[0:00] Lord may help me and I should attention to Paul's epistle to the Colossians chapter 1 and I'll read verses 12, 13 and 14.
[0:12] Colossians chapter 1 verses 12 to 14. Giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
[0:30] Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins.
[0:54] In reading that 111th Psalm and this first chapter in the epistle of Paul to the church at Colossae there we find essentially the same glorious things set forth.
[1:15] And we find the psalmist giving thanks unto the Lord and desiring to declare and set forth the wonderful works of God.
[1:28] And he particularly touches upon those wonderful works of God both as they were then and still displayed in nature, in providence and essentially in grace.
[1:47] Yes, the works of the Lord are indeed to declare and set forth his greatness as well as his goodness.
[1:59] Why the whole of creation does bear witness and testimony to this, the greatness, the wisdom and the power of our God.
[2:12] And no less so the works of God as manifest in providence, in his dealings, in and with, in the outworking of all his divine appointments with regard to the whole of his creation and in respect to each and every aspect of that creation and surely no less as it is evident in his ways and dealings with men and women and especially so as it concerns his church and his people.
[2:55] It is again as a psalmist expresses it in another psalm, oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men.
[3:09] As I have said, oftentimes the crying sin of fallen human nature is in this, that they do not acknowledge God, neither are they thankful.
[3:25] But though that is sadly and solemnly so, the psalmist has particularly a word addressed as it is, and similarly here with the Apostle, for those whom the psalmist describes as the redeemed of the Lord and as the Apostle is here writing similarly to the people of God, oh he says, let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
[3:58] I mention also many times in the past and that is that if ever a people should be a thankful people, it is sinners saved by grace.
[4:13] Oh, if we are brought to know anything of the saving mercy of God has revealed to us in all that the Lord Jesus Christ is and hath done for us, as the Apostle blessedly sets forth in these words of our text, have we not cause, is it not incumbent upon us to not merely acknowledge the same, but to bear witness and testimony to the wonders of divine grace, of redeeming mercy, of pardoning love.
[4:57] Again, the Apostle Peter reminds us of this when writing as he does to the people of God, to sinners called by grace, abroad, the Apostle reminds us here from under the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of his dear Son.
[5:23] Oh, how it is, not only incumbent upon us, but surely should it not be daily our concern to show forth the praises of him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvellous light.
[5:42] So as I was saying, not only with the psalmist, praising God and declaring his wonderful works, and that particularly regard to the blessings of his grace, as made known in the salvation, the redemption of sinful men and women, even as many as the Lord our God does call, as many as he hath given in that covenant ordered in all things and sure unto his beloved Son.
[6:20] and our friends, though the Church here upon earth, no less so in the generation in which we live, has often been so down at the years as well, is but a remnant in the earth.
[6:39] And yet, let us not forget that as we see the whole gathered in and there around at the throne of God, as the apostle was shown to the apostle John, there in those visions upon the Isle of Patmos, as a number which no man can number out of every nation, kindred, tribe, and tongue from under heaven.
[7:09] Yes, great are the works of our God and surely the greatness of them is seen and manifest in these wonders of his love and of his grace.
[7:25] The apostle then here sets forth the same glorious truths, not only calling our attention to, but surely encouraging us to give thanks unto the Lord for all that he is and all that he hath done.
[7:47] The psalmist again said that the works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.
[7:59] Ah, friends, is there that concern and desire with your soul and mine, not only to hear of these things, ah, but of that wherein, of the blessed teaching of the Holy Spirit, we are brought a very real sense, not only to meditate thereupon, but also to know what it is, believing me, to feed upon the same.
