Conviction of sin and Christ's salvation (Quality: Very good)

Brabourne Lees - Zion - Part 64

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July 13, 1987


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[0:00] 379. June University College. 515. Come, my soul, I should prepare Jesus loves to answer prayer.

[0:19] He himself has bid me pray. Therefore will not say the name. In 379, June 515.

[0:58] For I shall I serve to his throne.

[1:09] He does it upon his throne. The End The End

[2:17] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End

[3:19] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End

[4:25] Thank you.

[4:55] Thank you.

[5:25] Thank you. Thank you.

[6:25] Thank you. Thank you.

[6:57] Thank you. As the Lord shall help me, I would direct your attention to the gospel according to John chapter 4 and verse 29.

[7:14] John 4 verse 29. Come, see a man which told me all things that ever I did.

[7:32] Is not this the Christ? We are well acquainted, doubtless, over the years by familiarity with this world, with this woman, and how according to the divine appointment and the will of God, there was this meeting, no per chance meeting.

[8:09] Nothing happens by chance, dear friends, in the experiences of the Lord's people. All things are ordered by him.

[8:20] And there will be a fulfilling of all these things concerning his dear people. And no matter, dear friends, what nation, kindred or tongue they may belong to, they shall all come that the Father giveth to Jesus.

[8:42] And they will come unto him as laboring and heavy laden sinners. I do feel in this day there's a great, great need for conviction of sin.

[9:00] There are many that are caught up in a wave of notion and emotion and religion. But there's that exercise, I believe, of the true seeker that he might know something of the burden of sin.

[9:17] Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, so shall he also reap. There are some dreadful things that are wrapped up in our dark sin.

[9:34] But, my friends, God is not mocked and God does not wink at sin. And God, my friends, will expose every sin.

[9:49] And every sin will be answerable. Oh, what a solemn consideration it is. That the very sins of thought and of word of deed, of every one that is in the covenant will be revealed to them.

[10:09] And they will be convinced of their sins. And they'll be broken hearted by their sins. And they'll be brought low. And they will have nothing to boast of.

[10:21] If there's anything I loathe, it's men boasting of what they've done. Ministers boasting of what they've preached and how they have been blessed.

[10:36] My friends, it's very humbling. If we should ever be used by the Spirit to be made a blessing to any soul.

[10:50] It's humbling, not exalting. And so we want to be delivered from that is of the flesh, which is flesh. And if there's enough grace in our hearts, friends, which I feel personally a great need of, it'll exclude any boasting.

[11:09] It'll be not unto us, but unto him. He must have all the praise and all the glory if he should have met you and stopped you in your mad career.

[11:23] This woman, we might say, was in a mad career. She was like the licensed sin today in our land. Marriage is made a mockery of.

[11:36] Marriage is despised. Marriage is rejected. And even, dear friends, the government of our land encourages living in sin. But God is not mocked by these things.

[11:50] And God is not mocked, dear friends, in any way by these sins, even in the churches and amongst congregations.

[12:01] And so we would realize that the omniscient eye of God is upon us each. And he will bring you here. And he will bring you here.

[12:13] And he will tell you all things. There's none of us that are sinless. There's none of us can say we've lived a perfect life.

[12:24] sin. And even though we might have put on an open profession, sin has marred everything that we have done.

[12:36] But therefore our very best is stained and died with sin. Our all is nothing worse. We don't want to know it, do we? We want to pass it by.

[12:48] But sin, dear friends, is that transgression of God's holy law. And here is that woman that it was the appointed time for Jesus to come.

[13:03] He, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well. And you know, the Lord, I believe, in his humanity was wearied.

[13:18] But in his deity, he is never wearied. He never sleepeth. And he never slumbers. And yet in his humanity, he had a body like unto yours and mine sin accepted.

[13:35] And so he was wearied with his journey. And you and I, my friends, will know what it is to be wearied with the journey.

[13:47] And you need the Lord to come and declare unto you his love to you. And you sometimes wonder if he ever will.

[13:59] Because you're so sinful and you're so led captive. And drawn aside and allured and attracted to the things of this present evil world.

