[0:00] Depending upon the help of God, I would direct your mind this morning to the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 8, verse 35.
[0:20] Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus.
[0:36] The thirty-fifth verse in the eighth of the Acts. Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus.
[1:01] This is a great subject, dear friends, as you know. And one feels his inability to approach this solemn and yet blessed scripture, the word of God, and to preach unto one Jesus.
[1:27] We are thankful that this man, Philip, we can see that in him there was the grace of God, spiritual discernment, and he was called by God, of God, that he should be at that place at that particular time, and to enter into the chariot and to speak and read and preach unto the eunuch.
[2:09] It's a wonderful thing. And we cannot but notice it as we read the scriptures from time to time. It's wonderful how the Lord cause his things to dovetail together according to his purposes.
[2:28] In the heart of the eunuch there was life, and he was writing, as we have read, in the chariot, and there was the word of God.
[2:42] No need for me to say or give any reason why I should read the thirty, the fifty third of Isaiah, because we have it in this portion, in this chapter, how the, how Philip spake unto him from that very portion that we have read even of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus.
[3:13] And he said, O can I accept some and guide me? And he desired, Philip, that he would come up and sit with him. The place of the scripture which he read was this.
[3:28] He was laid as a sheep to the slaughter. And like a dumb, like a lamb dumb before his sharers, so opened he not his mouth.
[3:44] Here we see the wonder workings of God. Blessed portion to read, a blessed portion to consider. It has been spoken of the chapter as a chapter of chapters.
[4:02] It stands out perhaps more than in any other chapter throughout the old scriptures from the beginning to the end. The life, the suffering, the death, and what that dear man, the Lord Jesus, passed through for the redemption of many, many poor sinners.
[4:25] Well, let us look for a few moments then, has helped. And he preached unto him Jesus. And what was the effect of it?
[4:38] Well, Philip's and the eunuch desired to be baptized. Then Philip opened his mouth, began the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.
[4:51] And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water, and the eunuch said, See, here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized?
[5:06] Philip answered, If thou believest with all thine art. Dear friends, just a thought here, can we walk with these dear men?
[5:22] Do we believe with all our heart? Has our heart been changed, as it were, and turned from the things of the world to Christ, that we have been by the Holy Spirit brought to believe, to believe with all our heart?
[5:48] What we read in the scriptures, and the life and the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Well, Philip said unto him, Thou mayest, if thou believest with all thine heart, nothing to endure.
[6:03] and he answered, eunuch answered, and said, I believe, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
[6:19] Have we got as far as that in our belief? Have we been taught, dear friends, by the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
[6:36] Many in their former days or years denied it, but we have it very plain even in the eighth Proverbs, the very voice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[6:51] He says there that he was with his Father, and if he was his Father's daily delight, true he is the Son of God.
[7:04] And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Oh, how this is proved again and again in the Scriptures by the voice of the Father, God the Father.
[7:24] This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And he answered and said, I believe.
[7:36] And he commanded the chariots stand still, and they went down both into the water, both Philip the eunuch, and he baptized him.
[7:52] Why, I should be led to read or to try and speak from these words today, I know not. Had they been upon my mind this last few days, and preached unto him Jesus, I had to reply to my master, and in this I said, Lord, I cannot.
[8:12] I know so little, but still the word came and came again, and it rested upon my spirit due in the night season, preached unto him Jesus.
[8:28] That's where I desire to come, as I may be held a little today. The words of the Lord Jesus we read in the Gospel of John, wasn't it spoken unto Thomas, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
[8:47] Oh, how true it is. And this dear man Philip had known then something of the Lord Jesus Christ, and was enabled to preach unto him Jesus.
[9:04] During the night season, I thought, ah, what a sermon, what a sermon that must have been. How one would have delighted is it were to have heard that sermon, what if it had been left on record.
[9:21] A sermon, no doubt, a deep knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for what he came for, and so on, what a sermon that must have been by Philip, as he sat in the chariot and preached.
[9:45] And we can see in these words, dear friends, if I might go back for a moment, how it was with power, with power.
