[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I direct your attention to the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 26, I'm reading verse 22.
[0:41] The Acts of the Apostles, chapter 26, I'm reading verse 22.
[0:53] Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come.
[1:24] Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come.
[1:53] How wonderful, how glorious are the works of God, the works of God in creation.
[2:10] They truly are wonderful. But as the hymn writer puts it, but there's one great work exceeds them all, and that is the work of redeeming grace.
[2:27] It is the work of God when he quickens a soul and brings him into divine life. For prior to that time, he is born in sin and shapen in iniquity.
[2:47] Yes, indeed. And surely this night we must be divided into either two companies, not three, either the dead or the living.
[3:02] What a solemn thought all this is, as we gather together on the first day of this year.
[3:14] But here we have a man before us who was once a sinner. This man, indeed, he was an outstanding persecutor of the Lord's people until, as I said, the glorious grace of God had mercy upon him and made that intervention into his life and brought him to a saving knowledge of the truth.
[3:56] And so, my friends, when he is brought here, not for the wrong that he had done, oh no, but for the good that he had done.
[4:08] There, my friend, his testimony was to this end. Not what he had done, but what God had done through him and how God did it.
[4:24] Why, he spoke, did he not? That he was once a persecutor of the Lord's people. He had no love for them.
[4:36] He hated them. What a blessed seal in our heart and conscience this night. If we know that truth that we can say, we know we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren.
[5:02] Friends, that is a love of pardon. It is a love of forgiveness that is wrought in us by the grace of God.
[5:16] There are solemn words in the book, God's most holy word, with regard to forgiving one another. Yes, the Lord tells us that if we forgive not those that trespass against us, then we will not have our trespasses against the Almighty forgiven.
[5:46] Oh, this man here is speaking, yea, of the change in his life. The complete revolution that he had known personally.
[6:02] Not that which he had applied for. Not that he sought for. Not that he went into training for.
[6:13] Not what he sat at the feet of Gamaliel for. But what God, my friend, had designed for him. That he should be a chosen vessel of mercy.
[6:28] And that he should preach the gospel unto the Gentiles. So as he comes with his defense before Agrippa.
[6:41] He said, having therefore, having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day.
[6:57] Witnessing both to small and great. Friend, oh, I want to just speak, first of all, upon this help of God.
[7:09] If the apostle Paul was a man that needed help of God. We can rest assured of this.
[7:21] That there's not one man, woman, or child in this building tonight. That must truly, that really needs the help of God.
[7:32] Whether he feels it, or whether they feel it not. This is a fact. We need the help of God. And surely the first help of God.
[7:45] That the apostle Paul found in his life. When God came into his life. And completely, my friends.
[7:58] Turned his life upside down. And inside out. He was not allowed to keep. Not a vestige.
[8:09] Of what he possessed himself before. He was once rated a great man. And how our flesh likes that.
[8:21] But my friends. When the grace of God comes into the heart. It must. This is conversion. He makes a man a child.
[8:34] This is conversion. That he takes away the heart of stone. And gives to us a heart of flesh.
[8:46] This is conversion. He takes away that religion. From our head. And gives us a religion. In the heart.
[8:59] This is conversion, friend. When thus he takes. Away our carnal sight. And gives us heavenly sight.
[9:13] Like David declared. Let Israel hope in the Lord. For with the Lord. There is mercy. Oh blessed be his name.
[9:27] If thus he has given us sight. And light. To see things. That we had never. Never. Seen.
[9:37] Before. And I am. Persuaded of this. We can never behold. The holiness. And righteousness. Of Jesus Christ.
[9:51] And the. God the Father. And that of the Spirit. Without a realization. The contrast. Of what is in our.
[10:01] Self. By nature. And how depraved. And how undone. And how ruined. We are. In the fall.
[10:13] Oh. The apostle Paul. Could truly say. Having obtained. Help of God. This was the gospel. My friend. That he was led.
[10:24] To preach. And to. A declare. There. That is a wonderful. Account of this. In the. Epistle to the.
[10:36] Philippians. Yea. When he recalls. All that he. Formerly was. And those things. That he gloated in.
[10:47] Ah. But my friends. When the Lord. Helped him. All that. Became. Dross. Is there some poor.