[14:12] Lawful things. Can become idols in your lives and in mine. But what a mercy, dear friends, that God is a spirit.

[14:23] And in this discussion with this woman at the well, the Lord was enabled to open the eyes of her understanding.

[14:39] And she had heard, even in her former religion, that Messiah was to come, which is called Christ.

[14:50] When he is come, he will tell us all things. And Jesus says unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

[15:01] And when this Jesus who is not revealed to you in his flesh, but by faith we see him and revealed to you by the spirit, then he speaks to your heart.

[15:19] And that voice of the good shepherd of the sheep is as quite as effective as it was in the case of this woman. And faith is given you to believe.

[15:33] This is the voice of the Son of God. And he speaks to you through the preaching of the gospel. It is the proclamation of the good news of salvation to sinners.

[15:48] And it will exhort a precious Christ. And he will tell you all things that ever you did. Those days of unregeneracy.

[16:01] When you were seeking the things of this world. When you were seeking the vain pleasures. When you had no thoughts of eternity.

[16:12] No thoughts of a never dying soul. And where it was going to spend eternity. We look upon the poor things in this sinful land of ours.

[16:24] And God's judgments are in the earth. Because of men's sinfulness. And women's sinfulness. And these dreadful judgments.

[16:36] This dreadful disease. That is plaguing the nations of the earth. And it's all by reason of sin. And man makes excuses.

[16:49] And man covers it up. And man tries to compassionate sinners. That are living in sin. But all my friends.

[17:00] They will be subjects of the wrath of God one day. If they repent. If they repent not. And believe the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

[17:10] And what a mercy dear friends. If you have been directed to this man. He has told you.

[17:22] He has told you all things that ever you did. He has brought to your remembrance by his spirit. Those former things. Those things that you have carried out.

[17:35] Those things that you have carried out in your life. That are a stain upon your conscience. Those things that he causes to rise in your heart.

[17:46] When he reminds you of what you did. And how you had broken his commandment in it. And he called you.

[17:59] To cause you to weep. And to mourn. And even to have desired. Yes friends. To have desired. To have had your life over again.

[18:12] That you might have made amends for this or that sin. Oh how they are brought to your remembrance. And how you have to confess them before God.

[18:23] How you weep over them. And regret that you ever did. Said or thought this. Evil thing. Well my friends.

[18:34] It wouldn't be any different. If you or I had our lives over again. We should still be sinners. Because we were conceived in sin. Born in sin shape and in iniquity.

[18:48] But blessed be God. There is a way of escape from the wrath of God. And it's through this man. That receive his sinners.

[19:01] He came not to call the righteous. But sinners to repentance. Think of the self-righteous Pharisees. That there were in his day.

[19:11] And there are still dear friends in the land. Those that are resting on their own opinion. And oh there are many opinions dear friends.

[19:25] In man's sinful mind. But there is only one right way. And that is. As the truth declares unto you and me.

[19:36] In your search. Those scriptures I believe. As grace is given. That you might know the right way. And it will all be. Through the merits of Jesus Christ.

[19:49] And so. You have heard the truth. In the letter. And you like this woman. You might say. That. When.

[20:01] I know that Messiah cometh. Which is called Christ. When he is come. He will tell us all things. Now Jesus set unto her eye. That speak unto thee and pay.

[20:12] I am not inferring. That any of you. Have sinned in the way. This woman has. But this is an example. That we have in God's word.

[20:25] And it is. To make you and me. To realize. A believer. As the spirit seals it upon your soul. That you and I. Cannot cast a stone.

[20:37] At this woman. But like that other woman. And taken in adultery. The matter is this. He didn't condemn her. But he said this.

[20:48] Very plainly. Go and sin no more. She would sin. Yes. But not in that manner. That was forbidden of him.

[21:00] And where the voice of a king is. There is power. As he tells you to come. Out of this or that sin. To forsake this sin.

[21:12] And seek to be led. Into that narrow way. Few there be that find. There be a striving. Mind you. In your experience and mind. To enter into the straight gate.

[21:24] A striving. To labour. To enter into that rest. That remaineth of the people of God. God. You know. We should never escape.

