Unto you is born a Saviour (Quality: Average)

Bath - Bethel - Part 3

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Dec. 25, 1977
Bath - Bethel


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[0:00] A few moments as the Lord may be pleased to help us. Unto you, for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

[0:18] This text tells us exactly where the Lord Jesus was born. He was born in the city of David. He was born in Bethlehem of Judea, royal David's city, the house of bread, the place where the bread of heaven came down.

[0:40] What a blessed truth that is, that as God was pleased to send his old dear son into the world, he fulfilled his word in every jot and tittle.

[0:53] With an every accuracy, the Redeemer was born in Bethlehem. We may trace out the act of Caesar Augustus, that great world authority and king and ruler.

[1:08] What did he know about the promises of God or care about them? Yet he was instrumental that the Saviour should draw his first human breath in the manger in Bethlehem.

[1:24] Well, we can trace it out as we think about the crowded inn and of the manger and so on. But he was born in Bethlehem.

[1:34] And whatever may have happened since by the way of idolatrous practices and of commercialism and tourism, still, Bethlehem is a very wonderful spot upon this earth surface to every true believer.

[1:53] Oh, they don't have to go there by way of pilgrimage, but they recognize that that spot literally conferred the unerring word of God.

[2:06] So, the Redeemer was born in the city of David. And our text tells us what he came to be. A Saviour.

[2:17] A Saviour. You know, this Christmas, or any other Christmas, will mean nothing to anyone if they have not apprehended this truth.

[2:30] He came to be a Saviour. He came to save his people from their sin. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I have achieved.

[2:45] And every aspect of the Gospel proceeds from this vital point where the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

[2:57] Further, we are told that he is Christ the Lord. He is the Lord. He is the Lord anointed. He is the one that God had appointed, commissioned, and sent forth with all authority to fulfill the salvation of his people.

[3:15] And that his name should be glorified, not only the anointed, but the Lord. Jesus Christ is Lord.

[3:26] So, our text tells us certain things then about the Lord Jesus. It tells us certain things then about the Lord. It tells us where. It tells us why. It tells us who.

[3:39] Christ the Lord. But, the thing that struck me as I was meditating upon this very familiar portion of Scripture, you have to be very careful not to be brought into bondage, you know, sometimes on an occasion like this.

[3:58] You wouldn't be slavishly bound to preach from a text relative to the birth of the Lord Jesus on such an occasion. We need to be careful, but still our thought goes on it.

[4:11] And as I meditated upon this familiar passage, it was these words that suddenly seemed to draw my thought.

[4:23] Unto you. Unto, for unto you is born this day. Now, this was the message of the angel. The angel said unto them, Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy.

[4:43] Now, what could be more blessed than that? Good tidings of great joy. There's a lot of trouble in the world. There's a lot of suffering in the world.

[4:54] There's a lot of evil in the world. But the angels break through on this wonderful night when the Lord Jesus was born. They appeared in the heavenly host there.

[5:07] And the messenger came and said to them, Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

[5:18] For unto you is born this day in the city of David a saviour, which is brought the Lord.

[5:29] Unto you. Well now, it was, of course, the shepherds that were firstly addressed here. Unto you.

[5:42] One old carol puts it, To certain poor shepherds in fields, As they left. They were just a company of very ordinary people.

[5:56] They were going about their normal duties. They were there watching over their flock by night, As the sacred account tells us.

[6:06] And they were the ones that were given this message. Unto you is born this day. Very wonderful that he was born, you see.

[6:19] The word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. He was born of a woman. And to these shepherds the angel said, Unto you.

[6:30] Were they something very special then? Was it just for those shepherds were not told how many? It is true they received this word with gladness.

[6:43] It was confirmed to them. And they went to Bethlehem in obedience. And there they found everything, Just as they had been told. And that they rejoiced in it, And gave witness of it.

[6:57] There is no doubt. But was it just for them? Unto you. They were highly favoured. Highly privileged. They saw things which others were not favoured to see or enter into.

