Sermon commences at 42 minutes.
[0:00] council 14... the . . .
[1:00] . . .
[1:30] . . . . . .
[2:02] . . . . . . . . .
[2:14] . . . . . . For he's Williams, O where he's the twilight, O where he's the four confrontedsilence.
[2:38] 통 Thank you.
[3:13] Thank you.
[3:43] Thank you.
[4:13] Thank you. Thank you.
[5:13] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[5:27] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[5:39] Thank you.
[6:13] Thank you. Thank you.
[6:47] Thank you.
[7:49] Thank you.
[8:21] Thank you.
[8:53] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[9:29] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[9:41] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[9:53] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[10:05] Thank you. over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
[10:19] Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strolled.
[10:37] And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth. Lo, there thou hast, that is thine. His God answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strolled.
[11:01] Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
[11:13] Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance.
[11:26] But from him that hath not shall be taken away, even that which he hath. And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness.
[11:40] There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. When the Son of Man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory, and before him shall be gathered all nations.
[12:02] And he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
[12:19] Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
[12:33] For I was unhungered, and ye gave me meat. I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink. I was a stranger, and ye took me in.
[12:46] Naked, and ye clothed me. I was sick, and ye visited me. I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
[12:57] Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee in hunger, and fed thee, or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
[13:09] When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in, or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
[13:24] And the king shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
[13:41] Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
[13:56] For I was unhungered, and ye gave me no meat. I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink. I was a stranger, and ye took me not in.
[14:10] Naked, and ye clothed me not. Sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee unhungered, or a thirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee.
[14:36] Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
[14:49] And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.
[15:02] The Lord bless to us the reading of his holy word, and help us in prayer. Most holy and eternal, and infinite, eternal, almighty God, thou hast favoured us in the evening hour of another day here upon earth, to be gathered now in the sanctuary.
[15:34] And Lord, we do bless thee for the opportunity, and pray, dear Lord, that thou thyself wilt come, and make the place of thy feet glorious, and grant unto us that of thy spirit that sweet liberty and access unto thy throne of grace, that we may come boldly to the throne of grace, the Saviour's blood to plead, Lord, that we might have that heavenly dew and unction descend upon us, that we may be freed now for a little season from all things here below, that we may commune with thee, and thou with us.
[16:35] For, Lord, it is in thee, and thee alone we have happiness, and thou, Lord, we love to meet amongst them now, before thy gracious feet to bow, thou vilest of them all.
[16:54] For, Lord, we do come as poor and needy sinners, and to death we may receive from that fullness all that there may be, dear Lord, in our souls now, that gracious exercise of faith as thy dear handmaid, who said within herself, If I may but touch the hem of his garment, I shall be made whole.
[17:28] So, dear Lord, may we know that saving virtue that healing virtue that flows from the wounds of a crucified Savior, Lord, that we may have the witness in our souls that we are born of God, and that we have a treasure in heaven where the rust doth not corrupt, and where thieves cannot break through and steal.
[18:02] For thou hast said, where your heart is, there will your treasure be also. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
[18:13] Oh, to have a heart, Lord, and a mind centered upon a precious Redeemer. Lord, that we may flee to thee, our only Savior, in thy mighty name confide.
[18:31] O, that thou wilt reveal thyself to us and in us, Lord, that our hard hearts may be softened, that we may be brought into that union and sweet fellowship with thee, and that, Lord, we might have that blessing that was the desire of those that came unto thy disciples, saying, Sirs, we would see Jesus.
[19:06] Lord, we have, we have openly professed to the world that we love thee and desire to serve thee, all that our lights might shine in this dark world, that those that are about us may take knowledge of us that we have been with Jesus, Lord, that we may have that grace of humility to be truly humbled under thy mighty hand, that thou wilt exalt us in due season, that we may cast air all upon thee, believing thou dost care for us.
[19:55] Our Lord, we have no other refuge, no other hiding place, and, Lord, as we have read that solemn portion of thy word, and we do bless thee, Lord, that we have thy word to read, and that for those solemn warnings and exhortations that are therein, all that, Lord, we may not be among those that reject the portions and cleave to others, or resist it as they do the other scriptures.
[20:36] For, Lord, thy word is good from Genesis to Revelation. The word has gone out of thy mouth, it shall not return unto thee void.
