They that know thy name will put their trust in thee (Quality: Very Good)

Tenterden - Jireh - Part 117

Sermon Image
July 26, 2000


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[0:00] Trusting once again in the help of the Lord, we'll turn to Psalm number 9 and verse 10.

[0:14] The ninth Psalm and the tenth verse. And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee.

[0:28] For thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. The ninth Psalm and the tenth verse.

[0:42] The Holy Spirit in the Scriptures of Truth hath left in those sacred pages some wonderful and precious names, not only of Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but also, more particularly, perhaps, of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[1:16] And undoubtedly, these particular names, and that the Holy Spirit hath seen fit to place in this holy record, that we should and we believe we are thankful, and that they have been preserved to us to this very present time, especially when we consider perhaps just a few of those wondrous names, which undoubtedly have, throughout all generations, they have been made so precious and beautiful, and to God's dear people to rejoice in their hearts, and to rejoice in their Lord and Saviour, who have so wondrously made himself known, in those particular and those most blessed accounts, where the sweet Saviour of his name is as ointments poured forth, and more particularly, of course, to that awful malady of sin.

[2:40] Now, the dear psalmist, without going into two finer details, the psalmist comes to a great point in this ninth psalm, where he says, and they that know thy name will put their trust in thee.

[3:02] There is only those, dear friend, that the Lord will make his name known, who will put their trust, or we can look at this without any violation, I believe, to the word, because very often, more particularly perhaps in the Old Testament, trust is put for faith, and so there is no violation of the word, I do not think, for one moment, that put their faith in thee.

[3:42] It would not be prudent, my dear friends, would it, for you and I to put our trust in anything, whether in nature, or providence, or the things in the home, or the things in business, we cannot put our trust in anything, unless there is a certain knowledge granted unto us.

[4:08] But dear friend, what an unspeakable mercy, because we can look at it in this way, perhaps there may be one, or there may be more, before me this evening, and that they feel to know, and so little of that precious, and that glorious name of Jesus.

[4:37] Well dear friend, can we ask ourselves this question, in that knowledge that the Lord hath favoured you and I with, hath it brought us under market, under the sweet influence, and the light of the Holy Spirit.

[5:00] You see, I fear, and that there are many, and that have a nominal knowledge, of the name of the Lord.

[5:14] But, but I believe that those people, that only have a nominal knowledge, of the Lord, they can never put their trust in them, because, and there are things that they feel, are far more, far more trustworthy, and then this wonderful name.

[5:35] But, can we say, can we come together here, the younger ones, and, and, and also, the older ones, that are here with us.

[5:48] Can we say, we have been, we have been, been brought, to trust, that trustworthy name, of Jesus, and to trust in him.

[5:59] You know, one unspeakable mercy, there must have been, in, by the blessed spirit, because, this is that, only way, dear friends, and that you, you and I, will, will come into, a saving knowledge, of, of the Lord, by the teaching, and the light, and the influence, of that good spirit, who have undertaken, such a great work, for, for such sinners, as, as you and I, and, and, and then secondly, we are, we are not, of, of course, bringing, bringing before you, something that, that is, that is secondary.

[6:45] We, we are, we are, we are laying before ourselves, this evening, something, that, that, that is, of the, of the greatest, and the, and the greatest, importance, in your life, and, and, and also, in mine, for, in that wonderful, intercessory prayer, that the dear Lord, prayed unto his, to his father, just prior, to, to his being, crucified, thinking, of course, not, not, not of that, that great work, and all that, he had undertaken, his uppermost thoughts, if you read that, 17th chapter of John, were on his, dear people, and he would have them, come, and to a saving, knowledge, of, of, of, of Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so, he lays, and this, this wonderful truth, be, before, his dear people, not only before, his dear people, at that time, but before, his dear people, in every generation, and where he says, and this, is life eternal, what is life eternal, when we are not, left to conjecture, it, it lays, it lays plainly, before us, that they might, know thee, and the only, true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent, all the offenders, could we just pause there, for one brief moment, and can we not say, dare we say, that we have not, the slightest knowledge, of, of, of, of, what I just read, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom, who God, sent, dare you and I, deny, a little, of that work, of grace, that's what it is, it's a work of grace, that the dear Lord, hath begun, in, in, in your heart, dear young friend, do not despise it, and, and here, the psalmist says, and they that know, thy name, will put their trust, in thee, well, dear friend, as, as so often, we feel, as we, the older, one gets, one, one reads, out a text, and one feels, it is so, inexhaustible, and one hardly knows, and where to begin, but,

