[0:00] The word that is upon my spirit to bring before you this evening, the Lord helping me, is in the chapter or the psalm that we read, Psalm 37 and the verse 5.
[0:17] Commit thy way unto the Lord. Trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.
[0:30] Commit thy way unto the Lord. Trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.
[0:40] There is scarce one in the congregation this evening, I expect, that hasn't known this familiar part of the word of God as a precious word to many, many souls as they have walked along life's way here below.
[1:07] My friends, it is a most gracious word of encouragement to forsake our own will and way, and to seek to be under the lordship of the Lord himself, who does indeed overrule and direct the steps of his people.
[1:37] His people are like sheep under the good influence of a shepherd, and the Lord leads his people, as the scripture says, he leads Joseph like a flock.
[1:53] So may the Lord help us to meditate on these things together for a little while this evening. Commit thy way unto the Lord.
[2:04] You know, human nature is of such a strength that so often it seems, when we come to the end of every human resource, then there seems to be a very minor inclination to take notice of the exhortation of the text this evening.
[2:32] Prayer is often at the back end of experience, rather being at the forefront of experience.
[2:48] So often we're going along, as it were, pursuing those paths and interests that are suitable to our own understanding. But the Lord has very clearly shown to us, there is a sad discord.
[3:04] My ways are not your ways, neither are my thoughts your thoughts, saith the Lord. And my friends, so often, some of us have experienced in life, that the Lord, to bring us to his ways, has overturned all our expectations, has brought to nothing our strong and hard-pursued ambitions.
[3:33] We have had to learn, by the discipline of heaven, that the Lord our God is a jealous God, and that he will have the confidence of his people, and by various means, he will undermine that readiness, to confide in our so-called qualifications and ambitions, that in the end, we find the right way, the good way, and the best way, is the Lord's way, when our own thoughts and expectations have come to naught.
[4:18] Now, I know not what your experience is, but it's commit thy way. Self-sufficient walking is a slippery place, to be left without any acknowledgement of the rightful lordship of the Lord in his sovereign influence in the whole realm of earth is a deception of our own deceitful, proud, and so-called self-sufficient hearts.
[4:57] And here is a gracious exhortation. Commit thy way. Now, I don't doubt, in a congregation such as we have here, and we're thankful for everyone that is in the house of God this evening, but I don't doubt there are not two ways exactly the same.
[5:17] God is a sovereign. Commit thy way. Commit thy way unto the Lord. It's a personal matter.
[5:31] It's a foreordained pathway or track through the wilderness that the Lord has decreed for you as a person.
[5:46] And my friends, how different are our ways in the context of friendships and families? We find life develops in certain particulars.
[6:00] It appears initially that there are many similarities, but as time goes on, the divergence of the will of God becomes very, very apparent, and one goes this way and another goes that way, and there are qualifications qualifications attained by some and others struggle on with no apparent qualifications at all.
[6:26] Well now, the lot is cast into the lap and the whole disposing is of the Lord. Look, had it been the Lord's will for me to have been just in the position that you're in, the Lord could have brought it to pass.
[6:45] But the Lord has a personal appointed pathway for each individual person.
[7:00] And the text is very clear. It's thy way, thy way, and thy way is peculiarly and personally yours.
[7:15] But you may for a long time have struggled on in a kind of hope that things will work out well and your ambitions will be realized and things will prosper and you get very taken up with dreams as to the ultimate issue of your youthful ambitions and dreams.
[7:45] But life doesn't work that way. Life doesn't, I don't think there's anybody that starts out in life that proves life to be just as they envisage it would be in the days of their youth.
[8:00] Because there are so many, many influences brought to bear, unforeseen and irresistible that affect us in the way by which we are to walk.
[8:19] But every detail is known to God subject to his will subject to his word. Commit thy way, thy way unto the Lord.
[8:37] I want to speak in two particular headings with respect to this word. The first should be in its importance the spiritual significance.
[8:51] But I'm going to use the temporal significance because we have quite a goodly number of young people in our congregation and one would say to them in a fatherly spirit with a few years in the school of Christ that it's wise to take notice from the earliest days of such a gracious call from heaven.
[9:24] Commit thy way, unto the Lord. Safe walking, sure, sure progress is enjoyed in following the Lord.
