[0:00] As the Lord should be pleased to help me, I will ask your attention to the subject in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 3, and I will read the 19th verse.
[0:20] The Acts of the Apostles, chapter 3, verse 19. Repent, ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.
[0:47] My mind was taken as I drove home from Wiltshire early this afternoon to when I came to you last September.
[1:03] And I know I felt very tried regarding the chapter that I was to read to you, because I felt that you know that I love you as a people.
[1:18] And yet it seemed to be a chapter that set forth so many of the shortcomings of the Lord's people from the times of Isaiah.
[1:33] And I wondered whatever you might think was in my mind as I brought such a word before you. And as I drove home today, I felt much the same.
[1:45] I tried to get away from this word. I preached from it at Grove on Sunday morning. And with something of the same feeling, another congregation that the Lord has given me a love toward.
[2:02] And I felt they would think, perhaps, that I looked upon them as those who needed such an exhortation as this in a particular sense.
[2:14] But, again, the Lord would not allow me to turn from it. I tried, even since I came home, to look at one or two other verses, look in other parts of the word of God.
[2:26] But even those brought me to see something that came in such a spirit as this. Therefore, I believe that the Lord would have me to try to set this verse before you.
[2:41] When the first verse first came into my mind, as I was sitting, waiting in another chapel last week, I found these words came rather sweetly into my mind.
[3:03] Times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. And I believe that a little later in that same chapel, I began to understand what times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord were.
[3:17] And, yes, it was that part of the text that first came. And yet, when I wanted to set forth, I would that I had the wisdom and the grace of some of my older brethren, I think especially of my dear friend, Mr. Wood, who would be able to come, and he would just take those three words, times of refreshing.
[3:42] And the matter built on it, we should go on our way, comforted, refreshed, and blessed. But it seems that the ministry that is committed unto me would always need to do the thing that begins the verse.
[4:04] I have to look. And I could not, in my own heart and mind, separate the thing that preceded the times of refreshing.
[4:14] Because, if you look at the verse, you will see that they are connected. Grammatically they are connected. Doctrinally they are connected. And we need then to begin, in the lower place, we have to look first at the circumstances in which this word was spoken.
[4:37] Peter was the speaker, the Holy Spirit the instigator. The circumstances were particular, and yet the circumstances are equally particular.
[4:50] But if I use the word general, you must understand that I mean particular to each. Not only at that time, but throughout the whole of the application of the grace of God towards sinners.
[5:05] It is a word that is not spoken with a limited application. It has an application to all to whom the Holy Spirit shall bring it.
[5:19] It is not something that we can say, yes, but that bit does not interest me or refer to me. Or will they hold upon the next? No. The whole.
[5:29] We were shown on a different context on Friday by my nephew, as he spoke briefly in the afternoon service, that sometimes the Lord joins things together in the word of God, and I believe he used the phrase, let not man put us under.
[5:50] And so we must approach this subject from that viewpoint. In the context, we find that Peter was speaking to those, some of whom may well have been literally with the, in the 14th verse, where he said, but ye denied the Holy One and the just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you.
[6:22] As a nation, as the Jews, the Sanhedrin, and the people in Jerusalem, it was, if you like, a general accusation.
[6:33] It may well have been a particular application and accusation to those who were before him. Some of those might well have been numbered among the many that cried crucify.
[6:50] And whether or not there was, yes, a measure of culpability, if there were those among the crowd, as we find in the beginning of the next chapter, remember that this discourse of Peter's was interrupted.
[7:13] If we look in the beginning of the first, the fourth chapter, the priests and the captain of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them, being grieved that they taught the people and preached through Jesus, the resurrection of the dead.
[7:26] And they laid hold upon them and put them in hold, in prison. Howbeit, many of them which heard the word, believed.
[7:37] There was a, yes, an effect from this word. Brief though it is, and, yes, it is very direct, but it was effectual.
[7:49] The Lord was pleased to use it. And, yes, it was, it brings a realization of their culpability, even if they were not numbered, among those who literally denied, by the cry of crucify him, not this man but Barabbas, the Lord Jesus Christ.
