Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] In helping us, let us begin this evening's service with hymn number 216, tune praise 720. Thank you, Lord. [1:00] Thank you, Lord. [1:30] Thank you, Lord. [2:00] Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. [2:16] Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. [2:30] Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. [2:42] Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. [2:54] Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. [3:10] Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. [3:22] Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you. [4:02] Thank you. [4:32] Thank you. [5:02] Thank you. Thank you. [6:02] Thank you. Thank you. [7:02] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [7:34] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [7:46] Thank you. The time and safe and clear The day, the day, the day I pray And the day, the day I pray The day, the day I pray The day, the day I pray The day, the day I pray The day, the day I pray [8:54] The day, the day I pray The day, the day I pray The day, the day I pray The day, the day I pray The day, the day I pray The day, the day I pray The day, the day I pray The day I pray Thank you. [10:06] Thank you. [10:36] Thank you. [11:06] Thank you. [11:36] Thank you. [12:06] Let us read from St. Matthew chapter the third. St. Matthew the third chapter. [12:20] In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, Repent she, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. [12:47] For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord. [13:08] And the same John had made his raiment of camel's hair. [13:38] Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region round about Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. [14:04] But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, He said unto them, O generation of vipers, who have warned you to flee from the wrath to come. [14:36] Bring forth therefore, O God. Bring forth therefore, O God. Bring forth therefore, O God. Bring forth therefore, O God. And think not to say within yourselves, O God. And think not to say within yourselves, O God. [14:49] And think not to say within yourselves, O God. We have Abraham to our father. For I say unto you, O God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. [15:15] And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees. [15:28] Therefore, every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. [15:43] I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. [15:56] But he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. [16:11] He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire, whose fan is in his hand. [16:28] And he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the gardener. [16:42] But he will burn at the chaff with unquenchable fire. Then cammeth Jesus from Galilee to Jordan and to John to be baptized of him. [17:08] But John forbade him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee. [17:21] And cammest thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, And to him suffer it to be so now. [17:40] For thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. [17:55] Then he suffered him. And Jesus, when he was baptized, Went up straightway out of the water. [18:14] And lo, the heavens were opened unto him. And he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, And lighting upon him. [18:36] And lo, a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, In whom I am well pleased. [18:57] Let us pray. Great and glorious. [19:14] Try your own Jehovah. Holy blessed Father. Holy blessed Redeemer. [19:26] And holy blessed Spirit. Let this be an occasion. [19:38] We humbly beseech thee. When we thy unworthy children, Thy adopted sons and daughters, In the inner sanctuary of our spirits, The divine satisfying, Campheting and sealing smile of the Father. [20:28] And that Jesus himself, To whom we are united, To whom we are united, In the bonds of the marriage covenant, And who is our glorious head, And we the unworthy members, Of his mystical body, Whose precious and peerless name we love, Whose glorious person we adore, Whose precious voice we know, Whose lovely countenance is heaven in our souls, [21:33] Whose grace is for us all sufficient, Whose love is immutable, And ineffable, May this same Jesus, Of Mary born, Thy dear Son incarnate, Co-equal and eternal with thee, O Holy Father, And Holy Ghost, In person, majesty, Dominion and glory, And might and grace, And truth, That precious one, Who took that infinite stoop, [22:35] And passed through the days of his humiliation, Made as a servant, Oh, how wonderful this is to us. [22:51] Let this mind be in you, Which was also in Christ Jesus, Jesus, Who being in the form of God, Thought it not robbery to be equal with God, That made himself of no reputation, And took upon him the form of a servant, And was made in the likeness of men, And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled himself, And became obedient unto death, Even the death of the cross, Which