[10:58] Sinner. Here tonight. Who feels. All they've got. Left in religion. Is nothing but. A heap of dross.
[11:09] That which has been. Through the fire. And it is nothing. As if nothing was. It is nothing but dross. It has not got.
[11:21] Yes. The. The seal. Of God's blessing. Upon it. But rather this. They seal. See the seal of God's.
[11:32] Condemnation. Upon it. Oh friend. It comes into that. Category. Of being. Without. God. And without.
[11:44] Hope. In the world. Friend. I know. People. Today. They don't. Like you. Using. The word. Hope. They tell us.
[11:55] That. Their. Religion. Gone. Past. That. They are. Now. Believers. Ah. My friends. Oh. Have you ever.
[12:07] Seen. A believer. With. Out. Hope. Have you. Ever. Seen. Did you ever. Have you ever. Known a man. To see.
[12:17] Without. Eyes. Well you've. Never then. Seen a believer. Without. Hope. Friend. Oh. Did not. Err.
[12:28] One say. Oh. I shall yet. Praise him. Hope thou. In. God. So. My friend. The apostle. Paul.
[12:39] He so. Blessed. God. Yea. Before. All man. Is it. Having. Obtained. Help of God. Oh. Friend. The mercy of God.
[12:51] The love of God. To come. Into. His soul. Those. Very. Things. He. He. He hated. And made.
[13:02] Publicly. Known. His. He hatred. To. How often. My friends. That has been. Seen. Very. Clearly. In. Conversion.
[13:14] Did not. The apostle. Ball. See this. In the case. Of the jailer. At Philippi. Why. My friends. That hardened.
[13:26] Centurion. Who. Took no. Care. Or. Had no. Compunction. In. Beating. The servants. Of God. And. Holding them.
[13:37] Fast. In the stocks. And. When. God. Intervened. My friends. His first. Reaction. Was this. To take. His sword.
[13:48] And. Destroy. His life. You say. Well that cannot be. A child of God. Oh. Hush. Hush. Keep silence. All.
[13:59] Creative things. And. Wait. Thy makers. Nod. The glorious. Intervention. And. Interposition. Of God. In. But.
[14:09] A moment. My friends. He. Changed. That rebel. Into. A child. And. There. He had. To come. Yea. And.
[14:19] Wash. The wounds. That. He. Himself. Had. Inflicted. And. You know. My friend. They. Are sore wounds.
[14:31] When. We. Come. To. Wash. Them. They. Hurt. Us. More. Than. We. Hurt. Them. All. So. Wretched. And. So. Undone. We.
[14:42] Feel. In. Ourself. Or. Is. There. Not. Guilt. And. Condemnation. As. We. Look. Into. Those. Wounds.
[14:54] And. How. Much. More. Friend. When. We. Look. Into. The. Wounds. Of. The. Dear. Redeemer. When. Thus. We. Look. To.
[15:04] Calvary. By. Precious. Face. And. There. To. Say. Tis. He. Tis. He. Instead. Of.
[15:14] Me. When. I. Approach. To. God. Friend. Guilty. Condemned. We. Feel. With. Them. But. All. That. Mercy.
[15:25] All. Having. Obtained. The. Help. Of. God. To. Be. Found. Justified. In. The. Righteousness. Of. Jesus. Christ. Friend.
[15:37] To. Turn. To. The. People. Of. God. Again. My. Friend. It. Was. Not. Long. Before. The.
[15:47] Lord. Met. That. Man. On. The. Damascus. Road. He. Was. Saying. What. He. Was. Going. To. Do. And. How.
[15:57] He. Was. Going. To. Do. It. How. Often. I. Hear. Perhaps. Young. People. Say. And. Sometimes. Older.
[16:08] People. Say. I. Don't. Care. I. Don't. Care. You. Know. I. Know. There's. A. Time. When. I. Used. To. Say.
[16:18] I. Don't. Care. Alas. But. I. Say. Sometimes. No. But. Friends. We. May. Say. I. Don't. Care.
[16:28] But. What's. That. More. Expression. Against. The. Power. Of. The. Almighty. When. Thus. He. Comes. And.
[16:39] Makes. Us. Care. So. So. Why. Persecute. Is. Thou. Me. And. He.
