine, this evening, he says, fear not, you know, we not cause, again, and again, to be thankful, unto our God, for the fear not, that are set, found, throughout, sprinkled, throughout, the word, of our God, you know, the Lord, would never speak, of fear not, if there was not, the reason, and need, for the same, yes, he knoweth our frame, he remembereth, that we are dust, he is well aware, of those things, that trouble, and distress, even, the souls, of his living family, our Lord, is not indifferent, to these things, far from it, what is the very, purpose, of his word, and as he comes, to us, in his word, as he does here, oh, is it not, to deliver, his people, indeed, to manifest, his kindness, and his care, to give them, as it were, yet again, that reassurance, of the constancy, of his faithfulness, and of his love, ah, you know, what, what poor creatures, indeed, we are, how, how, so often, forgetful, even, of all, not only, that the Lord, has said, but even, of what he, has done, for us, do not, we find, ourselves, we're brought, into fresh, troubles, and straits, that, are so, prone, even, still, to the very, working, of that unbelief, that is, rooted, as it is, in our, fallen nature, and our, where should we be, if the Lord, was not pleased, as he is, not only pleased, but delights, thus, as he comes, here, in his word, to bear witness, and testimony, as I say, to the constancy, of his love, and of his mercy, oh, to his tribe, then, to his exercise, to his needy ones, he says, fear not, ah, these friends, are not, empty words, far from it, not just, some advice, the Lord, is passing on, no, that, where the word, of a king is, let us make, no mistake, there is power, the gracious efficacy, in the words, of our Lord, and Savior, when he speaks, of fear not, he both, he both, means it, and he will, most surely, impart that, which will, and does, bring encouragement, and consolation, to the tribe, and exercise souls, of his people, and is this, not these words, here, full of consolation, likewise, fear not, he says, little flock, ah, you know, what a term, we might put, at the book, of endearment, is this, little flock, as our Lord, describes that, as far as it were, his people, oh friends, it opens up, to us, surely, very, very real, and precious things, yes, though a little flock, and ah, how as it, regard to the, child of God, both personally, and even amongst, the company, of the Lord's people, collectively, how often, not only, fearful they are, but often, discouraged, and disheartened, by reason, the way, oppressed, from without, and from within, for the working, of sin, in one form, or another, and ah, so often, in a sense, feeling, isolated, and yet, the Lord, addresses them here, as a little flock, as I say, opens up, to us, surely, the precious truth, of this, yes, though a little flock, yet, friends, the Lord's flock, that is, that, they are, that, that, they are those, whom he owns, as those, whom his father, have given him, of those, that are precious, to him, whom he hath loved, whom he hath, not only hath loved, but doth love, and has laid down, his life for them, oh, it also, directs us, to the glorious truth, as the Lord, as the great, and the good shepherd, of his people, ah, for does not, a little flock, imply, surely, for the very, welfare, of that flock, that there, is one, that cares, for them, ah, the very, purpose, of the shepherd, is to care, for the flock, to provide, for it, to lead it, indeed, the whole, responsibility, for the flock, devolves, upon the shepherd, for their, their whole, welfare, is in his hand, how much, gloriously so, is that, as it concerns, our Lord, [25:27] Jesus Christ, as the great, and the good shepherd, that the whole, all the welfare, the time, and eternity, of all, that are his, the gift, of his father, as called, by his grace, why, that the whole, welfare, is in his hand, is saying then, to his people here, tried, exercise, they may be, fear not, little flock, the whole, welfare, of the souls, of his people, for for time, and eternity, and in his hand, is not forgotten, he never, can be, neglectful, of them, oh, see what, divine, provision, is made, as we have, text, a testimony, is given us, in this verse, little flock, it is your father's, good pleasure, to give you, the kingdom, as I've just, noticed, a few things, with regard, to that relationship, already, let's go on, to notice, what is expressed, here, the good pleasure, of our God, ah, it is your father's, good pleasure, that is, here, is that, which he, delights in, ah, how little friends, we consider this, wondrous fact, as we ought, that in the Lord's, manifesting, of his love, and mercy, unto his own, to them, yes, as needy sinners, as wholly undeserving, sinners, ah, for the very aspect, of the solemn fact, and reality, that we are sinners, why, there is nothing, we can ever look forward, to as coming, of coming unto us, upon any ground, supposedly, of our deserving, no, all the goings, forth of the Lord, the manifestation, of his mercy, towards his, as a poor sinner, is that, which is