Thirsting for God. (Quality: very good)

Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 134

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June 15, 1965


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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in Psalm 42 and the second verse.

[0:14] My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?

[0:31] Psalm 42 and the second verse. This is a word which welled up in the Selmist's breast long ago.

[0:48] And it was the utterance of a deep down exercise of mind that he was the subject of to have matters made right between his soul and God.

[1:08] If you can say amen to this, I leave the if with you. I hope you can. I would desire it for every one of you in this assembly.

[1:22] If you can say amen to this petition, you must be a sinner born again. No sinner, as he is born, coming into the world, has a thirst for God.

[1:47] And the last thing such a sinner desires is to appear before God. If you get him to tell you what his thoughts are about God, it will be along this line.

[2:09] Depart from us. We desire not the knowledge of thee, or thy ways. Ask him, what think ye of Christ, who is indeed verily God, verily man.

[2:24] We will not have this man to reign over us. But here, the dear Selmist is before God, with whom he has to do, and his soul is thirsting for God, for the living God.

[2:45] Or he wants to reign over us.

[3:15] He wants to reign over us.

[3:45] Wait. Wait. And this is where you and I must be brought, as grace is given to bring us there, to have matters adjusted between our souls and God.

[4:02] My soul thirsteth. Mark the word in present tense. Thirsteth. My soul thirsteth for God.

[4:15] For the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? And now, the dear Selmist at this time was in a very solemn place in the dealings of God with him.

[4:32] For I need not take up time in the land of promise. For I need not take up time in going into the details. But, as you all know, he reigned in the land of promise.

[4:45] And was instated on Israel's throne. And was instated on Israel's throne by God. place there with a place there with a thus saith the Lord, according to eternal purposes.

[4:56] But, Absalom had risen up in rebellion against his godly father. And such was the import of it. And such was the import of it that the Selmist had stepped down from Israel's throne.

[5:14] And had fled into the wilderness of Judea to see how matters would fall out. And how things would be if, to be, God would make the way plain for him to return and continue to reign as Israel's king.

[5:35] And in the wilderness of Judea, the dear man was concerned most of all to get in touch with God.

[5:48] And now, that is the great need for each of us who were sinners born again. Whatever your case is, whatever your circumstances may be, what you really need therein is to get in touch with God.

[6:09] Vain is the health of man. A lesson that takes much learning. None but Jesus can do healthless sinners good.

[6:20] And now, it was very humiliating to godly David to be where he was. In the wilderness of Judea.

[6:32] But the great thing is that he was so concerned that God would overrule the matters. Not so much for his return to Israel's throne.

[6:44] And the psalmist was so concerned that God could not be the most innocent. As that his soul might get some good from it. Some help.

[6:56] Some instruction. And still realize the favor that God bears to his people. And the psalmist was much in earnest about it.

[7:13] And what is so pleasing, as I have told you sometimes about the Psalms of David. Whatever his troubles were, he does not go into the details of his troubles in the Psalms he was inspired of God to pen.

[7:29] I do not know how many times you would find it in the Psalms of David. But you would find it running to scores where he says, My soul, my soul, my soul.

[7:44] And here it is. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?

[7:56] The psalmist knew, in the circumstances in which he was found, Who can make that strait which God hath made crooked? Therefore his great concern was to get in touch with God.

[8:12] And that should be your concern, my concern in our everyday life. To get in touch with God. Like the woman in the Gospel, who said, If I may but touch the hem of his garment, I shall be made whole.

[8:31] And she pressed through all the crowds that intervened. And she did touch the hem of his garment. And the blessing of God rested upon her in doing it.

[8:42] She was helped. She was healed. And he, whom she touched, is still to be touched by poor sinners, Who desire good for their souls, And who realise the blessing of the Lord resting upon them for time, And for eternity.

[9:04] And he encourages them to come, Just as they are. And him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise, I will never, no never, No never, Cast out.

[9:23] Yes. And the Selmist said in the context, I do like this word. As the heart panteth after the water books, So panteth my soul after thee, O God.

[9:40] You see, The Selmist had got this concern in his soul, And yet, He could not put much into words as to how matters were going, On his behalf.

[10:00] And how good it is that such a word as this is recorded, The Selmist says elsewhere, In another Selm, And it is a good word, I open my mouth, And panted, For I longed for thy commandments.

