[0:00] The word of truth that has been upon my spirit, I wish to announce by way of text in hope that the Lord might speak to us through his word.
[0:11] You will find in the chapter that we read, the sixth chapter in the epistle to the Romans and at verse 14. The 14th verse in the sixth chapter of the epistle of Paul to the Romans.
[0:27] For sin shall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
[0:40] When we think of this word dominion, we think of a sovereign power.
[0:56] My friends, when the apostle Paul presents the truth here to us, the very suggestion is that sin has had dominion over us.
[1:18] It's had dominion over us. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
[1:29] There's none that doeth good, no not one. That indicates to us very clearly that by nature we bring forth the fruit of that nature, which is essentially sinful.
[1:47] And then, on the other hand, there is this other dominion that the apostle refers to.
[1:59] Sin shall not have dominion over you. There's going to be another power. There's going to be a stronger power that is exercised to bring into captivity the power of sin unto death.
[2:21] And that, obviously, is the dominion of grace. The wonderful work of the Lord Jesus Christ to the liberation and salvation and redemption of his people.
[2:37] So, here we have two reigning powers spoken of. That sin had dominion.
[2:49] Yes, had dominion. We can all say we were born in sin. We were shaped in iniquity. In sin did our mother conceive us.
[3:00] My friends, it is a universal situation. It has been from the beginning right through the generations of time that man by nature is born under the dominion of sin.
[3:17] But, that is not the conclusion of the matter. Because here we have the word spoken of an alternative power that overcomes and overthrows the dominion of sin unto death and brings a liberation which is the very gospel in its grace, mercy, love and power.
[3:53] I want to speak then, first of all, of the sin not having dominion over us. Oh, what a sad condition it is to be ruled by the reigning power of sin and to have nothing but that situation to acknowledge.
[4:19] But as we honestly examine ourselves, we see in us an inclination toward sin and those things that are evil.
[4:35] A good tree doesn't bring forth evil fruit. And an evil tree doesn't bring forth good fruit.
[4:46] The scripture is very clear on the distinction. And my friends, if we're left to continue indefinitely under the power and evil of sin, then the wages of sin is death.
[5:05] The wages of sin is death. So that the very burden of our lives, genders toward the eventual and solemn issue of death eternal.
[5:21] That is, not just dying in the natural experience of dying, but having that awful future of eternal death through the just work and law of a holy God.
[5:41] Now, sin shall not have dominion over you. We have to realize the power of sin, the power of sin, that it has dominion.
[5:57] Look at the world and look at yourself by nature. Examine yourself. Put to the test the power of sin within us.
[6:15] And my friends, let me say this without any question as to the truth and reality of it. Sin is a great power that is beyond remedy by human resolve.
[6:38] One says that when he was fighting against sin, he sinned and stumbled, but the more. He found he was face to face with an enemy that was so strong, of such dominion, that it took him into a situation of adding to his condemnation by the complete absence of a sufficiency of power in himself to withstand the dominion of evil.
[7:18] And there is such a thing, and the scripture speaks of it, as a besetting sin. And sometimes we're made conscious of some weakness in us that is threatening.
[7:34] Terrible consequences loom up in anticipation of this powerful evil that we're prone to war.
[7:50] But man by nature has no power to deliver himself from sin and its consequences.
[8:07] And we have to be brought solemnly to acknowledge that according to the law of God, we are justly condemned. We are brought into a condition of helplessness and hopelessness with regard to finding a remedy in our own resources.
[8:30] The more I strove against sin's power, I sinned and stumbled, but the more. And that is a conscious experience in the lives of the people who are brought to realize that sin is such an enemy and such a power as to be beyond remedy or deliverance by any resolve or whatever other name you might use to qualify the presence of sin and evil in our nature.
[9:18] You know, one of the greatest deceptions surely that the world can ever claim is Phariseeism.
[9:31] Phariseeism. That is religion crediting human agency with an ability to overcome the power of sin which is inbred in us by nature.
[9:53] My friends, I see nothing at all in nature as in any way qualified or sufficient to overcome the evils of my heart.
[10:16] What does this bring us to? Real humility. Real humility.