[8:34] Oh, what is that which alone can and does bring a real, a spiritual prophet to your soul and mine, is that which is for not only our enlightenment, but also for our encouragement and consolation, is it not, of what, as, as, as these things, of what the Lord has done, has revealed to us, in the precious truth of the gospel, and made known unto us, to that gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit, and we are brought in the believing realization of this, oh, that not only of what the Lord has done for his church, for his people, glorious as that is, and ever, friends, him to be praised for the same, but oh, is not this, in a sense, the greatest wonder of all, that such a sinner, as you and
[9:46] I, should have a part and interest in the same, that, ah, not only that the Lord Jesus laid down his life for his people, glorious truth, but oh, that has witnessed to our own soul, that he laid down his life for us, ah, that for you, needy, guilty sinner, ah, well, may you say, is it the exercise, the crime of your soul this night, oh, is there, tell me, can there be, hope of mercy, even for me, ah, sure, friend, where such a cry and desire is found, yes, deeply aware as you are, your own undeserving, nothing to earn, of your own, yet, oh, do not lose sight, the glorious truth of this, as our
[10:51] Lord Jesus Christ himself said, I am come, ah, and come for what, and come to seek, and to say, that which is lost, ah, what is sweetly testified there, as we find here, in the language of the apostle, it is, friends, not what the sinner can do, not what we are expected to do, or to even contribute, but, oh, of what God himself, God has revealed, in Jesus Christ, God, as the works are manifest, in the hearts and lives of sinners, that gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit, yes, what our God, and Savior, has both done, and indeed does make known, to the praise of the glory of his name, and ah, surely, friends, it is this alone, that is, and will be a joyful sound, to you and I, ah, as one when expresses it in those words, no other gospel, the only gospel, we can own, sets Jesus
[12:16] Christ, upon his throne, proclaim salvation, full and free, for wretched ruin, as sinners, as such as we, ah, will any other gospel, friends, do for you and I, but that which not tells us, and I say again, what the sinners can do, or even is exhorted to do, but what God in Christ has done, and as that made known, for the blessed power of the Holy Spirit, here, the apostle, friends, draws not only the attention of the brethren there at Colossae, but I trust ours also, and under the blessing of the Lord tonight, we may know what it is, for our hearts to be warmed and moved, and drawn to the Lord, in giving thanks unto his name, in the realization, not both of what he has done, and for that witness of the Holy
[13:25] Spirit, our soul's interest, in the same, ah, it's not this I say again, the vital thing, that one says, an interest in the Saviour's blood, our pardon sealed, and peace with God, well, it is then true, to the church of Jesus Christ, there at Colossae, the apostle was writing, and to them, as sinners, saved by grace, and also, we know that at this juncture, the apostle had not, was not, had not visited Colossae, he had not exercised ministry, there in that place, although, although, though the gospel had obviously been brought and preached amongst them, and Paul makes mention particularly, of Epaphras, of whom,
[14:31] Paul had heard of the grace of God, that was so evident there, but that company, there in Colossae, and for this, the apostle gives thanks, as he declares, all rejoicing, wherever there was the mark and evidence, of the work of God's grace, in the hearts and lives, of sinners, even though he himself, was not necessarily instrumental, in the, either the bringing of the gospel to them, or through the, or through him, that the word was blessed to them, oh, the whole concern of the apostle was this, and friends, may we realize, more of the same spirit, there was there evidenced in Paul, rejoicing, wherever there is the mark and evidence, of the work of God's grace, and desiring, the spiritual prosperity, of those, thus who have been brought, whatever the means may be, and be used, into the saving knowledge of the truth, as it is, in Jesus
[15:52] Christ, and notice here as well, the prayerful concern, the apostle had, for the brethren there, though, in no doubt, he was not personally acquainted, with many of them, and yet, friends, as believers through grace, oh, see here, the prayer, a prayerfully concerned, for them, is the apostle, and oh, to know for ourselves, that enlargement of heart, that truly seeks a welfare, of all that love the Lord Jesus Christ, in sincerity, and in truth, yes, what diversity, of personalities, are there, even amongst, other people, of God, but oh, surely, friends, there is that, of wherein, all can, and do, find, real union, and fellowship, and that is, in that, that is in that grace, that they have, have received, and all, joining in this, to give thanks, unto the Father, with made us meet, to be partakers, of the inheritance, of the saints, in light, and deeply, conscious of this, that we have, nothing, of our own, to commend us, to him, we have, nothing, of our own, to glory him, no, what have we, what had the apostle, himself, to bring, to the Lord, as a word, and any supposed, ground, of access, and acceptance, nothing, of his own, his whole, his whole, was founded, and grounded, upon this, as a sinner, and yet, a sinner, saved by grace, and indebted, to the Lord, and ever, and surely, friends, that is so, with the people, of God still, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh, know how deeply, indebted we are, oh, to realize it, more and more, in all, the soul, humbly, of the sinner, indeed, the sinner, humbly, of the soul, and the Lord,
