He shall see the travail of his soul and be satisfied (Quality: Very Good)

Brabourne Lees - Zion - Part 157

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March 29, 2002


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[0:00] trusting once again in the help of the Lord, we'll turn to the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 53 verses 11 and 12.

[0:19] The prophecy of Isaiah, the 53rd chapter, the 11th and the 12th verses. He shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied.

[0:41] By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many, for he shall bear their iniquities.

[0:53] Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he hath poured out his soul unto death.

[1:14] And he was numbered with the transgressors, and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

[1:28] We have, dear friends, in these closing two verses of this wonderful prophecy, the 53rd chapter of Isaiah.

[1:43] A prophecy that you could almost expect. The prophet Isaiah saw all that the dear Lord endured, suffered, bled, and died.

[2:02] How he was so cruelly, refused, rejected, and despised, and esteemed not. And he comes to the close of this wonderful prophecy, and he says, first of all, he shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied.

[2:31] Just a word, my dear friends, because here is set before us two great things. And these two great things, they are the sufferings of the dear Lord, and the glory that followed.

[2:58] And the dear apostle Peter, in his first epistle, he says this, searching what or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ which was in them, did signify, when it testified beforehand, the sufferings of Christ, and not only the sufferings of Christ, but, and the glory that should follow.

[3:37] Dear friends, what human tongue can hardly begin to speak of these wonderful things that of course are so vital to our salvation.

[3:53] And then he goes on to say, unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves, but unto us, they did minister the things which are now reported unto you.

[4:09] Oh, it's a wonderful thing, my dear friends. If these things are ministered unto you and I, the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that, that shall follow.

[4:28] The, dear friends, you, you, you see, you, you may know, you may know a path of suffering, and although of course it can hardly be compared to the sufferings of Christ, but, but, those suffering, dear friends, I, I, I believe, will, will bring us into that way whereby the Holy Spirit will grant us a little of that sweet fellowship of those sufferings.

[5:00] You know, it doesn't say those sufferings will be, will be explained to us, but it says the fellowship of that suffering, because I believe, my dear friends, that, that the greater part of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ will be made known to, to his dear people when, when they enter into eternal glory.

[5:29] But there, there are, there are those things, dear Lord, dear friends, and that, that, that we may be able by the light, the teaching, and the help of the Holy Spirit and to, to, to just, to just feel and know just, just a little of what the dear Lord suffered, bled, and died for guilty sinners such as you, as you and I.

[5:57] But, but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost, sent down from heaven.

[6:11] Then he comes to another great point. He says this, which things the angels desire to look into.

[6:24] You see, we can, we can see the great extent of, of these words which, which, I, I, I, I believe I, I know I can say I, I would have rather perhaps had, had something which, which, which, which, which may have been, and not, not, not so the magnitude of them and, and bring, bring many fears and undoubtedly my dear, my dear, and servants of the Lord who are with us, they, they know something of the magnitude of these things and they, and they feel to be so unequal to even speak about them.

[7:11] But, if those things, dear friend, have been laid upon our minds, we dare not, we dare not do anything else but to bring them before ourselves first as, as the Holy Spirit will help us in our meditation and also to bring them before, before the hearers seeking that their dear Lord and we'll make them profitable unto, unto their, their never dying souls.

[7:47] Because, you see, the, those holy angels, those, those angels that kept their first estate, they desire to, to look, to look into, into those things that, that I brought before you this, this afternoon and, and the first thing is, he, that is of course, as I don't think there's any need for me to say it but I will say it, he is, is, is, nothing less and then the second glorious person in the Trinity co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit who, who, who came into this world and, and was a partaker of our flesh, he shall see the travel of his soul and shall be satisfied.

[8:40] now, I believe there are, there are four things that I just briefly want to, want to, want to lay before you and myself because our text speaks of, of, of travel.

[8:56] Now, travel, my dear friends, very, very, very briefly sets, sets, sets, sets before us pain and sorrow. That pain and sorrow and that the, that the dear, the dear Lord endured when, when, when he was fulfilling that glorious office that he engaged himself according to the will of the Father in, in that office as, as his dear people's authority, we, we can never, we can never fully comprehend.