[9:55] power. We are apt to think at times, the Lord only speaks to his people in the house of God, but that's not so.
[10:08] He does speak in the house of God, of course, under the preaching of the gospel at times, but he can speak with that authority and with that power, even as those two sat in the chariot.
[10:21] not necessary, as I said, to be in the house of God. Sometimes the Lord gives the word of direction, perhaps in the most unlikely place, unlikely spot, when the Lord speaks his purposes, his will to be done.
[10:43] dear old minister who lived many years ago, and how he was under the law, he felt his face was helpless, no hope of salvation, and he was walking along the country road one afternoon, and he saw a number of people there, and he eventually went up to them, and there was an old farm labourer, standing on the dun cart, and he was preaching the gospel, and this dear man is brought to deliverance.
[11:28] The Lord broke in right to his soul, and gave him that full assurance that his sins had been pardoned. Dear friends, if the Lord can use, as it were, various means, to bring his dear people out of darkness into the light, or causing them to obey his command, and to follow him in the even ordinances of baptism.
[11:58] So, Philip said, if thou believest with all thy art thou mayest, and it took place, yes, yes, the eunuch went down into the water, but it baptized him, and we understand the dear man went on his way rejoicing, name, and he preached unto him Jesus.
[12:29] Worthy the name, is there any other to preach of but Jesus? Dear friends, the fullness resides in him the head.
[12:43] The fullness resides there, everything that our poor sinner needs, in life, in providence, in grace. Jesus, oh, he is the one to be spoken of, and preached unto him Jesus.
[13:04] The Lord has been pleased to raise up, as you know, down through the ages, those who should preach Jesus.
[13:15] He has chosen them, they were chosen from all eternity. Why the Lord should choose me, I know not. But he has chosen his dearest disciples, and ministers, and prophets to go forth.
[13:32] The word seemed to come to me at this moment. He spoke unto the prophet Isaiah to go forth, Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people, saith your God, speak ye comfortably unto Jerusalem.
[13:47] that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned. I know how many times we little know that even that word, that message, has been blessed down through the ages to many, many poor sinners who are travelling along through their pilgrimage to that heavenly place, and preached unto him Jesus.
[14:17] Where can we commence, dear friend? I know not. I came into the pulpit completely helpless, looking, I feel I can say, unto the Lord to give me words to speak this morning, and preached unto him Jesus.
[14:37] There's nothing in Philip, he never spoke of his exercises, he never spoke of the things that he had passed through, it's Jesus, Jesus is the one thing needful, I without him perish must.
[14:55] And the poet has said, compared with Christ and all besides, no comeliness I see, the one thing needful dearest Lord is to be one with thee.
[15:08] And no doubt Philip felt it, therefore the first thing he could bring before the eunuch was this, Jesus, and he preached unto him.
[15:20] And I have no doubt that in his preaching on that occasion it was by the Holy Spirit, because as we have read, there was a going forth to obey the commands of God.
[15:41] There was the power of the Holy Spirit in his ministry, and as he spoke unto the eunuch, there was a willingness, and they got down out of the chariot, and he was baptized, and again, I'm sure that the sermon preached, as it were, by Philip was with that unction and power, for we have read that he went on his way rejoicing.
[16:13] Another thought strikes my mind, he never saw Philip again, so we have read, never saw Philip again, but he preached unto him, he had not forgotten Philip.
[16:31] Oh, dear friends, when the Lord is pleased to bless a poor soul under a certain man or any man's ministry, I believe it stands out in one's memory.
[16:47] Well, and Philip said, if thou believest with all thine art thou bearest, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
[16:59] Now, how are we brought, first shall I say, to believe? Every man whom the Lord sends forth in his name to preach, there is the work of the Holy Spirit first, otherwise how can he preach Jesus?
[17:16] How can he know anything of the Lord Jesus Christ in a saving way to be able to preach him unless he is taught?
[17:27] And as I feel somewhat I speak with all reverence there is a lack today of spiritual discernment. There is this lack today of the anointing of the Holy Spirit that the Lord cause his people, his servants and others to come out of the world.
