Good Friday service.
[0:00] I would direct your minds this morning to the second epistle of Timothy.
[0:19] The second epistle of Timothy, chapter 1, verses 9 and 10.
[0:32] Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
[1:20] The Apostle Paul, drawing very near to the end of his life and the work which God had given him to do, writing to Timothy, speaks of him as being his Son.
[1:50] Truly he was in his Son, in the grace of God. He says to Timothy, my dearly beloved Son, grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Jesus and Christ Jesus our Lord.
[2:13] And here he instructs that young man and gives him a good counsel, as I said, as he was drawing near to the end of his days.
[2:31] He said, for I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
[2:43] I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith. I have kept the faith.
[3:22] I hope each of us present have this love in our hearts for his appearing, and that we shall be able to take the same language as Paul.
[3:37] Therefore, we come to that solemn moment of that. And if we know anything of the words, experimentally, shall I say, in the text, I believe it will be, I am sure, it will be well with us.
[4:00] Who hath saved us? Who hath saved us?
[4:11] Who hath saved us? You have been singing most solemn truths in the hymn.
[4:23] And how it gives us a little light. A little, very little light upon the path of the Lord Jesus Christ in his walking to fulfill this word, the first sentence in our text.
[4:44] Who hath saved us? None other, dear friends, but the Lord Jesus Christ.
[4:54] The Lord of the Father loved us. The Holy Spirit quickens. But Christ has walked that path and entered, passed through those deep waters, and in that wonderful work of a salvation.
[5:19] He alone. And if we have a right view, which we desire to have a right view, of the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing what we are, and having some little idea who he is, and his power, and his grace, and his mercy, and his love, and his wisdom, we shall come to this conclusion, he hath saved us.
[5:56] He hath saved us. As our text reads, Who hath saved us? And as I look at these two verses before us this morning, it speaks of the first commencement, shall I say, of a child of God.
[6:19] For this work of love, by the Father, by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, was manifested, to them, even before the foundation of the world, who has saved us.
[6:50] You've heard me quote that word, you've read it, you've read it many times yourself. I trust each of us believe it.
[7:02] Now, therefore, there is no condemnation unto them that are in Christ Jesus the Lord, who has saved us.
[7:12] who has saved us. How little do we realize the wisdom of God, the wonders of God, the power of God, from all eternity, predestinated us.
[7:28] before we were thought of, brought into this world. If we rightly view it, we were saved from all eternity, and will be to all eternity.
[7:46] So our text speaks of the work of grace and love, before the foundation of the earth, who has saved us.
[7:57] And then we have the call, who has called us. And it speaks also of an holy calling.
[8:14] And if not according to our works, the Lord will not have praise, laid, as it were, upon us, or can we, in any way, speak of self, in the things of grace.
[8:36] It's all of grace. By grace are ye saved through faith, that not of yourselves. It is the work of God. And then our text eventually comes to the Lord Jesus Christ, and also of his appearing, and how he has abolished death, and how he has brought life and immortality to light, through the gospel.
[9:06] Cannot I say, it's the commencement of the work of grace, in the heart of the poor sinner, and it finishes, in the light of the grace, in the light of the grace, in the precious gospel, in other words, in eternal glory, through Jesus Christ.
[9:30] have we any witness, dear friends, by the Spirit? I have thought much of late, and some present know that I have spoken of the Spirit, very much of late, because, unless the Spirit is in us, and in our worship, it's only of a creature, it's only of self, God will not accept it.
[10:02] Now, if the Lord has called us, some might say, no need to put that little word in, if.
[10:16] If. But some of us, have to often put that word, even when we go to the Lord, in prayer.
[10:27] If. In the epistle of John, we read, if we, confess our sins. If.
[10:39] It speaks to me, friends, that, there's such a thing, and there is, to confess our sins, and yet, not really, truly, grieve over them.
[10:52] In other words, the, uh, weight, and burden of sin, doth not lay, upon our conscience. And there's not, that deep concern, in the heart, to find forgiveness.
[11:07] But, if we have been called, with that, heavenly calling, as we read, in the apostle. Wherefore, holy brethren, partake us, of the, heavenly, heavenly calling.
[11:25] Our text speaks, of an holy calling. And heavenly, comes from heaven, it's a holy call, because, an holy spirit, speaks it.
[11:38] and it's the work, of the Holy Spirit, to perform. Call us, with an holy calling. I do desire, to commence, as helped, not only at this time, at all times, to lay the foundation, as it were.
