Hope in Christ for time and eternity (Quality: Very good)

Attleborough - Jireh - Part 38

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Oct. 29, 2006


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[0:00] Now, there may be some here this morning that weren't with us on the Lord's Day past, that is, a week ago. But I tried then to preach from the 19th and 20th verses in the sixth chapter of the epistle of Paul to the Hebrews.

[0:21] That word has remained on my spirit. And as the Lord helps me, I want to continue in meditation with you today on the 19th and 20th verses in the sixth chapter of the epistle to the Hebrews.

[0:41] Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil, whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.

[1:09] I really finished rather abruptly in preaching on the Sunday evening last Lord's Day because the time was spent.

[1:32] but I realized that in saying what I did, even about the anchor coming to a conclusion, that there was much more to be said than I had time to say.

[1:47] And these verses have remained on my mind through the week and I venture with the Lord's help to address you again from this same portion of the word of God, which in the fullness of it is pregnant with so much teaching.

[2:10] As far as I'm concerned, I venture to scratch the surface. But the volume of application is profound and forever.

[2:30] Now, just to look back at the preceding verse, that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation which have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.

[2:57] What a mercy to be in that situation where we want a good hope for eternity.

[3:13] Look at the expenditure of effort that goes in to a hope for time. If you may see the parents taking their children along to the school, surely the motive behind the effort is they want their child to be possessed of things needful for this present life.

[3:45] They take them along to school in hope that the senior educationists present will communicate to them certain things that are beneficial to the unfolding of the life that is before them.

[4:05] And some of us, we didn't have a great education, but we can now look back over life and see the measure of education has helped us along the journey and we've been enabled under the blessing of God to attend to those things that God had ordained to be the pattern of our life here below.

[4:29] Some have advantages in one direction, others have advantages in another direction. Society is full of talent necessary to maintain it in the good providence of God while time shall endure.

[4:48] And my friends, it's good to think that in the next generation following on behind us, God is preparing people to occupy the multitudes of positions and conditions that are necessary on the face of the world that the world should continue providentially.

[5:13] But oh, how much more serious is the eternal welfare of the soul and how sick and sad we feel at the generation through which we're passing now that the things of the spirit are being set aside while so much money and effort is being contributed to the well-being for time which is so limited, so limited.

[5:50] I can say as a man who's now in my 80s that life has gone in a flash. It's just the speed with which time is spent is sometimes overwhelming and I can talk back now to my school days and I was as much in need of education as any other person that ever lived but you know it doesn't seem long since I was at school and then when I come to start work and pursue some interest for the future as was calculated to be in those days and I feel I have benefited by my initial occupation I was a solicitor's clerk and went into an office of solicitors in Coventry and I learnt much of the way to express oneself in word and you know writing legal documents and so on and engaged in that sort of thing has been very helpful to me because you have to be careful as a preacher communicating through pen and through preaching the way you as it were convey the meaning of different things to the people that are present to listen then I think of my army days

[7:31] I talk about 60 years ago 60 years ago and it seems sometimes as I reflect upon certain incidents it seems like yesterday last autumn my wife and I went over to Northern Ireland and I was billeted in a hotel on the front of a seaside resort in Northern Ireland and you know we went back to look at the places and visit the different interesting places that one was called to occupy when a soldier and you know it seemed like a yesterday that I was there but 60 years it's gone where's it gone it's gone it's taken wings and it's flown look time is a vapor it appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away don't lose sight of it don't waste time because time is precious it needs redeeming redeeming the time for the days in which we live are evil or the multitudes of alternative interests that are set to captivate our thoughts and carry them away into which category the broad road that leads to destruction my friends it's a wonderful thing if God by his sanctifying grace has sobered us to think beyond time to eternity when our souls will be settled in one of two places one incomprehensible and unspeakable joy through the goodness and grace of

