[0:00] In dependence upon the Lord that all needed help I venture to draw your prayerful attention to three words that you will find in Luke chapter 23 and verse 34 Luke chapter 23 verse 34 and the first three words Then said Jesus Then said Jesus Those whose eyes have been opened called by the divine grace
[1:09] Bless and praise almighty God For the precious gift of the word of God The word of God that sets forth the glorious gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ To have in her possession a Bible I believe if ever it came that such a situation that I only permitted to keep one thing it would be my Bible The gift is so precious Alas I'm speaking of myself
[2:10] I do not value it as fully as I ought And I must ask you Is the Bible that you have even the young ones Is it a closed book unless you are in the chapel?
[2:36] I do lovingly And I hope it may not be measurable to even name it But I lovingly recommend a reading portion every day Do not attempt to hurry through a whole chapter Pray Lord speak to me And take a few verses and ask God to bless it to you So we give thanks to God for the gift of his word And in some parts of the earth there is such a hunger for the word that they are prepared to receive as I understand the most dilapidated Bibles if they have part of the word of God Oh may God help us to value this precious gift and to sing to pray that God will continue to send forth his word among the nations of the earth
[3:44] Now the next question is this or the next thought we come then to the text is this What has the Bible done for us?
[3:57] Has it changed our lives? Do we really love Jesus? Am I the sinner? Yes you are the sinner But all men are sinners all women are sinners all boys and girls are sinners How few there are that pray to Jesus How few there are that come to Jesus and ask for his forgiveness You may now question perhaps in your mind why I should just centre on these three words The Lord has laid it on my mind in this way perhaps rather as a meditation if I may put it that way instead of a sermon I don't know how to describe it but may a meditation of him be sweet tonight and my mind has been led to try and speak just a little of the seven sayings of Jesus from the cross may the
[5:15] Lord help us do you go to Calvary you say I've never been to Israel now I don't mean that do you think about Calvary I say this to the young and the older ones do you pray are your thoughts often about the finished work of Jesus this Jesus that died on the cross the prophet weepingly says is it nothing to you or ye that pass by is this nothing or is it all wonders of God's brains all to us more than anything else now we just look at these three words briefly first and then we come to the seven sayings start the third word because that's the most important Jesus what does the name mean again I speak simply it means he shall save his people from their sins does that sound very sweet to your ear does that give you hope
[6:33] Lord I'm the sinner my sins are great do save me some of us can say praise God he has saved me others may be see but pray on pray on Jesus now who is this Jesus we've got to be very clear about that Jesus is God never lose sight of that equal to the Father equal to the Holy Ghost from everlasting to everlasting thou art God the Lord Jesus so why did Jesus come from heaven I'm speaking simply tonight we have young people here and older ones too why did Jesus come from heaven my dear friends there was no other way of salvation the great and holy omnipotent all powerful
[7:38] God who spake and it was done he commanded it stood fast the creation was brought into being by the word of his mouth I say the deep reverence sin couldn't be pardoned without payment the word of God the law of God the word of God the holy God of heavens has went out the shedding of blood there can be no remission there can be no pardon that blood was to be sinless pure holy no man woman child on earth could provide that blood but we've all sinned born in sin shaped in iniquity well then you may say what about all those beasts that were slain in the old testament they couldn't wash away sin they gave ceremonial acceptance before God but they could never wash away sin and if you want a proof of it
[8:48] I'll give it to you those that were the Israelites were saved on the night of the Passover when the blood of the lamb without blemish was sprinkled on the door post and flintled at the door that was ceremonial that was the mark that they wouldn't be killed the firstborn wouldn't be killed when the angel went over and saw the blood but it wasn't salvation that blood didn't wash away their sins how why because we've eaten the wilderness even two sons of Aaron that they offered strange fire for God and God sent fire down from heaven and slew them we read of some of them that rebelled against God and the earth opened up and swallowed them we read oh yes you know about the brazen serpent but don't forget much people of
[9:49] Israel died they didn't all know so there's the proof so that couldn't save we could look anyone some people say the world look at my good works look I go to chapel I go to church that's good and right and so good works but they can't save that if and I say this again simply and I do want to keep on a reverent note but just to put a word of the ex-man who'd been driving for say 50 years without any offence whatsoever and then one day he goes through a traffic light red and so forth and the police apprehend him now do you think if the man says look I've been 50 years I haven't made any mistake at all then surely this doesn't matter but he does if justice is going to do it his license will be marked won't he now just think of what your sins and my sins deserve
[10:55] I'll tell you what it does it deserves hell doesn't it it deserves the wrath of God because God is holy God must and will deal with all sin either we shall hear those awful solemn words depart from me you curse into everlasting fire or come ye blessed of my father enter into the kingdom prepared for you either that our sin is we can remember that not the least spot or blot can ever enter into heaven if the people God's people that great number before the throne will be spotless if it fought the eyes of the almighty as a flame of fire and remember be sure your sin will find you out but the blood and it's only the blood of
