2 Corinthians (Quality very good)

Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 51

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Nov. 15, 1959


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[0:00] 2nd epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 4, verse 6.

[0:15] 2nd epistle to the Corinthians, 4th chapter, verse 6. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, to shine in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

[0:44] We tried to lay a foundation this morning speaking of very little of this fullness of the glory of God manifested in the person, the man, Christ Jesus.

[1:14] And we cannot afford to linger there, although so little was said and so much might be said.

[1:24] It is written that in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And this was God's peculiar method of manifesting himself to mankind.

[1:44] And we only just touched upon a few of those excellent glories that are found in him. Time would fail to speak of God's love shining in him.

[2:00] God's mercy shining in him. God's long-suffering. We spoke of his wisdom and his righteousness. God's holiness shining forth in the Lord Jesus Christ.

[2:16] And that to be in a way of benefit. As a fountain is beneficial by its streams, So is this fullness reposed in the Lord Jesus Christ.

[2:32] Not to be locked up, not to be confined, but to flow. To be beneficial, to bring blessing, to be communicated.

[2:46] Well, I say, a time forbids that we should stay on that peculiar path. But I hope perhaps the hymns we have sung might serve to supplement what I have left out.

[3:02] And how beautiful some of our poets have enlarged on the subject. See where it shines in Jesus' face. The brightest image of his grace.

[3:16] And so on. God in the person of his Son. Has all his mightiest works outdone. And the glory and blessedness of heaven.

[3:28] Will be to gaze with new admiring eyes upon a man. A glorified man. Who contemplated.

[3:41] But he has in himself. In his beauty and loveliness and perfections. That which will ravish and satisfy and overflow the souls of the redeemed forevermore.

[4:01] They shall not want any other diversion. There will be no interruption. It never grows style nor weary. Millions of years my wandering eyes shall o'er his beauties grow.

[4:15] Beauty is a thing which captivates us. Is it not? Even in a human being. What shall we say?

[4:26] When. If we are indeed favoured to see him. Who is the fairest of ten thousand fares. And see him without avail.

[4:37] And what is more. Not only behold him. But to be like him. Which was another feature. Of the glory of his manhood.

[4:50] His mediation. Was that. His resurrection. Is the pledge. That he shall come. And shall change.

[5:00] Our vile body. That it may be fashioned. Like unto. His glorious body. That is the prospect. A beneficial view.

[5:12] Of the light. Of the glory of God. Shining in. And flowing forth from. The person. Christ Jesus.

[5:25] Now we want to pass on. And there's one aspect now. Namely this. The fullness of Christ.

[5:37] And this glory. Reposing in him. Cannot do. Sinners good. Unless. It proceeds. What good would a son do us in heaven.

[5:51] If his race. And his warmth. Did not proceed. And reach us. To our benefit. To our comfort. It is so. With. The glory of Christ.

[6:02] And this light. Of the glory. E'er it can do. For sinners good. It. Must. Necessarily. Reach them. By way.

[6:13] Of. Communication. And now here. Here is a sobering note. Consider. That thousands. Saw.

[6:25] The man. Christ. Jesus. When he came. In his first advent. Did they. Receive. The light. Of his glory.

[6:35] Did it shine. In. To them. No. You see what. We read a few. A verse or two before. Verse four.

[6:47] In whom. The God. Of this world. At blinded. The minds of them. Which believe not. Bless the light. Of the glorious. Gospel of Christ.

[6:58] Who is the image. Of God. Should shine. Unto them. Solemn to say. That thousands. Saw no more.

[7:09] Nor further. Than the man. Who is it. But Jesus. Of Nazareth. We know his parents. Sisters and brothers.

[7:20] Are they not with us. That was an end of it. Rejected him. The God. Of this world. That blinded. The mind. What a contrast.

[7:32] With the God. Of heaven. His light. Illuminates the mind. Which. Speaks. Of this mighty difference. I read to you.

[7:44] How it came to Paul. This light. Above the brightness. Of the sun. It was the light. Of the knowledge. Of the glory of God.

[7:54] Shining. In. Paul's. Heart. Now that is the difference. The light. Of the light. Of the light. And it does shine. It will go on shining.

[8:05] In sinners hearts. Until. The last vessel. Of mercy. Has. Experienced it. And then. We'll shine no more. In that way.

[8:16] There's one word. I left out this morning. It was. The word. Knowledge. And.

[8:27] We now bring it in. We ask this question. How does. The light. Of the glory. Of God. In the face. Of Jesus Christ.

