[0:00] This morning for a while at least to the 107th Psalm. And words that are found in the second verse.
[0:19] Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy.
[0:39] 107th Psalm, verse 2. And we have a tremendous subject opening up before us this morning.
[0:54] Which we would desire with all earnestness and sincerity. To develop with you. To the comfort of your heart.
[1:08] And to the establishment of your faith. This word seems to me to be a pivotal word.
[1:26] Addressed by God. It is in fact an imperative command. Given by the Lord to his people.
[1:38] To the redeemed. That they should say so. Now there are quite a number of ways. Of saying something.
[1:48] You can say a great deal of course with your lips. God has given man a mouth.
[2:01] And he has given man a power to speak. What a word. You can say a great deal.
[2:15] By your actions. And you know the say here. Which is a very true one. Actions. Speak louder than yours.
[2:28] And again you can say a great deal with your conduct. Demeanor.
[2:42] Attitude. And deportment. Before man. So there are several ways.
[2:54] In which. A person can say things. And if God has placed something in our hearts. And something in our lives.
[3:10] He commands us to say. What that is. Now there is a character. Addressed here in this text.
[3:21] Of mine this morning. A very special character. And we want to. Examine that character. A little. First of all.
[3:34] That character is the redeemed. The redeemed. Of the Lord. Now that is a very important addition.
[3:48] To that word. Redeemed. Redeemed. Redeemed. Redeemed. Redeemed. Redeemed. Redeemed. Redeemed. Of. The Lord. That to my mind.
[3:58] Clearly shows. That there are people. Who think they are redeemed. Who claim to be redeemed. Who redeem themselves. Largely. By.
[4:08] Putting a trust. In their own works. And. Merits. And ways. These. But. It's only those. That are redeemed. By the Lord.
[4:20] Redeemed. Of the Lord. That are the true. Characters. To whom. This word. Is addressed.
[4:33] And it also means this. And this is rather. Solid. In my mind. It means to say. That there are redeemed.
[4:44] And there are not. Some people. Are redeemed. And some. Are not. And also.
[4:57] We would understand this. In regard to redemption. That unless we have been redeemed. Whether we know it or not. We never shall be.
[5:10] There is no afterthought. With God. He has redeemed.
[5:20] His people. By one. Sovereign. Glorious. Act. Wherein.
[5:32] And whereby. He has prescribed. That people. His. Belonging to him. Possessed by him.
[5:49] And to that number. God never adds. Amen. Now that. Is a very solemn consideration. And it ought to.
[6:00] Emphasize. The importance of this word. Let the redeemed. Of the Lord. Say so. Whom he hath redeemed. From the hand.
[6:12] Of the enemy. I think sometimes. People treat the things of God. Very likely. As if it does not really matter.
[6:23] All that amount. Whether. They are partakers. Of his grace. Whether they have possession. Of that life.
[6:34] That God gives. And many can go along. This sort of easy going way. This path of. Unconcern.
[6:47] That the Lord. That the Lord. Our God. Would have us. Very deeply. Concern ourselves. With this.
[6:58] All important. Matter. First of all. Whether we have been redeemed. And whether.
[7:09] And whether the. Proof. Of that redemption. Is being. Manifested. In our lives. Our ways.
[7:21] And our works. And that is why. I believe. The Lord says here. In this very wonderful. Psalm. Which portrays.
[7:35] To us. How these people. Whom God has redeemed. May get into all kinds. Of straits. Difficulties. And may even. Bring themselves.
[7:46] Into these difficulties. By their. Their folly. Their sinfulness. And their foolishness. But that.
[7:58] Does not alter. The relationship. Between them. And God. And God. As he shows us. In this psalm.
[8:09] In the latter part of it. Is still. Ready. To. Deliver. Those. Who. By reason. Of their own. Foolishness.
[8:20] And. Oppression. Comes. Into trouble. Now. I want. Therefore. To look at these.
[8:31] Things. In our text. As the Lord. May open them up. Soberly. And. Earnestly. And.
[8:42] Considering. Our own. Condition. And. Place. In the great matter. In the great matter. Of redemption.
[8:57] Now. I said just now. That there are those. Who are redeemed. And were redeemed. By Christ. Jesus. By one great offering. Which he offered up.
[9:09] To God. God. And which. Which was accepted. By God. And which. He. In so doing. The Lord Jesus.
[9:20] In so doing. He said. It. Is. Finished. Meaning. Of course. To say this. There's nothing more. That can be added.