[16:49] Said. Who. Art. Thou. Lord. And. We. Have. Said. I. Don't. Care. And. We. Have. Been. Persecuting. The. Lord. Jesus.
[16:59] Christ. Rising. Up. And. Reviling. Against. Him. Determined. In. Our. Range. And. Enmity. To.
[17:11] Get. Equal. Oh. Friend. Oh. The. Lord. Helped. Oh. Dear. Paul. He. Helped. Him. Do.
[17:22] Notice. He. Had. Felt. The. Kicking. Against. The. Bricks. Before. You know. We. Might. Have. Kicked. Against. The. Bricks. But.
[17:33] That's. Not. Conversion. But. That's. Not. Grace. But. That. Which. Is. Impression. Upon. The. Spirit. Of. Man. That.
[17:44] There. Is. A. God. In. Heaven. And. Yet. There's. No. Response. Unto. Those. Very. Bricks. We. Go. Headlong.
[17:54] On. In. Our. Mad. Career. And. Some. Might. Say. Oh. Yes. I. Have. Much. Religion. As. You. I. Have. As. Much. Faith.
[18:05] Of. You. I. Know. All. About. This. But. Still. My. Friends. We. Go. On. Still. Indeed. In. Sin. And.
[18:15] Shame. Still. Indeed. In. A. Hard. Headlong. Spirit. Still. In. A. Profession. Yay. But. Living. In.
[18:26] In. Ungodliness. Oh. Paul. He knew. All. About. This. And. So. His. Testimony. Was. To. This. End.
[18:38] Having. Therefore. Obtained. Help. Of. God. Friends. Saying. This. I. Could. Not. Do. It. Of. Myself. I.
[18:48] Could. Not. Do. It. By. The. Appeal. Of. Man. I. Could. Not. Do. It. But. God. Did. It. In. Me. And. For. Me. And.
[18:59] So. Brought. Me. All. To. That. Saving. Knowledge. Of. The. Truth. Who. Art. Thou. Lord. Friend. What.
[19:09] A. Mercy. If. We. Know. That. Help. Tonight. Wherein. The. Lord. Has. Brought. Us. To. Say. Who. Art. Thou. Lord. It.
[19:19] May. Not. Be. In. Those. Identical. Words. It. May. This. You. Come. Down. To. Bedrock. Bottom. And. All.
[19:29] You. Can. See. Is. Eternity. And. Condemnation. Are. Before. You. And. So. You. Like.
[19:40] The. Dear. Woman. Who. Said. Lord. Help. Me. The. Publican. God. Be. Merciful. To.
[19:50] Me. A. Sinner. Each. Appealing. For. Mercy. From. God. Alone. Or. Like. Dear. Jonah.
[20:01] In. The. Depths. Of. The. Sea. Intombed. In. The. Whale's. Belly. You. Say. Well. He's. A. Gone. There's. No. Hope. For. Him.
[20:12] Ah. Not. So. My. Friend. He. Said. This. I. Will. Look. Yet. Once. Again. Once. Again. Friend. Oh.
[20:23] I. Say. Having. Obtained. Help. Of. God. To. Look. Once. Again. Have. You. Not. Thought. Of. This. That.
[20:34] Every. Approach. And. To. The. Throne. Of. Grace. To. God. In. Prayer. Is. In. This. That.
[20:44] You. Obtain. Having. Obtain. Help. Of. God. Or. That. That. He. Should. Give. You. The. Assistance. And. Aid. Of. His. Holy.
[20:55] Spirit. And. Thus. Made. That. Way. Back. To. God. Through. Jesus. Christ. No. Other. Way. No.
[21:05] Other. Door. No. Other. Entrance. Therein. No. Other. Recognition. For. The. Poor. Sinner. In. The. Eyes.
[21:16] Of. His. Creator. That. He. Should. Ever. Smile. Upon. Him. Again. Oh. I. Say. He. Could. Say. Having. Obtained.
[21:26] Help. Of. God. I. Continue. Unto. This. Day. He. Speaking. My. Friends. Of. Looking. Back. Can.
[21:37] You. Look. Back. Tonight. It. Not. A. Question. How. How. Far. You. Look. Back. But. Looking. Back. And. I.
[21:47] See. In. The. Beginning. In. The. Beginning. God. And. It. Was. There. That. Help. The. Lord. Gave.