[10:22] I opened my mouth and spoke eloquently, Found a plenty of words, To express what I felt within. No, no, No words at all.

[10:34] I opened my mouth, And panted, Do you know what that is, Dear friends? It is not against you, If sometimes you are brought down so low, That you just pant for spiritual breath.

[10:52] Remember what Buried says, Small riddance in the race I make, Yet pant for breath each step I take, Yes, As the heart panteth after the water brook.

[11:08] I thirst, I thirst, I thirst, O Lord, And come to thee, Some living water, Give to me, That I shall droop and die. Yes.

[11:21] And now let us look at this line of things, As God shall help us. My soul thirst, My soul thirsts for God, For the living God.

[11:35] I want to say something, As the Lord shall help me, Of what this thirst is. What are the characteristics of it?

[11:47] And first of all, When a sinner is born again, And he begins to know what this thirst is, He learns, First of all, That in his thirst for God, He is thirsting for that, Which a man cannot receive, Except it be given him from heaven.

[12:09] He knows that in that thirst, He is now the subject of, No earthly stream, Whatever its source, Can flake his soul's thirst.

[12:24] No, He learns, The God of spirit, Only can, Fill up the vast desires, Of man. And he wants, God, Do you?

[12:38] It is a great thing, If God comes into our lives, And from that time on, We cannot live without him, Do without him, But we want in a right mind, As our hymn writer says, And him in everything employ.

[12:55] Oh you know, I'm not making any reflections, On you dear people, You know the pastor loves you, But, If you could have done that, More along life's way, You would be much better Christian, Than you know that you really are, Him in everything employ.

[13:15] Oh the word of God says, The just shall live, By faith, My soul thirsteth, For God, One evidence, Which could have cheered the psalmist, Was, That he was alive unto God, And, In this thirst for God, It was that which God had implanted, In his breast, But what did he mean, By it?

[13:58] He wanted, As I said at the outset, That matters might be made right, Between his soul and God, And, If you go back to when you hoped, You were a sinner born again, And you first of all felt, This thirst for God, What was it you really did thirst for then, As you sought to put it into words, Before God, With whom you now had to do, And you desired to appear, Before his holy majesty, As he is approachable, On the throne of grace, You thirsted, For God, To give you some real religion, You could say, As the psalmist does in other psalms, Show me a token for good, And that token was, That you might be made manifest,

[15:00] As belonging to him, And his people, Wisdom numbered, I would be now, And in, Eternity, You wanted, God, To come into your life, And manage you, Therein, You wanted, In your life, As you journeyed on Enforce, The government to be upon his shoulder, Maybe, Maybe, In your thirst for God, You said something like this, Secure my conscience, Overpast in the Redeemer's blood, And bear the witness, With my heart, That I am born of God, Oh, you find that, When a sinner is born again, And he begins to feel this thirst for God, What he thirsts for, Is outlined in the word of God,

[16:02] And he cannot always put into his own words, To express what he feels within, But he finds to his encouragement, In the sacred pages, There are just those petitions, That set forth, What he really is thirsting for, Yes, My soul thirsteth, For God, For the living God, Mark that word, Living, Oh, the sinner now born again, May have been a chapel goer, All his life long, But now, He begins to realize, What the word of God declares, God is a spirit, And they that worship him, Must worship him in spirit, And in truth, For the Father seeketh such, To worship him, And he wants to appear before God, As a true worshipper, Not to be just a chapel goer,

[17:05] Come and go, And get no good, Have nothing, To show for it, In his soul's experience, Much might be said, Under that heading, My soul thirsteth, For God, And now you will especially thirst, For an interest, In what was done, On Calvary's cross, Because nothing else, Was satisfied this thirst, For God, Until you know, What was done, On Calvary's cross, Was done for you, You do want, To behold the Lamb of God, Which taketh away, The sin of the world, And so to behold him, By living faith, That you can say, For me, Oh miracle of grace, For me, The saviour, Bled, And that you thirst for, Sometimes, You're in, You're out, It is evident,