[17:57] And I believe that out of the spirit of the world. It's wrapped up in those words we've often quoted. Come out from the mongdom and be ye separate and touch not the unclean things and I will receive you.
[18:14] That's the first step to have anything, any knowledge as it were of this dear man Jesus. As to be brought out brought out as it were quickened into life know how often we've repeated the words and you've read it so often I hope each of us here have experienced it.
[18:39] To be brought through the gate of regeneration and born again yea born of the spirit. That's the first step I believe in a way that anybody can believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
[18:57] You go you think of our fellow creatures where are they? Can they come into the text preach unto him Jesus why they know nothing of Jesus only in the letter of it just in the word but no other not but a power not but a teaching of the Holy Spirit well we must be then taught by the spirit to know anything of Jesus that's the work of the Holy Spirit to unveil or reveal the things of Christ preached unto Jesus previous to this experience friends there's no heart to receive and there's no ear to ear we read that in the gospels having an ear to ear and also with Lydia a heart to understand otherwise we cannot understand
[20:02] Zion we cannot understand I should say the language of Zion is all of the Lord by his Holy Spirit so he preached unto him Jesus can you go back dear friends in your life experience can you remember the time when when you heard heard the prophet heard with power can you go back to the time when the Lord spake into thy poor heart if he did you haven't forgotten it it remains it makes a mark it's in the memory and you will often look back to those days and those experiences when the Lord spake into thy heart preach unto him Jesus Jesus and I'm sure if the word has been spoken by the
[21:03] Spirit into your heart even the name has been made sweet to you the poet has said as you all know how sweet the name of Jesus sounds in the believers here soothes his sorrows heals his wounds and drives away his fears what is the name of Christ to us can we see something in it that is precious why is this salvation and is there anything more blessed and more precious than even the thought yea of dear man the Lord Jesus dear friends there be no way no hope no way to heaven no hope utterly we shall despair utterly enter into as it were the pain and grief bared born within our hearts and souls because of sin so
[22:08] Jesus is how true it is salvation he is the saviour of Zion and he preached unto him Jesus well I often have to come here I don't know if it is with you as the work began sometimes I'm in much darkness of soul seems as if I'm well the Lord has completely left me and I seem so cast down and so on I know David said why art thou cast down all my soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him for the health of his countenance he is my God yes true very true what David expressed but then again when one has left in the dark when there seems no movement in the heart well what do you want then why you say
[23:20] I want preached unto me Jesus the way of salvation we know not quite what experience this unit was in when he was on this way but in we believe the spirit has been preached from from the pulpit may be from this pulpit or other pulpits and the word has been made precious to you the sense of thy expiring love into my heart convey thyself bestow for thee alone my all in all
[24:31] I pray is that your desire as Jesus and he preached unto him Jesus previously dear friends that they call by grace what was Jesus what was the name of Jesus unto us you know what it is to the world nothing at all no more than any other name mentioned in the scripture or out of the scripture nothing more and how many even today blaspheme even the name of Jesus no love to it why because they are destitute of life but if you and I have received as I have mentioned spiritual life and been taught by the spirit there's a love in our heart and this will bring forth this desire that we might know more of him and hear more of him oh what a mercy
[25:32] I think I can go back to those days even in childhood days when I went to the house of God with an ear open desiring to hear Jesus for that was my only hope of salvation the dark days have come since then I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God can we say it by the teaching of the Holy Ghost well he preached unto him Jesus the
[26:36] God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost three in one one in three and I have no doubt the dear man Philip preached the three he preached the Trinity Father Son and Holy Ghost can you do dear friends without the Father it's in really our text because these three are one one in three and so on and we believe it to be so in the Trinity where he must have preached then the Trinity Father Son and Holy Ghost in this way those two were had been called by grace that both thought of the Spirit they'd known the elect and love of the Father they'd known something of the
