Stanley Delves Trust
[0:00] For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
[0:38] The seventh chapter of the book of the Revelation, the seventeenth verse. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
[1:09] This verse closes a passage to my mind of almost unparalleled beauty. For the Apostle John saw the blessed state of the saints of God in heaven.
[1:31] This particular view and vision appears to have occurred to the Apostle between the openings of the sixth and the seventh seals, as recorded in the Revelation.
[1:48] But I don't propose this morning to go into the sequence of these prophetic occurrences. The one thing I never feel too sure as to what exactly these prophecies imply.
[2:08] But there's no question about what this passage implies. It is a description, as the Apostle John saw it, of the happiness and glory and perfection of the saints of God in the heavenly state.
[2:30] And it will be well for us to look over the context of this verse before I endeavor to concentrate the meditation more especially upon it.
[2:45] The passage opens, as far as we are concerned this morning, verse 9. There were four things that struck the Apostle very forcibly.
[3:21] As this vision opened to his view, and he beheld this glorious scene. First, there was their number.
[3:33] Secondly, there was their universal extraction. Thirdly, there was their beautiful appearance. And fourthly, there was their praise.
[3:45] For they cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God, which sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb.
[3:57] And we might just pause a moment on this. Their number. A great multitude. So great that the Apostles said they could not be numbered.
[4:12] However, this is a very encouraging thought. For we are apt to be very depressed often, because those that fear God, walk in his truth, and serve him, seem such a very, very small minority.
[4:30] And there is no question but what it is so in every generation. Those that truly serve God are comparatively few.
[4:46] But oh, if we could but see them in their total number, gathered to the throne of God in heaven, how different the scene would appear to us.
[4:59] A great number. And we are apt to view what appears to us to be the diminishing number of the godly now.
[5:15] And often that word in the cell strikes one's mind with regard to it. Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth, and the faithful fail from among the children of men.
[5:30] But then we should remember that the church of God is continually increasing. Continually increasing. And if there's a decrease on earth, there's an increase in heaven.
[5:45] The church of God can never diminish. A great number. Innumerable.
[5:56] All loved with the same everlasting love. All redeemed with the same atoning blood. All called and quickened by the same blessed spirit.
[6:10] And all brought to eternal glory. Through the power of the gospel in their soul. A great number.
[6:24] Then the apostle noted that they were of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues. For the Lord Jesus, before his ascension, said that the gospel of the kingdom must be preached unto all nations.
[6:45] Before the end should come. For God has an elected and chosen people all over the world. Here again I think our view is too limited.
[6:59] We are too apt to equate the church of God with their own particular section. And their own particular connection. But that is not so.
[7:11] With an equal love. God has embraced men of every kindred. And every color. And every tongue. And it does seem to me.
[7:25] That in this expression. All nations. And all kindreds and people and tongues. We have really set before us the significance.
[7:36] Of those expressions in the scripture. In which we read that God so loved the world. And so on. Well now here really.
[7:48] Is the true meaning of that. I've always said that in my mind. The expression the world. Is meant to show us that.
[8:00] That the love and purpose. And grace of God. Was not confined to the nation of the Jews. That it extended. To all parts.
[8:10] Of the world. Well now I think this. Bears out that view. Here is the world. There is intended. A number.
[8:22] Of all nations. And so on. But oh what a blessed unity. They are gathered into. Many. Many of them.
[8:34] Never came into any personal union together. In this world. For they are all gathered into the blessed unity of heaven. Oh brethren.
[8:45] What a unity that must be. Where there is not a jarring note. Nothing contradictory. No misunderstandings.
[8:57] No schism. One perfect. Holy unity of love. One to another. And that love all centering.
[9:09] In the blessed fountain. From which it first flowed to them. Namely. The Lord Jesus Christ. In the midst of the throne.
[9:20] And if we envisage this. It may help us. Under the many distressing. And discouraging things.
[9:31] That we see going on. There really is not the unity. Amongst the real. Spiritually taught. People of God. There should be. And whatever reasons.
[9:45] There may be given for it. It still remains. A sad truth. That it is. There is not that unity. That there should be. But there will be at last.
[9:57] There will be at last. In this great multitude. That no man could number. There was perfect unity.
[10:08] Well. We can only pray for that brethren. And hope for it. And pray that we may at last. Be brought into. The blessedness of it. And then all the shadows.
