Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Lord may help me and ask your attention to the gospel as recorded by John chapter 4 and verse 10. John chapter 4 and verse 10. [0:14] Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that sayeth to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. [0:39] How much there is a gracious instruction and encouragement even for sinners in this, which I've read to you this evening, in this obviously well-known account that is given us here, of this woman of Samaria, and of the Lord's meeting with her at that well outside the city of Sychar. [1:08] One thing is very evident here. It is not a sinner seeking unto the Saviour, but it is the Saviour seeking that which was lost, and is not this always that wherein the Lord does make known the wonders of his love and mercy even unto sinful men and women. [1:36] I'm sure it is borne out in the case of each a soul that is brought to know the wonders of the pardoning love and mercy of the Lord, and that is not that we first sought him, but that he has sought us. [1:56] He himself declares, I am come to seek and to save that which is lost. Oh, in the case of this Samaritan woman, is not this what is sadly, solemnly evidenced in all by nature, even as she came to that well to draw water, no thoughts whatsoever in her Mahatma, with regard either with respect to herself as a sinner, and certainly not with regard to any need of a Saviour. [2:35] No, she comes there careless, indifferent with respect to her true spiritual state and condition before a holy and a heart-searching God, are indifferent regard to the solemn realities, not only of time, but of eternity as well. [2:57] And we see here, indeed evident with her, though she knew many things, yet we see how ignorant she was, both with respect to herself as a sinner, and that wherein only there is hope, even for sinful men and women. [3:19] Ah, and is not this the case, of all by nature, and must indeed remain so? Apart from sovereign, saving grace. [3:31] And oh, do not we see the display, of the wondrous reality of it, the law's dealings here, with this woman. One thing I particularly just want, to notice is this, we see here, the law's dealings, with a sinner, individually, and very personally. [3:53] And is not that the case, in all, that the Lord, for that gracious, wondrous ministry, of the Holy Spirit, of calls, by his grace. [4:07] yes, and here we see the wonder, not only of the love, but the condescension, of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was said of him, as I mentioned in prayer, it was said of him, but very derogatory, this man, receiveth sinners, and eateth with them. [4:30] How many, of the religious world, of that day, were offended, at such actions, of the Lord Jesus Christ. But oh, that which they were offended at, we find, is that, which is ever the cause, of those, that the Lord seeks, and brings unto himself, to bless and praise, his name for. [4:56] Ah, for where should we be, and we not cause surely, but to give thanks, unto his name, that he does, receive sinners, and eat with them. [5:08] He does not despise, indeed, even as it was here, to associate himself, with such a sinful woman, as this Samaritan was, oh, do not overlook, the very reality of this. [5:25] Here we see, that the Lord Jesus himself, the Holy One of God, in him, who was, with him, where, was no sin, and yet, he does not, friends, even here, condescends, indeed, not only, to make himself known, but to associate, even with such a sinful woman, as this was, to what end and purpose? [5:57] Not to encourage her, in her sin, no, but to manifest the wonder, of his sovereign, of his sovereign, saving grace, in that quickening, of her soul, from that death, in trespasses, and sins, and bringing her, into the light, life, and liberty, of the gospel, not only, to know all, of Messiah, that was to come, as even she, indicates, later, in this chapter, but, oh, to make himself, known unto her, as that, not only, of that Messiah, that was to come, but that in him, was, the Christ of God, in all the wonder, and blessed reality, of the same, what a statement, is that, which the Lord, makes to this woman, when he says to her, I that speak unto thee, am he, notice that, that word he, is in the italics, but the essential truth, that is brought, before us here, is this, [7:10] I that speak unto thee, that speak unto thee, and I am, that is, I am, expressive, as that is, of the eternal power, and Godhead, of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he indeed, even though there, he appeared to that woman, at that well, yes, as a real man, and undoubtedly, our Lord Jesus, was and is, a real man, and he, for he fully, fully, partook, behold, human condition, sin accepted, but he, indeed, is God, manifest, in the flesh, let us then, notice as hell, one or two things, particularly, from the immediate context, of this verse, that I have read, by way of a text, and what I would, here, just bring before