They that are whole have no need of a physician. (Quality: Very good)

Uffington - Part 9

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Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me friends, I will direct your attention to Mark's Gospel, chapter 2, verse 17.

[0:14] They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

[0:30] The second chapter of Mark's Gospel, verse 17. They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick.

[0:44] I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. But this word will only have an effect upon those who know their sinners.

[1:03] Are there any here? I would emphasize the word, no, my friends. So many have a casual regard to it.

[1:19] So many are acquainted with it. But those whom the Lord loves will have a knowledge of it. Are there any sinners here who have been taught of God?

[1:34] Oh, it is a mercy, friends, to be taught of God. There are so many today who are taught by men.

[1:47] And there they are satisfied to remain. It is so nice, isn't it, to go into the house of God and hear a man preach well.

[2:01] To have your ears tickled. How soon does it go from your memory, the things that he told you?

[2:20] But are there some in this place this evening who have been taught of God? Have you forgotten what he told you? Nay, my friends, when the Lord teaches a people, he sears it in their hearts and minds.

[2:38] It remains. We've evidence of this, haven't we? For there are, from time to time, those who lose their natural memory due to old age very often.

[2:53] But here and there they can tell you of what the Lord did for them. They remember those things. It is a mercy then, if tonight, there are some of us here, all of us, if the Lord would have it so, who have been taught of God.

[3:13] They are sinners and they need mercy. Again, there is a great point here, friends. Not only to know you are a sinner, but to know you have a need of mercy because you are a sinner.

[3:28] For those who have found sinners in God's sight when they come to the end of the journey in this life, they'll go to hell.

[3:41] Men don't believe in it, do they? Men don't believe in it, do they? Becomes, of times, a word to use in common language, hell.

[3:53] Men use it in a way of derision often. But you know, you'll go to hell and so shall I unless there be a blessed mediator standing between.

[4:10] A blessed intercessor to make peace with an offended God. You and I will go to that place that men deride.

[4:23] Those who have been taught they're sinners by the living God will also be taught a need of mercy. And having been brought into that place, they won't remain there.

[4:36] They'll seek that mercy. Do you? The Lord Jesus spoke very plainly before those who sneered at him in his day, and they did.

[4:54] How they tried to find fault with Jesus. Those who stood about feeling so able in themselves, so self-righteous.

[5:07] Many of them the Pharisees. And how they spoke set forth in the previous verse. When the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?

[5:27] They wanted to find fault with him. And the Lord Jesus set it forth so clearly. When Jesus heard it, he said unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, But they that are sick.

[5:42] But they that are sick. And tis only sinners, taught by a kind and gracious God, the need of mercy, Who seek that great physician, a precious Christ.

[5:54] Are you amongst them, friends? Have you got a need? You come into chapel tonight with an appetite for mercy?

[6:05] How do you attain to such an appetite? There's a cause. Not only is it a kind and gracious God that gives such an appetite, But there's a reason for that appetite, isn't there?

[6:24] It's because there's sin behind it that needs clearing. There's so in your case, tonight. It is a mercy, friends, to come into the house of God with a need, Rather than to come in blown up with pride.

[6:45] I go to chapel regularly. I belong to a little people who are a good people. I attend to those things that are right in the sight of God.

[6:59] Which is a mercy, friends, to come in poor and needy sometimes. That's the way you come in tonight. Oh, that I could find the Lord.

[7:10] Oh, that he would find me. Oh, that he would speak to my soul. Oh, that he would revive within me some life. You know anything of this way?

[7:24] They that are whole need not the physician. We need again and again, my friends, Though we make profession to be turned upside down. The flesh, utterly ruined, Soon gets blown up.

[7:42] Soon becomes proud. Any stranger to this, Children of God, Need to be brought into this place of exercise from time to time.

[7:58] Lord, help me. Oh, don't let me be satisfied. Don't leave me in this place of self-satisfaction. My friends, My friends, It is easy to point fingers at others.

[8:15] Where do we stand? Where are you tonight, sinner? How have you come in? What's the day been like? Been a good day, has it?

[8:27] You kept the whole law of God today, have you? You said your prayers, Read your Bible, Satisfied your God.

[8:39] You don't say it, do you? Might have read your Bible, I might have said your prayers, But have you kept the whole law of God? Been perfect today?

[8:50] No sin. They that are whole, Need not the physician. Who is the Lord Jesus speaking about here?

[9:03] The self-righteous ones are the whole. They that feel they're whole, Perfect, no sin, Clean in the sight of God. No, they don't need the physician, Because they feel they have no need of repentance.

