Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The word I hope to bring to you tonight you will find in the Deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 2. [0:18] The eighth chapter of Deuteronomy verse 2. And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness to humble thee and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments or no. [0:43] So, the concept of remembering as we have it in this particular verse in the scriptures is a very blessed and a very deep thing. [1:02] For God's people are those who should not forget what God has done so unmistakably for them. [1:14] And there are many ways in which we should remember. And Moses, the Lord's servant, at the commencement of this chapter, he does so remind the children of Israel of the importance of obedience, of the commands that they have received of God, the Almighty One who had led them, and tells them that they must obey them. [1:50] All the commandments which I command you this day shall ye observe to do, that ye may live, and so on, and go in and possess the land which God had spoken to them of. [2:10] And God had made such wonderful promises to his people, promises of great blessings, and of his wonderful promises, and of his love to them, if they would but keep his holy word, to do his will alone. [2:35] But, how often they failed. And as Moses exhorted them to remember, we have the importance of the command, and the importance of obedience. [2:54] And we today, in this gospel age, must not discard them. As God has given us his commands to guide us in our lives. [3:08] You say, well, when Paul says that we are not under the law, but under grace, he is not there suggesting, for one moment, that we should live our lives without any regard to the law. [3:25] He is saying that we are not under the law as far as salvation by grace is concerned. We do not trust in keeping the law for our salvation, but we do trust in the finished work of the dear Redeemer. [3:45] And that the Lord has given us, in his word, for our guidance. Our instruction that we should seek to live our lives according to the teaching of God's most holy word, as he enables us. [4:03] And obedience is a very important thing in that exhortation. Now, observe, concerning the question of remembrance, that we are shown the duty of remembrance. [4:22] Thou shalt remember. It's not a proposition. It is not a suggestion. Neither is it a recommendation. [4:33] But it's something that God requires of us. And thou shalt remember. And in the later part of the chapter, Moses goes on to demonstrate to the children of Israel why it is so important to remember. [4:52] We have a responsibility then to seek to remember. And as you, friends, look back, you may have and remember many things. [5:05] Not least, as you look back, the way in which the Lord began to deal with your soul. The beginnings of your spiritual life. [5:20] It may be you can look back to when you were children. It may be our young people can look back to when they were little children and the Lord began to work with them and in their hearts. [5:32] And as young people, believing that the Lord drew us in those early days by his irresistible love, spoke to our hearts, awakened our spirits to a real sense of our need, to that concern with regard to our souls and our eternal destiny. [5:57] Oh, where shall I spend eternity? And it's profitable to take a retrospect of God's beginnings then. Some can look back a great number of years to that time when God first spoke to their heart and gave them a burden with regard to their sin and the love to Jesus Christ. [6:23] With others, it may be you're not able to reach back at all, very far, just a year or two, a month or two even. [6:34] But however long or short, there is a looking back to a time when there was a difference. Perhaps you originally came to the house of God because of restraint, because your parents loved you too. [6:53] You didn't really want to, and you rather would have been elsewhere, seeking your own pleasures. But God, he began, perhaps very gradually, to change your desires. [7:07] He moved you to think about better things, of going in another direction. And things once found pleasurable to you in the world, there are no longer real pleasures. [7:25] And things you found boring in the house of God, and to which you were indifferent, or you now find a thirst, a real interest in those things. [7:39] And there is a real spirit of inquiry in your heart, that you might be made right with God, so that when you're called to leave the earth, whenever that time may be, you may be found with the people of God in that heavenly Jerusalem. [8:03] God, he commences to lay a burden upon