[0:00] I would direct your attention to the first epistle of Peter chapter 4 and verses 12 and 13.
[0:17] First epistle of Peter chapter 4 verses 12 and 13. Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you, but rejoice inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.
[1:00] Oh how vital it is for us to have those evidences that we're amongst the beloved ones, those whom God has loved with an everlasting love.
[1:15] There's a solemn reality that the word declares there is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
[1:28] Oh how we need much grace to prove this work of grace in our hearts. that new birth that is so vitally necessary in your experience and mine.
[1:44] That new creation which is the work of the Spirit and the Spirit alone. There's no substitute for the Spirit. Man may think in these days of intellectual teaching that there is that substitute for the Spirit, but there is not.
[2:07] Men are given gifts according to the will of God, but it is the Spirit must the work perform. It is all of grace.
[2:18] No matter how eloquent a narrator a man may be, it is still the Lord alone can create within you and me that clean heart.
[2:30] That new work of grace, that perfect heart that the Lord can alone accomplish in you and me. These then, dear friends of the quickened souls, He is the judge of the quick and the dead.
[2:48] And if through the mercy of God there is any evidence in your heart that He's quickened you, made you aware of what you are in a little measure, in the pure and holy eyes of God, the Lord will give His dear chosen people that grace to examine themselves.
[3:11] This self-examination, and you're brought here, if we know a little of it, O wretched man, wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death?
[3:25] There is only one, dear friends, can awaken you. And if you and I have been born of God, is it not by reason, dear friends, of the wrestling prayers?
[3:39] The wrestling prayers, firstly, of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is wrestling prayers. When he sweat, as it were, great drops of blood, in Gethsemane's garden, for every saint that shall be saved, he shall see his seed, we read, and be satisfied, so prophesied Isaiah, and so it came to pass.
[4:05] Oh, how we're then, we need that sweet evidence, and assurance, that we have been born from above, born of God. Then, there'll be that, you'll be the subject, will have been the subject, of his wrestling prayers, and the answers will come, in our lives.
[4:26] The answers to the wrestling prayer of Jesus, what a privileged soul, if the Lord has awakened you, and me from the dead. We look back, over life's history, when we think, of that dreadful, unregenerate condition, that we were in, Satan's blind slave, sporting with death, nothing to glory about, or boast of.
[4:51] When we think, the mercies of God, that he should, pick us out, amongst the thousands, that we were, interwoven with, or intermoving with, in this sinful world, and in his mercy, and is it not, with some of you, you can look back, to that sweet time, when the Lord, calls you, to begin to be in one, not for, the food, and drink, drink of this life, but for this, meat, that the world knows nothing of, you were given, you were given, as a newborn, babe, the sincere, word, milk of the world, you began to be in one, for something, more, satisfying, than the perishing, things of this world, or bless God, then, if the Lord, has awakened you, and given you, that desire, for this sincere, milk of the world, you don't seem, to have got very far, but your desires, are for a living, gospel, you want, the Lord, to send his servants, right where you are, to meet your coach, to comfort your troubled heart, and to favour you, with that sweet assurance, that you are one of these, whom he hath loved, and to be led, to believe, by faith, and to consider him, in his, great sufferings, this greater sign, and evidence, of his sufferings, greater love, for no man than this, that a man, shall lay down, his life, for his friends, now proceeding, laying down his life, as this, he prayed, for his dear, chosen people, in that garden, when he wrestled, dear friends, and what a mercy, that you and I, in like manner, we hope, in a little measure, have been brought, and led, to the throne of grace, and poured out, our souls, confessions, before God, desiring, that he would, help us, to, look to him, for all needful grace, to help, in our time of night, beloved, or now, he says, ye are the sons, of God, this is that privilege, then, of these chosen vessels, that shall be found, unto glory, and