[0:00] As the Lord should be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in Psalm 23.
[0:13] The first sentence in the third verse. He restoreth my soul.
[0:26] Psalm 23, the first sentence in the third verse.
[0:45] As you think on this subject, he restoreth my soul. Some of you will find in your hearts a concern that God would be pleased to do it for you.
[1:08] And that you might echo these words of godly David long ago. He restoreth my soul. How many under Union Chapel roof at this time before God can appeal to him as the sinner's friend and declare, It is well with my soul.
[1:31] Let your consciences tell you what the answer really is. The great majority of you concerned about your soul's eternal welfare, I judge, would be glad beyond words to describe if the Lord would indeed appear for you and help you to feel matters are right between your soul and him with whom you have to do.
[2:06] And now this word before us is a word for which you should thank God and take courage in considering it.
[2:18] This word is in the present tense. He restoreth my soul. And there is help in God.
[2:30] Hope in God for poor sinners who desire to feel it is well with my soul.
[2:42] And I want as the Lord to help me to look at this subject from three or four viewpoints. And it is a word that I judge you need to be reminded about.
[2:56] And it is not vain repetition to bring it before you again and again. He restoreth my soul.
[3:08] Godly David, in the Psalms which he was inspired of God to pen, makes known how things were at times with his soul.
[3:26] And it is very evident that the things of God were often at a low ebb in godly David's soul. And he uses striking language to describe how he felt.
[3:43] Leave not my soul destitute. Margin. Make not my soul bare. And that solemn lament.
[3:57] Take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Cast me not away from thy presence. And a word like this.
[4:09] I mourn in my complaint. And make a noise unto the Lord. And yet another word. My heart is sore pained within me.
[4:23] And many such like words the dear Psalmist used before God. And out of the abundance of the heart the mouth was speaking.
[4:39] And he says, My soul cleaveth unto the dust. Quicken thou me according to thy word. And now that is how faith, though it be as a grain of mustard seed, will argue before God.
[4:58] Quicken thou me. Why should I do it? Says God, as it were. According to thy word. O thou hast said.
[5:10] If ye being evil, know how to give good things unto your children. How much more shall your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
[5:25] He restoreth my soul. And now first of all. It is well to get down to bedrock in approaching the subject.
[5:38] And it is well to remember the dear Psalmist was concerned about his soul. Or he did want matters to be right between his soul and God.
[5:52] Do you? Are you possessed? With that concern in everyday life? My soul. What will become of it?
[6:05] My soul. Which is never dying. And is bound for an eternal destiny. Heaven or hell.
[6:16] My soul. Oh that God. Would make matters right. Between my soul. And him. With whom I have to do.
[6:30] It is a wonderful mercy to have that concern wrought within. How stands the case my soul with thee? For heaven are thy credentials clear?
[6:42] And now. When the Psalmist said he restoreth my soul. It is very evident. The Psalmist was not a dead soul.
[6:55] The dear man had his soul alive. In things divine. And was the subject. And was the subject. Of that all important concern.
[7:08] That his soul. Might rejoice in the salvation of God. He restoreth my soul. And now.
[7:21] Some of you. I can only draw a bow at a venture. If you say. I would be glad if God would do this for my soul.
[7:31] And now. What is wrong with your soul? Are you the subject. Of a soul cast down?
[7:45] Are you saying. Oh my God. My soul is cast down within me. And why art thou cast down. Oh my soul. Why art thou disquieted within me.
[7:57] Are you like the Psalmist was in one place. We cannot see our signs. Are you a poor sinner with a soul.
[8:08] In which you could once look. And see things that you knew. Of a certainty. Were things that God had wrought. For you.
[8:19] And that he had called you. By his grace. And now. You look. In your soul. And you say. If I turn my eyes within.
[8:32] All is dark and vain and wild. Full of unbelief and sin. Can I deem myself a child? Oh you are a cast down soul.