[8:39] Shine. Into the hearts. And minds. Of sinners. In this way. Through the medium. Of knowledge.

[8:49] Knowledge. Whereas. There is a knowledge. Which puffeth up. And is superfluous. And is related to nature. There is a knowledge.

[9:00] Which is vital. Which is saving. Which is attractive. Which is indispensable. You'll find a lot about it. In the New Testament.

[9:12] This. Is life eternal. What? Knowledge. That they. May know thee. Know thee.

[9:24] The only true God. And. Jesus Christ. Christ. Whom. Thou. Hast sent. This life of glory.

[9:35] Then. Will. Flow. Into sinners. Hearts. And minds. By way. Of. Knowledge. But still. There's furthermore.

[9:46] To explain. That there is. A variation. Of. Communication. For. This knowledge. If.

[9:57] The Lord Jesus Christ. Was communicated. To Old Testament saints. Oh yes. By and through. The ministry of the spirit.

[10:09] In types and shadows. They obtained. A sufficient. Knowledge. Of the glory of God. In the face of Christ. As to minister.

[10:19] To them. Salvation. And. Satisfaction. In life. And in death. These. All. Died. In faith.

[10:30] Therefore. They went to heaven. Therefore. They had. A saving. Satisfying. Knowledge. Through the types. And shadows.

[10:42] Which ministered. To them. Of. Christ. Then. There was. The knowledge. Conveyed. Directly. Through the spirit. To the prophets.

[10:54] And that was very beautiful. And very blessed. As you may gather. From the fifty third. Of Isaiah. What a view. And what a light.

[11:04] And what a knowledge. Of the glory of God. In Christ. Is found in the fifty third. Of Isaiah. There's communication. Very satisfying.

[11:17] To them. Then. Further. In the days. Of Christ himself. There was a knowledge. Conveyed. Of his person.

[11:28] And that. By. His own power. See him. Walking by. The seaside. And calling to. And calling another to. Calling whom he was.

[11:42] A band of twelve. Eleven of them. Were to. Receive. And to. Enjoy. This. Shining form. Of his glory.

[11:53] In their four hearts. And. This was a very great privilege. For. You know. Jesus said. Many.

[12:03] Of the prophets. And wise men. A desire. To see. The things. That you see. And hear. The things. That you hear. And they did not.

[12:15] But your eyes. Are very blessed. And so. Your ears. Why? Because. There was. A direct. Saving. Shining.

[12:26] For. Into their. Four hearts. Of the glory. Of God. In the face. Of teaching. Of the man. Christ. Jesus. Happy.

[12:37] With those disciples. We say. I would wish. To have been. With him then. Would you not? And then. Came this. Other way.

[12:48] By which. Paul received. Direct from heaven. Direct. No intermediate. Medium. But a light. Direct.

[12:59] And a voice. Direct to. The same thing. The light. Of the knowledge. An immediate. Revealing. Powerful.

[13:10] Saving. Transforming. Knowledge. Irradiating. The heart. Of Paul. No wonder. That he speaks. With such authority.

[13:21] And such emphasis. Half shy. In our hearts. To give. Oh I wish. I could dwell. On these words.

[13:32] To give. Shows how it comes. You see. We don't buy it. We don't merit it. We don't work it. It is given.

[13:43] Comes. Spontaneously. Comes. Unsolved. So that. Was the communication. As far as they.

[13:53] Were concerned. Question for you. And I. Is. Has it reached us? Has this light.

[14:04] Of the knowledge. Of the glory of God. In the face of Christ. Reached us? You said. For a long time. Coming to the point. It seems necessary.

[14:15] To say. These other things. About no. It can flow. To us. By no other means. Than. By. The.

[14:26] Communicating. Of the knowledge. Of him. Knowledge. Of him. And of this. Glory. And. It reaches us.

[14:37] Not. As with the. Prophets. Directly. We. Claim. No direct. Inspiration. No. But when it comes.

[14:48] To poor sinners. It comes like this. Through. The ministry. Of the spirit. Through the. Medium. Of God's word. And by.

[14:59] And through. The reception. Of. Faith. That's how it comes. And this. Word. Knowledge. Of the glory.

[15:10] I want to encourage. The weakest. I will not set up. A standard. That few can reach. I would say. That this. Knowledge. Is a comprehensive.

[15:21] Thing. That it covers. The very. First. Breath. Of divine. Life. To the right. And saint. Entering. Glory.

