[0:00] Seeking the Lord's help, I direct your attention this evening to the Prophety of Isaiah chapter 45, reading verses 24 and 25.
[0:12] Prophety of Isaiah chapter 45, reading verses 24 and 25. Surely shall one say in the Lord, Have I righteousness and strength, Even to him shall men come, And all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed.
[0:37] In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, And shall glory. Surely shall one say in the Lord, Have I righteousness and strength, Even to him shall men come, And all that are incensed against him, Shall be ashamed.
[1:01] In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, And shall glory. This prophecy of Isaiah Contains gospel truths Throughout its length and breadth.
[1:28] Here, In this evangelical prophet, Speaks much of the work of Christ.
[1:39] Prophecy upon prophecy relates to him. We see the prophet inspired of God Opening up that which relates to the Lord Jesus Christ And to his work.
[2:00] And our mind goes back to the early chapters. A virgin shall conceive and bear a son And shall call his name Emmanuel, Which being interpreted is God with us.
[2:20] And we read equally, The blessed truth, Unto us a child is born, Unto us the son is given, Government shall be upon his shoulder, And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, The increase of his government and peace, There shall be no end, Upon the throne of David, And upon his kingdom to order it, And to establish it, With judgment and with justice, From henceforth even forever, The zeal of the Lord of hosts Will perform this.
[3:03] And we come in the center of this Blessed prophecy, To the glorious truth of the work of Christ, Despised and rejected of men, Wounded for our transgressions, Bruised for our iniquities, The chastisement of our peace upon him, And with his stripes we're healed, And the blessed truth of the whole of that chapter, He made his grave with the wicked, And the rich in his death, Because he had done no violence, Neither was any deceit found in his mouth.
[3:39] And then in the 63rd chapter, That beautiful word, Who is this, That cometh from Edom, With dyed garments from Bosra, This, That is glorious in his apparel, Travelling in the greatness of his strength, I that speak in righteousness, Mighty to say, Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, And thy garments, Like him that treadeth in the wine-fat, I have trodden the wine-press alone, And the blessed nature of those truths, As they regard the Lord Jesus Christ, And there we come, To this word here before us tonight, Which equally relates to the Lord Jesus Christ himself, Surely shall one say, In the Lord have I righteousness and strength.
[4:33] The glorious certainty, That lies here, In this word surely, And the beautiful opening, Of this section of the prophecy, Look unto me, And be ye saved, All the ends of the earth, For I am God, And there is none else, That, Glorious call, To the children of God, To their only hope, Of salvation, Look unto me, It is, To the Lord Jesus Christ himself, The great saviour of his church, And be ye saved, All the ends of the earth, What a beautiful description that is, Of the dear children of God, My mind goes to the 139th Psalm, Where the psalmist speaking, Of the Lord's people, And the paths they walk in,
[5:35] He speaks there, If I take the wings of the warning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there shall thy hand lead me, And thy right hand shall hold me, Here, Is the description of the, Children of God, At the very, Ends of the earth, And the psalmist, Goes on to speak, In that 139th Psalm, How precious are thy thoughts, Unto me, O God, How great is the, Sum of them, The, People of God are, At the ends of the earth, They are brought, To a place, Where they feel as far off, From their God as they can be, And yet, Will I look unto thee, Said Jonah, Out of the depths of hell, Cried I, And thou heardest me, And this, Sacred word here,
