I will go in unto the king (Quality: Good)

Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 36

Sermon Image
Jan. 20, 1982


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[0:00] and the word to which I will venture to direct your attention is in the latter part of verse 16 in the fourth chapter of the book of Esther the fourth part the last part of the sixteenth verse in the fourth chapter of the book of Esther and so will I go in unto the king which is not according to the law and if I perish I perish it would seem that the book of Esther associates with the remnant that remained behind when there was the recovery or return of the Jews after their captivity certain volunteered to remain behind in the land of their captivity and it is obvious from this book of Esther that the Lord didn't forsake them though they voluntarily desired to remain in that distant place and again it is a point well worthy of our continual consideration that nowhere in the book of Esther

[1:42] Esther is the name of God recorded but those with an enlightened understanding can but see God written over the history of Esther from beginning to end the wonderful hand of divine providence working going before positioning placing characters by strange overrulings in certain convenient suitable places to fulfill his purpose and to deliver his people in due time is obvious to those that have a spiritual understanding well another thing is this that it has been the ambition of Satan to destroy the people of God and the history of the world is a recurring illustration of the terrible conflict that is still raging in the spiritual world

[3:07] Satan has had numerous defeats really every child of God that's ever lived and gone to glory has borne witness to the defeat of Satan but Satan is such a tenacious adversary that though he has had so many millions of defeats he still seeks to gain the master he doesn't accept defeat and I don't think he ever will accept defeat until eventually the Lord puts him under his feet and the feet of his people eternally another thing to consider is this that whenever and wherever

[4:08] Satan sees an opportunity of or to advantage he doesn't neglect and my friends conscious of this we should seek to avoid placing ourselves in positions where Satan would obviously have advantage for now with those remarks let us look more closely at the subject matter before us the background to Esther being where she was or is is strange God's overruling and God cannot be charged with evil nevertheless

[5:15] God overrules evil for good and we have Esther in a position of influence that is very strange to consider as we look at Esther's background who she was by nationality obviously her beauty was of such an overriding influence upon the heart of King Ahasuerus that every other consideration became subservient to that now obviously that wasn't a wise position to adopt we can say well it's a position that many adopt and many have been carried away by natural beauty that more than natural beauty is desirable well that has been a very consistent mistake in the lives of men and women down through the generations but there it is by

[7:03] God's overruling providence Esther is in a position of considerable influence she's in the relationship of love with Ahasuerus the great governor at this time and but whatever influential position she may occupy as the queen to the king she's still a Jew her nationality is not forfeited she still stands in that position where the king signing and sealing the decree for the annihilation of the Jews affects her equally with the rest of the subjects in the provinces but how

[8:17] God worked through Esther don't forget that Esther was a youngish woman but upon her shoulders God laid a great responsibility for she stood at this point of time as the one and only representative of the Jews that could give any promise of deliverance from the fulfilment of the decree of Haman now Esther was a woman of like passions with us she was a person who had feelings and fears she was acquainted with the prevailing situation she knew that her life was in jeopardy as she acted inconsistently with the command of the king she knew that doing what she was called to do by

[9:52] Mordecai exposed her to possible annihilation and what a great responsibility was placed upon the shoulders of this person Mordecai would not let her escape the sense of responsibility for he said for if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time then shall their enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place he was a man of faith and hope wasn't he he was a man that trusted in the promises of God and he knew that God would not give his people over into the hands of their enemies to destroy them so he says well now if deliverance doesn't come through you

[11:04] God will find deliverance from another quarter deliverance is sure but he gives her the sense of responsibility with regard to her position and her place at this time what a tremendous burden that dear woman must have found lonely a lonely character with a tremendous burden and my friends there are certain times and places when the Lord lays upon his people a great burden under a sense of loneliness and out of that flows this reply and I think it's very remarkable then

[12:07] Esther bade them return Mordecai this answer go gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan and fast he for me and neither eat nor drink three days night or day now under that terrible responsibility she obviously calls for the support of others prayerful support practical support pass ye for men and my friends have we not realised the benefits of the prayerful support the fellowship of the Lord's people as we have been called upon to enter into singular experiences and carry heavy burdens from time to time and are not the prayers of the Lord's people invaluable as we're conscious of their prayerful support whether our burden is a providential burden or whether our burden is a spiritual burden and in the situation which now confronts us as a fellowship here we would love our friend to go forth in the loneliness of the ministry the burden and responsibility of carrying the word of the

[13:53] Lord hither and thither to feel that he's got the prayerful support of his home church continually we owe this to him in that sense that it is a privilege to bear one another's burdens and my friends I hope that in private and in public we shall be found less with a gracious exercise that shall be not only a comfort to our friend but fruitful to the honour and glory of God through his instrumentality for now go gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan and fast ye for me and neither eat nor drink three days night or day I also and my maidens will fast likewise and so will I go in unto the king which is not according to the

[15:01] Lord legally I haven't any ground to stand on legally now how true that is isn't it in the church of Christ legally we have no ground to stand on whatever our position whatever our place legally we have no ground to stand upon we can't look on legal terms for help for deliverance there's one thing we depend upon the free mercy of God in Jesus Christ but my friends the free mercy of God in Jesus Christ affords us the promise of help and hope far in excess of anything that could be conveyed on legal terms don't think because we're sinners and on the ground of our violation of God's law our position in regard to God is weakened the gospel eclipses the law where sin abounds grace does much more abound my friends the standing of sinners through Jesus