[10:29] The publican in the temple is smote on his breast saying God be merciful to me the sinner.
[10:39] he acknowledged by that smiting upon his breast that in his heart was no good thing toward the Lord by nature.
[10:54] That his nature was fallen. It was stricken with this terrible disease unto eternal death. Sin.
[11:06] Sin. Sin. Sin. Sin. And I believe all those that are taught by the Spirit and cleansed as it were from the evil inclination to present some ground of commendation of themselves to God.
[11:30] When the Spirit really teaches us what we are by nature, the power of sin and our subjection to that great power toward evil, my friends, we have to come with our faces, as it were, to the ground and beg God be merciful to me, a sinner.
[11:55] No help in self I find, though I have sought it well, the native treasure of my mind is sin and death and health. I hope you haven't come into this chapel this morning expecting me to tell you how good you are, but I do not do any injustice in telling you with myself that we're sinners and if so be we're left to the dominion of that evil, we shall perish and perish under the just law of God forever and forever and forever.
[12:36] One of my solemn prerogatives as a minister, professed minister of Jesus Christ is to warn every man, to warn every man, if you're left to yourself, you'll destroy yourself.
[12:51] You need something outside of yourself. You need something more powerful than anything you're capable of in mind or spirit.
[13:10] For sin shall not have dominion. Who is the apostle here under the Holy Spirit addressing?
[13:23] He's addressing the believing church of the living God. God. He's addressing those who are subject to a power that's stronger than the power of sin.
[13:41] Where is that to be found? In Jesus Christ alone. In Jesus Christ alone.
[13:53] And then if Christ takes his throne on the if Christ takes our hearts and makes that his throne he reigns and will bring into subjection not exclusively but bring into subjection the power of evil to witness that he is our sovereign Lord.
[14:25] sin shall not have dominion if God left us to ourselves sin would have swept the whole race of Adam into eternal ruin into the pit of hell if you like.
[14:42] There's nothing to merit deliverance the fallen angels they had no saviour but to mankind mankind by the wonderful incalculable love of God in the triune persons of the Father the Son and the Spirit my friends there is a deliverance for sinners mankind is not in the awful place that angelic beings are in when they sin and transgress against God God banishes them hopelessly and helplessly to hell forever but man is not in that place where there's no hope and no way of deliverance now struggle as you may
[15:48] I've done some years of this struggle to overcome sin in yourself and I tell you you're fighting a losing battle you're fighting a losing battle if you think you can overcome the power of your natural evil spirit I say you're fighting a losing battle you're not under the law but under grace but under grace sin shall not have dominion over you for ye are not under the law but under grace we were born under the law to condemnation but by the goodness and grace of God
[16:50] Christ Jesus that only sufficient one to bring us under the delivering influence of grace to salvation he has paid the price he has made that way to escape and he exercises his almighty power to bring sinners to salvation for sin shall not have dominion over you all the world in its lost state by nature the awful condition of mankind left of God but what a wonderful thing it is that God in the covenant of love ordained that a number which no man should number of every nation kindred and tongue should be brought into the experience of the reigning power of
[18:06] Jesus Christ to save them that's what we commonly refer to as the grace of God the love of God made manifest through the power of his blessed spirit bringing grace into the soul of a sinner now let us just look for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace the first evidence in a practical way of coming under the influence of grace is the new birth is the new birth we have a new relationship with almighty God in and through the Lord and Saviour
[19:06] Jesus Christ and my friends we are made alive because by nature we are dead in trespasses and sins and here God in the exercise of his gracious dominion comes into the heart of a sinner and sin shall not have dominion of you the Lord Jesus Christ bears witness by his spirit in the very heart of a person that they're made alive they're quickened by the spirit and they come into an understanding and knowledge of spiritual things that before would have no interest and no consequence to them the new birth is the first evidence in the life of a person that
[20:09] God is gracious toward them and will prevail in his superior power and knowledge to bring them from hell to heaven to bring them into that wonderful kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ to their eternal salvation sin shall not have dominion over you yes the Lord by his spirit makes a new creature of a person who was dead in trespasses and sin the person who was so under the sovereign power of evil that had not the Lord himself in the exercise of his omnivident power come into the situation that person would have hardened in sin to everlasting ruin
