Thanksgiving Service
[0:00] In dependence upon the Lord for all needed help, I venture to draw your prayerful attention to Romans chapter 8 and verse 37.
[0:21] Romans chapter 8 verse 37. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
[0:44] Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
[1:01] Happy soul who is bound up and has the sweet assurance of the blessing expressed in the words of our text.
[1:21] A cause for such a song of praise and thanksgiving unto our God.
[1:34] Not unto us, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory. And indeed, there are times when pilgrims on the way to the celestial city have been able to sing, as it were, somewhat with faltering lips, stammering tongue.
[2:04] A little of the four notes of the song of glory unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood.
[2:18] I'm going to start with one more word in this chapter, which strikes as a great contrast.
[2:37] In doing so, I will explain. And this is for the glory of God. It was many years ago, in this very chapel, I was preaching on a thanksgiving day.
[2:56] And the only word I could get for that afternoon service was a word that you'll find in the 26th verse, which is the word groanings.
[3:12] It has ever been, as the Lord is pleased to help me, my desire, if it is a thanksgiving service, that a thanksgiving note, at least, should be sounded.
[3:27] This seemed to be quite contrary to my mind. I sought to get away from it.
[3:40] The Lord would not permit it. I struggled. bear this personal memory. And I attempted to preach for him.
[3:55] Again, even more than this afternoon, I struggled. But the bonds, though man, ministers may be bound, the word of God is not bound.
[4:12] a dear friend who was in deep depression saw it was advertised thanksgiving. Can't go.
[4:24] Won't be for me, but he's injured with the means of losing his bonds. I say that to the glory of God.
[4:37] And why I say that is because I may have, I don't know, I may have someone here that says, oh, won't be for me tonight.
[4:48] Won't be anything for me tonight. I'm far too low. I'm far too dark. Oh, I can't reach this high note. Let me tarry just for a moment then on this word groanings.
[5:04] Remember, it's the same character named in verse 26 where the Holy Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
[5:19] That work of the Spirit, the power of the Spirit, breathing those spiritual prayers, desires, longings, hungerings, thirstings, groanings into the heart.
[5:32] That's the same person as to that one as we have in the beginning of this chapter. Now, no condemnation. The end of the chapter, no separation.
[5:45] That groaning, though it's a low note, it is life. And my friends, it is a way like the psalmist could say, Lord, all my desire is before thee and my groanings are not hid from thee.
[6:05] I believe, and I don't want to touch the too lower note, certainly want to pray for increase of faith. We want to pray for the liberty of the gospel. We want to pray for growth in grace.
[6:17] But my friend, it might be more profitable for us in our spiritual experience if we knew a little more of these groanings, this spirit of repentance, godly sorrow for sin, and that cry for mercy afresh, that coming to the throne of grace to plead for God's mercy.
[6:40] glory. So, this word groanings in the setting here is not a depressing word. It is an uplifting word. It's a word that gives encouragement and a word that helps us through the Lord Jesus intercedes for us in heaven and through his precious blood, the lamb in the beds of the throne as it had been slain.
[7:04] The work at Calvary is a finished work, as our representative, our mediator, our high priest before the throne, that the Holy Spirit breathes into our heart spiritual desires and manifests some of these spiritual groanings, mighty, powerful groanings that go up to heaven and are not shut out from the throne of grace no more than as we read concerning the Israelites in bondage in Egypt.
[7:37] The Lord says I have heard their cry and their groanings and their I've heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters. I know their sorrows.
[7:49] So I name this and I hope and pray that if there's any downcast soul here, any doubting one, any fearing one, that there may be a little word of hope as I have named this by way of introduction.
[8:07] We have from verse 31 to the end of this chapter seven great questions asked.
[8:18] The text is the answer to all those questions. And this little word nay we must have a right understanding of what we mean because one might casually looking at this word would say yay but no it says nay because the answer is in the negative in bringing out positive assurance as I trust we may be helped to enlarge.
[8:50] And it is on my mind though I have struggled somewhat uncertainly in my mind for a text to see the Lord's help in venturing to look at these questions and the answer thereto.
[9:06] And the first question is what shall we then say to these things if God be for us who can be against us nay not one everything and everything may be against us on this earth but not finally if this God is our God all is well.
