Young people's service with children reading - these readings are difficult to hear.
[0:00] Number 11 continues to play in 1998. Number 11 continues to play in 1998.
[0:26] Let us pray that gladstone mine, praise the Lord for his time, for his mercy shall endure, ever faithful, ever shall.
[0:37] Let us pray that gladstone mine, praise the Lord for his time.
[0:58] God is the Lord for his mercy, ever faithful, ever shall.
[1:14] Lord for his mercy, ever shall. May God's sound be made of hope.
[1:27] Lord of God, he is the Lord. God is the Lord for his mercy, ever shall.
[1:43] May God's sound be made of hope. May God's sound be made of hope.
[1:55] May God's sound be made of hope. May God's sound be made of hope.
[2:08] May God's sound be made of hope. May God's shout, heaven for his mercy, ever shall.
[2:18] For his mercy, ever shall.
[2:38] No kings living。 He called me.
[2:50] biblical art shall I stay. Tibby's open.
[4:49] Gary will read the scriptures for us. Two readings, first from chapter 8 of Genesis 20-27, and the second from Genesis 9, verse 17 verses.
[5:12] And now of every clean booth, and of every clean fowl, and upward burnt off it was on the altar. And the Lord smelled the sweet savour, and the Lord seen in the fire.
[5:24] I will not again lift the ground any more for man's sake. For the imagination of man's heart is evil on the view. Neither would I against, nor is it any more, everything is as I have done.
[5:42] For the earth remains, sea time and harvest, and cold and heat, and sun and winter, and day and night do not cease. Now can chapter 9.
[5:52] And God bless now and his sons, who don't be fruit and multiply, and he'll finish the earth. And the fear of you, and the riddle of you, shall be upon every piece of the earth, and upon every cloud of the air, upon all the food, upon the earth, and upon all the fish of the sea, and your hands, for they deliver.
[6:15] And the riddle of you, and the riddle of you, shall be made for you. Even as the grain curve, I have given you all things. But especially the life-carol, which is the birth-carol, showing off it.
[6:31] And surely, your blood is the blood of your life, the blood of the sea, and the riddle of the beast, the blood of the sea, and the hand of man.
[6:44] And the hand of the man's brother, the blood of the sea, the blood of the sea, and the life of man. Which actually is the man's blood. For a man, so that he's blood, his shape.
[6:55] For in the image of God, make me man. And you, be fruitful, and multiply. Bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply the earth.
[7:09] And God's faithfulness in our lives, and your sons to live. So, and I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you.
[7:19] And with every living creature that is with you, over the battle of the capital, and over every place of the earth, with you. From all the, from all the flesh of the earth, to every place of the earth.
[7:35] And all the establishment coming with you. Neither shall all flesh be packed, or any more, by the waters of the flood. Neither shall there be any more of the flood to destroy the earth.
[7:48] And God said, this is the token of the covenant that I'm left between me and you, and every living creature that is with you. For the perpetual generations.
[8:01] I do set my vow in the cloud. And this shall be the world's token, or the covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud of the earth, that the cloud shall be seen in the cloud.
[8:18] And I will remember my covenant between me and you, and every living creature that is with all flesh. And the water shall no more become a cloud to destroy the earth.
[8:28] And the fire shall be in the cloud. And I will look upon it. For I remember the everlasting covenant between God, and every living creature that is with all flesh.
[8:40] And God said, now, this is the token of the covenant that shall have service to me and you. Thank you.
[9:18] 252. When I surveyed my spirit's scene the leads to darkness hours sweet rays of comfort shine a dream and voice amidst the flags.
[9:35] When I surveyed my spirit's scene the wind of the sun sweet rays of comfort shine a dream and hope on it with love.