[20:47] And so, dear Lord, bless us with wisdom and understanding, that wise and understanding heart.
[20:58] O Lord, thou knowest our ignorance, and our insufficiency, and our helplessness, that without thee we can do nothing.
[21:11] But now, dear Lord, do come, illuminate our minds, our spirits, and grant us that zeal and godly sincerity in our worship, Lord, that we might be favored to by faith, to lay hold upon thee, and not let thee go, till a blessing thou bestow.
[21:38] O may that holy oil flow into our souls, Lord, to anoint every faculty of our soul, and to bring us into that holy worship.
[21:55] For, Lord, thou knowest how, what sinners we are, and how guilty and short we come from what we would be, O that we could serve thee better, love thee more, Lord, that we might cleave to thee, and that we may hide in thy pavilion, until these calamities be overpassed.
[22:27] O Lord, we are in a waste, howling wilderness, our lot is cast in solemn times, and, Lord, are they not those last days, which thou hast declared shall come, and so, Lord, may thy word be a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path, and lead us into all truth, that we may know the truth as it is in Jesus, and, Lord, do bless each one before thee now, for thou knowest, Lord, the path that each one is walking, thou knowest the gracious exercises of each soul, those that have a real hunger and a thirst after thee, and who pant for thee, as thy dear servant David, as the heart panteth after the waterbrook, so panteth my soul after thee,
[23:32] O God, when shall I appear before God, O Lord, do in mercy, then look down upon every longing soul, and do favour them, with the tokens of thy love, all that they might fill their hearts, to be all on fire, and, Lord, that thou will draw near, and us feed peace to the troubled breast, and, Lord, may we feel, that thy left hand is under our head, and thy right hand doth embrace us, and so, dear Lord, we pray, thy blessing upon this corner of thy vineyard, and thy heart diminished, and brought low, Lord, and so, we do pray, that it may be thy holy sovereign will, to grant an outpouring of thy holy spirit in this place,
[24:38] Lord, that there may be those signs following the preaching of the gospel, that there may yet be that good seed sow, in good ground, which shall bring forth fruit, to the honour and glory of thy holy name, and thus, dear Lord, bless each member of the church and congregation, and we would not forget, Lord, thy dear aged servant, who disappointed that he is not able to gather with us now, but, Lord, he is only absent in the body, present in the spirit, hear his prayers for us, and for each one, Lord, as it is, his occupation in his latter days, Lord, to pray for thy church and people here, all to bless him, and,
[25:45] Lord, we would pray that it might be thy holy sovereign will to spare him, yet for a season, thou hast spared him for many, many years, but, Lord, thou knowest the anxiety and the troubles, and how he feels the troubles of his heart are enlarged, and, Lord, how he proves constantly that every day brings something new, Zion's troubles to renew, O, Lord, there are those afflictions that abound to those near and dear, unto him, and to his dear ones, and we do pray, dear Lord, that it may be sanctified, for, Lord, we know not what thy will is in it, or what the end thereof shall be, but,
[26:47] O, Lord, we do pray, that thou would give sustaining grace, and, Lord, that all thy will be done, and thy kingdom come, mercifully, Lord, may it be a speaking voice, unto us each, prepare to meet thy God, Lord, that we have an appointed time, here upon earth, we know not, Lord, how long we have to sojourn here, and so we do pray, dear Lord, that thou wilt look down in mercy upon those that are in trouble and distress, in affliction, in bereavement, in old age, and infirmities, and, Lord, we pray, that thou wilt be with them, and sanctify it,
[27:49] O Lord, thy disarmament, thy dear saints, carry about a poor and an afflicted body, and, doubtless, Lord, there are others that would be with us now, unable, through infirmities, and weakness, through afflictions, O remember them, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people, O visit them, with thy salvation, O Lord, that they may feel that softening warmth of grace, the Lord's presence, go be with them, and, Lord, that their light afflictions, which are but for a moment, may work for them a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while they look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal, and so, dear Lord, in all their petition, is that we might have thy gracious presence,
[29:10] O Lord, without it we have nothing, and with it we have everything, so withhold not now thy tender mercies, and, Lord, do come according to thy gracious promise, for, Lord, we are within it, where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst, and that to bless, and so, Lord, do bless thy word, apply it by thy Holy Spirit, and grant us that faith to receive it, and, Lord, that may yield that fruit for our souls, O Lord, that it might be unto us as one of the days of the Son of Man, we may be divinely anointed in the proclamation of thy glorious truth, that Christ may be exalted, and lifted up high on the gospel pole, and,
