Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus (Quality: Good)

Tenterden - Jireh - Part 109

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Feb. 25, 1998


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[0:00] In dependence upon thee, Lord, for all needed help, I venture to draw your prayerful attention to John chapter 11, verses 5 and 6.

[0:20] John chapter 11, verses 5 and 6. Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.

[0:42] When he had heard, therefore, that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was.

[1:00] Seeking the Lord's help, I first desire to speak of the love of Jesus Christ to sinners.

[1:18] Then his love to Martha. Then Mary. Then Lazarus.

[1:31] And then the two days. Now Jesus loved.

[1:43] A people given by the Father to him in eternity past, whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

[2:04] A people loved by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

[2:17] Jesus, in his prayer, before going to the cross, said, I pray for them.

[2:29] I pray not for the world, but for them whom thou hast given me, for they are thine.

[2:39] I say with the deepest of reverence and the greatest of care, that the gift of the Father of this people to his Son, was not a gift that the Son did not love, was not a gift that the Son rejected, but a gift that was loved by Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

[3:08] The love of the Trinity in unity in eternity past, is revealed in his great love wherewith he loved us.

[3:24] This love of the Father, yea, he loved the people. All his saints are in his hand, and they sat down at his feet, and everyone received of his words.

[3:43] Blessed be his name. And God, yes, we've heard it so many times, we're never weary of hearing it. God, so.

[3:55] And do rest on that little word, so. It is tremendous. It wasn't a little love. It was a love that could never be measured.

[4:08] In its length and breadth and depth and height, God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

[4:24] Oh, the wonders of this love. And the love of the Saviour in coming. In this love, greater love, hath no man than this, that a man laid down his life for his friends.

[4:44] And so, having loved his own, which were in the world, he loved them to the end. To the end that he went to Calvary.

[4:56] To the end that he laid down his life for them. To the end that he suffered in the Roman plains. To the end that the debt that they incurred by their sin.

[5:11] To the end that the law broken. To the end that the demands of that law. And the justice of God. That this should be atoned for. Paid for.

[5:22] And removed. By the sufferings of the dear Saviour. Who gave himself. Because laid on him. Was the sin, the iniquity.

[5:33] Of all his dear children. And the sword of divine justice. Falling on the Saviour. And thereby the Saviour. Bearing all in our Roman plains.

[5:46] In this. That the sin of his people. Were charged to. Imputed to. The sinless one. The eternal son of God. And his righteousness.

[5:59] Laid upon us. His dear children. Now. Jesus. Loved. And what a love it is. On such love.

[6:10] My soul still pondered. Love so great. So rich. So free. Save us. Lost in holy wonder. Why oh God. Such.

[6:21] Love. To me. Love. That we can never. Never. Measure. Oh poor sinner. Did he love you?

[6:33] Did Christ die for you? Are your sins which have been washed away. In that sin. Atoning. Precious blood. Is there a longing desire in your heart?

[6:44] Aren't there one of these burdened sinners? Aren't there one of these struggling ones? Are you one of these lepers? Are you one of these poor things that have got such an issue of blood?

[6:55] Are you so filthy and vile? That you see more and more of your sinful say. And you cry out. Can ever God dwell here? Can there be mercy for me? Can there be hope for my soul?

[7:07] Can my sins so great be washed away? In that sin atoning precious blood of the dear Redeemer. The Lord has appeared of old unto me.

[7:20] Saying yea. I have loved thee. With an everlasting love. Therefore. Oh hang on to it friend. It's God's therefore. And God has put it together.

[7:32] No one would part it. Therefore. With loving kindness. Have I drawn thee. And so we see. Clearly said before us.

[7:43] And know a little in the experience of it. In our soul. Of the drawing influence of heaven. And this drawing influence of heaven. This attraction of Christ.

[7:53] This burden of our sin. This deformment of our nature. This wretchedness of our state and condition. And yet. Coming just as we are. No money can we bring.

[8:04] No worth have we to plead. No good worth can we carry. Nothing of our soul. Except. All our sin. To come just as we are.

[8:15] Just as I am. And waiting not. To rid my soul of one dark lot. To thee whose blood can cleanse each spot. Oh Lamb of God.