you, is this, let us not, lightly, pass over it, it is said, he left Judea, and departed, again, into Galilee, and he must, needs, go through Samaria, now, how much, is there contained, in that statement, he must, needs, go through Samaria, some might say, well, was not this, the usual, way, from Judea, into Galilee, ah, it was, it was a way, indeed, that was taken, but it was not, necessarily, the only way, but, leave that a son, there is much, more friend, contained, in this statement, than, that, than, than his journey, from Judea, to Galilee, was, that was, to be, that was, through passing, through Samaria, no, he must, part, go through, [9:12] Samaria, must, needs, go, through Samaria, why, why, here was the outworking, of the eternal, purposes of God, with regard, to the Lord's meeting, with this, sinful woman, here was no, coincidence, ah, was not matter, a supposedly chance, that the Lord, happened, to be sitting, upon that well, outside, the city, of Syca, at the precise, time, when this woman, comes, to draw, water, no, this is no, coincidence, this is the outworking, of the eternal, purposes of God, regard, to the Lord's, manifesting, this saving, grace, and mercy, unto this, sinner, ah, and is it, not the case, the Lord's, dealing, with each, and every one, be caused, by his grace, one well puts it, in the verse, of that hymn, the appointed time, rolls on a pace, not to propose, but call, by grace, to change the heart, renew the will, and turn the feet, to Zion's hill, ah, this woman, as I said, a few moments ago, came there, holy, unthinking, and unconcerned, ah, little realizing, what, what was, what transactions, would have, would have, take place there, in the meeting, of this stranger, but friends, the Lord knew, ah, [10:54] I see, as the outworking, divine purposes, respect, deeply, and gathering, yet another, that his father, had given unto him, as one of his elect, what a mercy, the Lord, the Lord, works are known, unto the Lord, even from, the beginning, unto the end, said in another place, he knew, what he would do, and ah, see friends, how all that pertains, to the blessings, of salvation, for sinful men, and women, as it was, with this woman here, is, of God, and that, in every aspect, of it, in every, in all, that is seen here, it is, it is, is that which, regard to the, Lord's, revealing of himself, to this woman, yes, making known to her, the solemn fact, reality, of her sin, of her loss, of ruin condition, but oh, the revealing, of himself, as that, as her saviour, and her all, ah, this was, this was, this was a work, of God, from beginning, to end, and so it is, the case, of every sinner, whom, the Lord, calls, by his grace, nothing, can be attributed, unto the sinner, all redoubts, to the praise, of the glory, of his grace, that which is, revealed to us, in the gospel, made known, of the blessed teaching, of the Holy Spirit, the very soul, of a sinner, is that, which always, lays a sin, alone, but exalts, and honours, the Lord, and saviour, of Jesus Christ, we see here, with this woman, there's no, contribution, that she makes, the whole, initiative, the whole issue, is of, and from, the Lord, himself, and that, to the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holy name, he must needs, go through Samaria, ah, we see here, in this case, as well, that display, of divine power, of divine wisdom, and all, the outworking, of the wonder, of his love, and of his mercy, towards, this sinful woman, let's just, pause a moment, here, and take, a view, of what, again, is brought, before us, it is said, he cometh, then cometh he, to a city, of Samaria, which is called, [13:52] Sychar, near to the parcel, of ground, that Jacob, gave to his son, Joseph, and Joseph's, well was there, Jesus, therefore, being wearied, with his journey, sat, thus on the well, was about, the sixth hour, his disciples, at this time, had gone, into the city, of Sychar, to seek, to buy provisions, Jesus, is left there, alone, and yet, notice, what he said, weary, with his journey, not something, here friends, remarkable, indeed, I mentioned, a few moments, ago, our Lord, Jesus Christ, truly, he pertook, our whole, human, a condition, he was, a real man, yes, though God, manifest, in the flesh, we see him here, is it truly, is it, truly, is it, is it not, to partake, of our whole, human condition, sin accepted, here weary, with his journey, the Lord, of life, and glory, he that created, all things, and upholds, all things, by the word, of his power, oh friends, how great, is the mystery, of godliness, that God, was manifest, in the flesh, as the word, tells us, and, to what end, and purpose, to save, his people, from their sins, see, he comes, and he came, just, where they are, entered, into their, whole, situation, both in, taking upon him, to union, with his, divine nature, human nature, as I said, sin accepted, but also, in all, that is experienced, even, by his people, yes, we see him, being weary, we know, we see him, being hungry, or