The love of God in salvation (Quality: Very good)

Attleborough - Jireh - Part 68

Sermon Image
Jan. 6, 2008


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[0:00] The word of God, this is rested on my spirit, I bring it to you this morning. You will find in the epistle of Jude, especially at verse 21.

[0:12] 21st verse in the epistle of Jude. Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

[0:35] Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

[0:48] I think most present this morning were with us last Lord's Day evening when I tried to speak on the theme of salvation in its embrace flowing through the love of God to fallen mankind.

[1:13] And everything that savours of deliverance from the terrible consequence of sin is attributable to the love of God from eternity and to eternity being in exercise for the salvation of all his people.

[1:41] and this theme has been on my mind through the subsequent days of the week and I would ask you the question, have you thought any more about that subject that we considered last Lord's Day evening as the days of the week have passed by?

[2:06] Surely there is no better and comforting theme to occupy our time and our attention than the love of God.

[2:17] The love of God. It's the most profound, incomprehensible doctrine that we have either an interest in it to salvation or remain strangers to it to our eternal damnation.

[2:37] So my friends, when I ask you again this morning to come to a further meditation in this theme on the love of God, I hope there may be an earnest desire in each of our hearts to find a real interest in this crowning subject which is the secret or foundation of all true religion.

[3:10] Obviously, and I'm going to just make a few references now to the time of Jude and those things that occasioned his spirit by the Holy Ghost's overruling to record many exercises that are suitable to the last days.

[3:41] And we see similar things present in society today which make us most seriously wonder and I trust be very sincerely exercised that if we are living in the last days the Lord will be very present by his Holy Spirit not only preparing those that are older, advanced in years and maybe somewhat established in the doctrines of the Gospel but also our young people.

[4:22] You know, it's a wonderful thing that the Lord said when here in the flesh suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not.

[4:34] We would encourage those that are exercised concerning the youth in their own family circle, parents and grandparents carrying continually the burden and weight of the spiritual aspect of those round about them that they may be taught of the law that they may be brought into the secret of salvation while in tender years that whatever happens and whenever it occurs the love of God shed abroad in their hearts will be a saving efficacy to them.

[5:17] Yes, I wonder how many will be constituted in that appearing of the Lord when he comes the second time without sin unto salvation and his glory is seen from all parts of the earth.

[5:41] His majesty will be recognized to the confusion of the wicked and to the comfort of those who have truly feared him and waited for him and longed for his appearing that sometimes have said with those recorded in scripture come Lord Jesus come quickly it seems that here is a full answer to the need of any generation if only the Lord would appear in power and in great glory but the Lord has a set time not even the angels of God are acquainted with the time when the Lord shall appear but he will come in due time and that is very clearly prophesied in scripture and it is good if you and I have a concern relative to these things and the preparation of our own souls to meet him when he comes and my friends to be gathered with those that we love around that throne of glory which will be peace and joy forever and forever well now let me just keep yourselves in the love of God there is nothing constructive to salvation that can be divorced from the exercise of God's eternal love toward a person you may say oh but so often when the Lord begins a work of grace in the soul the terror of the Lord takes hold of that person and they begin to consider themselves as condemned by the holy law of God to eternal banishment from God they have in that convenient measure known to God for them personally they have a need of knowing themselves as lost sinners and my friends there is love in conviction

[7:54] I think I said that last Lord today evening there is love in conviction it's love even that produces in the soul an anxiety that you won't be numbered with the people of God you see so many strong arguments that you should be shut out you could only justify God in your condemnation because your life has been what it has been in the way of sin and the way of lost souls well now oh my friends the arrows of the king are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies when the Lord from his throne on heaven in heaven sends forth his Holy Spirit with his arrows of conviction as he did through Nathan to David when David already fearing the Lord from the days of his youth was left to backslide and he came into a just condemnation before his God to have miserably sinned and brought disgrace upon his profession and the grace upon his kingdom as the king of the children of Israel thou art the man that there was love in it there was love in it because God loved David and God couldn't see

[9:31] David go on as it were in the awful quagmire of sensuality to perdition God comes out of his place and convicts and brings to bear that wonderful God honoring brokenness a broken heart and a contrite spirit that will not despise when as David in Psalm 51 comes to make his confession and justify God in his condemnation my friends it's the love of God bringing David into a restored state of spirit that his life in the succeeding days would be devoted not to the gratification of his sensual side but to the honor and glory of God in his desire that he should live in God's fear and manifest