[21:58] To. You. And. The. Lord. The. Help. The. Lord. Gives. To. You. Hour. By. Hour. Day. By. Day. And. Week. By. Week.
[22:09] Friend. Oh. The. Apostle. Paul. Is. Certainly. Speaking. Him. Here. With. A. Bless. Sweet. And. A. Full. Assurance. And.
[22:20] We. Would. Not. Be. Ashamed. Of. That. Ah. No. My. Friend. No. More. Than. The. Man. In. His. Experience. Could.
[22:30] Say. One. Thing. I. Know. Whereas. I. Was. Blind. Now. I. See. The. Work. Of. God. Oh.
[22:41] The. Hand. Of. God. Oh. Wrought. In. Me. I. Say. What. A. Comfort. Although. We. Say. I. Feel.
[22:51] So. Far. Off. But. Heavenly. Desires. In. The. Soul. Having. Obtained. Help. Of. God.
[23:02] Do. You. Know. What. It. Is. To. Live. In. That. State. Where. For. Some. Reason. Or. Another. We. Feel. To. Be. Walking. A.
[23:12] Far. Off. We. Walking. In. That. State. And. Condition. Knowing. Knowing. That. Things. Are. Not.
[23:23] Right. Right. But. How. To. Make. Them. Right. Is. Beyond. Our. Ability. We.
[23:39] What. Is. Wrong. Is. Me. What. Is. Wrong. Is. My. Spirit. And. My. Attitude. What.
[23:50] Is. Wrong. Is. What. I. Have. Erected. Between. God. And. Myself. Oh. Friend. We. May. Have. Cried.
[24:00] Oh. For. A. Closer. Walk. With. God. Oh. Your. Prayer. Has. Been. Lord. Help. Me. It. Is. When. Darcy.
[24:10] Comes. And. You. Will. Cry. Yes. Lord. Come. Down. And. Touch. The. Mountains. Let. Them. Melt. Down.
[24:21] At. Thy. Presence. Oh. Having. Obtained. Help. Of. God. Have. We. Not. Had. To. Weep. At. Times. Over. Those. Things.
[24:32] Our. Own. Folly. Our. Foolishness. Our. Pride. Yes. That's. Come. Between. Us. And. Our. God. You.
[24:43] Say. Why. Has. All. These. Things. Come. Upon. Me. Ah. Having. Obtained. Help. Of. God. I. Continue. Have.
[24:53] You. Not. Seen. Others. In. That. Identical. Position. That. They. Said. This. Is. A. Hard. Saying.
[25:04] And. Who. Can. Hear. It. And. They. Turn. Back. Walk. Walk. Walk. No. More. With. Him. Oh. Peter. He.
[25:15] Understood. This. Did. He. Not. When. He. Wrote. Those. Beautiful. Epistles. After. His. Conversion. Kept.
[25:26] By. The. Power. Of. God. A. Through. Face. And. To. Salvation. Friend. I'm. Sure. The. Appal.
[25:36] He. Didn't. Fall. Out. With. This. But. They. Joined. Hands. In. Fellowship. Here. Before. God. Saying. Having. Obtained. Help.
[25:46] Of. God. I. Continue. Unto. This. Day. This. Is. Not. To. Be. Credited. Unto. Me. It. Is. To. Be.
[25:57] The. Credit. Is. All. To. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. It. Is. All. Down. To. That. Glorious. Union. To.
[26:07] The. Church's. Living. Head. The. Living. Thine. Abiding. In. Him. The. Truth. My. Friends. Is.
[26:19] That. The. That. We. Abide. In. Him. And. Bring. For. Fruit. It. Because. Of. The. Life. That. Is. In. Him. And.
[26:29] His. Mercy. Towards. Us. Oh. Having. Obtained. Help. Of. God. The. Apostle. Paul. He. Had. Found. A.
[26:39] Union. Which. He. Had. Never. Never. Found. Before. Because. My. Friend. That. Union. That.
[26:50] Help. It. Flowed. From. God's. Eternal. Mercy. Into. His. Soul. Do. You. Know. What. I'm. Speaking. About. And.
[27:00] Can. You. Say. In. Your. Heart. Tonight. Yes. I. Believe. I. Find. A. Union. But. You. See. It's. So. Unbalanced.