[9:33] Now let us look at what it says if God be for us then who can be against us God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.
[9:47] Consider my friend no one can overthrow the deity the Trinity consider the glorious plan of salvation consider the word of God that will endure forever consider also this the holy angels they are for us not against us we firmly believe in the ministry of angels unseen and yet the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him all that the eyes of our faith may be open as so it was with Elijah's servant that whereas he saw the city surrounded besieged by an enemy he now could see the protection of heaven surrounding that city further also again but however don't let me speak lightly of this because against us first it is we might say the law because we are condemned but that cannot hold us because
[11:07] Christ has made an end of the law in this way he satisfied the demands of the law he had died and his precious blood is the answer to that law then we might say but surely then what about the world the world indeed is against us the world has never changed and never will unless the grace of God is seen among God's children that makes the change what I'm getting at is this the world in general when Christ was here on earth said away with him away with him crucify him crucify him it is the same today the devil is the enemy of all who believe in Jesus for those little ones in Zion to the saints of God he is against us but God is for us the devil shall not snatch any of God's dear children out of those nail fierce hands they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand the devil at times gains the upper hand like
[12:24] Gad a troop shall overcome him but he shall overcome at the last and wicked angels and evil powers they shall not overcome us if God be for us who can be against us may in all these things all that you can think of as it were as the apostle by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit seems I'm going to say to empty the universe in one way to ransack it to find out anything and everything that could bar the way to heaven of God's dear children in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us then we come to this word he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things all my soul pause and wonder and tremble before a holy heart surging
[13:34] God he that spared not the early world when the whole of the world and creation were drowned in the flood with the exception of those eight souls and the animals in the ark oh friend God never spared them remember that how solemn to die in our sin remember also on that night of Passover the firstborn of Egypt were never spared remember also the host of the Assyrian 185,000 slain by an angel in a night remember also Jerusalem in the year about 870 when they when as it were brought to pass the solemn words they uttered when Christ was crucified his blood be upon us and upon our children when the
[14:36] Romans could not find enough wood to crucify the poor Jews friend and he will not spare oh what a solemn word it is but he that spared not his own son well look at this yes we may look at it first in this way he gave his son the son of his love equal with the father and with the holy ghost we do need to be careful that we don't get as it were just hardened I was going to say to well known gospel texts because the word that comes to my mind now is well known for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life the wondrous gift no wonder
[15:38] Paul breaks Paul into thanksgiving thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift no greater gift spared not his own sent him further the dear saviour came to this earth and there he was not spared in this way why he came unto his own and his own received him not he came and when born as a babe no room for them in the end when after immediate baptism he was led into the wilderness by the spirit and was tempted by Satan spared not not from temptation he knew what loneliness was thirst hunger weariness his sinless infirmities of that sinless humanity was and when and all the sacredness of it all the place where we stand his holy ground in the garden of
[16:49] Gethsemane where oh beloved his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground why because he knew what was before him he knew yes and often spain what man would do he said that wicked men would take him and cruise and they would set him at nore and oh friend and so they did buffeted scorn spat upon scourged crowned with thorns but my friend he knew also that cup there was something else there and he wouldn't be spared because the father laid on him the sin of all his dear people and he spared not his son in this way that there was the hidings of the father's face I've viewed it so often lady those who hear me regularly know it is so much with me it's the very center of my salvation
[17:52] Jesus in my room and in my place there as he hung on that cross all his people are in Christ given to Christ in Christ before the world began and on that cross there they were as we may say with all their sin and the father dealt with the son and dealt with our sin in Christ as there was the hiding of the father's face there was the sword of divine justice there the law is satisfied there the gates of heaven are open there the lord brings in pardon and peace to his dear people he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all are you in it our dear friend quoted in prayer before the evening service the first text
[18:58] I ever tried to preach from is when I came before the church about the ministry all that the father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out all the all are in a word earlier in this self same chapter and that is moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified now that's the chain and links of God's eternal purposes that will never never be broken no more than the chain if I may so put it of the that it holds the anchor of good hope within the veil to the believer that will never be severed either but you may say oh this predestination this election oh it is too deep for me oh my friend you fear it cuts you out my friend pray to