[8:44] Cast down. Because you cannot feel. That matters are right. Between God and you. You are not a dead soul. A cast down soul you are.
[8:55] You shall never be a cast off soul. Here is a word to help you. Cast down. But not destroyed. What you felt in bygone experiences.
[9:08] Remains a reality in your soul. Although you have lost the happiness of it. And the peace of mind it produced. When you felt it.
[9:18] If once upon our hearts we feel. The love of Christ impressed. The mark of that celestial seal. Can never be erased. Remember that.
[9:31] It may be. You are not so much a soul. Cast down. As you are a soul. Bewildered. And that is no.
[9:45] New experience. No strange line of things. For sinners born again. To be the. Subject of.
[9:56] Or there are many sinners born again. Who. When they. Way matters up. Regarding their soul. Have to realize.
[10:08] That they are. Bewildered. And know not where they are. What they are. In things. Divine. Like the hymn writer puts it.
[10:20] Some small glimmer in light I have. Yet too dark to see my way. Jesus presence till I crave. When. Oh when. Will it be.
[10:31] Day. You remember. The psalmist says. In one psalm of his. And. It shows. What a concern. There was.
[10:43] I wait for the Lord. My soul doth wait. And in his word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord. More than they that watch for the morning.
[10:56] I say. More than they. That watch for the morning. In. Oh that is a good place. For a soul to be in.
[11:06] Although. It is a soul bewildered. A soul benighted. Yet. Waiting for the dawning of the day. Waiting. For the day star to arise.
[11:20] And shine. And help you to feel. As you want. To feel. The Lord bless you. Poor sinner. And the word of God.
[11:32] Holds out. Much to encourage you. Unto you that fear my name. Shall the son of righteousness arise. With healing. In his wings.
[11:44] The vision is for an appointed time. Though it tarry. Wait for it. In the end it shall speak. And not lie. It will surely come. It will not tarry.
[11:55] Remember that. He restoreth. My soul. And now it may be. Your soul. Is a tempted soul.
[12:09] And you are being harassed. By the evil one. And your soul. Is flooded. With ifs and buts and hows.
[12:20] To sink you in the gloom. Of all that is dismal. In this world. Or in the world to come. Come. Oh Satan. Is a terrible foe.
[12:32] And he comes upon poor sinners. Regarding their souls. Eternal welfare. With many insinuations. Many a temptation.
[12:44] And he seeks to undermine. Their hope in God. And to belittle the influence. Of their profession. Of Jesus name. Of Jesus name.
[12:56] And very solemn. It is. To be a tempted. Soul. And yet. The Lord will appear. For such and one. Trust in him.
[13:08] Ye tempted saints. Tell him. All your sad complaints. He a present. Help will be. Give you strength. And victory. Three. And then it might be.
[13:22] I'm still drawing a bow. At a venture. In describing your soul. Your soul. Is not so much.
[13:33] A cast down soul. A benighted soul. A tempted soul. As it is an entangled soul. You are here. Before God.
[13:44] And if you told the truth. You can tell it to God. But not to man. You are guilty. There is this and that. In your life. That you want.
[13:55] None other. Beneath the sun. To know anything about. But you know it. And although you desire. To hope in God. And you want matters.
[14:07] To be put right. Between him and you. You have got. This and that. In your life. Which makes you say. As godly David did.
[14:20] Oh Lord. Pardon mine iniquity. For it is grave. And now there is help in God. For you. Even you.
[14:30] With an entangled soul. Who will fall on a prey. To some evil. Within. Sin. Or without. And now you are fast.
[14:42] Tied and bound. In the chain of your own sins. If we confess. Our sins. He is faithful and just. To forgive us our sins. And to cleanse us.
[14:53] From all unrighteousness. And there is that. Wonderful word. In Jeremiah. Only acknowledge. Thine iniquity.
[15:04] I have often thought. What a wonderful word that is. If you get help from God. To do that. What will God say.
