Sir, we would see Jesus (Quality: Average)

Peterborough - Salem - Part 2

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May 29, 1978



Evening Service held at the opening of the new chapel, whole service is recorded, sermon starts at about 34 minutes, and there is a gap 7 minutes into the sermon.

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[0:00] Let us, with a dancing line, continue these thanksgiving services with hymn number 673.

[0:13] 673, June 560. When Jesus' greater pain has touched our eyes and ears, O God, weary land, the wilderness appear.

[0:49] Though healing balm springs from its dust, though cooling stream to quench the thirst, O God, enter in my breast, and with me suck and stay.

[1:05] O God, prove the hasty guest who carries for the day. Upon my bosom fix my throne, and pull each fancy idle down.

[1:19] 600. With Jesus' gracious hand, As the stars and stars and years, O God, weary land, The wilderness appears, The wilderness appears, The wilderness appears, The wilderness appears, The End

[2:43] The End The End The End

[3:48] The End The End The End The End

[4:54] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End O Thine, raise the world of love on Thy head, and take Thy love in every breath.

[6:11] Philippians, part of chapter 2 and part of chapter 3. Philippians, chapter 2.

[6:28] Philippians 2.

[6:58] Philippians 2.

[7:28] Philippians 3. Philippians 3. Philippians 4.

[7:44] and also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men, and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

[8:48] Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name, which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

[9:30] wherefore my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling, for it is God, which worketh in you, both to will and to do, of his good pleasure, do all things without murmurings, and disputings, that ye may be blameless, and harmless, and harmless, the sons of God, without review, the broken, and perposed nature, among whom ye shine, as lights in the world, holding forth, the word of life, that I may rejoice, in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain, chapter 3, commence at verse 7, chapter 3, commence at verse 7, but what things were gained to me, those I counted, lost for Christ, yea, doubtless, and I count all things, but lost, for the excellency, of the knowledge, of Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whom I have suffered, the loss of all things, and who count them, but done, that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not having my own righteousness, which is of the Lord, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness, which is of God, by faith, that I may know him, and the power, of his resurrection, and the fellowship, of his suffering, being made conformable, unto his death, yet by any means,

[12:19] I might attain, unto the resurrection, of the dead, not as though I had already attained, I know, were already perfect, but I follow after, it that I may apprehend, for which also, I am apprehended, of Christ Jesus, brethren, brethren, I count not myself, to have apprehended, for this one thing I do, forgetting those things, which are behind, and reaching for, unto those things, which are before, I press, toward the mark, for the prize, of the high coin, of God, in Christ Jesus, let us, therefore, as many as be fervent, be thus minded, and in, in, anything, ye be otherwise minded,

[13:36] God, and shall reveal, even this, unto you, nevertheless, where do we have already attained, let us walk, by the same rule, let us find, the same thing, brethren, be followers together, of me, and mark them, which walk, so as ye have us, for an end, so more, for many, war, of whom I have told you, of them, and now tell you, even we be, that they are, the enemies, of the cross, of Christ, whose end, is destruction, whose God, is their enemy, and whose glory, is in their shame, who my earthly things, for our conversation, is in heaven, from whence also, we look, for the Savior, the Lord,

[14:53] Jesus Christ, who shall change, our vile body, that it may be, action, like unto his, glorious body, according, to the working, whereby, he is able, even, to subdue, all things, unto, himself.

[15:20] sound. Most, merciful, and, gracious, Lord God, with, humble, gratitude, in our hearts, we, sing, praise, to draw, near, unto, my throne, on this day, of thanksgiving, and of praise, as we acknowledge, thy great goodness, to our dear friends, here, in the provision, of this sanctuary, and we would seek, therefore, by him, the dear God, Jesus, and to offer, the sacrifice, of praise, continually, that is the fruit, of our lips, giving thanks, unto his name, the Lord, we walk, now, give thanks, in acknowledging, all that, thou hast done, for thy people, here, in this provision, but Lord, most of all, we, for sinners, would thank thee, for the gospel, for the good news, of salvation, thanks be, unto God, for his, unspeakable gift, we would give, thanks to thee,