[9:41] Well now, yes, there are certain demarcations in society that suggest the development of life in certain general particulars.
[9:59] Some people have an inclination to this study, to this particular employment, others show no interest in that area, but they have an alternative.
[10:15] When we think of some of the universities and places of learning that are now in vogue in our country, we realize the tremendous display of alternatives.
[10:30] Sometimes we're anxious that the opportunities will so be directed in the hearts and lives of our young people that they will find that the Lord was leading them and guiding them as is suitable to their future well-being.
[10:53] And I speak of that in a temporal way because it's right to be concerned to be in a position of reasonable comfort and reasonable prosperity to sustain the commitments of life.
[11:14] I look back over my little life with thankfulness to God with respect to the way my needs have been supplied. I look forward and wondered at certain stages however we would get through.
[11:31] But I can look back and see where I thought there was no way. The Lord always has a way open by which he can meet the need.
[11:43] And let me say this in the fullness of interpretation the Lord is the Lord of hosts. He's not dependent upon any particular to fulfill his promises to his people.
[11:59] He has the command of the universe under his hand. Yes, he can supply the needs of the people as the prophet proved.
[12:12] the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruise of oil fail. I say sometimes I've looked at the bottom of the barrel and thought, well, however we're going to manage.
[12:24] But always, always, at the time the need has arisen, the supply has been forthcoming, sometimes by miracle, unexpected development that has been such a comfort that our times are in higher hands.
[12:46] But now, commit thy way unto the Lord. Young people, oh, ask for divine guidance. Ask that the Lord will lead you in that way that will be really beneficial to you.
[13:06] You may say, well, I think I know what's best for me. But don't be too sure that your judgment is right. Because something can happen, something can happen that completely overturns and overthrows the envisaged pathway.
[13:28] And you've got to come then to realize that the Lord is the only guide that knows the end from the beginning.
[13:39] And if he leads us in the beginning, we shall find that good word fulfilled. And he led them forth by the right way. And my friends, his way is the right way.
[13:52] I repeat the text, commit thy way unto the Lord. Don't be so proud as to think you can manage without him. Oh, that dishonors God.
[14:02] And that brings desolation and many, many tears in the paths of those that are proud and arrogant. We need to realize, and it's wisdom that we should, that there is a God who has control of everything, that is able to see where everything leads and what will be the ultimate issues involved.
[14:30] I can't stress from personal experience too strongly the wisdom in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.
[14:44] let your requests be made known unto God. You might, and you will, in the pathway of life, meet various unexpected difficulties.
[14:57] There may be mountains unexpected suddenly arise, deep places to traverse that you never, never took any account of in your thinking ahead, but they come.
[15:16] If the Lord is in control, I'll tell you what they'll do. For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose.
[15:30] That if the Lord is in control, as for God, his way is perfect. And we may not immediately appreciate that some of his frustrations, some of those twists and turns in life's experience that seem out of context, but we find that those things are some of the basic needs of life that the Lord has foreordained and used in preparation for some need of the future.
[16:09] that we never foresaw and never contemplated would come to pass. I say the Lord works in the context of the whole matter.
[16:23] You and I see but a little distance ahead at the most.扭 83 2022 should invest in verse mixtrousFre KPAs.
[16:36] Oh my Shabbat is Over 501 here's a time to think seriously upon the future, and my friends this is a sound council of a god of providence.
