[0:00] depending upon the help of God we will again turn to the Gospel of Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 the 28th verse of the 11th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest this morning as you know we dwelt more upon a clause in the text all ye that labor we spoke of the Church of God of all the Lord's dear people are brought in some experience of the laboring some deeper than others
[1:07] God is a sovereign and he leads his dear people along and some he leads deep into such an experience the laboring of prayer and laboring in prayer unto heaven and we made a few remarks this morning of the laboring under the burden under it under the weight of sin and unbelief and the power of Satan and the trials of faith there's a laboring under these burdens this morning this evening as I may be helped I would like to look at these people who are laboring for for for because our faith within us that is it is the faith that God has given that will go out for the rich blessings that God has prepared and bestowed as it were upon so there's a laboring for and I believe we know something of this laboring in prayer for more grace some of us feel to have a little grace and sometimes we have to lay the heart that the Lord will give us more of that grace the apostle Paul why he tells us under the light of the spirit that the grace of God is sufficient for us and we believe it is but we feel to lack it at least I do and I have to labor sometimes before the Lord sometimes by day sometimes by night that he might give me more grace just a few thoughts on this this evening then we labor for more faith and I believe
[3:40] I mentioned it in prayer there is a faith living faith that views him oh how good it is to have a little faith view of our God and our savior our redeemer and faith will cling to him and how we feel our need and have to labor at times in prayer that we may be given grace and faith to cling unto the one who is able to save to the uttermost so there is a labeling for for grace and faith faith as I said to cling to him and faith to believe in him some of us suffer very much with this unbelief within our souls this unbelieving spirit and we do desire and have to labor at times that the Lord might subdue that nature and give us more faith to believe in him and believe in his world and what we read and the precious promises he has given to believe so there is a labeling to take on and then there is the labeling for faith to follow him for it is our desire to follow the Lord
[5:24] Jesus Christ as we are enabled he said to his disciples and to all of his dear people is one church follow me not that we can enter into the death of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ I am aware we cannot but there is a following on to know the Lord in Hebrews by the apostle Paul who under the light of the spirit he was enabled to write wherefore we have come to today with many witnesses and then that he speaks of the running in the race that is set before him looking on to Jesus so there is a living faith to follow hard after him and if we are enabled by that faith to follow hard I believe the time will come when we shall find him so there is a laboring and then again sometimes there is a much laboring in fact the mercy seed to love him more we would love him would we not you might some might say well we do love him we love him with all our heart is that so well I wish my poor heart was full of his love but I believe I know a little of it just a taste of it now and again and that causes me to labor at the mercy seat the throne of grace to know more of that sweet experience but there's nothing like it on earth when the
[7:14] Lord sheds abroad a little of his love within our poor cold arms why it's an evidence of eternal glory so there's a laboring before the Lord in prayer for more knowledge of him more love of him and to follow him and there's a laboring before him that we might have that grace of humility and that grace of reverence that laboring before him as we mentioned this morning to be prepared for ever all ye that labor and are every lake now I just hinted this evening and this morning upon these people who are in the text the Lord's chosen and the path that they have to tread you might say well is this the path to heaven yes the apostle
[8:34] Paul tells us through much tribulation through much tribulation wasn't his words it was the words of God indicted by the spirit in his heart to end them through much tribulation doesn't say you may have it you will have it it's sure to be so the evidence but I being encouraged very much in reading that last verse in the 16th of John the words of Christ the Lord Jesus has said in the world ye shall have tribulation but he said be of good cheer I have overcome the world and then that seemed to be made very sweet to me
[9:48] I've overcome the world and if he's overcome the world my friends everything in it and you know by his loving kindness and his wisdom he deals with every individual individual under his loving kindness and directs them in the steps I have overcome yes I've overcome it all and all these things now be of good cheer be of good cheer all ye that labor and are every day now the Lord has given these people a welcome to himself come unto me me and this is an invitation that comes down from heaven to earth it's an invitation from a great and gracious and merciful and loving
[10:56] God damn to a poor unknown and wretched sin oh I stood amazed at times in meditating upon it that this king of kings and lord of lords this god who created the all of her spoken it was done should come descend to look down upon a sinful land and a sinful world upon a sinful people and give them that sweet invitation to come unto it as some people why the poor worldling or those who have a profession and yet have not grace they can handle this in a way that we cannot the blind that lead the blind they tell people well come to him come to God give your love to him trust in him no need have any doubts of the ears my friends it's not so in the world come unto me