[10:06] Lord, teach me to adore my hand from which I come for sure and let me in this day of life a た слова livin' The Son of God
[11:16] With the arms of a thankful heart For where we were born free The blessings of thy grace And let me live to thee There was with hope and love of mine My love of life of grace Thy presence true, my foolish child
[12:16] And from my God is there Let us pray Gracious God, our Heavenly Father We will draw near again unto thee And come, O Lord, with that thought in our hearts That thou hast bidden us come And whether we are old or young Lord, there is that same welcome on high Lord, we thought this afternoon Of the Lord Jesus As he said that the children could come unto him And Lord, as it is certain
[13:16] That he welcomed them unto himself So we ask that there shall be In the hearts of those children and young people That have gathered here this evening That desire to be even as they were To draw near To draw near unto thee And Lord, they have sung In the hymn that we have just Sung together That same desire That thou wilt be with them And Lord, may it be the language of each heart And the desire of each soul Before thee We ask, O Lord, that thy blessing Might rest especially Upon the children And the young people Lord, we feel how much they need That guidance of thy spirit In the age in which they are having to grow up And we plead with thee
[14:18] For that especial mercy and blessing Thy grace manifest unto them We ask, Lord, that each Shall realize thy help In the things of daily life To be able to know A prayer hearing A prayer answering God As they go through the things Which are concerning Their school life Or as they enter into the world To earn the bread which perisheth And Lord, to know The guidance of thy spirit For truly, as the time goes And they have to make decisions Lord, to have that wisdom From on high Let this be their desire To seek to know thy will And to walk in accordance with it Let each of them be so broad And taught of thy spirit That their desires are After thee To do thy will To serve thee
[15:19] Even as they go through the things Even as they go through the things Which are to do with the natural service Of mankind In the world at large Lord, even as each one of us Old or young Do serve our fellow creatures Let it be In that spirit mostly Which is to serve thee Lord, we have to enter into many things That are peculiar To do with this world Particularly so to do But Lord, even in these We believe there is that opportunity Afford it That we serve thee And Lord, let this be the desire Of every heart We ask again That thy blessing Might rest upon them In their service of thee We think of the ways In which From time to time They serve thee As they go to the help
[16:20] And to the Entertainment of the old people And Lord, we believe It is more than this For the things that they set forth Are those things which are of thee And Lord, we ask That thou bless them in it And as they serve And as they read and sing Lord, let thy presence be known Let thy grace abound And let there be good Not only for the old who hear But for the young Who read and sing for them Lord, we ask that thou wilt be pleased So to bless them We commend again unto thee The children and the teachers In the Sunday school And we ask, Lord That thou wilt bless The lessons which have been given Unto them today And Lord, that they shall realize And know Thy presence in this That as those things are brought
[17:23] Into their hearts And as they are enabled In the understanding of them As the matters are opened As the matters are opened before them So, Lord, that thou wilt enable them each To realize and to know The goodness and the mercy The grace of God And to know it In that particular sense That it is toward them Lord, often it pleases thee To refer to thy people As thy children And Lord, we believe That this does enter into The truth with regard To those who are In the literal sense Children and young people And we are thankful for this That there are none too young And we are thankful too That there are none too old To be the subjects Of the grace of God Lord, might it abound to each Bless then the children
[18:24] Bless those near to us And far from us Lord, we shall think a little Of the children That we do not know As we come to the end of the service And as the collection is made For those children In such difficult And sometimes dangerous Circumstance Lord, let our hearts Be filled with compassion And with that desire That in such a way as this That we shall serve thee And Lord, that all that is done By that society For whom we collect Might be in the fulfillment Of thy will That those who are Enabled to enter Or to pass through The threshold of life Not to fall by the wayside In their youth And to die Before they have grown up Might be saved Because that thou hast for them That eternal favor
[19:25] That they should be brought To know thee Not only the giver The preserver of natural life But the giver of eternal life Lord, let our hearts And our desires Our prayers unto thee Be to this end Even as we desire To do what we can To help In the temporal sense That Lord Hoping that it shall please thee In thy eternal purpose In thy love So to favor them That they shall know thee And be brought Into everlasting life Do now be with us And do open thy word to us Grant us, O Lord An understanding of it And lead us In thy truth And teach us Because we come In all desires In praise And in thanksgiving Seeking the forgiveness
[20:27] Of every sin In the name And for the sake Of Jesus Christ Amen Amen Number 25 In this moment 196 Great God Hail wonderful out there In all our works and ways Today should all our teachers Bow And let it come In our praise Praise God The Lord
[21:31] The Lord The Lord The Lord The Lord The Lord The Lord The Lord of the light The Lord The love of sea, the wind of snow, of Jesus' hope proclaims.
[22:20] As we in the various ways of hope, thy goodness still won't seem.
[22:40] Thy mighty hand, thy God for air, thy reckons with me all.
[23:00] And the angels bound, let's fall, still there thy wisdom, now and now.
[23:22] The love of sea, the love of God's love, where justice come and mercy join, to save every man's land.
[24:13] As the Lord shall help me, I'm going to try to talk to you this evening about the rainbow.
[24:27] You heard Gary read the scriptures, and you heard that which he said. That which the Lord set forth regarding the rainbow.
[24:38] And I will look at the last verses again. And the Lord said, And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you, and every living creature of all flesh.
[24:52] And the water shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. And the bow, the rainbow, shall be in the cloud.
[25:03] And I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature, and the water of all flesh that is upon the earth.
[25:16] During my address to you tonight, I shall need some help.
[25:27] And so I want all you children and young people to have your Bibles ready, and I will give you plenty of notice as to the places where I shall want you to read from.
[25:40] And I think I can see all of those that can read, and I shall ask you by name. So, when I want you to read to me, please have your Bibles all ready, and I will give you plenty of notice.