[15:33] I will say this. It includes. That knowledge. Which the redeemed. Have. In glory. There. That's the scope. Of this word.

[15:43] The knowledge. So you see. If you are. Weak. If you are. A seeker. If there is some. Good thing. In your heart. Toward the Lord.

[15:54] God of Israel. Take heart. Because. It comes. Within the scope. And circle. Of this. Knowledge. Of the. Life. Of the glory. It has reached.

[16:05] Your. Heart. Do take. Courage. Then. From. That view. And. Now. Just the. Evidences. Of this.

[16:17] Light. Reaching. Us. Where. This. Glory. Flows. Into. Our. Hearts. It. Must. Necessarily.

[16:27] Produce. Effects. The sun. Shining. On the rocks. Grows. Nothing. Does it? The sun. Shining. On the clay.

[16:37] Hardens it. The sun. Shining. On the sea. In the. Furrow. Brings. Effect. First.

[16:48] The blade. Then. The ear. Then. The full corn. In the ear. So. There will be effects. Shall we examine them?

[17:01] This. Light. Of the knowledge. Of the glory. Of God. Shining. Then. In the means. Of race. Through his word. Through the ministry. Of his servants.

[17:13] Will have this. Effect. The entrance. Of. Thy word. Giveth. Light. And understanding. To. The.

[17:24] Simple. Now let's stop. Has it done that? The entrance. Of that word. The entrance. Of that glory. Will bring.

[17:34] Light. Light. The shining in. Of a light. Through the grating. Of a prison. Shines in. It is not a light. Which.

[17:45] At that time. Cheers the soul. And brings it. Into liberty. And fills it with joy. Unspeakable. No. Mostly. It is just this.

[17:56] Some. Small. Glimmering. Light. I have. But. Too dark. To see. My way. A shining in. Which discovers.

[18:06] The gloominess. Of our prison. A shining in. Which sufficiently. Discovers. Our darkness. You can understand that. In some.

[18:18] Loathsome prison. There's a grating. When the sun shines. A few. Rays. Come in. Same sun. Glorious sun. But the rays.

[18:29] Are restricted. The effect is. Just sufficient light. To discover. The loathsome prison. Do you know it? Have you had sufficient.

[18:41] Shining in. From the entrance. Of the word. To discover. What a gloomy. Prison. This is. What. Filth. What vermin. What unclean.

[18:52] Objectional. Things. Are there. What sin. What evil. Imaginations. What enmity. What iniquity.

[19:03] What deception. Well. You say. Is this light. I never thought it was. It is. The entrance. Of thy word.

[19:14] Giveth light. An understanding. To the simple. Such an understanding. Of themselves. As they never had before. How do you prove this?

[19:26] Well. You feel. Very unhappy about it. You feel miserable. You do not feel. You want to stay like it. It will cause you.

[19:38] To cry out. Strange cry it is. Can ever God dwell here? Will God. In very deed. Dwell. With such. And one.

[19:48] Well. Here is the effect. Of light. You have. Fresh complaints. Complaints. You never had before. Oh.

[19:59] The wretched heart. I've got. Who told you so? What a calm mind. I've got. Who told you so? All the workings. Of wickedness. I now discover.

[20:11] Oh. I'm unfit. To come. Into the house of God. Totally unfit. To draw near. To his people. And my prayers. How abominable they.

[20:22] Appeared to me. Full of sin. Could defile throughout. Who told you so? You see. The entrance. Of his word.

[20:34] The entrance. Of his light. Of glory. Shining forth. From Christ. It lights up the heart. In measure. And this stage. Is just sufficient.

[20:45] To see. What you don't want to see. And strange to say. At this time. The eyes are. Turned inwards. Turned inwards.

[20:57] Yes. We are prone. At the time. To be looking for. A work of grace. Looking for sanctification. Looking for reformation. Looking for.

[21:08] A godly sorrow. Looking for repentance. And all those excellent things. And what do you see? Nothing but darkness.

[21:22] Transgression. Iniquity. A broken law. Unworthiness. Unfitness. Evil imaginations. Departes from God. Rebellions.

[21:33] Everything which is. Hateful. To you. And to God. Then you understand. What it is. To walk with the saints. In the scriptures.

[21:44] Who felt the same. One says. Lord. If thou were. To mark iniquity. Who should stand? Who should stand? And another says.

[21:56] Lord. Enter not into judgment. With thy servant. For in thy sight. Shall no man living. Be justified. And another one says.

