Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Hymn number 1040, Tunis Columbanus, 698. [0:20] When we died, we were sin polluted. Wretched and undone we were. All we saw was purpose suited only to produce this thing. [0:32] Now it appeared a hopeless place. Such it had been. But the grace. Hymn number 1040, Tunis Columbanus, 698. [0:50] Hymn number 1040, Tunis Columbanus, 698. [1:20] Hymn number 1060, Tunis Columbanus, 698. God will soar as love come to Him, God will soar as love come to Him. [1:44] God will soar as love come to Him, God will soar as love come to Him. [2:07] God will soar as love come to Him, God will soar as love come to Him, Let the glory-tra Thank you. [3:29] Thank you. [3:59] Thank you. Thank you. [4:59] Thank you. Thank you. [5:59] Thank you. Thank you. [6:31] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [6:43] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [6:55] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Lord, you help me. I would direct your attention to the gospel according to Matthew chapter 11 and verse 28. [7:17] Matthew chapter 11 and verse 28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. [7:40] What a temptation I've had in resting upon this text. I hope the Lord gave it me. [7:52] One of the greatest trials of my preaching or attempting to preach is having a text in time for the service. [8:05] But the Lord knows and it is only as we come dependent upon his spirit we have these glorious invitations in his word. [8:22] They're not universal. In other words they're not to a universal people but they are to his chosen people. [8:33] And they feel far from being Jehovah's choice. But they find this. They do everything in their possible powers of wisdom and strength to alleviate themselves from their trials and their problems and difficulties before at last they come to him. [9:03] Oh how we have to prove in our pathway how foolish and slow of heart we are to believe in God. [9:15] But we must believe in him to be enabled to come to him. For the word declares he that cometh to God must believe that he is and is a rewarder of those that shall diligently seek him. [9:35] Our opening hymn spoke much of the I am. How we can see our maker's handiwork in creation. [9:49] How much more do we see the majesty and the holiness of God in this work of grace in sinners' hearts. [10:01] It is by their fruit you should know them. And what are these fruits before a sinner comes to Christ? [10:11] Why their fruits meet for repentance. repentance. There is a godly sorrow for sin. There is a burden of sin. There is the solemn realisation except the sin that the sins should I say that we are guilty are except those sins are pardoned. [10:34] Then it will be woe unto you and woe unto me. But what a mercy that the Lord Jesus himself draws you. [10:45] He draws you to the mercy seed. And Paul was unable to say let us therefore come boldly in the liberty of the spirit that is that holy boldness to the throne of grace and that door of mercy that stands open all day to the poor and the needy that not by the way. [11:11] The trouble is we are seldom poor enough and needy enough to come to him but you will come and you will believe that he is able to save you and this is that that is vital the Lord to save you. [11:27] Peter knew what it was to plead for the Lord to save him and so did each of his disciples there was that vital need of the Lord to save them. [11:44] Save me says the psalmist for thy mercy sake. It is not anything in us that deserves to be saved but because the Lord has chosen you and he will draw you and me and bid you come to him. [12:03] so it is Jesus that is speaking these words to a poor sinner who is so defiled from head to foot and so much in darkness and despair and yet he knows that if his sins are not pardoned then hell will be his eternal lot. [12:25] The lot is cast into the lot and the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord. Oh what a mercy then that the Lord governs their ways and their affairs and he says here I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth because those hid these things and the wise and prudent and has revealed them unto Bales. [12:54] We as a little denomination really are despised and rejected of the denominations of religion in our land so called religion and you see dear friends we through mercy are favoured to have amongst us under the babes we are made teachable as little children by the spirit and oh what a mercy to have that child like spirit the big I am has got to come down the Lord brings down our hearts with labour that we fall down and there's none to help and it's when most we need his helping hand this friend is always near with heaven and earth at his command he waits to answer prayer what a mercy then dear friends if he had brought you and me to his feet and you poured out your very soul and it won't necessarily be in multiplying words but it's with a broken hearted petition oh [14:05] Lord I am oppressed I felt much earlier today to be oppressed the devil seemed to let loose at me in a most terrible tempting way and I had to bid the Lord's help to continue I seem to do my job mechanically today but oh how we prove the power of the enemy and we've no might against this great company the devil's agents let loose upon you and stirs you up where you would be quiet and peaceful and loud the enemy comes in not lightly but