[9:22] What about you? Who is this physician? It is a precious Jesus. What does he mean to you, sinner? Is he precious to you?

[9:35] In salvation? In desire? Wonderful mercy, If you can say yes to this. For you're not found amongst these characters, Of whom the Lord Jesus speaks, For those who feel themselves to be whole, Perfect, Righteous, The self-righteous ones.

[10:00] For these people, Who desire to know, A precious Jesus, They're those whom the Lord loves, With an everlasting love, The poor and needy people, You amongst them.

[10:19] Now this character, Has got an experience, And he's not an easy one, To the flesh. For this character, From time to time, Goes down, Into the belly of hell.

[10:33] My experience, Friends of the gospel, And the precious Christ, Isn't perhaps always, Sweet to the taste.

[10:48] For the pathway, Of a child of God, Won't always be, An easy one. It won't always, Be following hard, After a precious Jesus, With sweet desires.

[11:02] Sometimes, It will be, Seeking to go in the opposite direction, Under, Of the power of sin. Do you know anything of this way?

[11:16] If the Lord has called you, Out of nature's darkness, Friends, According to his eternal purpose, Of salvation for your soul, The enemy won't love you.

[11:30] The enemy too, Knows a lot about you, More than you know about yourself. And he'll bring you at times, Into this very place, The belly of hell.

[11:46] Have you been there? My friends, Unless, You pass this way, In the course of your life, You're not in the right way.

[12:01] If you've got a religion, Where everything is easy, There's something wrong with it. If you've got a religion, Whereby you can keep, A straight course, With your eyes fixed on Jesus, All the time, Satan's at the bottom, Of your religion, Not your God.

[12:22] The children, Of the living God, Have a checkered pathway. It's a battle, To get to heaven.

[12:33] And the flesh, Your flesh, Not someone else's, Will battle, Against the ways, Of your God. And Satan, Will help you to do it.

[12:44] And at times, You'll find yourself, In the belly of hell. You'll need this physician, To get you out.

[12:57] This great physician, King Jesus. He who will get his people, Out of the belly of hell, Because his purpose, Is everlasting, Love toward them.

[13:15] He is the almighty God, The son of God, The son of man, His name is Jesus, And his purpose, Right from before, Where the world began, Was to have a people, With him in glory.

[13:38] This people, You amongst them, Will need him. The great physician, Again and again, To deliver them, From themselves.

[13:51] Strange path, Isn't it? You might, Expect it to be enemies, From outside. For the most part, It'll be enemies, From within.

[14:03] They that are whole, Need not the physician, Of this character, Is one, Utterly ruined, Through the fall, Corrupt, Entirely corrupt, Everything, Everything rotten, In his flesh, Through sin.

[14:21] How can such a one, Continue, In the right way, Unless, This great physician, From time to time, Heal him, From the pollution, That is within him.

[14:36] Is this your character, Sinner? Not very nice, Is it? But oh, What a mercy, The Lord Jesus says, They that are whole, Have no need, Of the physician, But they that are sick.

[14:54] And this physician, This precious Jesus, Is able to deliver, From the lowest hell, Is able to deliver, From the deepest pollution, Is able to succor, And to save, Everyone that is lost, In this way.

[15:17] Is he your God, Friends? What evidence, Have you got? Are you found, Amongst this people, Who need this physician?

[15:28] What evidence, Have you got? One day, This question, Will be asked, Solemnly, When you come to die.

[15:45] Friends, Unless, You can produce, A living evidence, Of being found, In Christ, It will be out of darkness, Throughout eternity, To come.

[16:00] The children of God, Have got some evidences, Of this side of death. You got any? What are they? Communion, With this, Blessed physician, Lord help me.

[16:17] Those three little words, These characters, At times, Live upon them. The days, Are spent, In pleading, With this, Great physician, Lord help me.

[16:35] What is the help for? Ah, It's help, So that one, Will not be left, To continue, In those things, That emanate, From a wicked, Deceitful heart.

[16:50] Is it a bad, Picture? Is this, An ill-favored, Picture of you, My friends? It isn't of me, But oh, There's so much, Mercy in it, For this character, Who needs, This blessed, Physician, Being sick, In himself, Utterly, Undone, Through the ruin, Of the fall, Born in sin, Shapen in iniquity, As he knows himself, To be, He finds, In this, Blessed physician, All, That he needs, For there's favor, Shown to this character, As he pleads, Lord help me, Have you had, Any such favor?

