Desiring to partake of God's blessings (Quality: Good, quiet)

Brabourne Lees - Zion - Part 69

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Oct. 11, 1987


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[0:00] Thank you.

[0:30] Thank you.

[1:00] Thank you.

[1:30] Thank you. Thank you.

[2:30] Thank you. Thank you.

[3:30] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[3:42] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[4:22] Thank you.

[4:52] Thank you. Thank you.

[5:24] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[5:36] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[5:48] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[6:02] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[6:18] Thank you. Strengthening faith, beauty, I know.

[6:33] Thine life, thy grace, come and my life.

[6:50] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I'll try and speak a little this morning from words you will find in Psalm 27 and verse 4.

[7:09] One thing have I desired of the Lord, that when I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and stream choir in his temple.

[7:33] Psalm 27 and verse 4. This is one of those very well-known texts.

[7:46] It's an unspeakable mercy if we know something of what the psalmist expresses in these words before us. He had in his heart a desire.

[8:02] Evidently at this time it was a strong desire. Which was, as it were, the uppermost desire in his heart. And this being so, he was earnest in it.

[8:18] And seeking that the Lord would be pleased to satisfy that desire. And it is a wonderful mercy to possess some living desire in the heart.

[8:33] We've been singing in the hymn about desires, how beautifully the hymn writer expresses these things. And where she says, That whene'er to call the Saviour mine, with ardent wish my heart aspires, can it be less than power divine, which animates these strong desires.

[8:56] And where there are living desires, they of course spring from a living principle in the heart. And where there is that living principle, it means that the Lord has been pleased in his great mercy, his sovereign mercy, to implant that living principle.

[9:18] And these are vital things to consider. Because we are either alive or dead spiritually. As we were born into this world, although we are blessed with natural life, we are dead spiritually.

[9:36] We have no spiritual life in our hearts. And until God in his great mercy quickens a dead soul, that soul remains in that dead condition spiritually.

[9:51] And it is a solemn consideration that so many are still dead in trespasses and sins. The Apostle Paul reminded the Ephesians that they are former conditioned by nature, that they were dead in trespasses and sins.

[10:12] But he could say, But you hath he quickened. And it is for the quickening influence of the Holy Spirit, that souls are made alive, born again, the Lord Jesus Christ, to emphasise this important matter to Nicodemus, who came to him by night.

[10:36] One who was a teacher in Israel, and yet, up to that point, he knew nothing of that vital matter, with respect to being born of the Spirit.

[10:53] It is the beginning of all religion. And while with many, it is with them that they cannot, as it were, search out exactly the time when that took place, and it has been a matter of concern to many, because they cannot look back to that particular time, that moment, as it were, when the Lord quickened them into divine life.

[11:22] Some can, but many cannot. And yet, there are the evidences of life to be discerned.

[11:35] And well it will be, if we can search into our hearts, to discern there anything, of that which the Lord has been pleading to do for us.

[11:46] No greater mercy can afford sin and no, than for the Lord to condescend, to deal graciously with him. And so then, while it may well be that, you cannot, look back to that spot, when the Lord was pleased to, quicken you into life, yet, can you discern anything, of these living desires, such as the psalmist had, in what he expresses before us in this verse.

[12:21] Because, we can say this, the dead, know not anything, and those who are still dead, in treasures and sins, know nothing of this desire, the psalmist, was this subject of.

[12:40] But now let us try and consider it, as we might be held. And the psalmist was speaking from the heart, wasn't he? These were not just empty words, but he expresses something, which was known and felt in his heart.

[12:59] In this psalm, this psalm 27, we have really quite a, a variety of, a greater experience set before us, in this psalm.

[13:12] Showing to us, that living souls, those who are quickened, by the spirit of God, do pass through, changing sins. He begins with, a measure of confidence.

[13:28] Humble confidence, not self-confidence, but confidence, which, the Lord is pleased at times, is to graciously, work in the hearts, of his people.

[13:40] The confidence, which the apostle declares, is not to be cast away. He says, cast not away your confidence, which hath great recompense, of reward.