[12:00] Christ is this dear Jesus remember then the son of God but as I must name with you as he comes to this earth he comes as a bay there is that body prepared without sin any fall whatsoever I can't quite get the word I want it may come in a moment my mind is not so active as it used to be but without any bark of defilement whatsoever pure and holy not born by human generation but here you see the wonderful thing God man God as he hung on that cross man as he hung on that cross God mighty to say as he hung on the cross the blood of the man precious blood that blood cleans away all sin this is the saviour this is the
[13:06] Jesus now come to this middle word then said Jesus now what do the sayings of Jesus mean to you do they draw you to heaven do you love to hear for example come unto me all ye that lay there and heavy laden and I will give you rest do you love that word all that the father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast down do you love that word as you read the word of God this man receiveth sinners and eateth with them do you love that word when the Lord says in the gospel a bruised rain he will not pray and the smoking flax he will not quench oh don't you love this dear Lord Jesus oh my friend how precious it is and when even and we're not beyond an old age to think back to those precious words of Jesus suffer the little children to come unto them wonderful words I want to come to this word then what then it is they had crucified him those kind hands that did such good they nailed them to a cross of
[14:23] God he despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with greed of the religious leaders despised him spat in his face buffeted him sentiment not Pilate indeed confessed I find no fault in him and his wife said they have nothing to do with this just man the Jews said away with him and Pilate said who will you have Barabbas or Christ I'll let's take one free Barabbas crucifying is the frenzied cry of the people they hate him they scorn him and even on the cross as he's hung there in the sufferings on the cross he saved others himself he cannot save they derided him scorned him and the Roman soldiers plaited a crown of thorns and they were long crowned of thorns and pressed it on his deer had a whole band of soldiers remember that did
[15:37] Jesus call for far from heaven we come now to this verse saying father his holy father forgive them they know not what they do be you kind one to another tender hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you you see many today without the knowledge of salvation may have a knowledge of the sufferings of Christ and they do and say what a wonderful example he was a wonderful example but it doesn't mean a thing to them why because they don't know their lost state they don't seek forgiveness they might pray Lord help me or might desire that I might forgive others but you see they want forgiveness themselves don't they and we all do I may have told you this before but it might be a simple illustration of the children and the young people and that is this that there was years ago a husband and wife that looked after a French soldier it was in
[16:51] France he was wounded and they were very kind to him and he died but he said before he died there was only one thing he could leave and he hadn't anything except for this one thing and they looked at it it was like a piece of paper rather beautifully done and they well we make it put in a frame that remind us of our friend that died did well what happened was sometime after some people came and said what's that they didn't know that it was a bank note an illustrated bank note of considerable worth they saw it as a beautiful thing they didn't know the value of it that's just what people do today they don't know the value because they don't know themselves as sinners father forgive them they know not what they do but then how the Lord in his word tells us again and again if you're praying go make things right and forgive those that have been unkind to you you know that's very difficult isn't it what do you want to do
[18:08] I'll tell you what you want to do naturally get your own back get your own revenge leave that leave that to God pray that you might be like Jesus forgive them oh my friend what grace we pay our natural being is I'll get my own back and I've told you before the two boys are different families but great friends that they had a dreadful quarrel and mother was putting her boy to bed and he said oh wait oh he said oh he's so angry mother said you can't go to sleep that day you must forgive him oh he said yes I'll forgive him and under his bread said wait till tomorrow I'll get my own back do I shock you that that can be in a church on a chapel people say they forgive they don't mean
[19:10] I'm not blaming anybody I don't know I can't speak of anybody I'm not doing that at all but I know my wicked heart it needs a love of Christ to fill my heart and may be willing to forget to be like Jesus there said Jesus now as you will remember there were two other crucified with their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ they were two very wicked men both of them and in one of the Gospels I think it's Matthew or Mark they both revived him Jesus is in the midst it wasn't it was a custom as I understand in those days among the Jews never to crucify more than one unless it was a husband and wife but here they took two and then put
[20:12] Jesus in the middle and said well look at that he's the worst of all despised hated scarred the one that went about doing good never man spake like this man said it not man of sorrow ah but oh my dear friend at Calvary there's a revelation of the wondrous grace of God of the power of salvation there's a change Lord one of them he's brought suddenly to see himself as a lost sinner ruined and undone as we read here does thou not fear God as he spoke to the other thing seeing thou art in the same condemnation that we indeed justly for we receive the due reward of their deed he knew what a black man he'd been what a sinful life he'd been but all something else doubtless as they crucified the Lord they'd heard he'd heard those words father forgive them in fact