[30:18] Lord, that poor, needy, helpless, hell-deserving sinners, may look and live, for thou hast said, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, and when he is lifted up, he will draw all men unto him, so, dear Lord, may we prove now this unspeakable blessing in our souls, and that we may have a glimpse within the veil, whether the forerunners for us entered into heaven, for, Lord, we would be found looking unto Jesus, O, Lord, where else can poor sinners look, but to thee, who are the friend of sinners, and we do bless thee, for the sweetness of thy endearing name,
[31:26] O, Lord, how sweet it is, the name of Jesus, in a believer's ears, for, Lord, it is as ointment poured forth, we shall never forget, Lord, the first time, when thy precious name yielded that joy to our souls, and holy oil flowed in, the friend of the friendless and the faint, where could we lodge our deep complaint, but to him whose open door invites the helpless and the poor, so, dear Lord, dependent now upon thy gracious help, divine influence of thy spirit, that we may each be found, in the spirit of the Lord, we pray, dear Lord, for thy dear saints throughout the earth,
[32:28] O look down upon Zion, the city of their solemnities, in these dark and cloudy days, Lord, do condescend to put forth thy almighty power, and to the work, and revive thy church, we humbly beseech thee, and do, Lord, remember our guilty land and nation, thy solemn judgments shake our land, and yet, Lord, thine arm is stretched out still, we take so much for granted, Lord, of the privileges that we enjoy, and yet thou are speaking to us in solemn judgments, and there is no turning, Lord, unto thee, all we do pray, that in the midst of deserved wrath, thou wilt remember us in mercy, take not away,
[33:33] O Lord, our gospel privileges, remove not from this land, our Protestant heritage, let not the enemy prevail, but in thy mercy, Lord, overthrow, and overturn, and bring the counsel of Ahithophel to foolishness, and save thy people, bless our queen, and her husband, be with them, Lord, where they are, and at the appointed time, bring them home, in peace, and safety, and do sustain, and uphold those in the government that seek the welfare and peace of this nation, Lord, in mercy, hear the cry of thy people, and do grant to us that spiritual reviving, that returning from our wicked ways unto the Lord, and now, dear Lord, we would not multiply thy words before thee, for thou knowest all their needs, all to come, and to supply, according to thy riches in glory, by Christ
[34:53] Jesus, as we ask it, in and through, and upon his merits, alone, for his sake, Amen.
[35:04] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[35:21] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. 元 once in 교HI 257, 元 once in May 枉 Amen.
[36:06] For grace must be found. We in faith in the heart, for life is, for cold, for sun in this light is not for cold, yet burned to be cold, like God showed up.
[36:20] And grace, how is the Lord, God, your glory. Hymn number 297, the first two verses, and the last three. Hymn number 297, the first three.
[36:53] Hymn number 297, CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS
[40:01] Thy αναfektix turn. Thy fruits and繼 Theyelle Thou Daversk Thou.
[40:22] Hail the trov, B moment.
[40:35] I miss you lots. Dear own 입 subjects, Praise God.
[43:22] They are the most searching, but, my friends, the Lord will require at our hand what that which he hath bestowed upon us.
[43:35] And I want to just to consider first that here we have the closing sermon of our Lord in the days of his flesh here upon earth.
[43:46] The word has gone out of his mouth. It shall not return unto him void, and every one will be judged by it. There will be no escaping in the day of the Lord's appearing.
[43:59] Many that will say unto him in that day, Lord, Lord, open unto us. My friends, these are very solemn and heart-searching is the word of God, his testimony.
[44:14] We opened his ministry and spoke of those whom he came to redeem, and to say, Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted, and so on.
[44:30] Now, in the evening hour, when his days were fulfilled here upon earth, as he was now drawing near to that hour when he was going to Calvary, just prior to administering that sacred holy ordinance with his disciples, with whom he said, with desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
[45:04] But he delivers now this solemn heart-searching, a testimony of that which is to be fulfilled and will be fulfilled.
[45:17] And it will, it concerns, my friends, every one of us. We are either among those that are trading with the talent he has given, or hiding it in the earth, and will receive those wages when the Lord returns.
