Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The End The End The End [1:30] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End If the Lord will help me, I will speak the word from the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 10, the 36th verse. [2:35] The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ. He is Lord of all. [2:50] The word, that is of course, the word of the truth of the gospel. [3:20] Which God in the first place sent unto the children of Israel. He sent unto this Gentile congregation gathered in the house of Cornelius by his servant Peter. [3:36] And there was a very great thing for Peter to do, to go to a Gentile congregation and to eat with them. Because it was contrary to all the Levitical commandments. As he said, it was contrary to the law. [3:55] It was contrary to the mind of God. It was contrary to the mind of God. It was contrary to all that the Jews had felt and believed and thought. [4:08] That the word which was contrary to the word that the word that the word that the word that the word was to be preached in all the world. And this was the first breakthrough of it to a Gentile congregation. [4:23] And what a congregation it was. I don't know how numerically. Many they may have been. But certainly it was a wonderful congregation. It was really just such a congregation. [4:43] That the Lord's invitation that the Lord's servants beloved to come before us. We are all here present before God. We are all here present before God. To hear the things that may be spoken to us of God. All present before God. Other thoughts, interests and feelings were all laid aside. [5:06] Here was one. Here was one who they believed was coming from God to speak to them. And to bring such things as would be indeed good for them to listen to. So they were all present before God. Even more before God than before Peter. [5:27] But to hear the things that Peter would be directed to speak to them. And my friends, this has been continued all through this dispensation from that day to this. That is, that God doth send his word to men by his appointed servants and ministers. [5:55] And what is the word? It is the word of peace by Jesus Christ. Here is the heart, the core of the word of the gospel. [6:10] That there is peace with God. To be received. To be experienced. To be enjoyed. By Jesus Christ. [6:21] I don't want to speak presumptuously. Of course. God forbid. Still, I do hope in my little way. [6:33] That the word which God sent unto the children of Israel. And then unto Cornelius and his company. That all was sent to us this evening. [6:43] It is preaching peace by Jesus Christ. Is the heart of the gospel. I know, of course, it cannot be expected. [6:56] That any assembly gathered together now. Would be in just that same position they were then. They had not heard the gospel. They were expecting to hear things that would be entirely new to their ears. [7:10] That cannot be so with our congregations. We will preach the gospel. We can only preach a gospel that has been heard many, many times. [7:21] We cannot preach any other. What we need is not something fresh to say. But the freshness of the unction and power of the Holy Spirit. [7:34] On what we do say. So far as that which we say is right in the sight of God. It is not a freshness of hearing something new. But a freshness of feeling that it is new. [7:48] Sweet. Nourishing to our souls. Well, I was saying. The word was this. Peace by Jesus Christ. [8:02] As it is written. How beautiful upon the mountains. Are the feet of them. That publish glad tidings. That preach the gospel of peace. [8:14] Peace. The gospel is a gospel of peace. The law. The law of condemnation and anger against sin. The gospel is a gospel of peace for sinners. [8:26] Now, if we might be able to see into this. We will commence with this consideration. Peace may be considered in two ways. [8:42] First, with regard to a reconciliation. Reconciliation. An establishment of friendship. And affection. [8:55] Where there has been estrangement. And distance. And alienation. For that condition to be removed. In the spirit of it. And the reconciliation. [9:07] With affection. To be established. Is peace. Between such as. Before time. Being in the state of estrangement. Estrangement. That's one meaning of peace. [9:20] Another meaning of peace is this. It is a quietness. A calmness. In the mind itself. In the frame. The prevailing frame. [9:31] And spirit of the mind. For the mind in itself. As we know. Can be subject to agitation. And distraction. And turmoil. [9:42] And fear. And many such conditions. That brings the mind. Into a very unhappy state. Now. [9:54] For the mind. To be brought into a state of peace. And quietness. Is for that peace. To prevail. To the quietness. [10:05] And quieting of the mind. With regard to all its disturbances. Like Jesus Christ. For instance. Said to the. Raising wave. On the sea of