[27:11] In. My. View. Friend. Indeed. It. Must. Always. Be. So. Union. Is. Life. With. The. Church's. Living.
[27:22] Head. Because. He. Has. Loved. His. People. With. An. Ever. Lasting. Love. And. As. The. Apostle. Speaks.
[27:33] I. Think. It's. In. Ephesians. Chosen. In. Him. Before. The. Foundations. Of.
[27:44] The. World. Oh. My. Friends. Having. Obtained. Help. Of. God. Looking. Back. To. The. Eternity. Past.
[27:55] That. God. In. His. Infinite. Mercy. Should. Love. Me. In. The. Beloved. Son. And. Thus. See. The. All. Necessity. That.
[28:06] He. Should. Come. Into. This. World. To. Suffer. To. Bleed. And. Die. That. I. Might. Have. Union. In.
[28:16] Him. Oh. Help. Friend. What. Love. And. Mercy. Truly. Flows. From. The. Blessed. Three.
[28:26] In. One. Is. I. Continue. Unto. This. Day. There may be some in their heart say yes but when I contemplate what lies before me and there I wonder if I shall continue.
[28:48] Oh so often are we not caught in these doldrums turning it over how can I did not dear Samuel come there when he was sent of God to Jesse to anoint one of his sons to be king over Israel.
[29:13] He said how can I go.
[29:43] Oh bring the evidence for him. Oh bring the evidence for his help and his mercy past. Having obtained help of God I continue until this day and surely isn't there this help in the guidance and direction in your very soul and spirit.
[30:08] Though indeed you find the Holy Spirit's work. Though indeed you find the flesh to be so unwilling yet having this conviction in your soul that this is the Holy Spirit's work.
[30:21] Friend you continue until this day living and dependent upon him and him alone.
[30:35] Oh bless his dear name. What a mercy it is that he keeps us on a short lead. What a mercy he keeps us short in our own qualities and abilities.
[30:55] So often I have looked at others and I said if only I had their gifts if I'd only had their ability how much better it would be for me.
[31:11] Friend this is carnal policy isn't it. Trying to intervene. It will never do. If my friend the Lord should come amongst us tonight and ask the question.
[31:29] That was continued to now. Hast thou lacked anything? Hast thou lacked anything? Friend I'm sure of this we have to say nothing Lord.
[31:44] Nothing Lord. There are those of us here tonight who know what it is. There are those of us here tonight who know what it is. There are those of us who have lived from hand to mouth.
[31:55] And some I know have lived in poverty and illness, disaster, tragedy in their lives. Ah my friend.
[32:08] But why was it they did not and have not gone under? What has helped held you up till now? Having obtained help of God.
[32:20] My friend. That power. That strength. Which the world know nothing of. Did not the psalmist put it like this?
[32:33] He prepares the table before me. In the presence of mine enemies. The khan of mine would say. Well the enemies will destroy that and take it away.
[32:48] They cannot. They cannot see it. They do not know it. They are unaware of it. So my friend. The children of God they have meat to eat.
[33:02] That the world knoweth not anything of. Oh that gracious hand. His intervention. On your behalf.
[33:14] Yea in days gone by. And he's met I say. Your every need. So accurately. And in minute detail.
[33:25] Friend. Let me ask the question. Can you. Can you. Can you. Can you. Come in here. His love. In times past.