we commemorate in holy baptism this night. [23:52] Wherefore also God hath highly exalted him, And given him a name, Which is above every name, That at the name of Jesus, Every knee should bow, Of things in heaven, And things in earth, And things under the earth, And that every tongue should confess, That Jesus Christ is Lord, To the glory of God the Father, He who was crucified, Dead and buried, But is now risen, Ascended, [24:56] And exalted, And all the heavens adore him, And each bright order of the skies, Hailed him as he passed by, And we thy unworthy children join, In this adoration, And divine and spiritual worship, Crying, Worthy is the Lamb, Oh, what a precious Redeemer, He is to us. [25:44] Now unto him that loved us, And washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father, Be glory, majesty, dominion and might, For ever and ever. [26:09] Amen. May this precious Jesus, In the power of his Spirit, Draw near, And go with us, Through this divine service, So that we may have the unmistakable proof, Of his sacred, sanctifying, and redeeming presence, That our souls may be animated, And inspired, And his love shed abroad in our hearts, By the Holy Ghost. [27:06] May we have broken and contrite spirits, And be found before thee, And be found before thee, As the erstwhile demoniac, Who was found sitting at the feet of Jesus, Clothed and in his right mind, And so precious Jesus, Grant unto us, We humbly and fervently pray, Thy sacred, Satisfying, Sanctifying, Heavenly presence, That our hearts, May burn within us, [28:08] And, Holy Ghost, Immortal dove, Descend on us thus, Upon the preacher, And the candidate, And the people, The ministers of the sanctuary, And all thy children, And if any know thee not, May this be a time, When Holy Spirit, Thou wilt quicken them into divine life. [28:59] We are concerned, That no flesh should glory in thy presence. [29:11] How very soon, Sinful flesh obturates, The heart uplifts with pride. [29:24] Lord preserve us, From this noxious evil, And grant us the pure gold, Of humility and love. [29:42] And in the language of, The psalm 115, May this be indeed, The quintessence of all our holy desires, And the sacred expression of the same, The holy name, Not unto us, O Lord, Not unto us, But unto thy name give glory, For thy mercy, And for thy truth's sake. [30:24] How we bless thee, For the moving, Of the waters here in Braebourne. [30:36] How we thank thee, For the blessed operations, Divine influences, And heavenly graces, And virtues, And virtues, Manifested in this, Our dear brother, Constraining him, In his latter days, To honour his blessed Redeemer, And to put on therefore, The Lord Jesus Christ. [31:21] We thank thee for his, Gracious and humble, And simple and noble testimony. [31:33] We bless thee for some little participation, As a channel of communication, For the blessing of his precious soul. [31:50] We thank thee also, For those fellow labourers, Who have been made useful, As men of God, In their ministry to him. [32:08] We pray for his dear afflicted wife. Comfort her now, dear Lord, And bless her. [32:19] May she feel the dove of peace in her soul. We thank thee also, That his dear sister, Has lived to see this day. [32:39] We bless thee that thine aged servant, In holy office, Has witnessed this day, And the members of this church. [32:53] Lord, We do pray that, It may be a happy harbinger, That there may even be some here tonight, Who may feel like wise mode, To come forward, Who may feel the sweet influence of the Spirit, The love of Christ constraining them, So that this may be a shower of divine blessing, Descending upon this hill of Jerusalem. [33:41] Oh, How we bless thee, dear Lord, That although the days are somber, And ominous, And there is much to mourn over, And great declension, In the Christian church. [34:10] Oh, how we do thank thee, For the most blessed and sacred and divine activity, Of the Holy Ghost. [34:26] We are unworthy to participate, In this sacred ordinance of holy baptism. We are unworthy to minister. [34:40] We pray that, One of the seraphim, May fly unto us, With a live coal, That he has taken with the tongues from off the altar, And place it upon our mouth, Saying, Lo, This hath touched thy lips, And thine iniquity is taken away, And thy sin purged. [35:20] Lord, abundantly bless this little flock, And graciously increase them. We thank thee for the feeling of life here, And liberty, And liberty, The liberty of the spirit. [35:37] We thank thee that it is consecrated by thy presence and blessing. We pray that thou wilt spare thine aged servant. [35:52] We pray that thou wilt bless the family, And each family. And we pray very lovingly for thy dear ministers, That they may be anointed with fresh oil, And that they may be the medium through which thou wilt bless the people, And that they may be so divinely favored with heavenly authority, And holy ancient, And that golden oil. [36:44] We pray for the visiting friends, Who have come in the spirit of love, And union sweet. [36:57] We pray for the hills of the city, We pray for the hills