like a flood and all what havoc can a flood cause naturally how much then can this spirit of the devil coming in like a flood cause havoc in your poor breast and your troubled and your burden and you try to pray and you seem everything is blotted out in prayer in trying to pray oh the enemy what a wily powerful dreadful foe he is and he is as the prince of the power of the air what wisdom have you and I to match him and so you're brought into that despairing situation pleading ultimately for the [15:36] Lord's help oh Lord I am oppressed undertake for me you're heavy laden you are burdened but the Lord has said cast thy burden upon the Lord can you can you you can't cast your burden upon the Lord until he pours upon you that spirit of grace and of supplication and lead you to view Christ and realize how he was often tempted and tried and yet he suffered greater lengths and breaths and depths of temptation than you and I will ever be called to suffer but then you see he is able and what a mercy he is able he endured unto the end with strength enough and none to spare but he is able in that he has trodden in these deep paths and these deep waters that he is able to suffer you friends he is able to sympathize and have compassion upon your needy never dying soul and he bids you calm oh what a mercy to have this invitation you that are heavy laden you that are burdened you that are cast down you that are so oppressed you that are so stirred up by the spirit all these things you cry out are against me but all these things dear friends you'll prove in the end are working together for your soul's good he teacheth you it's by these things men live it in these things is the life of your spirit what does he say then to these sinners that are coming unto him that labor and heavy laden [17:37] I will give you rest one of the shells and wheels of Jehovah there will be an end of all these trials trials must and will be full but with love inscribed upon them all says one this is happiness to me you see if you and I knew nothing of trial nothing of tribulation where would there be real prayer and real concern and real desires for the Lord's presence so the Lord brings down your heart with labor you fall down and there's none to help you're minished and brought low through oppression affliction and sorrow these three things dear friends that come into your path and mine he causeth it to come and is there not a cause dear friends for the Lord to bring these things upon you and is there not only a cause is there not in this sense is there not a purpose in it his purposes will ripen fast unfolding every hour the bud may have a bitter touch and the bitter things dear friends that my dear one and I are passing through at the moment [19:00] I couldn't divulge it wouldn't be prudent but they're the things that cause you to pour out your heart before God and these things seem to lay heavily upon you you see there's a balancing of the clouds the bud may have a bitter taste and all those sweet hopes you'd had in a matter seem to be dashed to pieces and there's not a glimpse of hope now you feel of that coming to pass that you once hoped in this particular thing you see the Lord knoweth the way that we take you're not walking alone you're not treading a new path that no other person has trodden out Jesus knows the way he says I am the way the truth and the life all that the father giveth me shall come to me all chosen vessel unto honor your coming to [20:10] Christ in the midst of the sorrows of the way you find him to be your refuge and your strength what a favor what a great mystery it is but what a favor what a privilege that the Lord has that door of mercy standing open all day to the poor and the needy that knock by the way burdened laboring heavy laden grievous burdens to be born sinner or how you find then there is this throne of divine grace the door of mercy ever opened and the omniscient eye of God is upon you he knoweth the way that you take he's trying you you know if your faith is not tried it's not living faith it's presumptuous faith there are many have faith of a source but the faith of God's elect friends is trusting in him and though the Lord slay me says [21:25] Job yet will I trust him the Lord knoweth the way that you will take your steps are ordered by the Lord and he says did he not say to Moses and as I was with Moses so will I be with thee Joshua and his dear people down through the ages my presence shall go with thee and though it's a pathway and you'll find you're in those darks and paths in the depths of sorrow depths of trial depths of darkness and distress I am the Lord I change not all the stability of God in it all the faithfulness of God I change not though he hides his face and you're troubled and this dreadful foe comes in like a flood but you see the [22:32] Lord is going to have your faith and mine tried tried faith though the smallest shall surely be tried but still the Lord is the same and still he will answer those prayers in his time and way as you come unto him it's looking to Jesus it is pleading the merits of that sin atoning blood that is able to blot out as a thick cloud your transgressions and your sins as a cloud and bid you one day return unto him for he has redeemed you and oh as you come to him so in mercy he grants you the application of a promise he says when you're passing through the flames and the floods and the