[20:11] God come to read your title clear to mansions in the sky come as a poor guilty sinner I get to ask you this question have you some evidence that you have been called and very confirming the second hymn that was given out this evening called that is called out of darkness called as a found out as a guilty sinner called and crying for mercy called fearing you're going to perish under condemnation and yet hoping looking trusting fleeing to Christ friend called out of called into and that's the great mercy now such are in this chain such can never come out of that chain so this is an evidence looking backwards though your name is in the Lamb's book of life and looking forward in this way or present too justified we may notice that in a moment and also will be glorified
[21:15] I think dear Mr. Brunsworth made mention some long time ago of a man illustrating the point of election I think may have lived in Scotland and he said in his quaint way many years ago he said there's a big book in London he said I've never been to London I've never seen that big book you may say how do I know that my name is in that big book he said because I received my pension now my dear friend every reception of spiritual blessing in your soul gives the sweet evidence that that is of God and that is the evidence of your election again and I know thought of speaking on this line but the Lord may is prompting me perhaps I hope I may venture that without presumption you take in the word of God examples I've named it before for example all that the father giveth me well they are the elect but side by side
[22:24] God opens the book shall come to me and then the promise I will in no way but the evidence shall come to me now they do not come unless the Holy Spirit draw them and leads them convinces them brings them to Christ brings into them the breath of life now that is the evidence assurance of thine election again the Lord appeared of old unto me saying yea I have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore here it is here's the opening of the book therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee you've been drawn to the precious Christ poor sinner is the mark of it shall not God avenge his only let well who are they that cried day and night unto him another mark another token we need the spirit to confirm it we need faith to believe it we need to pray that
[23:28] God will grant us more faith the increase of faith now how shall he not with him also freely give us all things what a precious word this is you may say all my troubles all my difficulties all my difficulties all my problems all my bounces all my disappointments my friend something far greater than all your all's I'm not minimizing them some may be very very deep and bereavement is very very lonely path I know fully what you mean I know what grief is but there's something greater do you mean to say that all the trouble you can get into is too great for God to handle you may say no he's not too great for handle but will he handle it for me my friend you plead for him you seek him and if he is maybe yes don't count it as a mark against you maybe he's bidding you to wait may even increase the fire may even load more onto your burden than ever before but he will not fail you he'll give grace equal for it he will give strength for it he will sustain thee cast thy burden on the
[24:44] Lord and he shall sustain thee so beloved all things all things that needful in providence and most of all in grace oh when all things are yours ye are Christ and Christ is God oh what assurance this is what more can he say than to you he has said who to you who unto Jesus the refuge of you friend yes oh poor little you or do you say if grace is in your heart you won't find fault with that you won't say this great I oh no not now not now this little me this sinful me this unworthy me all things and that right to the end of the day journey I know faith is trying but
[25:46] I look back on my life I stand with wonder it's a profitable meditation to trace out what the Lord has done for us thou shall remember all the way that the Lord has led thee then we come to the next word who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect now I've tried to deal with that word I know very imperfectly but just briefly God's elect it is God that judges it's God that pronounces that you're holy it's God that pronounces that you're forgiven it's God that pronounces that the Lord satisfied he is the just God and the justifier of them that believe now that does my soul good in this way because precious faith the grace of faith is bestowed freely by his grace in the new birth and this faith is that which lays hold upon a precious
[26:52] Christ is this faith whereby we believe in Christ and as the faith is given and the assurance of faith who is saved with the apostle Paul who the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me but I say that's pardon but now there's also a best robe and that filthy garments to be removed and here is pardon but here is justification here my friend is the way whereby a holy God opens that gate and hereby the law demands that the gates of heaven should be barred to any with the least unpardoned sin mark that but for those whose blood has washed their sins away the gates of heaven are open blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and enter in by the gates into the city in all these things we are more than conquerors because he's just he's the justifier of them that believe in
[28:06] Jesus upon a life I did not live upon a death I did not die another's life another's death I rest my whole eternity nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that love it who is he that condemn it and here is a cripple answer again nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us first we have Christ that died my friend that the God man that blood invaluable that blood that shall never lose his power that invaluable blood that blood of the Lamb of God that is the blood that cleanses from all sin it's that blood that washes and makes us whiter than snow it is that blood that shall present the redeemed and fortless before the throne in glory it is that blood beloved friend