[15:15] I will be merciful. To your unrighteousness. And your sins. And your iniquities. I will remember. No more.
[15:26] He delighteth in mercy. And if you will help. To put your mouth in the dust. Of self-abasement. If so be.
[15:37] There may be hope. You will prove. Jesus blood. Through earth and skies. Mercy eternal. Mercy Christ. And you will know this.
[15:49] He restore it. My soul. But then I hope. The great majority of you. Before God. In describing your soul.
[16:04] Is it correct to say. Your soul. Is a. Hungry soul. I hunger now. For heavenly food.
[16:15] My poor soul. Cries out. For God. Your soul. Is a. Thirsty. Soul. The psalmist said. My soul.
[16:26] Thirsteth. For God. Your soul. Is a. Longing soul. What a good word. That is. To describe. One's.
[16:38] Soul. Especially when you think of this. He satisfieth. The longing. Soul. And now. You can long for a thing.
[16:49] And yet. And yet. Not. Put into words. What you long for. But you carry it about. Within your breast.
[17:00] A longing. A yearning. A pining. An aching void. Which this world. Cannot. Fill. Feel. But. It is.
[17:11] How you feel. In. Your soul. Yes. The Lord bless you. Poor sinner. The word of God.
[17:21] Speaks. Well of you. Blessed are they. Which do hunger. And thirst. After righteousness. For they shall be. Filled. He satisfieth.
[17:32] The longing. Soul. Do you remember. That David said. In his earlier life. The word of God. Records it. And David.
[17:43] Longed. And said. Oh that one. Would give me. To drink of the water. That is in the well. Of Bethlehem. Which is by the gate. Just how some of you.
[17:55] Feel. Some living water. Give to me. Or I should droop. And die. He restoreth.
[18:06] My. Soul. Now the next thing. To contemplate. In this line of things. Is the possibility. Of it. Is the possibility.
[18:17] And you are not. To question. The possibility. Of it. You are not. Allowed. To do it. I know you. Do do it. But you are. Guilty. In doing it. Remember that.
[18:30] You are only. Allowed. To think. What the word. Of God. Declares. You are not. Allowed. To think. Your own. Thoughts. As to whether.
[18:40] God. Will do. This or that. God. Makes it. It plain. In the sacred. Pages. What he will do. What he will not do. And one thing.
[18:52] He will not do. Is this. In that cometh unto me. I will never. No. Never. No. Never cast out. What he will do.
[19:04] Is this. I will be gracious. To whom. I will be gracious. I will have mercy. Upon whom. I will. Have mercy. Therefore.
[19:16] There is. The possibility. Of this. The promise. Of it. The word. Of God. Lays it down. He. Restoreth.
[19:27] My. Soul. And the guarantee. That every sinner. Born again. Shall be.
[19:40] Able to rejoice. At length. And declare. He restoreth. My soul. I say. The guarantee. For it. Is because. The word.
[19:51] Of God. Declares. Now is Christ. Risen from the dead. And become. The first fruits. Of them. That slept. I want you. Never to forget.
[20:02] What I've told you. Not once. Or twice. That when Jesus Christ. Rose from the dead. On that Easter morn. Long ago. That the church of Christ.
[20:13] Rose in him. In mystical union. With him. As the church's. Living head. And that means. However low you may sink.
[20:24] In your soul's experience. There is help in God. And hope in God. For you. And remember. What I read.
[20:35] To you. And there. It is made. Very plain. And it tells of. Resurrection. Two. Where it says.
[20:46] Oh my people. I will bring you up. Out of. Your graves. And to put my spirit. In you.
[20:56] And ye shall live. And I shall place you. In your own land. And he says. I will open your graves. And cause you to come up.
[21:07] Out of your graves. And bring you into the land of Israel. And now to be in a grave. Sets forth. A very solemn.
[21:17] A very painful experience. And yet. Not to remain there. Always. Oh my people.
[21:28] I will bring you up. Out of your graves. Is the promise. And he who says. I am the resurrection. And the life. Is able to do it.