[7:12] Unto you. No. It cannot be restricted. Just to those who first heard from the lips of the angelic messenger.

[7:25] These blessed things. Unto you. Oh, it was for them. But not for them only. Well, you may say, Surely then it was to Israel.

[7:38] Surely as we trace out the things that we have been reading here, There seems to be something very special for the people of Israel.

[7:49] Surely these shepherds were Jewish. Surely they were members of that favoured race. He shall be great, And shall be called the son of the highest.

[8:03] And the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David. And he shall reign over the house of Jacob. For ever and ever. Surely then this unto you was for the Jewish nation.

[8:19] But no. We thank God that our Lord Jesus came. And he came as a Jew. He was born of that special race.

[8:30] That nation. He was of the seed of Abraham. He was a son of David. After the flesh. And yet the unto you has a wider application than that.

[8:44] So it was not just to those that first heard it. Though they heard it with faith. Nor was it just for the Jewish nation. Though our Savior was by natural birth.

[8:58] An Israelite. A Jew. In very need. But then our text says. Which shall be to all people.

[9:10] To all people. This speaks of what we read later. In the testimony of Simeon.

[9:20] For mine eyes have seen thy salvation. Which thou hast prepared. Before the face of all people. A light to lighten the Gentiles.

[9:32] And the glory of thy people Israel. Then we see Jew and Gentile. And the glory of thy people. In that which is spoken of here.

[9:44] Unto you. For the shepherds heard it. Israel was embraced in it. Yet not exclusively.

[9:56] All people. But here we must be careful. Also. To draw. A distinctive. Line.

[10:08] Can we go further to this? And say then. The Savior. This message. This unto you. Was for all men. Without exception.

[10:23] Unto you. All. People. There is. A great. Line of discrimination.

[10:36] In the scripture. He came. Into the world. To save. Sinners. He came. To call sinners. To repentance. He came.

[10:47] To save. His. People. From. Their. Sin. Whosoever. Believeth. On. Him. Now that.

[10:57] Whosoever. Is. Is. The. The. Discrimination. Whosoever. Believing. So that. This. Unto.

[11:08] You. Is. Something. Which. Is. Relevant. To. The. Salvation. Of. The. Whole. Of. The.

[11:18] Family. Of. God. The. Church. Of. God. The. Flock. Of. God. Every. Member. Of. The. True. Living. Church. Every. Elect. Vessel. Chosen. In.

[11:28] Christ. Before. The. World. Began. Love. Will. Never. Last. Think. Love. This. Unto. You. Embraces. Them. Whether. They. Live. Near.

[11:38] The. Time. Of. Our. Lord. Jesus. Our. Lord. Jesus. Life. On. Earth. Or. Whether. They. Live. In. This. Present. Day. The. Unto. You. Is.

[11:49] Them. Unto. You. Is. Born. This. Day. So. The. First. Thing. That. I. Would. Conclude. From. The.

[12:00] Truth. That. I. Have. Set. Before. You. Is. That. By. This. Remarkable. Act. When. God. Himself. In. The. Person. Of. His. Son. Took.

[12:11] Our. Nature. Drew. His. First. Human. Breath. Christ. His. First. Human. Cry. There. In. The. Major. In. Bethlehem. The. Unspeakable.

[12:22] Gift. Was. Given. And. It. Was. Unto. You. A. Sinful. Fallen. Human. Race. Sinners.

[12:33] Those. Who. Are. Dead. In. Trespasses. And. In. Sins. Yet. There. Is. An. Unto. You. But.

[12:43] Then. Not. Only. Do. We. Think. Of. It. In. This. Remarkable. Way. But. We. May. Think. Of. It. Also. In.

[12:54] Another. Way. Unto. You. If. A. Little. Child. Is. Born. Into. Our. Families. Maybe. Are. One. Of. Our. Own. Or. It. May.

[13:04] Be. Perhaps. A. Grandchild. Or. A. Relative. There. Is. A. Sense. In. Which. We. Claim. Possession. Of. The. Child. Unto.

