[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me this morning, I'll try and speak to you from words you will find in the book of Genesis chapter 22, and we read verse 14.
[0:17] Genesis chapter 22, the 14th verse. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jarah. As it is said to this day, in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.
[0:34] Genesis chapter 22, verse 14. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jarah. As it is said to this day, in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.
[0:47] How we do need the gracious aid of the Holy Spirit when we consider the word of God.
[1:00] And in even this portion which we have before us this morning. How we do need the Lord to graciously direct us into those hidden truths which are couched in it.
[1:13] For while we may become conversant with the words and the, as we have the record of the history in the chapter before us.
[1:25] How we do need the Lord to graciously unfold those heavenly truths which are couched in this record. And as it is so in the word of God altogether.
[1:36] Remember the Lord Jesus Christ himself was pleased to unfold much of the truths of God's word to those two favoured ones.
[1:49] To whom he drew near and befriended in their sad condition as they were journeying to Emmaus. And the scripture tells us how that he unfolded the word of God to them.
[2:04] The things concerning himself. And I do believe there are things in this text, in this chapter, things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
[2:19] And how we do need the Lord to graciously help us then as we consider his word. And that those blessed truths may be made very real to us. And as our text reminds us of the once provision the Lord made at that particular time for Abraham.
[2:36] On that particular occasion. And in that particular experience. We are reminded of the wonderful mercy of God. He making provision for the salvation of all his dear people.
[2:49] You've been singing that very solemn hymn. concerning the dear Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. And those tremendous sufferings which he experienced.
[3:00] As he was nailed to the cross at Calvary. And upon that hill. Where the dear Lord Jesus Christ suffered and laid down his name.
[3:14] That his dear people might be freed from condemnation. And blessed with an everlasting salvation. And you will notice in our text before us it is said in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.
[3:31] And there is that to be seen, is there not? With regard to the provision the Lord made in the person of his beloved Son. And in that the Lord Jesus Christ was so willing to come.
[3:43] And to live. To suffer and to die. Upon Calvary's cross. And so may we be helped. A little while this morning.
[3:54] To soberly consider this word. And one or two aspects in relation to it. Hoping it might be perhaps a word. A prophet.
[4:05] A word helpful. One another in the consideration of it. Abraham was put to a great test. God had greatly favoured Abraham in a very wonderful way.
[4:17] In a very miraculous way. And he'd been blessed. He and Sarah, his wife. With this promised son. Isaac. It was not until they were in their latter days.
[4:29] That God was pleased to work this wonderful miracle. So that Sarah did bear a son. Even when she was 90 years old. And Abraham himself being 100 years old.
[4:41] And what a demonstration of the almighty power of God. In fulfilling that promise which he gave to Abraham. That he should be blessed with a son in his old age.
[4:54] And Abraham was favoured to see. The unfolding of those. Promises. Of God. To him. And. Although. We have to remember that Abraham was still.
[5:07] But a man. A poor sinner. And. He and Sarah. They adopted means. As it were to.
[5:18] Further the promise. And in a sense. They did. As it were. Run before the Lord. And how this proved to be. So. As it were.
[5:31] Not for their blessing. Not for their good. But rather. There were those things that. Took place. To remind Abraham. That. This was not God's way. But it was in the promised seed.
[5:44] That. That Isaac should yet be born. And. It does remind us. Does it not. Of how. Patience is needed. In the fulfilling. Of God's purposes.
[5:56] The Lord may have granted you a promise. From time to time. But. How. Patience is needed. To see the fulfillment. Of that promise. And we do need to be preserved.
[6:08] From putting our hands. To anything. To think. That we can. As it were. Further. That which the Lord has. Promised. Appointed. Abraham had a lesson.
[6:20] To learn in this. And then we also. Notice. With Abraham. That. While he was blessed. And. Indeed. He is.
[6:31] Acknowledged as. Faithful Abraham. The friend of God. Yet even Abraham. Had fears. And. In his journey. Is how he. Suggested that.
[6:43] Sarah should. As it were. Be as his sister. And you see. In that sense.
[6:53] We see how. Abraham feared. But how the Lord. In great mercy. Appeared to him. Even in that matter. So that. Things were.
[7:04] Put right. That was Abraham's fear. True. But. Over against all this. We have. Abraham. As he stands out.
[7:14] In the word of God. As the. Friend of God. Abraham. Yes. Blessed with. Faith in God. And. He came to this.