[9:31] To. My redemption. It is complete. For all those. For whom I stand. As surety.
[9:44] And. Redeemer. The Lord then says. To us here. In this text. He's let them.
[9:55] Say so. There are three ways. In which we can say so. If we are indeed.
[10:06] Redeemed. Of the Lord. One is. The praise of God. For that redemption. There's nothing. My dear friends. That is more. Worthy.
[10:17] Of God. More honoring. To him. More pleasing. To his ears. And in his sight.
[10:31] That immortal. One of his own. Whom he is redeemed. Praising him. For that redemption. Now I think this.
[10:43] Leaves us rather. In a serious position. Sometimes. Some of us. We feel. How little. We do praise him. For redemption. The second.
[10:58] Way. In which we can. Make use of this. Saying. As our text speaks. Is by. Forth telling.
[11:12] Of. His love. The love of Christ. Christ. As our redeemer. There again.
[11:23] Is a wonderful. Far reaching. Scope. For. The believer. To daily. Occupy themselves.
[11:34] With. Forth telling. Him. The love of that. Precious. Redeemer. Who redeemed them. From death.
[11:44] And hell. And sin. And from the hand. Of the enemy. There again. We feel. How little. We come. How far. We come.
[11:55] Short. Of that. Occupation. And. It might be. Well. For us. To.
[12:05] Deeply. Concern. Ourselves. And consider. How. Our lives. Ought to be. More. Prescribed.
[12:16] And. Devoted. To the. Telling. For. Of our. Redemption. Then. Thirdly.
[12:28] Let the. Redeemed. Of the. Lord. Say so. There's. A defense. Required. From all. Who. Have. Been.
[12:39] Redeemed. Of the. Honor. And. Glory. Of. The. One. Who. Redeemed. Us. Out.
[12:49] Of. All. Nations. To. Be. His. People. Those. Are. The. Three. Things. I. Would. Put. Before. You. This. Morning.
[13:01] And. How. Wide. And. What. A. Wonderful. Scope. There. Is. In. Those. Three. Things. And. I'm. Sure. You. Will. Feel. This. In. Need. Of. Constant.
[13:11] Prayer. That. You. Might. More. Those. Of. You. Who. Are. Redeemed. Might. More. And. More. Occupy. Yourselves.
[13:22] With. Those. Three. Things. Praise. Forth. Telling. Defending. God's. Honor. And. God's. Truth. Now. Let me.
[13:32] Come. To a. Very. Important. Delicate. Matter. You. Will. Say. Yes. I. Hold. With. You. In. All. This. But.
[13:43] How. Can. One. Say. I. Am. Redeemed. If. They. Know. Not. Solidly. And. Blessedly. Their. Redemption. There may be many and there are many in the church of God who are very reticent.
[14:05] And are needfully so. Because it hasn't been God's purpose to reveal so clearly as others the reality and truth of their redemption.
[14:20] But if we only get hold of the true basic facts of redemption I think that will eliminate a great deal of that kind of reticence.
[14:37] And the facts which I have already named partly this morning are these. That God chose a people before the foundation of the world.
[14:53] And he chose to redeem that people though they had fallen into sin and separated themselves by that sin from God.
[15:08] God chose to redeem them. And the way of redemption was to be.
[15:18] It's all planned. It's all planned. And provided. It was to be by the kinsman. Redeemer.
[15:31] One who must be made light unto his brethren. One who shall wear their very nature. Their flesh and blood.
[15:43] One who shall be perfect and holy and separate from sinners. And one that should be capable of laying down his life as a substitute for his people.
[16:05] Now those are the basic facts of redemption. And that was completed. It was done. You see so many times do people harbor the idea that redemption is something that is of a process.
[16:27] And goes on. And may yet be more and more revealed. The blessedness and the wonder of redemption will be more and more revealed to the believer.
[16:44] But the believer should recognize this. That their redemption has been already accomplished. That the transaction has been done.
[16:57] That the sins, our sins which are enormous, have been transferred to our blessed and glorious Redeemer.
[17:16] And in consequence of that we are free, cleared of all guilt. Every barrier has been taken away.
[17:27] And we, that is to say the people of God, whom the Lord hath redeemed, are viewed by God as perfect, holy, acceptable in the sight of God.
[17:43] Now I feel this. If we dwell upon this basic fact of redemption, we shall come nearer to that point when we can say so.
[18:03] Clearly, definitely. I am one of the redeemed. Now the first thing you will want will be this.