your heart. There is a sense of your sin, that you have broken God's holy law, and you are seeking that salvation through faith, which is in Jesus Christ. [8:22] It is well, then, to look back and remember the beginnings of God, whenever that was. And it may be going on now, in some heart, I trust it is. [8:35] And it's beneficial to remember, also, how the Lord has led you, how he has not only given to you a conviction of sin, and a realization of your great need, and that you have offended a holy God, and that there is nothing that you can do to make any contribution to save yourself, and that there is an utterly helpless condition, and we cannot, indeed, make ourselves right with God. [9:15] But remember the way in which he has bid us. He has bid us look to Jesus Christ, and to rest in that finished work of his on Calvary's cross. [9:30] And in that victorious cry, it is finished. And the word of God, it shows us so clearly that Jesus Christ has done, completely done, all that is necessary for the salvation of his people and church, whoever they are, that come to him, that are drawn to look to the cross. [9:58] the Lord Jesus Christ, upon Calvary's cross, in that wonderful work that the Father had given him to do, and he cried out at the end of it, suffering as he did, and yet, at the end, there was that cry of victory. [10:19] It is finished. And then, he bowed his head and gave up the ghost. Finish the work, for our redemption. [10:30] Everything that was necessary. And though we fail, so miserably we fail, in breaking his holy law, every day, and in every way, conceivably, in thought, and word, and deed, Jesus has done, all that is necessary. [10:52] And we come, and we just cast ourselves, unreservably, upon his mercy, and there seek to find rest, for our souls. [11:04] The gospel, it brings that peace, to troubled hearts. You recall how, Paul prays, in his Romans epistle, he says, now, the God, of hope, fill you, with all joy, and peace, in believing. [11:25] Joy, and peace, to be known, in our trusting, in Jesus Christ. What is it, then, to believe, on Jesus Christ? [11:37] To rest, in that finished work, of Christ? Christ. Well, it is, to lay ourselves, completely, upon, the promises, of God's word. [11:50] To realize, that although, we're lost, in and of ourselves, that Jesus, has done, all, and his word, assures us, that of that fact, and that we can, come to him, in all our need. [12:07] As the hymn says, the vilest sinner, out of hell, who lives, to feel his need, is welcome, to a throne, of grace, a saviour's blood, to plead. [12:21] And that's the spirit, in which to come, casting yourself, upon his, great mercy. That mercy, which, exempts from hell. [12:32] And then, as we come, trusting him, alone, and his victory, we are to remember, what he has done, for us. However, far back, we go, or more recently, we can go back, there is then, a certain duty, to remember, the way, in which the Lord, has brought us, thus far. [12:58] And then, there may be those, who do not have, this experience, that I've, briefly, outlined, tonight, already. That they have not, yet been brought, into that, real need. [13:14] And if that's, the case, it is a very, sad situation. Because, God still requires, that we remember, remember, those warnings, that have been, heard from his word, that are given there. [13:30] warnings of, a lost, eternity, of being, without hope, and without, God, in the world. Warnings, to flee, from the wrath, to come, and from sin, and from the world, and to seek, salvation, through Jesus Christ. [13:52] We are exhorted, by the wisest man, who ever lived, apart from the Lord, Jesus Christ, to remember, now, our creator, in the days, of our youth, before the, days of old age, and weaknesses, come upon us. [14:10] So then, we are to remember, our privileges, and the message, messages, heard from, God's ministers, and from his, holy word, and from our teachers, and parents, and so on. [14:25] We are to remember, our responsibility, before God. Now, there are some people, who have difficulty, in grasping, how it is possible, for, a sinful person, to be, responsible, before God, for their actions. [14:46] But I would remind you, that we should remember, what the apostle, Peter, says, in the Acts of the Apostles, in that second, chapter, where he is speaking, about the crucifixion, of the Lord Jesus Christ. [15:05] And he brings home, to us very clearly, a picture, of man's accountability, and of God's, foreknowledge. [15:17] And it is all, as God had planned, and, they had, with those, their own hands, there was that, wickedness, on their part, but there was God's, determination. [15:34] And then, having spoken to them, he