of the city, That they mercifully form a part of, And where they statedly worship. [37:15] We pray for the little community at Ashford. Bless our dear brother in hospital, And do bless the dear ladies. [37:30] O Lord, Help them in this dilemma, And may they see the good hand of a kind and gracious God, Outstretched for their relief and comfort. [37:49] Now Lord, we thank thee for this beautiful evening. May we be in the spirit, On the Lord's day and on this day. [38:02] Yea, we would fain be in the spirit every day. We thank thee for the service of praise. How sweet to sing with the heart and understanding, And to join with that multitude of the heavenly host, In that great glory sung in the heavens, In thine incarnation when thou wast born. [38:36] Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men. Lest we pray thee, our country, save Britain. [38:54] And do grant to us, O Lord, That number of righteous souls, That will be as sought, That has not lost its saviour. [39:12] Prophylactic in usefulness to preserve us. For thou didst in thy communion with Abraham say, That thou wouldst not destroy those cities for ten's sake. [39:33] And so, may we have that blessed remnant, And may it be thy will, Lord, To send forth thy gospel, So that it may complete its course round the whole world, Until all the nations have seen the light, And experienced the warmth of the Son of Righteousness. [40:07] And O that precious saviour, Bless our sovereign lady, Queen Elizabeth, Her consort, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana, Cleanse the Anglican Church, Cleanse us. [40:28] And we pray, Lord, that we may be blessed with national repentance, To turn again to the living God. [40:41] And now, Lord, we pray most tenderly and lovingly, For all those in affliction, And bereavement, And trial. [40:55] The blood of Christ divinely flows, A healing balm for all our woes. [41:07] Kindly help the unworthy preacher, Who needs thee so much. Help us all. And so, may all redound, To the glory of thy holy eternal name. [41:27] For Jesus Christ, his sake. Amen. Amen. Amen. [41:39] Hymn 425, Tune, St. Austin 56. Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. [41:52] Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. [42:03] Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. With pleasure we behold, Emmanuel's offspring come, As sheep are gathered to the fold, And left no more to roam. [42:19] This watery path they own, In their Saviour's cross they live. As rest they all can study on, In their Saviour's cross they live. Thank you. [42:30] Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. Hymn 425, St. Austin 56. Tennessee Germanastiff! Tiifiques Mol broccoli Nacht THE orthodox popped into the creed The那個 ha spells solo At missus at the bottom of the sea Thank you. [43:32] Thank you. [44:02] Thank you. Thank you. [45:02] Thank you. Thank you. [46:02] Thank you. By the grace of God, let us read our text in the lesson, St. Matthew chapter the third and verse the fifteenth. [46:21] St. Matthew 3.15. And Jesus answering said unto him, Souther it to be so now, For thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. [46:48] Then he suffered him. St. Matthew, under the divine inspiration of the Holy Ghost, Here narrates a further amazing and glorious chapter in the shortyship of our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. [47:24] And it is and consequently must be notable and tremendously important, And form a part of the foundation of the very salvation of our immortal souls. [47:51] It is laid beneath the church of God for them to build and rest upon. [48:02] This may not be obvious initially to you until the divine substance of the sacred subject is enunciated, That we shall show you this to the glory of the Trinity in the course of our discourse. [48:35] The chapter that is before us is this, to be specific. Our blessed Lord Jesus came from his seclusion in Galilee, Left that seclusion and journeyed to the river Jordan, Where John Baptist, his forerunner, was baptizing. [49:14] A brief note there. And that is the miracle of God's infinitely wise and divine and unalterable appointments. [49:30] Two scriptures I will name to you in the exposition of that vital point. [49:42] The first is, When the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, God sent forth his Son, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, That we might receive the adoption of sons, When the fullness of the time was come. [50:10] That is, When the matter was ripe, According to the divine decrees of Jehovah, His sovereign will and eternal purpose, Forever settled in heaven. [50:31] And all the steps of the people of God, Likewise, Following their blessed Saviour, There is this appointed time, The fullness of the time. [50:51] And that is why the Lord has blessed you, With hope, A living hope, You hope for that, You see not, You patiently wait for it, To come to God's appointed time, Settled in heaven. [51:15] The other scripture is this, It has a special place, In the preacher's heart, I, the Lord, Will hasten it, In his