[21:40] Yes. And the psalmist. Knew something about that. And it is well. To think of that word. Oh Lord. My God.
[21:50] I cried unto thee. And thou hast healed me. Oh Lord. Thou hast brought up my soul. From the grave. Thou hast kept me alive. That I should not go down.
[22:01] Into the pit. You see. There is the possibility. That your soul. Can be restored. There is the promise. Of divine aid.
[22:12] To do it. There is a sure guarantee. God is able to do. Exceeding abundantly. Above all that you can ask.
[22:22] And think. Regarding it. And there is another word here. Which is. Very helpful. To think about. Your soul.
[22:34] Being restored. And the prospect of it. Here. The word of the Lord is. I will seek. That which was lost.
[22:46] And bring again. That which was driven away. And will bind up. That which was broken. And will strengthen that. Which was sick. But I will destroy the fat.
[22:57] And the strong. I will feed them. With judgment. You see. Jesus Christ. As the. Good shepherd. I will seek.
[23:08] That which was lost. And bring again. That which was driven away. And will bind up. That which was broken. And will strengthen. That which was sick. All to do.
[23:20] With restoring. Poor sinners. Souls. Whatever their case. May be. And thinking of this subject. From that viewpoint.
[23:32] There is another word here. That you might. Memorize. And plead. Before God. And Solomon. At the temple. Dedication.
[23:43] When he offered up. That wondrous prayer. Of his. What does he say. Which fits in. With our souls.
[23:54] Being restored. In their felt need of it. If there be in the land. Famine. If there be. Pestilence. Blasting. Mildew. Locust.
[24:05] If there be. Caterpillar. If their enemy. Besiege them. In the land. Of their cities. Whatsoever. Plague. Whatsoever. Sickness. There be. What prayer.
[24:16] And supplication. So ever. Be made. By any man. Or by all. Thy people. Israel. Which shall know. Every man. The plague. Of his own heart. And spread forth.
[24:28] His hands. Toward this house. Then hear thou. In heaven. Thy dwelling place. And forgive. God is just like that. Dear friends.
[24:40] He delighteth. In mercy. And his word is. Return unto me. And I will. Return unto you.
[24:51] He will regard the prayer of the destitute. And not despise. Their prayer. Much might be said. Along that line of thought.
[25:04] He restoreth. My soul. And now. Another viewpoint of the subject. Is this. What is it.
[25:15] In your soul. If you weigh it up. Before God. And tell the truth. That needs to be restored. Maybe.
[25:25] You would be very comprehensive. And say. As far as I can judge. Everything to do with religion. That is of God. In every aspect of it.
[25:37] Needs to be restored. In my soul. In my soul. And is that how you feel about it. The Lord help you. To tell him all the truth.
[25:50] You will find. His word. Is a sure word. And from me. Is thy fruit found. You see dear friends.
[26:03] You and I. Have got to come to this. Bedrock truth. With the guilty. With the guilty. Weak and helpless. Worm. On thy kind arms. I fall. Be thou my strength.
[26:14] My righteousness. My Jesus. And my all. But let us get down. To this line of things. He restoreth my soul.
[26:25] And now. What does really need. To be restored. In your soul. First of all. Faith needs. To be restored.
[26:35] God. Because the word of God. Makes some wonderful declarations. Concerning faith. And it often troubles me.
[26:46] Because I fear. Neither pastor or people. Know very much about it. Maybe here a little. There a little. How about this word.
[26:59] The God of hope. Fill you with all joy and peace. In believing. And when the Savior says.
[27:10] Be not afraid. Only. Believe. All things are possible. To him. That. Believe it. You and I need to plead.
[27:23] Lord. Increase. Our faith. Oh. That needs to be restored. To its proper place. In our soul.
[27:36] That. Preacher and people alike. May appear before God. In no denial. Take. While they plead. For Jesus sake. I will not let thee go.