never, friends, founded upon anything, that is in, the sinner, of themselves, either, as it, in any way, to induce, the Lord, to be favourable, to them, you know, the very concept, of mercy, is this, is that a favour, shown, to the undeserving, and oh, if there is one thing, that we are taught, for the blessed, that blessed ministry, of the Holy Spirit, it is this, our whole, undeserving, indeed, how, spiritually, destitute, we are, of all, and any good, and our, holy friends, dependent, upon the mercy, of God, indeed, we are, in ever to be, the recipients, of the blessings, of that salvation, that the gospel, makes known, well, what is brought, before us here, is this, it is, that, which the Lord, delights in, it is his, pleasure, to do it, ah, [28:53] I say, oh, little friends, we can, we comprehend, the wonder, and reality, of this, as we ought, ah, we so often, taken up, and in one sense, not, not unjustly, so, with what we are, and where we are, oh, how, it seems, to us, however, can, the Lord, look favorably, upon us, and our unbelieving, heart, left, left to ourselves, and Satan, with his, in, up, implications, his, his, implications, as well, oh, how, the suggestions, so often, that trouble us, are found in this, how, can we, ever expect, the Lord, to be favorable, to us, that even, even, if in the past, we've known, some of the, of his gracious, mercy, mercy, towards us, yet, being what we are, and where we are, how, can we expect, the continuance, of it, ah, for our poor, and our returns, to him, to say the least, oh, friend, remember this, the blessed testimony, in the word of God, the Lord's favor, towards, a poor sinner, is not, founded upon, what he finds, in that sinner, that is, in any way, supposedly, deserving, is founded, upon his, sovereign will, and good pleasure, and that, it manifests, as it is, in all, that the Lord, [30:33] Jesus is, and all, that he has done, remember, the word, that was heard, even, with God, the Father's faith, upon, the very, time, of the baptism, of our Lord, Jesus, by John, in Jordan, repeated also, that, that the disciples, heard, on the Mount, of Transfiguration, this, is my, beloved son, in whom, I am, well pleased, ah, hear ye him, and all, the good pleasure, of God, in his, good will, manifesting, his mercy, to a sinner, is upon, upon, this ground, what a, foundation, here is laid, respect, to the gracious, reality, of it, is founded, upon, not, what the sinner, has done, or can do, but, what the Lord, [31:35] Jesus, has done, and accomplished, himself, in all, that he is, to the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holiness, yes, the very acceptance, of the sinner, as called, the divine grace, as that they are, found, in Christ, Jesus, the Lord, ah, it is, your father's, good pleasure, to give you, of the kingdom, notice, here, the precious, truth, of this also, he says, to give you, ah, nothing, here, friends, of worth, or merit, or something, earned, by us, no, every, favour, of God, every grace, every favour, comes to us, through Jesus' blood, it is the gift, of God, the very blessings, of pardon, peace, and eternal life, ah, it is, your father's, good pleasure, to give you, the kingdom, what, is what, what is blessedly, open up, to us, in this, wondrous gift, here, the gift, of the kingdom, to embrace, his friends, the very reality, of this, the kingdom, of his grace, here, and of his glory, hereafter, and those, two, could never, be separated, no, where his grace, is real, manifest, here, glory, is surely, what it will issue, in, ah, the Lord God, will give, grace, and glory, is a testimony, of his word, and ah, how glorious, is that grace, of our God, in his mercy, and favor, made known, to a poor sinner, and oh, what blessed, expectation, therefore, then, he will, it's a good pleasure, to give you, the kingdom, [33:38] Peter, well expresses it, in his first epistle, and, we find, that, that, that, Paul also, joining in, blessed, be the God, and father, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, according to his abundant, mercy, that begotten us again, unto a lively hope, for the resurrection, of Jesus Christ, from the dead, to an inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled, that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven, for you, were kept, by the power of God, through faith, unto salvation, ready to be revealed, in the last day, oh, what an expectation, is there, sure, to every believer, through divine grace, is founded upon, not the worth, or merit, of the child of God, or themselves, for they have none, but upon, the finished worth, of our Lord, [34:41] Jesus Christ, the Father's good pleasure, to bestow, these things, and that, ever to the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holy name, may we know, ever for ourselves, that witness, of the Holy Spirit, with our spirit, of the gracious reality, of these things, as sealed unto us, that of the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holy name, but I'll leave the remarks there, where the Lord, add his blessing, Amen.