flames fear thou not for I am with thee and what a comfort that is to a tried child of [23:35] God fear thou not for I am with thee my presence I will never leave thee I will never forsake thee I will give you rest you may have to wait for it be patient and steady and wait on him still it's tarrying ye here in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high and you feel a little of that rest resting what in his everlasting love he shows he shows you tokens and evidences for good all the favour then dear friends for bestowed upon a child of God as he comes as a beggar poor knocking at mercy's door according to your sins he would be justified in casting your souls into outer darkness but through mercy he has opened up a new and a living way for these chosen vessels to follow their end and so he says look unto me all the ends of the earth and be you saved for there is no [24:48] God or saviour beside me so he pricked you in the conscience and given you that concern as to the welfare of your soul and you come as a guilty weak and helpless one thing the late David field that stapler said on a dying bed he had been brought there as a guilty weak and helpless one he didn't know what sin was much before then he said only in the latter he was brought there into that low state in deep affliction and he came there with that prayer a guilty weak and helpless one on thy kind arm I for be thou my strength and righteousness my Jesus and my all I believe the Lord heard and answered that prayer his soul is now in heaven that's the prayer dear friends a feeling exercise to come to the [25:52] Lord as a guilty we can help this world the trouble today is so many are full of self righteousness and religious pride but the Lord will deal with with his chosen vessels they will not rest in any pharisaical spirit but they will be empty they will be poverty stricken and they will be poor in spirit and they will be found hungering and thirsting after his righteousness and they will come to him object of my first desire this is a coming sinner you're lifting up your eyes to Calvary let us therefore go forth unto him without the camp for here we have no continuing city but we seek one yet to come so it's looking to Jesus on Calvary's trade you come there you look upon him home you're pierced and all my friends if you have a revelation of [26:57] Christ on the cross on Calvary it'll bring down your heart with labor you'll be found as a repentant sinner you'll be found confessing your sins you'll be smiting upon your breast heavy laden and burdened and pleading with the Lord for God to be merciful to me a sinner and none will be sent empty back dear friends that comes pleading mercy for Jesus his sake because the Lord draws them by that sweet resistless grace and bids you come and it's coming to Jesus they are coming to a king large petitions with thee bring and so you come with these large petitions this guilty weak and helpless world you're not get very high in your feelings you're not be full of self righteousness but you'll be on the contrary you'll be as nothing you'll be as a burden sinner and you will seek the [28:14] Lord that he might come where you are you know that man that fell among thieves he was brought into that helpless condition and that good Samaritan came right where he was now Jesus will come right where you are he reacheth forth his arm to save you oh what a mercy that the Lord reign in and the foundation of the Lord stand is sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his and makes himself known to them that are his we prove that the Lord is good a strong hold in the day of trouble oh have we felt it in our guilty sinful condition under that deep conviction of our sinnership in the sight of God you come with your emptiness and your poverty you've got nothing to bring but a loathsome lump of sin behold [29:20] I am vile says says Job of all you know this is that only way I believe we shall ever get to heaven it won't be coming with anything acceptable in the sight of God it will be coming in our deep poverty and our sinfulness and our vileness Job knew what it was the Lord showed him I'm not saying you always feel these feelings dear friends but you're not only being able to say you're a lip confess no it won't confess lip from the lip that you're a sinner but you're a sinner to see sin smart but slightly to own with lip confession is easiest but old to feel and there be occasions I'm not saying continually if I know little of it not continually but there be those occasions when sin hangs heavy upon your breast and you'll pour out your soul before him and plead with him that he would say unto your soul [30:32] I am thy salvation you see he is that strong deliverer to save you from death destruction and despair you see the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God and you and me dear friends mourn well if you're like me you're mourn much over your forgetfulness and neglectfulness of this God and his word we seem to be so often and especially in this day in which our lot is cast we seem to be like Martha there seem to be so many many things to attend to and oh how we lose sight of that Mary's condition Mary hath chosen that good part that which shall one thing is needful and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken from her all those sweet moments when you feel him to be needful not that we're without hope