[16:52] commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him and he will bring it to pass every characteristic of our God will be in evidence in the ultimate he works as he can work he works as he does work in perfect wisdom and understanding of our frame and all those circumstances that associate with us as our life unfolds here below God is a God of providence and there's no better no better way than to walk through the wilderness on your knees if that's what I use as an illustration oh let prayer be foremost in your approach to the decisions of life and my friends commit thy way to the Lord trust also in him and he will bring it to pass well now let us look just for a few moments commit thy way of all concerns surely our chief concern should be constituted in this where shall I spend eternity how long is a year look back to 2007 you remember where you were when the year opened you've now passed through the last day of the year you're launching out into a new year a year is not much in the length of time is it the years fly by we say the years fly by and I can say as a witness 80 years fly by
[19:05] I sometimes think back on my youthful years and I think well sometimes it seems but so little length of time is allotted to us here below a temptation of the devil is this it'll be time for you to worry about your soul when you're older that's something that belongs to older people and I've no need yet to get concerned I'm going to have my fling I'm going to go out and I'm going to enjoy myself I'm going with my worldly friends and I'm going to indulge in those things that are considered pleasurable from a human viewpoint oh my friend be careful be careful we read did we not over and over again in this psalm's evening of the end of the wicked the end of the wicked and that end is not a tremendous way off because time is so short and you can't say any more than I can say how long life will be
[20:13] I've had a recent date a nephew bearing the name Harold Crowter that I carry and he was wonderfully prospered in the things of life I trust he was a praying man I can't say I've had a lot to do with him on the spiritual things but he certainly showed some regard for the place of worship and so on and in his early 50s he's gone I never thought I should I never thought I should attend his funeral I was persuaded that if he was sufficiently interested in me and my family he'd come along to mine God's thoughts are not our thoughts God's ways are not our ways he's a sovereign don't take for granted that you're going to live to a lot of great age because there's no guarantee that you will and when the time comes you'll be called upon to give your account for your deeds done in your body whether they be good whether they be evil and how sad if you've loved the world and the things of the world full start full start you've had the so-called pleasure of a little time indulging your flesh in worldly activities but finding your pleasures are your condemnation you haven't pleased God you haven't done those things that are right in his sight self has been your God and you've done those things as it were to please number one and you could scarcely be concerned about the spiritual welfare of any other commit thy way to the Lord oh my friends one of the great blessings is the fear of the Lord in the days that you're and I do hope you'll be hearkening to the affectionate counsel of a professed minister of the gospel who God has sent to war warning every man and teaching every man and I warn you don't leave your latter end till the end of your days because it may well be too late now is the day of salvation now is the accepted time turn to the
[23:11] Lord commit the condition and need of your immortal souls into the hand of him who is able to save to them uttermost all that come unto God by him we preach a free gospel in that sense that to mankind in hope that the Lord's blessing will take a message to the hearts of his people and make them wise unto salvation through grace that is in Christ Jesus commit thy way unto the Lord oh consider there's a spiritual dimension to life as well as a natural dimension to life and you need the Lord to show you you need the Lord to lead you guide you and teach you those lessons that will put your soul in harmony with those we've been singing about in our hymn tonight those that are now around the throne you've known some
[24:15] I've known some good people their lives witnessed that God had been their shepherd and he guided them through various trials and temptations and difficulties and in their old age they were ready to tell us as young people and I was a lad what the Lord had done for them in life and I trust their ministry was sanctified by the spirit of God to cause some of us younger people to do what I'm exhorting you to do commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him the welfare of your soul undertaken by the good hand of God upon you will see you safe at last and see you in glory forever there's not such a thing as an independent profession coming coming to a right conclusion
[25:16] God is the teacher God is the guide God is the keeper and God is the saviour and Lord of his people commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him now when we come to the way of the Lord in many respects both providential and spiritual we need to wait and watch and watch and wait prayerfully and practically because God's ways are sovereign you can't say well yes because my father was led in this way that's the way I shall go it can't be subscribed in a relative way that the ways of the fathers will be the way of the children my friends
[26:25] God is a sovereign God is a sovereign commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him trust also in him spirit of faith comes into the exercise of believing souls and they're brought to acknowledge that God does what he does as and when he will and his concern being for our spiritual wealth being as well as our temporal welfare is from time to time to wait to be gracious and wait to manifest that our prayers that our prayers have reached his ears and he is out of his place to answer our humble cries commit thy way unto the
[27:33] Lord lay it before the Lord trust also in him leave it in that sense in his care it's a wonderful thing to wait and watch and ultimately to see how the Lord has worked it's a very personal thing you may venture to confide in some human agency a friend and it may be even to the closest relative upon earth husbands apart and wives apart sometimes we've got to realize that the opinion of our nearest and dearest is not exactly the way of the