[7:27] Point in his life. And as the word of God. Reminds us. In the opening verses. Of this chapter. It came to pass. After these things. Many things.
[7:37] Had taken place. And. In some things. The Lord. Had demonstrated. To Abraham. His almighty power. His.
[7:48] Solent judgments. Upon. Sodom and Gomorrah. His wonderful. Preserving care. Over lot. Abraham. Had known what it was.
[7:59] To appear before the Lord. To supplicate. In the light. Of these things. And it was after all. These things. And when at length. Abraham and Sarah.
[8:10] Were blessed. With this little. Son Isaac. After these things. That God did. Tempt Abraham. Now we must understand.
[8:22] This. That. It means. To test. Or to try. This scripture. Reminds us. Elsewhere. That. God does not tempt.
[8:32] To test. We need to understand. The meaning of this word. Here. In this. Verse. That it means. To test. Or to try. And it came to pass.
[8:43] After these things. Then. That God did. Try. Or test. Abraham. This test. His faith. And this reminds us. Dear friends. Doesn't it. That the Lord does.
[8:54] Try his people. Let us make no mistake. About this. That the pathway. Of a true believer. Will be a path of trial. And in one way or another. The Lord does try.
[9:06] The faith of his people. And yet. What a wonderful mercy it tends. To be in possession. Of a grain. Of living faith. That. God given faith. Which the Lord is pleased.
[9:18] To. Implant. In the hearts. Of his dear people. Which he will exercise. In their hearts. But. He will try that faith. And what a trial.
[9:29] It must have been. To Abraham. At this time. When the Lord. Spoke as he did. Take now thy son. And only son Isaac. Whom thou lovest. And get into the land. Of Moriah.
[9:40] And offer him there. For a burnt offering. Upon one of the mountains. Which I will tell thee of. Oh what. Thoughts must have. Been produced in the.
[9:52] Mind of Abraham. At this time. How strange. This must have. Appeared to him. In the first place. And yet.
[10:03] Abraham was given faith. Yes. To obey. This word. Strange though it seemed to be. Mysterious. And.
[10:14] Abraham of course. Couldn't see the end of the matter. Abraham. Although we have. An indication. Later on. In the word of God. Concerning Abraham. That. He.
[10:25] Obeyed. And feeling fully persuaded. That even though. He should. Be called upon. To. Offer up his own son. That God was able. Even to raise him.
[10:36] From the dead. And such was the faith. Of Abraham. Well now. In the light of these things. Then. We read how. Abraham. Was obedient.
[10:47] And even rose up. Early in the morning. And took all that was required. To. To. To take. For the. Offering. And then.
[10:58] There was that. Very touching. Verse. Which we read. In this chapter. As they went. Both of them together. You see.
[11:09] Abraham. Had commanded. Young men. To. Stay behind. While he and Isaac. Went on. As it were. To this. Place. That was appointed.
[11:20] Abraham said. To his young men. Abide. Ye here. With the ass. And I and the lad. Will go yonder. And worship. And come again. To you. And then there's this. Touching. Word here.
[11:32] Abraham took the wood. Of the burnt offering. And laid it upon Isaac. His son. He took the fire. In his hand. And a knife. They went. Both of them together. And Isaac. And Isaac. Spake unto Abraham.
[11:43] His father. And said. My father. He said. Here am I. My son. He said. Behold. The fire and the wood. But where. Is the lamb. For the burnt offering. Now we have this very.
[11:56] Striking answer. A word. That surely. That the Lord. Had given Abraham. In answer. To the question. Put to him. By his son. And Abraham.
[12:06] Said. My son. God. Will provide himself. A lamb. For a burnt offering. So they went. Both of them together. How Abraham.
[12:20] Was given that faith. To cast himself. Upon the Lord. As it were. And in spite of these. Very. Disturbing. And mysterious. Things. He was helped to.
[12:32] Rest in the Lord. My son. God himself. Will provide a lamb. God. Now. We read in the New Testament. When.
[12:44] The Lord Jesus Christ. Was speaking to the people. And were those who. Boasted in the fact. They were Abraham's children. And yet. Not so spiritually.
[12:56] Because they were blind. To the things. Concerning. The Lord Jesus Christ. And although they professed. To be Abraham's children. What did the Lord Jesus Christ. Say to them.
[13:06] He said. Your father Abraham. Saw my day. Rejoiced to see my day. Saw it. And was glad.