[18:07] On the day of Pentecost, That those who did thirst, For God then, Had their thirst, Assuaged, Very speedily, And they received, The word, And were baptised, As the outcome, Of it, But, Down through the ages, It is evident, In the church of Christ, That there are, Many, Who are kept, Waiting on God, You're in, You're out, And in the word, Of his grace, There are exceeding, Great and precious promises, Scattered, To encourage them, To follow on, To know the Lord, And sooner, Or later, The thirst for God, Will be assuaged, To their souls, Happiness, And satisfaction, Yes, Some of you, Have thirsted for God, And journeyed through life,

[19:09] Quite a long way, And, You have had this, To encourage you, The time of love, Will come, When each, Shall clearly see, Not only that, Christ shed his blood, But each, Shall say for me, My soul thirsteth for God, Oh, You want to be able to say, That Jesus Christ, Died in your stead, When he died on Calvary's cross, And that when he rose, From the dead, You rose, In him as the church's, Living head, My soul thirsteth for God, Another thing you will thirst for, Is to have communion with God, And now, Communion with God, Is very blessed, None of us know, Very much about it, We only get, Touches of it, Here and there,

[20:11] Along life's way, But, That is what you will thirst for, When your soul is in good health, Lord Jesus, Make thyself to me, A living bright, Reality, You will want, That sweet communion, Which charms the soul, And gives, True peace, And joy, You will want, So to draw near to God, That you can say with Asaph, It is good for me, To draw near, Unto God, As you, Tell him all the truth, Concerning your case, Your circumstances, And finding, Doing so, A sweet relief, When you go, On your way, Rejoicing in hope, Of life, Eternal, Then in this thirst for God, There will be a thirst for the love of God, I do like one scripture,

[21:14] Where the apostle Paul, Said to the church, At Thessalonica, The Lord direct your hearts, Into the love of God, And the patient waiting for Christ, It is just what is wanted, Nowadays, In our own denominational, Life dear friends, It would sort everything out, And put matters right, Before God and man alike, And there would be prosperity, And there would be peace, And there would be, Fruit brought forth, Unto God, And his glory, Would be made manifest, In the church of Christ, And it can only come, Through that thirst for God, Whereby, You can, Feel, God only knows, The love of God, Oh that it now, Was shed abroad, In my poor sony heart, Because when it is,

[22:14] You know this, He that loveth God, Let him love his brother also, And that stretches forth, Do listen, Over all denominational barriers, And you say, Grace be with all them, That love our Lord Jesus Christ, In sincerity, Yes, My soul thirsts, For God, It is this love, Which promotes the unity of the spirit, In the bond of peace, Whereby, It can, Sometimes, Be seen, Even nowadays, Behold how good, And how pleasant it is, For brethren, To dwell together, In unity, My soul thirsts, For God, For God, Another thing, You will be thirsting for, If this thirst is known, And felt, In your soul, Will be, To be the subject,

[23:15] Of a good hope, Through grace, All to have hope, In God, Is a wonderful mercy, But then, You will have many searchings of heart about it, And you will want your hope, To be as I said, A good hope, And now a good hope, Is one that is wrought by God, You must relate, All under the sun, That is good, To God, Because it is not to do with man, All that is good, Must be related to God, And your hope in God, Must be one that he has wrought in you, And when you can feel the workings of it, Of good hope, Oh how sweet is the experience, Good hope through grace, The saints possess, The fruit of Jesus, Righteousness, And by his spirit given,

[24:17] And you know, The hymn writer says, All through the wilderness below, Good hope expects more good to know, And thus is kept alive the soul, And that is just how you live the life of the righteous, The God of hope, Till you with all joy and peace, In believing, My soul thirsted for God, To have hope, Hope, That when Christ Jesus, Came into the world to save sinners, I was among the number, On whose behalf, He came, In this thirst for God, You will thirst too, To be confirmed in all that you hope, God has done for your soul already, You cannot take it for granted, But you hope the good work is begun within, And it is, But it is very solemn,

[25:21] How that good work at times, Can sink, Very much out of sight, In our soul's experience, So that even those who are old and grey-headed, Are glad to think of the hymn writer, Saying, Lord, decide the doubtful case, Thou who art thy people's son, Shine upon the work of grace, If indeed it be begun, Oh, there was a thirst for God, For confirmation, And that is, One aspect of preaching the gospel, And how God has ordained it, Shall be, Confirming the soul, Of the disciples, And you do need your soul, To be confirmed, Regarding your past experience, That it is of God, Yes, My soul, Thirsty, For God, For the, Living God,