[27:56] Lord Jesus Christ and evidently they were under the influence both of them of the Holy Spirit so we can gather here the three and Philip preached the three the three the father the son and the Holy Ghost there was life in the ministry life in the sermon that he preached without a doubt because the effect it made upon the eunuch therefore we can say that the three were there the comforter was there the Holy Ghost and he preached father son and Holy Spirit and under the influence of them three and preached unto him Jesus us well I have mentioned a little dear friends of the commencement of time let us go a little further what do we know then have you ever sat under the ministry and
[29:09] Jesus has been made precious to you can him go back to those days when you felt to be under the law and the laws it were stripped you of everything even of hope you felt your case was completely helpless and there would be no mercy then perhaps you went into the sanctuary seeking mercy seeking forgiveness and you heard a sermon preached and it was of Jesus and that raised a hope within your heart that the Lord Jesus had had compassion upon you that you were numbered among the Lord people that you was in the covenant of divine grace that you your name being written in heaven I believe I can in some measure dear friends and yet it's often tried and how often I'm tempted by that evil one the devil whether anything was right whether it was of salvation of my soul and he praised unto him
[30:19] Jesus so can you remember a time when you may have entered into this sanctuary and it may have been the very subject the poor man preached from whoever he might have been Jesus and he came with a little light and power into thy soul and raised a hope that Jesus had remembered you that Jesus had loved you that Jesus was thy God and Saviour he preached unto him Jesus and no doubt he preached unto him those things that he has handled and tasted and felt of the words of truth have you then heard with power as it been by the unction of the Holy Ghost he preached unto him Jesus I can remember the time and I might have mentioned this here before when the first time
[31:28] I was ever brought shall I say to a concern about my soul and the matters of eternity it came into my heart and what was the first thing I realized I was a sinner in the sight of God and he was holy I have no doubt this came in the sermon of Philip's where a poor sinner has been brought to fear this sin and somewhat the holiness of God this is the way I believe that leads unto Jesus and he preached unto him the way the way to Jesus and no doubt in that sermon there was this by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves the very substance of it
[32:30] I'm sure dear man Philip was never left to deceive the eunuch and where the preaching is under the anointing of the spirit it'll never deceive a poor sinner it'll show the poor sinner plainly what he is first by nature and then a little of the holiness of God and then lead him on to know that there is one who has had compassion upon him and he preached unto him Jesus the way the way of salvation and there is but one way as you know only one way dear friends narrow is the way that leadeth unto life and few there be that find death Jesus said himself broad way that leadeth to destruction and many walk therein but there's a narrow way and
[33:31] I doubt Philip preached that narrow way to the eunuch and that is I believe the desire of every servant of God to show forth even the words of the Lord Jesus Christ that the way to heaven is narrow or how I felt at that times how narrow is the way that leadeth unto life therefore what do we need a guide and I no doubt in Philip's sermon there was the work the work yes and the preaching of the Holy Spirit to guide the poor sinner to direct the poor soul unto Christ unto the Lord Jesus Christ I believe that to be so in all sermons we should guide direct the poor souls unto Christ not to himself not to his own ability not to his own righteousness not in the spirit of the
[34:34] Pharisee but in the spirit of the public where he cried out God be merciful to me our sinner well then the way formed the depth of the fall to hope in his more ear of Jesus has been the way of salvation oh how we need dear friends one to guide us guide us oh thou great Jehovah pilgrims through this barren land I am weak but thou art mighty hold us with thy powerful hand and this God is a God to direct and there's no mistake dear friends in his wisdom and understanding there's no searching to his understanding we read and how he leads his dear one yea he says I will bring the blind by way that they knew not I will lead them in paths that they have not known this is the pathway unknown to us but revealed by the
[35:44] Holy Spirit the way is unto Christ as I mentioned this morning give me Christ or else I die so we come here being there alone and brought to a hope in his mercy and no doubt Philip was unable to preach of the mercy of Jesus the compassion of Jesus the love of Jesus he preached the old pathway as it were of a child of God from the beginning to the end without a doubt from the commencing of the work of salvation and leading the poor soul along even to walk in the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ now here again here is water what doth hinder me to be baptized have
[36:53] I won here this morning have I won here perhaps at times such thoughts can I venture dare I venture is it of the Lord is it only of the creature here is water dear friends this command of God is a very simple one isn't it could there be anything more simple just water see here is water said the eunuch what doth hinder me to be baptized have I won here this morning is there something in your heart in the way of exercise before God to follow him in the commandments laid down in his word he says if he doth me keep my commandments here is water what doth hinder me what hinder me if you know something of those things