[12:14] I believe we read this morning in this third chapter he that hath ears to hear let him hear and that's the secret of it which is hidden in the world why these poor labelling people talk of the spirit they have an ear we have the outward ear but they have an inward ear to hear he that hath ears to hear let him hear and these are the people that will hear the invitation and receive it as they are enabled to by living rights to come unto God come unto me and his heart my friends is so full of love to his labelling people and these that are heavy laden that he welcomes them where at his feet and you see the wonderful provision in the gospel the father the son and the holy ghost we can see the wonderful provision the mercy seat the throne of grace we can see the wonderful provision there of the mediator because there's no way to God the father but in and through
[13:42] Jesus God the father is holy so is Christ so is the holy spirit I know that he cannot look upon sin with any degree of allowance and there's no way to earth the father but in and through his dear beloved son God is a consuming fire but all these poor labelling people they know it they believe it and therefore they labour to stand in Christ and in his righteousness pleading his righteousness and his lives and his blood come unto me have you ever had a little view of the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven on the right hand of his father drawing his dear people these labellers to his feet opens his ears to hear their cries heart of sympathy oh my friends what a wonderful
[14:55] God we have come unto me poor sinner poor labourer come and there he is to hear the prayers and the supplications of his dear people and then again we see the wonderful plan and the provision for his children in this that the spirit helps them we may call labelling and labour in our own words no prayer but oh what a mercy it is when there is a little indicting in our hearts under the sweetness of the spirit that prayer my friends will ascend into heaven Christ will hear them the Lord Jesus will awash those petitions and present them unto his father so that the indicting of the spirit enters into the ears of
[15:58] Christ and those cries are presented to the Father for the wonderful plan of salvation provisions as it were in the blessed gospel that poor sinners may come unto him come unto him and some of the violence God is no respect to the people I've often been thankful for the word of the parish the violent sinner had of hell who feels his need is welcomed to the throne of grace thy precious blood to bleed not one to fiddle some of you may under the light of the stair being deeply taught in the truth and deeply taught of your ruined condition you say why I'm too filthy to the fire through the fire stream how can I come and if I should come would he accept such a poor wretched huddle and sin come unto me if you feel your need
[17:12] I come come yes even the bias the filthiest sin welcome to his feet to plead his name take the day and be for the moment oh what a wonderful pace a miracle why the poor man he was a beggar and he was a lover he was a blasphemer no doubt he'd been in the depth of sin for many years it may have been and now he was to be crucified now he was to be put to death yes a little before him as it were hell nothing no hope of anything different and he had no concern about it just where the world is today but the out of conviction entered into his soul and there was this word welcome come unto me and the dear man he did he came unto the
[18:15] Lord he looked upon the one who was dying upon the cross he felt his sin he confessed his sin he sought for mercy he sought to have a word from the one who was very cruciate yes he said remember me oh my friends what a welcome there was on the cross come unto me poor sinner if the Lord might have said to him well come unto me you're on the blink of eternity come unto me and he did and he confessed his sin and he said remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom oh what a wonderful kind of spirit though the man never had long under the influence of grace but I believe that short time it could have been but minutes yet he felt a labouring and heavy laden perhaps the
[19:18] Holy Spirit had revealed to him all the sins he committed from childhood day to that very moment but all forgiven this day there shall be with me in a paradise come unto me oh what a gracious God we have a merciful heart come unto me and these people will come and I'll tell you the reason why they have come because their soul hangs upon Christ without him I must perish and therefore they come labour in the morning and seek for him to take notice on them and he does come unto me and not one has ever been turned away never has never one of a poor sinner looking for
[20:31] Jesus waiting close to this door labelling in prayer longing for a token longing for this look as why that poor sinner will never be turned away and some of them as I said some of them with all the devils in her heart but she was in the covenant of grace her name was written in heaven the devils were removed she was cleansed and she was brought to follow her God come unto me and these people have embraced they will go after and see him yes there will be at times of running if I might so speak after why those disciples they ran to the sepulcher they had seen him they communed with him they seen his miracles they heard him pleads they loved him and they ran and ran to the sacrament come unto me poor