time. [51:36] The Lord has undoubtedly done this, For our beloved brother, You ministers of the sanctuary, And friends, Would be able to give your commentary, On this vital truth, God's divine appointments, You admire. [52:07] I am not to go aside, And dilate upon this, But it will be obvious, To all those, Who study the universe, And the whole of God's creation, That everything, Has its proper season, And appointed time. [52:28] The whole cycle, Of the year, Everything in the creation, Has its appointed season, And time. [52:44] How much prayer there is, What faith the Lord gives, So that you should believe, That he will accomplish, His promise, And fulfill his divine purpose, There is the appointed season, And so, According to the wisdom, And goodness, And love, And divine purpose, And decrees of heaven, And the heavenly fiat, This chapter, Now, Now, Now, Opens, One chapter, Closed, Another opened, Or rather, I will put it in this way, All the chapters, In holy, Divine, Efficacious, Continuity, [53:45] Not to be looked on, As anything in the abstract, But a holy, Continuity, And sequence, Arriving at a, Glorious, And eternal, Sequel, The exaltation, Of our king, In heaven, So, Let us be specific, Concerning, This chapter, It is very sweet, And attractive to me, Really, To think of those years, When our saviour, Lived in seclusion, For this specific reason, That his, Ordained ministers, Live, [54:46] In seclusion, Until the Lord's, Time comes, His appointed time, To show them to Israel, And all his, Purposes are hidden, Until they are revealed, And when they are revealed, There is, The divine, Wisdom of God, Manifested as to this, Appointed, Time, One thing about, An appointed time is, That you will say, This is the Lord's doing, It is marvellous in our eyes, He's perfect, As for God, His way, Is perfect, It's right, It's the right time, It's right, It's right, It's the right time, It's right, It's right, It's the right time, So I am to speak to, [55:49] The unfolding of this, Further chapter, In his, Blessed, Life, As, A, Shorty, And substitute, He left, The seclusion, I am rather, Caught up here, Because, Of this, God's, Ministers, And God's, Dear people, Are often, Of a retiring, Temperament, They would, Avoid, Avoid, Publicity, They would, Rather, Hide, Themselves, And it will, Take an almighty, Power, To bring them, From their, Seclusion, God's, Ministers, Are men, Frequently, [56:50] Who have a, Disposition, That is very, Reticent, And they would, Avoid, Therefore, Public, Appearance, They would, Rather, Be in the, Back seat, And so on, And it is the, Same with these, Candidates, For, Holy, Baptism, You, Have this, Retiring, Temperament, It may not, Be, Diserned, By everyone, But basically, In the inner, Core, Of your, Personality, You are, Exceedingly, Reserved, And you, Might say, To yourself, It would, Take much, To bring me, Out of that, My friends, The love of Christ, Can bring you, Out of your seclusion, In the twinkling, Of an eye, The love of Christ, [57:51] Can open your, Lips, And the tongue, Of the dumb, Will sing, And the lame man, Will leap, As an heart, But whatever word, You like to use, There are so many, Who are very shy, And, They find it, Very difficult, To converse, They're not loquacious, They do not, Find it easy, To mix, And so, There they are, In seclusion, Now, The Lord, Can bring you, Out of your seclusion, And a word, To you, Who are older, And have not, Honored your, Saviour, In this prescribed, Pattern, And manner, What a favour, It will be for you, If the love of Christ, Constrains you, [58:52] Even in your, Seventies, And in your, Eighties, It's not too late, That's a wonderful thing, To bring you out, Of your seclusion, That your mouth, May be opened, To show forth, His, Praise, Well, Now then, This chapter, And, It is of, Tremendous importance, And far greater importance, Than you may think, Initially, Initially, We shall show that, As we develop, Together, This subject, Now, Jesus came, From Galilee, From his seclusion, There, To Jordan, To the river, To John Baptist, Baptist, He was baptizing, There, By divine, Authority, He was the Lord's, [59:54] Forerunner, How adoringly, Did he speak, Of him, He prepared, The way, Before him, And upon repentance, He baptized, Them, They came, To his baptism, Let me just, Pause, To name, To you, That outstanding, Word of glory, When he said, Seeing this, Precious one, Behold, The Lamb of God, Who taketh away, The sin of the world, If I'm able, To say that, In my ministry, If that is the, Substance of my ministry, You can, Contemplate, The effect, Now, This is something, [60:55] That is, So vital, So, He came, To John Baptist, He came, For a specific purpose, To be baptized, Of him, And as you, Very soberly, And spiritually, Seek, To contemplate, And meditate, In those depths, You will wish to know, Something of the divine, Purpose, Of the Lord Jesus, Himself, So infinitely, Pure and holy, Coming to John Baptist, To be baptized, Of him, Why should the Lord Jesus, Come to be baptized, It was something, [62:03] To be attended to, Something to be