[10:20] That gather over. The church and people of God. In this time state. Will just have vanished forever away. Then.
[10:33] The apostle. The apostle. Observed. Their appearance. They stood before the throne. And before the lamb.
[10:43] Clothed. With white robes. And palms in their hands. What are these white robes?
[10:54] Of course. The language is metaphorical. We don't conceive. In our minds. A literal.
[11:05] An actual. Clothing. Of the saints of God. With. Material robes at all. Some might say. Well. Their robes mean.
[11:18] That the perfect. And imputed righteousness. Of Jesus Christ. Clothed them all. Well. That's true enough. And in that sense.
[11:29] There is no robe. Like the perfect. Righteousness. Of Jesus. But then. Here we are. To understand. Its expression. Later on. And they washed.
[11:41] Their robes. And made them white. In the blood. Of the lamb. Now. It is very certain. That the.
[11:51] Robe of Christ. Christ's righteousness. Needs no washing. And no cleansing. Because there is no stain. In it at all. It's a sinless righteousness.
[12:03] What then. Are these. Robes. That appeared. To the apostle John. With such beautiful. Whiteness. Whiteness. And. That they.
[12:14] Should. Have that. Whiteness. They were washed. In the blood. Of the lamb. And.
[12:25] What a remarkable. Thought this is. That blood. Can wash. White. They washed. Their robes. Not in water.
[12:36] But blood. And. They washed. Their robes. Not only. In blood. As such. But in the blood.
[12:47] Of the lamb. For it is. Very clear. That. Nothing can wash. Robes. White. But the blood. Of the lamb.
[12:58] And the blood. Of the lamb. Alone. Can wash. Robes. White. Because it has. An atoning. Virtue. And a cleansing. Ethicacy. And that is.
[13:10] What I am. Continually. Seeking. To preach. Concerning. The blood. Of Christ. That. It had. An atoning. Virtue. It represents.
[13:20] And means. His death. And sacrifice. For sin. Sin. The blood. Of the lamb. Have. An atoning. Virtue. That is.
[13:31] God's way. To put away. Sin. And cleanse. Souls. By. An atoning. Sacrifice. For sin. Sin. The blood.
[13:43] The blood. Of Christ. Is very. Very. Precious. Blood. In this particular. That. It atones. For sin. Where it's applied.
[13:54] The atonement. Is applied. Where it is. Sprinkled on. The conscience. Sin. Forgiven. And it hath. A cleansing.
[14:05] Virtue. It washes. It washes. Robes. It makes them white. It makes them so white.
[14:15] That the glory of heaven. Only lights up. And shows more beautifully. The perfect whiteness of their robes.
[14:26] Now. You. You. Will be expecting me. To explain this matter. What are their robes? Now. As I have said.
[14:37] They cannot be. The righteous. Works. Of Jesus Christ. Now. I understand. This metaphorical expression. Along these lines.
[14:50] First of all. I think by their robes. We may understand. Their distinctive. Personalities. Their character.
[15:05] Now. That may strike you. Perhaps. A little strange. But you think of it. Every person. Is clothed. With their own personality. And character. Every one.
[15:20] And. Our personalities. And our characters. Are not perfect. The personalities. Of the people of God. In this time state.
[15:31] Often. Have. Much. That is. Even distressing. It all arises. Of course. From the sinfulness.
[15:41] Of our fallen. Nature. Our personalities. Partake of the stain. Of the sin. Of our nature. Our nature. Of our nature. Of our nature. Of our nature.
[15:52] Now. I don't think. This is at all. Stretching the point. For every person. Is clothed. With their distinctive. Personal character.
[16:03] And. There is no personal character. That is entirely. Perfect. It is stained.
[16:14] In some way or other. In the sight of God. Anyway. If not in the sight of man. With that which is. Sinful. It is no more.
[16:25] Than true. For me to say. That. The sinfulness. Of our nature. As our nature. Is fallen. Defiles. Everything. That is natural. To us.
[16:39] Therefore. We ought not. To. Think. It a strange. Thing. When those. That really. Possess. The grace. Of God. And profess it.
[16:49] Show. Traze. In their character. That we feel. Are not. Are not. Holy. And pure. And. I think.
[17:00] It not at all. Going. Beyond. Truth. To state. That we carry. Our personalities. Into the next life. But I.
[17:12] Will not. Embark. On anything. Speculatory. About this matter. But somehow. I cannot. Conceive. That the distinctive. Personalities. Of the people.