[29:17] I say that opens the way for a poor sinner to come into heaven indeed we may have and do much whereby we condemn ourselves and the word of God condemns us but the answer and this is not speaking a light easy way I'm saying that to be brought to the blessing of this condemnation being saved from condemnation through the death of Christ will be through the spirit's teaching under much temptation at times and struggling faith at times but nevertheless here is the word of God to those who are born again those found in this blessed word of God and there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus and the mark of it who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit but you will tell me and I will tell you too that I do walk after the flesh but not willingly there is something that struggles against it all that I had not myself all that I did not have this wretched sinful self of me of mine but my friend the Lord says there is therefore now now what about that now it is a term of God's justice it is seen now in the sight of heaven at the crucifixion of Christ at the death of Christ it is finished that work is done is done and never will be overthrown and to all God's children though they're sinners on this earth though they keep sinning on this earth and that doesn't give license to continue in sin if we love
[31:06] Christ we shall hate sin if we love Christ we shall loathe ourselves if we hate if we love sin I say then something is really wrong in us but I know we have to pray to be delivered from darling sins I know that but nevertheless this will not overthrow the purpose of God and who shall separate who is he the condemned it is Christ that day yea rather here is something added as it were not that there was anything needed to be added to the finished work of Christ that was done and done forever it's a full salvation it's a so great salvation and how shall we escape if we neglect this salvation but we have this precious word that rather that is risen again because here is the assurance that whilst the blood of Christ cleanseth us from all our sin yet what about death what about the grave you see if in this life we have hope in Christ we are all men most miserable but now is Christ risen and become the first fruits of them that sleep now wonderful is this because the resurrection of Christ is the assurance is the pledge that that finished work is a satisfied divine justice that this finished work is to satisfy as I've mentioned the law and therefore death and the grave cannot hold us and will not hold us because
[32:45] O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory and thanks be unto God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ he comes in there that the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law you see if we die in our sin the sting of death is there if we die in our sin the law has demanded us that we should not go to heaven but if that sting is removed therefore there's no sting in death we are some more particular than others may be afraid of a wasp why are you afraid of the wasp because it's got a sting if you would know that there was no sting in that wasp though it may buzz around if I can use a poor illustration you wouldn't be so frightened of it you might be just a bit alarmed about the buzzing noise but you know it can't hurt you my friend what can death do to the child of God is the porter to glory it is indeed it is and it's a falling asleep in the arms of those precious Jesus as my dear beloved wife would say my last words to me as I asked how she was with her not knowing she was near the end at that moment and safe in the arms of Jesus safe on his gentle breath friend it's a wonderful place to be in oh death where is thy sin oh great so here it is that yea rather that is risen again oh nay all these things were more than conquerors through him that loved us and then furthermore there's even a third step who is even at the right hand of God who also make it intercession for us the finished work of Christ is a finished work but here is the work that the saviour lives to carry on his people's cause above again
[34:38] I think of this a lamb in the midst of the throne as it had been slain now my soul burdened with sin condemned by sin and by the law how can I approach a holy God it is because there's a way open because Jesus is there because the blood is there if we may so say put it because a man that is a real man with wounds still gaping wide which in glory now I haven't quoted the exact line but you know the words standing there in glory in his name and therefore I come oh it's my awfully mercy through blood that's it it's mercy that's as it were grinching the blood of Christ mercy through blood I make my plea oh God be merciful to me except in the beloved father spare the vile transgressor see for him what I have done then says the apostle and again hear the answer they in all these things we are more than conquerors then did the dear man hear as it were as it were ransacks if I can use that word with reverence the universe and thinks of everything and anything that one could say would separate us from this God of love the dear saviour and the dear holy spirit who is our teacher and convincer of sin and takes and brings to us the knowledge of salvation who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation
[36:19] I haven't time to enlarge but that's a very comprehensive word it forms every form of trouble that we might be brought into providential and spiritual it signifies like a testing time really it's like putting the gold through the fire it's the refining of the silver it's the preparation of the soil for the reception of the seed it is standing firm in the trench as you think of a first world war it's weathering the storm it is word tribulation and it is through you've forgotten it through you're not going to perish there God is going to bring you the heaven side of it he may see him a long way through that dark tunnel but it will be so because he'll bring you through these things have I spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer
[37:21] I have overcome the world all these things were more than conquerous through him that loved us distress and my friend sometimes we are deeply distressed a certain event happened yesterday where suddenly I was brought into terrible distress and the devil attacked me on top of it and I can't enlarge it it's too personal and yet the Lord set me free in this that I found the cause of my distress was totally had no foundation yet it was so real I thought I'd said something and offended somebody somebody I loved deeply I didn't realise at the time and I went through I could say grief why did I go through grief because I loved that person I thought I'd hurt that person I believe the Lord taught me a little bit what repentance is now I know
[38:22] I didn't do wrong on that particular point but I thought I had but I you see it taught me a lesson now I say no distress then persecution some of you dear children may suffer persecution I don't know they do at school sometimes and you're in business and sometimes oh but persecution fancy going to chapel fancy going to a Sunday school and so forth fancy not having this and having that oh but my friend I say pray God look to Jesus remember go to him take it to the Lord in prayer and just a word you children may have heard me tell you this before but I knew two little girls one was my daughter who when tempted and persecuted by those in this playground got alone and quietly said one to the other when they got alone let us tell Jesus now some people may sneer at it I don't I think they set a very good example take it to Jesus ask Jesus to help you famine we don't suffer literal famine but there's a famine of the hearing of the word and that famine of hearing of the word may be because of sin there's some sin in our life of holding back the spirit's power nakedness peril or sore all these things that can come and then nay in all these things we are poor than conquerors through him that loved us now two or three words in conclusion
[39:44] I am persuaded now this is a persuasion sure it's not just a mental consideration by the apostle with all his ability it's besting on the word of God on the truth of God on the faith of God on the promises of God I am persuaded that neither death which we've been alerted to that cannot separate us life with all its changing scenes is downs and ups for the child of God not what I said I didn't say up and down I said down and up why because you're going to come up at the end and up finally you won't be finally defeated because in all these things we're more than conquerors through him that loved us and I'm persuaded that neither death nor angels good angels or bad angels nor principalities nor rulers or so forth or powers powers of evil and error whatever you may think of power of any shape of evil nor things present perhaps something is happening now you feel overwhelmed you feel almost that the life of God and that work of grace almost choked out at you but friend it's they won't separate you from the love of grace you may have something in the future you see there are times that when we can see a cup in front of us when we can see difficulties before us when we can see a way that we dread and say
[41:10] Lord not that way but the Lord says my child this is the way walk in it now things to come they won't separate nor height nor depth nor any other creature when I think of that word I think that ye with all saints may be able to comprehend with all saints the breadth the length the depth and height and the love of Christ and to be filled with all the fullness of God shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord that love of the Savior whereby having loved his own he laid down his life for his dear people and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand more than conquerors through him that loved us oh Fred it's once he loves he never leaves but loves them to the end further more than conquerors in that book of the revelation the message of the seven churches was there so much and it's profitable to be searched by the word of God there
[42:12] I have somewhat against thee what does God speak to me what does God speak to you but in each case to him and of course that to her as well that overcome it and friend there is the prospect of glory there is the assurance of heaven nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us triumph through Christ the victory through him the captain of our salvation oh may grace be given to us to press on to look up though at times ready to give up and yet if I can speak for myself and maybe for you I find this is a clinging religion I can't give up I can't let go nothing in my hand I bring but simply to thy cross I cling but I must leave it oh friend one moment in heaven has it not been said we'll make amends for all it will and I've tried to think we are beyond comprehending what it would be to be with Christ forever and ever and we can't comprehend what it would be to be in the company of the devil and fallen angels and unforgiven sinners but my friend to be with the dear people of God to be with that dear Jesus and when I see him and when I see thee as I'll praise thee as I all and then should your eyes with rapture view the glorious friend that died for you that died to ransom died to raise to hymns of joy and songs of praise and then loudest at the crowd I'll sing while heaven's resounding mansions ring with shouts of sovereign grace
[44:00] Amen We will conclude our thanksgiving services today by the singing of hymn number 72 Who shall the Lord elect condemn Tis God that justifies their souls and mercy like a mighty stream o'er all their sins divinely rose hymn number 72 the entire grace in the water to harvest till one winter
[45:20] And the soul nies divulged, wie Regina Monsieur Re하는데 CHOIR SINGS Thank you.