[0:00] I will draw attention to words found in the first epithel of the Corinthian, the 15th chapter and the first verse and the first part of the church.
[0:26] The first epithel of the Corinthian, the 15th chapter and the first verse. Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the doctrine, which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand, by which also ye are blessed.
[1:01] There are five great points in this word before. I will just mention them so that we can retain them at the base of our suffering.
[1:23] There are first of all these words declare. Moreover, brethren, I declare. Secondly, I preach. And thirdly, ye have received. And then fourthly, ye stand. And finally, and fifthly, ye are saved.
[1:55] And I have noted, no doubt, you have held a high figure, a great deal in the word of God, right through arms. And so often, and this is one of the great demonstrations of the inspiration of God's holy word. So often, and this is one of the great demonstrations of the inspiration of God's holy word. So often, we have to do these five points in the scripture, we note and declare the grace of God. We have an example of that here in our text.
[2:48] These five points. These five points are demonstrations of God's grace toward the people of his choice.
[3:08] I sometimes feel we do not read enough. We may have our casual and phasmodic turnings to it and readings here a chapter or a chapter or two.
[3:26] I feel that I feel that I feel that I feel that one of the great things is to read the word of God from beginning to end.
[3:38] I have just practically started from Genesis to Revelation. A friend of mine told me the other day that he has actually read the Bible reading the Bible right throughout once every year.
[3:56] He gives you all important factor for knowledge and understanding the word of God.
[4:12] And we must haveπα agradecendo the Bible. As I may tell you a little private domestic experience of mine. Over sixty years ago now, I used to receive letters from the young ladies. And I used to read these letters. I didn't just look at the beginning of them of them and then turn over a few pages and see who it was that was writing and then put it into a pocket. I think that would be my practice. You couldn't have been in our third union for fifty years. You see, I not only read the letter, but I read it many, many times. It was from a person that loved me and it was written by a person I love. Now here we have the word of God from him who loves with an eternal love, all of his people. And he sends out of that immeasurable love the word of his grace, the word of his grace. My dear friends, we ought to take this far, far more to our hearts than we do have. There's nothing in my view so profitable as the reason of God's chosen word. There's always something that we can do. We may well find ourselves examined right through the very heart of our being by the word of God. We may also find the line in which we must walk and take that we might find the precious nearness with Jesus. And the things of God in their real power and blessings.
[6:45] and the two of us, many are almost beyond his friend in our humаностран Trans payloads, now let me look at these five things then? One after another. The way we have these five things we'reosta, the first and the last are often is the most important. We just look at it here now, and see that is born out.
[7:14] The first of these things is, I declare, says Paul, he declares the whole glorious, fullness, and fundamental reality of the gospel.
[7:31] And of course, that was the whole of his life. It was the spring of his ministry. And then the last of these five things is this. Wherein ye are saved.
[7:48] And you'll find that there's a connecting link of really two, the first and the last. And then again, I've noticed this. The third and the middle of these five things is always of great significance and importance.
[8:11] And that is ye have received. Now you look at that the word that God declares, or the Lord, these people, his servants, declares in the word of God.
[8:26] That being received is the cause and evidence of those souls being saved.
[8:38] So you see, there's a connection in this way most wonderfully with the first and the last and then the central proof of all.
[8:52] Now, that is only my observation of these women, but no doubt, if you think of it very carefully and look into it, you'll find how that is born out again and again in the precious, sacred word of God.
[9:12] Now let us take this first point. Paul says, I declare that he did not invent the gospel.
[9:26] He was not a creature of his own intelligence and he was a mighty intellectual man, was Paul.
[9:39] But he knew full well that the gospel had no origin in himself. he felt it as a mighty privilege to be raised up and called by God's grace and ordained and sent forth as a minister of the gospel that he might declare the wonderful things of God.
[10:10] No, Paul was declaring what God had declared upon all eternity. The everlasting truth of the gospel were declared before time began, before the world was known.
[10:31] And every minister of the gospel declares what was from the beginning that is unalterable, unchangeable, the glorious foundation of fundamental truth.
[10:57] Paul says, I have declared unto you this often. when Paul was a nephesus, you remember how he came after two years, I believe, ministries to the people of that church and place.
[11:21] He was called to go to Jerusalem and he parted company, sadly so, as though he was saying to nephesus, and they all came and went down to the shore of the sea to see the last of their faithful servants and minister, and they were weeping, but just before they parted company, Paul said this, I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of earth.
[12:06] And he says, I am free of any man. No one has ever been to anywhere else for that matter who lay a finger of condemnation for and say, you only taught us part of the truth, you only declared some of the doctors, because I had not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of them.
