Receiving God's unspeakable Gift (Quality: Average)

Melksham - Ebenezer - Part 3

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Dec. 21, 1980


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[0:00] Would you kindly turn to the second epistle to the Corinthians, or second epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 9, and the last verse there, verse 15, in the ninth chapter, the second epistle to the Corinthians.

[0:25] Thanks be unto God for his unspateful gift.

[0:37] Thanks be unto God for his unspateful gift. The enslave apostle, this part of his letter to the Corinthians believers, was urging them, or encouraging them, to liberality, in regard to the giving for God's poor and needy people.

[1:13] It was, I believe, true, that at that time there was much suffering, especially in Jerusalem, among the believing Christians.

[1:25] It is, I believe, true also, that many of them, many of the menfolk among the believers, were unable to get jobs, to find work, because the unbelieving Jews, and the unbelieving Gentiles, Gentiles refused to give them the opportunity to work, and so they were in great distress.

[1:58] And so the apostle, writing to these Corinthians, he urged them to do what they could, as the Lord might touch their heart, to help his needy people, especially in Jerusalem.

[2:19] And so, in this chapter, he says in verse 5, Therefore, I thought it necessary, to exalt the brethren, that they would go before unto you, and make up beforehand your bounty, whereof ye had noticed before, that the same might be ready, as a matter of bounty, and not as a covetous nest, but this I would say, he which soweth sparingly, shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully, shall reap also bountifully untrue, that is, dear friends, in the life and experience, of all who love and fear the Lord, he says to them, give, and it shall be given unto you, full measure, pressed down, and running over, shall men give it to your bosom.

[3:25] How true it is, still true, and then he says, every man according as he purposes in his heart, so that it is, not grudgingly, all of necessity, for God love it, as you forgive, and then you notice, how this reacts, by the grace of God, and he says, and God is able, to make all grace, abound toward you, that ye, always having all sufficiency, and all things, may abound, to every good work.

[4:07] And then, when he comes to clothes, as it were, in this particular part of the letter, it seems to break away, and, from speaking of, thanking God for, his goodness to them, in opening their hearts, and leading them, in his way, he says, thanks, thee, unto God, for, his, unspeakable, gift.

[4:40] As though to say, all, you, dear friends, have, been constrained to do, to help, heal me, to greater, and, friends, and the Lord, is nothing, nothing, in comparison, of that unspeakable gift, of God, the gift, of his, beloved son.

[5:06] And, that's true, isn't it, even to us, during this season, of the year, most of us, well, all of us, in measure and degree, will be giving, and receiving.

[5:21] And, as the Lord is pleased, to bless us, you and I, in these things, and, we feel encouragement, the way, the Lord has opened the hearts, of one another, maybe, and our hearts, too, we trust, to do his gracious will, to the Lord's dear people, to those we love, for the truth, yet, dear friends, let us remember, what is it, what is it, in comparison, of this, gift of God, the apostle speaks of here, thanks be unto God, for his, unspeakable gift, the gift, of his beloved son, the fact, that God, sent his son, and that his dear son, was willing to abide, and willing to come, and to take upon him, a human body, and to be born, in the likeness, of sinful flesh, and for sin, and himself, to be, so completely sinless, holy, and without spot, before God, so, he says, well, let us forget, for a moment, those lesser things, and let us see, and try, by the grace of God, to consider, the greater things, and to remember this, that God, has done something, for poor, guilty sinners, such as you and I, that we can never, fully grasp, or understand, thanks be unto God, for his, unspeakable gift, that is, it's something, the coming of Christ, the appearance, of the dear Lord, and Redeemer, upon this earth, is something, that, is beyond us, the more you delve, into it, the more mysterious, it appears, greater, the mystery, or is it great, have you ever, tried to delve, into it, to search into it, well, the prophets did, and the wise men, have done, all through the ages, and yet, it's something, that is completely, beyond us, and above us, and here,