[21:39] I don't want to surmise here but it's we are clearly shown the work of the Holy Spirit it may have been there raised up in his heart we forgive me but this we know here was a true conviction of sin here was a sorrow for sin here was one coming to Jesus here was one looking to Jesus here was one hoping in Jesus here is the evidence of faith in Jesus Christ I say wonderful faith you say how do you know I'll tell you this because of the prayer he said Jesus Lord Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom that man that dying thief his face saw this that the one despised by all around except of course of the dear women and John those of his own dear people but despised by the world that that one is the king that that one has a throne in heaven that that one is going to heaven and that that one can save even me and so beloved friend he says
[23:02] Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom oh could it be that I may come too could there be room for me could the door of mercy we might say be open for me within an hour or two of dying an hour or two as it were of the brink of hell I deserve it I've no good words to bring I only come with all my sinful life just as I am without one claim and we might put it in these words in the hope thy blood was shed for me sweet when you can say that thy blood was shed for me and that there bids me come to thee oh love of God I come and so here what did the Lord Jesus say did he say no did he shut him out did he say look what you've done look at the life you've lived no he says today verily I say that's a word a sealed word of the blood of Christ
[24:04] I say unto thee that thou that thou shalt that today thou shalt be with me in paradise with Jesus thou shalt see my glory so when the work of grace is done partner of my throne shall be save for sinner love so my friend what a wonderful word that is sweet hope isn't that sweet blessed prosper the text again then said then Jesus then said Jesus now I'm not taking them in perhaps exactly the order but the way I've read them we also read or perhaps we'll take them as I gathered the next one was not taking them in the order that I've read but taking them in the order that they've spoken there was one standing at the cross there better not decide
[25:09] I suppose you children young people could tell me his name wouldn't you it was John wasn't it and there was the mother of Jesus the Lord looked down and maybe just turned to it that I might name it because it's so sacred and so solemn and so blessed even these words because there's instruction we might say well I can't see how this affects me well wait a minute let's just see there is something here as the Lord Jesus spake from the cross and he said saw his mother and the disciples standing by whom he said unto his mother woman behold thy son wasn't pointing to himself pointing to John why he said to the disciple behold thy mother and from that hour that disciple took her into his own home in the midst of those suffering so great the Lord made provision for the earthly mother committed her the care of the disciple that he so loved him and he loved that one you may say well what what is that mean to me there are times when we travel deep and you know we need to pray against self pity none are so more tried as
[26:51] I am and haven't time to think of anybody else or anything else my dear friends may we have even in dark hours compassion range range go into a children's hospital and see these deformed children soon shakes out self pity Frank but when I say it's a good thing to shake that out but also may it move you may say I haven't got money
[27:51] I haven't got ability I can't nurse I can't wait a minute you can pray perhaps a kind word even a smile it's an example isn't it then said Jesus look at the nerves of the next one and it's the most soft what happened the three hours there was darkness over the face of the earth the sun was hidden oh it was not long ago I wasn't I had no vision I don't mean that at all but sacred meditation there were those three crosses not to know there being the howling of the mob at the foot of the cross there being soldiers gambling that's what the world is doing today isn't it the end of my road there's a betting shot and every time of a football match they bet on that bet on anything
[29:09] I don't want to bring that into the into the pulpit really but my dear friend and you young people keep right off anything like that but what should it profit about if it gain the whole world and lose its own job but what are coming to us then you just think of that darkness I suppose that must have been silence awesome was it made difficult exactly to say the literal sun created sun head as it were not to look on what was being done on the earth darkness signifies the power of darkness darkness signifies sin it speaks of hell darkness speaks of the wrath of God and why the wrath of God yes we might say yes I can understand that about those wicked people what they did to Jesus but wait a minute it's what
[30:17] God the father has done to his own dear son think of this what did the Lord Jesus say at the end of those three hours you remember that is being interpreted my God why has thou forsaken me what does it mean remember Jesus is the son of God I know the God man but still the son of God never was that changed never will be but why is God dealing with it it is for this reason that God the father had laid on him the sin of all his people in other words he's put all the sin imputed is the word laid upon the son of his love so that he's dealing with all the sin of all that shall be found in heaven in his own son by the hidings of his faith now the withdrawals of that sense of his nearness remember that the