[12:41] the truth, and that's the faithful place in position, which God desires from all his church. He can have a voice.
[12:54] turn of a voice. Sometimes it may seem the truths in the glorious gospel and the word of God are not all so palatable as others.
[13:14] Some people who go forth and claim to be ministers of the gospel only present the easy doctor and more acceptable aspects of the gospel.
[13:33] But you see, it is all balanced in a wonderful way and manner. There's medicine in it, there's food in it, there's direction to be found and heard by it, there's encouragement for the least and the worst, the weakness, there's a building up and sometimes there's a pulling down.
[14:04] All these are cast of the great and glorious declaration of God. And Paul says, I have to spare and you will.
[14:21] And you know, this early takes place after these 15, 14 chapters, which they weren't chapters when Paul wrote this letter, but after this long period of exhortation and admonition and declaration, Paul comes to this point as he closes this great and wonderful epistle, he says, moreover, brethren, I have declared unto you, I declare unto you the gospel.
[15:03] Well, my dear friends, what a wonderful thing it is to have declared the glory of God as a creator. The gospel declares the glory of a tri-human Jehovah in its wonder, blessedness, greatness.
[15:22] The Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost receive all honor and glory by the declaration of the gospel.
[15:34] the gospel. Well, now we must pass on to the second one, and that is, I have preached unto you.
[15:47] Well, you may say, what is the difference between the declaration of the gospel and the gospel? Well, there is a difference, and it's important that we should lay hold of it.
[16:01] you see, the difference is in this, as I hear it, the declaration is the declaration of God's truth, unawful, unchanging, and glorious, God-honoring, the truth of God, which he himself, the eternal God, has been there.
[16:29] Now, the preaching is the preaching by instruments that God has chosen and ordained of the word of good. God has ordained that by the foolishness of preaching, which we were reading just now, he would save them the foolish.
[16:54] Now, that doesn't mean to say that the preacher or the preaching void some of the great fundamentals of the gospel, but he does mean that they will, as enabled, take the words of truth and preach them.
[17:17] to preach the whole economy of God's grace than the ordination and the use of God's mercy of evil men to preach the everlasting grace.
[17:39] there is the Lord, our God, with angels of his death and forth, who has never sinned, never disobeyed, never broken anything with his faces, and yet he turns from the angels and he appoints poor fallen man who by his grace has been raised up from death and darkness, and he appoints this creature, this man, this poor weak, sinful, dependent man, to go forth and preach the everlasting gospel, the words of truth and grace to sinned heart.
[18:36] I say what a profound wonder that is. When Cornelius received a great vision from God, the angel came to her and he said, go to Joppa and find one whose name is Peter.
[19:01] The angel could not preach the gospel. he had to go all the way to Joppa to hear from the words of poor people, words of grace and peace and life.
[19:18] It is to kingdom, yes, my people, to the people, first of all, is to the people of God. And all my dear friends, I dare say that you have some very special experiences in regard of preachers.
[19:38] You love them, not little to what they are, but because of what they preach and what they set for. And if you had any experience of the preciousness of Jesus Christ through the words of the minister of the gospel, you cannot but feel attached to that person.
[20:03] You love the memory of that. You cherish the every thought that comes to your mind of how the Lord knew to bring you into a truly state of knowledge peace.
[20:26] That's right. You say. Now, you dear young people, I remember the time when I used to hear some very feminine ministries of the gospel.
[20:40] And they were particularly used by faith to bring me to a place of understanding and a place of speaking.
[20:53] A place where I revealed the sacred things of God and eschewed those precious words of truth and righteousness.
[21:06] And oh, how I was there this morning, how I loved to attend and cherish the time which would come so slowly, I thought, of those days, when I could enter the house of the Lord, and hear from the lips of one of his own chosen vessels, to work with truth and grace.
[21:34] And I dare say you found sometimes that there's a thought in your heart of the poor ministering the poop, it must have known all that through some distortion. only the other day, I had one of my congregation come to me and say, you told Mr.
[21:53] So-and-so the preaching in my place, you told him all about me. I said, I've done nothing of the source. I only had a quarter of an hour with him before he went into the pool, and we had no time.
[22:09] I had no intention to give any details about your case. Well, he said, it was the most wonderful thing, because everything he said seemed to directly apply to my case, my feelings, my experience.
[22:27] This he knew was unravelling nearly, the very force of my heart. It must be the Lord that me, it must be the Lord that gave him the word, and brought that message to my soul, and it was a great means of encouragement.
[22:51] He had preached, and I have preached as all. What a wonderful statement. What a vast ground he had to support that statement.