[17:08] O Lord, for that covenant, of grace, for that covenant, of all things, and sure, thank thee, for those, eternal thoughts, of love, and mercy, bless thee, O Lord, for the plan, of salvation, thank thee, for that, dear Jesus, that thou, didst come, and, for thy death, the shedding, of thy blood, for that satisfaction, of justice, and for those streams, of mercy, for that pardon, and cleansing, in the fountain, open, for sin, and for uncleanness, O Lord, who shall we, render unto the Lord, how can we, praise and bless thee, Lord, for such love, stupendous love, wondrous love, how can we, thank thee, for all that thou, hast done, for thou, hast done all things, for thy children, thou art able, to save, to the uttermost, them, that come unto God, by him, seeing he ever, living, to make intercession, for them, and so,

[18:29] Lord, we walk, now bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name, we would break forth, into joy, let the redeemed, of the Lord, us say so, that we may show forth, the praises of him, that have called us, out of darkness, into his, marvelous light, and so, Lord, we pray, that we may, by thy grace, yield, our selves, our bodies, a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable, under God, which is, our reasonable service, we pray, the grace, to serve him, to walk worthy, of the vocation, wherewith, we are called, we pray, the grace, to deny self, take up the cross, and to follow thee, we pray, that thou will be made, more precious to us, that we may love thee, more dearly, and serve thee, more acceptably, walk more closely, with thee, be more like Jesus,

[19:51] Lord, we come so, stand me sure, oh, put thy gracious, hands on me, and make me, all I ought to be, and we do pray, and for the visits, of thy love, we do pray, for those tokens, before, we do see, the kisses, of thy mouth, Lord, draw me, and we will run, after thee, and we plead, now, to the precious promise, I will abundantly, bless, her provision, I will satisfy, her forward bread, all grounds it this day, and in the days, yet to come, as long as, this sanctuary, stand, thy truth, is proclaimed, may it be, to the blessing, of those that gather, to thee, honor, and glory, at thy great, and holy name, and may there be, rejoicing, among angels, in heaven, of the sinners, repenting, and Lord, we do pray, that thy work, may be, manifested, within these forms, say, now,

[21:13] I beseech thee, O Lord, O Lord, I beseech thee, say, now, prosperity, all for that, growth, in grace, and in the knowledge, of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ, and Lord, we pray, that thou, will, and mercy, may appear, thy promise, declares, that thou, will bless, all who fear thee, both small, and great, the Lord, shall increase you, yet more, and more, you, and your children, all for this life, that we might have it, and not that life, more abundantly, all that we may go from strength to strength, all that we may know him, and the power of his resurrection, the fellowship of his suffering, be made conformable unto his death, Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief,

[22:17] Lord, increase, our faith, lead us, we pray thee, into gospel blessings, thy servant, declares all, and we pray, for thy people here, that the Lord direct you, into the love of God, and into, the patient, waiting for Christ, we do pray, dear Lord, that there may be, entering more deeply, into that river of thy love, not only for the ankles, not only for the knees, not only for the noise, but a river to swim in, that we, with all saints, may be able to comprehend, what is the length, and breadth, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, and to be filled, with all the fullness, of God, and we pray,

[23:18] Lord, to bring forth fruit, more fruit, much fruit, to thy grains, we pray, that we may do all things, without murmuring, and disputing, that we may be harmless, and blameless, the sons of God, and without review, in the midst, of a crooked, and perverse nation, among poor, ye shine as lights, in the world, holding forth, the word of life, to God, Lord, thy church, to shine, in this dark, and evil day, a witness, of the truth, and cause thy children, to walk closely, with thee, and that it may be sad, that they took knowledge, of them, that they had been, with Jesus, from the spirit, of Jesus, upon us, and within us, help us, to love one another, help us, to be humble, and clothed, with humility, help us, to walk worthy, of his kingdom, and glory, help us,