Galilee. [10:16] Be still. And there was a great calm. Peace is for turmoil in the mind. To be quiet. That's the negative side. [10:27] And for a calmness. Quietness. And stillness. To be revived. And imparted. So it is written. That would keep him. [10:38] In perfect peace. Whose mind. Is stayed on thee. Because he trusted in thee. And when it is given to the mind. [10:48] To be stayed. On that which in itself. Is so stable. And nothing more stable. Than God himself. [10:59] Perhaps. Perhaps. To have a mind. Stayed on God. Brings a peace. And a calm. And a quietness. [11:10] Into the mind itself. Then one can be still. In the state of their mind. Know that he is God. So you can regard peace. [11:22] In these two ways. First. As an establishment. Of friendship. Where there's been. Estrangement. Between two or more people. And. [11:34] A condition. Of quietness. In the mind itself. Now. My text. Enties both. Unites both. In this way. [11:47] Unless there is. A state of peace. With God. Putting away. A condition. Of estrangement. [11:58] Or repentance. Or opposition. There can be no peace. In the frame of the mind. For there to be peace. In the frame of the mind. [12:09] There must be first. Peace with God. Then. As the Lord is peace. To grant the blessing. There will be peace. In the frame. Spirit of the mind. [12:20] Peace. Now. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Now. My friends. Peace is good. If it's a good peace. [12:32] Now. All peace is not a good peace. Even though it may seem to be a quietness in the mind. You remember. [12:43] Remember. Those words. Of. Jeremiah. Concerning. The false prophets of his days. Then. [12:53] Jeremiah. Sought to warn people. Of impending judgments. To call them to repentance. If so be. That those impending judgments. [13:04] Might be averted. By impending judgments. I mean. Of course. The invasion. Of the Chaldeans. And carrying away the people. Captive. To Babylon. Now. [13:16] Jeremiah's. Prophecy. Was very much. To show the people. The sinful. Idolatrous. Godless. Saking condition. They were in. To warn them. [13:28] Of impending trouble. To call them to repentance. But they were false prophets. And what. Was their message. It was this. [13:39] Peace. Peace. Peace. Without any repentance. Peace. Without any. Forsaking of sin. Peace. Peace. [13:51] About. Jeremiah said. So truthfully. Conserving it. The false prophets. Prophesied. The people. Saying. Peace. Peace. When there is no peace. [14:02] Peace. There is no peace. These things. Really do need. To be. Set forth. In a discriminating way. [14:14] And yet. In an encouraging way. And. I do feel. Friends. That. Discrimination. In preaching. Is never any discouragement. To those who are rightly exercised. [14:27] Before God. And actually. The Lord. Can make it. Very encouraging. There are features. That characterize. [14:37] True peace. That. Are entirely. Absent. From. False peace. I remember. [14:51] Many years ago. When I was. In business. In Cambridge Wells. There came around. A notice. Saying. That counterfeit. [15:02] Notes. Were. Known to be. In circulation. And. There was. Some guidance. Given to us. [15:13] Whereby. To recognize. These counterfeit. Notes. If I remember. There was something. Missing. From the printing. In some particular way. I once heard. [15:24] A good minister. Say. That for everything. That was. Spiritually. Genuine. In religion. There was something. That was. [15:34] Counterfeit. And. I thought. Well. That's very true. But I thought. It was such a pity. The good man. [15:46] Has been dead. Now. For years. It was such a pity. That he couldn't. Explain to us. The difference. You know. I do think. That expressions. Like that. [15:57] Need to be. Very. Gourley. Used. Because. If you put it out. That for everything. That is spiritually. Genuine. In religion. There's something. That is a flesh. [16:07] Decaut. To be. You see. How a people. Recognize. The one. And the other. You see. In still. Doubting people's minds. Without bringing them out of it again. [16:19] Because. Anyone. Might say. Well. I'm very much afraid. Of what I thought. Was genuine. Is only a flesh. Be counterfeit. Anyway. [16:31] I won't go any further. Look at that. All I was saying is. There's a counterfeit peace. Peace. Peace. When there is no peace. When there's no reconciliation with God. [16:44] No repentance. No faith in Jesus. And there's a peace that is real. Genuine. And most. Blessed. [16:56] May the Lord help me to preach that peace tonight. The real. Genuine. Peace. For my text. I read. [17:06] You can't. The word. Which God sent. Unto the children of Israel. Preaching peace. By Jesus Christ. He is Lord of all. [17:18] Now. We may certainly say this. That peace. Which comes by Jesus Christ. Can never be accounted for. Never. [17:29] Nothing can come by him. That is not real. Spiritual. And. Blessed. There is a peace that comes by Jesus Christ. [17:42] All other peace. Is