[21:35] God's wrath. It would that I could ponder. These things more. You know what it is. Some of you friends. To meet up with the worldly.

[21:48] And how we can soon get caught up. In their conversation. Even though. We might not. To be left. Dear friends. To their dreadful language.

[21:59] But you are caught up with them lawfully. You meet with them lawfully. In your lives. But oh how you need to be delivered from them.

[22:11] And have more of this felt. A realisation. That you are a sinner. And that you need the love. And the blood. And the righteousness.

[22:21] Of this man. That came. Into the world. To save sinners. Of whom. You and I feel to be chiefest. And to look to him.

[22:33] As that chiefest. Among ten thousand. That altogether lovely one. Do you see a suitability in Christ? You know there was nothing here.

[22:47] To show to this woman. That he was the only begotten son of God. Full of truth. Until he spoke. Until he spoke.

[23:01] Until he told her all things that ever she did. And so it is with you and me. That this word of truth that we have before us.

[23:12] The Lord must speak to us through it. He must reveal himself to us in it. Otherwise. There will be none more. Than perhaps.

[23:24] A nice story. A belief in your soul. That is the word of God. But you want it applied to your heart. Sealed upon your soul.

[23:35] He says. The hour cometh. And now is. When the true worshippers. Shall worship the Father. In spirit and in truth. For the Father seeketh such to worship him.

[23:51] All to be a true worshipper. To fall at his feet. To hear his voice. Say unto you and me. Fear not.

[24:03] For I have redeemed thee. I have called thee by thy name. Thou art mine. And so this woman. My friends. Had an effectual conversion.

[24:15] By the spirit of the law. These things. Were taken. I believe. As Jesus spoke. By the spirit. And sealed upon us. So. There must be of necessity.

[24:28] In our work. In our. In our callings. Dear friends. The work of the Trinity. In unity. There is nothing done.

[24:39] Without the other. God the Father. God the Son. And God the Holy Ghost. But all power. Is given unto. The Holy.

[24:51] The blessed. Jesus. And he has promised. That he will send the Holy Comforter. And we see him today.

[25:02] By reason of our sinfulness. Our slackness. Our backslidings. We seem to have grieved. The spirit of God.

[25:13] For there is a great withholding. As you. And I. Are doubtless aware of. There are not those. Former visits. That we once.

[25:23] Have felt we had had. There is not that. The sweetness. That we have so longed for. Of the streams. That have flowed out.

[25:33] So freely. In times past. From the river of God's love. God. But you see. It is a proving. A present. Of the trial of your faith.

[25:45] It is a trial of your faith. God. Come see a man. He is still that same man. That still rules and reigns in heaven.

[25:58] Friends. And though there seems to be a hiding of his face. A withholding of his power. In our day. He is still the same.

[26:09] Yesterday. Today. And forever. And this is our only heart. That he will yet condescend to come. And revive. Our drooping spirits.

[26:19] And come. And say unto our souls. Once again. Or even for the first time. If need be. Say unto our souls.

[26:30] I am thy salvation. Or then to have that true worship. Of Jesus Christ. That we might know him.

[26:42] As that anointed one of God. That came. And trod this earth. And that performed those many miracles. That we read.

[26:54] If the books had been written. Concerning all those miracles. They would have filled the world. Think of the miracles then.

[27:08] That he must have performed. In his short ruling in the earth. And going up and down. Doing good. Healing the sick. The haught.

[27:19] The lame. The maimed. And the blind. Now you and I in effect. Are just. As much infirmed. By reason of our sinfulness.

[27:30] As the haught. The lame. The maimed. And the blind. Tis Jesus alone. Can say to you. Rise up. Take thy bed and wall.

[27:42] Or in other words. Son. Thy sins are forgiven thee. Or daughter. Thy faith has saved thee. Go in peace. You see this woman.

[27:54] Was given that gift of faith. That she might believe. Come see a man. And she wanted to tell others. And if the Lord my friends.

[28:07] Has told you all things. That ever you did. Then. Then. Then. These are the qualifications. To tell others. You have nothing to bring.