[8:15] If so be that they were given a spirit of faith, many which heard the word, believed, then there was a culpability in their souls for the suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[8:38] If so be, faith was given in him, and by that faith, yes, and we shall have to look at the verse a little more particularly shortly, but, by that grace given, they would be led to know that the sufferings of the Lord Jesus, his shed blood and his death, would bring them into the, into the part of the verse, which we shall look upon in a minute, thy sins may be blotted out, those sins, equally with the soldier's nails, equally with the, the cry of the people, crucify him, equally with the weakness of Pilate, who, rather than, uh, risk, having a, uh, an uproar, gave way, and gave authority, for the Lord to be crucified, yes, even more than these things, the sins of those, for whom the Lord suffered, yes, they nailed him on the tree.
[9:52] And so, although we can look at this, in the context, and think that, yes, perhaps the words were spoken, in the very real sense, of that participation, in the accusation, and the crying, against the Lord Jesus Christ, we cannot separate ourselves from it.
[10:11] if so be, by the infinite mercy and grace of God, we are numbered among those, for whom, the Lord died.
[10:22] So, that when we look at it, yes, in a sense, we might, we might have tried, in our hearts, to separate our, culpability, from those, who were, at the cross, at the time, but if so be, we have that hope, that the Lord, has taken away, our sins, we have to see, where the Lord, took them away.
[10:52] One of the, writers, puts it, not quite in the direct, application, but in the, direct, spirit of it, the soldier, pierced his side, tis true, but we have pierced him, through and through.
[11:11] Oh, do we begin to look at the, thought, of the suffering, of the Lord Jesus Christ, in such a way as this, now I am sure, that, for those of you, who are, with me, in these meditations, this evening, you have looked, many times, and I am sure, that many times, as you have looked, upon those sufferings, there has been, a spirit, in your soul, of godly sorrow, for sin.
[11:41] And this is where, we come into this, first word, repent. What a commandment, it was. Not a commandment, that any minister, at any time, is empowered, to utter.
[11:56] Peter, an apostle, one that had been, with the Lord Jesus, one who had been, given a special, insight, into the, work of grace, and, a special help, of the Holy Spirit, in its application, yes, by the Spirit, he was, empowered, to, give a command, that, perhaps, cannot, in the sense of a command, be repeated.
[12:25] He was able to say, repent, therefore. not only, Peter preached, repentance, we can look at, at least, two precedents, when the, apostle, John, when, John the Baptist, was sent, and he began, to preach, the gospel, of the kingdom, I think, we find, that he used, the word, repent, John the Baptist, came, preaching, in the wilderness, of Judea, and saying, repent ye, for the kingdom, of heaven, is at hand, and the Lord, Jesus himself, as he, began, no, not as he began, as he continued, in this, work, of, of spreading, the gospel, of his own grace, of his own kingdom, he, used the same word, and he said, do you, suppose, that, the Galileans, were sinners, above, all Galileans, because,
[13:32] Pilate, mingled their blood, with their sacrifice, I tell you, ye shall, likewise perish, for those, eighteen, upon whom, the tower, in Siloam, fell, and slew them, think ye, they were sinners, above all the men, that, dwelt in Jerusalem, I tell you, nay, but except ye, repent, repeated, ye shall all, likewise perish, and so, the Lord, repeat, the Lord, preached, repeatedly, repentance, the spirit of God, as it sent, John the Baptist, into the ministry, now again, you see, we have, three, very special cases, here, the Lord Jesus, of course, with an authority, that none, can, appropriate, an authority, which is his, and his uniquely, John the Baptist, filled with the spirit of, God, from his, birth, and, with that, his special, commission, given unto him, to preach the kingdom, the apostles, apostles, yes, with the teaching, directly, of the Lord,
[14:45] Jesus Christ, and, that, empowering, of the Holy Spirit, they can preach, the commandment, repent, but, we need, to know, that, except, that commandment, comes, with the power, of the Holy Spirit, as in those, three cases, it undoubtedly, did, it cannot, be a commandment, all that the ministers, can do, is to set the word, of God forth, and to show, what the word, says about it, and to show, this word, repent, repent, I remember, that, repentance, came into my, childish, understanding, very, early, as the, words, began, to, have a meaning, in my, childish, mind, in some, this form,