[16:39] Christ far excels the standing of Adam in his innocence before he fell in the garden of Eden well so I will go in unto the king which is not according to the law I'm not going to consider creature righteousness personal merit I'm not going to consider worthiness in personal terms I'm going completely and entirely depending upon the grace of God in Jesus Christ and my friends when that is our ground as we venture there's not the slightest possibility of failure you can't trust in

[17:56] Jesus Christ and fail how is it then that we fail because we don't trust we don't trust and so will I go in unto the king now it was a life and death matter wasn't it the mind of the king is very clearly set before us in the history and this good woman was well acquainted with the situation it was a life and death matter and she says if I perish I perish now some have suggested that this was a kind of fatalistic acceptance of a responsibility and a proceeding because there was no alternative now my friends in other words it was fatalism now I don't believe

[19:13] Esther was guilty of fatalism in this particular I don't believe that many that have adopted the position and language of Esther have been guilty of fatalism I believe there has been a venturing and a trusting and a realisation with no qualification or exception that my acceptance doesn't depend in any wise on me if it did I shall perish perish it was not Esther that gave

[20:19] Esther acceptance it was the heart of the king it was the heart of the king and when the king saw her his heart was moved toward her and God overruled that God brought that to pass that was an essential development in the course of the relationship that as it were secured Esther's life and secured the deliverance of the whole nation of the Jews of whom she was the representative of this particular there is in the consideration of the heart of Jesus Christ can you find anything forbidding in the heart of

[21:24] Jesus Christ I can't I can't find anything which is forbidding to a coming sinner revealed from the heart of Jesus Christ there's everything to encourage there's everything to attract the heart of Jesus Christ is revealed in the scriptures of truth seems to me like a powerful magnet drawing sinners even from the ends of the earth unto himself come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest rest that's the heart of

[22:28] Jesus Christ and my friends what encouragement to venture and it seems to almost eliminate well it does seem to eliminate to my mind the question of perishing doesn't it because he says I will give you rest if I perish I perish at the feet of Jesus take up the principle of perishing in this way of faith if I perish I'll perish at the feet of Jesus

[23:30] I can't just quote the lines but that's what he means if I'm going to perish I'll perish at the feet of Jesus my friends there's never such a thing as perishing there no sinner ever has yet perished at the feet of Jesus if I have tonight in this congregation one that fears perishing by reason of the multitude of your sins I say press to the feet of Jesus and no one ever yet has perished now the heart of Jesus is such by the appointing and anointing of God and consistent with the whole burden of Christ's covenant undertaking that my friends there's everything in Christ's heart disposed to help to deliver to comfort to encourage and strengthen sinners sinners under the sentence of death by divine decree according to the law but the gospel is so sufficient to meet the demands of the law and to give promise of everlasting life unto those that deserve to perish that my friends the question of perishing is banished at the feet of

[25:21] Jesus do you fear perishing do you fear the consequence of your sin do you sometimes look at your moth eaten life with all its faults and with all its failings chapter after chapter as you review sometimes as we pass milestones in the pilgrimage our reflections lengthen and sometimes they seem to strengthen in a conviction that my life is a worthless life but my friends nevertheless with all that self condemnation we realise there's a place of refuge there's a saviour to sin there's a name to plead there's merit in which to hope there's a fountain which is free flowing with peace and pardon through atoning love and love why the gospel is so pregnant with promise and blessing that despondency flows from unbelief despondency flows from unbelief it never can flow from faith and if you're inclining to despair with regard to your personal salvation beg of

[27:29] God to increase your faith or to bless you with overcoming faith that you may trust your salvation in Jesus Christ because in him is a sufficient to save uttermost sins to the uttermost and so will I go in unto the king so will I go in unto the king or is that resolve in your heart is that resolve in your heart and so will I go in unto the king my friends a great burden lay upon the heart of Esther at this time but oh she could venture could she not to the king and in the king's accept so he held out that golden scepter and she was favoured to reach forth and lay hold of it so Esther drew near and touched the top of the scepter and the scepter is a symbol of authority so she touched the top of the scepter and she received a liberty which made the foundation in her heart for the deliverance not only of her but of her fellow

[29:22] Jews at such a time the scepter is held out still the precious authority of Jesus Christ as the saviour of lost sins echoes down through the generation those words that we were reminded of on Monday evening from the cross are the forgiveness for they know not what they did surely those words are holding forth of that precious scepter as the intercessor high priest and redeemer of the Lord's dear people my friends is that in our hearts deny themselves will I go in unto the

[30:23] King one of the fatal dispositions in the human heart is to procrastinate to deny if we do not know what it is to find acceptance with Christ should we rest our souls stand in jeopardy of perishing can you be content can you find happiness while your soul's eternal standing is in question how can that question be answered how can your problem the problem of your sin be resolved only by coming to the

[31:29] King finding peace there and you will find peace and deliverance forevermore amen the total落 Christ has blessed him to impart Grace will save thee from my fear

[32:32] O the love that still is our She must wipe away on fear Christ has blessed him to impart Grace to lay thee from my fear O the love that still is our She must wipe away on fear I hope thou hast great to come O the love that still is our She must wipe away on fear

[33:33] She must wipe away on fear She must wipe away on fear She must wipe away on fear For he's life on fear She must wipe away on fear She must wipe away on fear She must wipe away on fear

[34:34] She must wipe away on fear She must wipe away on fear She must wipe away on fear She must wipe away on fear O the love that still is our She must wipe away on fear She must wipe away on fear She must wipe away on fear Entonces, Jesús es el Señor politically experts yay сюжется.

[35:42] now may the grace of the Lord Jesus the love of God the sweet and abiding communion of God the Holy Ghost be with you all Amen