[0:00] now we'll just continue with our talk for the younger folk perhaps we'll just announce the text first because the young folks talk is relevant to it in verse 11 of luke chapter 2. luke 2 and verse 11 for unto you is born this day in the city of david a savior which is christ the lord unto you i expect like me you've noticed the busy postman the last week or so going from door to door in your street or road and as you've seen him or it may be her going along the road you've wondered if one will come to your house or perhaps more than one it's very nice to see the letters and the cards and the greetings going into other people's houses but of course it's particularly good when you see the postman stop at your gate and make his way to your door and put something through the letterbox but then again when those cards and letters arrive the first thing you do when they come through the door is go down and see who their address do the postman's got it right so far you see the address on the envelope but once he's put it through the door his duty is finished he's delivered it to we hope the right home or house but now what happens why those inside they look at the envelope you don't just rush down and open all the letters that come through the door do you you stop a minute and you look to see who they're addressed to unto who if you like those messages those greetings those cards are addressed well of course some of them may be addressed to the whole family we get quite a number like that that comes to mr and mrs kilmister and family or something like that well that's very nice so one member of the family opens them but the greetings are for all well that is very nice to think of a friend or a friend or a relative who has embraced all of you in loving greetings in a message of good will but there's nothing quite like having one with your name on it is it when there's one that's addressed to you personally now when you open the greetings there it's from so-and-so a friend or a relative or someone a personal greeting from that one and it is addressed to you personally it's got your name on the envelope it's got the name of the person that has remembered you and sent good wishes and it's got your name perhaps again inside and that really is the best of all greeting so it's wonderful to see the postman visit and you know that others are receiving a message of good will it's nice when one comes to your house and you can share in it but it's particularly wonderful when it onto you personally and you know the gospel is like that salvation is like that there's a sense in which the gospel is preached throughout the whole world and we rejoice that christ is preached there's a way in which the gospel is preached and we hope is being preached today in many churches and chapels up and down this land and throughout the world the blessed good tidings of the coming of the savior and of sins forgiven and the gift of god which is eternal the gospel is preached and the gospel is preached and the gospel is preached and the gospel is preached and the churches and congregations will come under the sound of the gospel today but there's nothing like having a message that's addressed to you and that's the wonder of the gospel the lord jesus said my sheep hear my voice do you remember how samuel was called and the lord called samuel samuel that was a direct message it was addressed to him and it was to that call that he responded and you know that is what every true believer longs for they want a message of greeting and goodwill oh they they appreciate we all do our christmas cards and season greetings but above all as we come to god's house not only today but on all occasions we want something that's addressed to us one hymn has it something like this i am listening lord for this what us then to say to me and so justice we look at the letters that come through the letter box is there one for me so the people of god come to his hand is there something for me well maybe we'll prove it to be so not only this day but on all occasions when we wake upon him we want unto you