[45:42] We see here that in the gift of his grace, how that the Lord gives to some more than other, but in the exercise of it in living faith, there is to be a trading with it.
[46:01] It is not to be hidden. There is to be a adding unto. And as the Apostle Peter says, that ye may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
[46:20] See this? Gagaining. We have that precious word in the 107th Psalm, they that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters.
[46:35] These see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep. See they are, they go. In experience there is a growing.
[46:46] Hezekiah saith when the Lord had spoken unto him and said, Set thy house in order, for thou shalt die and not live. Then see he turned his face to the wall and cried unto the Lord and the Lord answered him.
[47:04] And what do we find? Hezekiah saying, when the Lord had appeared and added unto his days fifteen years, Hezekiah, he didn't despise them.
[47:16] He didn't complain that the Lord had thus dealt with him. But he says, By these things men live. In all these things is the life of my spirit.
[47:27] Now one that had been given five talents and there was one that was given two talents, you may feel that the Lord has given to you perhaps two talents and it may be you feel to be like one that's given one talent.
[47:48] Nevertheless, my dear friends, there's a solemn warning to as regards to the trading of that talent is that living faith, faith in God.
[47:59] Faith is a talent given to all his dear children and it is by faith. They walk and not by sight. Now the Lord exercises that faith.
[48:13] And when we speak of faith, my friends, see Job expresses his faith in God when he said this, though he slay me, yet will I trust him.
[48:28] See, it is not that you, there were natural things where there is business. There is to be a diligent in that business to make a profit.
[48:43] Everyone looketh unto his own ends for gain. And see, there is a trading and as business prospers, so there is an expansion. And so in grace, where the Lord has favoured your soul, given to you those holy desires after him, when he has made himself the one thing needful, the altogether lovely, when you find there is in your heart those heavenly desires, that is, that you may be out in this, whereby, I quote it in prayer, see you love to meet amongst them now, before thy gracious feet to bow, though vilest of them all.
[49:33] And so, as the Lord exercises it, as Peter says, that the trial of your faith, see the Lord tries a faith, but see, faith is one of the greatest graces bestowed upon us poor sinful dust, because it is by faith and not by sight that Christians yield obedience.
[50:00] And to have faith in God, to see that living grace of faith, which is the gift of God, it's nothing inherited, it's nothing, my friends, what we had when we come into the world, no, you will observe that the Lord gave to them, gave to one, and the Lord gives to them that ask of him.
[50:28] And without faith, it is impossible to please God, for he that cometh unto God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them, that diligently seek him.
[50:43] Now see, they venture, and how blessed, my friends, to be found occupied in business with your God, trading with that talent that he has given you, that is, as he hath enlightened your eyes, and given to you that faith to believe in him, whereby you are brought to serve him, there is the who tried, again, experiences.
[51:19] See, there is afflictions, there are lessons that bring us, as one said, afflictions make us see what else would escape our sight, how very foul and dimmer we, and God how pure and bright.
[51:37] And if we may ask this question, what have we gained with the talent that the Lord hath given to us? Have you gained experience?
[51:48] Has the Lord deepened his work in your soul? Has he brought you to a place where the world is crucified to you, and you unto the world?
[52:01] Has he brought you where self is crucified, where he is, the one thing needful, the altogether lovely? Love is a talent to be traded with.
[52:16] All the graces of God we may refer to as talents given, and they are to be traded with, they are not to be put into the earth, they are not to be hid, so let your light shine, ye are the salt of the earth, ye that fear the Lord, they are the light of this world, and they are to walk in that light, and see they are to do this business, this trading, my friends, to gain, say how can a poor soul gain, my friends, in holy confidence, you think of the language of the apostle Paul, I know, in whom I have believed, and am persuaded, that he is able to keep that which I have committed into his hands.
[53:17] Now see, there are two things I want to bring forth here in this trading, these souls will never be found in that great day when the Lord shall come, they won't be found among the foolish virgins, they will not be found without oil in their lamps, and neither will they be found guilty before God concerning the latter part of his testimony here, concerning, my friends, of their walk, their conduct, and their conversation in this world.
[54:00] It is a very solemn consideration concerning that word the Lord has said, for I was unhungered and ye gave me meat, I was thirsty and ye gave me drink.