[9:35] I very often refer to, to things of, of a similar nature where, where, where, where we poor ministers may feel that, that, that we can, we can speak, speak only of, of a, of a, a little drop because it seems to be, it seems to be set before us as a mighty ocean, but all dear friends, if you and I, if, if you and I have been taught and brought, and brought, and by the Holy Spirit to see just a little of that sorrow and, and that pain that, that the, the dear Lord endured for such sinners as you and I, we can perhaps understand just a little perhaps of, of the, of the sorrow of the body and the, and the, and the, and the, and the pain, pain of the body because when, when we think how, how they treated the dear Lord in so many aspects and when, when they, they, they came to that, that final thing, when they pierced his most glorious and most wonderful hands that, that, that, that, that had done nothing and, but, but, but for the good, the eternal good of, of those that came unto him and, and those, and those who had benefited by, by, by his hands and his dear feet who, that, that walked upon this earth to, to proclaim those unsearchable riches of God that, that, that, that are in, that are in Christ Jesus, they pierced his hands and his feet.

[11:27] Now, perhaps we can just, just, just see perhaps just a little of, of that pain that, that the dear Saviour had to endure but you see it, it, it speaks of the travel of his soul.

[11:45] That holy soul because, because you, you see, you see he was ever holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners and, and what he must have had to endure those 33 and, and plus years and, and that, that he was, was upon this earth and we, we, we can never fully comprehend but what we, what we do now that, that, that, that, that he shall see of the travel of his soul and, and shall be satisfied.

[12:21] That soul sorrow, dear friends, that we, that we, that we, we, we read of, in that fourth verse, we read together, well that third verse, first, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.

[12:37] Or, you see, how, how, how, how it seemed as though right from the very beginning and there, that there was sorrow. You say, what do you mean?

[12:47] Well, as of course you know, and when Mary and, and, and Joseph went to Jerusalem and the, and the, everywhere was filled up and they, and they, and they had to make, make, that, that one, that wondrous birth was, was performed in a stable and that, and there was that sorrow, my dear friends, right, right at the very beginning.

[13:15] Well, dear friends, and it continued. Herod, Herod, Herod, of course, persecuted and that dear young life right from the very start almost.

[13:27] And, and of course I cannot continue but you, you know, you know something of, of those sorrows and that, that the, that the dear Lord, the, the dear Lord had to endure.

[13:40] And then, and then, then, then that, this prophecy goes on. Surely He hath borne our griefs, carried our sorrows, He was wounded for our transgression, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him and with His stripes we are healed.

[14:03] Now, dear friends, first, first of all then, may the dear Lord lead us as we journey along life's pathway more and more into of Christ's soul where, where, where, where, where there was that pain, where, where that, where there was, where that was, that suffering.

[14:27] Now, dear friends, the second thing that I just briefly want to bring before you concerning the travel of, of his soul shall, shall be satisfied, there was deliverance.

[14:41] What a wonderful deliverance, my dear friends, the travel of Christ's soul delivered all his dear people in that miraculous way whereby, whereby, whereby, he was wounded for, for our transgressions, he was bruised for, for our, our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed.

[15:11] Now, look at this, look at this glorious deliverance. It sets before us, my dear friends, that glorious deliverance and that, that God's dear people will know something of, a deliverance from sin, death and hell.

[15:32] A, a, a, a deliverance that only the dear, that the dear Lord could accomplish on behalf of his dear people, but, but he delivered them, my dear friends, and from, from, from, from, from all those things, which, which, which would have crushed them into eternal perdition.

[15:56] And, and, you see, he said, he shall see the travel of his soul and shall be satisfied. And I believe, my dear friends, the dear, the dear Lord sees, two things in, in, in that, in that, in that great deliverance, whereby, whereby he's satisfied.

[16:20] He sees the conversion of a sinner and, and, and, and, and he sees that salvation, that, that grace of salvation implanted in the heart of that poor sinner.

[16:35] And, and we, and I believe we can, we can follow this, this just up, whereby he, that, that travel of, of the soul and, and, and he shall, he shall be satisfied because, because that, that, that which he engaged himself according to the will of the Father.

[16:56] You see, I know this is a prophecy, but you see, prophecies are not the word of man. A prophecy is, it is, is the prophecy of God.

[17:10] And, and, and, and God's prophecies very often speak of, of that thing which, which is in the mind and the counsel and the purpose, purposes of God and they, they are all finished and all complete as of course it was, it was in this, in this particular verse that, that, that I, that I read out to you.

[17:36] It, and there, there were, there was nothing my dear friends where, that, that could frustrate and the, the, the, the dear Saviour and seeing of the trouble of his soul and, and shall be satisfied because, dear friends, not, not only was there pain and sorrow but also there was a great deliverance.

[18:00] Now, just pause, dear friends, here because we want to bring it, don't we, to ourselves. We want, we want, we want to ask ourselves this.

[18:15] Do we know anything, shall I put it in this way as it comes to the mind, do we know anything of the fruits of the, of the travel of Christ's soul?