[25:58] Last Sunday, I tried to preach in the morning at Chippenham, and on my way back to Castle Coombe at dinner time, as we were travelling, there was a beautiful, a spectacularly beautiful rainbow in the sky.
[26:19] And you could see all its colours, and you could see it's double. You know that sometimes you can see the rainbow, an extra one on top of it.
[26:31] And you may not have noticed, but next time it happens, you look. And the colours in the outside one are the opposite way round to the colours on the inside one.
[26:44] It's not significant, but it's interesting. It does show us that sometimes the Lord shows his face in one way, and sometimes in another.
[26:56] Sometimes he shows first his grace, and then his providence, and sometimes first his providence, and then his grace. We can see the Lord in all his works, when we are giving eyes to see them.
[27:11] But, we read about the rainbow, and there's just two or three things I want to tell you about it, before we start to try to think upon the Lord who made the rainbow.
[27:23] The rainbow itself, first mentioned, in that passage of scripture that Gary read to us, after the flood. Before the flood, there were no rainbows.
[27:37] Why? There were no rain. So no rainbows. There was still the dew in the morning. If there were waterfalls, the sun might have made those pretty colours that sometimes you see around a waterfall, but there was no rainbow in the sky.
[27:58] And God brought the rainbow when he had allowed the flood to take place, ordered the flood to take place, and when after the flood there was a difference in the climate.
[28:15] There were clouds and rains and storms sometimes, but always, somewhere, the sun shining. And because the sun was shining and the clouds dropped the rain, from time to time there was a rainbow.
[28:34] And there has been ever since. I saw one last Sunday. I think there were some in the week, but I didn't see them myself. You see them fairly often.
[28:47] I remember when I was much younger, I can't put a date on it, a dear old minister called Mr. Hickmott came and preached to us, and he preached about the rainbow.
[28:59] rainbow. And I remember it. I was quite young, and afterwards he came round to Clermont, and he had to wait for somebody to come and fetch him.
[29:11] And while he waited, a very black cloud came over, but the sun was still shining, and we had a most beautiful rainbow, one of the best I've ever seen.
[29:24] And the dear old minister was so pleased, because it seemed to him to be like it was, a sign from God. He said to me, he was a very quaint old man, and he said, the Lord looks upon that rainbow.
[29:45] And I thought about it, and I looked into the scripture, and it tells us this, and when I, and the bow shall be in the cloud, and I will look upon it.
[30:00] Now we believe that God looks everywhere, and he sees all things, but God has particularly, specifically, undertaken that when the bow is in the cloud, he will look upon it.
[30:18] And now there's something rather good about this. next time there's a rainbow, and you look upon it, you look up to it, God looks down on it, but nonetheless, there's a point of contact, is there not?
[30:37] God looking upon the rainbow, and God reminding himself, his own words, of his covenant.
[30:47] you, looking upon the rainbow, are reminded of God's promise, and looking together, surely, the rainbow must be something like the throne of grace, a place where God and his people meet, where together they look at something which God has ordained, just as they looked at the mercy seat in the tabernacle, and they remembered the promise of God, there will I meet with thee, and so they felt the nearness of God as they drew near to the mercy seat, so we, as we look upon the rainbow, can have a certain realization of the nearness of God to us.
[31:38] peace. Now, I don't want to spend much more time on that part of it, it's just some thoughts that came into my mind, they came in last Sunday dinner time, and many times since, as I thought about this rainbow, because last Sunday dinner time, I got, as we ministers say, my text for this evening, and I saw it in the sky.
[32:06] Now, when I started thinking upon the rains, and I expect that if I ask some of you young people, you might be able to tell me the colors in their order, but I shan't put you to the test, I will read them to you.
[32:27] I do not actually need to read them, but just so that I make no mistakes, I shall. The first is red. the second is orange.
[32:41] The third is yellow. And now, we know a little bit about colors, don't we? You paint with water colors, you know that when you mix red and yellow, you get orange.
[32:59] After yellow comes green, and then blue. And now, you know again that if you mix yellow and blue, you get green.
[33:14] And then, after blue, another one, which you may not have heard of, used to be spoken of when some of us were children, called indigo.
[33:28] Now, it used to be called indigo because they grew a plant in India, which made blue dye. And because they made the dye from this plant which came from India, so the color was called indigo, and it's a blue which is a little bit darker than the ordinary blue.
[33:52] And then, they started making blue by some other means in a place in Germany, and we called it Prussian blue. And after that, they didn't grow that plant so much. But that's just why the color is called indigo.
[34:06] And then, lastly, violet. And so you can assume that the violet, which as you know, is a slightly reddy blue, has gone right through the spectrum and is coming back to the red.
[34:19] And the violet, mixed with the blue, makes this peculiar shade of blue called indigo. But that gives to us those seven colors, colors, which sometimes can be distinctly and clearly seen in the rainbow.