[22:07] Woe is me. For I am undone. Another one says. O wretched man. That I am. Who shall deliver me. From the body.

[22:18] Of this. Death. Well. Would you believe it. That this is the light. Of the knowledge. Of the glory of God.

[22:30] Penetrating. Penetrating. I told you. That the beginning of this text. Was. Founded on. An illustration.

[22:41] From the old creation. For God. Who commanded. The light. To shine. Out of darkness.

[22:53] You see. Those first. Two or three verses. In Genesis. Darkness. Covered. The face. Of the deep. The earth. Was without form.

[23:03] And void. There. A picture. Of. Desolation. For when the light came. The light. Which God spake. Into being. It discovered that.

[23:15] Discovered. There was no beauty then. No. But. It was the beginning of beauty. But. Six days more. And we see. The whole creation.

[23:26] Developed. And behold. It was. Very good. Now. Take courage. It is. Maybe. The first day. Of a new creation.

[23:37] In your breast. And God has just said. Let there be light. And you see. All your darkness. Deformity. And ugliness. Yet.

[23:48] This. Is the beginning. And if any man. Be. In. Christ Jesus. He. Is. A. New. Creature. But look.

[23:58] Does the earth. Bring forth. In a day. And is a nation. Born at once. No. Not usually. For then. Be patient. Be patient. And take my word for it.

[24:12] And though this. Is not at all pleasant. There is hope. Concerning. Thine. End. It is the light. Of the knowledge.

[24:23] Of the glory of God. Shining from. From. The face. The face of Christ Jesus. Who is the son. Son of righteousness.

[24:33] The son. In the center. Of the gospel system. And so. Where this light. Falls. It begins. And brings. Light. Simultaneously.

[24:45] Yes. Now. The next thought. Is. Following the same theme. And that is.

[24:57] A poor soul. Has had sufficient light. To discover. That he has. No help. In self. Have you come to that? Have you looked.

[25:09] All around. As it were. The recesses. Of your soul. All the possible works. That you can muster. Now you come to this point. I have seen.

[25:21] An end. Of all perfection. And thy commandment. Is exceeding broad. Have you come there? Or have you been brought to this?

[25:33] Therefore. By the deeds. Of the law. Shall there no. Flesh. Be. Justified. That's light. Did you think it was?

[25:45] That's the light. Of glory. Shining in. Discovering what you haven't. Discovering what you haven't got. Now comes a change.

[25:56] In the. Direction of your soul. That you are called to. Look abroad. To look away from yourself. Look up.

[26:07] Out. To see. If there is help anywhere. Apart from. Your self. Oh. That is also. The light of. Glory.

[26:18] Drawing. Draw me. We. Will. Run. After. The. The first. Inquiry. Of those.

[26:29] Pentecostal. Sinners. After they looked into themselves. Was to look out of themselves. And inquire. Sirs. Men. And. Brethren. What.

[26:40] Shall. We. Do. That's a hopeful cry. I'd like to hear it. And there's an answer to it. Behold.

[26:52] The Lamb of God. Which taketh away the sin. Of the world. Behold your king. Behold the man. Christ.

[27:03] Jesus. Now. Another effect. Of this. Shining. Will be. A discovery. Of. Christ.

[27:13] Jesus. In his own light. In thy light. We. See. Light. And. The best thing. I can use. To illustrate.

[27:25] The point. Is. In the winter time. When it's very. Very cold. And we see the beautiful sun. In the heavens. We see it. We see it's beauty.

[27:37] And we see it's clarity. But what is wrong. We cannot feel it's warm being. Cannot feel it. Doesn't reach us. Beneficially.

[27:49] Are you in that place? You've got more light. Who say. I see what Christians ought to be. Who say. I see in Christ. What I need.

[28:00] Yes. Wisdom. And righteousness. Sanctification. And redemption. I see. God's everlasting mercy. Of flowing.

[28:11] From him. Flowing to the church. Blessing. And benefiting. Poor sinners. But he seems to me. Like the sun. In the winter time. Far off.

[28:23] Well now. This is a little further. In divine things. Perhaps you can walk with one. Who said. Why art thou so far.

[28:35] From me. Oh Lord. So far. From helping me. He seems far off. And your prayers.

[28:45] Don't seem to reach him. And his benefits. Don't seem. To reach you. Well. I'm going to tell you.

[28:56] That this. Light of the glory. Is nevertheless working. That sun. In the winter time. Whose rays.

[29:07] We complain. Do not reach us. They do. They're doing something. In the ground. Aren't they? They're doing some research. Work in the roots. Yes.