[8:03] I believe, dear friends, it's for you and me, to bow, in all humility, before a holy God, and acknowledge, that we know nothing, as we ought to know, so, he says, after all these things, referred to, thanks be unto God, for something, greater, than anything, we can understand, for his, unspeakable, game, the coming of his, dear son, is something, that we cannot, describe, fully and completely, in human language, well, dear friends, it's meant to be so, isn't it, it's meant, that he should be so, because if it wasn't so, if the coming, of the Lord Jesus, his lonely birth, in little Bethlehem town, the fact, that he was born, as he was, of a humble, young woman, of a tribe, that was of, no account, or little account, and so,

[9:18] Joseph, the husband, he had both of them, a little account, and then, it was, through that, wonderful, gracious, work of God, that Jesus, appeared, well, as the Lord, may be pleased, and help, just for a little while, may we try, and look a little, into, into, the wonder, the wonder, of Jesus Christ, the unspeakable gift, of God's beloved son, the gift, of all gifts, and, on one hand, I will venture, just briefly, to speak, about his name, and, you know, it is said, the, one of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the name, which is above, every name, above, every name, none of the name, under, heaven, among men, whereby, we must be saved, and that name, is Jesus, that shall call his name,

[10:32] Jesus, for he shall save his people, from their sins, and, further, how many names, does the dear Lord, there, all you think of it, his name shall be called, wonderful, says Isaiah, wonderful, the king of kings, the Lord of lords, the friend, of sinners, yes, the friend of sinners, the brother, born, for adversity, and that's, those are all his names, and I believe, one of our hymn writers, has put it, something like this, join all those glorious names, of wisdom, love, and power, that angels ever knew, that mortals, ever brought, all of them to me, to speak his word, to me, to say, my saviour, for, one of his names, is the shepherd, of his people, the good shepherd, the great shepherd, the shepherd, ah, what a sweet name, dear friends, that is, the shepherd of all shepherds, the heavenly shepherd, the shepherd in the person, of God's beloved son, who cares, for his king, he says, of them I know them,

[12:08] I know my king, or there's an amazing, ah, person, personal union, you see, between Christ, and his dear people, because of history, he says, they hear his voice, and they know him, they follow him, and, what would say, here then, does that name, dear friends, of Jesus, have, a sweet appeal, to your poor heart, and mine, is there something, that you and I, could say of the truth, it is sweet, it has, a blessedness, upon it, and within, and, you see, then, perhaps you can say, how sweet, that name of Jesus, sound, in a believer's ear, in your ear, in my ear, it soothes his sorrow, does it, has that name, no friends, had a soothing effect, upon your sorrows, your disappointments, your trials, does that name, bear something, to you, that none of the name, does bear, it heals his wounds, and dries his tears, well, that's, the name, that he bears, and, there is none other name, to be compared, is there, with the name of Jesus,

[13:56] Jesus, many years, back now, in fact, he goes back, to the first world war, and, during that terrible war, where so many, of our young men, the very flower, of England, died, laid down their lives, in the cause, of freedom, then, and, one, with many others, was found, in the prisoners camp, in Germany, and, in the big hut, where, we had to live, have our meals, and sleep, there were Russians, and Italians, and British prisoners, and at night, it was quite available, to hear all the different, languages going on, hours included, but one night, is a night, one remembers, particularly, for after the day's labours, hard work, with pick and shovel, twelve hours a day, we were glad enough, to lie down, our weary heads, and rest, and just before, turning over, to sleep,

[15:21] I remember, putting my hand, under the pillow, quite hard beds, they were bunk beds, drawing out, the little Bible, some dear Christian friends, had given me, in Norwich, before going out, to France, and, I began to read, and, as I read, I believe, it was in the Psalms, I felt a hand, touch me, on the side, and I looked over, and there, was another, British prisoner of war, in the other bunk, nearby, and, he said to me, just a moment, friend, might I ask, what that little book was, you were looking at, just now, and I said, yes, here it is, I held it up to him, and he said, I thought it was,