[15:47] I used to sing, a hymn, and if I can repeat, the verse correctly, it goes, something like this, repentance, is to leave, the sins, we loved, before, and show, that we do, rightly, grieve, by doing, so no more, and, yes, it was a very, natural, thought of repentance, it was not, very spiritual, but I began, to understand, that, it was no good, saying we were sorry, and, continuing, in the ways, that, we, perhaps, in a natural sense, were made, to apologize for, there had to be, with repentance, a change, and, show, that we do, rightly, grieve, by doing so, no more, and, when, we begin, to see repentance, from such an, aspect of this, we are very conscious, of the, need, of the Holy Spirit, that, repentance, in, spirit, can be, real, not, something, that is, of self, but, something, it is, of God, oh, what a thing, it is, to think, that, if there is, repentance, given, and repentance, is given, then, it is, given of God, and we have, to begin, to look at it, as it is, a gift of God, as, even, a grace, yes, something, that is, imparted, of God, is, essentially, a grace, and, although, perhaps, we wouldn't, put it, in the list, of, the things, that we think, of, as grace, we think, of hope, and we think, of faith, and, yes, we look at, a good many other, of those things, and, we, perhaps, itemize them, but, to think of it, that, yes, conviction, is, a grace, and, when conviction, is given, and, a spirit, of godly sorrow, for sin, repentance, comes, into the heart, it is, a grace, it is, one, of those things, that God, in infinite mercy, imparts, to the souls, of his people, that they might, know, yes, and I put this, gently, and I think, correctly, of his grace, toward them, when repentance, is given, it is one, it is one, of the signs, of God's, favor, towards the soul, true, repentance, cannot be, except,
[18:38] God gives it, and when God, gives it, as every, other, grace, that God, gives, it is something, which we should, look upon, we should, find in our hearts, a little, strengthening, and encouragement, from it, what is repentance, in the very, literal sense, as we use it, in the natural sense, if we, offended, one another, we would, apologize, and, we would try, to put the offense, right, I suppose, that would be, in a natural sense, repentance, we cannot, put the thing, right, that we have, offended, God with, we cannot, undo, sins, that are in our hearts, but, we cannot, neutralize, and we can't, do anything, with them, we are, powerless, in that sense, although, able, in a sense, of nature, to show, what true repentance, is, by, the change, in our behavior, toward, someone, we may have offended, we cannot, as we think, of that, which is, toward God, of ourselves, make any, reparation, there is no, no possibility, it is as if, a bankrupt, yes, he has to speak, to his debtors, but he cannot say, as one did, give me time, and I will pay all, because, in the spiritual sense, no time, would be long enough, to pay any, let alone all, and so, we begin to look, what repentance is, it is, something, which must be, essentially, spiritual, and, if it is to be, repentance, we shall find it, in a very, particular sense, we shall find it, is ever, it is ever, in our lives, and I think, that, in eternity, there will be, so great, a sense of grace, that there will be, no, remembrance, of sin, but all the time, we are in the flesh, we shall have, a consciousness, that, we have offended, against God, and if it were not, that there was one, who, would, pay, the debt, for us, we could never, find, in our hearts, any comfort, at all, and yet, brought, into a desire, to repent, brought, into a godly, sorrow, for those things, that we have done, not, necessarily, with, even voice, heart sins, the things, that are within us, it was not, for nothing, that David, in his, 139th Psalm, said, thou knowest, my thoughts, are far off,
[21:55] I am very sure, of this, that with you, as with me, there is far, more, fear, as we look, within, at what, God sees, hidden within us, as to what, he sees, in the outward, actions, perhaps, in the outward, actions, as far as, our fellow creatures, are concerned, we may, walk, fairly uprightly, but the heart, knoweth, its own, plague, every man, knowing, the plague, of his own heart, and it is, that plague, of our heart, that we find, is our burden, before God, but then, we begin, to think, that, in such a, view of it, well, can repentance be, can there be any, is it possible, that, a soul, such as mine, can, even show, repentance, I think,
[22:55] I can show, a little, from my own experience, when, a true, sense of, repentance, really, came, into my soul, the second, time, that I was, favoured, to, attend, an ordinance, of the Lord's Supper, was at, to Folkestone, I drove my father, there, and he, conducted, the ordinance, there, and I was, asked to join, in it, and, as the, ordinance, was, or, went through, as we, began, to think, upon, the sufferings, of the Lord, as we, began, to look, at the, token, of his death, death, oh, it seemed, to me, how real, it was, that it was not, no, not so much, the things, that happened, at Calvary, but the things, that happened, here, that made, the Lord, to suffer, and the, sorrow, for that, sin, that made, the Lord, to suffer,