[34:36] And I began to think about these colors. I didn't want to talk to you only about the spectrum, only about the way that light is made into colors by the action of the sun on the rain or a prism.
[34:50] I wanted there to be some lessons in it. And I began to think. and I thought, how can we see the beauty of God in the rainbow?
[35:06] How do these colors set forth God? And I thought, well, there's only one way I can do it. I'm not clever enough to apply the colors directly.
[35:18] But every color begins with a letter. Red begins with R. orange begins with O.
[35:28] And you know how to spell them. Only one you might not know, indigo, begins with I. And I thought there must be something which is to do with God for every letter of the colors.
[35:44] Because I want you to look at the rainbow, and not just to see the colors, the beauty, although you will see that, but for the colors to remind you of something which is to do with God.
[35:58] And it means you've got to remember the first letter, and then remember the word that I give you. And not only when you look at the rainbow, when you see a red rose, or a blue cornflower, or perhaps a yellow primrose, or buttercup, why should not you think of some of the things which are to do with God, set forth by the colors which are in the rainbow.
[36:29] And then I began to think, and I thought quite a lot, it is sometimes easiest to think when all is quiet, and I must admit that most of this address has been brought into my mind as I have been in bed.
[36:50] And I have thought about it, and my mind has been taken one way and another. And last night I found I had only got one color that hadn't got something about God in my mind.
[37:05] And now I have put them all down in verses, and I am going to ask you to read the verses. Now, the first verse can be read by somebody fairly young, and it be found in the Gospel of Matthew, the sixth chapter.
[37:20] The first word I want to think upon, to do with the color red, is the word righteousness. And perhaps it is our first conception, our first understanding of God.
[37:37] We think of God in his righteousness. God holy, God perfect, God who is God in all his ways, and nobody has any right to suggest that one thing that God ever does or has done is wrong.
[38:01] And yet, we shall find something more than this understanding of the righteousness which is in God. But we will begin and look at the verses first.
[38:12] Think of this word righteousness and look in the Gospel of Matthew and Adam can read it to us. The 33rd verse.
[38:23] Verse 33, Matthew 6. Thank you.
[38:44] That was very good. And now, look in the Psalms 145. And again, this is one I think that one of the younger scholars can read to me.
[39:03] Psalm 145 and the 17th verse.
[39:14] Would Stuart manage it? The Lord is watching all his words at the and in all his words.
[39:39] Thank you. There's two things then we've learned already and there are two more verses to read on righteousness. The next one, perhaps I ought to ask one of the bigger scholars to read, Jeremiah chapter 23.
[39:56] But two things that we have thought already upon this, that the righteousness of God is something that can be sought.
[40:08] And then the Psalmist brought us back, something that can be looked for. And then the Psalmist brought us back to a thought on the wonder of the work of God.
[40:23] In every way it is right. The Lord is righteous in all his ways. Jeremiah 33 and the sixth verse.
[40:36] Annette, please. 23. 23. I beg your pardon, my writing was bad. 23 and verse 6.
[40:51] My fault. good. Good. Thank you.
[41:09] And now lastly on this heading, the shorter I'll tell you, most of them, I want somebody to look in Philippians. Can you find Philippians, one of you boys up in the gallery?
[41:24] And look at the third chapter and the ninth verse. It's a fairly long piece to read, but I don't think it's too difficult. The Philippians comes just after Ephesians chapter 3 verse 9.
[41:54] And we found in you, not having mine and righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness is of God's God's Father.
[42:14] Thank you, Alistair, thank you. Right, now four verses about righteousness of God. First of all, something which can be found, something which can be understood, because we look upon a God of righteousness, even so much that Jeremiah told us that his name is righteousness, righteousness, it is Jehovah Sid Kinu, the Lord our righteousness, and then lastly, there was something about it which showed us somebody who had found it, and that was the Apostle Paul.
[43:00] Although he felt that he knew something about a natural righteousness, righteousness, then he found too that there was something in his natural righteousness which was no good to him, and so he sought the righteousness which was of God by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ.
[43:29] And now, if it was to be a sermon about this, I should have to go quite a lot further on that, but my father would have said, I can only give you hints.
[43:41] Next time you see the rainbow and look at the red, remember first, God is holy and righteous in all his ways. Then that will immediately give you the comparison, you are not.
[43:55] God, and then you will see, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and you will have that hope for it, and you will look to the Lord, your righteousness, and hope that with the apostle Paul, that he will reveal to you the righteousness which is of God by faith through Jesus Christ our Lord.
[44:19] Now we must look at the next letter, because at this rate, I shall have to keep you over time. Look to the orange, just the colour, and called orange, because it is like the fruit of that name, and not the other way round.
[44:41] The fruit names the colour, and not the colour of the fruit. Orange. Now, there is one word that came immediately to my mind, and it could have been one of several, but omnipotent.