[13:18] When assuredly. In this. Circumstance. Abraham saw. The day. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. God himself.
[13:30] Will provide a lamb. And in the. Unfolding of. These things. To Abraham. As we have been.
[13:40] Reminded. And we. We well know. These things of course. In the history of them. How that. When Abraham was about. To. Slay his son. He laid him. Upon the altar. There was a word.
[13:54] From heaven. A word. From heaven. The Lord spoke. To Abraham again. The angel of the Lord. Called to him.
[14:04] Out of heaven. Saying Abraham. Abraham. And he said. Here am I. He said. Lay not thine hand. Upon the lad. Neither do thou. Anything unto him. For now I know. That thou fearest God.
[14:15] Seeing thou hast not. Withheld thy son. Thine only son. From me. And then. Abraham. Lifted up his eyes. And looked. And behold. Behind him. A ram. Caught in a thicket.
[14:26] By his horns. And Abraham. Went and took the ram. And offered him. For a burnt offering. In the stead of his son. What a beautiful setting forth. We have here.
[14:37] Of the doctrine of substitution. What a provision. That the Lord made. You see. At that time. For Abraham. That there was this ram. Caught in a thicket. And yet.
[14:49] You see. The Lord Jesus Christ. In speaking to the people. Reminds them of Abraham. And that how. Abraham. Saw the day. Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[14:59] Abraham. Who lived. Those many years before. The dear son of God. Was made manifest. In the flesh. Yet. He could see. The day. Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[15:10] The Lord revealed it to him. And dear friends. What a great mercy. If from time to time. In some little measure. The Lord is pleased.
[15:21] To reveal to you. Of his purposes. His mercy. His grace. For these are things. That the world knows not of.
[15:33] Well. You see. Abraham was given. To view these things. Although. So many years before. The Lord Jesus Christ. Came down.
[15:43] Into this world. And yet. On the other hand. When the dear Lord Jesus Christ. Here upon earth. And declared. Those things. Concerning himself. There were those.
[15:54] Who were so blind. Their hearts so hard. And notice. They were religious people. The scribes. And the Pharisees. And yet.
[16:05] How blind they were. To the Lord Jesus Christ. His person. His work. How deaf their ears were. To his words.
[16:17] And all this. Shows to us. Doesn't it. The sad state of man. By nature. The enmity in the heart. By nature. And over against that.
[16:27] We see. The wonderful mercy of God. In dealing with poor sinners. And causing them to. Realize. Their need of God's mercy.
[16:40] Yes. To see themselves. As poor guilty sinners. And then. To be led by the spirit of God. To see in Jesus. All their salvation. And all their desire. Well now.
[16:52] Just for a little while. This morning. Let us try and consider this. Consider this word. Here Abraham you see. Named this place. Jehovah Jireh.
[17:06] And of course. The meaning is. The Lord will see to it. Or the Lord. Will provide. The creation. Abraham had of this. The wonderful provision. God's provision.
[17:17] God's way of salvation. You see. And this ram. Caught in the thicket. Coming up to his turn here. The dear Lord Jesus Christ. In all that he.
[17:30] Came to do. And when at length. He was taken. By wicked hands. And crucified. And slain. Caught in the thicket.
[17:42] In this respect. That. That. That. That. That. All the sins. Of the whole church. Of God. Were laid upon him. He bore the curse. He bore the punishment.
[17:56] We. Sing hymns. And the Lord did. Graciously help. Our forefathers. In putting hymns together. Concern these sacred things. Yet.
[18:07] That. That. Beyond our. Comprehension. We cannot fathom. The depth of them. But what a mercy. Dear friends. If there is a little. Faith in our hearts. To.
[18:19] Lay hold. Upon the. Precious things. Concerning the. Sufferings and death. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. For here. And here alone. Is the hope.
[18:29] Of poor sinners. It is through. The finished work. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. His sufferings and death. The way to heaven. Is open. To poor guilty.
[18:41] Unworthy sinners. But now. This proved to be. To Abraham. It's a place of blessing. It was a. A place of trial. Abraham's faith.
[18:52] Was put to the test. And. He was blessed. With that. Faith and exercise. To. Walk in. Obedience.
[19:03] To the revealed. Will and command. Of God. And. In this very place. It proved to be. Such a. A blessing to Abraham. In that. Word which.