[9:45] I trust, that, that, that, that it may be made, under the influence, of the Holy Spirit, just, just a little, help, and comfort, and blessing, unto us, while, while we meet together, for worship, in his great name, now, you know, when, when the, when the dear man of God, went up the second time, unto, unto, unto Mount Zion, and with, with those tables, of, of stone, we, we, we, we read this, of course, I'm omitting, omitting some out, and the Lord descended, in the cloud, and stood, and stood, and stood, and stood with him there, and, and proclaimed, the name, of the Lord, could we have, my dear friend, as, a more wonderful, striking, and a more, and a more beautiful, proclamation, of the name, of the dear Lord, for he goes, he goes, he goes on to say, and the Lord, passed by before him, and, and proclaimed, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord God, merciful, oh, what, what a beautiful, name this is, and you will find, dear friends, that if you pursue, and this, this a little, perhaps in your, spare time, that you may have, and those wonderful names, are left, in the scripture, you will find, you will find, there was, there's something, constant, in all those names, and that is, and they, and they are all, suitable, to sinners, such, as you, and I, and could there be, a more suitable name, and for, for the dear Lord, and to, to make known, to his dear people, and when, when, when he says, and, and the Lord, passed by before him, and proclaimed, the Lord, the Lord God, merciful, and dare we say, dear friends, that we have, we have known nothing, of the mercy, of the dear Lord, and that is, of course, we, we would not, of course, exclude, and the, the mercy, that the dear Lord, hath, hath shown, to us, nationally, on Monday evening, but I don't want,

[12:28] I, I want to be grateful, and thankful, concerning, concerning, how, how he showed, his name, merciful, in that respect, to those, of course, and that, that, that, that thing, they are the mighty ones, and they can do, what they like, but they know, nothing, my dear friends, of, of the will, the purpose, the appointments, and the decrees, of almighty God, and also, how, how he shows, his mercy, in, inerable ways, unto his dear people, but, of course, the greatest mercy, is, Zacchaeus, when, when the, when the dear Lord, opened his mouth, after he had been, struck dumb, and we, we, we read this, amongst, among other things, that he says, he says, he speaks of, the promise, mercy, and that was, that was shown, to the fathers, referring, unto, the Lord,

[13:38] Jesus Christ, and his coming, and his birth, and all that, great work, that he had undertaken, in his shorty ship office, now, dear friend, dare you, and I say, before a holy heart, searching God, that, that we know, nothing, of the mercy, of God, oh, dear friends, what an unspeakable mercy, if the dear Lord, has shown you, as the dear apostle, speaks of, he speaks of, that unspeakable gift, what a mercy, dear friends, that is, but of course, I cannot carry on, I just want to touch on, one or two things, but, but may we be able, to see this, that he's a merciful God, and let me just add this, as it comes to the mind, have you and I, been brought, to trust in his mercy, that's a wonderful favor, dear friends, to be brought, to trust in his mercy, will that soul, and go wrong, will, will that, will that soul, and be utterly banished, from his side, never, my dear friends, there will be, never a soul, that will be banished, into eternal perdition, that hath been brought, to trust in his mercy, well, then the second thing, is, is, is that, what the, what the Lord proclaimed, concerning, concerning his name, he's, he's not only merciful, but, gracious, oh, that gracious God, he's a, he's a God, of grace, and do we not, have our hearts, my dear friends, or, our souls, from time, to time, being touched, with, his gracious hand, you may say, perhaps, one of you, young, or perhaps, there may be one or two, what really, what really is this, that, that he is gracious,

[15:52] I want to just put it in this way, dear friends, he is favourable, unto his dear people, and he's favourable, in that, in that way, through, his, well beloved son, the Lord Jesus Christ, all those favours, dear friends, and, and I do not want to exclude, the favours, that we enjoy, in Providence, but I, I know the time, would not, permit me to, to expound, these, these, many mercies, and, and now, now his grace, but do we know, something, dear friends, of, of that, gracious God, that, that, that grace, we could begin, dear friends, like this, do we know, anything, of, of that, of that grace, of regeneration, oh dear friends, to feel, that the dear Lord, hath not left us, to fill up, the measure of our, days in sin, and be cast, into that horrible bed, but, but, but he hath, visited us, visited us, with, that, that regenerating, grace, and we know, this, he, who hath begun, a good work, and is there, a better work, and then, and then, the grace of God, or the favors, of God, he hath begun, this good work, will perform it, unto the day, of Jesus Christ, and, and, our text, and they, that know thy name, and will put their, trust in thee, have you not, my dear friends, be many times, and I trust you, dear younger friends, we may, may know it, more and more, as you continue, along life's pathway, in this particular way, as it comes to her mind, you know, you know the, you know the case, equally as well, as what I do, the apostle Paul, had a thorn, in the flesh, he thought, of course, that, that, that the, the way, the most profitable, and best way, would be, to remove that, but dear friends, that dear Lord, had, had, had another, a way, which was far greater, he says, my grace, is all sufficient, for you, have you not, proved it, dear friends, dare I say, before you, that I've never, proved, his, all sufficient grace,