[54:16] What a blessing, my friends. Now see, it is through the grace of humility, see, it is a spending and being spent for the name of Christ, to walk in what we profess to believe in, and to stand steadfast in it, to the honour and glory of God.
[54:39] What doth the Lord say in the prophecy of Isaiah, I will give unto them the beauty of ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.
[55:02] Now see, yet so on he'd receive five talents, yeah, and when he received the five talents, we read, then he that had received the five talents went and traded.
[55:21] You will observe my friends here, there was no hesitation here, go on to seek to know the Lord, and practice what you know, that the work of grace is deepened in the soul, by the Lord's gracious teaching and exercise, see, there is that which is so opposite to the flesh.
[55:44] We have both characters and that is very solemn, my friends, where he see the one that had one talent, the flesh prevailed over all his profession and he walked in a God dishonoring way, he hid what his master had given him, he hid it in the earth and it was there when his Lord came and so he only returned unto him what he gave to him, you will say to me or perhaps ready to challenge me this, how can we head to our profession, my friends, one said this, let all fruitless searches go, which perplexing tease us, be determined not to know, but a bleeding Jesus, he becomes so precious, to your soul, say he is so suited to your case, and as you seek him, and are brought to hunger and thirst after him, so he favours your soul, and deepens the experience, and brings you into a greater knowledge of his gracious dealings, and see you trade with what he has given you, so that you gain, these people don't go backwards, what doth the
[57:16] Lord say, no man putting his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of heaven, we are not to look back, we are to go on, to press forward, the apostle says that we may lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, that we may run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despised all the shame, yes, see he hid not himself from mockings and spittings, no, he endured it for his chosen people, yes, and so he saith concerning all his dear saints this people have I formed for myself, they shall show forth my praise, you know friends we're living in such solemn days when the light is shining so dimly, you know there is very little discernment now between the professing church of
[58:28] God for the most part and the world and you think God a smile upon it he will not he frowns upon it and is it not a cause why there is a great withholding of his a holy spirit in our day because there is so much worldliness so much my friends of not trading no reversing it from that but see the blessing is in trading with that talent oh one cried out crucify this self that I no longer live but Christ in me and by his grace bestowed upon you see the ability that God gives to trade come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest all his blessed invitations are to be adhered to and observe my friends see those now
[59:36] I say those desires that for the Lord that is that seeking the Lord for that blessing wherewith he blesses his people and that desire to be found among them and of them those desires don't spring from the flesh they spring from a talent God has given you now see you seek him and they that seek me shall find me now if you find him you will realize my friends what you have added to the talent God has given to you he has who has implanted that desire in your heart for instance how beautifully do we see it set forth in the case of the Moabitess damsel roof the Lord had given to her a talent and she traded with that talent and my friends in in her business and her trading see the
[60:43] Lord blessed her and so that she increased the talent that the Lord gave to her when you consider that she had nothing outwardly nothing fleshly to look through for when she entreated of Naomi she said entreat me not to leave thee nor from following after thee you know Naomi said it grieves me sore my daughter that the hand of God has gone out against me go back unto thy people and unto thy kindred ah no says Ruth no why I can't bury this talent in the ground I can't leave this what my God has given me this is the substance of it the Lord had given her a talent and her heart was joined with
[61:45] Naomi whatever grief or sorrow or however rough and rugged her way might be she must trade with this talent and what does she say entreat me not to leave thee nor from following after thee for whether thou goest I will go thy people shall be my people and thy God my God where thou livest I will live where thou diest I will die and there will I be buried and the Lord do so and more also if ought but death part thee and me now see these desires my friends these longings for the love to the Lord and to his word and to his precepts to his commandments how you love his word and his commandments and his precepts see you won't look my friends about you will concentrate upon what
[62:50] God has given you to trade with it why because a day is coming when your Lord is going to return when he's coming will come again and what are you going to present are you going to present my friends more than what the Lord has given you traded have you profited have you gained other talents besides those the Lord gave to you so that when he comes you will say this is our God we have waited for him see I believe my friends all want to be found right at last you owe every one of us wants to be found with him in glory at last but my friends it's how are we living because see every work is going to be brought into judgment there will be some weeping when the
