Christian love and its outworking (Quality: Good)

Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 23

Sermon Image
July 9, 1974


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[0:00] Looking once more to the Lord to be our helper this night, I will call your attention to the chapter we read, the 15th chapter of the Gospel according to John, and verses 12 and 13.

[0:22] Verses 12 and 13 of the 15th chapter of the Gospel according to John. This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you.

[0:41] Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

[0:51] Amen. Amen. This chapter, as we read it, shows the loving heart of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

[1:08] Here we have the Lord going forth to suffer, bleed and die, the just for the unjust, to save his people from their sins.

[1:26] And here we have this beautiful discourse, this teaching. The Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, had that care, that love for his disciples, that here he would teach them, or he would lead them in that right way.

[1:52] That right way which taketh them to a city that hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

[2:04] For there is a way where the Lord's people must walk, if they are to be found in heaven's high court at last.

[2:15] And here the Lord sets forth that sweet teaching regarding the vine and the branches.

[2:39] All the necessity of the Lord's people to abide in the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

[2:52] For he says, without me ye can do nothing. That fruitfulness is so desired.

[3:07] Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples. And here is set forth that there must be that fruit brought forth.

[3:25] To his honour and his glory. And it's very solemn, you know, when we read these things rightly. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away.

[3:43] This isn't my word, this is the word of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Thinks of my mind that solemn word.

[3:53] Many are called, but few are chosen. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away.

[4:07] And every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. And shall the Lord with that fruitfulness.

[4:21] Oh, and the husband man wait a patient way for thee.

[4:33] Fruit of the earth, oh, and our God has to have much patience with us at times. As he looks upon us, does he see fruit?

[4:45] As he looks upon you, does he see fruit? Does he see that fruit brought forth? The Lord spoke of the sower that went out to sow.

[5:05] And as he sowed the seed, there were those different types of ground upon which it fell. And there was only one that brought forth fruit, that good ground.

[5:18] And what about you, dear hearer? Is that fruit brought forth, is it made manifest in your life?

[5:33] In your walk? If it isn't, this is the word of the Lord. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away.

[5:50] The Lord will have fruit. And where his gospel is preached. We are under a great responsibility, whether we be those that preach the gospel or those that hear the gospel.

[6:08] Or we are under a great responsibility. And this fruit which is the subject of our text tonight is that fruit of love.

[6:31] And it's a commandment of the Lord. This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you.

[6:48] But you know, the old theme of the gospel is love. It's love. This is the second table of the law.

[7:03] That you shall love your neighbor. Love your neighbor. And this is one of the fruits. And no man, no matter how religious he is, no matter how many times he may sit under the sound of the gospel, he may go to the Lord's house from week to week, if he brings not forth this fruit of love to his neighbor.

[7:31] Love to his brother. Then there's no life in it. And I say it's very, very solemn. It's a solemn word. And it's the commandment of the Lord.

[7:43] This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you. And I say it's the theme of the epistles of Paul.

[7:55] You can look through the Pauline epistles. And there you will find time and time again the dear apostle, as he writes to the churches in love, he commends them to love one another.

[8:12] Oh, that they must bring forth this fruit. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, against such.

[8:41] There is no love. We notice that first fruit. It's the fruit of love. The apostle also, in writing to the Corinthians, in that first epistle and that thirteenth chapter, in that short chapter, how he sets forth the truth, commences, Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity or love, I am become a sounding grass or a tinkling cymbal.

[9:24] Though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity, I am nothing.

[9:37] How important it is. This love, which is the cement, which cements together the stones of the building of God, even his church.

[9:48] Oh, if there's no love present, the building soon falls. This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you.

[10:06] And the preaching of the gospel ever sets forth the love of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, unto his people.

[10:19] Oh, and that commandment is set forth, that we likewise should love one another with a pure heart, fervent love.

[10:31] And if we fail walking in any other way, we're none of his, none of his. As the word sinks into the God-prepared ground of our hearts to bring forth love.

[11:01] Oh, that's what he brings forth, that's that fruit. And love is very practical. You know, the Lord takes no delight in us professing our love one to another and leaving it at that.

[11:24] Oh, it's not hearers of the word that are blessed of God. It's doers of the word. We're not preaching works. We're not preaching works. We know it's by grace you're saved through faith and that not of yourselves.

[11:40] It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. If you read on, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.

[11:52] love is very practical.

[12:05] If it's true, it will be seen. I was thinking of the case of Abraham as he's set forth in the book of Genesis 13th chapter.