[23:09] man, no man since the day of Pentecost has preached like the Apostle told.
[23:19] he said, he only know that a little was the good servant. We can see the effect. And what we have here by the Holy Spirit and elsewhere, we know that he was a man sent across, raised up, and chosen by him, as the Lord Jesus said to him on the way to the Nonsense, thou shalt witness the need among kings and Gentiles and many people.
[24:00] I have preached the gospel. Now, it's just one of the two things that I must say. That thou preached the gospel. And one is this, they must be sands.
[24:16] How can they preach and accept they be sands? I'm quite sure that every real minister of the gospel is oftentimes found perplexed and deeply concerned about whether he has been sands.
[24:38] The devil will try to praise that they can watch. Everything that can possibly deter a real servant of Christ will be due by the great advocate.
[24:59] There will be such lack of proof. There will be so little evidence of effects there will be fuel that will seemingly be moved.
[25:17] People will come and go and seemingly without any impact. the question will go on in the heart and conscience have I really been friends?
[25:38] But I find this that when one is down in these depths of time, the Lord very wonderfully sends a singular evidence that one has been threatened.
[25:57] I went once to see the war when there was a bombing wave off and we were trying to bring service to the front air. And I went away and I thought whatever have I accomplished, whatever has been done, it's been the black completeness utterly not unfortunately.
[26:25] So then in 1969, this is what was in somewhere like 1941 I said, 1969 I attended the service and the lady came up to me at the end of it and said, do you remember each in the Peterborough when we had a air rain and it was very dangerous and difficult I said, madam I do remember it.
[26:55] He said, that was the time when the Lord broke into my soul and delivered me from Satan's power and darkness.
[27:07] You see, the Lord will keep his people and his servants so they get this cast down.
[27:18] They are sent by him. It's not the bold contingent tribes that are so sure as they could include and so certain of being able to deliver satisfying, satisfactorily to their heroes that they're any evidence of being there.
[27:44] It's a fine, empty, troubling soul that has difficulty to find the text and difficulty to deliver upon it and very little encouragement in doing such.
[27:59] They are the people that God ascended. and be sure of it, whom God has sent, God will use to design glory and to the gathering in, it will be left in the four corners of the earth.
[28:25] The preacher we read in the book of the preacher thought out acceptable words, that which was written was upright even words of the earth.
[28:47] So then, the preacher, now we come to the very central truth of our text, and that is the key.
[29:02] I preach unto you, which also ye have to state. Now, my dear friends, if we have come under the preaching of God's word, indeed, and with any degree of power, then there has been a receiving of some truth in our heart.
[29:46] Now, that doesn't mean to say that the creature, the person, the individual, has done anything very glorious to this matter.
[29:57] you see this is all the work of God. It's all very powerful that truth. You see, when the Lord Jesus was here, he gave an illustration.
[30:21] And that illustration was this, the the sower went forth to serve. And he took, of course, good seed.
[30:35] It was good seed that fell on the wayside. It was good seed that fell among the sower. But neither of those two places he used to.
[30:49] he won't the seed, it was the ground. Then, he said, there was three stones in good round.
[31:04] And that was done the thing that it was good because it won't spare God. And the king received it and brought forth in a time to see.
[31:21] Now, when God sends his people to the seed, he wants to care them to the seed. Sometimes his preparation is next to his very severe, deep.
[31:36] It is meaningful, it should be. We don't want the scentsy, we don't want anything like the way time experience in hearing the word of God.
[31:52] I hope none of you will when you leave this house of prayer tonight have lost everything that I've tried to say. I hope none of you will prove to be way time here.
[32:07] But I do hope there might be a room of the crew to give his beauty. The seed you have received.
[32:23] And as many says the word of God have received him that the Lord gives. John speaks of him in that wonderful first chapter of the gospel.
[32:38] As many have received him who then gave he power to become the sons of God to as many as believed on his name who were born not of the will of man nor of the will of the flesh but of God.
[33:03] You see it is by the power of God that there is the truth or it is something that is very vital and important and receiving of God's truth should be a concern with all who speak after the things of God.
[33:32] You will never be satisfied with merely hearing the word. You will never be really tempted to come to hear it in a place where it is there.
[33:50] You can really feel this honestly in your heart. I have received the precious word of the Lord love.
[34:07] In my soul. Oh, it will make a great effect upon you. It will change everything. It will turn darkness into light.
[34:24] It will turn the love of sin out of your forehead. heart. And it will place within you a real version of love for the thing of God and for time.
[34:39] It so. When receive many in the word of God who were not received not to man or fellow man.