honour, at his appearing, now, if the Lord, has regenerated you, and if you've, no further, than desiring, the sincere milk, of the word, that you might, grow thereby, those desires, and that trust, in the living God, to perform it for you, will be tried, the Lord, we read, try it, not the wicked, he tries, the righteous, try it, there by, try it, that, principle within, the fear of the Lord, that puts the trust, in the Lord, oh, he'll try your faith, friends, if he's the author, of it, he'll try it, because, he's going to deliver, you and me, from all that, that you would add, unto your religion, it's only that, that God, giveth it, profitable, that the salvation, of ourselves, and all how, we have been singing, those humbling, hymns tonight, and all that we might, be favoured to, meditate upon, those hymns, and that needs be, of humility and love, and this is the purpose, of the trial, of your faith, and your pathway, as he says, beloved, think it not strange, you and I, may think, the path, that we're treading out, is a strange path, because, you seem to cry, and shout, and he shuts out, your prayer, you're looking, for the Lord's appearing, you're watching, and waiting, for those answers, and still, the Lord is silent, under you, and you're so tried, in his silence, that you fear, the less, you're out of a secret, but the Lord is proving, the sincerity, of your heart, and mine, and he's going to, strip you, dear friends, of all your fancied, meekness, to approach unto him, and he's going to, bring you and me, into that subjection, to his holy mind, and will, and yet in it all, dear friends, he is bringing you, really, into that fellowship, or being a partaker, of his sufferings, there'll be persecution, and that persecution, in our day, seems more within, the church of God, than in the profane world, the professing world, all my friends, the professors of religion, that will be, truly doing, their utmost, to try your faith, and mine, if their faith, is that living faith, the vain professors, of religion, those that have, that got, nothing more, than a lip service, before God, they seem, to be bubbling over, with religious, with religious, doctrine, and there, they do good, as dear friends, amongst us, but oh, it is vital, vital, for you and me, to have,
[10:54] Jesus Christ, as the author, of your faith, and he'll try it, he'll prove it, through the mercy, of God, he will give you, grace, to endure, and it will be, with strength, enough, and none to spare, and it is, all the while, in this, fiery trial, which is, to try you, that there is, that, needful grace, to cause you, and me, to rejoice, in as much, as you are partakers, partakers, of Christ's suffering, and if you and I, are brought, dear friends, into fellowship, with Christ's sufferings, oh, what an effect, that will have, upon your walk, and your conduct, it'll be, it'll be, truly, a sanctifying influence, to you and me, and you'll never think, you'll lay too low, sinner, if Jesus, on you, pity shall, oh, it's a painful path, isn't it, to be a believer, in Christ, you'll meet, much opposition, from the religious world, so called, and yet, through the mercy of God, you'll not leave, you'll forsake, you, be through, it is, according to his will, it is, through much tribulation, to enter the kingdom, and, he says, concerning, enduring with him, in his temptations, and all these things, dear friends, that try your faith, bring sorrow, upon your soul, and you seem, and you seem, to be so, so sorrowful, that you begin, to wonder, can God, ever dwell here, that you now, therefore, have sorrow, the Lord, seems to hide, his face, he is withdrawn, from you, you've lost, those sweet, days, of your espousals, the foul sense, of his love, shed abroad, in your heart, and now, you seem, to travel, much in darkness, and much by night, and you grow, for the Lord, brought, all like the blind, but he has said,
[13:14] I will lead the blind, by a way, that they knew not, you know, men think, that they know, the will of God, concerning, the way, before them, but oh, how we do need, to be watchful, daily, unto prayer, that the Lord, would show us, real signs, and evidence, is, that we have to prove, that we walk, much by faith, the dictates, of the conscience, the instruction, of the word of God, that exhorts you, and me, to cease from sin, and oh, how vital it is, that we're not left, to bring shame, or reproach, upon the name, of Christ, but grace, to seek, to know, and do his will, he says here, through his apostle Peter, but the end, of all things, that is at hand, be ye therefore, sober, and watch unto prayer, oh, how we do need, to be sober, to be steadfast, to be unmovable, and watch unto prayer, and, that we might truly, be favoured, in our fiery trials, to realise a little, that Christ, knows the way you take, and I take, and so, he says, think it not strange, the natural man, will think it strange, because all your plans, and your schemes, at times, seem to be turned, upside down, and everything, that you had, sought, sought, to set in order, even in your, in your, providential things, all things, that you try, to organise, as it were, you seem, to be brought, as it were, into a state, of confusion, and you're brought, into shame of faith, that all these things, dear friends,
