[0:00] Once more we venture upon the Lord for his help and direct your attention to the first epistle of John chapter 4 and verse 14.
[0:12] The first epistle of John chapter 4 and verse 14. And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
[0:33] And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
[0:44] We spoke this morning in the main on the necessity of a religion of revelation.
[1:01] That which differs from the religion of the flesh that's content with anything less than divine revelations and application of the truth to the soul.
[1:18] And we felt it was needful to exalt whoever and there are in this chapel in the way which leadeth unto life to seek for these revelations to not be content without them.
[1:39] Oh my friends, to come short in vital things. I've remembered them it came to my mind just a second ago of the words of Agrippa, I believe it was in that 26th chapter of Acts which we referred to once or twice and at the close of the discourse of Paul in his describing his call by grace Agrippa said almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian almost there isn't such a thing there isn't any almost Christians but I have tried as the Lord has helped us to remember in our meditations and our discourse this day and to try to exalt such that are seeking such that are seeking their way to Zion with their faces thitherward to seek for revelations from the Lord to seek for the evidences from him and not from anywhere else.
[2:48] and as we closed I believe it was we quoted those words until I'm told by God's own lips that he has chosen me I believe there is a spiritual discontentment in a child of God a spiritual discontentment and I don't mistake the purpose of those words we read concerning David that there were those that came to him in Cave Adulam that was discontent in debt and distress I believe that's the knot of every tried family of God as they went their way through this wilderness to heaven they're often brought they're often brought into a state of discontent that is they cannot rest short of the blessing that they seek for they would argue to you and to myself the necessity of being right and especially in eternal things as we come down to the end of our journey well now
[3:58] John here was a witness of the things concerning Jesus Christ and we have seen and do testify and we spoke this morning particularly of the work of the Holy Ghost for in the convincing of sin there will be a revelation of one standing before a holy and a righteous God we quoted and we looked at several instances in the word of truth where these words would apply the dying thief at the cross the publican as he wended his way to the temple in his deep humility and yet in repentance and confession of sin we spoke of those things which we have seen those things which the Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of his own blessed family those who are appointed to life eternal but it's not just to convince of sin the work of the Holy Spirit as promised by the Lord
[5:07] Jesus Christ was this that he should send the comforter which is the Holy Ghost but what will he do he will take of mine and reveal it unto you for as the Lord will help us let us look at some of those things which concern Jesus Christ now the apostle here testifies what he has seen testifies speaks of those things which he has seen brings them before the churches the left on record by the Holy Spirit of the things which he has seen now what did he say well the end of the word says and the father that the father sent the son to be the saviour of the world now we said as the Holy Spirit teaches his people the need of mercy convinced of sin they come to need mercy the cry of their heart will be give me Christ or else
[6:19] I die it will be their earnest prayer and supplication in these times and not just as we must remind you again it is this work of seeing and testifying and so on which we've tried to put before you this day is not the work of the Holy Spirit just in the beginning of the ways but it is a life long teaching of the Holy Spirit as he prepares the people of God for glory you'll never come to a time and I hope and pray that you may indeed be discontent in this matter that you'll never come to a time if your soul is alive unto Christ when you won't need him oh I know the seasons of darkness and I know the seasons of backsliding of apathy and coldness and deadness but the Holy Spirit won't let his people stay there you'll have been no more content on yesterday's food to sustain you tomorrow than you would on yesterday's blessings to see you through the trials and troubles of the future pathway
[7:32] I hear it said and so have you some people can trace blessings thirty years ago and they speak as if that was all they're clinging to and I don't want a religion like that my friends I would say it very gently and I would say it very lovingly but my own pathway as I trust the Lord has put me into the ministry I want more testimonies from himself more evidences from himself that I'm in the way which leads to life there is a most solemn word my friends in the thirty third of Ezekiel that the Lord spoke to me and he said this son of man I have made thee a watchman over the house of Israel and thou shalt hear the word at my mouth and warn them from me and one of the things I must say is this pray the Lord that he may stir you up and seek for greater evidences more blessed evidences of himself you'll often mourn though you'll say with the hymn writer it is of him
[8:39] I stay there oh don't pray the Lord in your earnest supplications that you have greater revelations revelations of himself the apostle Paul zealous to the truth and to the gospel of Jesus Christ as he was was brought to see two things as I can see it in his writings on the one hand he was brought to say oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of this death but he was also brought to say this that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and so on the need he had then of fresh revelations more views of Christ and the blessings which are in Christ to the church of Christ oh the if you as the Holy Spirit enables you may you have a spiritual discontentment that you want to know more of him long to know more of him long to hear from him although these these characters that have blessings 30 years ago and nothing since