[13:16] You. We. Say. Yes. We've. Had. Another. Addition. We've. Had. Another. Little. Life. Given. Unto. Us. Another. Has. Been. Born. Into. The. Family.

[13:27] Another. That. Is. Close. To. Us. By. The. Tides. Of. Natural. Relationship. Bone. Of. Our. Bone. Flesh. Of. Our. Flesh. One.

[13:37] That. Will. Grow. Up. Amongst. Us. That. Will. Swag. Because. He. Or. She. That. Little.

[13:48] One. As. Soon. As. They. Come. Into. The. World. As. Soon. As. They. Draw. Their. Breath. As. Soon. As. They. Show. Manifestation. Of. Life. They. Are. One. Of. The.

[13:58] Family. Unto. You. Or. As. The. Prophet. Puts. It. Unto. Us. A. Child. Is. Born. Unto. Us. A. Son.

[14:09] Is. Given. The. Savior. Was. God. Unspeakable. Gift. To. The. Whole. Of. His. Church. Given. When. They.

[14:19] Were. Dead. In. Trespasses. And. In. Sins. Unto. You. And. The. Gift. Was. Such. That. He. Became.

[14:29] One. Of. Us. The. Reality. Of. His. Humanity. Is. A. Fundamental. Truth. The. Contention.

[14:39] This. Day. We. Know. Is. Centred. Against. The. Deity. The. Divinity. Of. Christ. Now. We.

[14:49] Must. Ever. Contend. For. That. Truth. This. Is. The. True. God. And. Life. Eternal. He. Is. The. Son. Of. God.

[15:00] And. Yet. A. Man. In. Very. Truth. He. Took. Hold. He. Laid. Hold. Of. The. Seed. Of. Abraham. He. Took. Not.

[15:10] Unto. Him. The. Nature. Of. Angels. His. Humanity. Is. Absolutely. Real. He. He. He. He. Was. Born.

[15:21] Of. A. Woman. Luke. Traces. Out. His. Origins. And. I. Said. On. One. Of. The. Evening. I. Find.

[15:31] Luke's. Accounts. To. Be. Of. Great. Clarity. A. Man. That. Followed. Through. A. Man. That. Check. Meticulously. A. Man. That. Traced.

[15:42] Things. Out. Most. Prayerfully. And. Carefully. Things. The. Things. That. They. Mightest. Know. With. Certainty. Of. Those. Things. Wherein.

[15:52] Thou. Has. Been. Instructed. And. Luke. Traces. The. Lord. Jesus. Back. Through. David. Back. Through. Abraham.

[16:03] Right. Back. To. Adam. Himself. Right. Back. To. Adam. Himself. Oh. You. Say. He's. Made. Him. A. Sinner. He's.

[16:14] Made. A. Sinner. He's. Traced. It. Back. To. Adam. No. Not. To. Adam. But. To. This. Promise. Given. To. Adam. The.

[16:24] Seed. Of. The. Woman. The. Seed. Of. The. Woman. Shall. Bruise. The. Serpent. Head. Oh. His. Heel. Will. Be. Terribly.

[16:35] grew. But. The. Seed. Of. The. Woman. You. Say. Unto. Us. Unto.

[16:45] Us. To. Our. Fall. And. Race. What. A. Wonderful. Gift. And. Unto. Us. In. That. He. Was. One. Of. Us. He.

[17:03] He. He. That. Hath. Seen. We. Hath. Seen. The. Father. It. Can. Never. Be. Undo. It. Can. Never. Be. Revolved. It. Can. Never. Be. Chained.

[17:16] He. Laid. Hold. Of. Our. Nature. He. Came. As. The. Babe. Of. Bethlehem. My. Friend. I. Don't. Like. To. Endure. Too. Much. In.

[17:26] Sentimentality. I. Like. Rather. To. Lay. Hold. He. Wasn't. A. Babe. For. Long. We. Love. Little. Babies. Don't. We. But. They. Soon. Grow. Up. And.