accomplished, In order that, All righteousness, Should be fulfilled, It was not something, To be left out, So, This was in the divine, Economy, And the heavenly, Purposes of God, And it is because of this, That we are here, Tonight, Apart from this, We should have no, Authority, To be here, Tonight, For this specific, Purpose, Now, When John Baptist, Who knew him, His forerunner, Very close to him, Six months, Between them, And John Baptist, Filled with the Holy Ghost, [63:05] From his mother's womb, When John saw him, You can understand, Seeing this, Glorious, Infinitely, Pure, Spotless, Holy, Lamb of God, This dear, Saviour, That he should come, To one, So unworthy, To be baptized, It overwhelmed, John Baptist, That ever the, Son of God, Incarnate, Should come, To him, To be baptized, For he was a sinner, A saved sinner, But he was a poor sinner, In himself, And here is this, Glorious, Divine person, Coming to him, [64:09] To be baptized, Therefore you will understand, The initial response, Of John Baptist, In fact it is very beautiful language indeed, That John forbade him, That is to say, It seemed as though, It was an impossibility, For him, To baptize, The son of God, How could he, Undertake this, Sacred thing, The son of God, Shall I say, There was a, A very loving, Exceedingly, Exceedingly loving, And reverent, Protest, How could he, [65:11] Baptize, The holy, Jesus, Do you understand that, You understand that, You see, The same principle, Always applies, For instance, Let me demonstrate it, To you, The grand, Secret of the, Christian faith, That is, A complete, Mystery, To philosophy, The greatest, Brains, In the whole world, The greatest, Philosophers, Can never understand, This mystery, What is it, That when Christ, Saves a sinner, He, Comes, And in, Dwells, That sinner, By his spirit, Christ, In you, The hope of glory, [66:12] Now when Christ, Comes, And you know, That he, Indwells you, You'll say, This is the same principle, You see, As I have mentioned, You'll say, Unworthy dwelling, Glorious guest, Favorous, Astonishing divine, To ever think, That the son of God, Should come, To, Indwell me, And if I just, Dilate for a brief moment, On that point, When the Lord, Has regenerated, A sinner, He capacitates, That child of his, And, For three things, Specifically, What are they? [67:09] You might as well, Antecede me, See what comes up, In your spirit, Well, The first thing is, When, You are capacitated, By his love, And grace, You have this capacity, To invite, Christ, Invite him, We bow, As sinners, At thy feet, And bid thee, Welcome to our heart, You ever do it, My friend, You ever bid, Christ, Welcome to your heart, Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, There is room, In my heart, For thee, You ever invite him, That is when the spices, Blow out, What about that, [68:11] In the canticles, Awake, O north wind, And come thou, Shelf, And blow upon my garden, That the spices, Thereof, May flow out, I should think, You know a lot, About that in Kent, The spices, Flowing out, Renowned for fruit, And in the time, Of your blossom, And so on, Oh, It must be, A very fragrant valley, Now then, What is it all for, If exuding, From your spirit, Are these spices, Of the spirit, What are they for, They're for Christ, Let my beloved, Come into his garden, And eat his pleasant fruits, You have a capacity, To invite him, [69:12] And to welcome him, I love that, Complet, In the hymnal, We bow sinners, At thy feet, And bid thee, Welcome, To our heart, Blessed indeed, Aren't you, You're in a favored place, My friend, If you can welcome him, Into your heart, I'm sure you will, If you're a penitent soul, But then, What is the third thing, Entertain him, Entertain him, With his own graces, You think of that, So that is an amazing thing, [70:13] Isn't it, So that is a part, Of this same principle, So, He came, To John, To the Jordan, To be baptized, John, To the Lord, To the Lord, To the Lord, To the Lord, To the Lord, Saying, And I'm sure you will, Find an acquiescence, In your spirit, All you, Who fear God, With this, I have need, To be baptized, Of thee, And comest thou to me, I have need, To be baptized, Of thee, That is with the Holy Ghost, And with power, So, John, Was overwhelmed, With this request, [71:14] And yet, Perceived, The, Glory, And the dignity, Of this request, That the Lord, Made to him, And so Jesus, Answered him, And Jesus answering, Said unto him, Suffer it to be so, Now, Really there are three parts, To this, This, As you will see, The reply, The reply of the Lord, Suffer it to be so, Now, Allow, Or permit, Suffer, Suffer, Suffer it to be so, Now, And the second part is, That in, [72:16] Passing through, Passing through, This, Sacred, Right, And holy ordinance, It would be, The fulfilling, He said, Thus it becometh us, To fulfill all righteousness, And then, And then thirdly, Then he suffered him, And the Lord Jesus, Was baptized, So first, Suffer it to be so, Now, We have, We have already, Referred in the, Discourse, To, This, Wonder and miracle, Of God's, Divinely appointed, Time, Suffer it to be