[10:42] God's praise now keep yourselves in the love of God can you equate the justification of the practice of any evil if we really know what it is to enter into the love of God to be drawn by the spirit to love God to love God all of you love do you love him that he's not left you in ignorance to perish do you love him for his providence that cast your lot where the fear of God was present in the home do you thank God that he has brought you into the fellowship of the

[11:43] Lord's people in his courts and you realize the relationship with them that is most desirable as opposed to the way of the world and the practices of evil that are so common in our degenerate day keep yourselves in the love of God now my friends if that as it were is the fortification around our hearts and our minds that to know the Lord to be interested in his love to be the subjects of his love and favour is the prime need of mankind we sing in substance to know my Jesus crucified by far excels all things beside all earthly things

[12:48] I count but loss triumph in my Saviour's cross my friends this is the love of God made manifest in the sacrifice the sending and sacrifice of the Son of God what a wonderful thing when temptation to evil comes into our hearts and the Lord raises up this argument against the presence of it and the practice of it sin must be involved in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ if ever my unblemished soul is to get to heaven when I die the slightest stain of sin is of such demerit in itself that except the pure sacrifice of Christ washes away my transgression

[13:52] I shall be there with condemnation resting upon me justly and oh how attractive that atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ becomes how we feel our hearts go out to him save Lord or I perish deliver me from any thoughts or inclinations that are evil in thy sight I don't want to be in captivity to the powers of darkness I don't want to be in bondage to the fear of death and judgment I want to be free keep yourselves in the love of God keep yourselves this is the nutshell of remedy or redemption the love of God God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son that whosoever should believe in him should possess everlasting life my my friends all the absolute comprehension of the need of a sinner in the love of

[15:11] God to sinners you haven't got a need that's not covered by the goodness of God if you are the subject of the love of God my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus says the scripture what a wonderful thing and keep yourselves in the love of God oh what an antidote it is to so much anxiety to so many fears so many misgivings my friends what an antidote it is it's all in the love of God if God loves me and he sent his son to save me there's nothing really that can do me any harm who is he that can harm you if ye be followers of Jesus Christ keep yourselves in the love of

[16:12] God oh when the mocking world mock you for your religious attitudes the manner of life you live the standards which the fear of the Lord maintains within your breast I say if the world mock you for it and hold you up to ridicule you've got a refuge you've got a place of defense if the Lord loves us nothing can really harm us you see the love of God really is so constructive it's like those great walls that in ancient time were built round cities you remember when Joshua and the children of Israel came to

[17:16] Jericho there was that great wall round the city that necessitated their march round the wall for seven days before it fell down and they were able to enter and overcome their enemies and then we have the walls of Babylon oh I often think of that that great city Babylon that boasted of its impregnability that nothing nothing could overthrow it chariots side by side revolved round so wide was the road round the circumference of the wall of Babylon the people inside thought they were secure there's only one wall that's sufficient to secure us my dear friends there's only one condition that's totally impregnable to all our enemies whatsoever whether it be the sin of our own hearts the sin of our own lives or the influence of sinners against us and all the various constituting trials and burdens that we endure

[18:31] I say the wall of the love of God is impregnable and it endures forever and it endures forever it's not something that saves and then ultimately grows old and becomes weak and exposed to danger oh my friends there's no real danger to those that are embodied or embraced in the love of God keep yourselves in the love of God oh when an enemy comes and knocks on the door of your heart and tells you that it will be such an advantage if only you'll do this that is wrong or do that that is evil why shouldn't you other people do it and there's all sorts of subtle evil suggestions of the devil present themselves on such occasions to strengthen you to run as it were headlong into evil

[19:40] I say oh keep yourselves in the love of God you know the love of God is so pure the love of God is so profitable it's a meditation that shall I say lifts a sinner from the dunghill and sets him among the princes of God's people I suppose in some of my remarks I'm repeating what I said last Lord's Day but they'll bear repetition my friends they'll bear repetition here's a principle in the love of God that all we could think about more and take refuge in it we should fear a lot less we should dread things far differently from what we do now if only if God the apostle comes in he says if God before us who then can be against us who then can be against the devil and all his hosts all the the evil supporters of the devil's temptations and accusations oh they all fall don't they they all fail here the love of God this is our refuge