[17:37] As. They. Grow. Their. Sinful. Nature. Becomes. More. Manifest. Day. By. Day. Even. When. They. Begin. To. Show. Their. Temper. And. Begin. To. Show. Their.

[17:47] Impatience. Before. They. Can. Speak. They. Manifest. What. They. Are. By. Nature. Look. At. This. Child. In. The.

[17:57] Fortieth. Verse. The. Child. Grew. Wax. Strong. In. Spirit. Filled. With. Wisdom. And. The. Grace. Of. God. Was. Upon. Him. Oh.

[18:08] This. One. Was. A. Real. Man. Yet. A. Sinless. Man. Unto. You. Unto. You.

[18:20] You. Think. About. All. The. Ways. You. Fell. Through. Sin. The. Condition. Of. Your. Heart. And. Mind. I. Don't. Need. To. Remind.

[18:30] You. Of. It. The. Holy. Spirit. Will. Do. That. From. Time. To. Time. And. When. You. Remember. These. Things. He. Knoweth. Our. Friends. He. Remembreth. That.

[18:40] We. Are. Do. We. Have. Not. A. High. Priest. Which. Cannot. Be. Touched. With. A. Feeling. Of. Our. Infirmities. But. Was. In. All. Points. Tempted. Like. As. We. Are. Yet.

[18:51] Without. Sin. I. Hope. I'm. Presented. This. Truth. But. I. Feel. So. Strongly. In. My. Own. Soul. This.

[19:01] Morning. It. Is. This. Blessed. Truth. The. Savior. Was. Once. A. Child. We. Sing. The. Little. Children. The. Savior. Was. Once. A. Young. Man.

[19:12] The. Savior. Was. Once. A. Burden. With. All. The. Cares. And. The. Tribulations. Of. This. Life. The. Savior. Knew. Every. Aspect.

[19:22] Of. Human. Experience. Apart. From. Sins. Unto. Us. But.

[19:33] Then. I. Just. Go. A. Little. Further. Unto. You. Well. I. Cannot. Deal. With. This. Subject. Without. Reference. In. More. Detail.

[19:43] To. Isaiah. Chapter. Nine. Unto. You. Is. Born. This. Day. Yet. He. Tains. As. God. Gift. For.

[19:54] Sinners. And. Two. Sinners. He. Came. And. He. Truly. Took. Our. Nature. He. Became. One. Of. The. Family. As. It. Were. He. The. First.

[20:05] Born. Of. Many. Brethren. But. Then. Isaiah. Prophesized. Thus. Unto.

[20:15] Us. A. Child. Is. Born. Unto. Us. A. Son. Is. Giver. And. The. Government. Should. Be. Upon. His. Should. And. His. Name. Should. Be. Called. Wonderful.

[20:25] Counselor. The. Mighty. God. The. Everlasting. Father. The. Prince. Of. Peace. Of. The. Increase. Of. His. Government. And. Peace. There. Shall. Be. No. End. Upon.

[20:36] The. Throne. Of. David. And. Upon. His. Kingdom. To. Order. It. And. To. Establish. It. With. Judgment. And. With. Justice. From. Henceforth. Even. Forever.

[20:47] The. Zeal. Of. The. Lord. Of. Host. Will. Perform. This. Up. To. Us. During.

[20:58] The. Past. Year. Year. Being. Addition. To. The. Royal. Family. You.

[21:09] See. Little. Princes. Have. Been. Born. Children. Have. Been. Born. To. Royalty. And.

[21:19] Yet. As. A. Nation. We. Think. Of. Them. Not. Merely. Members. Of. The. Royal. Family. We. Think. Of. Them. As. Being. Belonging.

[21:30] To. Us. In. That. The. Queen. And. The. Royal. Family. Represent. Under. Our. System. The. Nation. Unto. Us.

[21:41] Now. Particularly. With. The. Heir. To. The. Front. What. Rejoicing. There. Is. In. This. Nation. When. An. Heir. Is. Born.

[21:51] The. One. That. Will. Inherit. The. One. That. Humanly. Speaking. Will. Be. In. Direct. Life. Of. Succession. Who. In. Due. Course.