[19:13] God gave to Abraham. Following this. That in blessing. I will bless thee. In multiply. Or multiply. Thy seed. As the stars of the heaven. As the sand.
[19:24] Which is upon the seashore. And thy seed. Shall possess. The gate of his enemies. And in thy seed. Shall all the nations. Of the earth. Be blessed. Because thou hast obeyed. My voice.
[19:35] Here was the promise. You see. Yes. The promise. Of the. Lord Jesus Christ. Himself. Through whom. The nations. Should be blessed.
[19:48] Yes. The. Nations of God. The whole election. Of grace. Should be recipients. Of those great blessings. Which should plow. The sufferings.
[19:58] And death. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. And Abraham called the name of that place. Jehovah Jireh. As it is said to this day. In the mouth of the Lord.
[20:09] It shall be seen. Now these things are written. For the. Instruction. And profit. Of God's dear people.
[20:19] And. In this word here. In the mouth of the Lord. It shall be seen. What was seen. Well.
[20:30] The Lord's provision. It was seen. The unfolding. Of. God's purpose. Of grace. To Abraham.
[20:41] And the trial of his faith. And in this mount. It was seen. Now as I did just make. Brief reference. To begin with. How a thought.
[20:52] Should be directed. To the hill of Calvary. And what is to be seen there. The word of God. Has the record of this. How the dear Lord Jesus Christ.
[21:06] Was led. Yes. As a lamb. To the slaughter. And it was at Calvary. It was to be seen. The wonderful provision.
[21:18] The Lord has made. For his. Unworthy people. That every need. Should be supplied. That the Lord Jesus Christ. Did all that was required.
[21:28] To be done. For the salvation. Of his dear people. He had lived. His holy life. And this he lived. For his people. The word of God.
[21:39] Tells us. That he was. Made of a woman. And made under the law. To redeem his people. Which are under the law. To redeem them. To purchase them. Yes.
[21:49] To pay the price. You see. And in his holy life. Which he lived. He satisfied. The demands. Of the holy law of God. In every.
[22:00] Jot and tittle. And that for the sake. Of his people. He lived. He lived a holy life. A life of complete obedience. To his father's will. Nothing.
[22:12] Lacking. In any way. Whatever. In his holy life. He was the holy. Undefiled son of God. Though he is. He was lived amongst sinners.
[22:25] That he himself. Was holy. And he lived that holy life. That law fulfilling life. And then. You see. Suffered. Yes.
[22:36] He suffered. A sacrifice. Had to be made. In faith. The dear.
[22:46] Saints of old. Offered their sacrifices. And there was the. Old Testament ritual. In worship. The. Manner of. Worship.
[22:57] And approach to God. Through the. Sacrifices. Offered by the priests. But all this was so typical. Those sacrifices. Had no. Virtue in themselves. But it was.
[23:08] Typical. Of the one great sacrifice. For sins. And when you think. Of what. Abraham said to his son. My son.
[23:21] God himself. Would provide a lamb. Think of the dear Lord Jesus Christ. As the lamb of God. He who. Was so. Was so meekly.
[23:34] As it were. In his meekness. He yielded himself. To his enemies. You read how they. They bound him. And led him away. Or the meekness.
[23:46] Of the dear Lord Jesus Christ. He knew full well. What was before him. The sufferings. He knew. What they would be. Yet he yielded himself.
[23:58] And then. As that. Sacrifice. Which was indeed. A holy sacrifice. The. Birds. And beasts. That had to be brought. Of old. Had to be as near as possible.
[24:09] Without blemish. Had to be inspected. By the priest. And. Only in that way. Were they acceptable. To God. But this of course.
[24:20] Again. Was a time. When we think of. The Lord Jesus Christ. He was that. Acceptable sacrifice. He was indeed.
[24:30] Without blemish. And without spot. He was a holy. Harmless. Undefined. Son of God. Separate from sinners. And yet. You see. The sins of his people.
[24:41] Were laid upon him. He suffered. That is why he suffered. Surely he was taken. By wicked hands. And crucified. And slain. But.
[24:52] He suffered for sinners. He shed his blood. Yes. And nothing short of this. Could satisfy. Divine justice.
[25:04] Blood must be shed. Without the shedding of blood. There is no remission. The word of God tells us. And Christ shed his blood. And oh the virtue of that precious blood.
[25:19] Which was shed upon Calvary's cross. To atone for the sins. Of the whole church of God. For them to be cleansed. Each soul to be cleansed.