thirsty, he knew, what it was, to suffer, and to die, which, told us, our great high priest, was tempted, in all points, like as we are, yet, without sin, is able, to succour them, that are tempted, for he is touched, with the feeling, of our infirmities, oh, friends, what wondrous grace, here, we see, our blessed Lord, not a God, that is afar off, a promise, but one, that is, not only, near at hand, but indeed, intimately, involved, in all, that concerns, his people, why, for they, and he, are one, the word, declares, here again, is a wondrous mystery, [16:50] Christ, and his people, one, he truly, not only, partook, from our whole, human condition, but he himself, has put away, our sins, for the sacrifice, of himself, is brought in, for us, everlasting righteousness, upon, the glorious, reality, of this, that God, justifies, of the ungodly, to the praise, of the glory, of his name, but, though weary, with his journey, he was not weary, of the work, his father, gave him to do, did not, the Lord Jesus, ever, always, declared, of him, that he, delighted, to do the will, of his heavenly father, are, though, as I say here, weary, with his journey, not weary, of that work, which his father, gave him to do, and are, though weary, with his journey, and thirsty, as well, oh, he says, to his disciples, subsequently, when they return, and find him, speaking, to this woman, you know, they, in a sense, they ignored her, they didn't even ask him, why he spoke to her, they said, master, eat, our holy concern, with what, they've gone, into the city, of Sychar, to obtain, [18:26] I have meat, to eat, which ye know, not of, my meat, is to do, the will, of him, that sent me, and to, and to finish, his work, and see, what was here, we might put it, this way, the primary, matter, concern, in our Lord, of our Lord, here, it was, the dealing, with this, sinful woman, yes, to reveal, of himself, unto her, indeed, as he is, the Christ of God, but, oh, surely, as our Lord, a Saviour, and her all, but, he said, and, and as he sat there, on the well, this woman, comes, they said, unthinkingly, unheedingly, whatsoever, and, and, and is, and is surprised, that she, that he requests, of her, a drink of water, give me, to drink, ah, look again, consider again, friends, what is here, before us, as I said, here is the Lord, of life, and glory, the creator, of all things, and holds all things, but the word, of his power, and yet, he requests, of this sinful woman, give me, to drink, ah, ah, [19:54] I say, oh, what depths here, of, of, of, of, what wonders, friends, have brought, before us, with regard, to the very person, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the outworking, of his own, sovereign purposes, of love, and mercy, they said, she is surprised, how is it, that thou, she says, being a Jew, asketh, drink of me, which I'm a woman, of Samaria, for the Jews, have no dealings, with the Samaritans, yes, there was, real, enmity, between Jew, and Samaritan, they had, they had as little, dealings, one with another, as they could, as possible, for remember, the Samaritans, though, they claim, to worship, the same God, as did the Jews, this woman says, you say, in Jerusalem, is a place, where men, ought to worship, we say, here, on Mount Gerizim, and even, they could claim, [21:03] Jacob, as their father, she says, our father, Jacob, gave us a well, drunk thereof, himself, and his, and his, and his cattle, ah, but the Samaritans, were not, real Jews, remember, that the, twelve tribes, had been taken, away, in the reign, of, Ezahadu, king of Assyria, and into their place, others, had been brought, although, although, because of the situation, that arose, some, some Levites, were brought, into, into, teach them, regard to the manners, described as a God of the land, and yet, with a very, mongrel worship, to say the least, of the Samaritans, yet, they were proud of it, that, indeed, we see, that it was not only true of Jew, and Samaritan, oh, how bigoted, they were as well, and prejudice, respect to their, to their, religious, religious, observances, ah, is it any different, friends, the day, and generation, in which we live, is there not, is it not, in the religion, that so ever, manifests, but the bigotry, and, and such like things, and that always will be, where Jesus Christ, is not known, and received, and the blessed teaching, of the Holy Spirit, in the true exercise, of faith, and love, men and women, will and do, as it was, with this Samaritan woman, and what she, in a sense, indicates, ever ready, to look to, and to rest in, human observances, even with respect, to the worship, of God, but, do not forget, that the religion, of the natural man, whatever form, it may take, is always, a religion, of works, and, as a religion, of works, it is under the curse, and all that live, and die, and that, most surely, friends, go to hell, no question, about it, ah, but, was not, a religion, of works, for which, to which this, which was, wherein this woman, was brought, to