[26:23] Another thing you will thirst for sometimes, And that may be, When trouble like a gloomy cloud, Gathers thick and thunders loud, Oh, you will thirst to have a fear not, Lodged in your soul, That matters are going to fall out, For your soul's, Eternal welfare, And not just as they appear to be, At the onset of whatever the trouble is, When you were brought, It may be to wit's end, And all your wisdom is swallowed up, Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, And he savieth them out of their distresses, It is good to get a fear not, When God lodges it, In one's breast, You can say then with Ezekiel, The word of the Lord came expressly to me, My soul thirsteth for God, For the, Living God, And I might add,

[27:25] You will thirst to in his dealings with you, That you might behave as you should do, According to what you profess to be, And you need divine aid to do that, Because it is very sad, In the word of God, And outside it sometimes, To see how people taught of God, Who are going to heaven, Have behaved, When trouble has come upon them, Or those with whom they have to do, In everyday life, Oh, you do not want to be left to what you are by nature, And be rebellious, Over the dealings of God with you, Or yours, But you want, And that is what you were thirst for God to do, You need his aid to do it, Humble yourselves therefore, Under the mighty hand of God, That he may exalt you, In due time,

[28:27] And you will thirst that you may, Have submission to his will, You will say, Lord, I would indeed submit, Gladly yield my all to thee, What thy wisdom sees most, It must be surely best for me, Another thing, You will thirst for, And how glad you will be, When that thirst is satisfied, You will thirst, To have a thankful heart, Because, You do not need to be told, Your own conscience will tell you, As you survey your everyday lives, What mercies innumerable, Encompass you around, Altogether beyond man's reckoning, And you do want to say thank you, Thank you to God, But you can only say that thank you, As he works in you, To will and to do,

[29:29] And now comes the thirst for God, Creating me, A clean heart, All God, Renew, A right spirit, Within me, A thankful spirit, Oh, You will thirst for God, And the psalmist, Later on, As you all know, Expresses, That he was given, Thankfulness, And he could offer unto God, Thanksgiving, Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, And all that is within me, Bless his holy name, And you, According to how you feel sometimes, You read, That same sound, Where those words are, And you thirst for God, To enable you to feel likewise, And now can two walk together, Except they be agreed, You and the psalmist alike, Are sinners born again, Therefore,

[30:30] You find the unity of the spirit, In desiring, A thankful heart, And then, I want to emphasize, This viewpoint, Of a thirst for God, You will thirst to be taught of God, And you must not think, That is just something, Said as a kind of elementary comment, What I mean is, You will thirst for heavenly teaching, Because in these days, In which you and I are living, It is quite possible, By dint of intellectual study, To gather together, A great deal of knowledge, Of what is sound doctrine, What is a gracious experience, In the definition of it, And what should be the godly practice, Arising, From a sinner, Being born again,

[31:32] There are, Beautiful books, Published, And they contain, What is the teaching of God, But, It is not enough to, Read, Such good books, And gain the knowledge, In the letter of it, God's children, Do not learn, As schoolboys, Learn, Their task, It must be, Something that is known, And felt, Then, Out of the abundance, Of the heart, The mouth, Speak it, All my, Ministerial life, I have been, Somewhat of a student, And I have found, Great pleasure in it, And I hope, Profit, But I can tell you, Where I want to be, In life's evening time, Just where the psalmist was, When he said,

[32:33] My soul thirsts, For God, The living God, And, Not to, Depend entirely, On the stream, But to be found, At the fountain head, Yes, Yes, You want, Heavenly teaching, And it is a wonderful mercy, To have, Just a little of it, Wrought in our soul's experience, This and this alone, Will help you to say, That which we have tasted, Handled and felt, Of the good word of life, Declare we, Unto you, I believe, Therefore have I spoken, Then it is, Out of the abundance of the heart, The mouth, Speak it, My soul thirsts for God, You will thirst to have,

[33:35] Answers to prayer, You will thirst to be taught to pray, And when you get the answers, How glad you will be, In your soul's experience, You will be able then, To say as the psalmist, Did, Blessed be God, For he has heard my prayer, And turned away, His mercy from me, And remember, Answers to prayer, Whereby your soul is built up, In our most holy faith, And must to be praised, Yes, My soul thirsts for God, For the living God, And summing it all up, Under this heading, As to what was the psalmist's case, You will thirst for God, Like the apostle Paul describes it, That I may know him, And the power of his resurrection,