[9:47] I would have to question I would have to question I would wonder where they've been since then and I wonder what their pathway has been since then and I would wonder too that they're satisfied with 30 year old blessings I know the Lord is a sovereign in how he deals with his people and how he speaks to his people and how he leads and guides them but you know a living a living religion must have a living witness and as I said you can no more live on yesterday's blessings in providence and go on your way than you can if you're under if you're amongst the children of people of God of those yesterday blessings they are to look back upon they are to be thankful for and as we reminded you this morning Moses could say to Israel thou shalt remember all the way but my friends be not content with what happened 30 years ago seek the Lord beg the Lord beseech the Lord that he will show himself again
[10:52] David in the end of one of his psalms says this show me a token for good do you not want one do you not have to plead it every day do you not have to go to the mercy seat morning noon and night sometimes and beg for a token why did he want a token the Lord anointed him over Israel as king that was clear that was evident Samuel was spoken by the Lord this is him anoint this is he anoint him but was he satisfied with the anointed as king over Israel he had many enemies and so have you if you're a child of God and I tell you the worst enemy you have it's just in there it's your old heart it's your old nature that pours distress and scorn upon the way of grace oh David said and cried unto his God show me a token for good that those that hate me may be ashamed you know as one thing is very evident in the pathway of the people of God molested often by Satan or Satan's agents when they when the people of God of revelations of Christ
[12:05] Satan scolks away stays away then and we have seen and do testify that the father sent the son to be the saviour of the world and in that last chapter of this epistle we find this and we know that the son of God is come and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his son Jesus Christ when our such that are in Christ and such that know him and are under the operation and teaching of the Holy Spirit will need him we have seen and do testify but we must come down to the text and draw a few more thoughts and meditations from it as enabled but we spoke particularly then of conviction and of that teaching of the Holy
[13:07] Spirit which brings a sinner in need of Christ the need of mercy I thought of those words recently of the hymn writer and they are really which concern revelation and application of these sacred truths my soul looks back to see the burdens thou didst bear when hanging on the accursed tree and hopes her guilt is there and now some of you can look back some of you can testify what you have seen concerning Jesus Christ the word here speaks of Jesus Christ the son of God who is the saviour of sinners and under that teaching that we've already mentioned there will be a need to know there will be a need to know not about him because you will know all about him by your upbringing you will know all about him by what you can read in the word of truth between
[14:13] Genesis and Revelation and again I'm not critical of any denomination but there's thousands satisfied with knowing about him I have a pastor now that says this and how true you can speak about him but does he speak to you you can hear about him but have you heard from him and that's important these are revelations we have seen and do testify that the father sent the son to be the saviour of the world now the gospel was preached in old testament times and we have in the book of Job those very well known words of Job when he was in the midst of his trials and troubles and what did he say I know that my redeemer liveth and I wonder my friends how many could stand in the shoes of Job with all his afflictions his trials his losses with those miserable comforters as his heels trying to find the evidence of the falls and slips in
[15:28] Job's life why he should be so afflicted and yet his eyes and his hope was well above those things and he could say with full assurance I know I know the apostle often did we know that all things work together for good to them that love God there's a knowledge there's a need of a knowledge oh be not content with anything less than the revelation and assurance in your own heart of these truths as I've said you've heard about him but it is to hear from him and it is to have the witness of the spirit that you have an interest in his love and blood well now we believe the Lord Jesus Christ went to Calvary to die for sinners he came into the world to save sinners the apostle said of whom I am chief who taught him that the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit but it also taught him his interest in that blessed work it also revealed to him what Jesus
[16:35] Christ is to sinners the saviour and how Job in his day was brought to see the resurrection day and to believe in it and to have the assurance in his own heart that in that great day he shall stand not too many my friends would admit that they have that assurance but I'm confident of this that such that are under the Holy Spirit of God shall not leave this time state till they are blessed with these confirmations these revelations of their interest in him and to settle down less my friends is indeed a sad indication of the warmth and feeling and life of God in the soul or the lack of it we have seen and we do and do testify that the father sent the son to be the saviour of the world now if you're under the teaching that we try to bring before you this morning or know a little of it as the
[17:39] Lord applies these things to your heart and conscience you'll be looking for and seeking after Jesus Christ the saviour the apostle Peter when he was a disciple who was often brought to book by the Lord Jesus Christ for his impetuousness and it was really his downfall at times he and also his fearfulness and the shameless he was of Jesus Christ at the judgment hall but there was one blessed occasion in the experiences of the disciple Peter which is left on record to prove the work of grace in his heart the Lord Jesus Christ said to the disciples whom do men say that I the son of man am and there was various answers to that question but he said this to them but whom say ye that I am my friends there's no more important question that was ever put to those disciples by the
