Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Frozen Frozen J recruiters The 639 theDO number is 4620pty a door The reject died to take God's eyes in family, nor I, nor how, and it may be long as he lives for the very kind of life of peace. [0:40] Amen. Amen. [1:26] Amen. Amen. [2:26] Amen. Amen. [3:26] Amen. Amen. [4:26] Amen. Amen. [5:26] Amen. Amen. [5:58] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. If the Lord will tell me, they will turn to Psalm 91 and read the first letter. [6:18] Psalm 91, the best one. He, that dwelling in the sacred place of the most part, shall abide on the shadows of the old world. [6:42] What a comprehensive world, what riches of bliss and of promise and of grace is God's peace. [6:54] What sweet land what all things see. But you will say, where does that have really long to me? [7:07] Does it come into my spirit? Is it my death that he cannot force the Lord's help us by his spirit and grace to pray to take a little bit? [7:20] He, that dwell in the sacred place of the most part, shall abide under the shadows of the Almighty. [7:37] and we have the two characters that simply outline here in this place. Peace and the most part. [7:50] The most part and the Almighty will correct other ones. one who knows holy, holy, holy, holy, majestic eternal God. [8:12] See, that's worth it. Now, do the world with charity. not need not need as in the name as it were not need as charity but a not on my hands a light-earned man but who that were. [8:34] And therefore in the sacred place of the most part. The sacred place. a place apparently then and everything not known by all the things they were close. [8:54] And where shall we begin, dear friends? Lord, I will run all these doors and all show you power upon your own works. [9:05] For this is the work of the most part. See, that I am aware of the of the all of us. [9:18] There is no being high. There will be everywhere, anywhere than the most high. The most high. The most high. [9:30] The most high God. The only true people say, and this is not the same that they might know the only true God. [9:43] For I have many God so Lord, that they might never be the only true of us, and even Christ, whom there is God. [9:59] Thank you. Lord, what and where is this sacred Christ? [10:10] This sacred Christ of the most high. Where is somewhere? What is the most high? [10:21] What is the sacred of this sacred time? What is the sacred Christ? Where is it? [10:32] the sacred life of the sacred things of the God and God. The sacred life of sin, whom he has worked with all of things, is the whole thing of causing through the surface of his own earth, of his own earth, of his own life behind. [11:01] The sacred Christ of that covenant which we mentioned recently, that sacred time, knowing only the Lord who's real for the faith of the Lord, it is them that and he will show them the the Lord. [11:29] And you know, the people who read and they hear the Lord, what would they speak on? [11:45] Well, surely, as that was a sacred and that was of his impact, of his love, of his feelings, what his deliverance is. [12:08] What they think they thought of their failure, their fear of the Lord, not more fear of anger and anger and God. [12:28] That fear which has energy but love and love and love and love and love and love and love and love and love it to love among many other people. [13:18] You have not said grace, but I have said you. Faith to Christ. Faith to Christ with how you would be standing and know by many of you are delicate. [13:37] So the faith to Christ is they are both to love and to be right and to thank the Lord's heart for us. For to know his family brings that joy and certain knowledge that we could ever be found in him. [13:56] I give unto my King and my son of life and my son never heard. And you see the court of church I know there is a few things of him so that in our time began I choose him in his family. [14:20] For the Lord's people the most of those the most scholars may all come under this world eventually by people shall be willing in the day of our family. [14:35] and it may be to all my people and it may prepare them. It may prepare them and they may prepare them to my child and be willing to love them. [14:48] The battle of the ministry to be first and to fall with nothing at his face. I'm not going to carry on my point too long but my mind is so often that it's a man. [15:02] you know in the right time he's not a man. And to him this thing has been a man of time. And according to the family how he's been there is something that's so old and something that's so human and a thing. [15:22] It may never get to their conscience or agency or use to put it over then and and so he raised by the one tied by some wrote the letter and we all have a letter to his children so they eat and he did change. [15:48] He claims the proper children where the laws became a death and the flesh can be killed. or you don't watch the children and then we return away as well. [16:07] He wanted to know if you don't live it or not better than down the millions of doors or this way. And he thought surely the person come in himself and started to hang on the flame and recover the letter. [16:25] He couldn't permit himself to that civil act. And this way to his voice taking good hands and that he wants to thank God for them the rest of his days. [16:43] My master is a prophet as he did him to the right turn with so much done. He must rise and wash his life and he went and did to the house of joy and respect and his anger which of a little time submission to a rule of God from the losing of the soul through another patient. [17:18] He has run it in the ancient sight for the most charming here as well in his life. In his life. Weren't who are the blessed recipients and subjects of that eternal life. [17:38] That everlasting love will be of in your life. The mind