[6:38] Come unto me, Look unto me, All ye, Ends of the earth, From God, And there is, None else, I do ask you here, Have you been brought, To the, Ends of the earth, And here then we have, This, Blessed truth, Spoken of, That, Forms the context, Of this word, I have sworn, Says God, By myself, The word is gone, Out of my mouth, In righteousness, And shall not return, That unto me, Every knee shall bow, And every tongue shall swear, Oh the, Power, The glorious, Ineffable grace of God, That will bring, Poor sinners, In all their rebellion, And darkness, To bow, Before God, And to bow in his presence, And to bow in confession,
[7:39] At his knee, At his footstool, And there, To plead for mercy, And there is here, This precious invitation, Oh what do you know of it, Has the, Lord called you, To his footstool, To look unto him, Has he called you, Into this, Solemn place, The realization, Of his presence, His watchful care, Over you, I'm God, And there is none else, What do you know, Of being brought, To the throne of grace, To bow at that, Mercy seat, In a solemn knowledge, Of your own sin, And the, Darkness of your own heart, And there to come, And bow before God, In confession, Looking, Unto Jesus, The author, And finisher, Of your hope, Every knee, Shall bow, Precious,
[8:40] Truth, It is a divine work, To bring his, Dear children, To bow at his, Footstool of mercy, Now, We come to the words, Of our text, Surely, Shall one side, In the Lord, Have I, Righteousness, And strength, And, For several aspects, Of this word, They've rested on our, Hearts, Frequently this word, Has been with us, There is a, Absolute certainty, In the opening word, There's a glorious truth, That lies here, That, It is as the, Members of Christ's body, Are brought to be, In him, There is so much truth, In this word, In the Lord, We will desire, To speak tonight, Of the, Blessed, Divine nature, Of what it is, To be brought, Into union, With the Lamb of God,
[9:41] And to be, Flesh of his flesh, And bone of his bone, In the Lord, Now, It is, As they're brought there, And only as they're brought, Into that, Living union with Christ, That, What follows, Becomes theirs, And this is possession, Have I, Righteousness, And strength, I tell you this, And I will desire, As the Lord may help me, To look at both, The righteousness, And the strength, That is spoken of here, That it is, The divine strength, Of the, Approbation of God, And his, Blessed, Presence with them, That is spoken of, In this word here, Surely, In the Lord, Have I, Righteousness, And strength, Now, We will desire, To look as the Lord, May help us, At this word, Surely, It is, The word of God, That we have, Before us, It is his, Word,
[10:43] Speaking of his, Mighty work, Of salvation, There is an absolute, Certainty about it, Here lies, The irresistible, Grace of God, And the, Effectual call of God, In the, Hearts of his, Dear children, There is going to be, In the, Heart, Of his, Rebellious children, A confession, One is going to speak, Under, The, Effectual work, Of the Holy Spirit, Made willing, In the, Day of his power, And there is a, Blessed, Work here, To be, Accomplished, We see here, The, Lord's irresistible, Grace, None, Able, To resist, The mighty work, Of God's spirit, That, Effectual call, Look,
[11:44] Under me, Is not an option, It is a, Call of God's grace, Call of God's grace, Calling the sinner, In, From the ends of the earth, Brought under the, Mighty power of God, His light in the heart, To realize their condition, In the light of eternity, And to be brought into, A solemn knowledge, Of their sinfulness, What the Lord, What the Lord, Spoke to, Moses about, Iniquity, Transgression, And sin, To be brought, Into the possession of it, Brought to feel, At the very, Ends of the earth, And then, To hear this, Gracious call, Look under me, And then we, See this, Blessed, Word of God, Surely, I believe this, That when the Lord, Speaks,
[12:45] Then he gives grace, To perform, The divine commandment, And when he says, As he does in his holy word, Fear not, Then he enables, His dear people, To cast care aside, And lean on their guide, He takes away all fear, And when we, See this word here, Before us, Tonight, There is a solemn, Bang before him, And a realization, Of the truth, That lies here, I am God, And there is none else, How many of you, Have been brought, Down, Before God's throne, Under the burden, And weight of your sins, And been brought, To look, Unto Christ, To look unto him, In the, Attitude of confession, That is spoken of here, Surely shall one say,