[18:31] Because I, because those two fruits, there are others of course, but I, I, I always feel that, that if we've just mentioned just two or three things, and, and you see some, some are unable to string, string many things out, but I, I believe, believe we are so forgetful, but if we, if we just look at these two things, and where, whereby, whereby are the effects or the fruits of the travel of Christ's soul, deliverance from sin, death, and hell, what an unspeakable mercy, dear friends, and where, and whereby, you see, whereby we, although we are far removed by, by, by two thousand plus years, and from Christ coming into this world, and there are still those wondrous fruits, of course, we would love to see more, and we, and we, we would love, we would love to, to live more, more constantly, in, in this favour, that the dear

[19:45] Lord had granted, even to such sinners, as you and I, the fruits, my dear friends, of the travel, of, of, of his soul, and then, and then, of course, there is joy, oh dear friends, what a wondrous joy there is, is, to that soul, I believe, and of course, when I speak, when I speak of the experience of God's dear people, I, I always like to, to, to, to begin with this, the Lord's a sovereign, how he teaches all his dear people, but I, I believe they will know something of, of, of, of the sorrows of sin, you, you know, when, when the, the Lord went into, into, into, into the garden of Eden, and when, when our first parents had partaken, of, of that, of that fruit, that the Lord had, had commanded that they, that they, that they should not, and, he says, he says, he says unto the woman,

[20:56] I will greatly multiply thy sorrow, and in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children, and, and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee, you see, the offenders, let us get this clear, where there's sin, there's sorrow, and just think, my dear friends, of the sorrow, and that your sin, and my sin, hath led you, to sorrow, then when you multiply it, I don't, I don't want to, don't want to be, say anything wrong, but when you multiply it, by, by an unknown figure, those sorrows, that were laid upon, the dear Lord Jesus, concerning, the sorrow, even, even of, of this woman, dear friends, it goes far, far beyond, our comprehension, and of course, he spoke something, also, to, to the, to the man, and, and, and he said, unto Adam, because thou hast hearkened, unto the voice, of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, thou shalt not, not eat of it, cursed is the ground, for thy sake, in sorrow, and shalt thou eat of it, all the days of thy life, this is, this is, this is what the Lord, and, pronounced, on our first parents, and it, it was, sorrow, sorrow, of course, not to be compared, but I just, bring these two points, because, because he says, he says, he says, this, in sorrow thou shalt, thou shalt eat of it, all the days of thy life, and thorns, also, and thistles, it shall bring forth, and thou shalt eat of the herb, of the field, and, and, and in the sweat of thy face, shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground, for out of it thou hast taken, for dust thou art, and dust thou shalt return, now, dear friends, what a sorrow, but that sorrow, turned into joy, in respect, unto the travel, of the soul, of the dear Lord Jesus, or how, we, we, let me rephrase that, how I, so little, esteem the dear Lord, what, what I hope, and trust, he had done, and for such a sinner, as, as one feels, his own self, like the offenders, and, and, we, we read in the scripture, that, that, that, that, that sorrow, and will, and joy, will come in the morning, and when that morning, of the Lord Jesus Christ, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that great star, who, herod, herod, the morning, set forth, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, when he comes, and shows that poor sinner, and that, that, that, that he, he had, he hath died, and he hath put away, all your sins, and all your iniquities, and they're put away, in such a way, whereby, infinite, inflexible justice, is perfectly satisfied, well, dear friend, what a wonderful, deliverance, and, and how we should, be truly grateful, to the dear Lord, if he hath given us, a little hope, in, in that, in his, redeeming work, now, now, of course, you see, not only will there, will there be, will there be deliverance, but, but, there, but there, there, there will be, eternal glory, my dear friend, which we so, which we so richly deserve, that eternal perdition, where, where, where, where we should lay, under, under the eternal wrath, divine wrath of God, throughout an endless eternity, and, and the, the Lord, by the travel of his soul, hath reversed, all these things, and brought in, life and light, and liberty, unto, unto that lost, lost, guilty soul, in that, in that, in that, in that way, whereby, they are sealed, for eternal glory, well, well, what an unspeakable mercy, of course,

[25:58] I could go, I could go, I could go on, but, I want, I want, if it is, the Lord's will, because, you see, there, there, there is, there is another great joy, and I want to, I want to just speak of this, just briefly, for, for, for this, this afternoon, and I may be able to, to continue this evening, because the 12th verse says, therefore, when I divide him, a portion with the great, and he shall divide, the small with the strong, because he hath poured out, his soul unto death, and he was numbered, with the transgressors, and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession, for the transgressions, look, my dear friends, up those, four things, which I trust, may be made, a little help, unto us, as we journey, along life's pathway, now, now the, the second thing is, by his knowledge, shall my righteous servant, justify many, all the offenders, just, that, that justifying righteousness, and, and, and you see, you, you see, there, there are two things, in, in respect, or there are other things, but, but two things,