says, to the people, ye, by wicked hands, have crucified, and slain, the Lord. [15:47] You have slain, him. Although, it was the, determinate, counsel, and, foreknowledge, of God, that did not, relieve them at all, of their, responsibility, personally. [16:06] And so, we believe, with all our heart, and rejoice, in the sovereignty of God, and his eternal degrees, and yet still, we would, understand from his word, that we are, individually, responsible to God, for our attitude, and our reaction, to the gospel, of Jesus Christ. [16:30] Thou shalt, remember. Now, we should also, recall, and be mindful, of God's provision, for us. [16:42] How wonderful, is the Lord's, provision, for us each. Our daily needs, our homes, our loved ones, our friends, those with whom we mix, amongst the fellowship, of God's people. [16:59] people, we thank God, for a place, in which to meet, and worship God. God has given you, a ministry, where you can hear, his word. [17:13] There are so many, blessings, that God, has given to us. And the Lord says, thou shalt remember, consider, the daily provision, for daily needs. [17:26] And they are new, every morning. Great, is his faithfulness. Also, we recall, the afflictions. Whatever those afflictions, are, and the trials. [17:40] Those things, which we pass through, it may be, perplexities. And I doubt, if anyone here, can say, that they have not, passed through, certain trying things, or troubles, during the past year. [17:53] In one area, of their life, or another. Because that is life. Man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly upward. [18:05] And God permits, these things, in our lives, according to his, wisdom. And some of the Lord's people, they pass through, severe trials. [18:17] They have, severe, afflictive, circumstances. things, things which bring them right, down to the ground, seemingly. But whatever, you have passed through, you have proved, his grace, has been sufficient. [18:37] And the burdens, that you bear, upon your shoulders, your responsibilities, and your cares, in life. And those, deep exercises, which, at times, pervade your heart. [18:53] And things, in which you have not seen, the hereafter, as yet. But remember, that you have proved, in the past, that God is, all sufficient. [19:06] And he will be. And as, you, press on, towards the mark, you will continue, to realize, that God, will not fail, neither forsake, you. [19:19] Wherever you are, in, whatever situation, you are passing through, it covers everything. I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. [19:31] It covers all time, all actualities, all suppositions. Consider that godly man, Job. [19:41] The poor man, he was passing through, great distresses, and he was almost, beside himself. And he didn't know, what to do, or which way to take. [19:57] And yet, he was enabled, as the Lord, spoke to him, and raised him, to a blessed prospect. He was helped, to look up. And what did he say? [20:09] But he, knoweth the way, that I take. And when he has tried me, I shall come forth, as God. He knows, the way, that you take. [20:23] The way, that I take. And that was everything, to Job. And it should be, to us too, to be able to express, I do not understand, at the moment. [20:35] But, he knows, and I believe, there will be, a hereafter. In verse 5, of this chapter, we read, thou shalt also consider, in thine heart, that as a man, chasteneth his son, so the Lord, chasteneth thee. [20:58] Sometimes, these, testing times, and, afflictive circumstances, come into our lives, by way of chastening. Because, the Lord, he would, use a corrective, for us, reprove us, and teach us. [21:17] But, the chastening hand, of God, is not an evidence, of God's anger, for one moment. Or, that he is against us. [21:28] It is quite, the opposite. Now, at times, as we pass, through these things, we think, it is against us. But, it is not so, in reality. Remember, that word, in the Hebrews, epistle, chapter 12, it shows us, so clearly, doesn't it? [21:46] It is the son, that the father loves, that he deals with, in this way, by way of chastening. It is an evidence, of being, a child of God, one of his family, a token of love. [21:59] And, we need to remember, that truth. truth. And, it may be, in the days, coming ahead, we shall need, to remember, it again. And, as we do remember, such truths, we shall not only, be encouraged, but we shall also, remember, the reason, and perhaps, escape, that particular, pitfall, again, in the future. [22:24] And, seek to learn, from, the teachings, that we have, experienced, and received. Another thing, that is, is necessary, for us to remember, and that is, our sins, and our failures. [22:43] Since, we