[63:51] Lord appears in his glory and think my dear friends how solemn if you've only got to give to him what he has given to you and you haven't profited nothing he has said to you depart from me ye cursed I never knew you there won't be no hesitation friends and we shall be every mouth will be closed is it not high time that we are wiped out of sleep who knows what a day or an hour may bring forth when the Lord will come unto us and what we have the many solemn warnings in the word of God perhaps you say I can't read those portions for so pray mightily unto the Lord that you may be led to read them and that they may search you and try you now before it's too light see these solemn warnings of almighty
[64:53] God our blessed redeemer he didn't hesitate I realize in our day my friends that for the most part we must speak smooth things that everything's going to be well but my friends it's not well if there's no trading no now see the look at the blessing that is here unto these souls see you have been singing concerning the path of a child of God the storms the temptations the trials that they go through yes poor and afflicted lord of thine among the great unfit to shine but though the world may think it strange they would not for the world exchange no they have one aim one objective and that is to know him and to know my Jesus crucified by far excels all things beside yeah it doesn't mean my dear friends in trading with his talent that you're not going to have tribulation or distresses sorrows temptations and pains oh no but see when you have something to enter into these trials with and you to do business here do trading and you will find it is here that there will be added to those talents yes there will where you will grow in that knowledge that little perhaps that you feel that you know sometimes you feel you've not got even that little that the righteous man hath but see do people less with that little and so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents yeah ah my friends
[66:58] I'm going to ask you this if the Lord has favoured you with a talent you can if you have traded with that talent you have come to a place where you can say with the apostle this saying is worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief see he came to save sinners yeah sinners can say and none but they how precious is the saviour oh he is their delight he is their joy he is everything to them and without him they have nothing but now see the Lord returns and he brings another five talents yeah oh my friends you'll say what is it really to bring these other five talents well my friends it is in this as the
[68:07] Lord speaks in another place concerning his people the seed sown in the ground first the blade and then the ear and then the full corn in ear is the Lord ripening you is he shaping you is he fitting you for that heavenly building perhaps your poor soul cries out sometimes is this dear Lord that thorny road that leads me to the mount of God are these the trials thy people know while in this wilderness below brings you to see that it is better when troubles like a gloomy cloud roll in why we don't like trouble but my friends if our troubles drive us closer to the Lord if they bring us to call upon his holy name to seek him which he hath declared in his holy word call upon me in the day of trouble and
[69:10] I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me and so that I want to be here my friends in though I am speaking from the five talents say the Lord dispenses his grace some are blessed with a deeper knowledge some have more faith but see the Lord says if you have faith there's a grain of mustard seed now faith is one talent love is a talent obedience the Lord gives to his children and that they trade with it now can you truly say before the Lord this my business lies at Jesus gate where many a Lazarus come and there I sue and there I wait for mercy's falling crumbs he came and brought other five talents saying
[70:16] Lord thou deliverest unto me five talents this this is something very blessed my friends to have something to take to the Lord to plead with him what he has given you see it is yours in this respect you receive it you don't receive it from man you receive it from the Lord the Lord gives it you have something that is inestimable worth faith in Christ bestowed upon a guilty sinner oh what a gift is faith and doubtless you know that scripture in the 11th of Hebrews the faith of the saints of God that have gone before well that faith is the same faith given to his people now and my friends we see the activity the business of faith particularly I've mentioned one case and that is this knower being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved with fear now see here is a trading are you moving with fear in accordance with God's holy word what he has spoken being warned of God are you warned by my friends the word of God does it warn you does it bring you to take heed to your ways does it bring you to ponder over the path of your fate where you will be found when your Lord appears and have you traded with that which he hath given to you and to receive other five talents the sweet hymn writer says once a sinner near despair salt thy mercies seep thy prayer oh my friends see every intimation every revelation every application to your soul of the Lord and his gracious word is an adding to these talents the apostle when he come down to his end he said
[72:49] I have fought a good fight I have finished my course with joy and he's delivered talents saying Lord thou deliverest unto me five talents behold I have gained beside them five talents I want to though these are such deep realities my friends see it consists of this of how we live living and dying to be thine dear Mr. Hart says in one of his hymns and as I open the hymn book I open on that hymn and it was this believers believers are not called we see to sleep or play but fight fighting a good fight of faith laying hold upon eternal life see my friends that life in Christ that life that lives forever with the Lord and so he says behold