[16:22] I thought it was, and he put his hand, under his pillow, and he drew out, from there, another little Bible, and he said, here, here is mine, and he said, you know, it does me good, to feel, that there's even, one more, among all this company, who has enough, for the word of God, he said, what should we do, without it, under such conditions, as the, I said, what should we do, how could we go on, without some help, from the word of God, and you know, from that time, we were strangely, drawn together, he and I, because, I believe we both felt, we had some gracious, common ground, together, it was a love, for the scriptures, a feeling, desire, to hear the word of God, through the scriptures, to receive help, comfort, guidance, strength, sufficient, well then, thanks be unto God, for such things, as that, all that have, sent God, dear friends, for the scriptures, for the Bible, for the word, of the living God, because, why, should we be so thankful, for the scriptures, as well, it's true, you know, the scriptures, and the law, they're one, tremendous name, the written, and the incarnate word, in all things, are the same, yes, this is the word of God, this, is the voice of Christ, in the beginning,

[18:23] John says, you remember, was the word, and the word, was with God, the word, was God, well then, thanks be unto God, that his, unspeakable gift, his unspeakable love, his unspeakable mercy, God's, amazing grace, amazing grace, ah, you know, John knew, you must have felt it so, mustn't he, well then, that sweet, amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch, like me, and Lord, what a wretch he was, and what a wretch, he felt himself to be, undoubtedly, I once was lost, he said, but now I'm found, was dead, was blind, that now I see, well,

[19:28] Newton, John Newton, certainly had much cause, to thank God, for, God's dear son, and the fact that, Jesus had been revealed, to him, you know, nothing but revelation, will, grant us, that real blessing, oh, to have Christ, revealed, by the spirit, in our poor hearts, and that is vital religion, isn't it, it's revelation, it's the revealing, of Jesus, the son of God, who came to suffer, bleed, and die, to take upon himself, and that, wondrous grace, and place, and position, of the lamb, and the sacrifice, the sacrifice, and the offering, of unto God, of himself, without stop, well, thanks be unto God, he says, for his, unspeakable gift, and further, or to try, to look a little further, into it, the amazing, grace, and love, of Jesus, in dealing, with all his, dear people, in the way he does, and how is that, well, he leads them, as the shepherd, leads his sheep, and calls upon them, to follow him, and that's how it is, isn't he, he says, follow me, follow me, further, if any man, will come after me, and you know, what a mercy it is, to have a willing heart, to be made willing, sometimes we love, to read that, sacred word, concerning Christ, thy people, shall be willing, in the day of thy power, the day of thy power, when God almighty, puts forth his power, into the heart, of a poor, sinful soul, and makes them, willing to follow, for it's a mercy, near the friends, to have our pride, taken away, to have our own self-will, laid low, laid in the dust, and to have the Lord come, and speak, mercifully, to our poor soul, for his, unspeakable, for his, unspeakable, gift, now, connected, if I might so say, with the coming of Christ, is the work of Christ, and you know, we, sometimes, speak of the work of the Lord, don't we, the work of Christ, the work of God, in the soul, the operation, of his mighty spirit, upon, and within, the heart, of God's servants, now, have you, ever had cause, to thank God, that you hope, and trust, that he has, begun something, in your soul, and, as the apostle, writing to Philippians, thank God, for that, on their behalf, because he said, seeing, that he has, begun a good work, in you, he will perform it, well now, there's something, to thank God for,

[23:26] I trust, isn't it, all, to thank God, for a spirit, of prayer, and, if I might say so, to be brought, to thank our God, for a broken heart, and a contrite spirit, before God, all, to sacrifice, that is, and only the Lord, can produce it, repentance, and forgiveness, all, what, blessings they are, and Jesus, we hear, in the world, is exalted, the right hand, of the Father, to give these things, to his dear people, to give repentance, unto Israel, and not only so, but forgiveness, of their sins, you see, the two, must be seen together, if God, in mercy, works within, your soul, near a friend, a broken heart, is through, contrition, and confession, grace, to pour out, your heart, as a penitent sinner, at the mercy seat, he won't leave you there, surely he won't, he won't leave his work there, no, he'll go on, to be gracious, sooner or later, you, will surely hear, his gracious word, thy sins, which are many, are for heavenly, low in peace, and, we sometimes, say, don't we, forgiveness, tis a joyful sound, to manufacturers, doomed to die, oh, how sweet it is, to be forgiven, to be pardoned, and that's what, the Lord came for, isn't it, that's what he was born, upon this earth for, that's why, he took out nature, the very purpose, of it, that he might, bring these things about, and, that he, in himself, might fulfill, the holy Lord of God, in every detail, on the heart, of his sinful people, and finally, bring them, to heaven, at last.