[18:29] Jesus Christ, exalting, power of the same, in debt, debtors, brethren, we are debtors, oh, all, to the Lord, and to that fullness, and freeness, of his grace, well, to these, brethren here, the apostle, expresses his thankfulness, for the, for what he had heard, the grace of God, that they were partakers of, as he, as he expresses his prayer, for them, as he seeks also, to encourage them still, in that, in the way, and in the continuance, in the, in, in the out walking, of those things, that they had received, and have been brought to believe, and as, and, and, and, and, in the realization, as is here, as he here sets before them, and us, in these words, upon whence all, does proceed, and upon which all, that pertains to the blessings, of salvation, both for them, and for sinners still, through the grace of God, upon,
[19:53] I say, upon which all is founded, and that is, that, the covenant love, of God, of the, the atoning work, of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the glorious power, of the Holy Spirit, in the work, of the regeneration, and calling, of each, and every one, of his own, there are, three words, which surely, friends, are that, which express, the very wonders, of these things, and see how, they are brought, before us, in these verses, and those, three words, of this, love, blood, and power, ah, see here, the wonderful works, of our God, and of which, surely, we are caused, to give thanks, unto his name, for, as both the psalmists, and here again, as I said, with the apostle, and are, are not these, sought out, of all, that have pleasure, therein, oh, friends, can we, attire, of hearing, of these things, is it not,
[21:12] I trust, what is our desire, oh, Lord, evermore, give us, this brain, open up, these things, more and more, to our own souls, oh, may we be, founded, and grounded, in the glorious, truths of the same, and in that, believing, hope, and expectation, of the realisation, of what is thus, a set, set forth, giving thanks, unto the Father, which hath made us meet, to be partakers, of the inheritance, of the saints, in life, notice here, the glorious truth, of our triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is blessedly, a set forth, here, here we have, the, the, the, the, the, the eternal, the electing, love of God, giving thanks, unto the Father, yes, is not, all to be traced up to, all the blessings, of salvation, for sinners, as we are, to be traced up, to this, ah, and oh, friends, what a fullness, is here, traced up to this, the sovereign will, and the good pleasure, of our God, or as the apostle, puts in his epistle, to the Ephesians, the great love, wherewith he loved us, even when, we were dead, in trespasses, and sins, oh, see how all is owned, to that covenant love, of the Father, to the covenant love, of the redeeming work, of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the covenant love, of the Holy Spirit, in the power that is put forth, in the calling, and in the keeping, and in the bringing, of each, and every one, into the realization, of the fullness, of those blessings, of eternal life, to the praise, of the glory, of his name, giving thanks, unto the Father, just touch upon this as well, the beloved, here, of the relationship, of our, of God, as it, regard, to his one, and his true church, ah, let us not forget, that the, that, that, that this relationship, of God, as our Father, which is in heaven, is that, friends, which is, applies, to the children, only, ah, remember the words, of our Lord Jesus Christ, and how, see how, in what he made known, to his disciples, how he testifies, of the blessed reality, of this relationship, and, and surely, friends, one of the blessed fruits, and effects, of that gracious, ministry, of the Holy Spirit, is to bear witness, with our spirit, of the glorious, reality, of this, and of our soul's, interest in it, as Paul writing, to the Romans said, because ye are sons, he has sent forth, the spirit of his son, into your hearts, crying,
[25:07] Abba Father, oh, do we know, the witness of it, we brought there, friends, so, in all our approaches, unto God, it is no presumption, for the soul, taught of the Holy Spirit, we draw near, to God, in the realization, of this, our Father, because, of the inheritance, of the saints, in life, we find here, that all the blessings, of salvation, are traced up, to the very work, of God the Father, to the glorious work, of our Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal son, and to the glorious work, of the eternal spirit, that, that, that made us meet, to be partaken, of the inheritance, of the saints in life, just two things, here briefly,