[13:50] Oh how there is a foundation work, To this confession, There is a pouring out, Of the heart before God, Under a realization, Of his sovereignty, His majesty, His glory, And his power, There is a doing, Business with him, In deep waters, And here I see, Sovereign grace, The Lord's everlasting, Loving kindness, To his dear people, The purpose, For which he came, To care of his cross, The beauty of that word, We have quoted often, They shall come, They shall come, From the north, And the south, And the east, And the west, Will I gather them, And the Lord, Will perfect his own work, The lips, Of the dumb, Shall speak, The ears of the deaf, Shall be opened,
[14:52] And the Lord, Will work, In that day, And there will be a coming, To this blessed place, In the pathway, Of each one of his dear children, They will be brought, To speak, Of what, He has been made to them, And what he has done for them, And in them, Oh what a word this is, Surely, Shall one say, They are going to speak, Of what the Lord, Has done in them, What he has done, For them, What he has given, To them, They are going to come, Under the light, Of this God, Who says, I am God, And there is none else, And they are going, To open their lips, Before their God, And speak, Of their union with him, And what he has done, For them, And what he has given to them, And it will not be like,
[15:56] In the case, Of the children of Israel, When they left Egypt, Not one, Will be left out, Not a hoof, Will be left behind, Whilst this, Verse speaks, Of one, It equally speaks, Of the entire, Church of God, There will be, A confession, Before him, Of their sin, And their fallen, And ruined nature, There will be, Sweet, Communion with their God, At the mercy seat, There will be, An opening of the lips, To speak, How solemn, How solemn, Is the, False religion, It has, So much, To say, It is such a, Solemn curse, There is, So much,
[16:56] That is spoken, That, Will not, Stand before God, And that does not come, Under the, Shadow of this, Glorious truth, Here we see, The reality, Of true religion, Surely, Shall one say, In the Lord, Oh the gracious wisdom, That is given here, Oh the, Union with the Lamb of God, That is spoken of here, Oh the understanding, That there is no strength, And righteousness, Out of him, The operative part, Of our text, Here tonight, Is these, Two words, In the Lord, Oh what do you know, In your heart, Of this, Blessed union, With the eternal, Son of God, The hymn writer says,
[17:58] In that hymn, United, To Jesus divine, I've life, Health, And righteousness too, And this, He will teach me, In time, Without him, I nothing can do, Have you, Any evidence, That you, And your religion, Comes in the compass, Of this word, The Lord, Is speaking here, And he says this, Surely, Shall one say, In the Lord, There is no, Strength, Or righteousness, Outside of this, Glorious union, We must, Be brought, To know him, Whom to know, Is life eternal, We must be brought, To hear, His voice, We must be brought, Down, At his, Footstool of mercy,
[19:00] To, Commune with him, Well did the apostle, Pray that I might, Know him, He longed, To be brought, Into that, Living union, With him, And I believe, It is the work, Of God's spirit, To keep, To keep his dear people, From a bed too short, A covering too short, To keep them, From that, Which will not stand, In that great day, Do not see, That, The Lord, Knows, Those, Who are brought, Into union with him, Did he not, In his own day, Know, So blessedly, When the, Woman touched, The hem of his garment, Who had the issue of blood, Did he not know then, What virtue, Flowed,
[20:01] From him to her, And what precious, Faith in exercise, Had brought her, To touch, The hem of his garment, What a living union, There was, Between them, And, What a blessed word, Came from his lips, To go in peace, I seen, Which of many, Have forgiven thee, He said to so many, Who found a, Living union, With the eternal, Son of God, The woman, At the well of Samaria, What a case she was, Come, Show a man, See a man, That told me, All things that ever I did, Is not this the Christ, The Lord must, Need go, Through Samaria, That she, Might be brought, To the, Footstool of mercy, Surely, Shall, One say, One by one,