[13:50] Well, in the first part of this psalm, David speaks of, a confidence, that the Lord was pleased, to graciously work in him. Realizing that the Lord, was his light, and his salvation.

[14:05] And it helped him, as he considered this, to, rise above his fears, and faintings, for the time being. And he says, whom shall I fear?

[14:19] Of whom shall I be afraid? And, realizing, what the Lord was to him, as his precious light, and salvation, he had no cause to fear.

[14:31] And so there was confidence. A gracious, humble confidence. But when you go, farther down to the psalm, you'll notice that he, he refers to other experiences, which he was a subject of.

[14:51] Not always, was he in the felt, experience of, a confidence, that gave him, quietness, and peace, and lifted him, above his fears.

[15:03] But there were other times. Toward the end of the psalm, he says this, I had fainted, unless I believed to see, the goodness of the Lord, and the land of the living.

[15:17] So the dear man, at times, knew what it was, to feel very faint, and weak, and feeble. And, had not the Lord appeared to him, he would have fainted altogether.

[15:34] And again, he, he gives expression to this, which shows to us, there were times when, he could not enjoy, could not fully enjoy, the light of God's countenance.

[15:49] His prayer, was this, in the middle of the psalm, hide not thy face, far from me, put not thy servant away in anger. But there has been my help.

[16:01] That was his confidence, you see. But he still needed the Lord, to graciously appear for him, to support and sustain him. And so he says, leave me not, neither for save me, O God, of my salvation.

[16:19] Be not over much, cast down for sinners. Sometimes, you feel to be the subject, of so many changes. Or perhaps, for a few moments, you've been favoured, with some felt sense, of the Lord's presence, or other times, when it seems as though, the Lord hides his face.

[16:39] And then you feel like, this psalm is in another place. Where he says, when thou hideest thy face, thou are troubled. When the Lord hides his face, it is a trouble, to living souls.

[16:55] And when they're brought into a concern, about these things, and feel, their experiences be clouded. But now, in this fourth verse, we have this, desire expressed, by the psalmist.

[17:11] And the desire, he, he, put it, as it were, a desire, above other desires. He says, one thing, have I desired, a thing of.

[17:23] And good it is, when, things are like that, in the soul's experience, we have desires, and we have, natural desires.

[17:35] Natural life, brings natural desires, brings natural needs. And there are those things, that, we are made to desire, because, we're living creatures.

[17:47] But you see, here, he speaks of the desire, as an outstanding desire, above other desires. And a desire, which the Lord alone, could provide, and satisfy.

[18:04] He says, one thing, have I desired, of the Lord. And you see, it was because, the Lord was, pleased to graciously, work in his heart, and create this desire, that that desire was, of the Lord.

[18:20] And to him, everything that the Lord, is pleased to perform, in the hearts, of all sinners, will ever, issue in this, bringing them to, have dealings with God, and the desires, are before him, and after him.

[18:40] And you see, the distinction here, between, those who are made alive, and those who are dead. The dead, have no desires, after the Lord. There's an expression, in the word of God, which describes man, in his fallen condition, desired not, the knowledge of thy ways, the Lord's ways.

[19:02] Depart from us, we desire not, the knowledge of thy ways, such is man, in his fallen condition. Now evident, that is, isn't it, in these days, in which we live, when so many, pursue their, ungodly, ways, with, no desire, after the Lord.

[19:22] And in effect, they say, depart from us, we desire not, the knowledge of thy ways. And how different, where the Lord is pleased, to implant, that principle, divine life, it will, bring forth, living desires.

[19:38] And, it is a wonderful mercy, to consider, that, the Lord is pleased, that, to, so, work in the hearts, of, men of old, that these things, would be written down.

[19:56] Holy Spirit, inspired men of old, to, write these things. And this psalm, although, it was a psalm of David, it was a psalm, inspired by the Spirit of God.

[20:14] And these things, are recorded, for the, instruction, and, profit of, poor sinners, down through the ages. And while David, lived in those, far off days, and we live in, these days, and what, are termed, modern days.

[20:34] Yet, when we come to consider, the things to do, with the, work of grace, in the sinner's heart, these things, are the same, the same things. And, if the Lord, is being pleased, to work in your heart, and mine, then, there will be, these same desires, in our hearts.