[12:00] And the foundation, in the heart, of a poor sinner, first, to have, the call, to have, the spirit. For, without the spirit, there can be, nothing, that is, of a spiritual nature.
[12:18] You say, and it may be, a deep concern, with some, often is with me. Though, I have made, a profession, of his name, for now, for many years, but still, this comes, into my heart.
[12:33] Am I, numbered, among this people? Have I, been called, by, an holy calling? Friends, if there is, this concern, in your heart, and mine, and it causes, at times, much sorrow, miscrease, much bearing down, much, approaching, to the Lord, in prayer, do be thankful.
[13:01] Do be thankful. Some take it, for granted, that they have, received the call, because they are, found in the, house of God, and listening, to the word, from time to time.
[13:12] We need, something more, than that. Possibly, you and I, sat under the truth, in childhood days, where there was, no fear of God, in your heart, and satisfied, with it.
[13:26] And, we can grow, in this, and think, that we are right, when, we are, still, in nature's darkness.
[13:38] Or, how we need, to have the witness, that, that Imreiter says, show me, some token, Lord, for good, some token, of thy special love.
[13:50] Show me, that I am born of God, and that my treasure, is of art. An holy calling, call from heaven, call from the Holy One, applied, by the power, of the Spirit, into, the art.
[14:07] art. Now, I am sure, I have those, before me, this morning, who can testify, of this, early calling, holy calling.
[14:21] Some of you, can go back, it may be, many years, in childhood days, and remember, when the Lord, first, commenced the work, when he first, brought a concern, into your heart, when he, called you, to bow the knee, it may be, or, entered into, some secret place, and there, to call, upon his name.
[14:48] You received, an, heavenly call, holy calling, brought you down, made you feel, what you are, by nature, revealing to you, your sin, and so on.
[15:01] That's, the heavenly calling, as the work, of divine grace, begun, in your heart, and that, grace, will gradually, lead you, along, through, life, till you know, deeper things, that is, what our text, speaks of, which is given us, in Christ Jesus, but is now, made manifest, by the appearing, of our, our, Saviour, Jesus Christ.
[15:38] The foundation, and I know, that the foundation, is Christ himself, I'm quite aware, of that. That to lay, as it were, the foundation, in the heart, of a poor sinner, it is, having, life, steady to life, the fear, of God, implanted.
[15:58] And without it, there is no heaven. I must be, honest in this, without, the grace of God, without the foundation, without the heavenly calling, there is no way, for the poor sinner, to eternal glory.
[16:17] As, their text, speaks of, that according, to, his own purpose. I believe, I've already, quoted, that word, of this dear man, the apostle Paul, when he was writing, to the Ephesians, it is by Christ, according, to, his own purpose.
[16:41] There's something, here, very deep, I believe, I wish I could, preach, the deep things, in the precious gospel, I cannot, but according, to, his own purpose.
[16:53] who has, saved us, from all eternity, had a purpose, and the purpose, was this, to gather out, those whom he should love, from a great multitude, of sinners, thousands, and thousands, to, brought, to be brought forth, to receive, an holy calling, to be taught, by the Holy Spirit, and, to be brought, to our knowledge, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, according, to his, own, purpose, to have, this people, to be with him, to join, in heaven, in the heavenly songs, and worthy, is the lamb, that died.
[17:45] I believe, his purpose, in, saving, calling, poor sinners, and loving them, is to, was to have them, with him, through, eternity.
[18:01] And yet, dear friends, as you know, you and I, and all creatures, born in sin, and shaped, iniquity, where we have all, sinned, and come short, of the glory, of God.
[18:16] Standing, as it were, even, even, to have, an understanding, of our condition, by nature, which we are taught, by the Spirit, and know, that we are, poor, fallen creatures, and sinful creatures, yet, the Lord, has our purpose.
[18:36] Take the apostle, Paul, the writer, this letter, who wrote this letter, to Timothy, and others, and to, those letters, to the Ephesians.