[21:01] The Lord, Gathers, His dear people, To himself, And brings them, Into this, Living union, With himself, To know, To know, What it is, For these, Blessed benefits, To flow out, Of this, Living union, As the, Oil, Throws through, The golden pipe, In that, A figure, In the, Book of the Revelation, And there is, As the Lord, As the Lord, As the Lord, Speaks, These words, No shadow of a doubt, In his finished work, When he died, On Calvary's cross, There lies here, His dying word, I have finished, The work, Which thou gavest me to do, It is, Finished, It lies here, Surely, None, Will ere be lost, But, They will come, From the ends of the earth,
[22:03] Looking unto Jesus, The author, And finisher, Of their hope, And they will be brought, Into this, Living union, With him, Graft, Into the vine, And, What a, Glorious truth, Lies there, Have you any hope, That, You lie, In the compass, Of this truth, In the Lord, Then we come to this, Have I, I would speak, For a few moments, On the, This word, Have I, Or what have you got, What, Have you got, In possession, It lies in our text, Here, Is, Possession, It is, What is given, By God, What a mercy, If all your religion, And mine,
[23:04] Has come from God himself, And has been given to us, Well, Did the, Top lady, Pen that word, Nothing, In my hand, I bring, Simply, To thy cross, I cling, Naked, Come, To thee, For dress, Helpless, Fly, To thee, For grace, Foul, I to the fountain, Fly, Wash me, Saviour, Or I die, Have I, It is, Divinely, Given, Given, Possession, We read of it, In so many ways, In God's word, Mine goes, To the, Letter of Paul, To Ephesus, When he wrote, Faith, Is the gift, Of God, Not of works, Lest any man, Should boast, For we are his, Workmanship, Created in Christ,
[24:04] Jesus, Unto good works, Which God, Has before ordained, That we should, Walk in them, When we look, At this, Word here, This evening, By grace, Are ye saved, Through faith, What a blessed truth, Lies here, Have I, It has come, From heaven, Undeserved, Unmerited, Unearned, It is, It is, Given to his, Dear church, And we see, Gracious wisdom, Here, Under the, Light, Of the, Holy Spirit, In the heart, To realize, And understand, That, There is no strength, And no righteousness, That a child of God, Can ever possess, That does not come, From God himself, And from a living union, Of that soul, With him, It is at the,
[25:06] Mercy seat, That blood sprinkled, Mercy seat, That his dear people, Come, To beg, For these gifts, Look unto me, And be ye saved, Or the ends of the earth, They look, In prayer, In wrestling prayer, Their eyes are, Raised to him, In heaven, And, They know what it is, To wrestle, Where Jacob wrestled, I will not let thee go, Except thou bless me, They come, Crying, To God, To bless, Give them these, Blessed truths, Now, Have I, Righteousness, There's a lovely hymn, Redeemed, With Jesus' blood, Redeemed, His beauty, Is called to trace, No angel,
[26:07] Can with it compare, A sinner saved by grace, And I believe this, Until the Lord, Gives that, Precious, Gift of righteousness, Sinner, And until he plunges, The sinner, In that crimson ocean, Made for sin, They will never be able, To speak this, Precious word here, Surely shall one say, In the Lord have I, Righteousness, Look unto me, And be ye saved, All the ends of the earth, The sinner, In all his fallen condition, The guilt, And condemnation, Of sin, Long, For the Lord, To take that, Spotless robe, Of his righteousness, Bunyan, Had such a sight of it, When he, Showed the pilgrim, With his load of sin, Coming,
[27:08] To the cross of Calvary, And, There brought, To see his saviour, Dying for him, And to enter into, The precious experience, Of that load of sin, Falling, From his back, And to hear, The holy ones, Tell him, Thy sins, Are forgiven thee, And to clothe him, With that robe, Of righteousness, And to give him, That scroll, That sacred assurance, That blessed hope, Sealed in his heart, Now he, Penned that, As he did grace abounding, Out of a precious knowledge, Of that fountain, Open for all sin, And uncleanness, In his own heart, And it is such, Who have walked that way, Who have trod that path, Who come here, Under the eternal covenant,