[28:19] That sounds good. And pleasing to man. But you come. And you confess your sins. And you come.

[28:29] And you say this. Come. See a man. Come. Come. All ye that fear my name. And I will declare. Unto you. What he hath done.

[28:41] For myself. What hath he done. For ourselves. We do well. To examine ourselves. To see whether he has done anything. It will be unforgettable.

[28:54] It will be unforgettable. If the Lord has done anything. For your soul. It may be. Only an aching void.

[29:05] But it will be unforgettable. You may not feel the sweetness. Of it now. Or the power of it. But it will be an unforgettable. Thing in your life. When the Lord.

[29:17] Came where you are. Pricked you in the conscience. Made you to plead. If not audibly. Secretly for mercy. Caused you.

[29:28] To have a falling tear or two. Softened your heart. And made your spirit mean. Or has he revealed himself to you.

[29:40] The time will come. When. You will not be able. To hide your light. Under a bushel. For the very stones. Will cry out. Those unforgettable times.

[29:54] When the Lord. Distressed you. With that realization. Of what a sinner you were. And are. In the sight.

[30:04] Of the pure and holy eyes. Of your gracious God. That created you. And the heavens and the earth. And he will solemnly.

[30:16] Awaken you. To the solemn truth. That the soul that sinneth. It shall surely die. What a dreadful end.

[30:26] There must be. To the wicked friends. But what a mercy. If you have had. Those moments of sorrow. Here below. Some men's sins.

[30:38] Are open before them. They have gone. Dear friends. Before them. That they have confessed. Their sins. Before the father's throne.

[30:49] Why? Because. He hath told you. By his spirit. All things. That ever you did. And you humbly hope.

[31:01] You can say. To others. In that right time. Come. All ye that fear God. And I will declare.

[31:12] What he hath done for myself. What hath he done. Expose to you. Your sins. And you will be shamefaced.

[31:23] Before him. You will blush. And be ashamed. To lift up your face. Before God. If you have had this conviction. Of sin. And what a painful path.

[31:36] It will be. But see here friends. There is one. That has shown you that. And though it has left. An indelible. Unforgettable.

[31:47] Experience. In your heart. There is one. That you will be seeking. First. And seeking to know.

[31:59] And seeking to hear. His voice. As you are given. Faith to believe. That he can even. Save unto the uttermost.

[32:09] All those that come. Unto God by him. And what a precious name. Is the name of Jesus. To a sinner in distress.

[32:23] A guilty. Weak and helpless. Worm. That is where you will be. And when the Lord. The Lord convinces you. Of your sinnership. When he awakens you.

[32:34] From that dead form. Without the power. And he brings down. Your heart. With labor. And you fall down. And there is none. To help. And you cry unto him.

[32:48] And what does he do. He shuts out your prayers. And you get lower. And lower. In your felt feelings. And you say. Can God.

[32:58] Ever dwell here. And yet. This woman. My friends. As her sins. Were exposed. Before her. That Jesus.

[33:09] Has said. Unto her. Whosoever. Drinketh. Of the water. That I shall give him. Shall never thirst. And so.

[33:21] You'll be. Amongst those. That are hungering. And thirsting. For a. A sip. From the wells. Of salvation. Living water. The promises.

[33:33] Sealed. Upon your soul. And that faith. To believe. And that you might. Been able. To tell. All those around.

[33:45] What a dear. Savior. You have found. Point. To his. Redeeming. Blood. And say. Behold. The way to God. As some have come.

[33:55] That way. They've pointed. To their only heart. The vilest. Sinner. Out of hell. That lives.

[34:06] To feel. His need. Is welcome. To the throne. Of grace. The saviour's. Blood. To plead. And so. There'll be that. Pleading.

[34:17] By you. And me. At the throne. Of grace. And I believe. While we live. We should know. What that. A conviction. Of sin. Is. Daily.

[34:29] To feel. Yourself. Undone. Will make you. Haste. To kiss. The sun. And on thy knees. For pardon. Sheer. Or to feel.

[34:41] This daily. Repentance. All to feel. This daily. Morning. Over your sins. And yet. All the while. That eye.