[21:44] Mary Magdalene as you know you've heard me speak of her before blessed which often touched my heart yes a poor filthy wretch and yet born again having that implanted in her soul because she became the temple of the holy ghost she loved Jesus she saw him upon the cross she followed him as it were to the sepulcher yes and greatly cast down when she looked within the sepulcher and unable to see his body nor her cry was out of love where hast thou laid and he asked the Lord Jesus as it were saying come unto me Mary come unto me oh a wonderful case blessed case a wonderful picture my place of the love of God to poor
[22:51] Mary and Mary is not looking why she did not know him when she saw him thought it was the gardener but when he opened his lips oh there's something very sweet in that my sheep they hear my voice they know it and you know some of you you know the voice of God if he should speak this evening you know his voice and so she did did she yes and he spake to her and he called her by name Mary Mary Mary it was enough my friends I'm sure it broke her heart if the Lord should come to you tonight and say my child my daughter my son with that power from heaven I believe it would break your heart and mine come undo me yes with all your filth come unto me whatever the need may be in providence or in grace our
[24:01] God is a God of providence as well as a God of grace and there's nothing dear friends too small too great to bring to him little things bring it to him great things still laid upon him nothing too great too hard to manage because he is the God of grace power and all ability and he is able to save and to perform that hand of his can be stretched out and make a way for you in the wilderness prosper you if it is his will come unto him and may I say to our dear young friends in all thy ways acknowledge him come unto him bear the maid and beg the Lord to direct you and to be with you to provide for you to go before you and he will honor it and those prayers will be earth and once come unto me you you may imagine one or two that came unto the
[25:18] Lord in this deep trial and in this labor my mind goes for a minute to Hannah of Holt you know she was a woman that knew the text well she walked in she entered into these truths in this text of her he let she know what it was to labor she knew what it was to be heavy laden and she knew the way to her God oh she traveled this path as you know for many months yes she went up to the temple again and again with the same laboring and heavy laden a burden long for deliverance she had to wait a long time perhaps some of you have been waiting and waiting for the Lord to appear in certain matters well when the time comes the Lord will appear as he did with
[26:19] Hannah the appointed time oh there is appointed time for the Lord to appear for his dear people when they are laboring and heavy load and he will not come a minute before and he will not delay he'll come just at the moment he thinks best and he will handle the matter in his wisdom whatever it may be come unto me so Hannah went to the Lord and as we mentioned Mary Magdalene she went unto her God and many other cases why those that had the awful disease of leprosy and they went unto the Lord what do we read this morning the blind may see their sight the main war the leprosy cleansed the dead hear the dead are raised and the poor and the gospel preach to them and blessed is thee whosoever shall not be offended in me oh the wonderful provisions in the gospel for his dear people come unto me oh as we read in the prophecy of Isaiah oh heaven one that pastor call me to the waters yes come and partake of those streams come you see the streams cannot flow in any other direction but in
[28:04] Jesus that poor woman who went to the well to find or to draw natural water if it had been another man sitting on the well if it had been Jacob who had the well done everything Joseph could they have given life to the poor woman down but the Lord Jesus was there dressed in his weary body and this poor woman this poor sinner dead in sin came to the well wasn't it the appointed time wasn't it the appointed time for her to receive life and so the Lord spoke to her she may have gone away very ignorant in the things of grace of course but there was something in her heart and she went back into the city and said come and see a man that told me all things said every idea is not this but
[29:17] Christ oh you can see that faith in her heart she never believed it was Christ come unto me and at the sound of our voice in that city we read many came many came and many believed on the Lord Jesus Christ oh the wonderful workings of God and of the spirit in the hearts of unbelievers and cause them to come to hear the voice of God and they come unto me oh the sweet invitation dear friends given to Zion oh ye that may go I have said this evening that we would look upon the laboring from another viewpoint not only laboring under but laboring for and I feel I left a few things out that I should have brought in what is essential unto eternal life or how we labor for at times not only a grace and faith and love and hope and so on but oh how there's a laboring for that precious blood of
[30:48] Christ that is essential it is there's no no way through the gates of heaven no way through the gates of the paradise but through the planting of his precious blood nothing can enter heaven dear friends nothing at all that is defiant has it ever made you tremble have you ever looked upon it and felt well it seems impossible to lead across come unto me in all your filth and there is the gospels side painted of and then again there's the labeling for that wonderful and blessed robe that Christ has wrought out completed as it were on terrible cross for his people oh the wonderful provisions food to eat water to drink washing cleansing and clothing in the precious gospel come come worship vile as you are come and he will welcome me the prodigal he went away from home but he is very soon in what in what and he was willing to return to his father's house and held him in a light spirit he said