[18:39] I dare not, and we trust, that we are not, deceived in this, great matter, now, you see, our text goes on, and that they, that know, don't know, the Lord, to be gracious, they will put, their trust, in thee, look at that, time of affliction, look at that, time dear friends, when, when the, when the, when the Lord, the Lord, tried your, your faith, look at, look at, look at that time, when there was a time, of tribulation, look at that time, and when, when there were those losses, and those crosses, and that came, into your path, and the temptations, of the adversary, and were sore, against you, did you not prove, and have I not proved, the all sufficient grace, of the dear Lord Jesus, they that know, thy name, will put their trust, in thee, the offenders, but,

[19:43] I don't think, anyone, will, will be, will be offended, with me, if I say this, the very best of us, are such poor scholars, we have to be taught, time and time again, because so very often, when a trouble, a trial, or affliction, and what the Lord sees, to put, of an, of an adverse nature, in our path, and sometimes, we fly to, anything but, the dear Lord Jesus, what an unspeakable mercy, he brings his, he brought the dear, apostle Paul back, to, to rely, and trust in, in, in that unmerited, and yet, and, and yet, wondrous, all sufficient grace, well then, then, thirdly, the, the, the Lord made his, name known, to Moses, in, in this way, or, or, in, in, in, in, in another way, not only merciful, and gracious, long suffering, or, here, here is a point, my dear friends, and where, where, whereby I believe,

[21:05] God's dear people, they may, from time to time, stand amazed, at the long sufferingness, of the dear Lord, and, and, and, and why, he hath not cast them off, but, but, the dear Psalmist, a little of, in, in our, in our opening, opening, if, he hath not dealt with me, according to my sins, or according to my transgressions, look at how long suffering, the dear Lord, has, has, has been to us, he has still maintained us, he has still helped us, and, and, and, and he has undertaken, to do, to, to, to, to be, that present help, in our time of need, and yet, dear friend, as, we see traced through, the whole of our lives, a long suffering, Lord, if we had treated, a, a, a person helps, very often, we have treated the Lord, they have never wanted to see us anymore, but the Lord, my dear friend, as, his name, is long suffering, or, and those that know, you see, it could be, it could be a hindrance, and to, to, to some poor souls, who, who perhaps, desire, and, and they've been brought back, perhaps a little like, the prodigal, and to ever think, they could put their trust, in the, in the Lord, how, how they have dealt, so, so wrongfully, with, with him, but the dear Lord, says, says this, they that know, my name, will, will put, not, not, not, and perhaps will, they will be brought, to put their trust, and it will humble you and I, under the mighty hand of God, to see how, the dear Lord's, long sufferingness, have been meted out, out to us, and then, and then not only, not only his long suffering, but he's been abundant, in goodness, and truth, can we not, the offenders, and as we've gathered together, and as I've come before you, on this, annual, visit, and wishing you, and God's blessing, can we not look back over, over the twelve months, and has there not been, as we have said, hitherto,

[23:54] I raise my Ebenezer, hereby the help I have got, look at the goodness, and the truth, and that the dear Lord, hath been, hath been made, known unto us, all for this, one great purpose, and end, that they, and that put their, they, they that know my name, will put their trust, in, in, they, they that, they that know thy name, will put their trust, in thee, now, what a wonderful, David, we perhaps, look back, over our lives, let's just, for a moment, look forward, and, and, and, and see, in our, in our, our little lives, how the, how the dear Lord, hath been so, wondrously merciful, how he's been so, gracious unto us, how he's been so, long suffering, and patient, to, toward us, and not, and not, not only, not only his, his, his long suffering, and, and, but he's been, abundant, in goodness, and truth, here I raise my, ebony, thus father, dear, and, and you see, what the dear Lord, has been, we, we know, as the, the dear apostle Paul, right in the Hebrew says,