all fail, our God, as we, move, from day to day, from hour to hour, is there, ever a day, when we come, to the end, of the day, that we can lift up, our head, and say, Lord, I've not failed, today. [23:01] How extraordinary, most unusual, it would be, if we could do that. But, generally speaking, we, get to the end, of the day, and we hold, our head down, in shame. [23:16] Because, shame, and confusion, of face, belongs, unto us. And, we have to express, Lord, forgive me, for all the wrong, that I've done, today, for those sins, of omission, the things, that I ought, to have done, and have not done, and the things, that I ought, to have done, and so on, and the things, that I've done, which I shouldn't, have done. [23:42] Oh, our sin, and failure, we are to remember them, and what a blessing, it is, to be able, to come to God, and to seek, cleansing, through the precious, blood, of a dear, Redeemer, and we need, then, to remember, our sin, and our failure, that we, might be kept, from falling, in the same way, again. [24:07] And, remember, that, as we have sinned, against God, there is forgiveness, with him, that he may be, feared. [24:19] And, although we have, failed him, he has not, failed us. Oh, how long-suffering, God is. He does not, forsake us, or turn us away, from, his help. [24:35] He is so, faithful, who hath promised. And we so, easily, get out of patience, with ourselves, and, with one another, and, especially, with those, that fail us. [24:51] But God, he does not, get out of, patience with us, his children. What does he say, in the, Isaiah's prophecy, in that, 54th chapter? [25:06] I may not, quote it correctly, but this is the, basis of it. He says, in a little wrath, I hid, my face from thee. For a moment, I hid myself, but with everlasting kindness, will I have mercy, upon thee, saith the Lord, thy Redeemer. [25:31] For, as the waters, of Noah, shall no more go, over the earth, so I have sworn, that I will be, no more wrath with thee, nor will I rebuke thee. [25:44] For the mountains, shall depart, and the hills, be removed, and, so on. But, my loving kindness, shall not depart, from thee, nor the covenant, of my peace, be removed, saith the Lord God, who hath, mercy, upon thee. [26:05] Oh, think of the, free mercy, of God. God. So then, there is a certain duty, in remembering. But then, I would suggest to you, that there is a determination, set forth here. [26:21] The word goes on, thou shalt remember, all the way. It's not just, saying, that we should recall, certain outstanding things, in our lives. [26:33] particular things, that we have experienced, and leave others out. Not at all. Or, to include one week, in our remembrance, and not another week, or so on. [26:48] The exhortation, is to remember, all the way. So that, it requires, an application, and, diligence, on our part, to apply ourselves, to remember, everything, and all, that the Lord, has done for us, and in the way, he has led us. [27:14] How easily, we forget. In some of the Psalms, we have that, refrain, concerning Israel, and Moses knew it. [27:26] They soon, forget, his works. It was so, with the disciples. You remember, how the Lord, had fed five thousand, four thousand, and there was another, difficulty. [27:41] He says, do you not remember, how I fed, and worked for you, on that occasion? And we're exactly, the same. So shortly, after the Lord, working, mightily for us, and doing those, wonders, in his faithfulness. [28:00] And so, we need to be, diligent, in this. Because, our minds, they seem to fade, so easily. It was a good practice, of earlier Christians, I believe, to keep a diary. [28:16] Now it may be, that some of you do. But it seems, to us, as we live, in this particular, time, with all the, pressures that are upon us, that, it is most difficult, to, do such a thing. [28:36] But there are those, who, have done so. And I was reading, recently, of a particular, man, a beekeeper, in the West Country, who kept a diary, for, in excess, of 50 years, recording the weather, and the wind, the rain, and the sun, and the activities, of these, particular hives, and so on. [29:01] And every hour, of the day. It was a very, comprehensive, and valuable, record, I do not doubt. Now, if only, that type of thing, could be translated, to spiritual, and providential, things that the Lord, does for us, and has done for us. [29:22] How valuable, that would be. What a blessing, it would be to us. Of course, a hundred years ago, or so, the people of God, used to keep, a diary, of what the Lord, had done, for them. [29:38] And so, it would be, a good habit, if we, even in this day, could discipline ourselves, to record, at least, some, of the Lord's, mercies, to