[20:54] Although, we live in a, in what is termed, a modern age. So, that David, in those many years, before, in those days, when he lived, he had this desire.

[21:06] And it is expressive, of, the desires, of God's people, in these days, where those desires, are in gracious exercise. And, I would look at it, like this.

[21:20] It is a mercy, dear friends, when, there are times, when, we have, such a desire, of the Lord. I fear, there are times, with us, when, desires, are rather feeble.

[21:36] In my son, times, at last, fall into, an unconcerned, an exercised state. And, to our shame, be it spoken. And, how we do need, the Lord then, to appear for us, and to quicken us, and to revive, these desires, in our hearts.

[21:55] Well, now, what a mercy, if at times, you and I, know something, of these desires, of the Lord. And, to him, realise, that the Lord alone, can satisfy, these desires.

[22:11] And, really, I feel, it could be said, that much, of the experience, of God's dear people, can be described, in this way.

[22:25] In that, they have, these desires. But, it is, to feel, to be in possession, of great blessings, heavenly blessings.

[22:37] And, sometimes, it always, please, to bless his dear people, and give them, to realise, and as a psalmist, at times, a confidence, in him, that, that God is, is their salvation.

[22:50] And, that he is, their light. But, it is well, to, consider this, that often, the experience, of a child, of God, is, in the, category, of desires.

[23:08] desires. And, it is only, when one, is brought, really, to the end, of the journey, and, enters into heaven, that, desires, are fully granted.

[23:20] But, here below, there are, these desires. And, so, they are expressed, in the word of God. And, many of them, there are, in these psalms.

[23:32] And, one, Godly, minister, said, concerning the psalms, that they are, really, like the, beatings, of the heart. Yes, that one, made alive, unto God.

[23:46] Yes, heart beatings, heart desires. While, perhaps, you might, feel, you cannot speak, of outstanding, blessings, great things.

[23:59] What a mercy. If, you're not a total, stranger, to these, desires, of the psalm. Well, let's try, and, look into this, then.

[24:14] The psalmist says, one thing, am I desired of the Lord, and that, will I seek after. Now, here we see, that, not only, the psalmist, had this desire, in their heart, but, he was concerned, that, the Lord, would be pleased, to, appear, for him, and, and grant, his, his soul's desire, and he seeks, after it.

[24:37] Here is a, gracious exercise, and, really, the psalmist, was in a healthy condition, when, he was the subject, of this, gracious exercise.

[24:52] As we read, the life of the psalmist, and the word of God, faithfully, describes, the psalmist's life, there were times, you know, when, he was not seeking, after this.

[25:05] Alas, there were times, when, left to himself, he, sadly, went astray, solemnly. But here, he was in a healthy condition, because, there was an exercise, in his soul, and, it is a mercy, dear friends, that, at times, there is an exercise, in our hearts, and, not only is it, well, just a desire, but that the Lord, would be pleased, to, fulfil that desire.

[25:40] What a mercy, dear friends, if sometimes, you had to come, to the house of prayer, yes, feeling burdened, in this way, a desire, that the Lord, would be pleased, to, appear for you, and, grant, your desire.

[25:58] And so, you seek after it. And, the mercy is this, the Lord, has made provision, hasn't he, whereby, poor sinners, can, seek unto him, and seek him, that, he would grant, those desires.

[26:15] Seek ye, the Lord, while he may be found, and call upon him, while he is near, as the word of God. And, we notice in this psalm, the psalmist, speaks of this, when thou said, seek ye my face, my heart, said unto thee, thy face, Lord, will I seek.

[26:35] You see, there was a gracious, response here. Yes, there was, a living exercise here, that will I seek after.

[26:47] God, and good it is, when, as we are privileged, with the means of grace, that, in these things, there is a, a desire, and a seeking after, that God would be pleased, to bless, the means to our hearts.

[27:04] It can be, I feel, considered in this way, seeking after, these desires, when you, attend, God's earthly course. and then, this seeking after, describes prayer, doesn't it?