[27:19] I just want to, to, to bring before you, in that, in that justifying righteousness, and that, and, and that is, a, a, a saving knowledge of God, not a historical knowledge, and not, not, not any, any knowledge, but, a saving knowledge of the, of the, of the dear Lord, and, and, and that gift, that gift of God, that gift, the gift of, of, of faith, and, and, and to, to lay hold, of, of, of that knowledge, that the dear Lord, had granted unto us.

[27:55] We come now, dear friends, you know, and I, I love to, to, as, as I, as I see it, in my poor little way, to, to include, the whole of the Trinity.

[28:08] Now, dear friends, what, what, what, how, how, how shall, how shall we have, that knowledge? I'm not speaking, of course, I, I would, I would endorse it.

[28:19] Reading of, of the scriptures, more, more often than perhaps, perhaps we do, because I believe, and that, that the soul comes into the knowledge of the Lord. But what do we want, my dear friends?

[28:31] We want, the Holy Spirit, my dear friend, to apply those things, unto, unto, unto, unto our poor heart, whereby, whereby it is his, a special office, where, where he says, he, that is the Holy Spirit, will take of the things of Jesus, and, and he will reveal them unto us.

[28:53] And, and what a wonderful knowledge this is. Do we know something, dear friend, then, of, of, of that, of that blessed spirit, you come here, and there are others, of course, who, who attend other places of worship, in this locality, you, you hear, your pastor, or your minister, can, can we say, can we say, the Lord, hath used these things, and the, because we, we know, it's the work of the Holy Spirit, and to lead, lead that soul, into, the knowledge of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

[29:30] because, because, my dear friends, how, how, how can we have faith, in anything, if, if, if we have, if we haven't, have any, any knowledge of it?

[29:41] You see, we may, we may buy an instrument for the home, for the garden, or something, I'm not making this, this, this as a comparison, but, but you will, you will want, you want, you want to know, you want to have some knowledge, of, of, of that thing, before you purchase it.

[30:00] Well, dear friends, that's a simple little, illustration, I know, but, but, but you know, when, when, when that Holy Spirit, takes the things of Jesus, and reveals them, unto, unto us, I, I am certain of this, that, that, that the Lord will grant, that, that, that living faith, and to, to, to lay hold, of, of, of that knowledge, that, that the, that the Holy Spirit, hath, hath granted, unto that poor soul.

[30:32] I just want to turn, to what the, what the, what the, what the Apostle Paul, speaks of, in the Epistles of the Romans, where, where, where he says, for what saith the scripture, concerning Abraham?

[30:45] He said, Abraham, believed God, and it was, it was counted, unto him, for righteousness. He believed in God.

[30:55] He, he, he, he had, he had, first of all, the knowledge of God, and, and, and, and the Lord, and by his good spirit, he gave him that knowledge.

[31:08] I don't know, my dear friends, the Lord, I gave, the Lord, is a sovereign teacher, and, and he, he may teach one, one in one way, but, what I do know, is this, we shall all be taught, of the need, of a saviour, and a, a need, of his atoning sacrifice, the need of his precious blood, and, and we shall, all, we shall also need, that wondrous gift of God, that gift of faith, because, because we, we, we read this, that Abraham, being, being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body, now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb, he staggered not at the promises, through unbelief, you see, dear friends, the, the, I don't want to be offensive, but I want to speak the truth to you, and to myself, you know, very often, we stagger at the promises, through equants, the, and the, and we need, we need the teaching of the Lord, and I believe, the older we get, you, you will find, that the teaching of the Lord, is more and more important unto you, because, if we are taught of the Lord, then, then, as, as the Lord gave Abraham faith, when, when, when, when he said, he staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, look at the end of these things, giving, giving glory to God, and being fully persuaded, that what he had promised, he was, he was able also to, to perform, and therefore, mark these words, and therefore, it was imputed to him, for righteousness, now, now, we, we read this, by his knowledge, shall my righteous servant, justify, many, now, now, now, the, the righteous servant, is, is, none other, than, the Lord Jesus Christ,