[8:27] I come. Now this drawing. Is the evidence. Of the finished work of Christ. The blood of Christ. That cleanseth.

[8:38] From all. And draw. All men. Unto me. This he spake. Signifying. The death that he should die. Just for a moment.

[8:49] Turn back to the wilderness. Turn to the serpent bitten Israelite. Turn to thyself poor sinner. Serpent bitten. Poison. Venom. Right through your very body.

[9:01] And there is no earthly cure. Perishing. Dying. Hopeless. Under condemnation. And yet.

[9:13] There is a way. As with Israel of old. The serpent made of brass. Set high upon a pole. Just one serpent. Set high.

[9:24] All could see it. Those that were farthest extent of the camp. Those that were nearly dying. But those that looked. They lived. And so.

[9:34] And so. As Moses. Lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. Even so. Must. The son of man be lifted up. That whosoever. Believeth in him. Should not perish.

[9:46] But have the eternal life. The eternal life. Looking. Looking. And living. And so friend. This is real. Holy ghost. Religion.

[9:57] The work of grace. The new birth. Spiritual life. And light shining. The light of life. Precious faith. Running to Christ.

[10:08] Looking to Christ. Cleaving to Christ. Cleaving all that he has done. This is. As the word of God says. Who delivered us. From the power of darkness.

[10:20] And translated us. Into the kingdom of his dear son. In whom. We have redemption. Through his blood. Even. The forgiveness. Of sins.

[10:33] Jesus. Loved. And this love. Is unchanging. This love. Is everlasting. This love.

[10:43] Is eternal. And. Says the apostle. Being persuaded. That neither death. Nor life. Nor angels. Nor principalities.

[10:55] Nor powers. Nor things present. Nor things to come. Nor height. Nor depth. Nor any other creature. Shall be able to separate us. Separate us. From the love of God.

[11:07] Which is in. Christ Jesus. Our Lord. Are you in that little word. With two letters. U.S. Us.

[11:21] That. Number. That no man can number. Redeemed by the precious blood. That shall be brought to glory. No condemnation.

[11:33] No separation. What are these. Which are arrayed in white. In. Robes of white. Whence came they. These are they. Which have come out of great tribulation.

[11:44] Have washed their robes. In the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God. And serve him day and night. Continue. And the Lamb. Which is in the midst of the throne.

[11:55] Shall feed them. Then shall lead them unto fountains of waters. And God shall wipe away. All tears. From their eyes. Now Jesus.

[12:06] Laughed. Oh now just one more thought here. And then we pass on. Now Jesus. Laughed. Yes. But. We cannot always understand.

[12:19] The movings. Of that love. And here. In this chapter. That we have this. Revealed. And I may speak to some tonight.

[12:31] That may be sorely tempted. Satan says. Now if the Lord loved you. You wouldn't be in the trouble. That you're in. First of all. I would just mention. In passing. Whom the Lord loveth.

[12:42] He chasteneth. And scourgeth every son. Whom he receiveth. Now no chasing. For the present. Seem to be joyous. But grievous. Nevertheless. Afterward. It yieldeth a peaceable fruit.

[12:53] Of righteousness. Unto them. That are exercised. Thereby. Beloved friend. There's no change.

[13:04] In his love. It is still in his love. Life. And. It's still. That we know. Now it's so easy for me to quote it.

[13:15] So easy for you to hear it. May faith be given to rest upon it. Grace be given to trust in it. And to walk therein. With the peace of God.

[13:27] In our heart and mind. That we know. That all things work together for good. To them that love God. To them. Who are the called according to his purpose.

[13:37] Oh poor sinner. What is the answer of your soul. If the Lord should come to you. And does come to you tonight. And say not Simon. Because your name may not be Simon.

[13:48] But whatever your name is. Lovest thou me. What is your answer. Before a heart searching saviour. Oh is it this.

[13:59] Lord thou knowest all things. Thou knowest. Unworthy as I am. Sinner as I am. And poor as my love is. But I do love thee Lord. And I long to love thee.