worthless peace. Peace. When there is none. Let me. Attempt. The Lord help me. Once more. [17:53] To open this word. As a bread of life. Tonight. There is peace. By Jesus Christ. This is a position. Man. [18:05] By sin. Is estranged from God. And never has been. Since Adam Farrell. Human nature. By reason. [18:16] The inherent sinfulness in it. Is estranged from God. I must be careful. When I say inherent sinfulness. I don't know that sinfulness. [18:28] Is necessarily inherent in human nature. It isn't. It's an awful. Evil intrusion into it. God made human nature. [18:41] Sinless. But sin entered into human nature. But sin can be expelled out of it again. And will be expelled out of it. [18:52] In the case of the people of God. At last. They will be entirely sinless. But when sin entered into the world. It caused an estrangement. [19:04] It caused an estrangement. That a sin. Is the cause of all estrangement from God. Sin in human nature. Sin in the heart. Sin produces. [19:16] The enmity. The unbelief. And everything. That is so sadly apparent. And not only a sin. Produced. [19:28] It's alienation. From God in man. But it's produced. Wrath in God. To man. At least. Wrath to sin. And in that sense. [19:40] Of course. The sinners. In their sinful condition. Is there anything in the wrath of God. Consider my praise. There he is. [19:53] There is. There is wrath to come. And none but Jesus Christ. Can deliver us from the wrath to come. It will certainly come. [20:06] The wrath of God. Is in no way inconsistent. With his love. And his purity. And his compassion. If I may put it in this. [20:17] Simple and solemn way. The wrath of God. Is the infinite reaction. Of divine holiness. Against sin. Is the infinite reaction. [20:30] Of divine holiness. Against sin. God is love. God is love. God is love. God is love. God is love. God is not love. [20:43] Remember even the scripture of God is love. God is love. God is love. If there has never been any creature. Or man. Angels or men. [20:55] God would have been like. But there has never been any roar. Sin has caused the roar. so here you get the condition plainly stated there is war in God against sin there is restraint in sin against God and how can there be any peace while that condition prevails never mind never not to all eternity there will never be any peace because that condition in those that die in it will continue forever and ever now I don't want to dwell on this solemn thought but I must say this questions sometimes being raised how can it be just with God to punish sin eternally now my friends this is not understood and realised the condition of sin remains eternal the condition remains eternal therefore the anger of God against it remains eternal with regard to those that are lost for sin is not put away in hell forever I need those solemn thoughts [22:24] I haven't come before you tonight to preach you all but to preach peace but still we must see how true these things are that it never was the will of God that there should be no peace between him and man that all men should perish in unbelief and guilt and be eternal objects of his wrath was never in his mind he will establish peace for men and how will he establish peace he will establish peace by Jesus Christ preaching peace by Jesus Christ let me for a few minutes do just that preach peace by Jesus [23:27] Christ now first it is peace by his very person as the mediator between God and men here is the word for it it is one God infinite holy eternal most blessed and there is one mediator between that most blessed God and sinful man man Christ Jesus here is the system if I may use such an earthly word for such a heavenly truth here is the system of the gospel it is commonly called the economy of the gospel I rather prefer the word system because I think that better expresses it to our hearers and perhaps our younger hearers there is a certain system of the gospel a way in which [24:34] God will reconcile man to himself he will do it by his only begotten son Jesus Christ he will do it by him by appointing him to be the mediator between now everyone knows the purpose of a mediator it is to come between two people who are in some way as I have said are one against the other and deal with the condition in such way as to bring them both together in agreement that's the exact purpose of a mediator it is the exact purpose of the mediation of Jesus Christ God will have peace preached to men by the mediator and it is good to speak of Jesus Christ it is good to speak of [25:35] Jesus Christ because what a suitable person he is to be a mediator man where could there be anyone so suitable or suitable at all for he is God's equal he is essentially divine as the eternal son of the father and he is truly man as truly man as we are here we can come between as a mediator a mediator or men because a man with God because of God and not only is he so suitable to be a mediator that peace