[15:14] I believe, are to bring, your affections, upon the things, here below, and set your affections, and mine, upon things, above where Christ dwell, it is the name, of Christ, what a tower, of strength, that is, to a seeker, the name, of Christ, and to a believer, and that name, dear friends, will be precious, as you're given, faith, to put your, trust in him, and, through mercy, does grant you, signs, and wonders, by the way, sweet evidences, at times, though your pathway, is dried, and it seems, a strange pathway, but the Lord, gives you grace, to be still, and know, that he is God, and as for God, his way is perfect, we touched upon in prayer, concerning, uh, uh, Joe, Joe, he performeth a thing, that he hath appointed, for me, are God's appointments, dear friends, for you and me, through this wilderness, he knows the end, from the beginning, all for grace, then, to be submissive, to the holy mind, and the holy will of God, he performeth the thing, he's a God, dear friends, he is a performing God, and he will cause, uh, to these, to his dear children, he will cause, all these things, to work together, for their souls,
[16:50] God, he will teach them, teach them, to number their days, that they might apply, their hearts, unto wisdom, beloved, think it not strange, this is the word, dear friends, of the apostle, under the influence, of the spirit, as God instructed him, so, it is that, that is recorded here, and he bids you and me, think it not strange, so you may be, in some fiery trial, you see, when thou passest, through the waters, I be with thee, and through the floods, they shall not overflow thee, and the flames, they shall not hurt thee, you see, this faith, is likened unto gold, gold in the furnace, tried, now loses all, but dross, gold must be tried, and your faith, must be tried, dear friends, and gold in the furnace, tried, now loses all, but dross, so is the Christian, purified, and bettered, by the cross, you may have a cross, to bear, too great, too heavy, and too burdensome, for you and me, to carry, and all how these things, weigh heavily upon you, but they are to keep you, and me humbly waiting, all you see, you'll be brought, be admonished, and brought love, with these trials, as they are sanctified, so they bring you, and me, to the feet of Christ, those trials, that give you life, to prayer, trials, bring me to his feet, to lay me low, and keep me there, or how dear friends, your flesh, your flesh, and mine, might murmur, against God, but he bids you, and me, think it not strange, can anything, be strange, dear friends, concerning, the work of grace, in a sinner's heart, it may seem, something new, to you and me, in that present path, that you are treading out, about, the steps, of a good man, one that desires, good things, the man that has, that, that good treasure, in his heart, will bring forth, good things, good things, now the good man, will bring good things, from his heart, in prayer, and he will bring forth, dear friends, those prayerful desires, that the Lord, would govern his ways, and his affairs, teach him, the way of wisdom, teach him, to commit his way, unto the Lord, the God of all grace, is able to grant you, and has he not said, my grace, is sufficient for thee, you know, there was a messenger, from Satan, sent to buffet Paul, why was that, because he had, received so many blessings, as a natural man, he could soon get, puffed up in the flesh, and so can you, and me, oh how we can soon, glory in the flesh, look what my hand, had done, and gotten me, but a true believer, in Christ, and a follower, of Christ, and a follower, of Christ,