[25:33] In that fountain open for sin. All uncleanness. And this was open when the Lord Jesus Christ. Shed his blood upon the cross. You see Abraham said. My son.
[25:43] God himself will provide a lamb. Here is God's provision. You see. Man has no hand. In the salvation of his soul. Whatever.
[25:56] Some religious people may. Profess as it were. Or proclaim. Concerning man's ability. This is false. Man has no ability whatever.
[26:07] In any way whatever. To assist in his salvation. It was God's provision. And dear friends.
[26:17] If the Lord is being pleased to teach us. By his spirit. We shall value that. If our eyes are open. To see a little. Of our lost. Ruined. Undone condition.
[26:28] Our helpless condition. We shall value. That provision. Which the Lord has made. God the Father. And the person of his dear son. Is everything in him.
[26:41] What a bountiful. What a wonderful provision. I would speak reverently. What a sufficient provision. To meet every need. And to ensure.
[26:53] The. Eternal salvation. Of all God's dear people. In the mouth of the Lord it shall be seen. And when the dear Savior was.
[27:06] Lifted upon the cross. There was seen. God's salvation. Many did not see it. You read in the record. How they sat down. There were those who sat down.
[27:16] And watched him there. What did they see? Well they saw. The suffering. Person upon the cross. How much more did they see?
[27:29] But there were those who watched. No those yet. They did not understand. Yet the time came. When it was revealed to them. Why the dear Savior suffered as he did.
[27:41] While he. Why he experienced death. And when the glorious resurrection. That took place. You see. Everything was completed. And when the dear Lord Jesus Christ.
[27:54] As he promised. Revealed himself again. To his sorrowing disciples. They saw him. As their risen Savior. I said. What a provision. Yes.
[28:07] God himself. Will provide a lamb. Remember. As. John the Baptist. The forerunner of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[28:17] He. Who was the voice in the wilderness. How is it. As when. Jesus came forth. Into his public ministry. He said. Behold.
[28:29] The lamb of God. Dear friends. What a mercy. If our. The eyes of faith. Shall be. In exercise. To behold.
[28:40] The lamb of God. Is everything. Here you see. To meet. Every need. Whatever your circumstance. Your case may be. Your trials.
[28:52] Your temptations. Your felt guilt. In the dear lamb of God. Is everything. Yes. To meet.
[29:02] The need of all his dear people. Poor sinners like you. Who may sometimes feel so. Unworthy. And so. A burden. With your sin.
[29:13] Oh. To see. The dear saviour. The lamb of God. He who. Bore away. The sins of his people. John said.
[29:24] Behold. The lamb of God. Which. Taketh away. It means. Which beareth away. The sin of the world. That is. God's chosen world. The whole election of grace. In the mount of the Lord.
[29:37] It shall be seen. And then. I want to look at it. Just simply in this way. In the mount of the Lord. It shall be seen.
[29:48] There are these mounts. You see. Abraham had to journey to. And. In the offering of his son. And Abraham saw.
[29:58] The Lord. Jesus Christ. By faith. At that time. In that mount. No doubt. Abraham. As he journeyed up the mount. Found it very hard going. No doubt.
[30:10] Many thoughts. Revolved in his mind. And it was something. Which enabled him to continue. Yes. And willing to. Give up his son. As it were.
[30:22] As. It had been indicated. To him. In the mount of the Lord. It was seen. Now dear friends. Is it not so. In life's pathway.
[30:33] We come down to our. Daily walks. And the ways in which. The Lord is pleased at times. To lead us. Are they not mountains. But what a mercy. From time to time.
[30:44] You may be helped to view. As the mount of the Lord. You see. The Lord. Leads his people. In the way in which. They should go.
[30:55] He's not promised. A smooth path. There's not a smooth path. To heaven. But there are the hills. And the valleys. There are the mounts. Yes.
[31:06] There may be mounts of. Of danger. Mounts of distress. Mounts of temptation. Mounts. Which present. Such difficulties. To you.
[31:19] But what a mercy. If at times. You may be able to observe. In one way or another. The mount of the Lord. Mounts. You see.
[31:29] The Lord. Leads his people. We read. The steps of a good man. Are ordered by the Lord. And he delighteth in his way. And though he fall. He shall not be utterly cast down.
[31:41] For the Lord upholdeth him. With his hand. Now. You may have these mounts. Yes. Mounts of difficulty. Maybe mounts of distress. Some mounts.