[33:25] I, already quoted, as he was ever, holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and he was righteous, righteous, in, in all that he, that had he done, and, and, and all, all that he said, in the, in the previous chapter, in the 13th verse, we read this, behold, my servant, shall deal prudently, he shall be extolled, he shall be exalted, and extolled, and be very high, this is the servant, this is the servant, all dear friends, when we think, of the dear Lord, who was equal, with the Father, becoming, the servant, to his Father, and the servant, unto his dear people, now, what an unspeakable mercy, not only, not only, he shall see, the travel, of his soul, you see, I just, there's something, I want to just, refer back, and, and to that first part, as it, as it comes into the mind, and in the, and in the book of, of, of, of Jeremiah, where, where, where we, where we had,

[34:40] God's promise, to a gracious return, to, to the, the children of Israel, in their Babylonish, captivity, and, and, and, and he says, in the 13th verse, he, he says, and in the cities of Judah, shall the flocks pass again, and, under the hands of him, that telleth them, saith the Lord, the flocks, that, those flocks, that, that is the church of God, God, God's dear people, they shall pass again, under the hand, of him, that telleth them, so it, it, it, it appears this, to, to my way, that they have once, they have once, passed again, under the hand, of the Lord Jesus, now, was it not, my dear friends, and that, that the, that God the Father, and chose the people, and he gave, gave them to Christ, and, and I,

[35:41] I, I believe, I believe God, saw all that the Father, had, had, had, had, had given him, and, and he saw them, in, in, in, in their, in their polluted state, now, they shall pass again, under the hand, the flock shall pass again, under the hand, of him, that telleth them, what is that then, my dear friend, he shall see, of the travel of his soul, and shall, be satisfied, all that the Father, giveth him, my dear friends, and they, they, they, they, they shall be saved, with that everlasting salvation, and, and you say, how, how do you know, well, I tell you, dear friends, the word says this, the Lord, knoweth, them that are his, he knoweth, everyone, my dear friend, the, shall I say, the insignificance, significant ones, that they may feel, or whether they be, the eminent ones, he knoweth, all of them, and they pass, once, under the hand, of the Lord, as the Father, the Father gave, gave them to the Son, to redeem, by, by, by his work, and his precious blood, and they, and they now, and they are now, passed again, under, under, on his hand, when he said, he shall see, of the travel, of his soul, and shall be satisfied, and what a wonderful, conclusion, my dear friend, that, that, that we can briefly, conclude with, this afternoon, for, for we, we read, in the scriptures, this, this wonderful verse, that is, very often, on, on my mind, and where, where the Lord, says to his, to his father, and here, here am I, and all those, that thou have given me, not one of them, is lost, or, the divine, counsel, purposes, and the preservation, and the care, the grace, and the mercy, of, of, of Jehovah,

[37:49] Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I wish, and I don't think, I am, I am, I am, alone here, we wish, we could adore, more and more, of that, one, those wondrous things, he shall, see of the travel of his soul, and shall be satisfied, by his knowledge, shall my righteous servant, justify, many, then, then, the last point, for he shall, bear, their iniquities, let me just put it, as briefly as I can, for the time is almost gone, those iniquities, my dear friends, sins, and those, those iniquities, that you and I, have, have sinned, against, a good, kind, and a most gracious God, those sins, my dear friends, of our youth, and of our older life, and those sins, and that, that, that we constantly, and continually, continually sin, against the dear Lord, they will, they will, they will, in and of themselves, sink, us into, eternal, perdition,

[39:04] I want to be, I want, I want you, each, and I believe, you are most of you, those sins, dear friends, will sink, sink that soul, into, eternal, perdition, but, look at what, look at what we've got to, consider briefly, for he shall bear, he will bear, those iniquities, we will not bear them, and they can never, sink us into, eternal, perdition, because, the dear Lord, hath borne, all, all that is due, to those iniquities, and how great, the sum must be, we cannot even, even, begin to comprehend, he shall see, of the travel of his soul, and shall be satisfied, by his knowledge, shall, my righteous servant, justify many, for he shall bear, ever remember that, may we each, be able to remember this, what the dear Lord, hath borne, for unworthy, for unworthy, sinners, such as you and I, he's borne, those sins away, whereby, they can never, be brought back, to condemn us, that's why, the dear apostle Paul, says in that, commencement of the, eight chapter, of Romans, there is therefore, now, no condemnation, and to me, who walk, after the spirit, and not after the flesh, or, dear friends, do we not, cover it, such a sweet, assurance, whereby, we feel, and know, there will be, no condemnation, and when that, great judge, comes to, to judge us, and where he will, find, nothing to condemn, because, this glorious, precious,

[41:01] Lord Jesus, hath borne, all, our iniquities, away, but I shall have to leave it, may the Lord, at his blessing, amen.