[14:10] And love thee. And love thee so much. But oh. It is my chief complaint. That my love is cold and faint. Yet I love thee. And adore.

[14:21] Oh the grace. To love thee more. We love him. Because he first loved us.

[14:34] Now Jesus loved. I want to come now to the first name here. Martha.

[14:45] Martha. As we look at these three. We shall see. Distinction. In personalities. But this one love.

[14:59] And Martha. Is named first. It was Martha. As we have just read. In your hearing. That received.

[15:11] The Lord Jesus. Into. Her house. But it was this Martha. That was cumbered. About much serving.

[15:23] Everything. Was on top of her. As we say. It was crushing. She just felt. Alone. She felt. She couldn't continue. And she couldn't understand.

[15:34] Why she had to do it. All. And she got fretful. Now. It's not only the ladies. But the men.

[15:45] Know what this is too. There are times. Friend. When. We are cumbered about. We. Seem to lose sight.

[15:56] Of our Jesus. It seems. Though the whole world. Is upon our shoulders. It seems. As though we've got. Everything to do. And we haven't got. The strength. To do it.

[16:07] And we can start. To grumble. Uncompliant. If we don't. Show it outward. It's a great mercy. To be preserved. From that. But inwardly. And you know. When. Martha said.

[16:17] Here. To her. Lord. Dost thou not. Care. That my sister. Hath left me. To serve alone. You know. We sometimes. And the Satan.

[16:28] Will. Add fuel. To the fire. But where's your Jesus. Now. Where's his care. For you. Now. Look. You've got to. Bear it all. And she.

[16:39] Then. Said. Lord. Does thou not. Care. That my sister. Look at her. Sitting there. Doing nothing. And I'm doing it all. Does thou not.

[16:49] Care. That my sister. Hath left me. Alone. Hath left me to. Serve. Alone. Alone. Oh. Dear friend. You know.

[17:00] Sometimes. Some of us are more active. Than others. Perhaps. And we must never despise. Others. That may not be so active. In serving. We've got to get the right balance. Martha wasn't wrong.

[17:11] As I feel. In what she was doing. In this way. But. She got over. But. Over anxious. She went about it. As though. No one cared for her.

[17:22] Let alone Jesus. And you know. We get in such a state sometimes. That we feel. That we're carrying everything. On our shoulders. And no one cares for us. And no one helps us.

[17:33] In the. Burden. That we. Carry. Does thou not. Care. That my. Sister. Hath left me. To serve. And. To be. To her. Therefore. That she.

[17:43] Help me. Now. He. Jesus. Loved. Martha. See. The. Tender. Loving.

[17:54] Way. In which. He. Spaked. So. Gently. So. If I may so. Say it. Showing. His concern.

[18:04] For her. And how. She was so wrong. In being so. Anxious. And burdened. Perhaps. I may speak to someone. Tonight.

[18:15] You've lost. Sense. Of that precious word. Casting. All. Your care. Upon him. For he. Careth.

[18:27] For you. And what a distinction there is. Between those cares. Our care. And his care.

[18:39] Mark that. Our care. So troubled. So distressing. So burdened. So. All confused at times. His care.

[18:51] Unfailing. Full of love. Always with wisdom. Grace sufficient. Strength of the day. Helping every time of need. Lift you up when you're beginning to sink.

[19:02] And so forth. Martha. Martha. Thou art careful. And troubled. About. Many. Things.

[19:13] Things. Now the Lord. Loved. Martha. We come. Now. Further. To. This. Moment.

[19:25] When. Trouble. Unexpectedly. Came. To this. Famored. Home. At Bethany. And I'm sure.

[19:36] That every. Family. Or. Household. Or. That. Are here tonight. Will look back. And remember. At times.

[19:48] Trouble. Of some nature. Coming into. Your home. And sometimes. Without warning. Sometimes. Most. Unexpected.

[20:00] Sometimes. A dear one. Rushed off the hospital. Or it may be. A bereavement. Or it may be. Some family trial. It may be.

[20:11] Many other things. Trouble. Coming. And. So. As soon. As Lazarus. Their beloved brother. And they did love him. Those two sisters.