so, Now, Now, Just a word, To you, If your heart, [73:18] Is filled, With the love of God, And your cup, Runs over, You see, Suffer it to be so, Now, There will be no, Delight, On, Two, Special, Occasions, You may have heard me, Just make mention of this before, But on those two occasions, In my own church, And both are occurring, I think on a Thursday, In fact, Three occasions, I have buried one, Of the Lord's people, We will say, Thursday afternoon, Now, You know how concerned, [74:20] We are, When we lose, The dear saints of God, That is, They go to glory, We are so concerned, That others may be brought in, Oh, How I do feel, Especially thankful, That the Lord's, Dear aided servant here, Has lived to see, Our dear brother come, What a joy it is, But after burying a saint, Then the preaching service, In the evening, And, On one occasion, The Lord gave me this word, If these should hold their peace, The stones would immediately cry out, And, And I said, In the course of that sermon, After a while, With a warm heart, Who has the mantle fallen on? [75:28] Our dear sister, Has been laid to rest, And her immortal soul, Is in glory, Who has the mantle fallen on? And I was sure, That it had fallen, And I was full of expectation, So, When it came to the benediction, I retired to my vestry, And waited, I sat in my chair, And waited, Suffer it to be so now, The same day you see, Presently a knock on the door, I said, Come in, There stood a man, He said, I'm the one, I'm the one, Suffer it to be so now, And on several occasions, [76:29] It has been like that, And it's a wonderful thing, To feel on a certain, Perhaps Lord's day, That there's a soul over there, A big fish, And that we're going to catch that fish, Before the day ends, So that they're well and truly in the net, And have no wish to get out, Well now at the end of that day, It's just the same, It's suffer it to be so now, I have said to them sometimes, You know you cannot leave, This house of God, Until you have, Intimated, Your desire to follow him, It's suffer it to be so now, Because the love of Christ, Constraineth us, And this love is, [77:32] Immortal, And transcendent for glory, So that it is suffer it to be so now, Disappointed time, Very beautiful isn't it, And we are convinced, That our dear brother, Has experienced this, Suffer it to be so now, But I must speak, For a little while, Concerning our Saviour, For what purpose, Did he come to John, To be baptised in the Jordan, I believe I see four things, The first is this, [78:32] So that he should be, In some glorious way, Initiated, Into his, Public ministry, Public ministry, And, Be immeasurably, Anointed with the Holy Ghost, For God, Giveth not the spirit, By measure unto him, Now you see, He was, He was initiated, Into his public ministry, And he received, That, Immeasurable, Divine anointing, That is the man, Christ Jesus, Of the Holy Ghost, Of his baptism, That is number one, And another, [79:35] That he should come, And set his broad seal, Upon the ministry, And work of John Baptist, Grant his heavenly smile, And attestation, And the Lord does that, For his servants, He comes, In a specific way, A powerful way, An efficacious way, And set his heavenly seal, Upon the ministry, And work, Of his servants, I felt, In my pastoral, At the dicker, That when the Lord, Blessed the word, And gave me, The first candidate, Who was my dear sister, My dear wife actually, [80:38] But my dear sister, In the Lord, I felt, At that baptism, That he had set, A crown, Of gold, Upon my head, In the ministry, Never forget it, There's a crown, Of glory, To the ministry, And the Lord does it, So, He set his broad seal, On the ministry, Of John Baptist, And then, He himself, He himself, Received, The glorious, Attestation, Of the Trinity, The Holy Ghost, Descended upon him, In the bodily form, Of the dove, And the voice, Of the Father, From heaven, Saying, This is my beloved son, [81:42] In whom I am well pleased, Now then, There are two other things, That open before me, One is, He instituted, This holy ordinance, For his dear people, How do I know, What authority have I, For this, He led them out, As far as to Bethany, Lifted up his holy hands, And blessed them, And he said, All power is given unto me, In heaven and in earth, You know what follows, Go ye therefore, [82:46] And teach all nations, That is, Make believers, They are blessed with faith, It's the work of the Holy Ghost, And teach all nations, Baptizing them, In the name of the Father, And of the Son, And of the Holy Ghost, And I love, The epilogue, And lo, I am with you, All way, Even unto the end, Of the world, Amen, Now there it is, He instituted it, And you follow him, But just a little further, As to the purpose of this, His baptism, [83:47] He said that it was, To fulfill all righteousness, Really righteousness, Is a root term, It means rightness, What is right with God, And so, What do we see in this, Fulfilling of all righteousness, In his baptism, Two things, First, That he was, Illuminating, And demonstrating, In his baptism, The only way, Of salvation, This