[27:47] Except thou bless me. And not only so. Hope needs to be restored. In our soul. Because.
[27:58] Hope. Is not always felt. To be a good hope. Through grace. And it might be quite a long while. Since some of you dear people.
[28:09] Who hope in God. Did rejoice in hope. The great majority of folk. Are like this. Hoping. Against hope.
[28:22] Though by my sins. Deserving hell. Are not despair. For who can tell. Hope. I do like that word. In the epistle to the Romans.
[28:32] We are saved by hope. And I like our hymn. Writer's definition of it. All through the wilderness below.
[28:42] Good hope expects more good to know. And thus is kept alive the soul. Have you been expecting more good lately? Have you been urgent and in earnest before God?
[28:56] Show me a token for good? Or is it the truth you are at ease in Zion. And settled on your lease. A very solemn place to be in.
[29:06] A very solemn place to be in. And you will need your soul to be restored if you live there long. And God may be pleased to do it with giving you a terrible shake up.
[29:19] When at length he puts his hand a second time to the work. Remember that. Faith needs to be restored.
[29:30] Hope needs to be restored. And above all things love needs to be restored. Oh it is a sweet blessed grace.
[29:42] The Lord directs your hearts into the love of God. Says Paul. I say so too. And you have said God only knows the love of God.
[29:53] Oh that it now was shed abroad in my poor stony heart. Love needs to be restored. Beloved let us love one another.
[30:04] For love is of God. Yes. He that loveth is born of God. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples.
[30:17] If ye have love one to another. And then. You must tell the truth and admit. That if your soul is to be restored.
[30:30] Then prayer needs to be restored. Oh you need the spirit of prayer poured upon you. The grace of supplication. Yes.
[30:43] Because. When prayer is a burden and task. No wonder I little receive. Oh Lord make me willing to ask.
[30:53] Since thou art so ready to give. The Lord teach us to pray. Everything hinges on it. Men are always to pray and not to faint.
[31:05] The saviour said that. Do remember it. Prayer needs to be restored. And how about praise.
[31:17] And how about praise. All water needs be there is for praise to be restored. And now this same dear psalmist. He restoreth my soul.
[31:29] You remember how he said. Oh my God my soul is cast down within me. But then he said also. Bless the Lord oh my soul. And forget not all his benefits.
[31:41] It is a wonderful mercy. To be made a thankful soul. Do praise it when you get the least touch of it.
[31:56] When the goodness of God. Begins to thaw. With beams of love divine. Your frozen heart. As it often seems to be.
[32:07] Make the most of it. Take down your heart. And low to the praise of Christ our God. Bid every string away. The psalmist will help you.
[32:18] And join with you as it were. Bless the Lord oh my soul. All that is within me. Bless his holy name. And this will be your theme.
[32:31] He restoreth my soul. Another thing needs to be restored. Zeal. Zeal. I like that word.
[32:42] And you know I stress it in my ministry. And I do in any pulpit where. The subject comes up to allow me to do it. I remember when I was young in the ministry.
[32:55] I used to be told a great deal. About zeal. Not according to knowledge. By the old folks. Who seemed to stress that line of things.
[33:07] But then. There is a zeal. According to knowledge. And you and I should know something about it. And should evidence it. In our lips and lives.
[33:20] You think of the dear Savior. As Beverly man. When he went into the temple. And turned out the buyers and sellers. And the money changers. And all that ought not to be.
[33:31] When he made that scourge. Of small cords. And said. Take these things hence. My father's house. Is a house of prayer. Ye have made it a house of merchandise.
[33:44] And den of thieves. I like that line of things. It appeals to me. And then you read in that record of it. His disciples remembered.
[33:55] It was said. The zeal of thine house. Hath eaten me up. It has done me good. Quite a few times.
[34:06] As Union Chapel pastor. To see. Something. Of a real. Zeal. A scriptural. Zeal. By many of you.