[28:38] Lord for us and we come to this very personal concern and exercise commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him you've got to come off the opinions of good people you've got to come off the opinions of those who genuinely are concerned in your spiritual as well as temporal welfare it's your soul and God and it's God and your soul commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him and he will bring it to pass it's in safe hands if you've been able by his grace to do what I say in the text tonight is wisdom to be done if the Lord receives your prayer the time will come when that prayer is answered prayer indicted by the
[29:47] Lord the Lord will surely hear and in his own time and in his own way he'll be he'll bring it to pass and there's nothing nothing that can countervail its fulfilment commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass in meditation today I've been thinking of Abraham's servant who Abraham gave the solemn responsibility of going out and seeking a wife for his beloved son Isaac his wife had been taken from him and she had been buried in a very suitable and remarkable way but Abraham was obviously concerned about his posterity he was looking beyond his son as a person and was realising that he needed a wife and he caused his servant to himself he asked him
[31:15] Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house that ruled over all that he had put I pray thee thy hand under my thigh and I will make thee swear by the Lord the God of heaven and the God of earth that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I dwell but thou shalt go unto my country and to my kindred and take a wife unto my son Isaac the servant said unto him peradventure the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land must thy needs bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou camest and Abraham said unto him beware that thou bring not my son thither again the Lord God of heaven which took me from my father's house and from the land of my kindred and which spake unto me and swear unto me saying unto thy seed will
[32:25] I give this land he shall send his angel before thee and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence and if the woman will not be willing to follow thee then thou shalt be clear from this my oath only bring not my son thither again and the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master and swear to him concerning that matter and the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master and departed for all the goods of his master were in his hand and he arose and went to Mesopotamia unto the city of Nacor and he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening even the time that women go out to draw water and he said
[33:27] O Lord God of my master Abraham I pray thee send me good speed this day and show kindness unto my master Abraham behold I stand here by this well of water and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water and let it come to pass that the damsel to whom I shall say let down thy pitcher I pray thee that I may drink and that he shall say drink and I will give thy camels drink also let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac and thereby shall I know that thou hast showed kindness unto my master he committed his way to the Lord he committed his way to the Lord then listen and it came to pass before he had done speaking that behold
[34:33] Rebecca came out who was born of Bethuel son of Milkar the wife of Nahor Abraham's brother with her pitcher upon her shoulder and the damsel was very fair to look upon a virgin neither had any man known her and she went down to the well and filled her pitcher and came up the servant ran to meet her and said let me I pray thee drink a little water of thy pitcher and she said drink my lord and she hasted and let down her pitcher upon her hand and gave him drink and when she had done giving him drink she said I will draw water for thy camels also until they have drunk you see the whole pattern was under divine control where the servant went the woman that first came out what she said what he said what she said what he did what she did it was all the perfect accomplishment of a pattern of the control of a divine will in answer to a need in
[36:03] Abraham's household my friends that's not a singular expression of divine intervention in the temporal and spiritual concerns of his people the Lord God omnipotent reigneth and he's as much in control today as in Abraham's day of the detail of the detail respecting his leadings and dealings in the experiences of his people commit thy way unto the Lord oh if there's anybody here tonight that's under a great concern what shall I do which way shall I take how shall I express myself and what sort of response shall I receive look commit it all into the Lord's hand the God of Abraham still lives he can bring detailed accomplishment of the very things that he lays in your heart concerning the whole of this matter and you can put this at the amen of the experience and it came to pass and it came to pass and it's a reiterated statement of scripture and it's a reiterated statement in the life of faith the way of God with his people and it came to pass
[37:36] God the supreme and glorious I am looking down from heaven heaven's high court to the individual and personal experiences of his people both in grace and in profit commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him and he will bring it to pass one of the faults that is so common we commit things into the Lord's hand and then we seem to run out of patience don't we run out of patience oh my friends patience is a grace the Lord can give us patience to wait when we fulfilled his time I say and it comes to pass we shall realize what mercy and favor there is in keeping us waiting for the blessing to be
[38:42] I hope you've been able to follow I never yet have reflected upon a sermon with real personal satisfaction I try as the Lord helps me and I try commit thy way unto the Lord the ministry is a continual concern to be under the sovereign control of heaven not the text you take only but the way the text is handled and what is spoken concerning it or relative to it and I do believe that the Lord gives intimation sometimes through the foolishness of preaching to enable his people to honour him in fulfilment of the word commit thy way unto the
[39:52] Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass may the Lord add his blessing to these few remarks Amen