[29:18] There's work going on. In the creation. Nevertheless. Though. The benefits. Are not sensibly felt. There's a transforming.

[29:29] Work going on. And so. In the soul. That is discovered. Far off. The glory. And fullness. Of Christ. There is.

[29:41] Some transforming. Work going on. Within. I might help you. To tell you. What it is. Sending forth.

[29:53] Sending forth. Of hungry desires. Blessed. Are they. That hunger. And thirst. After righteousness.

[30:04] Not much satisfaction. In it. Is there? No. But it's the effect. You see. Are transforming. Effect. On your heart. Because you. You're not born with that prayer.

[30:16] You see. You're not born like this. It's not the name. It's not the voice of nature. And that perhaps. You see him. Far off.

[30:27] And say. Oh. That he was revealed. To me. I want. The blessing. That his people have.

[30:38] The companions. In the gardens. Hear. Thy voice. Cause me. To hear it. I see. Thy people. Are blessed. With. Godly sorrow.

[30:49] Repentance. And the salvation. That needed not. To be. Repented of. And I want it. I want it. Do you? And I see.

[31:00] Too. That they are blessed. With faith. Precious faith. Which enables them. To believe on him. To the saving.

[31:11] Of the soul. I see. That this precious faith. They have. It purifies. Their hearts. I see. That it produces. Love. And.

[31:21] And. Obedience. I see. That this precious faith. Which they have. Endures. Yes. And. Every storm. And. Lives at last.

[31:33] And I want it. And I'm sending forth. Desires and prayers. Unto him. Who has. All fullness. In. Himself.

[31:44] And. You see. That the people of God. Are blessed. With that rich blessing. Love. Or you say. What a choice people they are.

[31:55] What a choice gift. They have. I hear them talking. I hear them communing. I read. Of the seasons. And the visits. Which they have.

[32:07] And my joke said. There was granted me life. And favor. And my visitations. Have preserved. My spirit. And here am I. A fourth. Dried up thing.

[32:19] Cumber ground. Though. I do send out. These requests. If so be. If it could be possible. That Christ would.

[32:30] Cast a. A loving look upon. Me. And smile me. Into fruit. Or chide. If no. Milder means. Will do.

[32:41] And then. You see. God's people. Bearing fruit. Or you say. I see them. Bearing the fruits. Of love. And joy. And peace.

[32:52] And long suffering. And meekness. I see them. Growing in grace. And in the knowledge. Of the Lord Jesus. Here am I. I scarcely made a start.

[33:03] Except. That I am miserable. And I have light. Sufficient to see. My darkness. And ugliness. And far off state. Well. What do you do? You don't rest there?

[33:16] Why. You are crying unto him. Surely. From day to day. And perhaps many times. In the day. Oh. That thou.

[33:27] Wouldest bless me. Indeed. And enlarge. My coast. My coast. Preserve me from the evil.

[33:38] Let thy hand. Be with me. Well now. Can you honestly. Subscribe to these.

[33:49] Experiences. Is it not the path. In which many of you walk. You see him. Far off. He is a glorious son.

[33:59] He is indeed. Far off. You do not feel his warm. Healthful. A rays. Upon your soul. You will. Out to think. That yours.

[34:10] Is a moonlight religion. Which has light. But no warmth in it. You fear. That yours is nothing more. Than head knowledge. I'll ask you this question.

[34:24] Can you. Be satisfied with it. People. Have head knowledge. Only. It. It. It. Puffs them up. Or settles them down.

[34:35] Secure. Without question. Without exercise. Now look. This knowledge you have. Of the Lord Jesus.

[34:46] Though it is. Scanty enough. It doesn't leave you satisfied. No. You say. I shall be satisfied. When. I.

[34:56] Awake. In thy likeness. Not before. And. That your exercises. Compel you. To go. Again. And again. And you do.

[35:08] Go again. Seven times. Yea. Men. Ought. Always. To pray. And. Not. To faint. In due time.

[35:19] The vision. Will come. And will not. Tarry. Which leads me on. To a third view. Of the light. Of the knowledge. Of the glory of God.

[35:31] Shining. Into. The. Far. Sun. And now this. We might liken. To the summer sun. The summer sun.

[35:42] Now when the summer. Sun begins to rise. When the spring. Passes. And merges. Into summer. The sun is high. And the rays.

[35:54] Beam forth. They. Penetrate. Penetrate. With helpful warmth. Softening. Irradiating.