[17:23] Of God. Are obliterated. In heaven. I believe. They will all. Have their personalities. And I will venture. Another thought.
[17:35] We cannot say. For certain. Although I think. Taking it. All around. The word of God. Will support it. That. There is.
[17:45] Knowledge. One of another. In heaven. There is. Recognition. And. I believe. That that.
[17:55] Recognition. Is a. Recognition. Of one another's. Personalities. As we have. Known one another. In this world. But you might say.
[18:08] Well. Won't that revive. Memories. That are painful. Well. It would. Brethren. If it were not. For this.
[18:18] They washed. Their robes. And made them. White. In the blood. Of the lamb. Now. I do love. To feel this.
[18:30] That the blood. Of Christ. Can not only. Wash our souls. From sin. But wash our. Personalities. From all the faults. And defilement.
[18:41] That we feel. Come into them. From the sinfulness. Of our. Fallen harm. Now. The personality. Of every.
[18:52] Saint in heaven. Will be a perfect. Personality. A perfect. Personality. Of holiness. And love. And all.
[19:03] That. Was. Otherwise. To that. That was trying. Provoking. Sinful. All that. Will have been. Entirely. Cleansed away. Every.
[19:14] Personality. In heaven. Will be a personality. Cleansed. In the blood. Of the lamb. But let me. Put another. Thought. Or two.
[19:25] Before you. On this point. Concerning. Their white. Robes. We might. I feel. Understand. Their white. Robes.
[19:36] Their profession. Of Jesus. Christ. Now. I say this. Very. Tenderly. And.
[19:47] Thoughtfully. But. The word. Of God. Doesn't. Recognize. Faith. Without. Without. Without. A profession. Of faith. Repentance.
[19:57] In the heart. Without. That repentance. Being. Confessed. The word. The word. Of God. Always. Regards. Believers.
[20:07] As. Professors. And. Were the word of God. In this. Matter. Really. Fully. Observed. And.
[20:18] Carried. Out. It. Would. Be. So. Every. Believer. Would. Be. A professing. Believer. Everyone. Is. Brought. To look. To Jesus. Christ.
[20:29] By. Faith. Would. Follow. Jesus. Christ. In. His. Appointed. Appointments. But. Even. Apart. From. The.
[20:40] Actual. Question. Of. A profession. By. Baptism. And. Testimony. Still. A life. That is. Consistent.
[20:50] With. The word. And. Truth. Of. God. And. The practice. Of. It. Constitutes. In a certain. Sense. A profession. So.
[21:02] That. All. Who. Believe. Follow. And. Live. According. To. The. Truth. And. Practice. Of. The scriptures.
[21:13] Are. Clothed. With. That. Profession. Well. Now. Amongst. The. Many. Things. That. Grieve. Personally. For.
[21:24] Ourselves. And. Sometimes. One. Another. Is. This. Our. Profession. Gets. So. Stained. It. Gets. So. Stained.
[21:36] We. Feel. That. There's. More. Sometimes. In it. Perhaps. That is. Dishonoring. Than. Glorifying. We. Feel. With. Regard. To. Our. Profession. As.
[21:47] Well. As. Our. Personality. Our. Sin. Seeks. Into. It. And. Stains. It. And. I. Question. Very. Much. Whether.
[21:57] There's. Anyone. Could. Say. That. Their. Profession. As. They. Wear. It. Now. Is. Is. Is. A. A. A. Pure. White. Role. I. Don't. Think. Anyone.
[22:07] Could. Say. Here. There's. A. Wrong. Spirit. There. There's. A. Wrong. Word. There. There's. A. Wrong. Action. And. These. Things.
[22:17] Constitute. A. Stain. And. In. So. Much. As. There. Is. The. Nature. Of. Sin. In. Them. They. Can. Only. Be. Washed. Away.
[22:28] By. The. Atoning. Blood. Brethren. Not. Only. Do. Our. Souls. Need. Cleansing. But. Our. Profession. Need. Washing. Too.
[22:42] But. Now. They. Stand. Before. The. Throne. Clothed. In. White. Rose. Why. They. Professed. Him. And.
[22:54] Their. Profession. Is. Honored. In. Heaven. They. Wear. That. Robe. They. Professed. Him. On. Earth. And. They. Wear. The. Robe. Of. Their. Profession.