[34:52] Looking to Jesus. Who alone. Is able. To reveal. Himself. To you. As the living. Christ. The living.

[35:03] Christ. The anointed. One of God. That ever liveth. To make intercession. For you. And such. A poor sinner. As may. As may.

[35:13] And so. We would be found. Amongst those. That believe. That Jesus. Is able. And it will be.

[35:24] Dear friends. That you and I. Will be found. A miracle. Of grace. It will be a miracle. To everyone. That is saved.

[35:35] By grace. It's not. Of him. That willeth. Or of him. That runneth. But God. That showeth mercy. And your smite.

[35:45] Upon your breast. I believe. At times. With the prayer. The publican. For God. To be merciful. To you. A sinner. God. And all.

[35:56] My friends. What a privilege. To have. Though this is a sorrowful path. To walk out. When the Lord. As I say. Unforgettably.

[36:08] Reveals to you. Your sinner. Sheer. I believe. You'll live. To praise. And bless. God. As revealed. In Christ.

[36:18] For his great goodness. And his mercy. That he should ever. Have a favor. A favor. A favor. A favor. A favor. Because it is a favor. To have this.

[36:29] True conviction. Of sin. And to be told. And brought. To your remembrance. Of all things. That ever. You have done. Evil things. Wicked things. Dreadful things.

[36:41] The whole catalog. Of sins. That is recorded. Against your name. And mine. He has taken it. Out of the way. And to this purpose. He came into the world.

[36:53] That he might. Satisfy. The just demands. Of the holy law. Oh then. What a mercy. To be looking.

[37:04] To this Jesus. Jesus. But we see. Jesus. Who was made. A little lower. Than the angels. For the suffering.

[37:14] Of death. As none. Could conquer. Sin. And death. And hell. Friends. About this. Mighty. Saviour. Jesus Christ.

[37:26] This. Is that. Faithful. Then. An acceptable. Saying. That he. That he. Came into the world. To save sinners. And he. And he. Hath put. All.

[37:37] In. Subjection. Under him. All things. That have been put. Under him. All. All. All. Then. For grace. To be submissive. To this.

[37:49] Mighty. Mighty. Saviour. He. Assumed. Human. Nature. That he. Might. Satisfy. The just. Demands. Of the law. Ye.

[37:59] Know. The grace. Of our. Lord. Jesus. Christ. That though. He. Were. Rich. For your. Sakes. He. Became. Poor. That ye. Through his. Poverty.

[38:10] Might. Be. Made. Rich. And what. A mercy. This is. And. In that. He. Died. He. Died.

[38:21] Unto sin. Once. And in that. He. Hath. Been. Raised. He. Hath. Been. Raised. Into heaven. And.

[38:33] He. Will. Raise. Each. And every. Son. And daughter. Of God. To heaven. At last. What a mercy. Even this. Vile.

[38:43] Sinful. Woman. And you. And I. Cannot. Cast. Any. Stones. At her. Can we. Mind you. We shall not. License. Sin.

[38:54] We shall not. Wrap up. Sin. And we. Are. Exhorted. How to. Deal. With sin. When one. Another. Sin. But the.

[39:04] Lord. My friends. Does. Rime. And he. Says. Whosoever. Drinketh. Of the. Water. That I. Shall. Give him. Shall. Never. Hirst. Do you.

[39:15] And I. Believe this. These living. Waters. Have you. Had a sip. Have you. Received. A crumb. Of mercy. Has the Lord. Dropped a word. In other words. In your heart.

[39:27] And mine. He said. Except. You eat. My flesh. And drink. My blood. You have no life. In you. What is that? Faith. In the. Precious.

[39:37] Promises. And the Lord. Takes those. Promises. And seals them. You see. The word. Is made. Flesh. The word.

[39:48] Was made. Flesh. And dwelt. Amongst. Us. And we beheld. His glory. As the only begotten. The father. Full of grace. And full of truth.

[40:00] Come. The invitation. Of this woman. The invitation. Of an equally. Sinful man. Before you.