baptism, Therefore, Prefigured, And was symbolic, Of his own baptism, In his passion, In his bitter passion, [84:51] His agony, And smart, His vicarious sufferings, And agony, And dolorous sufferings, He was baptized, And this prefigured it, And also, To show, That, As he, Said triumphantly, On the cross, At his finish, Bowed his head, And gave up the ghost, Having accomplished, His priestly work, Of atonement, He then opened, The fountain, The fountain, Of purgation, So that this baptism, Set forth, The ocean, Of his love, And blood, The only way, Of salvation, That all poor, [85:54] Polluted sinners, Quickened by the spirit, Are immersed, In that sacred fountain, In that wondrous ocean, Now he fulfilled, All righteousness, In instituting, The ordinance, The holy ordinance, Of baptism, And especially, In what this was, Symbolic of, His priestly, Work of atonement, Fulfilled all, Righteousness, Righteousness, And demonstrated, That this was, The only way, Of salvation, And redemption, And cleansing, And pardon, And justification, And peace, And preparation, For fruitfulness, [86:54] In his kingdom, And for preparation, For eternal, Glory, For thus, It becometh us, To fulfill, All righteousness, That which is, Right in the sight of God, Then he suffered him, If I just go aside, I would say this to you, Rightly, It seems to me, That if you go through, The strict Baptist, Denomination, That we belong to, We have a number, Of gracious people, In the congregations, But it seems, As if they're dry Baptists, Can you answer it? [87:56] Are you a dry Baptist? You say, Oh yes, This is the religion, This is the faith, This is what I love, But I'm a dry Baptist, I'm not, You know, There's no inclination, To honour the Lord, I can't understand it, I fail to understand it, Is it not your delight, If you're good children, To do the things, That please your father, Or your mother, Don't you find, The sweetest delight, In obeying, Your father, And pleasing him, And yet you can't please, Your heavenly father, You hold it back, From him, Is it not his due, [88:58] No, No, There are all sorts, Of excuses, But, He who excuseth himself, Accuseth himself, You accuse yourself, If you make excuses, In any case, The love of Christ, Will overcome it all, All the obstacles, What doth hinder me, To be baptized, See here is water, Said the eunuch, What doth hinder me, To be baptized, Is there anything, Philip said to him, If thou believest, With all thine heart, Thou mayest, And he said, I believe that Jesus Christ, Is the son of God, That was his testimony, Oh, [90:02] How wonderful it is, When that immortal dove, Descends upon the spirit, And when you're filled, With the love of God, And his love, Powerfully and efficaciously, Constrains you, I have said, And I will mention this again, We had a member, At the dicker, Who was transferred, From Leicester, From Zion Leicester, And she was a lady, Who had a, A severe, Injury to her brain, So that she was confined, To a chair, And so on, She had a very loving doctor, Who cared for her, [91:04] And who seemed to have, Some knowledge of her, Spiritual exercises, And she said to him, One day, Doctor, I feel that I must be baptized, He said, It will be the death of you, Ruth, But after a while, He said, You go, You go, You go, And so, She was baptized, On the stretcher, Now you think of it, Dear Lord, The ardor of thy love, Reproves my cold delays, And now, My willing footsteps move, In thy delightful ways, Blessed be God, The Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost, Amen. [92:03] Amen. Th ei- Th ei- E Number 4-hundred- And twenty-seven To Di Parmen Eighth-hundred- And sixtyう- in Amen. [93:07] A shine of thee, O angels Christ, whose glory shines you in these days. [93:18] A shine of Jesus, stern and upon, that even cross to all the stars. He shares his feelings of life divine, o'er this benighted soul of mine. [93:34] A shine of Jesus, just as soon, let midnight be a shine of noon. Tis midnight with my soul to me, bright morning star, be starkest leave. [93:52] A shine of Jesus, that dear friend, on whom I hope to have every band. No, when I blush, be this my shame, that I no more revere his name. [94:10] A shine of Jesus, yes I may, when I've no guilt to wash away, no tears to wipe, no good to cry, no fears to quell, no soul to save. [94:25] Till then, nor is my boast in vain. Till then I boast a saviour, son. And, O may this my glory be. [94:40] And Christ is not any of it. His institutions would I promise. Check out my cross, say my boast. [95:10] For such thing never leaves Christmas and winter Amen, O King, The Lord is humbling [96:12] In the children of God And in the blood Through our souls Faces in the blood Lifeουad Godwт is película Dizia South lange God, take out Jesus, just no sin. [97:24] Lift with thy feet, I'll stay now there. [97:38] Lift with thy feet, I'll stay now there. [97:53] عş Your weak lại, oく it shall girer. [98:08] Yer to rainbow, you're slow. The change of Jesus' breath will fade. [98:29] O, whom I know, so will he