[22:02] If. Nothing. Should. Alter. Or. Change. Or. Interfere. That. One. Who. Comes. As. A. Little. Help. This. Babe. Into. The. Royal. Family. Will. One. Day. Take.

[22:12] The. Throne. Will. One. Day. Have. All. The. Authority. All. The. Power. Of. Government. Which. Is. Ascribed. To. Natural. Human.

[22:23] Government. But. How. Much. More. Wonderful. Is. There. Unto. Us. Unto. Us. A. Child. Is.

[22:33] Born. Unto. Us. A. Son. Is. Given. He. Came. A. Safe. City. He. Came. To. Take. On. Nature. And. He.

[22:44] Came. To. Be. The. Anointed. One. He. Came. To. Fulfill. All. The. Is. Is. Speaks. Of. Here. The. Government.

[22:54] Shall. Be. Upon. His. Shoulder. What. A. Blessed. Truth. Upon. The. Throne. Of. God. At. This.

[23:04] Very. Moment. There. Is. A. Ruling. Rating. Ex. Dought. It. Saviour. The. Lamb. As it. Had.

[23:14] Been. Slain. The. Lamb. In. The. Mid. Of. The. Throne. The. Seals. Of. Human. History. Are. Being. Open.

[23:24] By. The. Hand. That. Once. Was. Pierced. Upon. The. Cross. Of. Calvary. Yea. The. Hand. That. Was. Once. As it. Were. Helpless. Then.

[23:35] In. The. Manger. Of. Bethlehem. That. Claimed. To. His. Mother. As a. Little. Babe. Will. The. Little. Babe. We. Got. It. Home. Now. Was. Visually. Catching. On. Of. Me.

[23:45] This. Morning. Gripping. Me. One. Of. The. First. Things. A. Child. Does. Well. That. Same. Hand. An. Infant. Hand. Then. Is. Now. The. Right.

[23:55] Hand. Of. Power. Indeed. Is. The. Hand. To.

[24:09] Us. We. May. Praise. God. This. Morning. Because. Though. We. Live. In. A. Troubled. World. And. The. Wicked. Are. Like. A. Troubled. Sea. That. Cannot. Rest. And. The.

[24:20] Powers. Of. Darkness. In. Malice. Do. Rain. Yet. That. Same. One. Who. Came. As. The. Babe. Is. Now. Exalted.

[24:31] And. Fulfilled. All. That. Is. Wonderful. Counselor. I.

[24:41] Never. Quite. Sure. Whether. To. Link. Those. Two. Together. Or. Separate. Them. You. Can. Do. I. Think. Either. According. To. The. Punctuation. Here. He. Is.

[24:51] Wonderful. He. Is. A. Counselor. And. He. Is. A. Wonderful. Counselor. He. Counsel. The. Sinners. You. Know. Come. Let. Us.

[25:01] Reason. Together. Though. Thy. Sins. Be. A. Scarlet. They. Shall. Be. As. White. As. Snow. I. Counsel. To. Buy. A. Big. Gold. Tried.

[25:12] In. The. Fire. What. Wiser. Counsel. Can. There. Be. Than. That. Which. Jesus. Gave. Through. The. Gospel. The. Mighty. God. The. Ever. Lasting.

[25:23] Father. I. And. My. Father. Are. One. The. Prince. Of. Peace. And. Of. The. Increase. Of. His. Government. And. Peace. There.

[25:33] Shall. Be. No. End. Then. What. A. Wonderful. Prospect. Is. Set. Before. Us. By. The. Evangelical. Prophet. Of.

[25:44] What. Confirmation. There. Is. In. The. Fulfillment. Of. These. Things. When. We. Contemplate. That. Event. Which.

[25:55] Took. Place. In. The. Major. Of. Bethlehem. And. All. Those. Confirming. Words. Of. Prophecy. And. Of. Power. And. Revelation.

[26:06] That. Surround. Thy. Great. Event. Unto. Us. This. Nation. Has. Been. Favored.