[18:59] Lord of life and glory as the hymn writer says what think ye of Christ who son is he the answer to that my friends from your heart and mine will tell where your heart is or what's in your heart and what the Lord has done but Peter said this and he was commended of the Lord Jesus Christ for his answer he said thou art the Christ the son of the living God now flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you but my father which is in heaven so it is a work which is by revelation many will testify and give lip service to Jesus Christ being the son of God we go through religious seasons don't we where the name of Jesus Christ is on the lips of profane as well as religious Easter and Christmas and so on and they speak of these things as if they know something about them but a believer in
[20:02] Jesus Christ has been brought to believe by revelation it's been shown to him and faith in exercise in the soul is gone out after him the revelations that the father sent the son you know one great truth which the church of Christ stands on is this the eternal sonship of Jesus Christ the second person is co-equal with God and with the Holy Spirit he is from all eternity and to all eternity the everlasting self-sufficient son of the of God and the father sent the son why did he what was he to do well there was a work given him to do the covenant of grace included a number that no man could number that by the Adam fool was ruined and ruined by sin now the purpose of the father sending the son was that the son should be their surety and their substitute sin shall no condemnation you know that in your own heart if you've got a tender conscience you don't need anyone to tell you that sin reaps its own condemnation the children of
[21:22] God won't suffer for their sin they will suffer because of it they certainly suffer because of it they won't suffer for it because their sins and their iniquities as the apostle said in the tenth of Hebrews will I remember no more why will he not remember them anymore because they were placed upon Christ and the condemnation due to sin he bore and he bore all that incarnate God could bear with strength enough and none to spare he became then their surety he became their substitute he stood in their place and God's just anger against sin was poured out upon his beloved son and oh the mystery of it all there was a cry from the cross my God my God why hast thou forsaken me why hast thou forsaken me the truth is in the word my friends God cannot look upon sin in any degree of allowance but you see the fruit of these things the fruit of Christ's sufferings is a people saved by divine grace loved with an eternal love pardoned and washed in the blood and prepared for glory and this work which we've tried to speak of by the Holy
[22:39] Ghost it is to bring them into that glorious inheritance the father sent the son the willing son obeyed the willing son obeyed in love to sinners thou hast we read it do we not this all we looked at it this morning in the 38th of Isaiah thou hast in love to my soul or we mentioned it sometime during this day and that love to sinners the love to the souls of the sinners that are loved eternally brought the Lord of life and glory to this world of sin and woe the father sent the son to be the savior of the world to save those who are his to save those who he eternally loved and who by the God the father were eternally chosen out of lost mankind there was a needs be of pardoned sin there's a needs be of one suffering in their room place instead there'll be none in heaven otherwise my friends there will be none in glory with Christ
[23:50] Jesus and the father and the holy spirit unless this work was accomplished the father sent the son well now you've seen this you see it in the word of truth and you've read about it and you've heard about it all the days of your life but the truth that I must insist on for my own soul's eternal comfort and yours also is this revelation made known to you individually those of you that are the subjects of his grace and mercy would to God and I would say this with all reverence each and every one but there's a revealing of these truths and there's an applying of these truths worldly wisdom won't bring them about my friends you'll not learn Christ by worldly wisdom men of great intellect and high education may possess much in this world that I don't have and you don't have but my friends if you don't know this if you don't know this you'll perish in your sins we have seen and do testify well what is it they've seen well by revelation
[25:11] I want to remind you of an incident you know well about you've heard it spoken it may be at the Lord's table some of you but it has been spoken you've read about it and that's the case of that character in Scotland called Yeti Yeti a man or a man that was devoid of understanding naturally he possessed nothing in this world but straw to sleep on and he was I suppose buffeted and derised by most for his foolishness and simplicity but he went to God's house and he sat at the Lord's table and he came home and he said I've seen your lovely man my friends you can't put a price on that you can't put a price on that the world would laugh at such foolishness and simplicity but that satisfied that man and I'll satisfy you too a sight of Christ oh what a view we must have had and so will you if you're in this pathway have you seen him and you'll say with him indeed he's a lovely man a man there is a real man you know the view that the disciples had of him when he rose from the dead we find such words as this then were they glad when they saw the