friends but as [31:37] I said in the in the busy scenes which in which our lot is cast and I'm sure you find it the same whether you are still labouring for the meat that perisheth or even in retired condition it seems to be in the speed of this world ever things are ever getting quicker and quicker more and more to be done in a day and yet we're brought to realise are we not in it all like Martha careful and troubled about many things but there are these occasions these moments may be when you're brought to feel that cutting deep beyond expression as the Lord sends a word an arrow of conviction into your very soul and it's pricking you in the conscience how does the case stand with you and me how will it be with you in the swellings of Jordan and that solemn awareness of being ye also ready for ye know not what hour the [32:43] Son of Man come in these things dear friends find an abiding place on occasions in our heart for a little season and then we pour out our souls before God and plead for that love and blood and righteousness of Jesus to be applied to our souls a promise sealed there a sweet assurance of our sonship and daughtership with God that we might feel a little rest a little peace a little quiet in our breast as Jesus reveals himself to you and says son thy sins which are many are all forgiven they daughter thy faith has saved they go in peace and if the Lord gives peace who can make trouble and so a poor sinner will be found here laboring laboring friend to enter into that rest that remains of the people of [33:49] God my friend here tonight knows what it is to labor in word and doctrine and it is a labor some seem to be able to flow out so freely in speaking things but I wonder dear friends how much burden of the word of the Lord is in their heart before they come or how we need then to be amongst these laborers whether you sit in the pew or stand up in his name it is laboring to enter into that rest that remain much opposition you'll meet in following Christ but he says I will give you rest and they that honor me I will honor and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed and he goes on the Lord does about taking this yoke upon you or this is that a yoke of profession some would refer to it as the yoke of profession some would take it on as the yoke of the company of [35:00] Christ as the burden bearer as the one that shares all your sorrows and your griefs and he shares your joys oh what a mercy to have Christ as your friend as a brother born for adversity you see the heart know his own bitterness but a stranger intermeddleth not with its joys but the Lord does he know his disciples he know his all their characters he know his all their concerns he knows their down sittings and their uprisings and their thoughts are far off sinner so whatever your state of mind is tonight friends he knoweth your thoughts are far off what a wonder working God he is what a blessed saviour he is and what a blessed comforter he is in the form of the [36:04] Holy Spirit or blessed trinity in unity how effectual they are in saving our souls from going down into hell's fire the mercy is that the Lord reign in and he is able to restrain satan in spite of all his wily powers and attempts to undermine that little work of grace begun in your heart but he that hath begun the work in your soul will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ and so he says all power is given unto me both in heaven and in earth and he gives power he gives you power sometimes in prayer he gives power to you when you are ready to faint he holds up your goings in his paths that your footsteps slip not and the paths of those dear friends justified by faith shall be as a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day what a perfect day it will be dear friends when that day dawns that you and [37:26] I will prove this today shalt thou be with me in paradise we cannot begin to fully value or understand it we believe the record of God's word that he spoke even of that dying thief it was to die and there will be a today to with us each and oh what a mercy if it's we shall be given that rest on that day it's appointed of God it is appointed unto all men once to die and after death a judgment all that today if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts as day of provocation and so that heart of that dying thief was softened Lord remember me what a prayer he came dear friends I believe he was one of these laborers and he was heavy laden he knew that he justly deserved the punishment for his sins but this man [38:34] Jesus had done nothing amiss he had heard of the fame of Jesus doubtless he must have done dear friends I don't wish to have any supposition in speaking in his name it's a thing that is an anxiety to me that men let themselves slip into supposition we must not read in the word of God that is not there but we believe this if the Lord was there on that dying with that dying thief and another dying thief that perished but this one was brought to repentance all short work and yet a perfect work performed on that eleventh hour on Calvary's tree day oh we do humbly hope that we have had that work begun before then the [39:36] Lord knows how to deal with each of his dear children but they'll all know what it is to come to him it is looking to Jesus it won't be looking to self or anything perfect pour not on thyself too long lest it sink