has appeared of all under me. Child saying what I have loved things with and ever not things like therefore with loving kindness are going to say I can't reach at the kindness I cannot find a point in so to God say you you say that God is going to to exist if you have been drawn one way it is the broken of the first of that never lost in love none of the love are in the love has in the and good is coming to love to be going to demonstrate and assume that our government is going on never lost in life basic times of the earth power that basic time in the vintage spiritual and early aspect of it was [19:07] John portion he met up in when he was climbed upon the vision of his work heart he had a famous way mass fire to life and I often thought you know Jeremiah is a final thought you can hear a heart and Paul must have heard the beating of a heart heart of his heart of John must have heard the beating of the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ is Satan is this flesh of the most heart yes the most heart has seen this flesh and the most I as goes in one in that thing that flesh the sacred life then of him is on earth the first holy [20:14] I mean he said he was confident of his one thing that he was the divine and good world in him was the perfect of the dying of David Christ the sacred life of the unearned and unkind and unkind the person the sacred of such known as they gave one upon the love when Jesus is forever small the sacred life and friends are their forgiveness of a love of his work to consider great thing like he is the kind of holy son and he first reported saying you're not worth having given a desire in the heart of holy son to enter into his sacred son you're not worth way of past most of the birth some people do not do not use water on landing and by the family thing is a wooden shot water so [21:47] I think I know what is working according to the bookshop program might make the world be not a night it would be like for us to let my head throw apart my hands my hands the bank wrong words what have me to do the Lord of Christ said I do all what so is things that I have made you to do the world know my answer my need to is my need to do the fall of will and it means the way to save the family things that lives the things that lives of his father and father and father and he and all on things yet for everything happens [23:02] God protects his things he doesn't protect them everything now but there are certain times when he does protect them and those things that he permits to fall upon their world and a certain of his blood and time there are many characters those things visible for many patients three specific angels child others and they can't ever remember the four many foolish sense years years this is one of his biggest life this is one of his times of his woman's work of his life of his perfection so he can give his angels shine over me to keep them in all my ways not all all all all therefore we need to be very careful after what he wants to do all all so he wants they they will bear the up in their hands let their back on foot against its stones they shall tread upon the line and the hand all animals attack so it as we make their way through the arm of those feet of their heart and life and they will attack the ass might be the little smite that come to their hands and the dragon now lifting a and alive in a more drastic and fearful life like you should it all end up we fly when you think it thanks it same for the most hard and never they apply the one student is appointed awfully authentic like his father [25:28] Their reason sod are in婚 and כי JOB HE CAN OUR THASE Where you can템 understand and当 you onikk So we can't say, what strength there is? [25:57] What perfection there is? Even what power there is? Someone's what? Can't say. [26:08] Have you found it? No. No. Never were. I'm free. Yet, whatever strength, I was driving in my heart to think that Christ of his mercy, to think that blood is right. [26:35] And upon mercy, I will have compassion upon whom I will have compassion. And I will show mercy, under whom I will show mercy. [26:49] And this is the faith of God. The faith of the mercy of God, who brought in every high force, and yet the skin, who is our poor and the comfort of death, who trembled at his work, for this man will all look, and in this man will all he have, who is, most power, stagnant in his, perfection, but embrace all the power, which is, of course, one of God's sacred gifts. [27:28] What is the purpose of the life of God? Maybe. Maybe. Who dwells? He has what? In the sacred flesh, for the most power. [27:40] Who are you? Well, you might be a doctor on the field. What are you most of the life of God? You're actually what? [27:54] What? So do the name of our living heaven, in the land of the cross. Same way of it. [28:05] And this is all that they look to. I'll tell you, I'm not telling you whether my name is there. But my money is going to be so this evening, and I'm taking the load to start to feel it's turn to avoid Jesus. [28:23] Some of them write in the table, a little bit of joy in their heart, because they said, Lord, release him, I thought it's the way I was. [28:35] And Jesus said, Lord, he's done. So he would be telling every year, I told you, what is not even him? [28:48] And then he said, rejoice not. That the devil is a subject he knew, but rather rejoice, but to a nine violent unit. [29:00] He was able to do the first thing first. He was able to do it by his way. And he said, well, let's do it. And he said, well, let's do it. [29:12] And he said, well, let's do it. And that's the point. Who are the elected? Who do you think? Who do you think? I'm in a land of the cross. [29:26] Who are the elected one? Who are the elected one? Those who are chosen in the cross, those who are chosen in the cross, would have already be the point upon the cross, that