[27:19] And what is real prayer, but, seeking the Lord's face? Yes, petitions, askings, seekings, and how encouraging, the word of God is, isn't it?

[27:35] To those, who truly sin, the Lord has said, in his word, through the, through Solomon, in the Proverbs, those, those that seek me early, shall find me.

[27:51] Those, I love them, that love me, and those that seek me early, shall find me. And while sometimes, it is, the case that, the Lord, seeks to exercise, his dear people, and they have to seek, and seek again.

[28:10] And like Jonah, when he said, oh look again, toward thy holy temple. And it may well be, there are those things, wherein you have sought the Lord, and you have to seek him still.

[28:22] Because as yet, the Lord has not granted that, to the, fullest extent, what you seek after. Or, to remember this then, that thy face, Lord, will I see.

[28:36] Still to see, still to hope, still to, to press your case, as it were. Still to be found, like that woman, in, we read of in the Gospels, as she pressed through the crowd.

[28:50] You see, she was seeking for help. She was seeking for healing. And there were hindrances, as she pressed through, and obtained the blessing.

[29:02] One thing that I desired of the Lord, and that when I seek after. And then the psalmist expresses his desire. There's one particular desire, at this time.

[29:15] And it was this, that I may dwell, in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life. We need to understand, what the psalmist, means here.

[29:31] The dear man, had to live his life. He was indeed, placed upon Israel's throne. And he had to, bear the responsibilities, of being king, over Israel.

[29:49] He could not at all times, be dwelling in the house of the Lord. So then, how do we understand this? Well, there are one or two, aspects of this, we might consider.

[30:05] And what it is, to dwell in the house of the Lord. First this, there is to be known, that, blessing of, dwelling in place, in the house of the Lord.

[30:19] In the true sense of the word. There is a great difference, between, being, a dweller, and just a visitor.

[30:33] Isn't the one hymn, express, is this, no more a stranger, or a guest, but like a, child atone. That expresses, a dwelling place, in the house of the Lord. Yes, for the house of the Lord, to be, like a spiritual home.

[30:54] And, the psalmist, knew this. Though he lived, in Old Testament times, it was, it was not yet, the gospel dispensation, that, the gospel dispensation, not yet, come in, but, the psalmist, was a man of God.

[31:12] And, there were those things, that, were revealed to him, by faith, whereby he looked forward, as it were. But, he knew what it was, to find, and to realise, there is, a dwelling place, in the house of the Lord.

[31:29] that I may dwell, in the house of the Lord. But then, surely, we have to think of it, like this. Dwelling there, in, in, in the thoughts, and desires, of the soul.

[31:46] So, that even, the dear psalmist, while he was, going about his daily, calling, for there to be thoughts, toward the Lord, in his house.

[31:58] And the things, that belong, to the house of the Lord. The worship of God. Thoughts, yes, desires, and, thinking as it were, in that direction.

[32:13] And, while of course, duties, take up our thoughts, and responsibilities, may, demand much. And, you know, you've proved this, at times, in, your daily, sphere of labour.

[32:27] they take up, much of your time, and thoughts, and, concentration, of mind, as it were. And, you know, how good it is, if at times, thoughts, go toward, the house of the house, the house of the Lord.

[32:43] And, as it were, you dwell, in the house of the Lord, in your thoughts, and desires. And, sometimes, those thoughts, and desires, will be like this, won't they?

[32:56] There, my best friends, and kindred dwell, there God, my Saviour reigns. Could it, hit up a desire, toward the house of the Lord?

[33:06] So then, let us think of it, and this desire, expressed by the psalmist, he says, that I may dwell, in the house of the Lord.

[33:16] What a good desire. Yes, to know what it is, to feel, that, there is, granted to you, a dwelling place, in the house of the Lord.

[33:29] And so that, when, opportunities, it affords, and, at the time of the services, worship, to know what it is, to, dwell in the house of the Lord.

[33:46] Not just, as it were, to go through, the form of the service, and join with others, in the mere formality of it, but, something deeper. And you know, if there is a desire, a living desire, in the heart, you want something deeper.