[34:38] The fellowship of his suffering, And be made conformable, Unto his death, That I may win Christ, And be found in him, You will find, With this thirst for God, Because there is ingrained in your life, A very solemn determination, And the psalmist was the subject of it, One thing have I desired of the Lord, That will I seek after, That I may dwell in the house of the Lord, All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in his temple, My soul thirsts for God, For the living God, You may have a solemn concern, Deep down in your heart, That while you thirst for God, To come into your life, And make crooked things straight, And rough places plain, That when he does,

[35:40] He will come, As it were, To chasten you, And then you will learn, And that is good to learn, Reproofs, And instruction, Are in the way of life, Yes, Happy is the man, Whom God corrected, The word of God says, My soul thirsteth for God, For the living God, And it means, That when all, All these, Characteristics of a thirst for God, Are weighed up, It can be summed up, That you want, In your thirst for God, To live right, And at the last, To die right, Like the hymn writer said, This prayer, And this ambition, Mine, Living and dying, To be thine, And now, What do you really know, Of this thirst for God,

[36:42] Along that line of thought, I've tried to work out, As grace has been given, My soul, Thirst is for God, For the living God, Let us look at the, Selmist's concern also, When he says, When shall I come, And appear, Before God, The word of God, Tells us, Quite a deal about, What it is to appear, Before God, A right, As soon as you begin, To read the word of God, You find, That, Abel, Offered unto God, When he appeared, Before him, To worship him, A sacrifice, That was acceptable, And he, And his offering, Were accepted, By God,

[37:43] But Cain, Who had been told, How God was to be worshipped, Thought his own thoughts, And his own opinion, His own judgment, And brought that to bear, On the worship of God, And he brings, Not a lamb, He had been taught, Without the shedding of blood, There is no remission of sin, But he comes, With the fruits of the earth, Maybe they were, Excellent fruits, But it was not, What says the scripture, It was not, The way in which, God ordained, He was to be worshipped, No, And Cain was rejected, And his offering, You see the same, Teaching, When you, Turn over the pages, Of the New Testament, And read, Where two men, Went up to the temple, To pray, The one, The Pharisee, The other,

[38:43] The Republicans, The Pharisee, Went quite near, To the temple, Thought he was, Getting near to God, But he was not, Near to God, And, His attempt to pray, Was just a travesty, Of what prayer, Should be, God I thank thee, I am not, As other men are, It was all the, Ebullition, Of the, Great eye within, And, God would have, None of it, But the publican, Stood afar off, And would not, So much as lift up, His eyes, Onto heaven, But smote, Upon his breast, Saying, God be merciful, To me, A sinner, And remember, When you say that, Same wording, God be merciful, To me, A sinner, If you say,

[39:45] It is the outcome, Of a thirst for God, You will have to, Do what the publican did, And smite your breast, I mean, Figuratively speaking, You will have to feel, Like the hymn writer, When he said, Here on my heart, The burden, Lies, And past offenses, Pain, My eyes, Oh, That made mercy alluring, Made it, Sweet, The prospect of it, Inspired the publican, To look, To Jesus, Thirst in for God, To come into his soul's experience, As a God ready to pardon, My soul thirsteth for God, For the living God, When shall I come and appear before God, And now, Coming towards the amen, I want to ask one or two questions, And you let your conscience,

[40:46] Tell you what the answers are, When did you first of all, Appear before God, If you go back, Over the dealings of God with you, You will be able to, Search out, When it was, Where it was, That you first of all, Appeared before God, Because it is a never to be forgotten experience, To appear before God, As a sinner, You appeared before God, When he began to deal with you, As a sinner lost, Maybe, You had that feeling, The pains of hell, Got hold upon me, I found trouble and sorrow, Then cried I, O Lord, I beseech thee, Deliver my soul, Yes, And now every sinner,