[20:15] I believe, will live that, life of faith, by prayer, and realize, that the Lord, causes this, and that, to come, he performeth, the thing, that is appointed, for me, many such things, are with him, and so, he will bring down, your heart, with labor, and all what burdens, you have to bear, afflictions, trials of providence, the burdens, of your family, and those, around you, and, maybe, godly friends, might even forsake you, for a season, and maybe, those disputes, that arise up, amongst you, and yet, dear friends, and is it not, all that, that is to try, your faith, and my faith, and what is it, to bring you, to realize, that we cannot, put our trust, in man, but trust, in one alone, the living God, and his dear son, who has, is as God, manifested, in the flesh, all the preciousness, then of that, and so it was, with the case, of, that wonderful, revelation, to Paul, as he was,
[21:32] Saul of Tarsus, hailing men, and women, to prison, and going, yet again, with letters, to the governor, of Damascus, to bring more, of those true believers, and take them, to be in prison, but you see, he hadn't reckoned, and so you have to prove, in your pathway, you haven't reckoned, with the will, and the mind of God, that is far greater, than the will, and the mind, of you and me, and oh, how, the Lord, appeared to him, on that Damascus road, but lest he got, lifted up with pride, you see, there is later on, that messenger, from Satan, sent to buffet him, so, and the buffetings, that you and I, will receive, in our pathway, mysterious, as they are, but the Lord, knows all about them, he, he, he, he, callseth it to come, it is, the performing, of those, appointed things, for you and me, to pass through, while here below, and it's all to make, you and me, sick of self, and more fond of him, or blessed be God, if, you have found, a measure, of this fiery trial, concerning your power, there are some, so full, of presumptuous faith, there are some, so sure, that things, are going to, fit in with their plans, and their schemes, in the future, speaking to one relative, the other day, so sure, so definite, that God's going to appear, well, if you and I, dear friends, begin to know, a little of the ways, of God, it's not according, to our plans, and our schemes, often it's the contrary way, that we find, the winds are contrary, we find, us toiling in rowing, if I know a little, of the pathway, of this, of living a life, of faith by prayer, we don't get our answers, when we want them, we don't get, those deliverances, when we think, they should come, we have to prove, painfully, that he's still, but performeth, those things, according to his, divine appointments, and his will, concerning us, our steps, if we fear God, if we fear God, our steps, are ordered, by the Lord, and through grace, we shall delight, in the way, because as for God, his way, is perfect, and all for grace, to realize it,
[24:16] God, now what a lesson, we have to learn, in the pathway, that we pass around, now this, gold then, in the furnace, tried, now loses, all the grass, so is the Christian, purified, there's that need, for purification, both in you, and me friends, there's the need, for that holiness, without which, we shall never, see the Lord, so your faith, is tried, and he burns up, all the grass, and all the rubbish, and so the messenger, from Satan, is sent, and oh, what a painful, experience it is, to have the messenger, from Satan, buffeting you, and yes, he can take, a word of scripture, and he can, buffet you with it, oh, how painful, it is sometimes, that the things, that he lays, before you, they're not, the work, of the spirit of God, but they're the spirit, of this prince, of the power of the air, the devil, what a foe he is, but through the mercy, of God, we have to prove, as the Lord, said to Paul, my, instead of, withdrawing this, buffeting, influence of Satan, against you, he says, my grace, is sufficient, so, this is, where the conflict, is in a sinner's pathway, there's that, war within, oh, and who goeth, a warfare, of his own charges, now it's, fighting the good, fight of faith, and he, that endureth, unto the end, shall be saved, blessed be God, then, for these beloved, sons, and daughters, of God, he says, think it not strange, this is the word, dear friends, of the Lord, might it be a comfort, of some poor sinner, to think it not strange, concerning, the fiery trial, which is to try you, the worldling, has triumphs, he may have, bitter things, to experience, but they're not, sanctified, now a fiery trial, to you and me, will bring you, and me, more, in subjection, to the holy mind, and the holy will, of God, and you'll pray, for more grace, and more humility, because he says, he gives more grace, to the humble, you see, the humble, shall hear there of, and be glad, you know, all proud, proud nature, has got to be, brought down, you know, it is vital, for that, to humble ourselves, before almighty