thee lower look to Jesus kind and strong mercy join with power or to have the eyes of understanding that we might look upon him and see those wounds dear friends that he hath received in the house of his friends what a softening influence that would have upon us we should come dear friends with weeping then wouldn't we and with supplication as we see what our sins have done to him or that he'll bring down your heart with labour then you'll know what it is to sow in tears then that you might reap in joy and you'll know what it is to realize this that weeping will endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning and all what joy there is in heaven over one sinner that repenteth rather than ninety and nine that have no need of repentance the lord has said i will give you rest he says they shall not seek me in vain oh what a mercy to be a seeking soul these are those that come to jesus seeking souls asking their way to zion with their faces there would seeking a portion for their souls seeking to know and read their title clear to mansions in the sky and there be found knocking asking seeking and knocking that the door of mercy might be open unto us you see there were five wise and five foolish virgins professors of religion five of them were also possessors of that vital godliness they had vessels with oil in their lamps were burning they didn't go out they didn't turn back the lamps didn't go out and when the others came the door was shut the door was shut friends oh what a mercy if the lord has quickened your soul it's all of his grace to quicken you and make you to cry unto him laboring and heavy laden that you might enter into that rest that remain of the people of god he has bid you come all that he might reach forth his arm then and draw you cause you to come cause you to cast your care upon him and then through mercy there are those that are drawn by the spirit to testify what a saviour they're fair come all ye that fear god and [42:54] I will declare unto you what he hath done for myself well some of us have been led that way or reluctantly we've come but we have been enforced to come to the sinner's friend and the Lord has not sent us empty back or blessed be his holy name he has not sent us empty back but he's favoured us with those tokens and sweet evidences and though often times we are brought into oppression and affliction and sorrow he now therefore have sorrow days of darkness and many for the child of God he walks by fame but in those days of our esposals we believe we knew a little of the Lord drawing us and I believe to dandle us upon his knees oh how [43:56] I look back a little if I was rightly ordained of God to preach the word in those early days how he seemed to draw me long there was always a text it seemed to be ready before the service yes what a difference now but the Lord has not failed me yet it's we failed him I fear but he says it is come unto me and we shall ever be found coming unto him and not leave you and me to be self sufficient in our professing the name of Christ we go in the strength of the Lord we make mention of his righteousness and his only we come as sinners we come as burdened sinners as sinners can say and only they how precious is the Saviour he says I will give you rest and you will find no rest for the souls of your feet dear friends in this present evil world will you [45:03] I know you're lawfully caught up in it some of you but oh what a burden it is and yet the Lord keeps you he said I pray not that thou should take them out of this world but that thou should keep them from evil and that it is by his spirit dear friends alone are we kept pray but his spirit make his intercession for us and this is our mercy the [46:35] Lord pray for each and every son and daughter of his you may mourn over your feeble prayers I do over mine we shall never be satisfied with our prayers never should be if we are rightly exercised but you know what I mean when I say how we do feel our prayers are so feeble and faint but our mercy is this that like he prayed for Peter so he prays for each and every son and daughter of God who he purchased with his precious blood he said to Peter I prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and so it is with his Peters and his Paul with his Timothys and with his and with his roots and with all those whom he hath chosen whatever their name is the [47:38] Lord knoweth them by name and so through the mercy of God he has said I pray for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou converted strengthen the brethren what a mercy when the Lord doth convert sinners when the Lord revives sinners and when he favors them to be enabled to feel that their heart or their soul is as a well watered garden and they're enabled to speak of what they hope the Lord has done for them they know what it is to say oh bless the Lord my soul that all within me join and aid my tongue to bless his name whose favors are divine for he has heard and answered prayer or who then is a god like unto this god the god man jesus christ god that is a spirit in heaven the father of lights in whom is no bearableness neither shadow of turning all he is faithful that promised and sends his dear son into the world to redeem you from the curse of the broken law and now that he has ascended on high he has led captivity captive he has received gifts for men yea for the rebellious also that the