[24:00] I believe, was, perhaps, the first, true, understanding, of repentance, that came, into my soul, and then, some, years later, I went, to Ashford, or, sometime, sometime, I can't remember, the month, in 1971, and I conducted, the ordinance, of the Lord, and as I began, to break the bread, rather tremblingly, I was, I felt, it was a, an occasion, of some, um, I was going, to use the word, holiness, you almost understand me, an occasion, that was, very, very, important, to me, and as I began, to break the bread, I looked, upon the hands, that made, the Lord, suffer, and I felt, the depth, of it, and as I felt, that depth, again, my mind, went back, to Folkestone, when I looked, upon the, breaking, of the bread, and felt, the reason, for it, and then,
[25:07] I began, again, to, know what it was, to feel, yes, the grace, of repentance, and there you, fully understand, it's nothing, that can come, from, a natural mind, it is the, spirit of God, showing, the effect, of sin, and therefore, bringing, the desire, for repentance, repentance, but then, repentance, again, has a very close, link, to the second, word, that comes, into this, subject, and be converted, if there is, true repentance, and I believe, that there is, evidence, of true repentance, in many, of those, who love, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the evidence, is quite plain, perhaps, not so much, to them, as to those, that look, upon them, it will be, seen, in the walk, yes, it will be, seen in the life, the,
[26:13] Sunday school hymn, will come, into their lives, and show, that we do, rightly, grieve, oh, there will be, no lightness, in their religion, there will be, no, froth, nothing, nothing, that is flippant, in it, there will be, a reality, there will be, a depth, and now, converted, in the, literal translation, of it, means to be, turned around, and it does mean, there will be, a turning around, in, in viewpoint, and I think, we can put it, very simply, and we must put it, fairly briefly, it will be, looking, unto Jesus, instead of, looking, away, from Jesus, it will be, seeing in him, and in him, alone, our salvation, our eyes, will be, looking, unto Jesus, now, in a natural sense, our natural, hearts, and minds, cannot, live in such, a posture, the natural, mind, knoweth not, the things, of the spirit, of God, but when the spirit, of God, takes of the things, of Jesus, and, lays them, before us, and then, directs our, eyes, to him, there is the change, that is conversion, it is not, a sudden change, shall we say, in, a natural, attitude, which can be, if you like, the only word, that will come readily, to my thoughts, at the moment, is faked, it can be, something which is not, genuine, when the eyes, are directed, by the spirit, of God, to see Jesus, to see him, first, in his suffering, and then, to see him, as one, who looks, upon us, and who, yes, not, looks, upon us, as a schoolmaster, looks, upon the children, but looks, upon us, with love, looks, upon us, as the, fruit, of his suffering, how does the, the, prophet, put it, he shall see, of the fruit, of his travel, looks, upon us, perhaps, as, as we look, to him, who, endured, the cross, for us, and he, looks, upon those, for whom, he, endured, the cross, do we not, find, that, our eyes, cannot, look away, that he, is ever, before us, this is conversion, when, the eyes, are made, by grace, by the work, of the Holy Spirit, within, to see Jesus,
[29:13] Jesus, now, here is the, background of it, but then you see, we come to the next part, there is, the third part, of the text, I began to look at it, on Sunday morning, and began to see, my father would have said, five viewpoints, so I, began to wonder, at my ability, to, be able to, to cope, with such a, a text, but, the Lord, was with us, on Sunday morning, and, I found the time, to be a time, of refreshing, and although, the, ministry of the word, as your dear pastor, and your other, minister will tell you, is something, which is, in the physical sense, very tiring, in the spiritual sense, sometimes, it is, very renewing, it is refreshing, and, I have that hope, that I began, to understand, a little, of the things,
[30:14] I was trying, to set before, the people there, and, oh, when I began, to see, that, when repentance, is given, and when, our eyes, are constrained, by the Holy Spirit, to see Jesus, then, this third, viewpoint, must, be considered, that, your sins, may be, blotted out, I remember, Peter was speaking, by the Holy Spirit, there was no, question here, of any, anything, that is, suppositional, he hasn't put, that, perhaps, they may, but when, by the grace, of God, repentance, is given, when, by the grace, of God, our eyes, are turned, the Holy Spirit's work, to be looking, unto Jesus, the effect, of it, will be, the blotting, out, of sin, no doubt, you, as I, many times, have, asked, that the Lord, would, in his infinite, mercy, 100% sure, in the soul's, experience, make it to be, something, which