[23:04] In. Heaven. It. Was. Stained. On. Earth. It. White. In. Heaven. There. Is. Not. A. Stain. On. Their. Profession. We.
[23:17] Might. Also. Say. That. The. Obedience. In. General. Of. Those. That. Fear. The. Now.
[23:27] My. Friends. Our. Faith. Should. Be. Clothed. With. Obedience. Shouldn't. It. In. The. Scripture. Faith. Should. Be. Is. Set. For. As.
[23:39] Being. Clothed. With. What. We. Read. Of. As. The. Obedience. Of. Faith. The. Precepts. And. Admonitions. Of. The. Scripture.
[23:49] Especially. Of. The. New. Testament. As. Applying. To. Believers. Constitute. The. Guide. And. Rule. And. Principle.
[24:00] Of. All. Acceptable. Obedience. But. Our. Obedience. Isn't. What. It. Should. Be. It. Faulty.
[24:11] It. Comes. Sure. To. The. Glory. Of. God. It. Is. Such. That. You. May. Sometimes. Feel. There's. More. To. Be. Ashamed. Of. Than. Satisfied.
[24:21] In. With. Regard. To. That. You. May. Say. Oh. Am I. Am. My. Obedience. To. The. Lord. Word. And. Will. How.
[24:34] Unworthy. It. Is. You. Would. Hardly. Think. It. Would. Be. Worth. Being. Clothed. With. That. In. Heaven. You. Might. Say. I. Be. Glad. To. Leave. That.
[24:44] Behind. No. Brethren. You. Won't. Leave. Your. Obedience. Behind. If. The. Lord. Takes. You. To. Heaven. If.
[24:55] You. Obey. Him. Here. By. His. Grace. And. His. Love. And. His. Holy. Spirit. In. Your. Souls. You. Won't. Leave. That. Behind. It.
[25:06] Won't. Be. All. The. Same. In. The. Next. State. Whether. You. Obey. Him. Here. Or. Not. But. You. Will. Say. Oh. But. I.
[25:16] Don't. Put. Anything. To. My. Obedience. At. All. No. And. There. May. Not. Be. All. That. Much. To. To. It. But. Still. If. It's. The. Obedience. Of. Love. It's.
[25:28] An. Obedience. That. Honours. The. Lord. Is. According. To. His. Word. It's. A. Role. But. Now. They. Wash.
[25:38] Their. Role. They. Wash. Them. They. Wash. Them. In. The. Blood. Of. The. Lamb. And. When. Do. They. Do. It. We.
[25:49] Read. Of. It. As. Something. Not. That. They. Were. Doing. But. As. They. Had. Done. When. Did. They. Wash. Their. Role. When. Do. You. Wash. Yours.
[26:01] Are. You. Washing. Your. Role. You. Say. Well. Do. Tell. Us. What. You. Mean. Well. I. Will. Tell. You. Here. Is. The. Fifty. First. Psalm.
[26:12] And. You. See. How. Godly. People. Wash. Their. Sin. Stained. Robes. You. See. How. David. When. His. Role. Had. Been. Dragged. In. The. Mire. Here.
[26:23] He. Came. To. Wash. It. Purge. Me. With. Hyssop. And. I. Shall. Be. Clean. Wash. Me. And. I. Shall. Be. Whiter. Than. Snow. For.
[26:33] I. Acknowledge. My. Transgressions. Unto. The. And. Mine. Iniquities. Have. I. Not. Hid. Created. Me. A. Clean. Heart. O. God. And. Renew. A.
[26:44] Right. Spirit. Within. Me. Now. There. You. See. A. Man. Washing. His. Sin. Stained. His. Sin. Defiled. Role.
[26:56] Brethren. When. You. Feel. Some. Time. Time. How much. You. Stained. Your. Role. And.
[27:07] You. Turn. To. That. Fountain. Of. Cleansing. Blood. You. Beg. Of. Him. To. Purge. You. Cleanse. You. You. You're. Washing. Your. Robes. You're.
[27:18] Washing. Your. Robes. You're. Making. Them. White. In. The. Blood. Of. The. Lamb. And. There's.
[27:28] No. Robe. Whether. Of. Our. Personality. Our. Profession. Or. Our. Practice. There's. No. Robe. So.
[27:38] Stained. That. It. Can. Be. Made. Whiter. Than. Snow. Now. When. You. Confess. Your. Sin. Healingly.