[31:36] Lord Jesus here on this earth he and nights of communion with his father but now there was no severance of that tie in the deity never but he was made to be saved and so he cried my God my God didn't say my father though he still was his father my God my God my God why hast thou forsaken me because he will say to you poor sinner that loves him and you'll love him because he first loved you and I'll never leave thee nor forsake me lo I'm with you always even unto the end of the world and so then we read Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished said I thirst things always do a real man you see perhaps sometimes you've been thirsty how thankful you've been for water thirst the intensity of all that he's been through that sacred humanity bearing all that he went through that night and the early hours of that morning then crucified scourged he was as well now thirst
[33:00] I thirst he thirsted to do his father's will thirsted in the love of his soul to save sinners and then again I see this if you are brought to seek the savior you'll say I thirst thirst what do you thirst after Christ people thirst for pleasure thirst for riches think thirst for all things no I'm not despising right progress made by young people diligently that is right but my friend don't let that be your God may you thirst for Christ when the poor and needy seek water and there's none and the tongue faded for thirst either nor hear them and open rivers in high places and fountain in the midst of the valleys and my friend is a one thirsty and you'll remember this it is come the word of the prophet says how every one that thirst is without come come to this dear jason thirst then said jesus now just prior to that or rather enlightening with it you read these words not that he said them but we'll come to the words it is finished but we're bounded up together these words are jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished then said it is finished one word ready finished the great work of salvation was now accomplished justice is satisfied god the holy god of heaven is just to forgive his people their sin he's the just god and justifier of them that believe in jesus is wonderful but what i saw there some time ago was this knowing that all things were now accomplished we know that the dear son as god knows all things to the end of time and what i saw was this that he saw in that each one of his dear children that he said done yes in the sight of god there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in christ jesus who walk not out of the flesh but out of the spirit god is holy and god is holy and i say justice that would bar the way for the smallest speck of sin is now opening the gates in you come as we might say i say that with deep reverence because you're washed away you're going to be presented you're presented four plex not a spot oh my friend how wonderful it is not a spot in this as the one in the song of son not a place but not a spot and you might say ah but i feel there be some spot something that will be left no no no it's the blood of jesus christ his son that cleanses us from all sin it is finished and every promise in the word of god fulfilled every type and shadow was fulfilled all those offerings of old the brazen serpent the land that was slain for the past over night and so forth everything is fulfilled it is finished it's done my friend it's done and the gate of heaven is open and so we read that great work was done and then the dear saviour laid down his life father is at my hand i command my spirit oh what a place to come in when we come to die and it will be for all god dear children the sting of death has been removed why what is the sting of death unpardoned sin what is the strength of that unpardoned sin the law the law that thundered you die hurt you in your sin if that sin is washed away then that sting is removed so death you know you i don't know whether you i haven't seen many wasps hardly any wasps this year but perhaps you have but what makes you afraid of a wasp not so much as it buzzes but because it's got a sting if you knew the wasps hadn't got any sting you wouldn't be so worried about it would you well for god dear children the sting is removed and so death is falling asleep falling asleep in the arms of jesus wonderful and knowing this that death will never sever us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our god oh the wonderful prospect and now i come to the end now my little discourse tonight the prospect is heaven the lamb that is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and so my friends we can sum it up in this way come let us join our cheerful songs with angels round the throne ten thousand thousand are their tongues but all their joys are won word of the lamb that died they cried to be exalted past word of the lamb our lips report for he was slain for us and then as you view this you'll be able by grace to say well the whole realm of nature mine that were an offering far too small love so amazing so divine demands my life my soul will hi may be sweet an may
[39:35] I say pray with you mercy keep back Ultima that Precious drops my soul which is plain and plain and fierce. God's hand yet.
[39:53] Swear to the moment, let your blessing, which behold the cross I spend.
[40:08] Life and health and peace for the Savior, the Savior's dying friend.
[40:25] May I sin forever, you may, such as strength and strength of blood.
[40:41] Precious drops my soul, failure away, clean my peace with God.
[40:55] Truly blessed is this Savior, looking for its cross to high.
[41:14] While I see near my home, that your love begins with love.
[41:30] The Lord is alive. The earth is my life, my heaven, while upon the land I gaze, my heart is my grace.
[41:52] The Lord is my heart, my heart is forgiven, thy own miracle of grace.
[42:09] Love and grief, my heart is forgiven, with my tears, it's becoming.
[42:25] He yet riled in the air. With my heart is forgiven, and I not. Questioned away with your mother, Of Jonathan Child. Do it in the air? Really приход, IN lugar of the home.
[42:37] I do root in the air. The Новgo 400 rib per visitor, horrible 분 SC주, in this row. In the day, Hon, mine Elsie attempts ис and confound. May I still enjoy this wont.
[42:49] Thank you. now gracious Lord may we sit forever viewing mercy streams in streams of blood precious drops oh may they come precious drops my soul be doing plead and claim my peace with
[43:50] God bless thy word heard and all spoken of it take us under thy safe care to our homes bless thy dear people the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all Amen change Matt and my Luis