could be, unmistakable, you, no doubt, have looked, as I have looked, listened, as I have listened, to the word, many times, and, as the gospels, have been read, how many times, we find, the Lord, speaking those words, of such grace, son, or daughter, those sins, be forgiven thee, and do not, your minds, as my mind, wish, that, such a, an unspeakable, blessing, could be, ours, to hear, the, yes, if I say, the natural voice, don't misunderstand me, the natural voice, the human voice, of the Lord Jesus, speaking such words, oh, we, think, those that heard, that, most gracious, utterance, they must have, gone on their, way, afterwards, ever, realizing, the unspeakable, joy, of a cleansed soul, and yet, it seems, that at times, our poor souls, are, are not quite, in such a place, we know, yes, we know, that we are sinners, we hope, and we use the word, quite wrongly, not scripturally, we hope, it is, as it were, a very tentative, reaching out, we hope, that the precious, blood of Jesus, has been applied, to our souls, and, we would, that we could find, the certainty, of it, we would like, as it were, to see the drops, of it upon us, but oh, when we look, at such a world, as this, do we feel, that, godly, sorrow, for sin, as we look, at the, sufferings, of our Lord,
[33:29] Jesus Christ, those of you, that gather, around the Lord's table, even on last Sunday, and those of you, perhaps, who should gather, around the Lord's table, I hope, you stop, and listen, and look, but, oh, at those times, do you not find, your heart, softened, your soul, made to feel, the wonder, of the, unspeakable, love, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, to undeserving, sinners, though you don't feel, your heart, drawn to him, and as you, in spirit, desire, to be partakers, not of the token, but of the reality, and no doubt, your prayers, are to that end, those of you, that partake, then, you, begin to find, oh, such a reaching out, to him, oh, such a desire, and, such a love, and then, when your heart, is warmed, with love, to one, and you feel, that you're able, to lay hold, upon the words, of the apostle, who loved me, and gave himself, for me, just for a little season, yes, you have this hope, that, your sins, may be blotted out, and yet, you will quickly, come, and you will go, into the spirit, of the hymn writer, who, had to pray, daily, plunged, in Jesus blood, now,
[35:12] I've told you before, but it will bear repeating, I remember, once, in the fullness, of joy, of the grace, of God, toward my soul, when that hymn, was quoted, I began to wonder, oh, the poor hymn writer, yes, he must have been, in a low state, because, just for a little time, my soul, was, very, very, softened, with the love, of God, toward it, and, I began to see, all things were mine, and I could see, that, the Lord Jesus, was mine, and therefore, all things were mine, and in a sense, I felt a little sympathy, a little sorrow, for the, low state, of the hymn writer, but I very soon, found out, how the, hymn writer, was, a man, of far greater grace, and experience, than I was, and, how right he was, because, our poor, our souls, yes, they will find, even, in the most, holy experiences, there is still, that, influence, of the, old man, of sin, within, and, we know, something, of that conflict, the apostle,
[36:30] Paul, spoke of it, the new man, of grace, the old man, of sin, and, the conflict, immediately, brings, doubts, and fears, and, so often, it brings, an inward looking, instead of, an upward looking, but, oh, when that grace, is given, once more, once more, to, effectually, practice, what we are made, when, yes, I'll have to use the word, we are converted, and, instead of looking, within, we look up, we look to Jesus, it is then, that we begin, to find, yes, we may change, but, Jesus, never, blessed be his name, but then, we must come quickly, when the times, of refreshing, the times, of refreshing, it's a, a beautiful word, now,
[37:34] I cannot read, Greek, or, any other language, except English, but those that can, they tell me, this is the only time, this word is used, in its, particular, tense, in the whole, of the, Old Testament, and once it is used, in the, Septuagint, referring to something, that, was respite, for, for, Pharaoh, Pharaoh, but, taken, in a very, literal sense, this word, balances, with the word, of the Lord Jesus, when, in Matthew's gospel, in the eleventh chapter, he gave us, those, most beautiful, three, three, verses, at the end of it, when, in the, eleventh chapter, the last three verses, when he says, I will give you rest, you shall find rest, unto your souls, there is a, it is an equivalent, it is the spirit, of the word, that is used here, for refreshing, when, the times, of rest, shall come, into your souls, when, not that you, shall pass over, a little plane, called ease, no, nothing like that, when, your soul, shall rest, in your saviour, now this is how, the Lord spoke, come unto me, and I, will give you rest, you shall find, rest, for your souls, times, of refreshing, and I began, to think about, those times, of refreshing,