[20:23] They loved their brother. Shall we just stop there. For a minute. Is it needful. Me to say this. First of all.

[20:35] Literal. Brothers and sisters. In family ties. Loving. Should love. One another. And care.

[20:46] For one another. What about brethren. And sisters. In Christ. In the church of God. Should not we. Love.

[20:57] One another. You see. If the Lord Jesus. Has loved us. If we have an interest. In that finished work. In that shed blood. That we shall. Have a feeling. Love.

[21:09] And a willingness. Of a sacrificial love. As far as we're enabled. To. Those that we love. When they come into trouble. I believe.

[21:21] I've known. Much of this. Has been a comfort to my heart. You feel. You feel. Deeply affected. It's not just emotion. It's a deep.

[21:32] Affected. In your heart. As. A dear one in the Lord. Is brought into trouble. Bereavement. Or sickness. Or temptation.

[21:44] Or trial. Are. If I could just put it. Something. In an experience. Of my early days. At Tamworth Road. I had a dear deacon. A Mr. Fletcher. He was a most godly man.

[21:54] A very gentle type of man. And. You would listen to him in prayer. And you knew once. Where he was. Spiritually. Whether he was blessed. Of the Lord. Or whether he was struggling.

[22:05] As sometimes he did. And the dear man. Sometimes was struggling. On one occasion. I remember well. When I went to see him. On a Saturday. He sat in his chair. Wringing his hands.

[22:16] Afinid. He'd got no hope. Afinid. Well I say no hope. Afinid. It was so dark. We had a prayer meeting. That night. His case was named. And. He wasn't able to come out.

[22:27] What wrestling prayer. There was for that dear man. Because he was loved. And the Lord. Heard that prayer. And then the night. Watched. He was released. But what I was coming to later. Was.

[22:38] Not. All that time. Before he died. It was so distressed. He had to go to a mental. Hospital. And I followed the ambulance. And if ever I knew.

[22:49] How much I loved that man. I did that. The pain in my heart. The Lord. Mercifully brought him. Out of that. He wasn't there for long. And the simplicity.

[23:00] Of the word. The Lord is my shepherd. And he was taken to another hospital. And his arm amputated. But before he died. He was set out. I was away at the time. But he sat up. With the brother of deacons.

[23:11] And they sang the doxology. But it's the love you see. It's the feeling. It's not just the emotion. And you may be an arm. Help. If you can't do a thing to help.

[23:21] But you pray. You carry that one. In the arms of your prayer. And this is what these two sisters did. They couldn't.

[23:32] Jesus wasn't there. But they sent a word immediately to Jesus. And friend. Is it so with you? An immediate cry to heaven. Lord help me.

[23:43] Lord bless that dear friend. Well. When we read here. We may come to it a moment. Two days. We'll come to that in a minute. Okay. But then. I want just to trace out.

[23:55] Just one more thought about Martha. You see. And I know. I may be touching points. Named in the little booklet. And I'm just going to tell you this. I've no thought of preaching this word at all tonight.

[24:06] Not till I'm just about leaving the home. Where. With my dear sister. And this word came. And I had to leave the scripture. That I really thought the Lord had given me. So I don't know why. I should bring it before you tonight.

[24:19] But let's just look at this Martha. What right have we to say. What proof is the word of God. That the Lord's mother is here. In the darkest hour.

[24:31] Under the heaviest load. In the deepest sorrow. That faith. Shines out. It is unveiled. It is discovered. It is clear.

[24:43] There's no uncertainty about it. True. She went to her Lord with the if. Just like you do. Just like I do. If I hadn't done that. If I didn't go there.

[24:54] If. If. If. No. No. What I do now. Thou knowest not. Thou shalt know. Hereafter. There's no mistake with our Lord. But the Lord says.

[25:06] She said to Jesus. Lord. If thou. Has been here. My brother had not died. But I know. What's this. Is Martha's going to say. I know. Even now. And I may.

[25:18] Maybe a word for someone tonight. I don't know. You may have the darkest thing in your life. You may have things. Or maybe not. Such a dark thing. But such a. Combination of circumstances.