[25:33] Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever, ever, we can trust him, as of course, faith is given, and, as faith is enabled, to, to look backward, as faith is sometimes, enabled, to, to look forward, and, and that soul being brought, to, to, to trust, in that wondrous name, the, the name, of, of, of the dear Lord, in all, its strikingness, his beauty, its comfort, and, and all, all those things, that the dear Lord, hath made known, concerning, his glorious name, they that know, thy name, will, will, will put, their trust, in thee, and, as of course, as we view, that last great enemy, that we have all, all, we shall all one day, have to face, unless of course, there is that time, when, the dear Lord, will appear, the second time,

[26:50] I do not know, and, but, but, but, normally, as it were, should I say that, probably not quite the word, we've all got to face, and, that last great enemy, they that know, my name, will put, their trust, all their faith, in, in thee, and, and, they who have proved, the faithfulness, of God, and I do trust, that we, that when we come, whether we are older, or younger, that we, that we, we, we may leave, a wonderful example, for those, that follow, and, and to, to see, the, how, how the dear Lord, has so wondrously, and faithfully, dealt with us at last, and now, we trust, that he will, he will bring us, in, unto his, eternal glory, but of course, there are one or two, other things, that I just, briefly want to, want, want, want to bring before you, and, and, those, those things, that have, that I trust, that the Holy Spirit, have, have, brought me, just to speak of, you, you are, you are, you are familiar, with, with of course, the case, of, of, of Moses, when the, when the, when the dear Lord, called, called him, to, to, to go, to go, unto Pharaoh, and to, to seek, to seek the, relief, of, of the, or the, or the, the liberty, of the, of the, children of, of Israel,

[28:37] Israel, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, of course, dear, dear Moses, to, to, leave, of course, much out, he, he says, and, and, and, and what shall, and what shall, and who shall I say, that, who hath sent me, now, the dear, the dear Lord, spoke, and for, Moses, Moses said unto God, behold, when I come unto the children, of Israel, and shall say unto them, the God of your fathers has sent me unto you, and they shall say unto me, what, what is his name, what, what shall I say, and to answer them, and God said unto Moses, I am, that I am, and, and he said, and this shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I am, hath sent, hath sent me unto you, now, of course, they're very sweet, simple, but profound words, that the dear Lord hath addressed himself, in respect unto his own name, now, if we, if we just, if we just look very, very briefly, and, and, and through the scriptures, we notice,

[30:04] I can only go, Harold, I trust the dear Holy Spirit will direct me, in that wonderful chapter, the 10th of John, where the dear Lord is speaking, he says, I am, the door, that door, my dear friends, is, into, into, into the sheep, oh, they that know my name, and they, they, they shall, they shall, they that know thy name, will put their trust in thee, is it not, my dear friends, of great concern, you see, it speaks of, of others climbing up, and entering into another way, they are all thieves and robbers, and you may have thought, perhaps, at a time or two, that, that, that's you or me, with thieves and robbers, but what does the Lord say, I am, the door, or, that wondrous door, into the fold, dear friends, into, the church of God, here below, which, which shall terminate, in, in the church of, in the church of God, triumphant above, where the dear Lord said,

[31:22] I am that door, he received that soul, and then of course, he goes, he goes, he goes on to say, no further down that chapter, I am, the good shepherd, or, do, do we not know, something, my dear friend has, of that one, I am, the good shepherd, have, have, have you not, saw, you perhaps, thought for today, for the Lord, to guide you, and to protect you, and, and, and to go, and to go before you, you feel to be, so uncertain, and there seems, seems to be, so many dangers, and, and, so, so many, so many things, that, that you have to, to come back with, but, the dear Lord says, I am, they that know my name, will put their trust, it will not be a trust, whereby, we shall say, oh I'm all right,

[32:26] I put my trust in the Lord, you will want to see, the dear Lord, and you'll want to, feel and know, this faith in him, and by the, by the gift of the dear Lord, in that once crucified, but now, exalted saviour, and of course, there are many others, where, where, where we can see, where he says, I am, I can only be very brief, and just leave these things, for perhaps, your further, meditation, they that know, my name, thy name, will put their trust, in thee, I am, the resurrection, or, dear friend, as, here is that, beautiful doctrine, of the resurrection, what would be, my dear friends, all our religion, if it were not for, the resurrection, of the dear Lord, but he, and he resurrects, in that, in that way, whereby, his dear people, and they, and they have that, new life, and they become, new creatures, and old things, are passed away, and all other things, appear, and the Lord says,

[33:40] I am, thy resurrection, another point, dear friend, is, and where, and where, where we, we find the, the, the dear Lord, saying, I am, he, he says, I am, that bread of life, that cometh down, from heaven, oh, that wondrous bread, and that, the, the Lord refers to, in, in himself, that broken body, that was broken, for you, and he, that eateth this bread, and drinketh, this wine, of the new kingdom, they shall, never perish, and, and then, the Lord hath, provided himself, as that, wondrous bread, for, for faith, to feast upon, they, that know, know, thy name, will put, their trust, in thee, the Lord, have, if I, I hope I'm not,