lord god might dwell among them now he dwells with him who is of a humble and a contrite spirit and tremble at my world now his judgments will cause you and me to tremble but oh what a mercy that the lord will deliver his dear people from these judgments and he will sanctify to them their trials and trials make the promise sweet we're told trials give new life to prayer trials bring me to his feet to lay me low and keep me there it's waiting upon the lord that you might renew your strength and this is the lord omnipotent that reign who has these everlasting promises that are bestowed upon his dear sheep who hear his voice who follow him and he gives unto them eternal life come unto me oh here's the invitation sinner as you come to him and cast all your care upon him [50:36] Paul says humble your Peter says I beg your pardon Peter says humble yourselves before almighty God that ye might be exalted in due time oh it's that being exalted in due time will be an exercise to you as the year slip by shall we be exalted to heaven he says hear most solemnly about Capernaum which art exalted unto heaven shall be brought down to hell there is a way that seemeth right unto a man then there there of the ways of death how the Lord speaks solemnly to Capernaum that city which was exalted to heaven but oh how we would be found humbling ourselves before almighty [51:36] God that we might be exalted in due time casting all your care upon him cast he said on me thy care tis enough that I am nigh I will all thy needs supply I will all thy burdens bear or do we know this burden bearer do we know this mighty saviour Jesus it is then the prayer of the child of God Jesus reveal thyself to me speak peace and pardon to me Lord come and assure my conscience of its part in the redeemer's blood and bear witness with my heart that I am born of God ye must says Jesus to Nicodemus that wise master of Israel ye must be born again oh how ignorant was Nicodemus and oh how ignorant are you and [52:36] I but the Lord will teach you and he will teach you to number your days and he will teach you to profit and he will cause you to grow in grace and the knowledge of him he must increase will be your experience and you'll pray for it oh Lord do grant that thou mightest increase in my felt sense of the desires of thee to know thee we we want to have those increased desires don't we to win Christ and be found in him counting all things else below as dung and brass that you might win Christ and be found in him not having your own righteousness this is what Capernaum had which is of the law but that righteousness which is through faith in the Son of God who gave himself for his people has he given himself as a ransom for you to pay the price of your sins remember this the word of [53:43] God says that without the shedding of blood there could be no remission for sin without remission of sin there be no heaven but a sure and certain hell or how we need then remission for sin how we need sin to be pardon to be blotted out as a thick cloud for if sin be pardon I am secure death hath no sting beside but all that it is vital then to know this Jesus crucified for man the law gave sin its damning power but Christ my ransom died all what lovers Christ shown this is a true sense of his expiring love dear friends that he should lay down his life for his friends and you are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you and this is a commandment to a sinner come unto me you may be reluctant to pray but all my friends prayer was appointed to convey the blessings [54:56] God designed to give long as they live should Christians pray for only while they pray they live all that the Lord might command you to come unto him and all we have to prove could the creature help her ease us seldom should we think of prayer few if any come to Jesus till reduced to self despair are you one of these despairing sinners here's hope for you sinner to come to Jesus all ye come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest give you rest oh what a mercy that there is a rest that remaineth of the people of God there is that heavenly land afar off oh and Jesus has gone there to prepare a place for you and he says I will come again and receive you unto myself that where [55:58] I am there shall ye be also come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and the promise is friends I will give you rest may he bless these few remarks to our soul amen to sing hymn number 1044 the tune is Theodora 511 water from salvation and swells. Thirsty sinner, come and go. [56:51] Grace in Jesus all his life, more than me or angels know. Bring no money, price or no good deeds nor pleasing praise. [57:05] Mercy never came before. Grace is free and also ends. Hymn number 1044. Hymn number 1044. [57:46] 패z GIFThe Firm GIFThe GIFThe Winner Come and go. [58:02] Grace in GIFThe GIFThe GIFThe Or the就yards How Come to my who CHOIR SINGS [59:07] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS [60:09] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS All around the throne What a promise come day through O the rich and sovereign star In His nation, glory come again Freedom, love with my soul [61:27] Can the dreams of this place O singe of God behold Praise the Lord, love with my soul May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each. Amen. [62:29] Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you.