us. [29:49] Even a brief, note of them, week by week, or day by day. And as our memory, tends to fade, so the Lord, brings this exhortation, for we so easily, forget. [30:04] And as we forget, it leads to questioning, disbelief, discontent, these all creep in. And look at what Moses says, in verse 11, he says, beware. [30:19] Beware that thou, forget not, the Lord thy God, in not keeping, his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command you, this day. Lest, when thou hast eaten, and art full, and hast built, goodly houses, to dwell in, and when thy flocks multiply, and silver and gold multiply, and all that thou hast is multiplied, thou in thy heart be lifted up, forget the Lord thy God, beware, he says. [30:53] And so there is that caution, because he knows the danger. Oh, may God, grant us a godly, then, determination. But thirdly, there is a desirability, in remembering. [31:10] And thou shalt remember, all the way, which the Lord thy God, led thee. He's not teaching us, then, to remember, just certain things, and not others, but all the way, because, that will, excite us, to gratitude, and to praise to God, for all his blessings. [31:33] For all of his goodness, that wonderful provision he's made. It is Psalm 107, and its closing verse says, Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand, the loving kindness, of the Lord. [31:55] So then, the psalmist, he knew, well knew, what memory would do. [32:08] Now, verse 10 of this chapter, it says, When thou hast eaten, and not full, then thou shalt bless the Lord thy God, for the good land, which he has given thee. [32:19] The danger being, that, if we are perhaps, successful, perhaps passing through, a time of prosperity, and there is a good supply, of everything, we need to take care, because we can, so easily say, in such a position, or think, and pride, it wells up. [32:50] And then we shall forget, what God has done. That God, has given us, the skill, and the power, the gift, and the wisdom, be it in our responsibilities in life, in our school life, and our education, be it what it may. [33:12] But all these things, those gifts which you have, natural gifts too, are due to God's, rich blessing, resting upon you, and not your own efforts. [33:26] And so remember, and this will, stimulate, a sense of praise, and gratitude, to the almighty, for his goodness, and his mercy, to you, so personally. [33:39] Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless, his holy name. Now it is not only desirable, that we, should praise God, for all his, benefits and blessings, but also that our faith, should be strengthened, through, these things. [33:59] For example, take the case, of David. When he was in deep trouble, on one occasion, we, recall that David, encouraged himself, in the Lord, his God. [34:12] He didn't look to man. There were occasions, when he did look, to the arm of flesh. But on that occasion, he didn't. And it was by remembering, what God had done for him, as he thought of these things, it strengthened his faith. [34:31] He could look back, couldn't he? To the lion, and the bear, that he killed, as a shepherd boy. to his fight, with Goliath, and how victorious, he was, through the strength, that God gave him, and so on. [34:47] And it will strengthen, your faith, and my faith too, as we recall, the wonderful, the way, in which the Lord, has worked, wonderfully for us. [35:00] Because he, who has helped me hitherto, will help me, all my journey through, and give me daily calls, to praise, new Ebeneezus, to his praise. [35:16] So we must recall, what God, has done. His interpositions, on our behalf. There is an account, of two, missionaries, I believe it was, Isabel Coombe, and a friend, and they were living, in a very, high mountainous area, and one was living, much further up the mountain, than the other one. [35:43] And they lived, all alone. And one day, the one who was living, on the high part, of the mountain, was visited, by the friend, who lived, somewhat, lower down. [35:57] And they spent, the time together, happily, in Christian fellowship, talking of what the Lord, had done for them, and how he'd used them. And the friend, who was visiting, she turned, to go home, and she descended, the mountain side, and did so, until she came, to the last, turning point, near to the bottom. [36:21] And where they could, still see each other, at a great distance, down the track. And the friend, who had visited her host, and was going home, she clapped her hands, and she called out, loudly, hitherto. [36:37] And her friend, responded, in reply, henceforth, faith, will, that is faith, triumphing. Just, as, as it has always been, in the past, it will be, in