[9:35] God in Jesus Christ and the other unspeakably terrible for the awful loneliness the awful situation which carries in it by the by the wisdom and perfection of God to indicate our evil disregard of God's will and the requirements of his holy law which he has given to us to consider oh and to turn away from the gospel the only way of salvation to choose everything but and die in perfect poverty without any any hope of acceptance with God having spurned away any thought and interest in the gospel of salvation through

[10:45] Jesus Christ oh what a wonder what a wonder of wonders in this wicked world is a is face to believe to the salvation of the soul well now which hope we have that by two immutable things that's in God himself in the which it was impossible for God to lie we might have a strong consolation who fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us the hope of salvation and my friends what a wonderful thing to be enabled in faith to lay hold of the hope that is set before us the refuge for sinners that the gospel makes known it is found in the merits of Jesus alone what think he of

[11:53] Christ your honest answer before God would indicate to my mind which road you're in at the present of the two roads the narrow road that leads to heaven or the broad road that leads to destruction oh my friends I'm sent to warn warning every man and teaching every man is the responsibility of preachers if we just as it were taught the one side without the other side we would be failing God and we would be failing your right to hear the gospel from a professing gospel preacher well now which hope we have yes we've taken our refuge some of us here this morning in the

[12:57] Lord Jesus Christ and he alone is our hope that God has set before us he's set before us throughout his word he's set before us in the ministry of the gospel to which we have been brought as children have been brought as teenagers have been brought as young people have been brought right through the pilgrimage till now you know if you said to me what is it that means more to you than anything else I could answer it in this it's the hope that is set before me you know it's the last thing I'd want to lose it's the last thing

[13:59] I'd want to lose because it's the most precious thing I'm possessed of a hope of salvation to be in glory with the redeemed people of God forever and forever and forever what a what a what a wonderful wonderful gift is the gift of salvation what it cost God to give it to us nothing that was essential to it he he withheld from us I was going to say the last thing surely we can consider him parting with was when he sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him well now which hope we have we've got it in possession as an anchor of the soul now I mentioned in closing last

[15:03] Lord's Day evening that when a ship is in trouble and they decide to cast the anchor to seek as it were to resist the buffeting of winds and waves to some degree on the vessel itself it's anchored it's made steady it's not blown against the rocks and torn as it were to pieces with the winds you remember in the Acts of the Apostles we have a history of Paul being on a vessel as he was going to Rome and they did everything the sea mariners did everything to lighten the ship and so on but it was God's decree that it should be smashed against the rocks not a soul was lost were they some on boards some swam and others on broken pieces of the ship but they all got saved to land now that's the church of God that's the church of

[16:24] God everyone that God has chosen to salvation will get to heaven when they die the hope which we have the anchor of the soul now let's come back to that point the anchor of the soul look a seaman casts his anchor over the side and down it goes and it goes down to the very bed of the sea and the anchor is so made and I said this last Sunday that it's got two spades on the ends of it and those spades one of the spades digs into the seabed and steadies the ship but my friends the simile doesn't altogether hold does it because the simile suggests that the anchor sinks our anchor rises our anchor rises we cast anchor within the veil into heaven itself you see which hope we have as an anchor of the soul yes the anchor is steadies it prevents as it were the storm from destroying us and the hope of the people of

[17:58] God is the only thing that prevents them looking into eternity to come in anticipation of destruction what are you doing have you cast your anchor within the veil is it what God has decreed is what the wisdom of God has provided the power of God has brought down to this sin ruined earth a means whereby sinners can be saved my friends if our little anchor is cast in anything solely associated with time and time things this world the hope that centers in this world and the accomplishments of the flesh and the ability as it were to rise to positions of fame that's not going to save us from destruction that's not going to save us because there is none other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved faith in