[74:01] I have gained beside them five talents more and you sit down sometimes and consider where the way the Lord has led you in this wilderness and what have you gained what have you now advanced in your spiritual life you've got something you've got more now than what the Lord you have lost many things of self haven't you have you not been brought to see that as you looked upon him as John as he looked upon the Lord and he walked and said behold the Lamb of God he must increase I must decrease friends these talents are his and they have been gained there's been an adding to it but it's adding to his work is nothing of the human harm nothing of the human flesh is that what God has given to you if he's blessed you with faith in his name ah he said to dear
[75:13] Martha said I not unto thee if thou wouldst believe now I want to just to consider the two parts my friends the trading and the reward see there is a reward for them that diligently seek him yeah there is a reward for these the Lord declares concerning the wicked ah that there is no peace saith the Lord to the wicked but see these gracious souls there's a reward for them and they they look for that for that reward they not on any merits of theirs but on what the Lord has given to them you see the beauty my friends the grace of God bestowed upon you and now he has so taught you and instructed you through the many trials many storms that he's brought you the many castings down the many assaults of the enemy and yet you can say he that has helped me hitherto will help me all my journey through and give me daily calls to rise fresh
[76:35] Ebenezer to his prize now they reward for see his reward is with him yeah blessed is the man whom is Lord when he cometh yeah findeth him that he hath been trading ah it's been some hard work hasn't it been long hours of darkness and weariness and toiling and you've had many nights of weeping many days of darkness you've passed through not realizing that the Lord is thus bringing you into this unspeakable blessing the trading with what he has given to you you haven't realized it no why through darks and paths we go we may know no reason but we shall hereafter know each in his due season he raises you up to that good hope in his grace listen to that opening word of the apostle
[77:51] Peter in his epistle you will find and realize then what these other five talents are he says being begotten again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead begotten again unto a lively hope you know after the resurrection of our Lord and his appearing unto his disciples there was no going back then there was no shrinking from the afflictions and tribulations of the pathway no they spake boldly in the name of the Lord but see they endured much persecution and affliction but my friends still trading with what the Lord had given to them now his Lord said unto him well done well done here we have the
[78:52] Lord's approbation and truly my friends is it not in that word in the Psalms where the Lord says the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way he does he delights in the way of the who is the good man well turn to the the word in the New Testament of the apostle there he says wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the apostle and high priest of our profession consider him now this soul considers he considers no other but he does consider him an high priest of our profession who was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin see the eye of faith is ever upon him looking unto
[79:56] Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despised the shame and is now set down on the right hand of the throne of God in heaven now his Lord said unto him well done my dear friends can you anticipate a greater blessing when your Lord comes and says to you well done thou good and faithful servant well done that is he comes it is approbation and his smile and say that soul then has the holy joy I realize that and it were time were not permitted to go into those seasons when the
[80:59] Lord will come and grants his approbation upon those things whereby his dear children experience that is in their journey in through this wilderness when the Lord's approbation rests upon them because the Lord's approved the act of faith in his name they have walked in faith and the Lord may welcome in the substance of it say to you well done well done you know it was so with Abraham's servant who would be sought the Lord for that blessing concerning Rebecca to whom I shall say now it wasn't dictating to the Lord but it was for a special token so that without a doubt he would know and see the Lord granted it to him and he says
[81:59] I being in the way the Lord met with me well done thou good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things I just want to be brief here now there's ruler over many things are you made a ruler by the grace of God over your besetting sins are you made a ruler by the grace of God of bringing us into subjection your nature have you been made a ruler over the lust of flesh by the grace of God I am what I am having obtained help of God I continue to this day made ruler over as the apostles said put in all things under him all things he said are lawful for me but all things are not expedient for me everything that doesn't bring any profit to his honor and glory to your soul and honor and glory unto the
[83:13] Lord you are made ruler over it so that you can and been enabled by his grace to rule over it to govern it you control it now see the reverse side my friends is there is no control there is no control over the words of the wicked if we reprove some hateful lie how is their fury stirred are not our lips their own they cry and who shall be our guide thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy Lord now my friends here is the blessing here is a reward and everyone will receive a reward for the deeds done in his body whether they're good or whether they are evil the joy of the