[41:47] Born again, Appears before God, As a suppliant for mercy, Like that, And how good it is, That all such suppliants, Are welcome, Let us therefore, Come boldly, Unto the throne of grace, To obtain mercy, And find grace, To help in time of need, When shall I come, And appear before God, And now, Calvin tells us, In his commentary on the Psalms, And that is a wonderful work, That this means, In the original, When shall I see, The face of God, And now that is just, What you would like to do, Some of you, As Isaiah words it, Thine eyes, Should see the king, In his beauty, How glad you would be, To get a glimpse,

[42:48] Of the king, In his beauty, To realise, Peace on earth, And mercy mild, God and sinners, Reconciled, When shall I see, The face, Of God, When, Shall I come, And appear, Before, God, And go back, To the question, Of worship, That I just, Think of that, Whenever you, Assemble as you do, For the worship, Of God, If you come, A right, You come to appear, Before God, You want to have, To do with God, Whoever the preacher is, You look behind him, As the man, And they saw, No man, But Jesus, Only, I would seek, Unto God, Said Job, And unto God,

[43:49] Would I commit, My cause, And whenever you, Worship God, A right, You must appear, Before God, Like that, And think of the, Solemnity of it, And yet, Think of the mercy, Of it, When shall I come, And appear, Before God, And find, God, Received, Returning, Prodigal, And is a God, Ready to pardon, And no sinner, Was ever yet, Empty, Sent back, Who came, Seeking mercy, For Jesus' sake, When, Shall I come, And appear, Before God, And you want to, Appear before God, When, Trouble, Hemns you in,

[44:52] And you can see, No way out, You want, To, Live in the, Light of this word, Call upon me, In the day of trouble, I will deliver thee, And thou shalt glorify, Me, Yes, When shall I come, And appear, Before God, And when you listen, To the gospel, And the proclamation, Of it, You want then, To appear, Before God, Blessed spirit of Christ, Descend on us, Thus, Thy servant assist, Teach him, To teach us, This is the way, Dear friends, To appear, Before God, And to find, The gospel, Is good tidings, Of great joy, In your soul, Experience, Just another thought, Here, Here we are, At this evening hour, In the attitude, Of worship, And we do indeed,

[45:53] Appear before God, But time is shortening, With some of us, Eternity is nearing, Those in life's morning, Hope to live on, And see life's afternoon, And evening, Some of us, Are in life's evening, Time, And we have the prospect then, When time shall be no more, That we shall appear, Before God, What then, And now, That will, Emphasize, Your thirst for God, To have matters made right, Between your soul, And God, How stands the case, My soul, With thee, For heaven are thy credentials, Clear, Is Jesus' blood, Thy only plea, Is he thy great for, Runner there, There is that great day to come,

[46:55] When time shall be no more, When all who have known, This thirst for God, In journeying through life, And have known the mercy, To have their souls, Slaked, By the streams that flow, From that river, Which makes glad, The city of God, Will all be found, In the vast host, With Jesus Christ, At the head, Behold I, And the children, Whom thou hast given me, And now, If you and I, Have got this thirst for God, And know the mercy, Of it being satisfied, From time to time, Though it be here a little, There a little, Sometimes only, Line upon line, Precept upon precept, Not always the deep draught, That we should like to take, But if you do know, What it is, To drink of that river, And find your soul,

[47:56] Gladdened by the enriching, Water of life, That flows therein, When you appear, Before God, At such a time, You will know, In your soul's feelings, It is well, You will enter into, What the hymn writer says, Bold shall I stand, In that great day, For who ought to my charge, Shall lay, Since by Christ's blood, Absorbed I am, From sin's tremendous curse, And shame, Dear friends, I do hope, Preacher and people alike, Will know, Much more, Deeper down, Of what it is, To thirst for God, For the living God, To come into our lives, And enrich our souls, And if he is pleased, To do that, Then you will see,

[48:56] Better days dawning, In the church of Christ, But, This is the only way, In which the church of Christ, Can be revived, And see better days, On the earth, As, Your thirst for God, Is known and felt, And God satisfies it, Then in that satisfaction, You will have matters made right, In your soul, Before God, And man, It must be done from the inside, It can never be organised, And be done from the outside, It is a thirst for God, And it is that, Which, Can only be satisfied, As the spirit is poured out upon us, From, On high, The Lord help you to think on these things, Amen,

[49:56] HAM〇ir Hild coolest times, Amen, Yeah, and back to the name of that, Nam one chapter except for the nen, Amen, Amen, The name of the cabinet