[45:01] Now, that's a long word, and so, I'm going to give you two verses to read, and the first one is for one of the older ones to read, Revelations chapter 19, chapter 19, verse 6.
[45:30] Ian would read it to us, please. Thank you, Ian.
[45:50] Thank you, Ian. And then, one more thought, to bring omnipotence into our understanding.
[46:06] I'll ask Tim to read this one from the Gospel of Matthew, the 28th chapter, and the 18th verse. Omnipotent, the words, if we look at them in their original, mean all-powerful, and the word almighty and the word omnipotent in the Bible come from the same word in their interpretation, but the Lord Jesus gives to us a better understanding for our minds when he spoke to his disciples, and Tim is going to read it to us.
[46:42] Matthew 28, verse 18. And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, all-power is given unto me in heaven, only there. Thank you.
[46:55] You heard that. The Lord said what omnipotence was, all-power given unto him. The omnipotence of God, sometimes we think upon it, and our minds immediately go to the great works of God, creation, the stars, the sun, the planets, and, oh, so far out that you can hardly think upon it.
[47:22] And then we look at those things which are, in our understanding, when you've been and looked at some of the, even in our own country, the mountains and the rocks and the hills and the valleys, so great, so wonderful, so beautiful, we look on them and we think, the power of God.
[47:45] And yet, when that power was shown in the Lord Jesus, it was a greater power, even than the power of creation, it was the power of redemption.
[47:57] And that power which the Lord Jesus had was a power so great that it makes lost souls and I thought, I don't think I can possibly find something in the word of God describing the Lord, either the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit, beginning with the letter Y.
[48:32] And as I stopped and thought about it, a word, a verse, came into my mind and I thought, that settles the matter, I shall try and work this through.
[48:45] Now I want one of you, please, to turn to the second epistle to the Corinthians, chapter one, verse twenty.
[49:00] The second epistle to the Corinthians, chapter one, verse twenty, and then keep your Bibles open at the second of Corinthians. And perhaps Rosemary would read to us, please, two Corinthians one, verse twenty.
[49:18] Thank you, Rosemary.
[49:28] the promises of God in him are yea, and in him amen. And now I just need to talk to you a moment about this.
[49:40] What did the apostle Paul mean when he said, all the promises in him are yea, or we would say yes and amen.
[49:51] when we look into the word of God, we are looking into something which is different than the words of men. Men's words are often perhaps, and may be, and it could be, or it might happen, not so the words of God.
[50:12] When God speaks, it is positive, and so the apostle said, the promises of God in him, in Christ Jesus, the promises of God in Christ Jesus, are yes, they will certainly be.
[50:29] They cannot be, I was going to say gain said, let's say something easier, they cannot be denied. God's word is true. And because the apostle said, and amen, in him amen, it means, and in him it shall be so.
[50:50] and now, I thought, what better reminder can we have as we look at the yellow of the rainbow, or the yellow of any other natural source, and are made to think upon God, of the certainty of his promises.
[51:10] The apostle Peter said, exceeding great and precious promises. But when we put the apostle Peter with the apostle Paul, and we think of those exceeding great and precious promises as being as certain as the word of God can be, in him yes, and in him amen, so, then, we have another understanding of God, his word sure, and his word made sure, to those who are made to hear it.
[51:47] This afternoon, some of you remember, I tried to talk about ears that hear. when we hear the word of God, the voice of God, and know the truth of his promises, then, we gladly agree with the apostle Paul, the promises of God in him are yea, and in him amen.
[52:13] Now, we need quickly to come on to the next color, which is green. And we see a lot of green, green is perhaps the most predominant color, the most common color, in our countryside.
[52:31] And, as we look upon it, we see it in its shades of beauty, and we look upon it again and again, and have you noticed that you never get tired of looking upon the green that God has clothed the world in?
[52:50] If it was all yellow, like the sand, and bright with the sun on it, it would hurt. But God has particularly made a color predominant that as we look upon it, it is comfortable to our eyes, and we like to look on it.
[53:09] It is pleasant, nice, in all ways. And as I thought about the green, I thought the three words straight away, and I thought, well, we have to mention them all, and I had got more than one verse, but we might have to be content with one verse.
[53:31] I thought of the grace of God, I thought of the glory of God, and then I thought of the goodness of God.
[53:42] And as I thought upon those things, I had no trouble in my mind finding suitable verses, let's think first on the grace of God.
[53:55] Now I told you to keep your fingers in the second Corinthians, but turn to the twelfth chapter, chapter twelve, and look at the ninth verse, and there's just one sentence in that.
[54:11] can the other boy in the gallery manage to read it? The second Corinthians verse, chapter twelve, verse nine.