[24:30] O Lord, to put thee first, to honor thee, in all things, to love our Lord, and muster, do keep his commandments, all grant it, Lord, we pray thee, grant submission, to thy will, patience, in tribulation, spirituality, of our minds, Lord, we're so earthbound, so worldly, so selfish, so anxious, often, that Lord, we pray, and do help us, to lift up our eyes, on high, and prove, that our help, coming from the Lord, which made heaven, and earth, grant us wisdom, and understanding, in all our concerns, that we may be, as wise as sons, harmless as doves, do, O Lord, break our hard hearts, melt us, in repentance, and confession, of our sin, help us, to seek, the fresh, the precious blood, to plead the name, above every name, and apply that blood, reveal thyself, bring pardon, and peace, prepare us, for eternity, need not, my soul, destitute, say unto my soul,

[25:53] I am thy salvation, and Lord, that it may be, well with us, in life, and well, when called to die, that when we draw near, and to those last, mortal breath, we may say, in peace, let me resign, like my breath, and thy salvation, see, my sins deserve, eternal death, that Jesus, die for me, we pray, once more, thy blessing, upon thy dear people, here, this cause of truth, and in life, our dear friend, and the deacons, and those who, labour with him, and pray, Lord, thy blessing, upon the little flock, this corner, of the vineyard, make it true, for, may there be showers, of blessing, drops of heavenly dew, and Lord, do visit thy plantation, with that rain, from heaven, do groan, thy God, the increase, and in gathering, we humbly pray, and bless the labours, of thy servants, do bless all, who have now gathered, every cause of truth, here representing, all thy dear servants, now present, do bless them, and continue, and continue, and make them a blessing, may they be anointed, with fresh oil, may their bow, abide in strength, may they,

[27:25] O Lord, be enabled, thus by grace, to continue, to preach, the word, to be instant, in season, and out of season, bless the dear children, we pray for, with, that, have a strong affection, and concern, over them, and pray, that thou, our holy spirit, will instruct them, implant thy fear, keep them from evil, preserve them, from the world, at night, in wickedness, preserve them, O Lord, from all, and that will turn them, from thee, and thy truth, all, who work in their own hearts, and manifest, thyself to them, and that they may grow up, to know thee, to love thee, and to serve thee, we pray, then, O Lord, that thou, will crown this day, with thy presence, thy grace, thy glory, we pray, and that, that we may be blessed, this day, faith, and hope, and Lord, that we may go on, our way, renewed, revived, confirmed, encouraged, and strengthened, and at the close of the day,

[28:46] God, journeyed, mercies, for preservation, from dangerous, seen, and unseen, so hear our prayer, and do, O Lord, pardon all, we ask of this, and may the words, of my mouth, meditation, of our hearts, be acceptable, in thy sight, O Lord, our strength, our redeemer, we ask for, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

[29:19] Amen. Hymn, Hymn, 600, and the pen, 610, Hymn, 681, Precious Jesus, friendly sinner, we are such, to thee, draw near, let thy spirit, now dwell in us, and with love, our souls in fire, fill,

[30:20] O philosophy, with that love, which trusts and fears. In the name of the Lord, O Lord, heaven, O Lord, Jesus, heaven, we have a beauty, not deaf, The End The End

[31:48] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End

[32:50] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End Come and pray us at thy waters, and let us make thanks to thee.

[33:50] We are not still in the desert, but from the day set us free.

[34:09] King of glory, we will live and make with thee.

[34:29] King of glory, so that the service shall be concluded well by half past seven.

[35:06] I name this that it might relieve any anxious mind concerning the time. And my heartfelt prayer for all is at the close of this day.

[35:21] Journey, mercies may be granted, and the blessing of the Lord to rest upon you all. In dependence upon the Lord that all needed help, I will once more venture to draw your prayerful attention to John chapter 12, a reading apart of verse 21.

[35:54] John chapter 12, verse 21, the last course. Sir, we will see Jesus.

[36:10] Jesus. It will be meaningful for me to just briefly set out the thoughts expressed this afternoon, and then to proceed with our meditation upon this scripture.

[36:36] We first of all acknowledge the goodness of Almighty God in the provision for our dear friends here of this sanctuary.

[36:50] We say how that we, in coming here today, have come, and rightly so, to see this sanctuary, this literal building.

[37:04] giving thanks to God for its provision, the help given to our dear friends in their many concerns and anxiety.

[37:20] We also acknowledge the kindness of the Baptist Church nearby in the interest in providing our friends here with a place so that their worship will continue.