[84:21] Lord see the Lord will never he was not discouraged he never will be disappointed he will not be disappointed in the day of his judgment when he divides his sheep from the goats he will never wish one of the goats had been a sheep or that one of the sheep had been a goat he will his joy will be fulfilled for he shall see of the travel of his soul and shall be satisfied enter thou into the joy of thy Lord the happy state of a saved sinner in the joy and presence of his God see this joy is eternal ye therefore now have sorrow but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you enter so he commands it now yes and though he enters in and
[85:34] I shall only speak now upon this entering in is at the end of our time here upon earth when the work of grace is done partner of my throne shall be say poor sinner and lovest thou me see this is the word the Lord will speak into the soul of his dear saints as they pass the river yes it is may never be known to any about but I am persuaded my friends and assured of this that as they close their eyes in death they hear of his blessed voice saying enter thou into the joy of thy Lord the reverse was to that wicked servant to whom he says cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and friends these two things one or the other is our portion either
[86:50] I realize that you may say well this is too solemn it's not my dear friends death will distinguish what we are from what we only seem there is one thing and only one thing needful that is a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ to be born again of his spirit to live a life of faith and prayer and at last receive this unspeakable blessing enter thou into the joy of thy Lord see my friends we often sing at the death of a believer this no more shall clouds obstruct their sun but all be life and peace with them tis ever ever noon nor can their joys decrease but what is it to the wicked and my friends
[87:57] I feel more and more the solemnity of standing in the Lord's name that if any if one soul before me is deceived God has told me he will require their blood at my hand I shan't forget that warn the wicked from their way and what are the wages of sin is death my friends and if there's no pardon through the precious blood of Jesus the application to your soul then see how can you look for this happiness no see the poor tried tempted child of God that has labored here and toiled through many heavy trials and deep waters whom God has put into his furnace and brought a third part through and refined them time and time again and they have been in such strides of time and solemnly fear as to whether they possess the little the righteous man hath whose cry often is show me a token
[89:12] Lord for good some token of thy special love assure my conscience of her part in the Redeemer's blood and seal the witness to my heart that I am born of God oh it's such a great concern eternity is a tremendous sound yes I see the wicked now cannot concern go on but my friends what that solemn word brings forth yes see that talent that he had the Lord says take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which hath ten talents take it away yes for every one that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath or our child of God feels you know it's only the living children of God that know what it is to come into this darkness and this distress there's only the living children of God that know what it is to be so graciously weighted and burdened with sin and have such an inquiry in their soul and search at times to see if they have a talent there at all if the work of grace if it has not begun then
[90:38] Lord begin don't let me be deceived no and so then his Lord said unto him well done thou good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy Lord may the Lord bless us with a further meditation upon this word and I want to leave you now my dear friends with this well done thou good and faithful servant are you faithful to your profession my friends we're in such solemn days in which our lot is cast is there a steadfastness in cleaving unto Christ is there a forsaking of all other and cleaving unto the
[91:41] Lord you'll need him when you come down in the swellings of Jordan you'll need him on a dying bed my dear friends and you will desire that you might pass the river telling the triumphs of your king when the Lord comes seeing he may come suddenly we don't know his exhortation is this and we would ever observe it what I say unto you I say unto all watch for in an hour that ye think not shall the son of man come and friends how often we are reminded one here another there as is being taken from time into eternity and it will soon come to every one of us all that the
[92:42] Lord would grant us grace and while I speak this evening my friends it searches my heart am I trading with the talent have I gained anything if the Lord should come tonight would I be able to say to him Lord I have gained other talents besides those that was given me yes oh my friend may we each be found here to hear that blessed sentence well done thou good and faithful servant the Lord that is blessing Amen through this evening by seeing in number 283 the tune of
[93:43] April 519 18 on 258 ____ 283 for quarter first This is a point I long to know.
[94:13] Of this gorgeous ancient thought. Do I love the Lord? Or am I? Am I it? Or am I not? If I have, why am I last?
[94:24] Why this dark and light is bright? Hardly sure can let it work. It never hurts me. But my heart so hard remains. Prayer and dance.
[94:35] It's very important. Every triangle gives me the same as me. In number 283, verse 4.
[94:45] Dpekout G ох. O Israel. Every triangle gives me the same as me. Being perfect. Thank you.
[94:57] You have a small grenier. And if you want to go away. Thank you.
[95:36] Thank you.
[96:06] Thank you.
[96:36] Thank you.
[97:06] Thank you.