[39:25] I thought about them, on my way home, from London, last week, and I thought about them, on Saturday, and I thought about them, on Sunday, and I thought about them, since, what are these times, of refreshing, where do they come, how do they come, into the soul's experience, what is the, evidence of them, can we lay hold, upon them, well, we can lay hold, upon them, just, as easily, now I'm saying, this carefully, as we can, respond, to the word, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and he said, come, unto me, unto me, but we have to remember, we don't need, to be reminded, because we can look, within, that, even this, is something, which our natures, would prevent, if it were not, for an overruling, race, that comes from God, no man, can come to me, the Lord said, except the father, draw him, and when the father, sends the Holy Spirit, to make your soul, feel its need, and to lift your eyes, to see Jesus, to look unto him, a desire, after him, to reach out, to him, effectually, to come to him, it is then, that, one, of these times, of refreshing, comes, into your soul's, experience, a time, when you are made, to feel, and it has to couple, with the, the last part, of the, the verse, the presence, of your Lord, oh, that we were more able, more often, and that the spirit, of grace, would give to us, this, grace, more often, so to reach, out, after him, and yet, this gracious spirit, knows our natures, and knows our need, and, although, we may not, always realize it, at the time, at all times, that, which is wrought, in our soul's, experience, will, if we are numbered, among his people, will work, to that end, every experience, we have, will be something, that, the spirit, of God, is ordering, that our souls, may be brought, yes, as the need, is felt, into one, of these times, of refreshing, and the times, of refreshing, can only, come in the context, of the last sentence, in the presence, of the Lord, and that we find, the presence, of the Lord, sometimes, in our spirits, as we, do reach out, by grace, not of ourselves, but, the very, spirit, of God, enabling us, to reach, out, in spirit, unto the Lord,
[42:51] Jesus, or again, to quote, those three beautiful words, from Hebrews, looking, unto Jesus, you have found it, I have found it, and I thank God, for it, those times, when, yes, in the, yep, um, I was going to use, the word, ordinary, but it's not the right, word to use, if I say normal, in the normal, manner, of worship, especially, at the Lord's table, I have felt, my soul, to enter, into that time, of refreshing, yes, have you not found it, too, at, the throne, of grace, when the name, of Jesus, pleaded, has brought your soul, into a, solemn, and yet, gracious, realization, of God's, nearness, to a praying spirit, so that we could pray, more often, and, more fully, sometimes, prayer, seems to be, so far, from our souls, so that, when we can, find, in our times, of prayer, a felt, help, of the Holy Spirit, and a realization, of a nearness, unto God, we enter, once more, into a, time, of refreshing, the presence, of the Lord, he, graciously, according to his, own word, of promise, when we, draw near, to him, nigh, to him, he, will draw, nigh, unto us, when two, draw, nigh, to each other, they're, in each other's, presence, and when the presence, of the Lord, is made, known, unto us, in any way, in any way, it is, a time, of refreshing, a time, of rest, oh, what a rest, to our soul, to know, that the Lord, is near, now, sometimes, the time, of rest, is needed, the Lord, used a word, that, showed, that, the rest, was provided, in a very particular, sense, you, labor, and are, heavy laden, do we, sometimes, have a, consciousness, of this, spiritual, labor, to be, heavily, laden, in spirit, and, then, we hear, as it were, the word, of God, speaking, the word, of God, says to us, cast, thy, burden, upon the Lord, he shall sustain thee, and sometimes, it's in a very, um, almost, a, a sense, that can be, uh, realized, in, nature, when, being bowed down, and really, feeling, the, burdens, that are laid upon us, the Lord, draws near, and strengthens us, and I think, we find it, in an exact, parallel, as, uh,
[46:02] Paul found it, when, it was a very, ordinary thing, it was a natural thing, that was, um, his thorn in the flesh, and yet, when the Lord, again, the presence of the Lord, the spirit of the Lord, drew near, and the words that came into his heart, my grace is sufficient for thee, my strength is made perfect in weakness, now, in his weakness, and his, affliction, he felt very much, to be, numbered among those, who, labored, and were heavily laden, but then, the grace of God, was given, and he found himself, to be, strengthened, and now, those of you, that work, you know what I mean, when I was, say that, it is rest, when we feel, strengthened, in labors, yes, we, might feel, right at the, end of our, ...
[47:10] ... ... ... ... ... ... ...