[37:32] we then have come, we have then seen this literal sanctuary. We have also met one another, seen many of our dear friends, those that we love in the gospel.

[37:55] And this again is wrong and this is good and that communion of saints and that blessed fellowship that is something to be highly esteemed and to pray, let brotherly love continue.

[38:21] And then we consider this, good as it is to see the sanctuary literal, good as it is to be our dear friends in the law.

[38:35] But how the day and the occasion will fall sadly and solemnly short if it is confined only to those two purposes.

[38:50] I am assured that the words of our text give expression to the desires that the God may now gather.

[39:03] As one has sweetly said it, what is the house for me unless the master I can see.

[39:15] And so we would see Jesus. And then just one more thought as we link the afternoon to the evening.

[39:30] We examine the context here, these certain Greeks among them that came after worship at the feast.

[39:42] Speaking of these Greeks as Gentiles, naming them as strangers and yet coming with this desire being reminded of that blessing word in the prayer of Solomon and the dedication of the temple of old.

[40:04] Moreover, concerning the stranger his prayer that the Lord would hear and do all that the stranger sought him for.

[40:16] hearing and forgiving and undertaking for the stranger. And I name this how that there may be those who feel to be not having the mark of the people of God and yet drawn to the sanctuary, drawn in hope, in desire, in prayer, in hunger, in thirsting to Jesus Christ.

[40:52] And they came up to worship at the feast. And we spoke of the solemnity, blessedness of spiritual worship, that which is God glory and self-renouncing Christ and life.

[41:17] And the feast, we spoke of the blessings and of the provision of the gospel, the rich blessings of God's grace, and of the provision that is so full and that is so free, even as the word of God declares, when the poor and needy see water, and there is none, and their tongue fainteth the thirst, I, the Lord, will hear them.

[41:49] I, the God, say, and the Lord, and the Lord, and that is half a year made ideal, and had a poor coming, venturing, longing, hungry, thirsty, souls, unto Jesus' rise, then no barrier, unto this table.

[42:12] But it is whole, everyone that thirsts, and the spring, and the bride, say, come, let him and hear it, stay come, and let him let him first come, and whosoever will, let him gain from the water of thy free.

[42:29] So it was their do that means, and they had this one desire. It could not be hand aside unless they saw Jesus.

[42:41] Like a beloved in the Song of Solomon, her burning desire was to see her beloved, to hear his voice, draw me, and we will run after thee.

[42:53] And if you kiss me, with the kisses of his mouth, then tell me, oh, thou, and will thou my soul love it? And the Song is, say unto my soul, I am thyself, and that's a very beautiful word.

[43:08] I understand it's this, and keep saying it, God, say it again, and again to my soul, this desire, then, send it in a precious cry, and then, and our closing Lord, was held and the Lord, and so that use his people, as they may hear, observe, the work of grace in the sinner's heart, some evidence of spiritual life, some evidence of spiritual desire, man, that one may tell another, a minister to a minister, demon to a demon, husband to one, member to member, and so that there's a praying together, and a going as we are here, to tell Jesus, and to pray for the blessing of the Lord, to rest upon all who must seek him according as he has promised, for he has said, they that seek me early shall find me, and they that seek me early shall find me, and now

[44:25] I seek to come and do this cause of attack, we will seek Jesus, and we have to prove living tongues are done at best, we must die to speak of Christ, but pray that we may be helped to lift up our dear Saviour upon the gospel path, and that alone our words are evil, and now can we speak of the fullness, and the preciousness, and the wondrousness, and of the love, of this precious Redeemer, this dear friend of sinners, the altogether lovely one, the cheapest among ten thousand, whose name is wonderful, counsellor, the everlasting father, the mighty God, the prince of peace, but when this poor, this big, staggering tongue lies silent in the grave, then in an over, sweeter song, our sin is bound to say, we will see

[45:29] Jesus, we will see Jesus in the eternity of the eternal son of God, the ancient of days, and in on this part of our meditation, I shall not use my own words, I shall read a verse or two from the scripture, so, so long, so wonderful, so glorious, so far better, than the words that can be ever uttered by a mortal man, and this is the declaration of heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ in eternity past, and the eternity of wisdom, and we read them, I was sent up from everlasting, from the beginning, forever the earth was, when there were no depths,