[33:37] Forbid me to think. He'll leave me at last. In peril to think. Having obtained. Help of God. I want to just speak here for a moment with regards to the apostle Paul for here he was speaking before these very important people those indeed who would have been well taught well educated and so was he but we find the Corinthians talking of Paul like this that his speech was contemptible ah my friend how often this is so the language of man when God the glories of God his saving grace the glorious riches of his grace are spoken of they say it is contemptible it is to them but my friend that which is contemptible to them was indeed all sufficient to Paul and thus my friends he continued and surely that dear man of God he suffered and endured so much and he counted it a privilege to suffer for his sake
[35:17] I've often put myself to this test do I really count it a privilege to suffer in any way whatsoever oh how sweet the scene when Jesus brings that truth home to us his way was far darker and rougher than mine and did my Lord suffer and shall I complain what have we got to complain about if God indeed dealt with us after our sins oh what have we got to complain about as says Jeremiah in these lamentations it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed oh great is his faithfulness it is renewed every morning oh having obtained help of God friends we have nothing to complain about the mercy and love of God he does not let his people go oh that which he has bought by his precious blood friend he forever watches over
[36:47] I love those words of the Lord Jesus Christ that he speaks of about his sheep he says this I give unto my sheep eternal life but more than that they shall never perish they shall never perish and what has Satan been telling thee and what has he been introducing to thee what is he suggesting about 1992 and what is the position before us you say why as I see it everything is bleak oh everything is dark I see no potential I see no hope I see nothing good about anything oh my friend the good cowper said judge not the
[37:55] Lord by feeble sense or scan his work in vain God is his own interpreter and he will make it plain oh as if those blessings oh will break upon your head how sweet my friend that truly is having obtained help of God I continue unto this day Paul had passed through many a season and have we not passed through many a season but surely those best seasons that we have passed through is where the glory of the Lord has revealed been revealed to us and where we have walked closest unto him and wherein we have lost the sight of the world and the possessions of this world for friend what are they unto us having obtained help of God my friends
[39:12] I want to point out this to you it would appear that the apostle Paul before his call by grace and call to the ministry he would have lived a comparative comfortable life but oh how different are when the Lord calls him oh to be the apostle to the Gentiles oh he speaks in one place that he knows how to abound whether it be little or whether it be much whatever the situation was he looked upon it as that which came and cometh from the Lord having obtained help of God I continue until this day friend I'm sure of this there's not a sweeter place on earth when we live in utter dependence upon the
[40:19] Lord when thus we brought indeed ourselves to him yea to supply our every need that is both spiritual and of course it must be so and providential oh having attained health of God my friends we see the dear man of God at laying at death's door and the Lord raises him up again we may be brought to death's door by a multitude of reason but friend having obtained help of God he gives us life and he gives us strength how beautifully he speaks of this in the last part of Corinthians where he speaks of the thorn in the flesh that the
[41:22] Lord had given unto him ah and he like you and I naturally desired that the Lord would remove it you know the Lord doesn't answer our prayers in the way perhaps we expect him to be answered for the Lord has a right to answer them yes or no you know we're apt to become very dictatorial in our prayers and stipulate and say this is how I want the Lord to answer them but how often the Lord doesn't answer our prayers like that at all and therefore we may be waiting for the Lord to answer our prayer and it's already answered he may well be saying speak to me no more concerning this matter having obtained help of
[42:31] God I continue unto this day Paul my grace is sufficient for thee and my strength is made perfect in weakness my help is afforded to thee and channeled to thee in this way that thou shall go in this position in this weakness in this helplessness that all the grace of God might more abundantly rest upon you rest upon you sanctified to us we shall say like the apostle Paul when I am weak then I am I strong I know I always quote this when I quote that text it's as much sense to say and when I am strong then am
[43:33] I weak friend how contrary to the carnal mind but having obtained help of God I continue unto this day continually casting my all upon him utterly depending upon him to lead me on lead me on that I may be found in him at last having not mine own righteousness no but that righteousness oh which is of him and of him alone but friend the time has gone I must say amen may the lord bless this word oh not what I have spoken but the word as it is written oh that it might be oh like our sword as spoken of this afternoon having obtained help of
[44:41] God I continue unto this day to go forth in this year with this word yes as our defense yes on every hand trusting in him who is a faithful and holy God amen let let us conclude by singing hymn 289 to the tune bright and new 308 to victor thank you 289
[45:51] Thus far my God has led me on and made his truth and mercy known. My hopes and fears all turn at rise and comforts mingle with my sighs.
[46:09] Hymn 289 Hymn 299 I am closing in with my sighs.
[46:52] I am closing in with my sighs.
[47:04] I am closing in with my sighs. I am closing in with my sighs.
[47:20] I am closing in with my sighs. I am closing in with my sighs.
[47:38] I am closing in with my sighs. I am closing in with my sighs.
[47:56] I am closing in with my sighs. I am closing in with my sighs.
[48:14] I am closing in with my sighs. I am closing in with my sighs.
[48:32] I am closing in with my sighs. I am closing in with my sighs.
[48:43] I am closing in with my sighs. The End The End