[26:09] I must touch upon, and they are this, made us meet, and to be partakers, of the inheritance, of the saints in life, what is it, that alone, can and does, fit us, for that inheritance, for the very presence, of God, our friends, will not this, be the greatest, wonder of all, as one well expressed it, wonder, above wonders, to see one, black as I, white, without spot, and blemish, before, the throne, on high, oh, how, how, how, can that, ever be, how, and what, has God done, that, could make, such a, guilty, need, guilty, sinner, thus, meet, for the inheritance, of the saints, in life, ah, surely, here is a work, which no friends, that man, can do, either personally, or combined, ah, for who, can deliver, from the curse, of a broken law, who can, meet, the deep, who can meet, the demands, of divine justice, against, that, against, sinners, as we are, that have, transgressed, the whole, of, the whole, of the law, of God, for remember, he, that offendeth, in one point, is guilty, of all, says the apostle James, and as Paul, reminds us, what a solemn, truth it is, it, that, that there is none, that doeth good, no, not one, all a sin, and come short, of the glory, of God, how then, can such a one, is it not, friends, concern, a deep exercise, with you and I, how can a sinner, black as I, be made meet, for the inheritance, of the saints, in light,
[28:25] God, oh, God hath done it, hath appointed it, hath provided for it, and, and, and wherein, is that, notice, friends, how these questions, were raised, in the two hymns, we've sung, this evening, not only, the question raised, but, oh, the answer given, as well, and it is here, in this, twofold aspect, in, as he says, who hath delivered us, from the power, of darkness, and translated us, into the kingdom, of his dear son, in whom, we have redemption, through his blood, even, the forgiveness, of sins, that is how, God has done it, this is the wondrous work, of God, ah, is redeemed, his people, why the psalm is taught, upon that glorious truth, ah, he hath redeemed us, both by price, and by power, ah, let's say, to that wondrous work, of God, they're accomplished, as it is, in a personal work, work, of our Lord,
[29:49] Jesus Christ, look at that, high priestly prayer, of our Lord, of John 17, I have glorified, thee on the earth, I have finished, the work, which thou, gavest me, to do, ah, it is, the reality, of that, finished work, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, as we are, reminded here, both the price, that he hath paid, who hath, in whom we have, redemption, through his blood, even, thee forgiveness, of sin, oh, and that thus, needy, at needy, sinner, sinner brought, to cry unto God, for mercy, oh, see here, the price, that has been paid, a price, not for you to pay, but which another, has paid even, our Lord, Jesus Christ, not with silver, and gold, but with the precious, blood of Christ, as of a lamb, without blemish, and without spot, as one, when expressed it, upon a life,
[31:05] I did not live, upon a life, death, I did not die, another's life, another's death, I stake my whole, eternity, and that life, and that death, is that, which, is that, of another truth, even, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who hath died, for us, and rose again, he hath died, to put away, the sins, of his people, and a full atonement, he hath made, oh friends, not one sin, of his people, is left, unatoned for, what does the Lord say, may he speak it, to your heart, and mine, afresh, this evening, thy sins, and thine iniquities, will I remember, no more, and forever, no, for full atonement, he hath made, and once more, has brought in, everlasting righteousness, the obedience, and the blood, of our Lord,
[32:15] Jesus Christ, even, through this, the forgiveness, of sins, and to the vilest sinner, out of hell, that lives, to feel his need, and again, also, by power, as the Lord, redeemed his people, here we see, the wonderful work, of our God, that he said, who, who hath delivered us, from the power, of darkness, and translated us, into the kingdom, of his dear son, oh, as we are found, by nature, dead, in trespasses, and sins, and the bondage, of sin, and Satan, ah, see, the almighty power, that is put forth there, the wonderful works, of God, to deliver, thus a sinner, from that bondage, and that death, and to bring, into the light, life, and liberty, of the gospel, delivered, from the power, of darkness, and translated, into the kingdom, of his dear son, and what a glorious, kingdom that is, the kingdom, of his grace here, and of his glory, hereafter, oh, giving thanks, unto the father, who hath made us meet, to be partakers, of the inheritance, of the saints in life, what an inheritance, is ours, as by grace, through faith, in Jesus Christ, we are found, oh,
[33:56] I say, what an inheritance, is ours, eye, hath not seen, nor ear heard, the heart of man, the things, which God, hath prepared, for them, that love him, hath revealed, them unto us, by his spirit, and may the spirit, witness still, our souls, interest, these glorious, things, and we truly, give thanks, unto the father, for the same, but I'll leave the remarks there, may the Lord, add his blessing, amen.
[34:28] Amen.