[25:56] I, well remember, just come to mind, here, a time, when one, was up at Sedgley, in the black country, one of the chapels, there, and, staying, with an elderly lady, over the Saturday, and Sunday night, I believe, it was on the, Sunday, of that day, after the services, she opened, her heart, to me, and she was, quite an, inference, audible, and naturally speaking, a poor, hard working, soul, all the life, she'd be, and then, she told me, a little, of how the Lord, had dealt with her, and she said, you know, I was granted, gracious release, one night, in a dream, in a dream, and she said, you know, we sometimes, discount the value, of dreams, but, she said,

[27:08] I never could, after that, and I said, well, what was it, well, she said, I found myself, in a magistrate's court, standing in the dark, accused, of most terrible crimes, and, she said, as the, accusations, were read out, I had to feel, that they were true, and, that I was guilty, a guilty sinner, and, then she said, after all the accusations, I stood trembling, waiting, to hear, what the judge, would say, well, she said, I so fear, I was ready, to conclude, that he would condemn me, to death, and, then she said, what do you think, said, I listened intently, and I heard the word, from the judge's own mouth, acquitted, acquitted, and she said, do you know, it seemed so, in a moment, the mercy, the goodness, the righteousness, of Christ, was all opened up, to my trembling heart, and mind, and I saw, my soul, acquitted, for his sake, and made a new creature, in Christ Jesus, delivered, from condemnation, oh, she said,

[28:47] I remember, the word, of the apostle, if God, before us, who can be, against us, he, delivered up, his own beloved son, how can he not, with him also, freely, give us all things, she went up, in that strength, you know, it was the best part, of that Lord's day, to me, I felt, oh, good gracious woman, go on, go on, it was good to hear, though ignorant, in thy nature, yet all held, well taught, in the way of grace, well, thanks be unto God, for such things, as these, for such mercy, for such, unspeakable grace, and goodness, and I hope, dear friends, sometime, you may feel, and I, constrained, to acknowledge, that God, this gracious God, has been, better to us, to you and me, better, than all our sinful, deserves, where would you, and I be, and the Lord, dealt with us, according to our sins, some of us, might well feel, we should have been, in hell, long before this, but, the Lord, has lengthened out, his mercy, his goodness, spareness, thanks be unto God, is all, through Jesus, yet, every blessing, every gift, every favor, comes to us, through,

[30:40] Jesus, blood, and so, he says, thanks be unto God, for his, unspeakable, gift, but, just before, closing, might we just mention, one other point here, and that is, the way, God is pleased, to deal, with those, he loves, and how is it, well, he tells us, in his word, that whom he loved, he chastened, and scourged, every son, whom he received, and further, if we endure, chastening, God dealeth with us, as with some, but what son is he, whom the father, chasteneth not, now, now friend, there is, amazing, wisdom, in that path, you know, it's a wisdom of God, because you see, if we are to get to heaven, at last, you and I, if we are to see, his face, to see the face, of him, who was a man, of sorrows, and acquainted, with grief, we, must walk, the path, that is, pleasing, in his sight, and so, he says, if any man, will come after me, let him first, deny himself, his will, his wisdom, and then, take up his cross, cross, now, what is your cross, and what is mine, if, we are, appointed, to obtain, that, greater salvation, we shall have, a cross, to carry, something, to bear, and it will be, a chastening, of the Lord, upon our soul, what for, well,

[32:47] I hope, that's his, a sign, to make us, more conform, to the image, of Christ, how can two, walk together, except, they be agreed, I remember, the late, Mr. Priest, of Southshire, preaching, from those words, at little, Southwick Chapel, some years ago, and, oh, the good word, it was, how can two, walk together, now, if you and I, are to walk, with Christ, with God, with the love of God, we must be made, like him, we must be made, me, like unto him, we must be made, willing, to endure, to bear, to suffer, for his sake, and to pray, that every trial, and every affliction, that God is pleased, to lay upon us, shall work, for our good, and be, for our benefit, and profit, well, thanks be to God, dear friends, if this is the way, he is pleased, to lead you, and me, thanks be to God, for it, what you say, for the wrong, for those things, which seem, sometimes, to be so much, against us, well, yes,

[34:18] Jacob, you know, when first, Joseph, and then Benjamin, and then Simeon, were all taken, out of his family, and when he heard, further trials, ahead, he said, all these things, are against me, were they?