[46:34] I was brought on, when there were no fountains, abounding with water, before the mountains were sound, before the hills, was I brought on, why, as yet, he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part, of the dust of the world, when he prepared the heavens, I was there, when he set a compass, upon the place of the deck, when he established the pounds above, when he strengthened the mountains of the deep, when he gave to the sea his decree, that the water should not pass his commandment, when he appointed the foundation to the earth, then I was by him, as one brought up with him, I was daily, his delight, rejoicing always, before him, rejoicing in the visible heart of his earth, and my delight, were with the sons of them, what greater, more supplying words, can we find, to destroy, the eternity, of the sons of

[47:51] God, but this is the wonder, that he, and he says here, I was daily, his delight, that is, birth of the beloved son of the father, the father who said, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well the son of his life, that he so holy, so pure, so eternal, so glorious, that he should say, my delight, were with the sons of them, before heaven and the world were, God, oh, I say, here's a death that can never be found, oh, friend, the son is great, pro-cord, and said, how precious also are my thoughts unto me, oh, God, how great is the son of eternal thoughts of love and mercy, oh, we would see, Jesus.

[48:53] Now, therefore, hearken unto me, oh, ye children, for blessed are they that keep thy ways, hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not, blessed, blessed is the man that hears me, watching day at my gaze, waiting at the post of my door.

[49:23] So, we would see Jesus. And his meditation is this, we would see Jesus in the word of God, revealed particularly first in the Old Testament.

[49:44] Jesus in all the scriptures. There, my friend of the fall, there, as God's face on words has heard to Adam and Eve, yet was the promise of one that reprudes the serpent's end.

[50:06] There in the thee, only provided by God, the Adam and Eve, and the slain of the beast, was a set of Jesus Christ in his death, and a provision of the robe of righteousness to come upon his dear children.

[50:28] We would see Jesus, as we pray and we read the word of God, we would see Jesus as Isaac stands by the altar, the hand voice of God from heaven now, have undone the land, the night, as far as Isaac is concerned, is put away, is not dead, is life, he stands by the altar, and he sees the ram of earth, instead of himself.

[50:58] We would see Jesus, Jesus, instead of me. As we try to speak to many of people, those, yesterday, of thee, precious blood of Christ, and the Passover Lamb, when I see the blood, I will pass over it, my dear friend, Emmanuel, precious blood of the Lamb, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world, we would see Jesus, see this provision, my son, says Abraham, and I think God will provide himself a Lamb, and John Baptist becared, be called the Lamb of God.

[51:50] Look at the servant, big Israel, look at the murdering one, the rebellious one, and look, brethren, and don't lose sight of it, I say, in love, do you have never died, so?

[52:03] Then there were many that died in that wilderness, they died, they perished in their sin, but God in mercy slayed, make me a servant of brass, set it high upon the pole, you mark, you see, and it's God's way, God's provision, just as a man, take a man, and it was sweet of my soldiers going man to land for a moment, it was to, they were to take a man, and then you'll find it's the land, and then you'll see it's your land, as it were, they would have all their lands, and then from that land, one without base, they take a land, now that a land, would be to them the land, the land that was to be put to death, and the land was your land, oh, friend, is Jesus thine, did he die to put away my sin?

[53:04] We would see Jesus. See him, in a servant, set high upon the foe, and who shall ever look, there was one only, made like a servant, Jesus Christ, and made him, he said, without sin, no man in the staff of the grass, no sin in the saviour, but set high, for all the sick, he died, his suffering, and also set high, those that were promised off in the camp, and the nearest man to death, have ever we, and people that look for us.

[53:41] Who's that? Look, then we would see Jesus. Oh, my friends, one of our kings, and I disputed, and you're trying to dance our horse tonight, sums it up so beautifully, so attractively, and in words like this, thine's the last, a lost condition, words cannot worth the remission, nor my goodness do thee go, dance within thee, all about thee, you feel it, and hear this word, but the remedies without thee, sing it, in thy saviour's life, sing it.