the future. [36:58] A God will be, faithful, to his word. It is well said, that memory, it quickens the heart, and it supplies fuel, for grateful feelings. [37:14] And I believe, it was Spurgeon, who expressed, in his way, that memory, is, the fit, handmaid, of faith. [37:26] Well, that's very telling. But then, as there is that, desirability, so there is, a design. God certainly has, that design, for, our remembering. [37:41] And that is, to humble thee, and to prove thee. And to see, what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest, keep his commandments, or no. A design, that God has, is that we should remember, why he has, caused us, to remember. [38:03] Why he has, the reason, he has, for leading us, along, certain particular, pathways. He does it, to humble us. [38:15] So that, our pride, is brought down, uprooted. Because God, he hates pride. It is a detestable thing, to God. [38:28] And some people, they're rather like, the man who said, on one occasion, I'm so thankful, that the Lord has, made me so humble. Well, what a proud expression, that was. [38:42] It showed, the truth of his heart. It didn't indicate, any humility, at all. Now, God needs, to lead us, by the way, he does, in order to, humble us, to remove, any self-confidence, that we have. [38:59] We so easily, seek to rely, on an arm of flesh, rather, than, on the Lord, alone. But David, whom I mention, he, encouraged himself, in the Lord, his God, alone. [39:16] And so, the Lord will deal, with us, that our whole, dependence, is fixed, on him. Problems, difficulties, perplexities, matters, do arise, in life. [39:31] But, we are, to be, weaned, from all, self-help, in these things, that the glory, may be, God's, alone. [39:44] He says, behold, I am with thee. I will not, fail thee, nor forsake thee. Behold, I am the God, of all flesh. Is anything, too hard, for me? [39:59] Another design, is not only, to humble, but to prove, to try, our faith. The trial, of faith, it's much more, precious, than of gold, and silver, that perishes, though it be, tried with fire, that it might be, found unto praise, and honour, and glory, at the appearing, of Jesus Christ. [40:23] Reality, it must be tested, for consider, that well-known, experience, of the father, of the faithful, Abraham. [40:34] He's a hundred years, old, and at last, he's given a son, of promise, and then, within thirty, years or so, God says to him, go and offer your son, as a sacrifice, on one of the mountains, that I shall tell thee of, and he takes him, to Mount Moriah, an altar is built, for him to be offered, as a burnt offering. [41:03] What incredible, faith, Abraham had, as he laid, as he laid, his Isaac, upon the altar, and was about, to slay him, the knife, coming within, a few millimetres, of his body, and then, at the eleventh hour, God said to Abraham, lay not thy hand, upon the lad, and Abraham, he stood the test, as God proved him, what an endurance, Abraham, displayed there, the scripture, tells us, doesn't it, that such was his faith, that he believed, that God was, even able, to raise him, from the dead, that if actually slain, Abraham, had that faith, to believe, that God, would raise him, that he was able, to raise him, again to life, in order to fulfill, the promise, which originally, had been spoken, at a much later date, there were men of faith, there ever have been, men of faith, but let me mention this, for the young people, here tonight, it may encourage them, the account, that we have, of John Payton, he was digging a well, and the natives, were around him, laughing, and there was, an old chief there, called Malachi, [42:41] I believe, and he said to Payton, you are soft, in the head, rain, it does not come, from out of the ground, rain, it comes down, from the sky, but the Lord's servant, he was so sure, that God, would provide, the necessary, fresh water, that was so much, needed, from a well, and so, he had to dig it himself, because, no one else, thought, it was possible, that water, could be found, and personally, he dug, something like, 38 meters down, and he dug down, and he eventually, found, water, at that depth, what amazing faith, he displayed, what perseverance, and of course, there have been others, like, George Muller, who, had that great orphanage, and there were, occasions, with him, when there was no food, in his house, for his great family, for that great family, of children, and orphans, and one particular morning, we read about, and he had them all, sit at table, and there was no food, and he actually, said grace, thanking, the Lord, for what he was going to give, giving thanks, and as, they came to, the end of that grace, there was a knock, at the door, and