[28:09] Ordered in all things and sure, Which we sang of in our second hymn, Brought, To Calvary's cross, There to know, That precious fainting, Flowing into their soul, Who come within the compass, Of these truths, That are spoken of here, Surely, Shall one say, In the Lord, Have I, Righteousness, And strength, All this, Glorious righteousness, Spoken of in the book of the Revelation, Who are these, Whence came they, And the, Sweet truths, That are in that, Seventh chapter, They show the, Mighty work of God, In the hearts of his dear children, Where we read these words, Who are these, What are these, Which are arrayed in white robes, And whence came they, And I said unto him, Sir, Thou knowest, He said, These are they,
[29:10] Which came out of great tribulation, And washed their robes, And made them white in the blood of the Lamb, Therefore are they, Before the throne of God, And serve him day and night, In his temple, And he that sitteth on the throne, Shall dwell among them, They shall hunger no more, Neither thirst any more, Neither shall the sun light on them, Or any heat, For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne, Shall feed them, And lead them unto fountains, Of living waters, And God shall wipe away, All tears, From their eye, Surely, Oh, in that, Great day, There will be, A holy conjunction, Between the finished work of Christ, In his shed blood, And vicarious death, Upon Calvary's tree, And,
[30:11] Those who are found there, Before his throne, To sing that, Blessed anthem, Recorded in the opening chapter, Of the book of the Revelation, Unto him that loved us, And washed us, From our sins, In his own blood, And here we have a view, Of one child of God, Surely shall one side, And what is true of one, Is true of all, They must come this way, If they are to reach glory, They must, Be in the company, Of the wise virgin, They must, Have their lamp, With a light, And oil in it, They must, Be ready, In that great day, To stand, And close, And in their right mind, Surely, Shall one say, In the Lord, Have I,
[31:13] Righteousness, I tell you this, It must be known now, In time, Here below, It will never be known hereafter, If once, We pass, The Jordan of death, Unprepared, Unready, Then, Our state, Before God, Is this, Lost, Cast out, Banish, I never knew you, A cloak, Of religion, Will not save us, We need, To be brought, Into union, With the eternal, Son of God, We need, To know him, And we need, To have had, Sweet fellowship, With him, In his sufferings, Here below, And be made, Conformable, Unto his death, He was obedient, Unto death, And this is the pathway, His people,
[32:14] Must walk, Surely, Shall one say, It is not left, To the sinner, To decide, For Christ, It is the glorious, Work of God's spirit, To bring, To bring the sinner, To be willing, In the day, Of his power, And to bring, That sinner, To Christ, And when the Lord, Says, Look unto me, All the ends of the earth, It is a sacred, Holy commandment, To which God, Gives, Glorious grace, In the, Fallen and ruined, Condition of the sinner, Yet, With that, Life of God, In his heart, To look, As Bunyan's pilgrim did, Seeest thou, Yonder shining light, I think I do, To wend his way, Under divine direction, To Calvary's cross, There, To enter into that, Glorious, Union, With the eternal, Son of God,
[33:15] Surely, I, Cannot get away, From this word, Surely, It is the hope, Of every, Child of God, That, Sovereign grace, Will land them, Safely in glory, And strength, Oh, What a blessed word, That is, There is such, A glory in this word, Righteousness, Shines in all its glory, The divine, Clothing of his dear, People for heaven, That is the possession, Given by God, To them, In union, With his dear son, And we come, To look now, At this word, Strength, Oh, The, Weakness, Of a fallen, Sinner, Oh, The, Solemn nature, Of his, Utter inability,
[34:16] He, He, He cannot, Do anything good, Not in God's sight, He may do something, In his own, But not in God's sight, The Lord says, Whatsoever, Is not of faith, Is sin, The weakness, Of the sinner, But we read here, In the Lord, He has strength, We spoke, From that word, My grace, Is sufficient for thee, Oh, The strength, Of God, That he gives, To his dear people, In their weakness, The blessed, Strength, Of living faith, To be enabled, To anchor in him, And to be still, And know that, He is God, The blessed, Work of God,