[54:23] Thank you, son, we voice to Jesus, sing the Lord, the glory dying, see him gasp, hear him cry, see his burden, bosn't he, look, ye sinners, ye that hung him, look how thee, your sins have hung him, dying sinners, look, and there, Christ, if all the scriptures, we would see Jesus, go into Jericho, and there, my friend, a city, doomed to destruction, a woman that had been alive, and living in sin, but one a trophy of God's grace, one, as they now, turned to the Lord, one who sought refuge in the God of Israel, by faith, the heart of the great and perish not, with them that believe, not because she received a spy to be conceived, a line of a scarlet thread, token, life for death, grand as no other salvation, neither is the salvation in another, and none of the name unto heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved, we would see Jesus, and we go through the Psalms, and you'll hear the cry of the psalmist, my God, my God, my haste of the sickness, we would see Jesus, and I thought of this word, friend, of the

[55:50] King of glory, the King of kings, and the Lord of the Lord, the eternal Son of God, who we be speaking upon, the creator of the ends of the earth, who laid it not neither his weary, and what scripture said, if I am a word, and know, and you understand, we would see Jesus, we would see Jesus, and that found it over the second, I have seen some, and who have been now before the days, I have seen some, and so my letter Jeremiah said, is it nothing to you, all ye who pass by, I know primarily that is the time, but at the time, and the suffering, of God, we would see Jesus, we spoken of him, and that in heaven, in his eternity, we spoken of him in the scripture, in the prophecy, time and shadow, word of promise, but now my friend, and though in the volume of the book, it is written of me, and that Lord, I come to do thy work, will of a body as thou prepared for me, a body of one, and it shall come to this earth, it is that his blood shall be shed, it is that justice shall be satisfied, it is that heaven shall be opened, it is that the sinner shall be held, for the wondrous this eye.

[57:12] And so my friends, we read of the Lord Jesus, what we read of his birth of the heavenly heaven, and so it was. Little words over a man, according to the eternal purposes of God, in salvation to his people, and so it was.

[57:29] But there she brought forth her firstborn son, wrapped him in swathly clothes, laid him in an angel, and there was no room there, in the inn, not in my heart, nor yours, but by the grace of God.

[57:44] I say in my hands, as I, my mind was directed also even to this. How that did, as the shepherds were keeping watch over their life, and I, how that dirty angel said, fear not, I bring out good ideas of great joy that shall be for all people, and then this was touched, mine, fall apart, and then in the temptation between services, and on all, as it seemed, the whole of heaven, the angelic oath, broke forth into a phrase that is unspeakable in this life, and said, the Lord God, in the life, and on earth, sin, save, and peace, good, well, for me, Jesus has come, this is a faithful saying, worthy of all acceptation, that

[58:47] Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and there's hope for them, and I believe, my friend, is a breakfast gospel, and I love to link this to that, the finest sinner, and to death, and it's a wonder we actually, that lives there'll be in me, is welcome at the throne of praise, the saviour and love the glory of God in the night, so wonderful, stop it again, to see the nature, in ancient days, we will see Jesus.

[59:28] How great is the love, which Jesus has shown, he came to the bundle of heaven's right road, he came to deliver all food of his name, and the strength of the earth, Lord, we would see Jesus.

[59:41] And all poor sinners, ah, that heart, burdened sinners, labouring, struggling, groaning, holding, venturing, ah, so leprous, so unworthy, we would see Jesus, this saint, dear Jesus, that received him, ah, the man so full of leprousy, came to Jesus as he got, and this O God, if thou will thou canst make me, and Jesus woke up his hand and touched him, said, I will be thou clean, look to your soul, you who tried so hard to get better, and you're not worth it, there's nothing left, nothing left, there's Jesus, pension to him, poor creature, poor, burdened, defiled, hell-deserving, perishing sinner, who feels your need of Christ, then you're doing, is this Jesus, that's none other, none other, if I may not touch him, if I may not just reach him, is it him, is not my touch, is not my power, is not my faith as such or say, it's what he