know the wonders, of pardoning love, and redeeming mercy, no, it was that, which was all of grace, from beginning, to end, ah, and we come then, to this verse, that I've read, by way of a text, [23:56] Jesus answered, and said unto her, if thou knewest, the gift of God, oh, do we know, the gift of God, what a question, is this, that is proposed here, by our blessed Lord, ah, does it speak, to your heart, and mine, this evening, if thou knewest, the gift of God, I say again, do we know, the gift of God, oh, friends, what heights, and depths, what lengths, and breadth, of the love of God, are set before us, in the very, implication, in these words, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the gift of God, ah, and, you know, the apostle writing, is epistle, to the Corinthians, I know it is, with regard, to the instruction, and the exhortation, the apostle imparts, unto them, with regard, to the collections, for the poor saints, in Jerusalem, and, and he, he closes, his exhortations, with this, thanks be unto God, for his, unspeakable gift, yes, this gift of God, is beyond, all, what words, can ever expect, ever express, the gift of God, and this, this gift of God, is surely, the very gift, of our Lord, [25:35] Jesus Christ, himself, indeed, as our Lord, said to that, to that, to that, Jewish Rabbi, Nicodemus, God so loved, the world, that he gave, his only begotten son, that whosoever, believeth in him, should not perish, but have, everlasting life, I know, those words, are most, sadly often, misapplied, but oh, what glorious truth there, the gift of God, the giving, is only begotten, and dearly, beloved son, and what for, the very redemption, and salvation, of sinful, ruined, rebel men, and women, even as many, as our God will, and thus call, as I say, can words, ever, friends, fully express, the height, and depth, the length, and breadth, of this wondrous gift, of God, it is that, which is, which is the outworking, what of, the deservings, of sinful men, and women, no, but the outworking, of, the, the sovereign love, and, the good pleasure, of our God, if thou knewest, the gift of God, again, let us not overlook this, if thou knewest, the gift of God, the implication, friends, is this, and is most solemnly true, as it concerns, each, and every one of us, how utterly ignorant, we are, of this gift of God, and ever should, and will remain, ignorant of it, only as the Lord, the Holy Spirit, this sovereign mercy, enlightens, our understanding, indeed, it opens up to us, the sovereign, saving knowledge, of the truth, as it is, in the Lord Jesus Christ, remember the words, of our blessed Lord, that 17th of John, he says, this is life eternal, that ye might, no, no, no, no, the one and only, true God, and Jesus Christ, whom he has sent, oh, friends, a vital importance, of this, of that knowledge, that, that true sense, that knowing, not only, knowing all, but knowing, the Lord Jesus Christ, the gracious teaching, of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, our, true faith, is always, by knowledge, fair, real religion, yes, [28:34] I know, we say, real religion, is more than notion, but, for something, must, be known, as well as felt, it's not merely, a religion, of feelings, that we want, a feeling, we're religion, but it is a religion, or that, which is about, working of the grace, of God, both in the knowledge, of, and in the, better realization, that gracious, ministry, of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, of all, that Jesus is, and all, that he has done, that witness, of the Spirit, with our spirit, our soul's, personal interest, in the same, ah, and is that, not what a child, of God, will seek, and does seek, again, and again, oh, how we, would we ever, seek, that gracious, refreshing, from his presence, oh, that the Lord, will, so speak, in the psalmist, expressed it, say unto my soul, [29:39] I am, thy salvation, thou, knewest, the gift, of God, and who it is, that saith to thee, give me, to drink, ah, as I mentioned, a little earlier, oh, remarkable thing, is here, here, our Lord, Jesus Christ, requesting, drink, of this, sinful woman, ah, he says, if thou, knewest, the gift, of God, thou, wouldest, have asked, of him, and he, would have, given thee, living water, she says, sir, thou hast, nothing, to draw with, the well is deep, whence, then hast thou, that this, living water, ah, her whole, her whole, her whole, attention, was, with respect, to the water, in that well, yes, that it was deep, but, oh, friends, the depth, that the depth, of her need, as a sinner, was greater, and of which, at this juncture, she did not, she had little, realisation of, but, but though deep, was her need, as a sinner, and here, we see, even as the Lord, exposes it, and brings it, to light, she is brought, to see light, in God's light, and that realisation, that this one, here, that speaks to her, knows all about her, not only around, with circumstances, but all her life, up to that present moment, and indeed