I'm like your word. [29:38] I'm telling you, I believe all this. This is very well, but it doesn't touch my tongue. So you're trying to come down. That's all I said. Who are the elected one? [29:50] Who are the elected one? Who constitutes the remnant? Because I think it was very close yesterday. Paul Rasmussen said, there is to this day a remnant. [30:04] Oh, the wonder of it. This world needs this kind of day. Even in this conversation, man's about it. There is to this day a remnant. [30:16] Who lies and how is it? If the people call into the election of Christ, what is it? That's what we, that old man, who lies, this place in our country, the ocean. [30:32] Who are they? But tell you who it was, and we made it in here tonight. One of those two men who went up in the tent of the garden, and we made it in the tent. [30:46] And the real wonder, as soon as he showed up, within his tent, his prayer raised on the phone in his own mind, and he prayed up that time. But they made it another, who went then to make justice on him. [30:59] What is his way? Well, be merciful to the lady. And the real wonder, what is his way? And the real wonder, what is his way? [31:11] Well, my friend, is that prayer your prayer? I don't know if I'm in this point. If you're not supposed to be your prayer, if you've been in the tent at this point, you're not trying to be your prayer, but you're working. [31:26] from a transactional sight, you're working. And having prayed into your prayer, and so, I remember this, and we say this, one has already had mercy on you, or you've never found such a prayer to express in your life. [31:45] Oh, and when many of you say that they hold by grace, many of you simply don't fear, but no fear, they hold their Lord. [31:57] Because the Lord said, you have no more. When we got prayed together before the pastor, he said, you know, he's tired. The Lord, he's trying, what is what, so there's evidence for you in the dam and the Lord. [32:10] You need to go along and then you'll tell you, no longer. He went to the poor and he ran, and he put the time on and he said, you are the Lord. [32:22] Brother, Brother, remember that we are pointing to their upper life because they love the church, he is a brother. [32:33] They desire, and they're being acquainted amongst the times, they have a love to God's children. Don't you know? [32:46] And they would want to know, that they cannot feel that God's children's love and of course they do. For one, and I'm speaking, our holy, spiritual life, it's a new state and the other. [33:04] Communicate just one to the other. You may go and say, you know, if it was so important for you, and at least one, you know, the final word. [33:15] And you say, oh, the Lord. He's doing that. He's doing that. He's doing that. He's doing it. He's doing it. He's playing it. He's doing it. [33:26] He's doing it. He's doing it. He's doing it. He's doing it. You know what the demonإ Reporting division, He's doing it. He wants us to sell it Carla, he's doing it. He says, I'm a companion. [33:39] But all of them have KLMK. That's Nochsnar means the Lord, and the brother.ен提iser and 사랑. The greater question is égal demonstrating a good way. [33:55] That's his word. He can't wait for it. And he's willing to send his word. Because God has made his word in their heart. [34:09] A word that is alive. And power. And deterrent. And separate. He has made the name chapter and insuminated. [34:21] God. And he'll be saying to the last read God's word. And he's never all done that at the time. But if you've ever found the word in your faith and faith. [34:34] You'll know the part of it. And the blood of that friend. Those people are very brief. But tell me, he's a shame. He's not saying to the Lord. [34:44] But still in the name. It's a word. But, as you hear me say, the last word was. There was only a second breath. [34:57] While I was done, child. No more danger. Or death. But like a child at home. A child at home. [35:08] And there is no one thing. And there is no one thing. And there is no one thing. If you're not a child at home. Free. In comfort. Even faith in it. There is no one. I'm not suggesting you to faith in it. [35:20] Don't get your one. Love a child at home. What a good expression. Amen. No more. A stranger. [35:31] Don't get. Are those strangers. In your room. And now it's not being seen. Not seen. Said he was joining in. [35:45] And then they called him the same side. And they said, and it's not always. It is a hell joke. That he's thinking of us. Oh, God. [35:58] And slow to understand the difference. It is not always. And she'll have entered into a pure moon. [36:11] He couldn't enter into these WHY stories. Until he had given a work that had dinheiro to do. and those who enter who don't know it in the feet of faith for the most part they know it and that. [36:32] And take it all in the news and some days the Lord admits it. They know all this is done for us. Oh, in this day of such darkness the only Lord's people make us fair. [36:50] And there is where I have a real, a real sleep over the morning, a short, a separate story over the night of the night coming to us. [37:02] I'm coming to you, I'm coming to you, I'm coming to you, I'm coming to you, but it's been a sad meeting in the world coming to you for you to see a God. And I will be fairly given what you have done for my time. [37:20] So this place is quite a well there are number five minutes or a thousand one minutes with no man's mind and John said, I look up, I haven't even answered that yet to each one is first and he did. [37:36] I see you too. I'm thinking��, I think that Impf arrests the corners of the body of an U.N.G. [37:50] I've heard by Kimberly that all have beencendoised and dumbanchising and burned all and all the people Fairyahahick from했어요 My heart, my God, my power, let's show me. [38:12] I will say, it's never enough. Oh, my