[34:38] you examine, were they all, against him? You say, well, surely not, not eventually, oh no, he was brought, to meet his, absent son, Joseph, before that, and he thought, was dead, and perished, long ago, now you find, he is fed, of Egypt, and, that he is, in charge, of all the corn, there, this corn, in Egypt, and Jacob, had to prove, that his, supposition, that all those, things were, against him, was not, true, it was wrong, as it is, dear friend, to misjud, the Lord's, dealings, with us, judge not, the Lord, by feeble, sense, and how often, we do, but trust him, for his grace, behind the frowning, providence, he hides, a smiling face, he did with Jacob, didn't he, he hid a smiling face, in dark providence, clouds, terrors, afflictions, and it made it so, sometime, with you, and me, but then, eventually, sooner or later,

[36:08] I believe, you and I, will be brought to this, thanks be unto God, for a precious Christ, oh, let us be thankful, unto our God, for the way, he has led us, he has led us, however dark, it seems to be, at time, is being right, and if, the power, is of God's, appointing, it must be right, mustn't it, whatever my God, ordains, is right, holy, is well-abided, I will be still, whate'er he done, and follow, where he died, thanks be unto God, let us not, desire, to have a different, path, dear friends, but, humbly hope, and trust, we're in the way, that he, has appointed, for us, I will remember, a late day,

[37:10] Mr. Harry, day, about, it just, comes to mind, here, and one, may have mentioned, it before, but it seems, to come again, Mr. Harry, day, the most greatest soul, in the, old Providence, chapel there, and he lost, his wife, and then he began, to suffer, himself, from, afflicted, weakness, pain, suffering, and I used to, give him a call, now and again, the house, where he was living, other people, living in another, park, used to look after him, sometimes, he was in his bed, couldn't get up, and then, later, he had to go to hospital, have operations, and after one, serious operation, at the, St. Martin's Hospital, down,

[38:13] I saw him there, and, I will remember, how we have to learn, don't we, one from another, I began, to commiserate, with Mr. Harry, day, and saying, how sorry, I was, to see him, in that low, weak condition, and you know, he looked at me, very straight, and he said, now dear friend, don't speak anymore, like that, to me, or I felt, rebuked, and redact, he said, you know, I wouldn't have, one thing altered, not one thing, but I said, dear friend, you don't mean, those sufferings, you've been through, those pains, those trials, he said, I wouldn't have, one thing altered, it's all right, it's all been well, and I believe, how gracious God, has used these things, to humble me, to humble my pride, to bring me down, into the dust, before him, to teach me, and he said,

[39:31] I wouldn't have, anything changed, it's right, yes, the way the Lord, is pleased to be, it must be right, mustn't it, however proud nature, rebels against it, well, thanks be unto God, then, and what would you say, dear friend, for that cross, that disappointment, that trouble, that affliction, well, I believe, God's dear people, will come to it, sooner or later, be given the grace, thanks be unto God, for his, unspeakable gift, his mercy, his goodness, his long-suffering, kindness, to such a guilty world, as, I feel to be, oh, yet, there's nothing wrong, dear friends, in the way, the Lord, leads his, sir, the all-wise God, he knows what's best, what's best for you, and me, and let us, leave our matters, in his, sovereign hand, well, let us close, with those sweet lines, of George Newmark, and that hymn of his, where he says, leave God, to order, all thy ways, and trust in him, whate'er they die, yet, oh, let's leave all, with his hand, trust in a gracious God, thank him, for what he has done, and trust him, for all, that's to come,

[41:21] I think, I must leave it here, pray, the Lord, would graciously, pardon, anything, that's been, a mess, and grant, his own blessing, upon his own word, for his name, to stay, Amen.