[19:17] Jesus Christ his salvation it's the only thing that can prevent us from the just destruction that we deserve by reason of our rebellion against God and his word and his ways we're enemies enemies we're enemies in the flesh and everything that associates with our flesh purely our flesh generates to our destruction but my friends it's a hope that's anchored on something outside of ourselves above ourselves the anchor of the soul or have you cast anchor in a precious Christ have you sometimes felt so dreadful as you've reviewed certain thoughts works and ways of which you have been indulged in the flesh and you've come to this conclusion and I think I quoted it last Sunday but obey the repetition oh wretched man that I am who shall save me deliver me from the body of this death

[20:47] I thank God through Jesus Christ my Lord Paul was casting his anchor wasn't he he was casting his anchor have you ever thanked God for Jesus Christ when yes there's everything inside of you and everything associated with you is worthy the promotion of despondency you can't see how you can escape the wrath of God because of your sins in all your efforts in all the applications of your works and ways no no help in self I find though oft have sought it well the native treasure of my mind is sin and death and hell to Christ I fly casting anchor in that which is above beyond the reach of Satan to harm beyond the reach of

[21:48] Satan to destroy all the influences of our fallen flesh can't separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord now which hope we have as an anchor of the soul and my friends Christian experience is continually as it were pulling on that anchor pulling on that anchor yes yes and what seems to be the chain the chain between the vessel and the anchor that's cast within the veil what is the chain God's holy word thou hast promised thou hast said we come pleading the word of

[22:49] God a word that God will always honour that God will by two immutable things yes his word is faithfully accomplished in every single case which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure both sure or nothing can be more sure than the word of God because God honours his word faithfully isn't it wonderful to be led by the spirit into a thus saith the Lord look look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for

[23:52] I am God and there is none else and some people would as it say you need more than a look you need more than a look and the devil will tell you you need more than a look my friends if your eye is singly looking toward the Lord for your soul salvation God by his grace has stripped you of every false confidence and settled your mind and spirit on that one way that only way by which sinners are accepted into the presence of a most holy yet ever gracious God come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest that's God's word that's God's word oh you are laboring because you're sin sick you're heavy laden because with all your best results you fail you fail yes your weakness is so copious that to trust anything upon your own arm is doomed it's doomed salvation is of the

[25:22] Lord and all that I could impress that more and more sinners looking unto Jesus sinners call upon me in the day of trouble and I will hear thee and thou shall glorify me oh sometimes have you ever gone in your room and closed the door and called upon the name of the Lord all right you say well it's a fool that would feel he'd got to water his heart with words my friends I've shouted physically as a true expression of my heart needing the Lord which hope we have as an anchor of the soul and my friends an anchor is not something of temporary value it's not a transient cure to the temptations and unbelieving fears and wretched questionings that beset us oh my friends if your anchor is cast in

[26:43] Christ you're on good ground sure and steadfast sure and steadfast two words that indicate absolute safety absolute security and this is the hope of Israel an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast and which entereth into that within the veil you know he goes on whither the forerunner is for us entered even Jesus Jesus when he finished his work to salvation when he paid the penalty for the sins of his people when he came to that glorious exclamation which is it as it were is the seal of the satisfaction required of him by his father in heaven he shouted it is finished he brought a sure and steadfast foundation for hope that hope that centers in him his righteousness his finished work his shed blood his terrible experiences as he suffered here below the surety of his people paying the price to the uttermost father that the whole church of

[28:34] God should be redeemed from their sin and presented faultless before the throne on high forever and forever well now there's a question isn't it which hope we have as an anchor of the soul an anchor of the soul can you say from your heart this one Lord thou knowest and it's wonderful if you can go on in the language dear Peter who said Lord thou knowest that I love thee and I believe if your anchor is truly within the veil there's an exercise of love in your heart that prompts or promotes your thanksgiving what what is worthy of more thanksgiving than God providing us with a hope for eternity nothing can compare in value with it can they which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast if you've cast anchor in Christ by the exercise of faith that worketh by love and I believe every blood washed sinner will love the Lord