[34:16] Who have done what you can. For our cause of truth. To maintain it. Keep it renovated. And that it might be. Habitable. For us as a people.
[34:26] To worship God. Therein. And now you are showing your zeal. In doing other things. Outside. And the Lord. Bless you. And it is good.
[34:37] To have that. Zeal. Because. The motive of it. Is this. Lord. I have loved the habitation. Of thine house. And the place.
[34:48] Where thine honour. Dwelleth. But it often needs to be restored. It can soon die down. Needs fresh fuel. Put on. Such a fire.
[34:59] When it burns. Within. And this is the way. He restoreth. My. Soul. Soul. But then.
[35:10] All these things. Can be summed up. As regards. Your soul. My soul. What really needs to be restored. Is just this. Fruitfulness. Fruitfulness.
[35:21] Dear friends. Quickened by thee. And kept alive. I'd flourish. And bear fruit. My life. I'd from thy. Sat. Derive. My vigour. From thy.
[35:32] Root. He restoreth. My. Soul. And then. There is another viewpoint. Of it. If you are in earnest.
[35:43] That God. In his. Infinite. Mercy. His great condescension. Will do this. For you. If you say. Oh. That he would. Restore. My soul.
[35:55] Have you got. Deep down. A willingness. To receive. Whatever means. God may be pleased. To use. To do it. And now. You need to weigh that up.
[36:06] Before God. Because. It may be. God will. Use. Some terrible things. In righteousness. To bring it about.
[36:18] Or he may. Use. Some gentle means. He may. Drive you. Or he may. Draw. Remember that.
[36:30] He may. Put some more. Bitters. In life's cup. And it will be. For you. Then. To say. The cup.
[36:40] Which my heavenly. Father. Hath given to me. Shall I not drink it. And I must tell you. Plainly. And wish you well. In telling you. That until you do.
[36:52] Drink it. And drink it. Willingly. You will not get. What you want. And that is. He restore. My. Soul. When you can.
[37:04] Drink it. And realize. Though our cup. Seems filled. With gall. There's something. Secret. Sweetens. All. You will find. Your soul.
[37:16] Is restored. And you feel. As you want. To feel. That matters. Are being made right. Between God. And you. He restoreth.
[37:27] My soul. And now. When the husband. Man is concerned. In his orchards. To have. More fruit. And good fruit.
[37:38] Top notch fruit. Then he does. Quite a deal. Of pruning. And sometimes. As you watch him. At work.
[37:49] The husband man. Seems to be. Quite ruthless. But in his mind. He has got. One thought. He purgeeth it. Cleanse it. Is the meaning.
[37:59] That it may bring forth. More fruit. Yes. Sometimes. It is done. By this. Pruning.
[38:10] More or less. Severe. Sometimes. More fruit. Is brought about. By digging about. The roots. And there is such a thing. As root pruning.
[38:21] And that is a very painful process. But it is all. To bring about. He restoreth.
[38:32] My soul. God may lay. Some affliction. Upon you. Or he may. Bring a day of adversity.
[38:45] Into your life. Following a day of prosperity. He may load your shoulders. Well with woe.
[38:56] And thus attain his end. And that end is. To do. What you want to be done. He restoreth. My soul.
[39:10] Yes. Much might be said. Along that. Line of thought. And it will be. A great mercy.
[39:22] If while. This. Restoration. Is being brought about. In your soul. If you can humble yourself. Under the mighty hand of God.
[39:34] And feel. It is the Lord. Let him do what seemeth him good. Choose thou the way. Still lead on.
[39:46] Now leave me till I say. Father. Thy will. Be done. And coming to the amen. There is another thought.
[39:58] He restoreth my soul. And when these things. To do with your religion. Faith. Hope. Love. Prayer. Praise.
[40:08] Zeal. Fruitfulness. The things I just. Said a little about. When all these things. Are restored. God. What also.
[40:18] Will be restored. What will be the. Evidence. Of the. Restoration. Of your soul. Within. And without. One evidence.