[21:06] God is our refuge and strength a very present help in times of trouble therefore will not we fear you see this love of God is the answer it's the answer I wonder if I can just introduce a suggestion that flies into my mind none of us can say that though we've been spared to enter into the year 2008 that we shall be here meeting with the people of God at this first Lord's Day in 2009 we don't know what a day will bring forth in the 365 days in the year and change can come anywhere along the road that will completely alter our situation our course of life it's an amazing thing how something can come unforeseen and change the whole spectrum isn't it but if you said to me well

[22:41] I don't think Mr. Crowther you'll be here for the opening Sabbath in 2009 you know what I'd want immediately to do to keep myself in the love of God to keep myself in the love of God whatever whenever whatever whenever it's with the righteous well it's with the righteous well keep yourselves in the love of God you and I have benefited much in our lives by natural affection haven't we and it's a wonderful thing if our children have left our homes and can still testify not directly but indirectly we hear sometimes reports that they said well you know our home was the abode of love mother loved me dad loved me and we were all taught to love one another we had our quarrels we were children of the fall but nevertheless if anybody attacked my brother

[24:12] I'd fly for his defence because I loved him and sometimes I'd fly maybe he flew for my defence when I was in the wrong but that didn't make his defence of me weaker because he loved me oh the benefit of natural love the world is indebted to God that God has built that into the very constitution nature of nature both in the animal kingdom as well as in the human kingdom oh how a parent beast will fight to the defence of its offspring well now natural love but oh my friends natural love has a limit it has a limit some days some that have loved us will stand around the bed maybe or witness the departure from time into eternity and yes we've been favoured the favoured subjects of their love and they've brought us many benefits in consequence of their deep affections and desires for our welfare that's the termination in that sense of the relationship but oh this relationship goes right through death it goes right through whenever God calls and whatever means he uses to terminate our journey through this life the love of God death is a conquered foe here at this appointed time and appointed place

[26:05] God having loved us comes to call us into his presence forever everything that caused us anxiety anything that caused us trouble anything that as it were built mountains in the air and we didn't know whatever we were going to do all those sort of experiences will have gone will be behind us never to be renewed never to be renewed everything that sin has introduced into our relationship to make it dark and difficult will cease to be the sun will also always shine the sweetness and power of the Lord's presence will eternally ensure that we are the subjects of the perfection of love as it finds its expression in the three blessed persons of the ever blessed trinity now keep yourselves in the love of

[27:18] God keep yourself now this sounds doesn't it to be an argument that is beyond human ability well there is when you and I come to perceptive truth such as we have here it's not it doesn't speak to us as within our sufficiency the Lord gives us his word how we should conduct ourselves or speak the truth be very jealous of the cleanliness of our conscience all these other things that scripture enjoins upon us but what do we have in the verse before the text but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost you know

[28:38] God is essential to our comfort is the God of all comfort keep yourselves in the love of God Lord maintain within me a sense that I am the subject of thy love love of and then everything else falls into place everything else falls into place you can't meddle with sin you can't play with that which is wrong if you're striving prayerfully and practically to submit to the counsel of the text keep yourselves in the love of God or the temptation to be carried away with worldly things sometimes you know I mean a man of God a woman of God they've got natural a natural part as well as a spiritual part and sometimes things of the world become very very attractive don't they we get carried away with a desire to possess things that well the

[29:58] Lord hasn't sovereignly seen fit should be our portion keep yourselves in the love of God or we can't submit to this principle without divine help praying in the Holy Ghost asking God to come and keep us that we may keep conscious of God's love toward us and that everything about us and everything which concerns us is appointed and directed by this holy principle of endless welfare jude jude writes of mockers mockers and my friends there are some very very vociferous mockers present in our society today people in high places that say they don't believe there is such a thing as

[31:15] God they don't believe there's such a thing as heaven or hell they just don't believe they mock us keep yourselves in the love of God oh my friends how wonderful to be on the right side in the day of decision how wonderful to be on the Lord's side and to realize the incomprehensible benefit for I have not seen nor heard neither has entered into the heart of man the things which the Lord has prepared for them that love him I sometimes listen to the mocking and I say poor fool poor fool may God have mercy on you or there's no future no future liberty to give utterances such as you do now in that awful world of hell forever well now keep keep yourselves in the love of