[34:57] And because they are told in the word of God that because they received him not it was because they knew not him to him. So that he was to him.
[35:09] that which he has to believe. Hello South Island of Joan and I'm a friend of the Lord of the mother is wearing each hand.
[35:26] Now do you want a real proof of your having received the word of the Lord fadingly and blessedly in your soul here it is you will stand you will stand when everything else seems to be breaking away and decaying around you will stand far as I think all says in the sixteenth chapter of the same spiritual and the thirteenth verse he says watch and stand fast in the thirteenth verse seated enhanced SO sł Ian имеет l yes was ролi in ap oh see them uh well to magnify not would improve a person that cannot stand adversity, opposition or tribulation merely to say that they have never believed the truth
[37:05] God sends these very things to prove that it is foolish the grace that will enable us to stand and they will stand in spite of all that the devil can do and all of their own poor, sick or unworthy heart can lift up again God sends wherein he sends wherein he sends and therefore with your loins dirtied about with truth with the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left and for in the Ephesians he gives us that wonderful capital of the spiritual armor that God supplies to all the Spirit to feel the pace to call the Spirit the helmet of salvation and while you are having done all you may stand or you may see people going away from this or you may see people depart and never return you may feel it happening by these things in these days but the real secret behind you all is this that they do not suffer simply because they have not received faith now that's a very great principle
[38:48] I strongly believe it and therefore I deserve it and now we come to our last part today and now we're here and now we hear sound of it also hear our faith oh my dear friends what a wonderful thing to do to each day stand to the belt sometimes talk to belt by your nanny who it might appear and know that there is little about its real nature but to be saved by the Lord and by His grace what a marvelous infinite glorious thing it is very near saying and you see
[39:50] I said at the beginning that this last point is connected with the first and so it is what God declared on before the foundation of the earth will be verified and fulfilled in every vessel of mercy in time in God's own way and in His own path if He He did indeed a point whereby His people might be justified now He declares that justification and those who are saved are made to destroy in the justifying power of God they say with dust and justifying power of God if He declares then that such a soul shall be pulled out of the world from the very depths of disgrace and ruin and wretchedness by one single word being dropped into the heart that will be fulfilled in the heart and that sinner will be drawn out by God and called by His grace and saved and will never long keep your love saved by the grace of God saved by Jesus Christ we were singing these precious words this evening about the blood the blood of the deer the king suffering from that of that glorious son that's gone this is the call this is the child's this is the very heart of it and this is the experience
[41:51] God's saved people love and receive they want more and more than know the cause of that precious love of the son and see the love of the son only can they really feel their pain when they can see their species not even and their soul's strength inside the blood of the son saying you can never laugh and show those things without money there's no human merit no creature worth to never come into this great sub-entorn matter which from first and last the work of God and this is a great accomplishment or optimist because if it was us if you and me had to play he can't speak if you are after this he can ne' see he can never dismay he can actually but he can never be and he can never miss he can never change he can never change he can never change can never change he can never change he can never different he can never change
[43:13] He can never change He can never change He can never change He can never change He can never change he can never change He can never change people is the one that stays and stays forevermore.
[43:30] We only have every part, I am going to say a small part, but it is a wonderful part nevertheless. It is a celebration when we are here in this world, the greater part and some others are going to long before we wish you to do an essence.
[43:51] Then the unmitigating glory is over the beginning, the preciousness of the past, which is the Lord of the Son.
[44:03] And as in the city of the morning, the beauty of the Lord is shining, in a thrilling spirit you could never stand with the air.
[44:14] But the routine soul must enter into the heart, and to behold it, this is what's always happening. The meaning that your life is taken up by God, and your soul is possessed by His grace.
[44:35] It means that your whole being, your will, your heart, your affection, are all gathered unto the Lord Himself, and under His command, and in His concern, to the everlasting glory of His grace.
[45:00] May God, this may be a blessing, by the great high strength, which is called in the future. May God bring them into our heart.
[45:13] And may He not only receive the spirit of the Lord, but may He this day die with me. May God forgive each day.
[45:30] May God forgive each Queer- May God forgive each other of His hope and for entrukan with him.
[45:51] In 864, Holy Ghost, inspire our praises.
[46:19] Touch our hearts and fill our tongues. While we know the name of Jesus, Heaven will gladly share our songs.
[46:34] Hosts of angels, bright and glorious, while we end our common peace, will be proud to join the Lord.
[46:49] And the Lord in Christ shall sing. That's the 864. Amen.
[47:01] I am the one for the last day. Amen. God bless you. Amen. Amen.
[47:13] Amen. Amen. Amen.