[40:11] Tonight. Come. See a man. That told. Me all things. That ever I did. I look back now.

[40:22] Thirty odd years. As a serviceman. In a little billet in water. Sunday morning. And no worship for me.

[40:33] I had run away. From the truth. The Lord. My friends. Came to that billet. He put an aching void.

[40:44] In my soul. I vowed before God. If I were brought. Safely home. I would go to the little sanctuary. To be. I would. In my soul.

[40:54] I would. The Lord. Calls me there. To meet. The girl. To become my wife. You don't understand.

[41:07] The love of God. To such a wretch. That he. That he. Turn his back. Upon the truth. Much more. To even.

[41:18] Allow. Such a sinner. To be put. In this office. Of the ministry. My friends. Christ. Is a faithful.

[41:30] High priest. Doubtless. Had prayed. For this soul. That I might not be lost. Now can anything.

[41:40] Dear friends. Be mean. That's worthy. Of our king. To think. That he. Should condescend. To arrest. A sinner.

[41:51] In such a way. Glory to God. Not to man. There's nothing in me. Friends. He spared my life. These many years.

[42:02] We have known those. To fall. Around about us. Cut down. In the prime. Of their lives. But the Lord reigns.

[42:14] What a mercy. Dear friends. To a mean. Amongst these. Wretched sinners. O wretched man. That I am. Who.

[42:25] Shall deliver me. From this body. Of sin and death. I thank God. I hope. I can feel. I thank God. Through Christ. Jesus. My Lord. Come then.

[42:38] Here's the invitation. Of the gospel. Come. To see a man. Which told me. All things. That ever I did. Is not this. The Christ. He is able.

[42:50] Friends. He is willing. Doubt no more. All the fitness. He requireth. In coming to Christ. Is to feel.

[43:00] Your need of him. This he gives you. Tis the spirit. Rising be. And he bids you. And me to come. Come.

[43:12] Come filthy. Come just. As you are. And all that the father. Giveth me. Shall come. Declare. What God has done.

[43:24] For ourselves. Now see. And many more believe. We read. Because. Of the testimony.

[43:34] Of this woman. And many dear friends. Believed. Because of his own word. And the mercy is. To hear.

[43:45] To have heard him. Ourselves. And know. That this is indeed. The Christ. The saviour. Of the world. Or who is a God.

[43:56] Then. Like unto him. That pardoneth iniquity. And passeth by. The transgressions. Of the remnant. Of his heritage. He retaineth.

[44:08] Not his anger. Friend. You may feel. To be. Steeped in trouble. At present. You may feel. God's anger. Has gone out. Against you.

[44:20] We know. What it is. I believe. To find. That the heavens. Is brass. When you have. Committed. Some. Important. Feeling.

[44:30] Trial. Under him. And he seems. To shut out. Your prayer. But the time. Of love. Will come. All for faith.

[44:40] To believe it. There is. That appointed. Time. That shall. Roll on. A pace. Not to propose. But call. By grace. We hope.

[44:52] It was. In our own case. We hope. It will be. In the cases. Of others. That are known. To us. Or how. We need. The Lord. Then. To reach.

[45:02] Forth. His arm. And save. Sinners. Give them. That grace. To repent. And faith. To believe. In his name. For whosoever.

[45:13] Believeth. In him. Shall not. Perish. Or. Tis. Then. That great. Need. In. Our exercises. Is it. Is it. Not.

[45:23] For the spirit. Of truth. To be wrestled. For. And to be wrestled. With. That the spirit. Of truth. Might come down.

[45:34] That we might. Yet see. Dear friends. That work. Of the spirit. Manifested. The fruits. Meet. For repentance. Godly sorrow.

[45:45] Hunger. And thirst. A desire. To win. Christ. And be found. In him. To be. Amongst. Those true. Converts.

[45:55] That shall be. Asking their way. To Zion. With their faces. With their. The war. And to leave. Your water. Paths. Oh.

[46:06] We want. To leave. Our water. Paths. Martha. Careful. And troubled. About many things. Our water. Paths. Our busy. Things. And all.