God, that we might, be exalted, in due time, that he might, may exalt you, in due time, casting then, all your care, upon him, oh, we would bless God, if these, portions of scripture, have ever been, a comfort, a comfort, to us, he is, very mindful, of his chosen people, and we must, remember, as we, read the word, of God, dear friends, you cannot, cast these, these words, of truth, cast not, your pearls, these are pearls, of the scriptures, you cannot, cast them, before swine, or, we know, that the gospel, is to be preached, in the world, whether they will hear, or whether they will, forbear, but as we, come to God's house, so we would realize, that, poor Peter, here was, writing this epistle, to the elect, to the elect, according, to the foreknowledge, of God, in other words, dear friends, these beloved, sons and daughters, of God, whom he had loved, with an everlasting love, the wicked, dear friends, will never, receive the scripture, for they will perish, in their sins, it will be a book, of judgment, to them, but all through, mercy, the Lord, will, use the scriptures, to comfort, his dear, a tried people, and he bids them, casting all your care, upon him, all the cares, and concerns then, that there are, in the lives, of the dear people, of God, and, though, there are, those diversities, of gifts, of faith, the measure of faith, that is, faith, though the smallest, shall surely be tried, and so, these beloved ones, whom he had, created anew, in Christ, whom he had, convinced, of sin, and whom he had, led to the fountain, of his shed blood, open for sin, and uncleanness, they come, as seeking souls, that they are, poor in spirit, they are, hungering, and thirsting, after his, righteousness, they are, looking to Jesus, and praying, that he might, be revealed to them, through the lattice, of the gospel, they pray, that they might, be amongst the sheep, and the lambs, that shall be fed, you know, that, the Lord, was very mindful, concerning,
[29:50] Peter, feeding, his sheep, but he says, what shall this man do, but the Lord, my friends, was directing, his instruction, to Peter, feed my sheep, feed my lambs, and if we have, any love, to the Lord Jesus, which sometimes, we hope, we have felt, immensely, and others, we seem to be, so cold, but if we have, any love, to Christ, then, we must, ever see grace, to follow him, and walk, worthy of him, and that vocation, wherewith, we have been called, looking unto him, as much opposition, that we meet, and the greatest foe, is ourselves, but through the mercy, of God, in these fiery trials, that concern, you and me, we are to think, it not strange, this is all, the appointed pathway, for sinners, that they might, dear friends, realize, their great need, of leaning, upon the arm, of their beloved, of seeking, to cast, every burden, upon him, and praying, for that needful grace, that they might, fight the good fight, of faith, and they might, endure, and that they might, endure hardness, as good soldiers, of Jesus Christ, you know, some think, when they put on, an open profession, that now, there, that the Lord, will be mindful, of them, and they're going, to have a smooth, passage to heaven, but all dear friends, how different, we have to prove, it is, that we also, have to prove, the faithfulness, of God, though our pathway, has been tried, yet it has been, strewn with blessing, and thus far, here God, has led us on, and made his truth, and his mercy, now, we come, trembling, and fearful, to presume, we're not, full dear friends, of confidence, as some might be, that we come, wholly dependent, upon him, and casting, every care, and burden, upon him, we do not, run before the Lord, but we must, follow, in the footsteps, of the Son, of God, who has gone, before us, and who alone, can make, the crooked things, straight, and the rough places, plain, and the darkness, light, for you, and for me, poor sinner, so he says, rejoice, and there's joy, in heaven, over one sinner, that repenteth, rejoice, or to be blessed, with this rejoicing, that the Lord, should, even, come, where you are, to, grant you, that gift, of living faith, you've been brought, as a sinner, a guilty, weak, and helpless, worm, you're not, very high, then are you, these are they, that are accepted, by the Lord, guilty, weak, and helpless, worm, on thy kind, arm I fall, be thou, my strength, and righteousness, my Jesus, and my all, that is the portion,