[34:41] I'm just, I'm smothering over, these things, I, I cannot stay, too long, on any one, particular thing, but I just want, to bring before you, another great point, and where, what the dear Lord says, when he was, here upon this earth, he says, I am the way, the truth, and, the life, now dear friends, how, suited that is, poor, troubled, exercised, cast down, sold, whatever, whatever, those things are, and there are many things, within, and from, without, and that, that calls us, many concerns, there are many doubts, and there are many fears, and that fill our poor hearts, and minds, and, but, when we, when we think of that, of what the Holy Spirit, and by, by the Lord Jesus, have left in his word, you may, there may be one, perhaps, that may have felt, that they are, in completely, the wrong way, now the dear Lord says,

[35:53] I am the way, the truth, and the life, that life, my dear friends, that, that the Lord speaks of, himself, when he says, because I live, ye shall, live also, can we not, then dear friends, as faith is given, we, you and I, cannot produce that faith, but, but, but, but, but, but, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by, the word of God, and when, and when that, when that soul is being fed, under the ministry, of the word, and, and his faith, or her faith, is a little, in love, and they see, and they see, the beauty, and the preciousness, of, of those wonderful, names, and those, those names, that are left in the song of Solomon, concerning the, the, the, the, the glorious bridegroom, he says, I am, thy salvation, or, one, one, one unspeakable,

[36:54] Martin, poor, doubting, tried, exercised soul, what, what a wonderful thing it is, that the dear Lord, had made, himself, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, that, that, that said, that, a, a, a, and a, a, a, a, a, a, Our text closes, For thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

[37:54] You see, this wouldn't have been the case. These words would have never been put in the Scriptures if there were not those many fears of God's dear people, although they may have known his name in some measure, and they have known what it has been to put their trust or faith in him, but we have a cruel, devouring adversary.

[38:29] And that would, if he could, he would devastate our souls. But the dear Lord hath said to those seeking seed of Israel, For thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

[38:49] He hath not said to the seeking seed of Israel, Seek ye my face in vain. And so poor seeker, and of course, We shall not get above seekers, While we are here upon this earth, There will be much for the dear Lord, And we have to seek unto the dear Lord, Lay our wants before him, And of course, That wonderful word, dear friends, Of Christ.

[39:29] And Christ, my dear friends, Is a very precious word. In the Scripture, And I'm as guilty as anyone here, We may so easily slip over that word.

[39:43] Christ is the anointed of Jehovah, In those two natures, His divine nature, And his human nature.

[39:57] And until we see God in that human nature, No thoughts can comfort my mind. The three in one are terrors to my mind, As the hymn writer says, But once, my dear friends, We see Christ, That is, In his divine nature, To put an excellency on all that he has done, And that human nature, That suffered, bled, and died, Here we see, We shall come to him, My dear friends, And he says, I will not forsake them.

[40:39] Now the words then, dear friends, That I just want to leave with you, This evening are found, In the last but one verse, In the first epistle of John, Where we have these words, And we know, That the Son of God is come, And hath given us an understanding, And that we may know him, And that is true, And we are in him, That is true, Even in him, Even in his Son, Jesus Christ, Then he comes to this great point, This, This, Is life, Eternal, All the offenders, I say, It's no triviality, Is it?

[41:36] And where, And where we can read, This, Is the true God, And eternal life, May the dear Lord, Grant to us each, And that saving knowledge, That we may trust in him, And although there will be those blows, And those temptations of the adversary, That we cannot forsake him, Because Jesus Christ, The only foundation for sinners, As we are, And in the hope of eternal life, But there I must leave it, And they that know thy name, Will put their trust in thee, For thou, Lord, Hast not forsaken them, That seek thee, The Lord bless those fearing marks, Amen.

[42:51] Shall we conclude, By singing hymn number 462, The tune is, Praise my soul, 682, Hymn number 462, Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land, I am weak, I am weak, But thou art mighty, Hold me with thy powerful hand, Bread of heaven, Feed me now, And evermore, Hymn number 462, Hymn number 662,

[43:51] How is that? How is that... I client see work only as well, I am weak, I am poems of the Foi, Hallelujah, After enhancer, Then we are Bergman, Outsideнаруж with hatred, And a harmony, Now it is, Hold me along, I amلى owns eternity, The End The End

[45:16] The End The End The End

[46:18] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End

[47:38] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End