[40:31] Will be. You will have a tender heart. And now. The things of God. Will be uppermost. In your thoughts. The things to do.
[40:42] With this life. Will take their. Proper place. You will find. That time. And eternity. Is now. Viewed. Aright. You have got.
[40:53] Back. To a bedrock. Truth. Life is real. Life is. Earnest. And the grave. Is not. Its goal. Dust. Thou art. To dust. Returnest.
[41:03] Was not. Spoken. Of. The soul. Not only. Soul. He restoreth. My soul. And now.
[41:14] You will find. Instead of the worship. Of God. Being as so often. It has been. Cold. And formal. And you. Coming and going. And getting.
[41:25] No good. No evidence. Of growing. In grace. No instruction. In righteousness. Now. You were brought. Back. Into that.
[41:37] Great word. And the truth. Of it. God is a spirit. And they. That worship him. Must worship him. In spirit. And in truth.
[41:48] For the father. Seeketh such. To worship him. And you feel. When in the attitude. Of worship. Lord. It is good. For us. To be here. Oh.
[41:59] You have got. Back. To where you. Love to be. Sitting at. Jesus. Feet. Feet. Clothed. And in a. Right mind. He restoreth.
[42:11] My soul. And then. You will find. This is restored. All that God. Has ever done. For your soul. It was a reality. All the while.
[42:22] But now. In heaven's own light. You can look back. Over the way. God has led you. And see the way. Marks. In the eye. Heaps. And your bygone.
[42:34] Experiences. You can live over. Again. And see. How God has led you forth. By the. Right way. Who so is wise.
[42:47] And will observe. These things. Even they. Shall understand. The loving kindness. Of. The Lord. He restore.
[42:57] My soul. And then there is. This thought. Also. You will find now. The word of God. Takes its proper place.
[43:08] In your life. When. Your soul is sick. Benighted. Tempted.
[43:19] Entangled. You get very much. Of the earth. Earthy. In everyday life. Earthy. And you might be left. Then. To be. Quite a bit.
[43:30] Entangled. With the things. Of everyday life. Which are inimical. To your soul's. Welfare. Such things. As the radio. And such things.
[43:41] As the newspaper. And such things. As worldly books. Which are not edifying. Are profitable. To read. And such things. As television. You find.
[43:53] These things. Are inimical. To your soul's. Welfare. And now. You want. All these things. To go. When you get. This great mercy.
[44:04] Wrought in your soul. He restoreth. My soul. You find. It is. The word of God. Man shall not live. By bread alone. But by. Every word.
[44:15] Out of the mouth. Of God. Shall man live. It. And you find. Then. The holy bible. Takes its proper place. In your soul's. Esteem. And you want. To be looking.
[44:25] Into it. And you want. To live inside it. And you want. To feel. Thy word. Is a lamp. Unto my feet. A light. Unto. My path.
[44:36] Yes. You. You can sometimes. Get to where. Jeremiah did. Thy words. Were found. And I did eat them. And thy word. Was unto me. The joy.
[44:46] And rejoicing. Of my heart. He. Restoreth. My. Soul. And when. Your soul. Is restored.
[44:58] Then if your name. Is on a church book. You will remember. It is there. And it will be. Your great concern. To live.
[45:10] In accordance. With what you. Profess. To be. And you will feel. Lord. Has thou made me. Know thy ways. Conduct me.
[45:20] In thy fear. And grant me. Such supplies. Of grace. That I may. Persevere. And now your soul. Is restored.
[45:32] You say. Lord. Never let me. Fall a prey. To ill or evil. But let my soul. Be kept.
[45:42] Healthy. At whatever cost. It is. And lively. In things to do. With thee. And. Thine. That I may feel.
[45:54] It is well. With my soul. Living. And dying. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[46:20] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Andình ankye. Amen. Heavenly garaci ië ég. Amen. Amen. Amin. Amen. Amen.
[46:31] Amen.