[34:02] You will not be satisfied, with just, mere formalities, of worship. And as it is, to be feared, there are those, who, attend, the, houses of, prayer, the house of the Lord, and it might, be in a very, formal way, and are satisfied, that they, spend a little while, on the Lord's day, in the house of God, with no concern, for anything deeper.

[34:34] But you know, if there's a spark, of life in the soul, there'll be times, when, you will not be satisfied, with, outward formalities. You want something deeper.

[34:47] You want reality, in your worship. you want to, enter into the, spirit of, worship, and to know, what it is, to feel, a dwelling place, for the Lord, for the house of prayer, to be a dwelling place, in your soul.

[35:04] And to put it, very simply, like this, to be atone there. And living souls, do feel atone, in the house of the Lord, don't they?

[35:17] For those things, they feel atone, in, with regard, to the, manner of worship, be it, ever so, simple, and humble, yet, to a living soul, there is a dwelling place, there as it were, as, a true, worship.

[35:34] that I may dwell, in the house, of the Lord, all the days of my life, said the psalmist. He wanted it to be, something constant, not just a, a passing thing.

[35:52] Now, as I said before, while there, of course, are the daily demands, of life, in whatever sphere, one another, may be placed in, yet, goody tears, if the house of the Lord, has something central, as it were, and you seek, to, do things, in a way, that, should not, be a hindrance, to, your attendance, to the house of the Lord, but rather, the other way, and in that, aspect, to seek first, the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, that I may dwell, in the house of the Lord, you see, there is such a thing, to be in the house, yes, a dwelling place, in the house of the Lord, yes, I mean, a town, amongst the Lord's people, amongst those, who fear his name, one, dear soul, declared, didn't she, in the word of God,

[36:54] I dwell, amongst, one, one, own people, yes, and there is that, to be known, we might, ask ourselves, who are, who are our people, who are our friends, good it is, if there are, those who fear God, that I may dwell, in the house of the Lord, but most of all, to know what it is, to feel atone, in the house of the Lord, realise, it is the house of the Lord, and because, the Lord dwells there, now that may seem, a great statement, but you know, the Lord does dwell, doesn't he, in his earthly courts, we have those words, in a psalm later, where it was revealed, to David, when he was concerned, about the things, to do with the house, of the Lord, and there might be, a settled place, for the ark, and how, the Lord was pleased, to appear, to the psalmist, and make it known, to him, and he refers to it, in one of the psalms, and the Lord said, to David, that Zion, was his dwelling place, for the Lord, has chosen Zion, he desired it, for his habitation, this is my rest forever, here will I dwell, this is the Lord speaking, the Lord, as he dwells in Zion, and, he says, this is my rest forever, yes, the Lord, as it were,

[38:45] I will speak reverently, he rests, in his house, and where his people, gather together, to worship him, here will I dwell, for I desire it, and you see, as the Lord dwells, as he makes known, his presence, in his earthly court, so, his dear people, when in the gracious, exercise of soul, find, a dwelling place, yes, in the presence, of the Lord, and then, being a dwelling place, like a, as it were, spiritual home, there is, that which constitutes, a home, yes, there's shelter, in the home, isn't there, what a mercy, when the Lord is, the shelter of his people, and he is, this was, this was the, the time, his confidence, wasn't it, for though, he had difficulties, he had trials, he had dangers, yet, he knew, the sheltering, presence of God, and, of course, a home, a fourth chapter, but then, further, it affords provision, there is provision, the home, with food, and in that psalm, where the, psalmist speaks, of how the Lord, revealed to him, concerning the, resting place, of the ark, the Lord, gave to,

[40:18] David, a wonderful promise, concerning, his own, not only, did he say, this is my rest, forever, here will I dwell, for I have desired it, he goes on, to say this, I will abundantly, bless her provision, I will satisfy, her poor, with bread, care of the provisions, of God's house, and you see, where are these, these desires, and the desire, for dwelling, place in the house, of the Lord, there is a desire, that one may be fed there, with spiritual provision, the heavenly manner, the gospel, to be, made food, to the soul, for the Lord, in his mercy, to spread as it were, at the table, of the gospel, the major portion, of your soul, that I may dwell, in the house, of the Lord, all the days, of my life, and then, he, makes this particular, point here, and it is this, and this really, consummates, his desire, to behold, the beauty, of the Lord, that I may dwell, in the house, of the Lord, all the days, of my life, to behold, the beauty, of the Lord, of the Son, he wants to behold, yes, by the eye of faith, the beauty, of the Lord, now what, did the dear man, mean, where, where could he, behold, behold, it, it, didn't consist, in outward things, did it, remember,