[30:12] Jesus Christ for his willingness to come his condescension in every respect his humiliation in so coming fancy the one that was involved in the creation of the world should be willing to be formed in the womb of a virgin by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit of God that he may have in union with his Godhead our manhood Emmanuel God with us my friends it's a tremendous condescension isn't it tremendous condescension and he willingly did it he willingly undertook to come he wasn't here under as it were the duress of the requirement of his father in the exercise of oppression he was here in absolute willingness to do what had to be done to save his people from their sins and my friends he saves to the uttermost all that come unto

[31:31] God by him which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast oh you change sometimes you may be in a solid firm hope that it is well with your soul but the winds of temptation and the misgivings of your heart as you are compelled to recognize your unworthiness afresh by sin taking hold of you and you falling a prey to the condemnation of that sin again but my friends the chain holds the word of God speaks of a perfect salvation for sinners he saves to the uttermost beautiful truth isn't it beautiful truth no sin has the power to separate from God from his people or his people from their

[32:45] God it's a union from eternity and to eternity decreed by the most high who reigns to accomplish his foreordained pleasure his will from all eternity an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast which entereth into that within the veil now what do we find within the veil we find three persons of the ever-blessed trinity remember it was only the high priest that was allowed to enter into the holy the the presence of God with the ark he went in once a year and we read in our lesson this morning he went in once a year to sacrifice first for himself and then for the people but my friends the Lord

[34:09] Jesus Christ has gone within the veil he's in the very presence of his father on high within the veil he doesn't need to have a sacrifice concerning himself in the way that the priest did because he was sinless he was sinless he went through all that he did go through without one blemish on his whole person relative to the law of his father I do always those things that please him God can look at Christ anywhere on the journey through life whether it be at his baptism or whether it be on the mount of transfiguration and he can say this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased and to say it Christ's perfect obedience was vital to the truth of it the sinless one but he went into he goes into the very presence of God with his sacrifice the sacrifice of himself and the sacrifice of himself was that which his father required for the forgiveness of the sins of all that the father gave into his hands to redeem there's no possibility of any chosen vessel of God perishing because

[35:56] Christ is in the presence of his father having paid the price of their sins and clothing them in his righteousness that they may be acceptable to the father forever and forever and forever sure and steadfast sure and steadfast steadfast as we journey on through this life steadfast when we come to the time and place that God has appointed we shall leave this world for the next steadfast oh God won't change our whole situation will change in that we shall leave this body and we shall as it were enter into the realms of the blessed on high yes a complete change but steadfast steadfast the hope of the children of

[37:02] God steadfast until they with their risen Lord go within the veil into the immediate presence of God forever transgressing that yes I must leave the subject I want to whether the forerunner is for our sinners Jesus even Jesus it doesn't say Christ does it here whether the forerunner for our sinners even Jesus his name shall be called Jesus because he shall save his people from their sins and my friends he's there in within the veil with that precious name that breathes a perfect salvation and I was going to say for perfect sinners because from the crown of our head to the sole of our foot we've got nothing to be pleased with and nothing to be acceptable in the sight of

[38:26] God our salvation is in and through him and his merit his life his death and that forever now I hope you've been able to follow I'm not an orderly preacher but these precious truths these precious truths are the foundation of our hope in life in death and for eternity may God grant it to each and every one of us if his sovereign will because my friends the alternative is too dreadful to contemplate the Lord had his blessing Amen connections taken last Lord's Day for the church fund amounted to £295 and for the

[39:32] Jara fund £20 we thank you for your giving subject to the Lord's will there will be a prayer meeting on Wednesday evening Mr.

[39:42] Baumber is engaged to preach here next Lord's Day church members are advised of a quarterly church meeting to take place God willing tomorrow evening to commence at seven o'clock hymn 1106 tune 430 me lovers Aaron me they my my hope is built on nothing left than Jesus' blood and righteousness Amen.

[40:56] Amen. Amen.

[41:56] Amen. Amen.

[42:56] Amen. Amen.

[43:56] Amen. Amen.

[44:56] Amen.