[54:34] No, all right. And I will read it to you. And he said, my grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
[54:50] Now, I had not the Bible opened in the right place, but I think I have quoted it correctly. My grace is sufficient for thee. Have you ever stopped to think upon what the grace of God is and does for his people?
[55:08] it helps them in all their times of difficulty. It enables them to overcome all the afflictions which come upon them.
[55:20] At the time this was spoken to Paul trouble, which he doesn't tell us what it was, but he calls it a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet him. But, because he felt this, God showed to him something which has been very precious and helpful to all the people that have read the scripture since, that the grace of God enables them to overcome.
[55:44] And we should go a little further in this, another color. And then we looked at the glory. Perhaps one of the older of our students, please, scholars, please, look in the prophecy of Ezekiel, the book of Ezekiel, in the first chapter.
[56:02] In the book of Ezekiel chapter 1, something particularly relevant to the subject. The book of Ezekiel chapter 1, and verse 28, and although Gary has already read us quite a lot, perhaps he will read it to us, please.
[56:20] Amen. The appearance of the body, that is in the crowd, and the body, so was the appearance of the body, right there.
[56:31] This was the appearance of the love, and the glory of the Lord, and when I saw it, I felt the more time, and I heard the voice of one that swine. As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud at the time of rain, so was the appearance of the glory of the throne.
[56:55] And if we follow this through, if the time would let us, we should find that about three times in the revelation, when John, who also had a vision, like Ezekiel's, only a much greater one, looked upon the glory that was in heaven, he likened it to the rainbow, to the bow in the cloud.
[57:16] And as he looked upon it, so he found that the glory of God reminded him of the rainbow. He was in that time of vision, Ezekiel was brought particularly to see the glory of God, and the glory of God made him think of the rainbow.
[57:42] Therefore, the rainbow in its entirety should cause us to think of the glory of God. And you think upon it like this, if, as Ezekiel looked, he saw the glory as the rainbow, so we see that God has in a very faint resemblance revealed his glory to us when the rainbow appears in the clouds.
[58:10] And now, I see I've left one of our scholars out for the time being, but I'll put that right. Brian E, perhaps you would read to us from the book of Exodus, chapter 33, verse 19.
[58:26] And here we have one more understanding of green in the goodness of the Lord. The goodness of the Lord. Exodus, chapter 33, verse 19.
[58:40] And he said, I will make all my wishes not for them, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord for them, and for them, for them, for them, them, and they will show mercy on them, and they will show mercy.
[58:59] Thank you very much. Now, just two very quick references on goodness again, because I just want to talk about the goodness of the Lord.
[59:11] We mustn't confuse the goodness and the righteousness of the Lord. They are, in one sense, the same. We sometimes interchange the words as we talk about people.
[59:23] We say he is very good, but the word God shows us there is a difference. He said that for a righteous man, some would hardly dare to die, yet for adventure for a good man, some would even dare to die, showing that this goodness, which was in men, is something which is rather greater than righteousness.
[59:46] Now, in God, nothing can be greater than his righteousness, and nothing greater than his goodness. We must not compare the attributes of God, the things which are to do with God, but the goodness of God is his mercy and his grace, his love, as it is shown to other people, as it is shown to people, as God is pleased to show his people his goodness, so they are made to understand him, and to know him.
[60:17] And I have two more verses. The psalmist, in the 27th psalm, and I will read it to you this time, said, I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, 27 and 13.
[60:34] And now, the psalmist felt that he could not have carried on if he had not believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
[60:46] Now, don't you think that's rather beautiful? When we are up against it at times, and we don't know how to get on, we don't know what to do, and sometimes where all the future looks very dim and dark to us, then we get very low down, and we come just where the psalmist was.
[61:07] I had fainted. And then we want to come where the psalmist got to, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
[61:18] And now, one more reference to the Lord's goodness, and I shan't tell you to look the reference up, but I imagine that one or two of you older ones could tell me if I tell you the reference, the last verse in the 23rd Psalm, and it begins with surely.
[61:38] Will anybody tell me without reading it? 23rd Psalm, the last verse, and it begins surely. 23rd Psalm, the last verse.
[61:55] Now, I can remember it very well. I'll tell you why. Last thing my father ever said to me, and the verse is precious because of that, and I believe the Lord had made it precious first.
[62:10] But think of David when he said, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
[62:24] Now, we've got to look quickly at the blue. The blue, the next color. And I've only put one word on this.
[62:38] And it is beauty. And again, look up in Psalms, it's very easy to find, and Psalm 27 again, and the fourth verse.
[62:54] And I don't think I've left anybody out, so Adam will read it to us. the heart of the Lord, that we be all sick of it, that I now dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in the temple.
[63:34] That's right, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. And now, there's just one more, and then perhaps one I will just tell you afterwards.