[27:49] And. Penitently. When. You. Come. Again. And. Again. To. The. Fountain. Open. For. Uncleanness. When. You. Plead. The. Application. Of.
[28:00] That. Redeeming. And. Atoning. Blood. To. You. Believe. Me. You're. Washing. Your. Robe. And.
[28:10] They. Wash. Their. Robe. You. Ought. Not. To. Be. Discouraged. By. The. Feeling. You. May. Have. That. Your. Robes.
[28:21] Get. So. Stained. Remember. This. Brethren. Remember. This. If. You. Forget. Everything. Else. This. Morning. There. Always. There.
[28:31] Always. The. Blood. Of. Christ. On. Always. And. That. Blood. Of. Christ. Is. Shed. The. Sinners. And.
[28:43] However. You. May. Feel. About. Yourself. You. Simply. Cannot. Be. Worse. Than. That. Nobody. Can. Be. Worse. Than. A. Sinner. And. The. Blood. Of. Christ.
[28:54] Cleanseth. From. All. Sin. This. Helps. Me. Brethren. Because. I. Could. Never. Think. With. Any. Comfort. Or. Hope.
[29:04] At. All. Of. Ever. Appearing. Before. The. Throne. Of. God. And. The. Lamb. As. I. Am. Now. Unless. My. Robes. Were. Entirely. Washed. From.
[29:14] Sin. Just. One. Word. More. And. Then. I. Must. Leave. It. This. Morning. Because. I. Must. Have. A. Few. Moments. To. Speak. about.
[29:25] Our. Departed. Member. Well. The. Apostle. John. Saw. Their. Number. Their. Extraction. And. Their. Appearance. And.
[29:36] He. Noted. Further. That. They. Had. Palms. In. Their. Hands. Palms. Not. Swords. Palms. Now.
[29:46] Why. Not. Swords. Because. The. Conflict. Was. Over. The. Warfare. Was. Finished. The. Victory. Was. Won. There. No. More. Need. Of.
[29:56] Swords. Swords. Imply. Warfare. Warfare. Never. Enters. Into. Those. Courts. Of. Eternal. Peace. And. Love.
[30:08] No. Swords. Clash. In. Those. Heavenly. Mansions. They. Left. Their. Swords. Behind. Them. Because. Their. Warfare. Was.
[30:18] Ended. But. They. Had. Palms. Now. What. Do. Palms. Mean. Palms. In. The. Scripture. Are. Emblematical. Of.
[30:29] Victory. The. Struggle. Was. Over. The. Victory. Was. Won. The. Conflict. Was. Passed. The. Joy. Was. Entered. Into.
[30:39] No. More. Struggling. No. More. Painting. No. More. Fighting. The. Good. Fight. Of. Faith. No. More. Being. Sometimes. Feelingly.
[30:50] Overcome. By. The. Opposition. But. Now. All. Victory. All. Palms. For. With. The.
[31:01] Church. Of. God. Its. Swords. Here. To. Fight. The. Good. Fight. Of. Faith. Its. Palms. In. Heaven. To. Enjoy. And. Eternal. Victory.
[31:12] It's. All. Very. Beautiful. Isn't it? Another. How. The. Great. Multitude. That. No. Man. Could. Number. Out. Of. Every. Kindred. And. Tribe. And.
[31:23] Nation. And. Tongue. And. They. Stood. Before. The. Throne. Of. God. Clothed. With. White. Roves. And. Palms. In. Their. Hands.
[31:35] And. As. We. Sung. To. Commence. The. Service. This. Morning. So. Suitably. Once. They. Were. Mourning. Here. Below. And. Wept. Their. Couch.
[31:45] With. Tears. They. Wrestled. Hard. As. We. Do. Now. And. Some. Of. You. May. Be. Wrestling. Very. Hard. Just. Now. With. Sin. And. Doubts.
[31:56] And. Fears. Well. That. Was. Their. Case. Once. They. Felt. As. We. Do. They. Were. Beset. With.
[32:06] The. Temptations. That. We. Meet. With. They. Came. Out. Of. Great. Tribulation. They. Were. Once. In. It. They. Were. Supported.
[32:17] Under. It. And. They. Were. Eternally. Delivered. Out. Of. I. Ask. Them. Whence. Their. Victory. Came. They.
[32:27] With. United. Breath. As. Cried. Their. Conquest. To. The. Land. Their. Triumph. Till. His. Death.