[26:17] With. Good. Wise. Powerful. Runers. By. The. Grace. Of. God. But. My. Friend. This. Is. Nothing. To. Be. Compared.

[26:28] To. The. Gift. Of. This. One. That. Shall. Reign. Until. His. Enemies. Be. Made. His. Footstool. Unto. Us. But.

[26:38] There. Another. Unto. Us. I. Would. Link. With. The. Last. Verse. Of. The. First. Chapter. Imposed. First.

[26:50] Epistle. To. The. Corinthians. Where. He. Says. There. But. Of. Him. Are. He. In. Christ. Jesus. Who.

[27:01] Of. God. Is. Made. Unto. Us. Wisdom. And. Righteousness. And. Sanctification. And. Redemption. That. According. It. Is. It. Is. Written. He. That. Glorious. Let.

[27:11] Let. Him. Glory. In. The. Lord. Unto. Us. He. Came. And. Was. Made.

[27:21] Truly. Man. In. Our. Nature. Now. He. Is. Exalted. At. The. Right. Hand. Of. God. As. Prince. And. The. Savior. But.

[27:34] What. Did. He. Do. While. He. Was. Here. What. Lay. Between. The. Cradle. And. The. Crown. The. Answer. Is. The.

[27:45] Cross. There. Had. To. Be. A. Cradle. He. Had. To. Come. Unto. Us. He. Rolls.

[27:55] And. Rains. Now. At. God's. Right. Hand. And. Will. Reign. Eternally. And. We. Shall. Say. Of. Him. Not. Unto. Us. Not. Unto. Us.

[28:05] But. Unto. Thy. Name. Be. Glory. But. Then. We. Must. Remember. Calvary.

[28:17] Oh. You. Say. We. Want. Hear. About. The. Angels. We. Want. To. Hear. About. The. Shepherds. We. Want. To. Hear. About. The. Wise. Men. My. Friends. They. All. Point. To. This. That.

[28:28] The. One. That. Came. That. Holy. Harmless. Son. Of. God. Must. Be. Nailed. To. The. The. Serpent's.

[28:38] Head. But. It. Shall. Bruise. His. Heel. Unto. Us. Made. Unto. Us. Wisdom. And. Righteousness. And.

[28:49] Sanctification. And. Redemption. For. Fundamental. Truth. For. Fundamental. Need. Before. Your.

[28:59] Soul. Can. Be. Presented. Perfect. Before. Holy. And. A. Heart. Surging. God. I. Don't. Want. To. Say. It. Critically.

[29:10] I. Don't. Want. To. Be. Unkind. I. Don't. Want. To. Sound. Like. A. Hypocrite. This. Morning. But. I. Wonder. How. Many. People. Throughout. This. Land. I.

[29:21] Wonder. How. Many. People. Even. Gathered. In. Places. Of. Worc. It. Will. Be. Thinking. Today. About. These. Four. Things. Wisdom. Righteousness.

[29:33] Sanctification. And. Redemption. Will. Be. Acknowledging. Before. God. Their. Utter. Folly. Will. Be. Acknowledging. Before.

[29:43] God. Their. Utter. Depravity. And. Unrighteousness. Will. Be. Acknowledged. Acknowledging. Before. God. Their. Absolute. Unholiness. Will.

[29:53] Be. Acknowledging. Before. God. Their. Need. Of. Redemption. Unto. You. Unto. You. Is.

[30:04] Born. This. Death. You. Different. Than. If. You. Come. To. Those. Of. God. This. Christmas. Morning. Rejoicing.

[30:15] In. This. Blessed. Saviour. Not. Because. It. Is. An. Excuse. To. Have. A. Family. Gathering. Gathering. To. To. Dream. More. Than. You. Have. A. A. A. A. A. A. Parties.

[30:26] And. So. On. Have. You. Come. This. Morning. Because. You. Seen. Your. Need. Of. These. Things. And. That. Here. In. Christ. Alone. Through. The.