[63:48] the next one is in Isaiah, and it's in the 33rd chapter. Would Carolyn be able to read it? You'd rather not?
[64:01] Right. Verse 17. Alistair, then, perhaps, would read it to us. Isaiah, chapter 33, verse 17.
[64:18] Thank you.
[64:34] Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty. There's another verse in Isaiah, which would seem, in its first understanding, a contradiction.
[64:49] Because, when the prophet was talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, we read it in the ordinance service this afternoon, the prophet said, there is no beauty that I should desire him.
[65:04] And, well, already in my mind I had considered those two words, and then I thought again of our service this afternoon.
[65:16] When the word was given to us, blessed are your eyes, for they see. And here we see what God does when he works in the hearts of his people.
[65:29] When they are ordinary, they do not see a beauty in God. But when they are given the grace of God, God in his goodness manifests his grace unto them, then they see the beauty.
[65:44] beauty. And, oh, there is such a difference, such a change in their hearts, that which seemed to be so indifferent to them before, it becomes something so precious, and they see the beauty.
[66:00] When you see the blue, it comes to my mind that cornflowers are blue, and I believe I attributed another color to them earlier, but not to worry.
[66:13] When I think of those things that are blue, and they say to me, beauty, I immediately begin to think of the Lord Jesus, and then I go back into the Old Testament, and I think of something that Solomon said so wisely, and so beautifully, he is altogether lovely.
[66:39] and then I think of what the rainbow shows us, the glorious colors, and the blue showing particularly the beauty which is manifest of God in Jesus Christ.
[66:55] It is a beauty which once seen is never forgotten. We need to think upon it, and oh, if we are brought into the way of the Song of Solomon, that we are able to say, he is altogether lovely, then we truly understand this word beauty, as it is applied in Isaiah, and in the Psalms, to God, to behold the beauty of the Lord.
[67:28] Thou now shall see the king in his beauty, the promise of God, sure, because it's a promise of God, and it is shown to his people when they draw near unto the end of their lives.
[67:46] Now, very quickly, the two last colors, indigo. It is a sort of blue, something between blue and violet, rather indistinct when you look at the rainbow to be able to separate those three, but sometimes, rarely, but sometimes you are able to see them clearly, and to follow the three bands of blue, blue, indigo, and violet.
[68:15] It is more often rather blended together, and it sort of comes in the join between the two. But, when I thought of this word indigo, and the letter I, again, two things came into my mind, more than two, but the first one showed to me how great God is, and we use a word, infinite, infinite.
[68:48] Now, it means a rather difficult definition, it is that which is without limit. We cannot put a bound upon it.
[69:01] and we can't begin in our own minds to imagine things like that. We put a bound on time, it will only last for so long, we put a bound on distance, because we know that if we go too far we should come back to where we begin on the world, and so altogether we are subjects to limits, but not when we think of God, infinite.
[69:28] God, and the word of God, doesn't use the word about him many times, but once in the Psalms it is used, and it shows to us something of the nature of God, and so, will one of you look in the Psalms, 147, and read to me the fifth verse.
[69:47] It's time for Stuart again, I think. Please, 147, verse 5. Thank you. Right in the Lord, and right, and of right power, his understanding in his influence, his influence, infinite, that's it, that's the hard word, wasn't it?
[70:21] Thank you. His understanding is infinite. Great is the Lord. The Psalmist seemed, as he began to think upon the Lord, his greatness, and then he thought upon his power, and we'd already thought upon his omnipotence, and we looked at the second color.
[70:46] But then, the Psalmist ran out of words that were suitable, and so he used this word which has got no ends to it, infinite.
[70:57] It was a word which showed infinite, is like eternal, which is without beginning and without ending. This is the understanding of our God.
[71:09] He can encompass all things in his mind. He can encompass all things in his thought. Infinite. Infinite in all ways.
[71:22] Somewhere else, I believe it does say he is infinite in power, and that takes us back to omnipotence. But, I thought of another word, too, and I shan't have to stop to ask you to read these, but there's another thing that the Lord speaks about himself that begins with I.
[71:43] And I will read it to you, because it's fairly long, and it's in the epistle to the Hebrews. And then I will ask one of you to turn up the epistle to James while I read the Hebrews.
[71:57] And just toward the middle of Hebrews, in the sixth chapter, we read another word which describes our God, and I just want to quickly show you how the one color confirms the other.
[72:15] The seventeenth and eighteenth verses in the sixth chapter of Hebrews, and I will read them, God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath, that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge, to lay hold upon the hope set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil.
[72:53] And now, not to try to go too far into that beautiful text, immutable, not an easy word for us to remember, but it means unchangeable, he does not change, and when we looked at those words in the yellow band, we found this, the promises of God in him are yea, and in him amen, not to be altered, God won't say, I've scrapped that promise, I've cancelled this one, and I've changed the other one, this is not our God, our God, unchangeable, and that's why I want somebody to look into the epistle of James, and to read to me the 17th verse of the first chapter, Timmy perhaps please, yes, there's a lot of precious truth in that word, and years ago, dear Mr.