[31:53] Unlooked for. As it were. What a mercy. If you shall be helped. To view them in this way. As the mount of the Lord. Because in this.
[32:04] We'll be seen. What the Lord is. To his dear people. This name that belongs to him. Jehovah Jireh. The Lord will provide.
[32:15] Or the Lord will see to it. And when perhaps sometimes. You might feel much troubled. Distressed. And have many.
[32:26] Conflicting thoughts. About various things. Maybe concerning yourself. Or your circumstances. What a great mercy it is.
[32:36] If you'll help to realise. There is one. Who is in complete control. Of all these things. And that the Lord will perform. His purposes. Towards you.
[32:47] Even in those things. That may seem to be. So strange. There is this word you see. Jehovah Jireh. The Lord will. See.
[32:58] Or provide. And. As God the Father. In his wisdom. Made all provision. For his dear people. In the salvation of their souls.
[33:09] They shall be saved. In everlasting salvation. And salvation. So. In the. Things that may concern them. In their daily pathways. And in your pathway.
[33:21] And perhaps in the. Difficulties that may arise. Like mountains as it were. The Lord has a purpose in this. He's made all provision. In the salvation. Oh.
[33:35] To be blessed with faith. To trust in him. The Lord you see. Will provide. The Lord will see to it. You see. Go back again to Abraham.
[33:46] For a moment. When it. It seemed. Rather impossible. That. He and Sarah. Should have a son. And.
[33:56] They devised means. Didn't they? I didn't go into details. You know the details. Of course. But that was not the Lord's way. And. They brought trouble.
[34:07] Into their home. In pursuing those things. But at length. You see. They were able to observe. How the Lord made the way. Yes. In that.
[34:18] Wonderful. Miraculous way. That he gave them a son. A real son. And the Lord did see to it. It. And now. When Abraham was called upon. To offer up his son.
[34:29] A provision was made. Abraham's faith was tested. There was a blessing in it. And. The blessing that Abraham saw. Was this. In the ram caught in a thicket.
[34:42] The Lord saw to it. Yes. And now. You see. Here is the source of comfort. To God's distressed people at times.
[34:54] When perhaps they have their difficulties. Their distresses in life's pathway. Maybe personal ones. Or relative ones. Circumstantial ones. But.
[35:05] To remember. There is an overruling providence. And in closing this morning. I will remind you. The dear psalmist David. Now he had problems.
[35:17] He had hills of distress. He had difficulties. He had dangers. He had perplexities. And yet you read one of those psalms.
[35:29] In more than one place. How he has given faith to. To cast himself upon the Lord. And he. It was in this way. He says. I will cry unto God most high.
[35:42] Unto God that performeth all things for me. You see. Jehovah Jireh. The Lord performs. The Lord will provide. And he was given faith. Yes.
[35:52] To cry to the Lord. Who controlled all things. Higher than all the mountains. And distresses. And how the Lord honoured his faith. Well.
[36:04] Abraham. As he was called. To walk this. Difficult. Mysterious way. He approved in the ultimate issue. To be. A great blessing.
[36:16] And there was an unfolding. Of God's purposes. Toward Abraham. And his seed. In blessing. I will bless thee. And sometimes.
[36:27] In these difficult circumstances. There's a blessing. Wrapped up in them. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[36:37] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[36:55] Amen. Shall we conclude this morning. By singing hymn number 1123. June Rockingham 398.
[37:13] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Hymn number 1123 Stretched on the cross the Saviour dies Hark, his expiring groans arise See from his hands, his feet, his side Runs down the sacred crimson tide 1123 Amen Stretched on the cross the Saviour dies Hark, his expiring groans arise
[38:20] See from his eyes, his feet, his side Runs down the sacred crimson tide But life attends each deathful sound And floods from air Free bleeding wound A vital strength
[39:26] A free in force To save and cleanse his rebel ferns To suffer in a treacherous place To die for by surprising grace Yet the cross rebelled The angels' light The angels' light
[40:31] The wife of the man Dear Saviour The Lord I survey the sea of words And where meaningly grief and woe The Lord The Lord The Lord The Lord Where meaningly grief and woe The Lord The Lord And yet my heart My heart On earth remain In sensible Turn of the pain In sensible
[41:33] Turn of the pain Turn of the pain Come dear Come dear Come dear Come dear Lord I have In thought To crackers Glory And the whole Has from stato Thanks for listening.