[18:16] You'll want the Lord to say to you that he is your salvation. That will be the first thing. You'll want that matter cleared up very clearly and definitely in your own conscience.
[18:36] And you'll say to the Lord, as a psalmist does, say unto my soul, I am thy salvation. And if you can only have a sweet interest in that and a belief in the ear of the Lord hearing you, crying to him in that way and manner, then you have redemption through his blood as your possession and as your claim.
[19:12] Now if there is no desire to know the Lord and no desire to hear him say to your soul, I am thy salvation, redemption is practically meaningless to you.
[19:33] And it is not as yet established whether you were one of the redeemed. You see, it is not always people that can say and it is not always those people who do say or lay claim to being redeemed, that are redeemed.
[19:57] It may be sheer presumption on the part of some who never really had a real interest in the salvation of God and in the redeeming work of Christ.
[20:10] And yet they can claim to be among the redeemed. How that claim can be validated or established, one knows not, but it is a solemn thing to be in that position.
[20:28] God says to his own true people and I can do this, I can see them, many of them, as trembling sinners, fearful of making any step or making any claim.
[20:48] I can see them in that strait where they long to have some sweet confirmation, some evidence of their, the Lord's grace in their hearts.
[21:06] The Lord says to them, let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed. You see, it's an honor to say this, when he has indeed redeemed us.
[21:21] It's a dishonor, when we may say it, if he has not. Well now, let us go on and look further into this very wonderful text this morning.
[21:40] Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. How God does invite and call from his people praises.
[21:58] I read the 52nd of Isaiah this morning because in that chapter the Lord speaks a great deal to his people, Zion and Jerusalem, about lifting up their voice and praising God for his redemption.
[22:20] And you see it all the way through, not only that chapter but many other chapters in the scripture. Lift up thine heads, lift up thine hearts.
[22:33] Let us lift up our hands to the God of heaven, says Jeremiah in the lamentations. There was a man who was in great straits of real trouble, soul troubles, church trouble, national trouble.
[22:55] And yet in the midst of all that trouble he could say this, let us lift up our hands with our hearts with our hearts to the God in heaven.
[23:07] Now, to praise then is one of the first functions of a living soul. It will be the desire of a truly living soul to praise the Lord.
[23:26] Praise him. Praise him. All ye people. And we see in those cases where God had marvelously changed the heart and brought sinners out of darkness to light, the first thing that such souls did was to praise the Lord their God.
[23:52] Thanking him. Some people, we believe, there's a good deal of truth and reality in their experience.
[24:04] They've had such an effect in their own hearts and minds when God had shown to them they were one of his redeemed people, claiming them that they have hardly been able to restrain themselves.
[24:24] It's been just the very reverse from what I've been speaking. Reticence has been taken right away and they could hardly restrain themselves in pouring out their hearts and language to God in praise for his great goodness and his mercy.
[24:46] And indeed, if we are among such who would praise him and bless him, even in those paths of pain, difficulty and opposition, we manifest and in fact we say with our very lives and attitude that we are the redeemed.
[25:24] And then there's the fourth telling. Well, that can be as I have said already, it can be in many ways.
[25:36] it needs a great deal of wisdom for people to know when to speak.
[25:47] There is a time to speak and there is a time to be silent. That is the scripture. Ephesians the third chapter. And that simply means, tells us very plainly, that we are not all ourselves to be trusted to speak at the right time and the right words.
[26:10] We need a lot of help from God to do this. Many a time in my life have I felt ashamed of myself because when I had an opportunity I either did not speak or on the other hand spake which I thought afterwards was ill advised.
[26:36] And both the like bring to us a great deal of shame and sorrow and abasement. We need therefore to be very much in touch with the Lord and then to speak.
[27:00] Speaking therefore, telling forth, this is what the word prophecy means, you know, in the scriptures. It means telling forth. It doesn't mean prophecy we sometimes look at the word in a wrong light.
[27:16] It doesn't mean telling something that's going to happen. The Old Testament prophets did that on several occasions, but that is not the general idea concerning the word prophecy.
[27:34] The main purport in that word is telling forth, telling forth what God God has given them to tell.
[27:49] And if he has given them redemption, they've got the greatest thing to tell, the best thing of all to tell. There can be no scope greater for a believer than to tell of what the Lord has done in redeeming their souls from death, from the hand of the enemy, as our text says here.