pay. [98:43] Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. [98:58] Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. [99:28] Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. [100:03] Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. [100:18] Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. [100:33] Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. [100:48] Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. [101:05] Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. Now, when I touch him, yes, I share. God Help Change Our Father Thank you. [102:08] Thank you. [102:38] Thank you. [103:08] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [103:47] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [103:59] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [104:11] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [104:23] Thank you. all the sacred fruits of his vicarious death and passion. And coming up from this baptismal call signifies beautiful in resurrection. [104:43] It sets forth to the path of a child of God. Every child of God at various times goes down into affliction and tribulation. [104:58] He goes down into the deep waters. But the Lord is there, the foundation is full, the Father is full. He goes down with him and comes up with him in deliverance. [105:18] It is lying with precious promises. Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall arise, and wait and see that dwell in earth for thy view is as a view of earth, and earth shall count out her dead. [105:39] Now let us pray. Blessed Lord, we thank thee for bringing us to this sacred and holy season and to this our dear God, who has now confessed by dear name, be with us when we pass through the waters, and when we go into the waters, may we find our failure there. [106:10] May he indeed be with us. So we shall be carried away, in the spirit, and for that to thy throne, and have the sweet expectation of being with thee in eternal glory. [106:29] Bless this, our dear brother, bless our dear friend, thy native servant, the people, bless the little church and the congregation, and that of his son, even the night, may it work in the day of my Father. [106:46] Bless our dear brothers, the priest of mine, the commander of the reed, and his dear sister. And though he of all may be told, there is led with you, and tenderly and gently, following our Lord, and of the sweet hope that we shall be one day, who is grace and love, as all of us in thy care is not free, with any eternal glory. [107:23] This we ask in thy precious and worthy name, Lord Jesus. Amen. Amen. My dear brother George, it is a great privilege and honor to be to be called for this sacred service and this holy audience and especially to administer this sacred right to you for your known love of all the name of you. [107:59] Yes, but now this is the appointed time and I want to say this to you. [108:13] There is a precious word that is in my heart for you. It is the quintessence of all promises for he hath said, I will never be free nor forsake you. [108:30] So that we may boldly say the Lord is my Lord, I will not fear what man should be learned. The Lord makes you, the Lord bless you and make you a touch of me. [108:46] That thy shoes may be iron and bright and that thy days social my strength be. It is the whole God is my nephew and the creepy of the edward Godsy God. [109:01] thatasts hell tout hell and what His children need to write your understanding. [109:14] Friends, Jesus died for these nights until the feast of honor of the championship. [109:33] God will find that. my beloved brother George from a humble perfection of your place to the Lord Jesus I will baptize you in name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Father and of the Holy Father and of the Holy Father and of the Holy Father and of the Holy Father and of the Holy Father [111:46] O death, where is thy sin? O grave, where is thy victory? The strength of sin is the Lord The strength of death and sin, the strength of sin is the Lord that thanks be to God who giveth us for victory to our Lord Jesus Christ and the strength of sin is the Lord Therefore, my beloved brethren and the strength of sin is the Lord and the strength of sin is the Lord and the strength of sin is the Lord and the strength of sin is the Lord and the strength of sin is the Lord and the strength of sin is the Lord and the strength of sin is the Lord and the strength of sin is the Lord and the strength of sin is the Lord and the strength of sin is the Lord and the strength is the Lord This is the first thing of sin is the Lord Blessed Caesar, therefore continue the flesh, our beloved brother, and his dear one, and all dear to him, and this thy herald servant of the dead, and may there be others who shall now be most powerfully constrained to follow their beloved obedience. [113:15] Bless thy dear servants with us, bless the dear friends, bless of all, all our loved ones of home and of all, and through thy rich grace bring us all to thy everlasting glory, to our Lord Jesus Christ. [113:36] The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all. [113:49] Amen.