[25:30] You're just one massive confusion. You can't understand. The way the Lord is leading you. You see. Your now is one of utter darkness. Confusion. Temptation.

[25:40] Loneliness. Trial. And all that you can possibly think of. But even now. She says. That. Whatsoever thou will ask of God.

[25:51] God will give it. The darkest hour. Nothing is too hard for my Jesus. The Lord speaks these wonderful words to her. I am the resurrection of the life.

[26:01] And he that believeth on me. Though he were dead. Yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me. Though he were dead. And liveth and believeth in me. Shall never die. Believest thou this.

[26:13] Now what is Martha going to say? Yea Lord. Here is under that busy. Anxious. Burdened spirit.

[26:24] The uncovering. Of that work of grace. That precious. That indestructible faith. Yea Lord. I believe. That thou art.

[26:36] The Christ. The son of God. Which should come. Into the world. Now. Jesus. Jesus. Loved.

[26:47] Martha. Faith. Sometimes. Is confirmed. Faith. Is sometimes. Revealed. Hidden faith. Is sometimes.

[26:59] Made known. In the fire. Of trouble. And trial. And so it was. With. Martha. We read. And her sister.

[27:13] What a contrast. Here we read. Of dear Mary. Which also sat. At Jesus feet. And heard his word.

[27:25] Oh. Favored song. Lord. Bring me there. Bring me there. Sitting at his feet.

[27:35] Means. Just. Wanting to be with Jesus. Just. Wanting to hear. His word. Sitting there.

[27:46] Not rebelling. In heart. But just. Drinking in the word. Submissive. Teachable. Humble.

[27:57] Longing. Hungering. Thirsting. Receiving. The precious. Word. Sitting. At his feet.

[28:09] And. With this. Submission. And I love to think of. Sitting at the feet of Jesus. The place of. Surrender. Only reserved. For Christ that died.

[28:21] Surrendered. But to the crucified. And receiving. His word. Hearing. His word. One thing.

[28:32] Is needful. Friend. What do you think. Is the most needful. In your life. There are many needful things.

[28:43] Lawful needful things. But what is the most needed. Jesus. Engrave it on my heart. But thou. The one thing. Needful art. I could from all things. Parted me.

[28:54] But never. Never. Lord. From me. I believe. As the dear one quoted to me. This. Tea time. That is true. When we come. Into the eventide of life.

[29:05] The Lord. Children. Are being weaned. From the world. And reverently. And humbly. And humbly. And humbly. We believe. And can say. Yes. I could from all things. Parted me. But never. Never.

[29:17] Nor from me. Because the possession of Christ. Is the possession of all. She has chosen that good part.

[29:28] By the grace of God. And. Which shall not. Be taken away from her. The devil will do his best. But will never do it. What a comfort. Now let's look at Mary again.

[29:41] But she too. She first. Does not run to Jesus at once. Martha is the anxious one. The quick one. The leader. As you might say. Mary. And it is thought.

[29:51] Rather. Perhaps. Morbid at this time. We don't know. I'm not going to judge her wrong. But. It is evident that. She felt the loss.

[30:02] Very deeply. Because as she went to meet Jesus. They went with her. Thinking that she was going to. Weep over the grave again. But she. Came to the Lord Jesus. And just used the same words.

[30:12] As her sister. You could hear them. Talking together. If only Jesus had come. But why did he stay away? Why didn't he come? But she went to the Lord.

[30:22] And. And you remember this. And mark it. Even in the details of the scripture here. That. When Mary was come. Where Jesus was. And saw him. She fell down.

[30:33] Where? At. His fate. Not that. Submissive. Perplexed. Burdened.

[30:45] Distressed. Lord. I can't understand it. They'll just love me. But I can't understand. Why I should come into this path. Why he. That thou lovest. And that I love. And Martha loves.

[30:55] We all love him. And yet he should die. And he. She cast herself down. And said. Lord. If thou hast been here. My brother had not died. Just one more thought about Mary.

[31:09] We must pass on. It was this Mary later. That. Sitting again. At the house of Bethany. And Lazarus. Risen from the dead. Sitting with them.