[21:20] I want to ask the question is sin the reigning power in your heart and in your mind you say but here I am in chapel my friends it takes more than coming to chapel you say but I had a godly background I was born into a godly environment a godly home I had parents that feared God and they yes but that doesn't save you does it that doesn't change your relationship godly parents can bring forth children that are not partakers of the grace which they have been favoured with
[22:29] David King David was a gracious man look at the Old Testament record concerning him in the book of Psalms the wonderful experiences of which he was the subject from his youth through the pattern of his life he was a gracious king but he had an Absalom as well as a Solomon you see my friends grace is not hereditary it's it's not earned by going to chapel it's not realised by reading the Bible it's not as it were qualified by saying your prayers sin shall not have dominion over you
[23:33] God won't leave his people in any way to have confidence in the flesh to look to themselves as the source of acceptance in the presence of God their creator I like this hymn nothing in my hand I bring nothing nothing you say but surely because I go to chapel I'm a bit better than the man next door I don't do the things that that lad does down the street I don't go into various sinful activities and enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season no but do you think because you don't do this and you don't do that and you don't do the other that therefore you are meriting a special favor in the heart of
[24:37] God to you not of works lest any man should boast not of works lest any man should boast my friends if we are honest and come and come under the illuminating power of the spirit of God in our hearts and in our consciences we should come down to this my best is stained and died with sin my all is nothing worth and I preach to you knowing that that is your case and knowing that that is my case by nature I wouldn't want to deceive you in any way too many preachers professed preachers there are about that said if you do this and if you do that and if you do the other then you'll be alright before God my friends there's only one way of being made right before God and that is as Jesus
[26:06] Christ makes known his saving grace in our soul having bought us with the price of his own heart blood sending forth his good spirit in due time into our hearts making us alive to the fact that we've got nothing whereby to commend ourselves to a holy God and yet there is door of hope in this valley of trouble he's given us Jesus Christ who says I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me but by me sinners find acceptance in the presence of a holy God and partake of the blessings of God's grace in time and the crowning blessing in the glorious hereafter when God welcomes them into his presence having been washed in the blood of
[27:29] Christ having been clothed in his righteousness they're presented faultless before God's throne forever and forever now sin shall not have dominion over you you're not under the law but under grace we were under the law once we trusted in our own merit we looked at any alternative but to Jesus Christ and there is in the natural heart a resentment of the absolute necessity of such a saviour as Christ is my friends grace grace transforms the whole situation the natural man is not in love with the Lord Jesus Christ Christ but by the grace of
[28:33] God sinners are brought to love him because he alone is the door of hope to paradise the door of hope concerning our deliverance from sin and the just consequences of those sins which we know we're guilty of sin shall not have dominion over you fear not under the law you were under the law you were under the law and oh there is an inclination and I want to be clear in this there's an inclination in the natural heart of man if only he'd got something however small to contribute to his own salvation he would be better satisfied because he'd have something to be proud of but there's nothing in the gospel of the grace of
[29:54] God that gives man a foothold to the evil God dishonoring evil of human pride my friends we've got to fall before God as helpless and hopeless sinners and yet see by God's inexhaustible grace grace a way whereby we can be made right in the sight of God and received into glory although by my sins deserving hell I'll not despair for who can tell sin for sin shall not have dominion over you oh my friends as the Lord brought you to hate that sovereign power to hate that sovereign power of sin to hate the evil that is in you by nature to hate it would live free from it realize that we're in a body of sin and death and there is that natural inclination in us to commit sin but the
[31:28] Lord says sin shall not have dominion over you it won't be the reigning power or in the new birth there is a transformation from the love of sin to the hatred of sin and you hate the things you once loved and you love the things you once hated sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the Lord but under grace the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is the secret the total secret of salvation the Lord in the power of his grace comes into the hearts of his people and he produces this situation I hate sin
[32:31] I would have no more to do with sin but sin it abounds it makes me sad and sorrowful especially when I realize in a conscious examination of my heart when I would do good evil is present with me and how to do the thing that I would I find not I am in by nature in subjection to an evil fallen self but that's not the end of the matter that's not the conclusion of the situation look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth
[33:34] God has provided a saviour that is absolute absolutely sufficient and qualified to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him and there's only one name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved it's the Lord Jesus Christ out of Christ almighty power can do nothing but devour but in Christ the Lord holy God is reconciled to sinners delivered from the dominion of sin and brought under the dominion of Jesus Christ the only one that is sufficient to overcome the power of evil in any person whatsoever forever for ye are not under the law but under grace oh my friend what does
[34:55] Jesus Christ mean to you you may say well he's the one thing needful he's the one thing needful blessed be God there is one to meet our need there's one to meet our need we're not in this situation of without with total despondency knowing knowing that we've we've got an evil heart and we've got the effects of the Adam fall so prevalent within us and round about us but it's not the end of the matter the end of the matter is looking unto Jesus even from the ends of the earth sin shall not have domain over you my friends when
[35:58] Christ exercises his sovereign power to deliverance it's an absolute deliverance from the reign of sin unto death for sin shall not have dominion over you fear not under the law but under grace and we have an exaltation here what then shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace God forbid know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness are you concerned to please
[37:02] God to walk humbly and tenderly in his fear in his fear not to countenance and excuse your evil propensities but I say again to smite upon your breasts in the totality of consciousness that in your flesh is no good thing you you smite upon your breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner that man went down to his house justified the Pharisee had certain things to be proud of certain things that he boasted about while he was in the temple and thank God that he wasn't my friends those taught of God won't be able to look around them and find that they're so much better than other people oh when the Lord breaks up the fallow ground of our hearts and shows to us what we're capable of in thought in word and in deed we've got no ground to be proud we've got everything every cause and reason to abase ourselves and marvel that God the holy
[38:31] God has in his love and mercy provided a remedy a deliverer the one who alone is sufficient to lead captivity captive and receive gifts and to bestow gifts unto men well now yielding yourselves yielding yourselves which which is the powerful desire of your mind and your spirit as you're going on through this world with yes the weakness of a fallen nature but nevertheless God having given you grace you're not yielding yourselves to sin you're not rejoicing at the end of a day in those things that carry the hallmark of the fall that you've been indulging in throughout the day you fall at your bedside at night and say again and again and again and I hope you never tire of doing it oh God be merciful to me a sinner take away
[39:53] Lord the sins of this day wash me afresh in that precious blood the only the only way of cleansing the gracious outpouring of that blood of the perfect saviour no sin in the blood purity purity absolute cleansing saints of God yielding themselves they fall before God confessing their sin and asking God for Jesus sake that they shall be cleansed through his blood the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin well now sin shall not have dominion over you sin shall not have dominion over you there are two natures there's the old nature there's a new nature the new nature is under the is the exercise of that dominion of the
[41:24] Lord Jesus Christ by his spirit to that which is good to that which is right all that are yielding all that I could live in holiness oh that I could live in uprightness oh that I never could tell a lie oh that I could never false swear or anything else that is according to the influence and weakness of my fallen nature in common with the rest of the human race one puts it like this oh that I had not a myself oh that I had not a myself myself is my burden myself leads to so many justified cries and sighs because of my sinful weakness but oh my friends that's not all is it it's God by his grace brings repentance into the soul
[42:33] God by his grace causes a sinner to confess and repent of his shortcomings and to seek salvation in the only way salvation can be brought to any person under the sun Jesus only Jesus only I'm going to conclude my remarks this morning a bit scattered but I'm not an orderly preacher what think he of Christ what think he of Christ as you go out of the door of the chapel face the question is Christ a root out of dry ground without form or comeliness there's no beauty in him you should desire him or there are plenty of things in the world you desire far more than the knowledge and presence of Jesus
[43:41] Christ or my friends has God taken up his place in your heart's affection Jesus is the one thing needful I without him perish must oh unless Jesus Christ is my saviour I'm lost but blessed be God he sent his only begotten son into the world with every qualification to perfect salvation for a sinner like me I can black or foul eye to the fountain fly wash me saviour or I die a single eye to
[44:42] Christ surely is an evidence of the dominion of grace in the heart for Jesus Christ means more than anything else beside to those who see salvation through him and him only amen