outside, there were men, with, a large cart, full of food, oh, what faith, the promise still is today, my God, shall supply, all your need, according to his riches, in glory, we are to remember, such precious truths, and to know, what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest, keep his commandments, or no, so there's a test, of the loyalty, of his children, obedience, because, we're not what we, really ought to be, do we really, obey his word, are we, those obedient children, following him, fully, you know, [45:05] Israel, they were so rebellious, as a people, they wanted their own way, and invariably, the trouble was with them, because of their rebellion, and it's same with us today, about this matter of obedience, what does it say, let me just turn to the, 12th chapter, of Luke, a word, a word, which was, very relevant, to me on one occasion, more than once, I should say, when I was being disobedient, regarding, following the Lord, in baptism, and that servant, which knew his, Lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to, his will, shall be beaten, with many stripes, stripes, I began to feel, those stripes, before I walked, in the ways of the Lord, and then, finally, of course, there is a delight, in remembering, in taking that, retrospective view, the adversities, yes, and the pleasant things, of life, those spiritual blessings, those providential cares, it will bring with you, as you take, a balanced view, to express, from your heart, and I know, that all things, work together, for good, to them, that love God, to them, who are the called, according to his purpose, an illustration, of this, is in the life, of Joseph, whom he, had brought, to our memory, in our second lesson, this evening, we read, that the iron, it entered, into his soul, how badly, treated, he had been, sold, by his brothers, into Egypt, he began, to be successful, in the house, of Potiphar, and then, he's maligned, by an evil woman, he's back in jail, and there, he languishes, for a time, but God, your mighty, he brings him, forth, and he makes him, prime minister, of Egypt, fulfilling, his promise, to him, and in the, [47:33] Genesis chapter, 50, we read, about his brothers, coming to him, after the death, of their father, seeking forgiveness, for their evil, deeds, and yet, surprisingly, he says to them, as for you, you, you meant it, for evil, but God, meant it, for good, and in his, balanced view, as he looked back, it brought delight, to his spirit, yes, I remember, too well, my brothers, sinister, ways, and their intent, and I realize, it was Satan, himself, behind all this, but God, he meant it, for good, and surely, we can look back, and see certain experiences, times in our lives, and we now, see, and have that, hereafter, seeing the goodness, and the interposition, of the almighty, in his mercy, has appeared, yet, now it is, to do thee good, at thy latter, end, he, who chose you, in Christ, before the foundation, of the world, saved you, in time, lead you, safely along, you will not stumble, with him, going before you, and it's all, preparatory, to that time, when, you will be with him, where he is, for he leads his people, by a right way, that they might go, to a city, of habitation, or may the comforter, which is, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father, will send in my name, bring all things, teach you all things, and bring all things, to your remembrance, whatsoever, [49:33] I have told you, and I trust, if anyone, is disobedient, relative, to the commandments, of the Lord's house, I trust, it will encourage you, in heeding, with delight, the ordinance, of the Christian church, for the Lord, Jesus Christ, the same night, in which he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he, broke it, and he said, take eat, this is my body, which is broken for you, this do, in remembrance, of me, Amen. [50:14] Amen. Shall we now sing, hymn number 1101, tune, Sharon 663, hymn 1101, Jesus, lead me by thy power, safe, into the promised rest, hide my soul, within thy arms, make me lean, upon thy breast, hymn 1101, hymn 1101, Jesus, lead me hymnGot. [51:14] Jesus, he will end through the midstest, My life's all in my heart Every week of all my words Be my life in every world Watch me on eternal day And my foolish help will товare Of my seeking of the glory In my focus, I am worthy In thy presence I'm secure [52:15] In thy presence, O our nations I'm ready to be in love In thy presence I'm no more Fire and power, fire and light Fatherly I thank the light of this For our Savior be here And now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit rest and abide with you each, both now and for evermore. [53:20] Amen.