[35:16] In speaking to his, Dear church, In those, Fear not, I am with thee, I am thy God, All the strength, That descends, Into the heart, Of one of God's, Dear children, When he speaks, In their hearts, When he speaks, With his promises, Into their souls, When he applies, His precious blood, In their hearts, All, Their springs, Are in him, They know, No strength, Except, In their God, They can say, With the, Lord's, Dear servant, The apostle, I can do all things, Through Christ, Which, Strengtheneth me, We see it, You know, When Peter, Walked on the water, And viewed the waves, He sank, But when he viewed,
[36:19] The Lord Jesus Christ, He stood on the water, Oh, The strength, We think, We think so often, Of his weakness, But, I say this, He did stand, On that water, In the strength, Of Christ, Faith, In the only sacrifice, That did, For, Sin atoned, To cast, Our eyes, To fix, Our hopes, On Christ, On Christ, On Christ alone, I have, Walked in, Paths, Of, Great weakness, In my life, Paths, Of great fear, And great temptation, Great darkness, I have, I have known, In my, Own heart, The, Firey furnace, Of fear, And have known, Equally, What it has been,
[37:20] For one, Word of God, To strengthen me, And to bring me, Into, Perfect peace, To bring me, To be utterly, Still in his dear hands, There have been, Most precious times, In my life, When carrying, Heavy burdens, In deep sorrows, The Lord has, Enabled me, To rest in him, And to be still, They are, Most sweet times, Moses, As he came to die, Knew divine strength, He knew, The strength, Of those, Everlasting arms, Underneath, And the, Blessed, Hope in his heart, The eternal God, Was his rescue, And he could, Truly say, In that hour, As he faced eternity, There is none, Like,
[38:21] Unto the God, Of Jeshurun, Who rideth upon the heaven, In thy hell, And in his excellency, On the sky, And you know, That, The man of God, In that, Last chapter, In Deuteronomy, Had a, Very precious sight, Of his God, Happy art thou, He says, O Israel, Who is like unto thee, O people, Saved by the Lord, The shield of thy help, Who is the sword, Of thine excellency, And thine enemies, Shall be found, Liars unto thee, And thou shalt tread, Upon their, High places, Surely, Shall one sigh, In the Lord, Nowhere else, In the, Ever present hell, Of their God, In his glorious, Approbation and peace, In the atonement, In their soul, In the application, Of his precious blood, In their heart, When sin is washed away,
[39:23] Then, Have I righteousness, And strength, Why, When the, Righteousness of God, In the finished work, Of his dear son, Is felt in the, Hearts of his dear people, Oh, What a strength, They walk in, Peace, With their God, Fear, Taken away, They, Are, In able to, Stand, In that hour, And to know, The glorious hell, Presence, Approbation, Blessing, Of their God, I do ask you here tonight, Do you know anything of it, Any, Sweet, Moments, In life's journey, When you have known a little of that, Blood, And righteousness, Of Jesus Christ, And when you could sing that lovely hymn, We have sung together, Jesus, Thy blood, And righteousness, My beauty are, My glorious dress,
[40:25] Mid flaming worlds, In these arrayed with joy, Shall I lift up my head, Surely, Shall one say, In the Lord have I, Righteousness, And strength, Even to him, Shall men come, Lovely word, Even to him, Even to him, Shall men come, Look unto me, And be ye saved, For the ends of the earth, For I am God, And there is none else, There is something very blessed about this, Sinners, At the feet, Of a holy God, Sinners at the feet, Of a holy God, In all his majesty, And unsullied glory, Sinners at the feet, Of a holy God, Whose holy law, Is unalterable,