all, that was in her heart, is that not, a solemn reality, and still, ah, is there anything, friends, we can hide, or cover, from the eyes, of him, whose eyes, are as a flame, of fire, we can hide, many things, from our fellow creatures, we can hide, many things, indeed, in a sense, from ourselves, our reluctant, side, that to face, up to them, let alone, to acknowledge them, but oh, we cannot hide, anything, for the eyes, of him, whose eyes, are as a flame, of fire, and when, the Lord, the Holy Spirit, thus works, sovereignly, graciously, in a sinner's heart, and life, does it not expose, does it not, bring us, to be brought, face to face, with what we are, and where we are, and the awful, and solemn reality, not only, that we are sinners, but that we have sinned, against the Lord, oh, the death, of the sin, of this woman, but friends, do not just look at her, oh, for grace, to be brought, to realise, the same, for ourselves, the death, in that sense, of our sin, oh, it is surely, that situation, in which, as this woman, was as we are, utterly lost, and ruined, through our sin, but though deep, the deep, was our sins, deeper still, is that, that salvation, in our Lord, [33:06] Jesus Christ, as one has, when expressed it, the vilest sinner, out of hell, that lives, to feel his need, is welcome, at the throne of grace, the Saviour's, blood to plead, yes, of a deep, die stain, the sin, ah, not beyond, friends, the ability, and the willingness, and the love, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in that, which is wrought out, for his people, in his one, atoning sacrifice, to cleanse them, from all sin, that John reminds us, the blood, of Jesus Christ, his son, cleanseth us, from all sin, thou wouldest, have asked of him, who have given thee, living water, now here, briefly, three things, thou wouldest, asked of him, I said, we see here, in the case, of this woman, the Lord's, seeking her, it was the Lord, that takes the initiative, always so, the Lord's, dealing with, every sinner, he calls, by his grace, but one, blessed effect, of that, is that, they're brought, to call, upon him, indeed, to cry, unto him, are, is not, the very language, and the attitude, of the soul, quickened, and awakened, for the, blessed teaching, of the Holy Spirit, to realize, the depths of sin, with respect, of themselves, oh, are they not, brought, to call, upon his, to ask, of him, what, have mercy, upon me, oh Lord, have mercy, upon me, heal my soul, for I have, sinned, against thee, [34:58] I, could have asked, of him, and he, would have given, thee, living water, oh, just, consider, the precious truth, here, he, would have given, thee, and oh, blessed be his, great, and holy name, it, it is that, which is still in power, in its fullness, and freeness, to needy, guilty sinner still, that through his grace, are brought to call, upon his great, and holy name, did not the prophet, of old declare, oh, everyone, that thirsteth, come ye, to the waters, he that hath no money, come, buy wine, and milk, without money, and without price, oh, the Lord, does not have, something to sell, no, the blessings, of his pardoning, love, and grace, is that, which is given, in all its fullness, and all its freeness, and our, if ever friends, we receive it, and oh, what a mercy it is, that grace, that brings us, to be willing, to be saved, by grace, is that, which we receive, not as something, we've earned, or deserved, far from it, but that, which is freely given, and oh, the wonder, and blessedness, of the same, described here, as living water, ah, what, what do we have to understand, by this living water, why is it not, friends, the wondrous reality, of the sovereign grace, and mercy, of our God, oh, that living water, that, but, described in one sense, as that, river, of the water of life, oh, that flows, there, even from, from the very throne of God, the wonders, of his unchanging, love, and mercy, been unto needy, and guilty sinners, to the praise, of the glory, of his name, it is all, that Jesus is, and all, that he hath done, and all, that he imparts, that gracious, ministry, of the Holy Spirit, who given thee, and blessed be his name, he does give, he gives fully, he gives freely, it's not the language, the glorious truth, of the gospel, that, that, that, let him, so there, there in, the very, as we read, and that a part, of the book, of the revelation, let the spirit, and the bride, say come, and let him, that is a, that is a thirst, come, and whosoever will, let him, take of the water, of life, freely, oh friends, how wondrous, is that word there, freely, oh, may it be truly, brought home, to your soul, and mine, and the fullness, and the freeness, that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord, the wonders, of that, that, that grace, and mercy, that is found, and flows, through our Lord, [38:24] Jesus Christ, set before us, in the glorious truth, of the gospel, but I'll leave the remarks, there this evening, may the Lord, add his blessing, Amen.