[12:38] We see the love of the heart of Abraham in his relationship with his nephew Lot. You know, we read of these two men, they came into the land Canaan and Lot also which went with Abraham at flocks and herds and tents.

[13:09] We read the land was not able to bear them and strife arose between the herdmen of Lot and the herdmen of Abraham. Abraham and he hears the heart of Abraham.

[13:26] And Abraham said unto Lot, Let there be no stife, I pray thee, between me and thee and between my herdmen and thy herdmen for we be brethren.

[13:40] This is the language of love, the language of reconciliation. And then they separated themselves and the choice was given by Abraham to Lot to choose which way he would have and O Lot set his eyes upon thee to play so it was good and he selfishly chose it for himself.

[14:12] Abraham was left with the worst portion I feel that many of us would have been grieved in our hearts to be thus treated.

[14:31] Ah but the love of God was in the heart of Abraham. He still manifested his love for Lot and when Lot was carried away now Abraham gathered his servants together and went after his brother to save him and brought him back and then when those angels came at the time when Sodom would be destroyed where do we find Abraham praying for Lot or if there be ten righteous he says in the city will thou not save him or Lot was in his heart oh this was a practical manifestation of the love of Christ and the heart of Abraham and I say it is the commandment of the

[15:33] Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that this is the way wherein his people shall walk and in our denomination this day I'm afraid there's a great lack of it all there is I speak it forth as I feel it in my heart there's great lack of it in the denomination as we go around the country you know we all love something we do our heart is taken up with something love of self pride love of the things of this life which is the most important thing in your life is going to the

[16:42] Lord's house just one of those things which you've been brought up to do even say from the cradle or when you've gone on maybe thoughtlessly all your life going in and out or when you maybe you don't show that zeal for the things of God as you do for the things of this life this isn't bringing forth fruit you know to the honour and glory of God this isn't showing forth that fruit of love to him and to your neighbour oh this is selfishness you know we can easily fall into a whole hearted condition we can easily fall into following after the things of this life and easily fall into a sick condition spiritually oh the

[17:59] United says where is the blessedness I knew when first I saw the Lord maybe some can go back over their lives to that time when all things became new old things were passed away that time when the Lord put a new song in your mouth even praise unto him and your heart was full of love there oh but maybe over the years there's been that weaning away that seeking after the things which profit not oh there have come those conflicts those disagreements maybe with others around that have so worked and now you find yourself in a cold loveless state well might they

[18:59] Lord try unto you by the prophet I remember thee the kindness of thy youth the love of thine espousals when thou went after me in a land that was not sown or maybe in those early days you hadn't got much by way of worldly possession in those days oh dear hearer you've got love in your heart to the Lord that's taken it away where is the fruit gone so easy it is to be taken up with the I say things of this life Satan is a sucker fall always a subtle foul oh no quick life come in with his temptations here a little there a little with his temptations and we know why and I feel that that has happened in our denomination to a great extent there isn't that practical godliness where's that conversation beautiful conversation speaking of the things the

[20:31] Lord has done for our soul speaking to one another on things of god that love flowing from heart to heart as the Lord's people have maybe walked to and from the Lord's house believe it as a that journey taken by the two on the way to Emmaus their heart was filled with love and brought to one another these affections the word says set your affections on things above and not on things on the earth oh it's a word of wisdom word of wisdom from the Lord here this is my commandment that ye love one another as I have not you and I say it'll be practical be practical you know the

[21:42] Lord once said that he that is forgiven much loveth much and he that is forgiven little loveth little and you know if the Lord has so led you and so shown you the wickedness of your heart and your way and the Lord has forgiven you your sins and the shed abroad is loving your heart and be more ready to forgive those around you this is a practical part of loving one another the Lord has set forth very beautifully in the Matthew 18 he set forth that parable of the servant who owed his law ten thousand talents and the servant fell down and worshipped him saying

[22:56] Lord have patience with me and I will pay thee all then the Lord of that servant was moved with compassion and loosed him and forgave him the debt what debt has the Lord forbidden you what love has the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shown to you poor sinner in your experience or can you look back to the hole of the pit from whence you were dead do you think sometimes I'll ever send you from it and has he given you that sweet assurance in your heart that they're all forgiven everyone all your sins are blotted out the Lord has laid down his knife for you greater love hath no man than this that a man laid down his knife for his dreams don't you see yourself in the parable words of wisdom of the