[41:26] Unchangeable, Even, To him, Shall men come, And how shall they come, They'll come, Through that intercessor, That glorious advocate, That name, Which is above, Every name, That at the name of Jesus, Every knee shall bow, Even to him, Beautiful words, I do ask you, Have you come, Do you know the mercy seat, Do you know what it has been, To plead with him there, Have you been brought, To bow your knee, It is a wonder, What a wonder it was, When the apostle Paul, Was in the street, Called straight, And the Lord, Sent Ananias to him, And he said to Ananias, Behold, He prayeth, What a prayer that was,
[42:30] The Lord put his finger on it, When he spoke to Ananias, There was a man, Who prayed acceptably to God, The apostle, Had uttered many prayers, As a Pharisee, But now behold, He prayeth, Even to him shall men come, He came as a broken hearted sinner, And there he prayed, God, Be merciful to me a sinner, What Lord, What will they have me to do, Ah, Even to him, Shall men come, And all, Here we read it, Are incensed against him, What a word this is, Shall be a shame, Does not that cover the case, Of the Lord's dear servant, The apostle, It does indeed, All that man of God, In the days of his unregeneracy, Truly was incensed, And truly was brought, To mourn over it,
[43:31] He says so, Beautifully, In his, Humble condition, That he was the least, Of all saints, And not worthy, To be called an apostle, And he went further than that, Less, Less, Than the least, Of all saints, Even to him, All that are incensed against him, Shall be ashamed, It's not, The shame, Of the godless, Before God, In the day of judgment, It's something vastly different, I believe, There is something, Akin to this, In the word, In which, We read of the men, Who nailed him to the cross, They shall look upon him, Whom they pierced, And they shall mourn, It is so, In every one, Of his dear people's hearts, But I, My mind has been drawn, My attention to, The Lord's prayer, Father forgive them, For they know not,
[44:32] What they do, As he dies, And that word, They shall look upon him, Whom they pierced, And they shall mourn, Was it the very men, Who nailed him there, Who were brought down, In sorrow, And are now in glory, We know not, Even the centurion, Said surely, This is the son of God, And we see it here, They shall be ashamed, And then, Finally, The last part of this, In the Lord, We're back again, Aren't we, With the part of our text, In the Lord, Shall all, The seed of Israel, Be justified, And shall glory, Oh, We read of it, In Paul's epistle, To the, Romans, In the, Fifth, Third chapter, I believe it is, Being justified, Freely, By, By, His grace, Through, The redemption,
[45:33] That is in, Christ Jesus, Blessed truth, In the Lord, Shall all, The seed of Israel, My mind goes, To Abraham, The Lord said to him, I'm thy shield, And thy exceeding, Great reward, All, All that, Glorious truth, How, The Lord, Was the shield, Of his dear, So, As we read of it, In the 91st Psalm, He that dwelleth, In the secret place, Of the most high, Shall abide, Under the shadow, Of the almighty, That's Christ, And here we see, Christ, In this, Promise to Abraham, I'm thy shield, And in this, Thy exceeding, Great reward, And here we see it, In our text, In the Lord, Shall all the seed, Of Israel, Be justified, That is, Where,
[46:34] That mighty work, Is accomplished, In the finished work, Of Christ, Being justified, Freely, Have by his grace, Through the redemption, That is in Christ Jesus, In the Lord, Redeemed, By, Jesus' blood, Redeemed, Here, Is the, Mighty work, Of justification, Where God is, Just, And, The justifier of him, That believeth, In Jesus, In the Lord, Shall, All the, Seed of Israel, Shall be justified, And, Shall glory, He, Giveth, Grace, And, Glory, Though, How we see it here, His, Blessed work, Ending in glory, Surely, Shall one say, There is going to be, A confession of him, Before,
[47:34] The majesty, And holiness of God, A sinner, In the possession, Of this, Glorious, Salvation, And, There is going to be, A bringing of that, Justified one, To glory, To be with Christ, Forever, Surely, Shall, One say, In the Lord, Have I, Righteousness, And strength, In the Lord, Shall all the, Seed of Israel, Be, Justified, And, Shall glory, And one final word, In that second verse, All, All the seed of Israel, Beautiful words, Describing, The whole election, Of grace, In thee, And in thy seed, That is Christ, Shall all the nations, Of the earth, Be blessed,
[48:37] Amen.