[30:36] Cross. Of. Calvary. And. His. Shed. Blood. Here. Alone. Is. The. Way. That. The. Gift. Will. Be. Really. Meaningful. To. You. Unto.

[30:47] You. Is. Born. This. Day. The. One. That. Was. Born. Dying. And. Yet. Death. Would. Not. Hold. Him. For. He. Does. Nothing. Amid.

[30:58] Did. He. Die. For. His. Own. Sins. No. Christ. Died. For. Our. Sins. According. To. The. Scriptures. Unto.

[31:08] Us. The. Great. Sin. Bearer. The. Dying. Unto. Us. Unto. You. Is. Born. This.

[31:19] Day. Salvation. Very. Personal. To you. My. Friend. It. Ought. To. Ben. You. See. It's. Like. On. The. Sound. Of. The. Children. Earlier. Very.

[31:30] Nice. To. Think. About. These. Things. To. He. All. Others. Receive. It. A. Bless. But. What. The. One. Thing. Need.

[31:40] For. Jesus. Engrave. It. On. My. Heart. The. Thou. The. One. Thing. Need. For. Are.

[31:51] Made. Unto. Us. Unto. You. Is. Born. This. Day. One. Clothing. For. Then.

[32:01] I. Must. Leave. It. It. It. It. It. One. Peter. Chapter. Two. Unto.

[32:11] You. Therefore. Which. Believe. He. Is. Precious. Unto. You. Therefore.

[32:22] Which. Believe. He. Is. Precious. But. He's a. Stumbling. Of. Stumbling. And. A. Rock.

[32:33] Of. Offence. To. Those. That. Are. Disobedient. Unto. You. Therefore. Which. Believe. Unto.

[32:44] You. Is. Born. This. Death. Who. Is. Born. Well. You. Say. He. Was. Born. Into. This. World. Yes. He. Was. He. Was. Born.

[32:54] Into. Our. Right. Yes. He. Was. He. Was. Born. Into. All. Those. Privileges. And. All. Those. Blessings. Which. God. Has. Appointed. For. Him. Yes.

[33:05] He. Was. Born. Into. That. Pathway. That. Must. Lead. To. Calvary. And. He. Was. Born. That. Sinners. Might. Believe.

[33:16] On. Him. Unto. You. Is. Born. This. Day. In. The. City. Of. David. A. Saviour. Which. Is. Christ.

[33:27] The. Lord. On. This. Christmas. Day. You. Perhaps. Like. Me. Will. Have. Received. Gifts. Kind. Messages.

[33:39] Good. Wishes. But. What. Could. Be. More. Precious. What. Could. Be. Better. Than. This. Unto. You. Is. Born.

[33:50] This. Day. Is. Emmanuel. Born. In. Your. Heart. Will. He. Rage. Your. New. Creature. Are. You. Are. Both. These. Of. Whom.

[34:00] It. Is. Written. Unto. You. Therefore. That. Believe. He. Is. Precious. Salvation.

[34:15] Is. God's. Personal. Gift. Through. Christ. To. Every. Poor.

[34:26] Needy. Sinner. That. He. Loved. With. An. Everlasting. Love. The. Post. Office. Will. Be. Left. No. Doubt. This. Christmas. As. They. Always. Are. With.

[34:36] A. Lot. Of. Misdirected. Parcels. Of. Letters. That. Have. Got. Lost. In. The. Post. And. Will. Never. Reach. Those. For. Whom. They. Were. Intended. But. Not. These.

[34:48] Unto. You. Is. Born. This. Day. A. Great. Number. That. No. Man. Can. Number. All.

[34:58] Who. Have. Lived. To. Feel. Their. Need. Of. Him. All. Who. Have. Put. Their. Trust. In. Him. Unto. You. May.

[35:08] We. By. Grace. Be. The. Favored. Recipients. Of. These. Blessed. Things. And. To. Know. Him. Of. Whom. It. Is. Written.

[35:19] Unto. You. Is. Born. This. Day. A. Saviour. Which. Is. Christ. The. Lord. Amen.