[38:09] I try to mention in a very poor way that is a knowledge of yourself and prayer at the throne of grace for his mercy and long to be cleansed and washed having a real desire for him and a hunger and thirst in thy soul for these blessings that are in the gospel and how you desire them to be revealed to you and applied with divine power here is water what that means to be baptized and what was the reply here again a thought comes to my mind about Philip and the eunuch wonder how much they knew of each other wonder how much Philip knew of the eunuch but in his heart he believed in God if thou believest with all thine art thou mayest as if Philip might have said there is nothing to hinder the devil will try and hinder you your old carnal nature will try and hinder you and he answered and said
[39:20] I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God I brought you along a little dear friends in a poor way to the mercy I trust that flows through Jesus Christ and his compassion his love to poor sinners and I believe this is to be preached I wish I could and he and preached unto him Jesus Jesus well as you know Jesus was a man of sympathy he's spoken of in the early scriptures in various ways such as the heavenly physician he preached unto him
[40:20] Jesus as being the physician of Zion and we heard that so many times in the holy scripture especially in the new testament how Jesus restored life even when life was parted as it were had been removed from the body yet he was enabled as he looked up unto his father to ask that life might be given and we heard that several times in the scripture and then there's other cases which he proved to be the heavenly physician how he healed many poor sinners had various complaints afflictions diseases and so on how wonderful he manifested his power in this and he placed unto him Jesus and dear friends this same Jesus this same
[41:21] Jesus can heal your wounds I believe he has I trust with some of us he has when we have been so wounded and under the festering sores of sin yet here the Lord has been pleased as the heavenly physician to heal that disease by pouring in his love his blood his grace within the soul it's Jesus all the way through Jesus is the one thing needful I without him perish must said the hymn writer Jesus engraved it on my heart that though the one thing needful heart I could from all things parted be but never never dear Lord from thee can we say it oh he preached unto him Jesus needful art thou to make me live needful art thou all grace to give needful to guide me lest I lest I pray needful to help me every day he preached unto him
[42:37] Jesus Jesus and this dear man here medley needful is thy is thy most precious blood needful is thy collecting rod needful is thy indulgent care needful thy all prevailing prayer he preached unto him Jesus the way the way now Jesus as we all know and believe that he has passed from this life and now in heaven in glory to hear the prayers the supplications of his chosen people he preached unto him as the mediator yes and we would do the same today preach unto the people the mediator the one that stands between in calm is dyed in blood tis he instead of us is seen when we approach to
[43:41] God what a wonderful thing to have dear friends one one one who trod this life one who came here below one who passed through the many difficulties as we passed through and even the temptations of Satan as he went down into the wilderness to be tempted of Satan those 40 days and 40 nights and we read in the in Hebrews how he passed that way that he might succor those who should have to enter and we have entered into those paths without a doubt well what a great God what a good God oh I wish I could lift him up I wish I could preach him the Lord the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him Jesus Christ the mediator the one that stands as I said between never dying souls and an holy God dear friend can you do without him oh look at it from this viewpoint without Jesus well there be no way to God
[44:55] God is as a consuming fire outside of Christ outside of his dear beloved son oh we would preach Jesus as the mediator standing there at all times and ever ready to hear the prayers the supplications of his needy people and to present those prayers unto his father in glory preached unto him Jesus dear friend is Jesus precious is he precious unto us today the more we know of self the more we know of our ruined condition the more we shall praise salvation and as we praise salvation of course we praise the Lord Jesus Christ and Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus I close as I commence he is the one thing people we we without him perish must and what is it to be perished out of the sight of the Lord yea out of sight of mercy forgiveness pardon into that place where the worm dieeth not and the fire is not quenched what a solemn place to dwell well it's
[46:22] Jesus from the beginning to the end and as their only hope of salvation by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God amen God O God rushing хар shall give and all that are he else can give an understanding if you have experience last