[33:06] I believe, of the language, of the child, of God, that is seeking, the Lord, while he may be found, and to rejoice, to think, dear friends, to be accounted, as the apostles, of old, were, they rejoiced, in that they were, accounted, worthy, to suffer, for his name, or we do not, suffer persecution, from the world, as once, their forefathers did, but we, we shall find, that there will be, persecution, there will be, persecution, from Satan, and all the subtle, means, that he uses, to persecute, the child of God, that he is asking, his way to Zion, with his face, that there will, rejoice, in as much, as ye are partakers, of Christ's sufferings, all fellowship, with the sufferings, of Christ, do we know, a little of it, have we been led, dear friends, to that fountain, this trial, of your faith, and being much more, precious, than of gold, that perisheth, though it might, though it be tried, with fire, might be found, unto praise, and honour, and glory, at the appearing, of Jesus Christ, you see, wherein ye, greatly rejoice, though now, for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness, through manifold temptations, all these heavy, these manifold temptations, that you and I, that you and I, pass through, you see, you may, on the main, of temptation, be tossed, your sorrows, may swell, as the sea, but none, of the ransom, shall ever be lost, you know, it will be, holding fast, to the precious, truths, of his word, and pleading, those promises, and desiring, that Jesus, might lead you, to that fountain, let us therefore, go forth, unto him, without the camp, for here, we have no, continuing city, but we seek, one, yet to come,
[35:14] Zion is nigh, that new heaven, and that new earth, Jerusalem, where Christ, ever liveth, and will ever, be adored, by his, dear people, that overcome, this world, of sin, and well, so he says, rejoice, or that we might, have our trials, then sanctified, to us, they'll separate you, grace, will separate you, there's not enough, of it today, separation, separation, from the world, that lies, in wickedness, you have, lawful callings, do not, misunderstand me, lawful callings, whatsoever, thy hand, findeth to do, do it, with all thy might, and in the fear, the Lord, but there's still, that time, to separate, we're not, dear friends, to, go, with the fashions, of this world, we're not, to follow, after the vain, pleasures, of this world, but we are, to seek, the Lord, and oh, how vital, it is, for he tells us, here, the end, of all things, is at hand, and oh, as we, are drawing, closer, to the, to the, end, dear friends, of another, century, how much, closer, are we now, to the end, of all things, which is, at hand, we read, a thousand years, there is a day, a day is a thousand years, oh then, does not your heart, desire this, in your trials, oh, for a closer, walk with God, a calm, and heavenly frame, a light, that shines, upon the road, that leads me, to the land, desiring, to be prepared, for the will, of the Lord, grace, to be submissive, grace, to be still, grace, to stand still, and see, the salvation, of the Lord, is the Lord, alone, can save, your soul, and mine, prepare you, and me, for those prepared, mansions, in the sky, or may the Lord, grant you, and me, grace then, in as much, as you are partakers, of Christ's sufferings, to be accounted, worthy, to suffer, for the name, of Christ, or we would then, seek grace, to walk worthy, of him, and that vocation, wherewith we hope, we have been called, looking unto him, not be ashamed, to own him, to love him, and be given grace, to keep, his commandments, they're not grievous, or the peace, of mind, that seemed, to flow, into my very soul, when I, came up out, to the, waters of baptism, the presence, of the Lord, oh what a, sweet moment it was,
[38:19] I felt the, constraining love, of Christ, but what a trial, we've had since, of it, and oh my friends, what exercise, of heart, am I, real, am I made, a real Christian, that's the vital, needs be of it, isn't it, to be made, a real Christian, Christian, you see, we read here, suffering as a Christian, but are we, real Christians, we can be, nominal Christians, and not have the, root of the matter, in us, the end of all things, is at hand, we're vital, to be watchful, under prayer, and to know, dear friends, that, that Christ, has suffered, for our sins, the just, for the unjust, that he might, bring us to God, you know, you'll hate sin, you'll loathe sinning, and yet, you find daily, and especially, at the end, of another day, you feel, to be so sad, that you've sinned, and come short, of his glory, all the wretchedness, of your sinful heart, and all how shortcoming, all your shortcomings, you truly mourn over, and yet, through the mercy of God, he is able, to save unto the uttermost, you wouldn't sin willfully, if you're