should come by him but he has such a suitability in himself I mean a suitability of compassion of grace of mercy of love all that [26:38] Jesus Christ is in that flows into his mediation and wonderfully fills it to God he has the most infinite delight to sinners he has the most tender compassion in him join all holiness with all compassion and tenderness he is the mediator preaching peace by a mediator then we must follow this line along a little preaching peace means preaching peace by his atonement and his sacrifice for sin no peace can be made unless in some ways sin can be atonement for these are matters for faith as enabled and instructed to believe we cannot argue about this at all it is altogether out of faith to say why couldn't [27:48] God forgive sin without sacrifice no one can say that at all it is very evident that there is only one way in which sin can be put away and that is by such an atonement for it as is honouring and glorifying to God and establishes peace with God honourably to him and to his most just and holy nature there is no way in which sin in its guilt can be put away from sinners but by an atonement made effectual in their hearts Jesus Christ has made that atonement it is by his most precious blood shed in death he has made peace by the blood of his cross preaching peace by Jesus Christ means preaching peace by the blood of his cross then we might take another consideration preaching peace by Jesus [29:02] Christ means preaching peace by his heavenly intercession speaking of Jesus Christ as a mediator his mediation has two parts to it a mediation of suffering to put away sin by his death and sacrifice and a mediation of intercession at the right hand of God it's not two mediations not two mediators one mediator one mediation two parts for the mediation one part to put away sin the other part to intercede the sinners how well he can intercede the sinners who have shed his precious blood for them preaching peace by that man who is at the right hand of God now and will be until he comes again in power and great glory here is the word for it through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins no peace without forgiveness and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which they could never be justified by the law of [30:26] Moses and then following on that this man because he continued with ever for die he must but rise he must and ascend into heaven he must this man because he continues ever hath an unchangeable priesthood wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for all them preaching peace while at heaven the intercessor peace for all who come to God by him that is by believing in him pleasing him the preaching peace by Jesus [31:32] Christ it is God's appointment in the gospel that the peace having been made shall be preached preaching is the Lord's appointment I know there are the scriptures one might say well surely the scriptures are sufficient well I quite feel that in some cases the scriptures where the Holy Spirit enlightens the understanding in them are sufficient in themselves for peace to come into the sinner's heart instead there is something about preaching you need for how many have felt the truth and power of the gospel the gospel of peace in hearing the world I remind you of that word again from Isaiah how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them that bring good tidings good tidings of good what more good than this that publish it peace we may consider [32:50] I think this point in three ways first of all there is the general universal preaching of peace by Jesus Christ for as I understand it when Jesus Christ said to the disciples go you into all the world and preach the gospel he may preach this peace to men it is to be preached to men that there is peace to be received from God by Jesus Christ but we must be careful here it doesn't mean that we're to preach to all men universally that they are at peace with God by Jesus Christ that's another point but we are to preach this peace to men by Jesus Christ because although the Lord will certainly fulfill his secret purposes with regard to the application of the truth that's preached to the hearts of men we are not to know what those secret purposes are we cannot say well we must preach the gospel of peace to some and not to others because that's not according to the commission but we should be careful and not to allow our hearers to feel that because they listen to the gospel of peace they're at peace with God all the same very important distinction so I leave that preaching peace by Jesus [34:37] Christ with regard to certain characters because it is to certain characters that this peace comes and what are they the impenitent never until the grace of God brings them to repentance unbelievers never he that believeth not shall be damned the heart careless indifference we dare not tell them their peace we draw but never are other