[42:10] Solomon's temple, was not yet built, that would, when it was built, it was a beautiful building, the word of God, describes it, as being, exceeding, magnifical, it was a magnificent building, there was a beauty, as it were, in the outward appearance, of that temple, but the temple, had not yet been built, so, David means something, more than, just outward appearance, or, material beauty, something spiritual, David was, conversant, with the, manner of worship, in his day, and, there was, but a, as it were, a tent for the ark, nothing elaborate, and yet, there was a beauty, because, the Lord manifested, his presence there, yes, there was a cloud, of his presence, and there are, those things that, set forth the beauty, of the Lord, and how can we, speak of them, well, it is this, isn't it, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the beauty, of the Lord, and while, to the ungodly, and the word of God, speaks, of the Lord,

[43:39] Jesus Christ, having no form, nor calmness, no beauty, to be desired, in him, but when, eyes are opened, when poor sinners, are taught, something, of their, sinnership, their guiltiness, their, deep need, there's something, in the dear, saviour, which is so, beautiful, beautiful, there's a beauty, in the, sufficiency, and the, suitability, there is in him, as a sinner's friend, and no doubt, that the, the psalmist, could, by faith, and he desired this, to, behold, and he did desire, at times, he did, behold, I mean, the beauty, of the Lord, by faith, with respect, to the sacrifices, that had to be offered, the manner, of the Old Testament, worship, and, all this, of course, was types, and shadows, but, to, the people, of God, and those, blessed with faith, they looked, beyond the types, and shadows, and they beheld, the beauty, of the Lord, and the sacrifices, offered, in the, blood, that was, here, but now, in this gospel day, there is to be, beheld, the beauty, of the Lord, in the Lord,

[45:03] Jesus Christ, himself, and he does, become desirable, to living souls, to needy sinners, yes, and, surely, all desires, and that which is, sought after, can be, as it were, brought to this point, the Lord, Jesus Christ, himself, when I said, in the hymn, what is the house, to me, unless the master, I can see, who is the master, of the house, for the Lord, Jesus Christ, and what comeliness, there is in him, to a poor, needy sinner, and, this being so, there is the beauty, of the Lord, to be beheld, in the gospel, because it is the gospel, of Jesus Christ, and there is a beauty, in it, and poor sinners, whose ears, have been open, to hear, and their hearts, opened, also, to receive, the word, of the gospel, there is a beauty, in it, yes, a beauty, in the simplicity, of it, and, as it points, to, the Lord,

[46:26] Jesus Christ, it is the gospel, of Jesus Christ, I think, we considered, last, Lord's Day, in the afternoon, how the apostle, Paul, speaks of the gospel, of your salvation, well, it points, to the Lord, Jesus Christ, doesn't it, because neither, is there salvation, in the other, but in him, and good, it is when, there is to be beheld, something of the beauty, in the Lord, Jesus Christ, in his divine, compassion, yes, his all-sufficiency, he was able to say, to the uttermost, oh, there is, there is beauty, in the proclamation, of this, to poor sinners, to behold, the beauty, of the Lord, and you know, sometimes, the Lord is pleased, in his mercy, to reveal himself, in his house, to poor sinners, although it may be, as it were, through the lattice, you read in the Solomon's song, about him, showing himself, through the lattice, and there is, the lattice of God's word, the lattice of the gospel, as it were, and sometimes, the Lord is pleased, to reveal himself, yes, through his word, to one another, of his dear people, when in his earthly course, and they behold, the beauty, of the Lord, well, the psalmist, desired this, and can we honestly, say to your friends, that we possess, that desire, yes, and, do we know, what is, to seek after it, yes, the, the, smiling of his face, do you know, something, that blessing, we tried to consider, last Sabbath, the light of his countenance, to behold, the beauty, of the Lord, or the psalmist, desired this, yes, other attractions, faded into, insignificance, as it were, in the light of this, and he desired, to behold it, to behold, the beauty of the Lord, and, to find a dwelling place, in the Lord's, earthly courts, yes, not just, a visitor, as it were, but,