[60:56] Christ, is what Christ has done, but my faith, my and the faith, lay whole, and when I say my faith, God given faith, lay whole of a precious Christ, and receive that rich virtue, even the blessings of heart and of peace, we would see Jesus, we would see Jesus, and so I may we would see him in his life, be a leg of a spirit of will is tempted with a wild beast, we could see his quality, take a hook and cast it into the sea, and there be enough there either for me and me, the foxes have holes, the birds of the earth have nests, the son of man have not where the name is at, we would see Jesus, we would see

[61:57] Jesus in his humility, taking a towel and girding himself and washing the disciples feet, leaving us an example, for all that we should follow in his steps, we would see Jesus, we would see him in his love, he must go through Samaria, being weary with his journey, because there's a festival person, a woman that you will have had spoken to her, but this is the gospel, it reaches out my friend, to the lost and the perishing and you were stoned to throw at the woman that was at the well, who had had five husbands, and he that is with me now, is not my husband, you say, never be called him, that's it, my friend, what about the sin, the dog, the and all the evils of the heart, and you say, my favorite guilt, I say, the more we're convinced of sin, we should know ourselves as poor sinners, but my Jesus has loved me, he's died for me, his blood was shed for me, and it was open for me, oh, what a fine sinner

[63:05] I am, but what a precious Jesus he is, what a friend, what a saviour, what a redeemed, oh, how precious is Jesus in my soul, we will see Jesus, we will see him as he goes forth and across, as he goes to finish the work that the Father gave him to do, we will see him, my friend, in the other room, and hear the words that drop from his sinless lips of heaven that he's gone to prepare, of his promise that I will not lead you to come, but thanks, I will come to you, of his promised peace I need with you, my peace I give unto you, and that promise he says, these things have I spoken unto you, but in me you might have peace, in the world you shall have tribulation, but be of God's cheer, I have overcome the world, we want to see Jesus as he prays for this Father, are you in that way?

[63:59] Are you in that way? You in heaven? You see friends in trying to order, I say that song, I pray that I pray not for the Lord, where you stand, if you want to hurt him that way, embrace him that way, we will see Jesus, the God that is born against him, no human hand has smitten the Saviour as yet, not in this way, but what is it that brings this sweat, love, the agony of his soul, the inner pain, he prayed for all of us, all the wonderful, the love of his heart, the submission to his father's will, the willingness to go to the cross, knowing all that was before, the sufferings that would be so intense, the cut that would be so bitter, and yet the victory, here's not your more conneed deeds of righteousness out now, do not find good work with them, nor the things of hope for the meaning of the

[65:15] English son, we would see Jesus, friends, are you persecuted by the world, are you forced to be a few, are you allowed in your presence to save you, we would see Jesus as he stands before one another, I have never been dealt without a world like Jesus was, I sometimes thought on him, and by the hand of a religious man, he was smitten and set at north, and a whole band of soldiers was gathered together, and no mercy, mockery, cruelty, the crown of thorns, the scepter, and that is the reed in his hand like a scepter, the garment clothed, and the spitting, the scourging, the sighting, and my friend, away to the cross, and yet someone had to carry that cross after Jesus, and if you're blessed with the blessings of salvation, and a true disciple, and a

[66:17] Christian, you'll know what it is to come after Jesus, that my friend, I must paste him because of the time we would see Jesus, and faith longs, looks at Jesus in that finished one, in his sufferings on the cross, as they nailed the Savior to the cross, they cried, Father, forgive them, they know not what they do, it's ever so beautiful, it's ever so wonderful to feel that, to hear those wonderful words of Jesus, but my soul, can you say that?

[66:53] Do you say it? what says the scripture, be ye kind one to another, take their heart in forgiving one another, and the kingdom of God, that Christ take that together.

[67:07] We would see the Jesus. We would see his love in the midst of his sufferings, in the trophy of praise, in the dying free, this man, this man of sorrows, this one crown with forms, this one that hangs on the cross, this one that suffers, this one the holy one, that is number of the transgressors, this one receiveth sinners, this one that said all that, I need no wise cast down.

[67:38] And my friends, who says to him, this one fairly, I say unto thee today, shall thou be with me in heaven. We would see Jesus.

[67:51] But we would see him in the midst of the darkest happens of all, of three hours of darkness that they have been heard, and to cry the end, my God, my God, why has that the Satan told?