characters there are such as that the Lord has opened their ears to the truth there are such who have such ears to hear what the Lord will speak as Cornelius and his company had ears to hear there are those who feel convinced of their condition and really honestly desire it to be different with them than it is they just cannot feel comfortable about living and finally dying in a state of estrangement from God and unhappiness comes upon their hearts about it and to some extent distress of mind the Holy [36:01] Spirit makes them conscious of their condition that they're away from God that they're not at peace with God anything but that now when such feelings come forth in the heart the ground is prepared for the good seed to be sown in and as as such we can preach peace in this way there is peace for all who are brought truly to repent towards God repentance towards God you know being such a change in the heart and minds as a man the poor time had no heart or mind or desire for the ways of God but only for the ways of sin and death is brought to an entire change about these matters a change towards God not merely a change in religion but a change towards [37:04] God oh they feel differently about matters from what they do they begin to pray gracious God have mercy upon my soul and to such as are of a broken and contrite spirit we preach peace for a broken and contrite spirit in the sight of God are very acceptable peace when I spoke just now of the difference between a false peace and a genuine here is one mark in a false peace there's no brokenness of heart there's no contrition there's no humility of spirit before God there's no falling down before him in a sinful sense of a sinful helplessness there's no cleaving to the precious blood of Jesus [38:04] Christ recognize the difference between the counterfeit and the real in that well preaching peace to penitent sinners preaching pardon to confessing sinners preaching the peace of God to believers in Jesus preaching peace by Jesus Christ assuring of the forgiveness of sins through his name to all who believe in him is a third consideration and then I must close preaching peace by Jesus Christ now I could not possibly leave the Holy Ghost out of this subject thirdly it is the work of the [39:04] Holy Spirit to make this peace in our hearts now every believer is really at peace with God in his state that's one thing that experience I won't say another but it's such a confirmation of the truth in our own hearts for ourselves you have it in this world the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that she may abound in hope you know I wish I could I wish I could be filled with joy and peace but then listen by the power of the Holy God that's it by the power of the Holy God now we preach peace by Jesus Christ we encourage poor sinners to look to him as a great peacemaker we give assurance in God's name that all believers are in their state reconciled to God [40:18] God is not wrought to them all that wrought their sins for a vote is quenched in calvary and quenched in blood we assure them of that that only the Holy Spirit can bring that peace into the heart and fill it with holy joy all that he would do this and there are measures and degrees I hope I have experienced my heart to be full of peace but not always but always there's still occasionally when I cannot feel peace what then I can only cling to Jesus Christ just the same if I'm not filled with joy I can only say Lord my hope my only hope is in me and perhaps there's pretty much there it is with us in these days and perhaps some who have experienced that holy peace in their hearts without the storm come their fears dispel and holy sense of things being right with them before [41:35] God come into that state of spiritual life where it seems more living by faith by cleaving by looking it's all to say my friends it's one Jesus and only one Father preaching tea sweet holy heavenly tea heaven's dawn upon the soul for some it's a wonderful dawn when it breaks upon the heart and the light of the gospel dispels all the darkness and death and distress of mind perhaps it's more gradual hooray here and there but it's the same tea heaven's dawn upon the soul and even sometimes like it is in the natural day the dawn is bright and clear and beautiful still perhaps present when the afternoon clouds open for it may be with us but still once at peace with God always at peace with God in our space and Lord bring us by this precious man this mediator [43:01] Jesus Christ to a peace of eternal heaven and life Amen 2.77 2.459 Now I see whatever is I all is well if Christ be mine he has promised to provide may he teach me to reside in 277 to 459 [44:05] AMPstanden underscore meme Thank you. [44:43] Thank you. [45:13] Thank you. [45:43] Thank you. [46:13] Thank you. [46:43] Thank you. [47:13] Thank you. [47:43] Thank you. [48:13] Thank you. [48:43] Thank you. Thank you. [49:13] Thank you.