[32:34] I have sinned against heaven and before thee and no more worthy to be called thy son now did his father turn him away no come unto me come unto me my and I will provide yes I will give what is necessary and what was it why clothing yes then upon his fingers shoes upon his feet yes everything that I said provided in the blessed gospel can you see my friends I speak with reverence in that wonderful picture of the prodigal can you view yourself leaving the powers of sin returning unto the father returning as it were to the house of God and bearing your head and saying I have sinned against him and am no more worthy to be called thy son thy daughter did he turn your way didn't he give you as it were the rim upon the finger and shoes upon the feet and killed the and made you marry yes a sheep straying away one of his children straying away from the path of life he said why we have another picture of the shepherd going after the one that lost left an idea line in the wilderness and went after the one that was lost yes put him upon the shoulder brought him back into the fold and eventually carries him into heaven come unto me oh ye that labour and our heavy name and
[34:26] I will give you rest the first thing I would notice here very briefly is the gift I will give cannot murder it my flesh no no cannot purchase it and all her home self righteousness no no it's the gift gift oh what a wonderful gift this is and the Lord and him only can give it and here's the promise I will and he's faithful and able to fulfill the promise to every neighbouring song and I will give give it means that he is given his life that poor sinners might find rest and peace we have read in that chapter in
[35:31] Hebrews rose this evening there be therefore a rest to the people of God for he that is entered into his rest he also hath seats from his own wives as God did of his now there's a thought respecting rest eternal that these dear people who are labelling as they're journeying along him they're pilgrimish they have a taste a foretaste of this rest and some of you have it a foretaste of rest peace in the heart is the foretaste of heaven now when have you tasted it when have you experienced it not when you are traveling the world when the world and the spirit of the world seems to have the upper end of us no no when we taste of this rest and this peace of
[36:45] God is often when we are in the labour and heavy laden and tried and tempted and may be heavily burdened with affliction or some trial maybe something improper does in respect of ourselves or perhaps those that are dear and dear to us terribly tried and we try to take it to the Lord and the Lord hears our prayers and he comes and gives you a little rest and you can do this in various ways sometimes he speaks a word and that will settle the mind and remove the fear and remove the temptation just one word sometimes the Lord is pleased to speak and enters into our souls and it gives us a breath a little rest and hope is rise and we feel well the Lord the Lord doesn't let me and I always sweet these tokens are the heart may be terribly disturbed and tossed up and down as it were and fear and yet one touch or one word will bring peace into the soul that's a poor taste to that or under those trials that I enter you go to the throne of grace it may be in secret and you try to pour out your heart to him and there's the help of the spirit no word spoken but the sweetness of liberty at the throne of grace that will bring a little rest in thy soul it will it may be under the preaching of the gospel he draws near in a sea to be perhaps a word or a sentence is spoken it may be by the instrumenting in the book that it brings and conveys a little rest in thy soul it lightens your hope it strengthens your faith and sometimes the love blow it toward the
[39:06] Lord rest but on the other end there's a terrible rest and all true labourers and these that are heavy ladies will come unto him and he will give them rest eternal rest oh think of that poor vile sinners deserving wrath for eternity the wrath of God and yet delivered by no other hand but the Lord Jesus Christ the beloved Son of God and redeemed by his precious blood and a face prepared for them in it he said to his dear disciples let not your heart be done believe in God believe also in me for in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you that
[40:08] I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself peace rest my dear friends there's no strife I speak of heaven no strife no not in the law it's rest and peace what shall we leave behind before we enter into this rest well we shall leave behind a world of sin a body of sin the old nature yes no more faith will be needed no more prayer what will continue joy what else praise praise come unto me all all eat and labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest and that will bring praise unto his holy land oh may we be numbered among that people now and through it heart that shall be in heaven to see him face to face with every of heart between enjoy his presence and ever behold hell a man of the old men with who still gate wide my friends if we are so favored to enter into that place we shall know where to put the crown and there will be continuing rise may it be have loved
[41:47] Amen in 630 June 544 what foolish words are we how prone to start aside and in our troubles flee from Jesus you wounded side to wait on self for something base instead of trusting sovereign grace from 630 then 630 , , , , , , , , .
[42:48] Amen. Amen.
[43:48] Amen. Amen.
[44:48] Amen. Amen.
[45:48] Amen. Amen.
[46:48] Amen. Amen.
[47:48] Amen.