a believer, in Christ, because, when you consider, what, what it cost him, to suffer, bleed, and die, to open up, a new and a living way, for you and me, all how you'll pray daily, to be kept, and who can keep, themselves, none, but it is, again, dear friends, we are dependent, upon him, and all, that we might feel, that grace, in our hearts, to pray daily, that we might, in him, live, and move, and have our being, and pray for grace, to be kept, even in the, fiery trials, that we fall, you and me, is there not a cause, those bitter things, that you and I, have to partake, those things, that, seem to weigh, heavily, upon your heart, those constant, prayers, for this and that, matter, that concern you much, and still you go, on praying, and still there's, a withholding, of the answer, but the Lord, has said unto you, that fear my name, shall, all blessed be God, still carry, still carry, that burden, to the throne, of grace, sinner, has he not said, that unto you, that fear my name, shall, shall the son, of righteousness, arise, with healing, in his wings, carry the burden, of your sins, carry the burden, of those near, and dear to you, and their souls, welfare, all daily, we have to do this, don't we, carry the concerns, of your church, to the Lord, carry the concerns, of your faith, to the Lord, he is a very present, half, he's your refuge, refuge, there's no other refuge, like him friends, or for faith, to believe this, you may seek refuge, in the word of a friend, but it can never save you, oh how vital it is then, to call upon me, in the day of trouble, to cast your care, upon him, and he has said, come unto me, all ye that are weary, and heavy laden, and I will give you rest, there's no rest, and self, in help dear friends, and though I've sought it well, the native treasure, of our minds, is sin, death, and hell, now, he says, think it not strange, in the world, you shall have tribulation, but tribulation, is sanctified, in your pathway, and mine, will work patience, oh how vital it is, one feels to need, much patience, the husbandman, hath long patience, waiting for the fruit, for the seed, sown in the ground, to bear fruit, and so we do need, with this seed, of the incorruptible word of life, we have need of patience, you may have, this and that soul, laid upon your heart, and your prayers, and you're looking, and watching, and waiting, that they might be fruitful, and that they might, bear those signs, and evidences, that they have been, born again, we can't give ourselves, religion, you might have it, in the brain, dry doctrine, floating in the brain, can never save you, never do you any good, but it has, it is applied, by the spirit, now under your trials, dear friends, trials, that are sanctified, to you, give that new life, to prayer, trials, dear friends, with living faith, in exercise, cause you, to come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, you see it's cast, and then your care upon him, call upon me, in the day of trouble, come unto me, the invitations, of the word of truth, may the Lord apply them, you can't run, before the Lord, friends, but he has bid you, and me, come unto me, all ye that are weary, and are heavy laden, are you weary of sin, are you weary of self, are you weary of darkness, and bondage, and the trials, of the pathway, here below, do you feel, the mudwalled cottage, shy, does the outward man, decay, is the inward man, is the greatest thing, is the inward man, being renewed, day by day, are your trials, dear friends, bringing you, closer, and closer, to lean upon, the arm, of your beloved, or how, we have to prove them, those precious invitations,
[44:22] Lord, seal them, upon my heart, grant me, that exercise, and prayer, and the willingness, to come unto thee, as a weary, and a heavy laden sinner, that I might find, rest, for my soul, you see, you see, he is meek, and lowly, in heart, do you know, the word of truth, says, though he were a son, yet learned, he obedience, by the things, that he suffered, or have we been, submissive, to his will, resigned, to his will, concerning, our pathway, you see, the Lord, knows the way, that we each take, by nature, we might murmur, and we might, rebel against God, but as grace, is given, so, you are brought, to look upon Christ, as the, captain of your salvation, as your Lord, and your Saviour, as your example, and you want to follow him, his track I see, and I'll pursue, the narrow way, till him I view, what a Saviour he is, oh, and unto you, therefore, which believe, he is precious, oh, the preciousness, of living faith, to put your trust, in a precious Christ, to