[49:00] I feel a town there, so behold, the beauty of the Lord, and then, finally this, he says, to inquire, in his temple, and this immediately, brings us, to consider, a wonderful provision, the Lord, the Lord has made, for his, seeking people, there's a place, where they can, seek him, you see, and, the psalmist, refers here, to an inquire, in his temple, now, this brings us, to consider, the mercy seat, the throne of grace, the place, where, the Lord, condescends, to meet, with his people, and to commune, with them, and they, with him, and you see, if there's a real desire, in the heart, and, seeking out, that desire, then, there will be, this inquiry, won't there, yes, the, as it were, to be, as a suppliant, seeking, blessings, to inquire, in his temple, and how, a living soul, will make inquiries, as it were, or you have to, inquire of the Lord, don't you, and we read, with David, don't we, how, from time to time, he had to inquire, of the Lord, things pertaining, to his, his pathway, in life, difficulties, he came in, too, and he had to, seek the Lord, to, ask, which way, he should go, and, how he should act, under particular, circumstances, and he inquired, of the Lord, and he expresses it, doesn't he, and to inquire, in his temple, yes, and, it is, through the Lord's, great mercy, and his condescending, love, to his dear people, that, he is to be inquired, of in his temple, we read a word, in the Ezekiel, the Lord says,

[51:21] I will yet, for this, be inquired, of by the house, of Israel, to do it for them, yes, and, things to be inquired, of, where you do need, the Lord, yes, if there's a desire, in your heart, to appear, to speak, to make known, his will, to make known, his favour, you inquire, as the psalmist, did, in one place, he says, show me, a token, for good, he inquired, in the Lord's temple, as it were, he desired, that the Lord, would grant him, a true token, a token, for God, yes, sound to my soul, I am thy salvation, was his inquiry, notice them, the manner, of those inquiries, oh, he had, needs, which he, desired, the Lord, would meet, that the Lord, would speak, to him, and he might have, those blessings, from the Lord's, gracious hand, that he might be, encouraged, as he journeyed on, and to inquire, in his temple, may well be, there have been, those seasons, in your own experience, when you had to, ask the Lord, about to inquire, you had to seek, his face, and what a wonderful, mercy it is, when, at times, the Lord is pleased, to condescend, to the desires, of his people, and he, who creates, these desires, will in his good way, and time, fulfill, those desires, desires, so that, as the psalmist, as the psalmist, expressed here, his desire, for a dwelling place, in the house of the Lord, to behold, the beauty of the Lord, to inquire, in his temple, how the Lord, was pleased, in his, good way, and time, to fulfill, those desires, you, you, think of David, in his, latter days, he, could speak, of something there, which was, all his salvation, and all his desire, and he said, although my house, be not so with God, yet, if made with me, an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure, this is all my salvation, and all my desire, although I make it, not to grow, the Lord, did grant him, his desires, and if you go back, to me, that beautiful, little Psalm 23, which is well known, to each of us, there are these words, aren't there, the words of the Psalmist, he says, surely goodness, and mercy, shall follow me, all the days, of my life, and I will dwell, in the house, of the Lord, forever, who anticipated, that eternal dwelling place, in the house, of the Lord, on high, heaven, and that is the place, where the Lord, brings all his dear people, for them to, eternally dwell there, free from sin, and sorrow, and suffering, and there to enjoy, his gracious presence, which, is now, amazing, 19thğim.

[54:57] Amen. Amen. If you want to happen to us, in June, throughout Nueve, 1,363, when we pray to our, when we have begun 25 to starting 52 years, while we needачers due to the happiness of our loved one, the needed for our life of the dead.

[55:30] 1,374, Amen.

[56:14] Amen. Amen.

[57:14] Amen. Amen.

[58:14] Amen.