[31:20] Martha serving. A different Martha now. And Mary. She loved her Lord. And she takes this ointment. Of very precious. Very costly. And.

[31:31] She. This spiked on. And anoints. The feet of Jesus. And wiped his feet. With her hair. The glory of the woman. At the foot of. At the feet of Christ.

[31:42] And the ointment. All for Jesus. Oh my soul. I wish my all was for Jesus. I long for my all. To be for Jesus. And what does this ointment signify?

[31:53] The grace of God in our heart. The grace of love. All for Jesus. The grace of hope. Hope in Jesus and none other. The hope.

[32:04] The grace of Jesus. Clinging to Jesus. Holding fast to Jesus. The grace of patience. And not to be. As it were.

[32:16] Restless. But to wait patiently. For Jesus. Meekness. The spirit of Jesus. The humility. Nothing in self. Christ everything.

[32:26] Oh put thy gracious hands on me. And make me all. I ought to be. All poured out. And the odour filled the house. Sacrally.

[32:37] Sacred. Sacred. Sweethold. All for him. only reserved for Christ that died surrendered to the crucified and Lazarus we do not read a word that he says it's not recorded in the scripture not recorded but he was loved and even the Jews said behold how he loved him and he was sitting at the table with the Lord so sometimes now there's no excuse for silence in a way but some are not ready to speak but we do not know just whatever Lazarus may have said but what I'm just saying is this you see in the church of God there's the anxious or burden and impetuous Martha and Peter we might say the more tender loving John and Mary and there's this Lazarus but now just this last thought when he had heard therefore that he was sick he abode two days still in the same place where he was is this the Jesus that we know?

[33:53] I say that with deepest reverence this Jesus that when the leper came he immediately touched him this Jesus that didn't hide himself away from the woman that pressed through the crowd to touch the hem of his garment this Jesus to whom they led the blind Bartimaeus and who opened his eyes this Jesus that when the dying thief said Lord remember me there was a word immediately for him this Jesus that he spoke the word and even the miracle of healing was far off nothing too hard for him but now two days silence not a word and death and yet as the Lord says this sickness is not unto death literal death yes but for the glory of God that the Son of God might be glorified thereby two days a waiting time a testing of faith and everything seemed to get darker blacker and what could be darker more hopeless than death and it may be a word

[35:07] I know not may need it perhaps not now may need it tomorrow cannot understand the devil said now there's no no appearing of God for you no answer to your prayer no help for you no mercy for you faith is to be tried all is in the hand of God and I think right through the scripture you have this set before us the need that we have of patience in waiting upon God and waiting for God and faith and the promise and the presence of God and the love of the Saviour is no exemption from the path of trial the way of darkness and it may be that you are tossed about tonight and tried and yet you would be calm and yet there you seem to be so troubled one moment yes you feel yes I'm at peace I'm submissive I can trust God I can be still and know that he's God and the next moment you feel all over the place and so it is spread but the Lord making known and said what I do now thou knowest not thou shalt know hereafter and you take the life of Abraham look how the promise was fulfilled but it was a long time and look at Joseph until the time came that his word came the word of the Lord tried him but it came there was deliverance there was the Lord's appearing and so beloved you may have these two days maybe two years maybe more than that waiting testing what a testing time it is what a trial it is to your faith but may the Lord give grace and patience to wait and to know and to see and trust him that he still loves you and though the cloud comes between though everything seems so dark and though everything seems to be against you yet that does not overthrow the love of the savor to your soul and you will see in it and through it his love it will shine the brighter and you will see that the Lord has made no mistake and so when brought to the end of the journey you will be able to say with mercy and with judgment my web of time he wove and e'en the dews of sorrow and lusted with his love are blessed the hand that guided are blessed the heart that planned when thrown in highest glory in Emmanuel's land

[37:36] Amen Let us conclude by singing hymn 535 535 tune Praise My Soul 682 O the love of Christ to sinners who can make its wonders known sin born slaves through grace our winners are winners of a bright celestial crown Jesus gives us endless glory and renown hymn 535 fire

[39:01] The End The End The End

[40:31] The End The End The End

[42:01] The End The End The End

[43:31] The End