save you, from yourself, save you, from your sins, save you, for his mercy's sake, now his mercies, are new, every morning, great is his faithfulness, his compassion, so not, he compassionates, your case, dear friends, in your sorrow, he says, ye now, therefore, have sorrow, but I will see you, again, and your heart, will rejoice, and your joy, no man, taketh from you, salvation, friends, all of grace, heaven at last, the gift of God, to unworthy sinners, such as you and me, or may you be enabled, to be given grace, to endure hardness, as a good soldier, of Jesus Christ, it is, dear friends, putting on that, heavenly armour, you want then, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, all that he might grant it to you, you'll have a sword to wield, dear friends, if he gives you a promise, you'll fight the devil with that, and you'll endure, as grace is given, as he brings to your remembrance, the things that he's spoken to you, the sword of the spirit, the word of life, and all as you go on, you go in the strength, of the Lord, and in those things, that he has spoken unto you, as he says, fear thou not, for I am with thee, fear not, for I have redeemed, they have called thee, by thy name, thou art mine, well, he'll give you the promise, dear friends, and then he'll try it, and there'll be a proving, of all things, and holding fast, to that, that's good, but what a mercy, that the Lord reigns, and his hand is not short, and that it cannot save, neither his ear are heavy, that it cannot, that it cannot hear, blessed be God, it is true, your iniquities and mine, have separated us, but we are made nigh, by the blood of Jesus, and he says, fear not, for I have redeemed, they have called thee, by thy name, thou art mine, when thou passest, through the waters, of affliction,
[48:09] I will be with thee, through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee, when thou walkest, through the fire, thou shalt not be burned, the trial of your faith, neither shall the flame, kindle upon thee, why, for I am the Lord, thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour, I gave Egypt, for thy ransom, Ethiopia, and Seba, for thee, since thou wast precious, in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee, all the blessings, of the Lord, that maketh rich, I have loved thee, with an everlasting love, therefore, with loving kindness, have I drawn thee, and he will draw you, sinner, in spite of the allurements, and the temptations, of the devil, Jesus draws, the chosen race, and what is it by, sweet, resistless grace, his grace, is irresistible, friends, and he will make you, willing in the day, of his power, to be still, and to rejoice, in as much, as you are favoured, to be partakers, of Christ's sufferings, that when, his glory, shall be revealed, ye may be glad, also, with exceeding joy, may we be favoured then, to be more than, a conqueror, through him, that has loved us, and washed us, from our sins, in his own blood, it's the vital thing, isn't it, to know, my Jesus crucified, by far, excels, all things beside, the Lord, give us grace, to come there,
[49:54] Amen. Amen. We will conclude, by singing, in 259, to Evangelist, 138, O Lord, my best desire, fulfilled, help me to resign, life, and comfort, to thy will, and make, thy pleasures, mine, or should I, strength, and thy command, whose love, fornits my, fears, or trample, at the gracious hand, that wipes, away my tears, in 259, to 138,
[51:08] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[51:22] Amen. Amen.
[51:43] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Fall. And there we are now.
[51:58] I can't let thou hold to thy room.
[52:11] The Deixa I�� הת bahia. I sure I shrink at thy power.
[52:41] Let thou come in the midst of this.
[52:51] O kingdom, the gracious hand, O kingdom, the bagus of 영 ville, O kingdom of Yah.
[53:28] Thank you.
[53:58] Edirahorra원� I thank the Lord My journey through How dwelling nature to pardon high Holy evangel hits heaven until dawn.
[55:06] With love and mercy guide my way, till I give till it's their love.
[55:38] The good, the great, the love of the day, the good, the good, the good, the love.
[56:02] The good, the great, the good, the good, the love, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the love, and mercy guide my way, Till I hear my strength Thou turn and come Thou bend my side Thou bend my side Thou bend my side Thou bend my side May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each.
[57:18] Amen. It's been a fall incline.
[57:54] Amen. The God is , That may have his words, That may not be written physically. Amen, Jeff.