[24:13] Lord and we read of that servant in the parable and he went out and he found one that owed him one hundred pence and this one fellow servant fell down and begged him that he would have patience with him but he didn't for he had no patience he cast him into prison when the Lord of that servant heard we read his Lord was wroth and delivered him to the tormentors till he should pay all that was due unto him and the Lord says so likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespassers this is a practical part of the way the Lord would have us to walk we don't talk about we're not talking about that love that somehow for everyone that names the name of Christ it's love with discretion we don't we're not carried about with every wind and doctrine and just for the sake of being friendly and loving one to another we'll go here and there we're not talking about that but we should follow the commandment of the

[25:56] Lord always there are those that have sinned against us we should manifest love to them we should pray for them pray for them this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you do you know there's no no joy like it as the joy that is experienced in the hearts of the Lord's people as I walk in love love there's much forbearance in it much forbearance if you love a person for the truth's sake oh you can forgive them those infirmities which may annoy you if we look at ourselves as none of us perfect and the

[27:11] Lord you know in the love of his heart was very tender to sinners whilst here upon the earth that woman who was brought in before the Lord caught in the act of adultery and how did the Lord deal with he that is without sin among you he says cast the first stone and out they went one by one and the Lord sent you one and he said sinner the guy you ever saw looked in compassion upon such a sinner and as he looked in compassion upon you oh then should not that love which

[28:17] Jesus has shown to your soul be made manifest in your relations with others don't you be found walking in this great commandment this is my commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you pray to lover no man than this that a man lay down his life for his love one man when he was reviled he reviled not again oh the lord never was found revenging himself upon those that persecuted him those that despised him oh he committed the keeping of his soul to his father for when we found the love of the lord jesus christ manifest as he died upon the accursed tree father forgive them they know not what they do this was the heart of christ oh says the apostle i think in writing to the philippians he says if there be therefore any consolation in christ if any comfort of love if any fellowship of the spirit if any bowels and mercies fulfill ye my joy that ye be like minded having the same love being of one accord of one mind let this mind be in you which was in christ jesus oh that we each one of us might have the mind of the lord and saviour jesus christ we should see prosperity in the churches or we should as you know the lord's people cannot naturally walk this way it's not natural to our simple hearts there will be much prayer to the lord oh you'll have to cry against yourself against the wickedness of your heart you'll have to cry that the lord would shed his love abroad in your heart you'll have to cry unto him die life that he would keep you from evil keep you from doing those things that offend the brethren keep you from saying those things that offend the brethren this is my commandment that ye love one another as

[31:57] I have loved you greater love no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends oh that each one of us might be found walking in that way which is pleasing to the lord for the lord is not pleased with your chapel going you know if you come in here hard hearted if you come in here and variance one with another think the lord is pleased with that oh no Micah speaks explicitly this in the sixth chapter he says wherewith shall I come before the lord and bear myself before the high god shall I come before him with burnt offerings with calves of ear old will the lord be pleased with thousands of rams or with ten thousands of rivers of oil shall

[33:13] I give my first born for my transgression the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul ah what's acceptable to God what is it what's easy to see you coming throughout your lives into the lord's house as a door upon its hinges even weeknights and prayer meetings unless that love is in your heart without love without charity nothing and all your chapel going all will prove to be of no avail in the end yet show they oh man what is good and what doth they lord require of thee but to do just and to lord mercy and to walk humbly with thy god that's the word of the lord and that's the place of blessing and that's a beautiful place to be found walking in in humility may the lord lay us low and keep us there oh that the lord would so work

[34:40] I say in our hearts in this hour day oh that we might see that love so manifest between the brethren oh that there might be that godly conversation oh that there might be that speaking to thee honour of the lord oh which recorded it not in the scripture then they that hear the lord spake often one to another and the lord hearkened and heard it oh and a book of remembrance of for them that thought on his name where the fear of the lord is where the preaching of the gospel has an effect in the hearts of sinners it will bring forth love to the saviour it will bring forth love to the brethren we know that we have passed from death unto life it says john because we love the brethren oh this is one of the things which assures our hearts that we are walking in the way of the lord when we love the brethren all love is that golden chain that binds we shall be saying shortly god will bless him that it is and have you never entered into the trough of it have you never walked there felt your buzzer blow with love to another as you conversed this is the why walk in it says the word of god these things have

[36:51] I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be fall this is the intent of the lord this was his purpose that joy might be fall then he says this is my commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you greater love no man than this than that a man lay down his life for his friends love I see the time has gone we haven't got very far into such a great text as that though the lord may own and bless a few simple truths spoken in love to your souls we trust in the fear of the lord and may bless it to his honour and glory amen you