[18:48] He lived, did he not, a life, of the Pharisee. Though the Lord, had a purpose, for him, he brought him, out of nature's darkness, he brought him, out of the dead, he gave the holy call, on the way, to Damascus, I believe, when he heard, the voice of God, so, so, why, persecutest thou me, it is hard for thee, to kick against the bricks, why, the man received, and only called him, and the purpose was this, he loved him, with an everlasting love, and another purpose, was this, that he should, go forth, in that same name, in the name of Jesus, to proclaim, the precious gospel, there was a purpose, for it's all, to be, brought to the, to be an apostle, there was a purpose, for his name, to be called Paul, there was a purpose, for him, to, be raised up, a purpose, for him, to be taught, by the spirit, and the Lord, sent him, and there was a purpose, for it, to form churches, to preach, the everlasting gospel, to make known,
[20:05] Jesus, and he was, brought here, to say, I am determined, not to know, anything among you, save, Jesus Christ, and him, crucified, so, with the apostle, Paul, we can say, there was a purpose, according to God's, love, and mercy, that this man, should, proclaim, the gospel, and not only, so friends, but there, the Lord, used him, by history, to write, these letters, there was a purpose, for it, and was a purpose, for these letters, to be left on record, for the instruction, not only, to those, who received, those letters, but also, cannot we say, to the Lord's, dear people, down from, his day, until this day, and to the end, because, we believe, the word of God, will stand, for it, for the benefit, of the church, of God, there was a purpose, in it, but according, to his purpose, and grace, that he should, uh, cause, uh, the apostle Paul, to be raised, and the writings, uh, as he was led, by the spirit, of God, according, according, to his, own purpose, and grace, so, uh, the works, of man, is,
[21:54] I was going to say, abomination, unto the Lord, all the works, of sin, truly, are, not according, to our works, so, it's not, of our works, it's not, of our own self, it's not, of our own righteousness, it's nothing, of the creature, it's entirely, of God, not, according, to our works, I hope, there's not, one here, this morning, working, on that, shall I say, plan, such a plan, as your own, that you will, eventually, get to heaven, by your good works, and behavior, and such like, as a forced foundation, we read, in the gospel, of a man, who built his house, upon the sand, and, uh, the, uh, winds came, and the tide, and so on, and it fell, having no foundation, those that are, working, uh, on their own, in the things, of, uh, salvation, that is, in their own, good works, and self-righteousness, that are, proved to be, like the man, who built his house, upon the sand, it will sink, it will fall, it may continue, as long, as life, as life continues, natural life, that when we come, to death, we shall have to prove, it's not of the creature, not of man, not according, to our works, as I've mentioned, respecting the man, who built his house, upon the sand, there was another, and I hope, we are doing the same, building our house, building our religion, as it were, our hopes of heaven, upon a foundation, the foundation, is Christ, my hope, is built on nothingness, than Jesus' blood, and righteousness, not according, to our works, not according, to our works, the Pharisee, went up, to the temple, and he was relying, on his own work, and on his own, good works, and behavior, but it all failed, the poor public, and he went up, up to the temple, in grace, leaning upon, his God, seeking mercy, nothing of the creature, in his religion, he smote, upon his breast, he couldn't lift, his eyes to heaven, so, felt to be, so disgraceful, unworthy, even to lift, his eyes, to the God of heaven, but we read, he went down, to his house, justified, rather, than the other, so it's not, according, to our works, the Pharisee, sometimes, even a child, of God, can be left, for a little season, to, thus, think, and work, on his, own good behavior, but the Lord, will eventually come, he'll knock the bottom, out of it, he will, he'll show us, it's all empty, all vain, nothing of the creature, if we are building, upon ourselves, surely, we are, robbing, shall I say, grace, or glory, from the Lord,
[25:29] God, yes, we are taken, with glory, due to him, to ourselves, God will not have it, God is a jealous God, he will have the heart, if it's not a part of it, but all the art, and so, he empties us, and brings us down, and opens our eyes, to see, that all our works, is of the creature, and not of God, nothing in my hand, I bring, I like that word, nothing, painful to experience, profitable to the soul, and glory unto God, not according, to our works, but according, to his own purpose, and grace, and that all flows, through Jesus Christ, through his love, through his mercy, it comes, friends, in that channel, of mercy, that flows down, from heaven, to earth, flows from a gracious God, to down, to poor sinners, as a channel, of mercy, and it's ever running, it's ever afraid, oh, that grace, that flows, through Jesus,