[26:39] Lord what a return to light after the darkness of the crucifixion what a return to hope after the hopelessness of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross I purposely read that words in the last chapter in the book of Luke because there there was two disciples of Jesus Christ who fell and stood upon the one foundation of the Christian hope the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and you'll find the words to be so simple to understand and so profound though in its depths two men that went to Emmaus and what did we read they came to pass that while they communed together and reasoned reasoned don't come into it my friends the things of Jesus Christ can't be understood by reason the blessings which are in Jesus Christ will never be known by reason but the blessings which are in
[27:40] Jesus Christ will be known by faith and that's where they made the mistake there they reasoned these things they tried to add them together they couldn't see why that the Lord of life and glory whom they believed in whom they trusted in and they said but we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel that was the crucifixion and then they spoke of the resurrection and they said beside all this today is the third day since these things were done yea and certain women also of our company made us astonished which were early at the sepulchre when they found not his body they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels which said that he was alive couldn't grasp it why because they reasoned because they reasoned can't understand spiritual truths by human reason you won't understand your own spiritual pathway by human reason he will yet explain nor will you seek his face in vain but you won't understand it by reason my friend faith approves the pathway of the child of God grace approves and appoints the pathway of the child of God your old nature shall never understand it that's why you've got a conflict that's why you've got so much enmity to God and the grace of God in your heart because this old nature fights against it and doesn't understand it it never will and it will never improve but the new man of grace the God of all grace the father of all nurses will maintain the new man of grace in the way but what do we read of him
[29:26] I turn back to that blessed chapter Jesus himself drew near and went with them when he does my friends you'll have a revelation and you'll never forget it and it will stand time it will stand you into eternity because he didn't leave his people to reason he didn't doesn't leave his tried ones to the darkness and distress of the adversary that pours scorn upon the work of grace and he begins and says oh fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and he goes through the scriptures of truth concerning the things concerning himself what does Jesus say search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me oh that's where the truth is found by revelation where it's applied to the people of God and this was applied and he turned in with them and we read of him that he sat and meet them he took bread and blessed it and break and gave to them and their eyes were open and they knew him blessed night that was blessed night they could turn back to Jerusalem them and they could meet the disciples oh those eternal realities those truths you'll never forget my friends as long as you live in this world of sin and woe and you'll be able to give your assent to this text and we have seen and do testify you don't worship an unknown
[31:19] God there were those in the days of the apostles that did worshipped an unknown God not the people of God won't you don't come to the chapel to worship an unknown God your worshipper God of revelation one that's been known to you one that you've seen and one that some of you have testified about and we have seen and do testify that the father sent the son to be the saviour of the world and it's sinners that can testify oh it's amazing my friends and it's it's so amazing it's unable to enter into these truths that astonished angels stand amazed that Christ the man should bleed they don't know they have never been brought into need of the gospel and the gospel of Jesus Christ but fallen sinners blessed with spiritual life brought to seek and know their own depravity brought to know their own depravity and seek for an interest in
[32:22] Christ Jesus have these revealed to them and indeed confirmed to them and assured to them the apostle Peter speaks of the way in which the teaching of the Holy Spirit is known by believers in Jesus in his first chapter and his first epistle he says this that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ whom having not seen ye love now I'm sure there's a witness here amongst the people of God who would say complain they would in a gracious way whom having not seen ye love I used to have a pastor that used to say this that
[33:26] Christ was precious to believers in the want of him in the want of him he is you know he is but oh how much more precious is he in the revelation of him as we said of that poor lad in the highlands of Scotland how precious he was to him how precious he was to Mary at the empty tomb she stood there weeping and some would even I suppose wouldn't understand the place she was so blessed in her soul by the Lord Jesus Christ delivered from the power of seven devils and she saw a Lord and master delivered up to evil men and crucified and died she came to do for him after love to him and find the tomb empty and the stone rolled away what dejection what despair what sadness of heart caused those tears to flow and she said sir if thou was born him hence tell me what thou hast laid him
[34:32] Jesus said unto her Mary that is all that's all didn't chide her with her unbelief didn't say we shouldn't be like this if you're a believer in Jesus why all the doubts and fears one word and we have seen and do testify the father sent the son to be the savior of the world but sinners my friends will be brought to see in his sacrifice the need of the application of his blood I make no mistake in these truths the need of a daily evidence and revelation of these truths will be in hungry and seeking souls blessed are they that hunger and seek after righteousness for they shall be filled well it calls did it not the hymn writer to say daily I'd repent of sin daily wash in calvary's blood do you not need it doesn't every day bring something that brings your conscience in need of cleansing you sung that hymn just 744th hymn that you sung just now