[74:13] Dells, preached from it, at our thanksgiving service, but just take one word out of it, no variableness, neither shadow of turning, this is the same as immutable, our unchanging God, never to change, and he declares it in his word, the good gifts, the perfect gifts, those promises which are for our lives, and those promises which are for our souls, are of God, and come down from heaven, from the father of lights, who does not change, does not even show the shadow of turning, the scripture words it beautifully, no variableness, neither shadow of turning, when we think upon our God, when we look upon the rainbow, we shall see it's perfect in its shape, and so, our God is perfect in his purpose, and there is no need to alter, because there can be no improvement, neither on the rainbow, or on the purpose, the promise, the grace of God, and now lastly, and I shall still be just inside the time, violet, the last colour, begins with
[75:36] V, and now, I thought of one word, one word, and we shall read two verses, and then, we will sing our last hymn, of Victor, and now, I've just got two verses to read, and the first one, comes from the Psalms, and the second one, from the first of Corinthians, now from the Psalms, it's Psalm 98, and the first verse, Annette, have gotten him the victory, now, we've got to see a contrast in this, that his right hand, and his holy arm, have gotten him the victory, yes, we ought to follow this through, but I have to leave it to your thoughts, this is the Lord
[77:00] Jesus, and yet, this is God, God who fought his people's battles, and got himself, the victory, although they, appeared, to be, the beneficiaries from it, yet, nonetheless, the victory was his, in one place, the word was spoken, they shall not fight in this battle, stand still, and see, and look, and watch, what the Lord will do, he will fight our battles for us, his right hand, his holy arm, hath gotten him, the victory, yet, when we think of it like this, just like his righteousness, we see that there is something toward us, and so look quickly into the second of Corinthians, and it is a very long chapter, the fifteenth chapter, and it is verse 57, and I think Brian
[78:01] E can read our last verse, please, first of Corinthians, chapter 15, verse 57, thank you, now what a note to finish on, thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory, now of course, this is the chapter which reads about, we read on the funeral services, it is that which shows to us, in those many verses, the wonder of the victory which God gives to his people over death, and when we see either the little violet on the ground, or we see the inside band of the rainbow, and we see that blue with a tinge of red in it, violet, it is then, that we are brought to think of this, the victory which is by God, and which is of
[79:12] God, and which is given unto us, which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ, remember the Lord when he spoke to his people, he said, in the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, and I think the apostle Paul must have had something of the words of the Lord Jesus in his mind, when he wrote those beautiful words which so often are read, which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
[79:50] Now thank you very much for your help, and your, the way in which you've read, I'm just going to read down to you these letters, these colours, and the words I put against them, red, righteousness, orange, omnipotence, yellow, yea, and amen, I did try to explain it, I won't again, green, those three words, grace, glory, goodness, blue, beauty, indigo, infinite, immutable, no variableness, violet, victor, the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
[80:52] Next time you see a rainbow, just see if you can remember any of my secondary words, any of the words that I have used as illustration.
[81:03] You will see the colours, and perhaps in due course you will remember the order of the colours. Try and make them remind you of your God.
[81:18] Amen. Amen. 162 to 297 When death to every warning rhythm, man braves the patience power of heaven, great in his anger, Robert knows, he leads to the world and he turns his toes.
[82:08] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[82:45] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[83:16] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. And to your angels lift my tail, He may still bear this radiant flow, But thy田 has no interest in seeing
[84:19] That hold the 악esta, will more profite, The love shining will my faith reveal The love and love with love The love of heaven and joy The love evening praise A selling great contemporary To the lại thereof
[85:21] This world has been with me tonight.
[85:33] Prejudice of time, the priest of time.
[85:45] And the cross of the heavens and the earth.
[85:56] They will now holy earth retain. Check out the Eighth Paveli Hour on Christmas.
[86:28] To me in this day will continue The Lord will be damned knowing you will be found O sharp and grandly surely love you.
[87:04] Dear Lord, may it be that help which is given to each one of us that as we see the beauty of that bow in the coat at the time of rain, Lord, may we see it as that sign, that sign as we look at the glory of the colors to show thy mercy, thy grace, thy love in it, and to show that precious promise that thou hast prepared a place for us where we should look upon such glory and forever glory in the mercy and the grace of God and ever, O Lord, realize the wishes.
[87:53] Go with us now our separate ways. Keep us each under thy care. Teach us thy way.
[88:04] And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God our Father, the communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with each one, now and forever.
[88:21] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[88:33] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[88:44] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you.
[89:21] Thank you.
[89:51] Thank you.