[28:19] There's all that it has done for us. Look what it has done. Let us try and trace for a moment or two what it has done. It's delivered our minds which were enthralled in this world and in darkness.
[28:40] superstition, idolatry, redemption when it comes with power to the soul. It delivers the mind of that creature from all the deadly darkness with which they were embedded.
[29:02] It delivers the thoughts, the head the way of salvation.
[29:19] Wrong things entertain. Redemption will deliver you from all that. It delivers your feet because you're still on the move, you're still traveling, on a journey, and there's a mighty change taking place in your lives, and you're still going forward, but you want now something very special over you, overshadowing you, to save you from going in one direction and another, taking wrong turns, moving in wrong direction.
[30:05] Now redemption saves the soul from all that which is so painful and dangerous in a person's life.
[30:20] So it saves the feet from falling. and look how the heart is saved from sorrows, from uncertainties, from unbelief, the greatest of all sins, by redemption.
[30:42] One drop of that special precious blood of Christ will wondrously affect the inner man so much so greatly that they can feel the effects of it in a moment, turning a wanton eye away from the things that are wanton to Christ and his cross.
[31:14] And he will save you from an impetuous spirit if you have one, and I'm sure you have. We all have to some degree a spirit that is impetuous, taking sudden moves, when irritated, when things have gone just wrong with us or contrary to us, when someone else has cut deeply into our hearts, we so often are ready to rise up and take our own action and take revenge, but redemption will bring all that to nothing and calm the spirit, quieten the heart, and bid the poor soul, tried and persecuted, to look up to the
[32:18] Lord for help and succor and defense. This is what the great scope of redemption is. Then it's changed the life that was once lived, empty, vain, without any real purpose.
[32:43] It's changed all that to a life when you may really feel there's very little in it, but there's something in it that is valuable, some achievement aimed at, some accomplishment reached to the glory and honor of the Lord.
[33:07] redemption does all this. He turns a thief into a citizen of worthiness.
[33:26] You may read sometimes of history, of the history of certain characters who were spending most of their lives in prison.
[33:37] Because of their misdeeds. And the Lord meets with them, changes their hearts, shows them his redeeming love, and in a very short space of time, that person is totally changed.
[33:59] The environment in which they live is one is one which they want to escape from and be free in order to live a life of holiness, righteousness, and in the service of God.
[34:21] And such cases like the Apostle Paul, who was his own declaration, a person that went about to destroy the name of Christ and his church, if he only could, was turned into one who spent the rest of his life glorifying Christ by preaching his glorious gospel.
[34:53] And if you want to know more about redemption, then read his first epistle, his first chapter in the epistle to the Ephesians. Oh, the preciousness of the blood of Christ.
[35:11] Let the redeemed say so. You see, another thing we have to say is this, and we should be sincere about it and full-hearted about it, and that is this.
[35:27] We must own the claim God makes upon us through redemption, because redemption means that he has bought us, purchased us with his own blood, and we are his.
[35:45] Paul says you are not your own, you are bought with a price. Well, if we are bought, then we should acknowledge the claim. We should recognize the ownership and the owner's rights over us, over our time, over all that we have, over our ways, our dealings with people and with ourselves, we must acknowledge the claim of ownership on the part of Christ.
[36:30] Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. you see, you are not your own. Sometimes a Christian tries to cling to the one as well as the other.
[36:47] They want to have their own way and their own rights to do what they will and what they desire to do, but they have to come to this.
[36:58] If they're really among the redeemed of the Lord, they have to come to this, that they are bought with a price. They're not their own. There's one who claims them as his portion, lays claim to them by the rights of his own precious love and grace.
[37:23] So, my friends, this is the opening of this very wonderful part of God's Word. I hope I might have helped somebody who feels questionable sometimes about their redemption.
[37:41] My advice to you is to concentrate your thoughts, read earnestly and often of the great and glorious work of redemption, salvation.
[37:58] And you will come to realize, I believe, under God's blessing, that it is a work that has been accomplished and it is yours by God's grace.
[38:12] Then, say so. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Amen. Amen.
[38:22] Amen. Amen. dibanderous Looking to survive.
[38:56] Floree facebook, sulfurely hrot f trip... Tai fa That f Thank you.
[39:34] Toems Matthias United, Thank you.
[40:34] Thank you.
[41:04] Thank you. Thank you.
[42:04] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[42:16] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[42:28] Thank you. Thank you. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, be with us now evermore. Amen.
[42:50] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[43:02] Thank you.