[46:17] You know. The busy. Scenes. Of life. And it seems. To be. More and more. A busier. World. To live in. Than ever. It was. Before. And all.

[46:27] We never. Seem. To be able. To get. Sufficient. Done. In a day. And yet. My friends. This woman. Left. Our water. Paths.

[46:38] As a more. Important. Matter. The all. Important. Matter. The vital. Knowledge. Of salvation. By grace.

[46:48] The vital. Need. Needs. Be. For godliness. With. A contentment. Which is great. Gave. All.

[47:00] To be. Favored. With this. This real. Godliness. And with contentment. And to be. Taught. The fear. Of the Lord. Come.

[47:11] Leaving. Water. Paths. And all. A mercy. Is. It is. When we are favored. To turn aside. And see. This great. Side. Moses.

[47:22] Turned aside. From his busy. Scenes. To witness. The almighty. Hand of god. In the burning. Bush. Yet it wasn't. Conserved. Or that we might.

[47:33] Know something. Then. Of the power. Of god. And the reviving. Of air drooping. Spirit. The reviving. Of Zion.

[47:44] The revival. Of a real religion. Things known. And felt. In your soul. And mine. That we might. Come. In. These.

[47:54] Under these. Invitations. To come. Unto me. He says. All ye. That are weary. And are heavy laden. And I will give you rest.

[48:06] Take my yoke. Upon you. And learn of me. For I am meek. And lowly of heart. God. And ye shall find rest. For your souls. He that believeth.

[48:18] On the sun. Hath everlasting life. He that believeth. Not the sun. Shall not see life. But the wrath of God. Abideth on him.

[48:29] Yet the truth of God. Is most solemn. The very discriminating words. That I have read to you.

[48:40] Or that we might be. Those sinners. Favoured to have Christ. Meet with us. And talk with us. Those two Emmaus Road disciples.

[48:54] Whose hearts burn within them. When he talked with them. By the way. Oh may the Lord then. Bless yourselves.

[49:05] With this drawing influence. This gracious invitation. To come. See a man. You know.

[49:15] Though he is God. He is manifested in the flesh. Seen of angels. Justified by the spirit. Preached on among the Gentiles.

[49:27] Received up in the. Into glory. Or would you not be. Choosing then. Rather to suffer affliction. With the people of God.

[49:38] Than to enjoy the pleasures. Of sin for a season. Esteeming the reproaches of Christ. Greater riches.

[49:49] Than all the treasures in Egypt. Come. This gracious invitation. May be. For some poor soul tonight. Come. See a man.

[50:00] Which told me all things. That ever I did. Is not this the Christ. May. God then. In that appointed time. Make you willing.

[50:12] In the day of his power. To follow him. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[50:34] Amen. We will conclude by singing in 529, hearing a mock 757.

[50:51] Sweet Jesus, how great is thy love, thy mercy and truth knoweth no things, and all that are born from above shall find their permanent friends.

[51:09] Dear Saviour, enlighten my eyes, that I may the wondrous people contain in the law of the wise, too great and too great to be told, in 529 till 757.

[51:35] O' し George, I Throoney School Jesus, the great inside of Thy mercy and truth have made And all that's a joy from the light

[52:36] Till my day of love and praise Yes, Savior, and the eternal cause And all that's a joy from the light Till my day of love and praise The great inside of The great inside of The great inside of

[53:40] The great inside of The great inside of The Lord has chơi And all that's a joy from the light I grant the stamp.

[54:09] These buildings of stone is devised.

[54:21] I grant the stamp.

[54:34] The power of my Lord We are in sin.

[54:46] In our fear and dreads The hunger of grace We will bless the children Go to play When the healing Is the name Is the name Jesus I know I know I know I know I know The land May be found

[55:49] In the sky How may I declare To be home I'm so jealous of you in every heart.

[56:20] I've gone to heaven, God, in each one.

[56:32] In each one, all I saw, will bear in the sky.

[56:44] I've gone to heaven, God, in each one.

[56:56] In each one, all I saw, will bear in the sky.

[57:14] May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each. Amen.

[57:44] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[57:56] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Fill us off.

[58:08] Thank you.