[35:55] Lord bring thy purging sacrifice to wash me white and make me meek and give me more enlarged faith to view the wonders of thy death and we have seen and do testify that the father sent the son to be the saviour of the world but going back to that chapter in Luke it reminds me of something else the Lord Jesus said and having gone back to Jerusalem those two disciples full of joy and thankfulness and praise at the revelation of Christ and we read as he came to before he came to Bethany as we closed our reading this afternoon he speaks to them concerning those things regarding himself and said unto them thus it is written and thus it behoved
[36:55] Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sin should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem there's the authority my friends of the text today repentance and remission of sins shall be preached but it was this word where we concluded and ye are witnesses of these things you are witnesses we said the apostle said witnessing both the small and great speaking of the things that he had seen that he had touched that he had handled that he had felt of the good word of life but speaking of something that he supposes not saying in this discourse nor should any servant of God he says in this word nothing like that my friends it's to preach what you've seen and do testify and may the servants of God be held here and kept here they will be a saint of
[37:57] God for it is a truth that they must maintain in their preaching a revealed Christ and a assured interest and I'll testify that the father sent the son to be the saviour of the world and we've given various evidences I trust but the truth here is so important my friends it's so important lest we should ever settle anyone less than this it is sometimes thought unnecessary for instance that one should ever know full assurance of their sins are pardoned people say well you know if you love Jesus Christ it is evident that he loved you and that your sins are pardoned and put away oh don't settle there my friend don't settle there don't settle with anything as we've once again reminded you until you hear from
[39:00] God's own lips we have seen and do testify the Lord will confirm his work the Lord will the Lord will indeed in blessing his people with life and bringing them to know themselves as as they're brought to see in Jesus Christ all their hope and all their salvation assured and they can lay claim to the truth as one of our hymn comes to mind in the in I believe it's the hundred and fifty third hymn speaking of the way in which the Lord Jesus Christ went through sufferings we find there they nailed him into the accursed tree they did my brethren and so did we the soldiers pierced his side is true but we have pierced him through and through but he closes at him with this for love of me the son of God drained every drop of vital blood long time
[40:03] I after idols ran but now my God's a martyred man but certain truths my friends you do well to wrestle with the Lord is enabled by the Holy Spirit for these revelations and assurances and we have seen and do testify that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world to save the fallen church to redeem his people from the Adam fall and there he stood in their place room and dead and there he suffered the condemnation due to them that they shall one day be found in glory for the gospel of his salvation is all of grace it's all of mercy and it's all of love for all that he suffered all that he entered into it was in love to this people or have you ever tasted a little of that love that calls the Lord of life and glory to come here and to stand in your place room and stead it is a gospel of course which is rejected for the most part lightly esteemed even by professors of religion oh when you consider this truth my friends what we've tried to preach today and oh it's come short really as I feel in the closing of it to what the word of God should really be preached but you know there's so many that rest upon the on a false foundation they listen to these well speak well sounded preachers of the gospel who tell them of to mend their ways and work on the love of man and to stand upon their works oh that won't stand that will burn up in the day of judgment but this will stand those things that you have seen and do testify you can go back in your experience and you know as well as I've tried to speak this day the necessity of this assurance of an interest in Christ and him crucified the apostle
[42:13] Paul having often been guilty of sending the people of God to prison and to their death preached nothing but Christ and him crucified oh how you can find it recorded in that epistle to the Corinthians how he insisted of this we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks foolishness but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God and he said in the second chapter my brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declared unto you the testimony of God for I determined to not know not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified he stood there my friends and he died there he rested there his own soul and as he came down to the end of his journey he said
[43:21] I'm now ready to be offered in the time of my departure is at hand I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing you can put your religion up against that as a measure my friends if you love his appearing out of your own soul's need of him you'll be found where Paul has been now praising his God having served his master well in this time state and perished at the hands of Nero and martyred by that ungodly wretch of a king but serving his lord and master he is now with him now it may be my friends that you can't put your name or your word to many things that you desire to do so but you will say this with the apostle who love his appearing well may the lord bless you with many of his appearances and bless his word amen shall we close by singing hymn number 557 the tune is sweet name 730 in number 557 how sweet and precious is the name of Jesus
[45:14] Christ the lord the lamb to sinners in distress a name just suited to their case pregnant with mercy truth and grace with strength and righteousness yeah and yeah