[32:31] God let this principle of God's love we need it shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost we need God continually to reassure us of our interest in and sometimes he takes you back in your reviews of the past maybe the past year you may have had some signal intervention of God's love in your heart and in your circumstances in the last 12 months I'd hope there's a witness in this congregation that could set their seal to the fact that they haven't lived through the 12 months of the year 2007 and had no reassurance or a fresh token of the Lord's gracious favour it may have been the year of leanness wilderness journeying for the most part but has there not been something even the raising up of a little hope in your poor tempted and tried heart that despite everything and this is the wonder of

[33:43] God's love despite everything God has loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness as he drawn you keep yourselves in the love of God oh that when sin assails whether personal or presented by various means that are so common to the eye in this day in which we live oh that the Lord may direct our minds to the purity sanctity and promise of the love of God the love of God my friends it's a beautiful subject isn't it well now I must hasten to what I mean keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life mercy mercy if it was possible to take every evidence of God's mercy away from you what would you have left you there's a hymn that runs but for his sweet mercy

[35:03] I could not live here sin would drive me to utter despair the mercy of God oh my friends when you say Lord pardon mine iniquity for it is great you're keeping your heart and mind on the mercy of God through Jesus Christ and remember and I want to remember this all the time the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses from all sin there's an answer in the love of God to man's corruptions awful things sometimes assail our minds and bring us into terrible darkness and bondage but you know there's an answer in the atonement of the son of God however deeply we have wondered as

[36:06] David wondered when he fell under the temptation of Bathsheba you see my friends one wants to remember that there's a way to escape keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life it seems as though the whole course with the object in view the prize in view so to speak is sprinkled with blood sprinkled with blood forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness thy sins which are many are all forgiven they when our minds are on the love of God and the mercy of

[37:21] God in Christ Jesus sending Jesus Christ to atone for every sin committed by any and every one of his people my friends we've got a peace we've got a peace and we've got a prospect eternal life eternal life think on these things let oh the devil comes in with all sorts of temptations and said if you were only better there'd be more hope for you look foul I to the fountain fly wash me savior or I die keep your eye on the love of God and on the mercy of God in Jesus Christ it's a comprehensive commitment of heaven to life and peace eternally eternal life eternal life no more death no more death life is a changing situation

[38:43] I'm not here to suggest that old age is a mountainous difficulty that well it's good to be cut off in your forties or fifties rather than be called upon to endure the difficulties that are incumbent upon old age is not an easy part of life you need to realize that this journey that's coming to its close has in prospect God's love and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal love if I hadn't got that hope my friends I should be a miserable man I need God's grace to keep me face to face with the principle of the love of God and the mercy of Jesus Christ all the time speaking of life eternal who can separate what can separate us from the love of

[39:49] Christ tribulation any of those terrible impediments that affect us so keenly oh they're all in bondage so to speak to the ultimate victory that the Lord has procured and so freely bestowed on unworthy sinners such as we thanks be unto God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ and the victory is dependent upon those impregnable walls of the love of God that secure the saints I said to my wife last night we were closing the day I said you know my dear if we've got an interest in the love of God we're as safe as the souls that are already in heaven benefit of the love of God doesn't commence when you close your eyes on this world what a wonderful thing it is to have the seal of heaven that

[41:02] God having loved us sent his son to save us he's prepared a place before us and there's nothing that can prevent all that the father giveth me shall come to me they'll come to me as they are and be washed and clothed in his righteousness and presented faultless forever in the kingdom above I know I've said again to that this morning a lot as I said last Sunday but oh the if only God will keep my own spirit in the love of God and the mercy of Jesus Christ I can ride out many storms in this world many storms in circumstances that are difficult many storms in contrary relationships that sometimes cause havoc in your feelings but my friends everything everything keep your keep your selves in the love of

[42:19] God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life this is the very essence of saving religion are you stranger to it or do you know somewhat of the benefit of it the wealth of it it'll make you as it were despise the wealth of the world as you sit at Jesus feet and hear his promise that he's gone to prepare a place for you you'll come again and receive you unto himself that where he is you will be and that forever more amen to you you you you you you you you you you you