[36:05] Giving life. Liveliness. All things. We are another aspect. It is summer. Yes. The rain is over and gone.

[36:18] The flowers appear on the earth. The voice of a turtle is heard. In the land. It is summer. High summer. Well.

[36:28] Now. We might. Speak of this. By degree. Peace. And that is. It is to be known.

[36:39] Through the ministry. Or through the private reading. Of the word. Or through the precious hymns. That the warmth. Of that glory.

[36:49] And knowledge. Begin to flow. Into the soul. And how would you know it. I'll tell you. It is the raising up of hope.

[37:02] And expectation. The drawing forth of faith. And dependence. Upon. The finished work. Of Jesus. With some measure of comfort.

[37:13] With it. Now. Have you found it so? Yes. You may. Perhaps. Be able to say. At such a time. Or at such a season.

[37:24] My experience. Changed a little. For the better. Yes. I'd heard of these things. I'd seen Christ afar off.

[37:34] But. From that time. I began to think of him. Differently. Hopefully. And my soul went forth. In. A sweet dependence upon him.

[37:46] And it produced. The comforts. In my soul. A hope of salvation. Hope that. I should one day. Realize.

[37:57] My interest. Realize his pardoning grace. In my poor soul. Why. This is the effect. Of the summer sun rising. The sun of righteousness.

[38:08] Arising. With healing. In his wings. Or begin to heal. Yes. By raising up. The gospel hope. In the breast.

[38:19] Sweet it is. To find this expectation. This expectation. Of the poor. We shall not be forgotten.

[38:30] For ever. And then. There is the shining in. Of this glory. Which brings with it. A sweet. Blessed. Satisfaction.

[38:42] Some here. Felt that. To a greater extent. The shining into their soul. Of the glory of redemption.

[38:53] The glory of a free and full forgiveness. The shining into their soul. Of the glory of God's love. Through and by.

[39:04] The man Christ Jesus. And what does. As such. What does it do. Why it is known. By its offense. Its offense. You cannot experience this.

[39:15] And not know this. Know it. It is bound to bring. Gracious effects. Something like this. Bless. The Lord.

[39:26] O my soul. And all. That is within me. Bless. his holy name. It brings with it the love.

[39:38] Yes, we love him because he first loved us. You cannot be a pardoned sinner and remain cold as clay.

[39:51] No, the love of Christ constrains us. This is what it does. Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?

[40:02] Love loves to serve. Love seeks an opportunity to return its affection. And when the love of God, the love of Christ flows into the soul, it brings about those happy and sweet expressions that are found in the song of songs.

[40:24] Do not get there. But it is to be known. His mouth is most sweet. Yea, he is altogether lovely.

[40:38] As mercy flows into the soul, rich, tender, sure, great, abundant, free, and everlasting mercy is tasted.

[40:50] Flows into the song through these warm beings the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. Oh, how it draws out praise, thanksgiving, and holy service, and prompt and cheerful obedience.

[41:10] Yes, it will make one willing rather to suffer the afflictions of the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.

[41:26] Now, I want to remind you of this. In the word knowledge is contained all the variable degrees of this experience.

[41:39] And if you have a beginning you should have an end. He that has begun a good work in you will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ.

[41:52] One more effect I would like just to touch upon. It is in the last verse of the preceding chapter. But we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of God are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of God.

[42:22] Now, here is another effect by which we may examine whether this light of glory has reached our soul. It will have a transforming effect changing us in our measure to the same image the image of Christ.

[42:44] As the sun shines upon the moon it reflects the glory. A lesser degree subdued measure but it is a reflection and if the light of this knowledge of the glory of God shines in your and my heart it will change us into the same image in our measure.

[43:13] Grace for grace. in him perfection in us in us degree and measure so then there will be the love of Christ working in us constraining us and there will be the meekness of Christ working in us there will be the patience of Christ patience yes fellowship with his sufferings that is the patient endurance of the suffering appointed in your measure he was the perfect patient sufferer we can only be changed in our degree and measure into that same image so with the other graces humility wisdom holiness change into the same image but now to close see what awaits these dear characters father

[44:26] I will that they whom thou hast given me be with me where I am they may behold my glory now that beholding will not be as merely a spectator it will be a participating of it the glory which I have will be in them and I in them thou in me I in thee they may be one in us what a unity and what a confirmation to the image of Christ now to leave it there do cherish the least degree even a day of small things in your soul which brings a measure of that light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of

[45:29] Jesus Christ in his mediatorial work and office amen to the