[26:58] I wish I could, praise him, for that channel, of mercy, for his mercy, to poor sinners, I wish I could, praise him, for that, stream of blood, that flows, so freely, that you have been, singing of, it flows, through Jesus Christ, it's a stream, friends, it still runs, poor sinners, partake of it, by living faith, and the Holy Spirit, still applies it, with a little power, and sweetness, in the hearts, of those, who feel their need of it, who seek it, who long for it, who cannot do without it, oh, that blessed stream, pure stream, holy stream, freely running, and it will, to the end of time, it will reach, my friends, endure, and reach, the poor sinner, the last poor sinner, to be born, upon this earth, born again, of the stillness, that poor soul, will receive, must be so, must be so, and it also, cleanses, poor sinners, even the saints, of God, who have travelled, the wilderness, many, many years, oh, those dear saints, of old, we read of in Hebrews, how they were looking, for it, and how kind, the Lord was, in speaking of it, that it should come, for he would come, though I come, in the volume, of the book, it is written of me, to do thy will, oh, and my God, evidently, this brightened their hopes, this strengthened their faith, this helped them, to still press on, hoping, that one should come, to redeem,
[28:59] Israel, to redeem, their souls, to shed his blood, and bring, that, stream, mentioned, of his blood, which was, to his own purpose, and grace, which was given, oh, think of it, given, so unworthy, to receive it, could we obtain it, if it wasn't a gift, never, never, I'll compare it, as it were, with even these words, not according to our works, by the poor creature, our fellow creatures, in the world, why, they know nothing, of, the Lord Jesus Christ, in his love, and power, which was given us, given us, a gift, free gift, bestowed upon, his dear ones, whom I have said, there is no, no condemnation, unto them, that are in Christ Jesus, who hath saved us, who has given us, a holy calling, given us, given us, by grace, hope, faith, hear of God, given us, his mercy, given us, some token to this love, given us, the sweet application, the power, the sweetness of it, in our souls, which was given us, cannot obtain it, many other sources, impossible, is the gift of God, hear again, those prayer, that prayer of Christ, when here on earth, when here on earth,
[30:56] I thank thee, times I have seen much in that, dear France, I thank thee, O Lord God of heaven, that thou hast hid these things, hid them, from the wise and prudent, not according to our works, you see, hid them, from the wise and prudent, and revealed them, for his own purpose, unto his own children, revealed them, it's a gift, which was given us, by Jesus Christ, before the world began, and we really believe, that Jesus, was with his father, before the world began, do we really believe, in the Trinity, we'd have to say, perhaps carelessly, maybe otherwise, that we believe, this, that and the other, but when the testing time, time comes for us, there's a testing time, sometimes,
[32:08] I made, as some of you, made a profession, for many, many years, and I wonder now, whether I really know, what I profess, in the things of grace, after these many years, the longer we live, and if the Lord is pleased, to lead us, deeper, a little, into, the truth, by his grace, the more, we stand amazed, yes, and we realized, in some, in some measure, what we ought to be, and no one fears, to come so far, short from it, was given us, in Christ Jesus, before, the world, the world, began, but now, but is now, made manifest, is now, made manifest, is now, made manifest, by the appearing, of our, our,
[33:15] Savior, Jesus, Christ, Christ, I've quoted, those words, no icon, in the volume, it is written, of me, to do, thy will, oh, my God, appealing, of our, Jesus, Christ, many, many years, that elapsed, from the time, commencement, of the world, to the time, of Jesus, Christ, should come, into this world, and we see, a little, of the wisdom, of God, in this, the wisdom, of our Father, in sending, his dear son, because, there was, no other way, for these people, to be saved, there is, no other way, to fulfill, the purposes, of God, the Father, but, by sending,
[34:19] Jesus, his son, into this world, that is now, made manifest, by it, by the appearing, of, our Savior, Jesus Christ, now, as you know, he came, he has abolished, death, on the cross, he hath, brought life, in that, path of sorrow, and you have been, singing of it, those solemn truths, that agony, of body, and soul, that this dear man, Jesus, had to pass through, to bring, shall I say, life, salvation, to open, the gates, of paradise, who for, angels, now, poor, vile sinners, such as you and I, oh, if we have, a little view, of this wonderful work, out of love, by the Jesus, unto our souls,
[35:24] I believe, eternity, will not be, long enough, but praise him, for that work, truly he hath abolished death, and hath brought life, and immortality, to light, through, the gospel, through his work, of salvation, through, the garden of Gethsemane, through, by his resurrection, and entering, again, into heaven, to be, on the right hand, of his father, there, I leave these poor remarks, with you, may the Lord bless, what has been right, in his sight, and forgive, what has been amiss, Amen.
[36:13] Amen. Amen.