eyes are moving. My eyes, my eyes, my eyes, my eyes, will fight for me. [38:27] I am not so lucky. Don't you know? We show you the chemistry of course in all of us, and in all of us, we are also glad to be here. [38:39] And we are also glad to be here. And we are always in a moment. But in some of the life which I am not here, the core and majesty of heaven, you are gone. [38:52] We are going to come down here to see, and we are going to come down here. And I, after this man's service, I will come in place. [39:10] Then we must say, and this is a strong end of me. In this, for every piece, I've been among those who've learned a secret life, We are receiving much better. If you have a new world experience on the that. [39:24] And again it comes from Αоля, in the night of Piano, that this place is slight, and the influence of Isol还. [39:35] And to talk of the only way, through an immediate konot, and to have better peace. and his fellow at Bethford. with their faith, will be McMurray, and his own, Jesus Christ. [39:54] That is it, larger dominion, yet being filled. System? Black Year, with Britsky? [40:10] So, friends, if everyone who feels function of government, the burden on the love and the sure weight of faith. [40:22] And this God Peter said unto you therefore we today is that we sometimes sing sinners and sinners and none and precious is a fight to face a fight in your life and you will longer in to the sacred life for it is a sacred moment to face in your heart for the faithful and any need to our and any need to us and whether we are to expect to believe in the one season and on one time that expression of joy or reality so if you may be one sign to his word then thank you so then that will be one thing if you want to save him in one word then are you more than father in days and you can never turn and truth to mighty things mighty say are we to God that he's going for more pain than he's out they don't know truth are you sure you might this thing what truth is [42:03] I look funny so you know what does all there are many stories and if only by by white and fight and then we are going to exercise the white fight more if only we do more things do you more say he has wanted in the sacred life of a most high show a body so as well and in the body and they all have their own meaning only on a somewhat different context he is well in the sacred place and those like shall the body on the side of your life and you know somehow do you put things along them and these words have no depth and meaning though we were running most podcast of the lands where we were not to be acost and he said [43:25] Even this man got to be a baby. I'm thankful. He's had a big way to Bible. And his grief was great. [43:37] Didn't I say? A God. A God. A God. I love that in the Bible, isn't it? [43:50] Shame that he prayed in all the way I see. All there who nossa ascansons, And b wiz. Growth. [44:01] ludzi.バイi in the Lord, Found him as santificate. An縁 of persons. Do you saw him muchли? Do you believe us many big hosts of silver? [44:18] Do you believe me in the grey light? My past early memorial, who prepared a time walk, and a poor maid, in the world, in the presence of all my enemies. [44:32] So a bride, a bride, never been passed away, I'm reached out, so be trusted, with sinless, with a bride. [44:50] Come to me, dear friend, I'm going to give you. Are you left to come to you? Come to see you after. What do you ask? Oh, thank you for your care, son, who willingly abide on the shadow of your mind. [45:10] You start with that? When you say it may, when does it mean may to you? [45:22] When you mean it may. When may be you are willing to have to not become today? So have you thought, how do you mean it to you? [45:36] When you say it may be you, may that you have to be inside in April, and you work first. And you feel that there is nothing to give you when you have a relaxation, and strength, and cross, and less, but the ceremony can not be seen yet. [45:59] Not so you can tell them. When you believe you are in you, are the everlasting life. That the eternal God is pure? [46:10] Yes. You are abiding under the shadow of your mind. This one is being of a full of youth, even though we're happy to search more the person and the man of God. [46:27] Had a hiding place in the school, a cover from the 12th century, as a shadow of the rainwood, in the rain, and a river of water in the dry sky. [46:43] I do have a subject quite to that, which is the two-narly streets, of a man's life. And do we get man? The man's life Jesus? [46:55] So that is what one was. And one day, the three man's life. The man's life Jesus. And to know this thing is to know something of that simple life. [47:10] And to feel being near to you, as a part of the story in yourself, is to abide and the shadow of your mind. [47:22] Is to know something of this world, and I say not, and I will say not, is to know himself, The moment you heard that truth and the ." The moment you heard that you heard the paindead 1, in the dark side of nine months, And the dark side of twenty-one will come at the strた tante然后 But the word becomes specific. [47:44] But the word of Christ is not wrong in each time, but the word of Christ is not wrong in each time, but the word of Christ is not wrong. We've got what in your life. We've got what. [47:59] We've got what. We've got what. The female people say, we must worry in the sick place of a murder child says a body. [48:11] And the Eight friends have your own life. Amen. [48:28] Thank you. [48:58] Thank you. [49:28] Thank you. Thank you. [50:28] Thank you. Thank you. [51:28] Thank you. Thank you. [52:28] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [52:40] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [52:52] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [53:04] abges finisipi. Thank you. [53:37] Thank you. [54:07] Thank you.