[68:10] My friend, there, my view, was the entastment, there's a name of my people, there was the sword, there was the film of that scripture, oh wait, sword, God's sword, the sword of justice, the sword of the strife, the sword that was exact, the payment of sin, the sword that was bleeding and would turn every wave of our wave of the tree of mine, and spiked the shepherd, against my shepherd, the man that is my fellow, spiked the shepherd, the sheep shall be scat, and I will turn my hand on the point.

[68:46] We will see Jesus, we will see Jesus, as he cried and said to me, it is finished, the work is done, salvation is in it, my faith is on it, hangs on it, lives on it, would die on it, and I believe go to heaven on it, I know no other stand, no other evening, Emmanuel's land, even when glory, glory, well is, Emmanuel's land, on Christ the solid rock I stand, all of the ground, is engaged, that's it right, we would see Jesus, I must be very breathing, we would see Jesus, the physical Christ, we see the empty tomb, because it tells us this, it's the assurance, and I say with reverence, it's the receipt of the church of God, that all that Christ accomplished is a finished work, salvation is in it, delivered for our remances, raised for our justification, and it's the things that the Lord of glory is in glory, it's the things that the head of the church is there, the body of being with him, the captain of our salvation, and all his followers, and the sheep, and the shepherd, and all his sheep, the first room of the heart, we would see Jesus, we would see Jesus in his life, as the weeping woman by the graveside, she can't live without him, she, he has built her life, her affections, and she pleaded but to her,

[70:19] Jesus goes, and calls her by the name, reminding us of the scripture of old, fear not that I have redeemed thee, I call thee by thy name, thou art I. We would see, and I love to think, my friend, of the visits of Jesus on the Emmaus road, and to Peter who denied him, and there were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord, we would see Jesus, we see, by faith, the Lamb in the midst of the throne as it had been slain, we come to the throne because Jesus is there, we pray because we see that our affairs will be accepted in his name, through his precious blood, we would see Jesus, since my Savior stands to be in garlands, dying, plant, is he instead of me, see, when I approach you.

[71:08] And as you have a glimpse of the dear Lord Jesus, and a sense of his love toward you and the sweet heart and peace in your soul, you'll be like the Mary here that will take the pound of appointment, and you'll anoint his feet, and you'll get right down, and I say, if you're poor down at him, and your life, I say, a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable of the garbage, your reasonable service, what glad return, can I impart the famous, so divine, Lord, take my all, this work, this heart, and make it holy life, for he will see Jesus, lastly, we will see him as his promise to come in his glory, we'll see him on that glory, his resurrection more, for the day he promised your life, but in the moment of the treatment of the life, we shall be chained, when we shall meet him, all dear children of God, dear saints in the Lord, all who love the Lord Jesus, in sincerity and true, born again sinners,

[72:11] Isaiah, meet him in the clouds, and so shall we ever be with the Lord, then shall your arms with rapture view, the glory, strength, and so die of hope, and so die of hope, the heads of joy, and sons of praise, amen.

[72:31] I will just mention that there are happy refreshments for friends leaving, especially for those having a journey before them.

[72:45] Let us close, we're going to mean 667, 667, June, 764, and so Thank you.

[73:29] We will sing the dark song. Immortal hearts rest on Jesus' head.

[73:40] My God, my portion and my living bread. In Him I live, upon Him cast my care. He saves from death, destruction and despair.

[73:59] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[74:11] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[74:25] Amen.

[74:39] Do God bless you.

[75:26] God bless you.

[75:56] God bless you. God bless you.

[76:10] God bless you. God bless you.

[76:24] God bless you. God bless you.

[76:38] God bless you. God bless you.

[76:52] God bless you. God bless you.

[77:06] God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

[77:17] God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

[77:33] God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

[77:44] God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

[77:56] God bless you. will help me bless dear Lord my precious word all in the world of this God's journey passes and do God I bless in all the gifts of our friends for the society the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ the Father of God through the Lord of all in the world Amen Amen Amen

[79:04] Praise God Praise God to the Lord all Peterятель Thank you.

[79:41] Thank you.