[17:39] He answers, This petition, From time to time, He condescends, To lift, This, Poor worm, Of the earth, Up into heaven, What does this mean?

[17:54] He breathes, Into his soul, Peace, You never had any? Never known, For one moment, What it has been, To be delivered, From your wretched condition, Never found, This man, To be the prince, Of peace, Of this great physician, Never had a word, From the king, In a day of trouble, You must be out, Of the way, Ah, But this, Great physician, Friends, If he's dealt, With you, In making known, To you, Your utter ruin, That which belongs, To your old nature, And he's brought you, Into a place, Of need, He has blessed you, Hasn't he?

[18:44] You can look back, And find, Some place, Where he's made known, To you, His love, Can't you? My friends, The enemy, Will try to take it, Away from you, He'll try to cut you off, That this is, The pathway, The battle, Between sin, And Satan, And hell, And wretched self, But this, Great physician, Says, I came, Not to call, The righteous, But sinners, To repentance, If the character, We've tried, To set forth, Wretched, Though it be, If it fits your case, What wondrous words, We've now got, To look at, I came, Not to call, The righteous, But sinners, To repentance, And we've got,

[19:45] A beautiful illustration, In the chapter, We read together, Of that poor woman, Of Samaria, The life, That apparently, She led, And Jesus, Came to call her, Out of that darkness, And to reveal, To her, Who he was, Come, See a man, Who told me, All things, That ever I did, Is not this, The Christ, He came, To call, That poor woman, Out of her, Wretched condition, Reveal unto her, That though, She lived in sin, And was living, In sin, He loved her, With an everlasting love, Her sin, Had been put away, According to, His eternal purpose, In that, Triune, Jehovah's purpose, Of love, And salvation, Toward sinners, Her sin, Had been put away,

[20:45] Before she was born, And in the appointed time, He called her, Out of nature's darkness, And revealed unto her, What he was, A precious Christ, Has he done it for you?

[21:03] What about your life, Poor sinner? It's not what men think of him, It's what God thinks of him, God, Through that, Precious Jesus, Knew all about that poor woman, Of Samaria, But he fulfilled, The word that is before us, Tonight, I came not to call, The righteous, But sinners, To repentance, There's no doubt about it, She bowed before him, When he revealed himself, To her, She fell at his dear feet, For she was so full of him, She went and told her friends, Come, See a man, A precious Christ, There's mercy friends, Wherever you are, If this,

[22:04] Kind and gracious God, Loves you, He'll find you, He'll sort you out, Wherever you are, And he'll bring you to himself, What a blessed doctrine, Is the doctrine of election, I know how nature, Cavils at him, I can look back, Into my own life, Though there was never, Anything open, In this way, I've known it in my mind, Saying to myself, Is this fair, That they should be separated, Brought out by this God, And others left, What a mercy friends, When a little hope, Bubbles up in the heart, That there's love there, For Jesus, For I tell you, If there's love in your heart, To this precious man,

[23:05] It is because his own spirit, Has put it there, And if he's put that love, In your heart to Christ, It is because, He's set your name, In the Lamb's book of life, Chosen in him, A time began, And no man, Will ever separate you, From your God, No devil either, Although again, And again, This Satan accuses you, Seize the things, That are in your heart, If he can't see, Any outward actions, He tells you, You've lost the way, Tells you, You've got no God, Tells you, You've got no hope, If at times, There's something bubbling up, Seeking this precious man, To make manifest, His love toward you, It's his own, It's his own, Blessed work, I came, Not to call,

[24:06] The righteous, Not those, Who go about, With a self-satisfied, Smile upon their faces, I'm holy, I live a good life, I do things, That are right, In the sight of God, Not those, I come, To call, Those who feel, Themselves to be out, Of the way, Who groan inwardly, Again and again, I don't know what to do, Everything seems, To go wrong, When I try, To do right, Those who call, Again and again, Upon this great, And mighty God, Have mercy, Upon my poor soul, I came, Not to call, The righteous, But sinners, To repentance, Is there any repentance, In your heart, Sinner?

[25:04] Ah, You don't need, To stand, As the Pharisees did, Setting forth, All these things, Before men, You don't need, To go into, The house of God, Into a prayer meeting, And pour out, Your heart, Publicly, The Lord, Knows, What's in your heart, In private, It is an infinite, Mercy, To know for yourself, Not what, Other men, Think of you, Or what other men, See or hear of you, But what you know, Of yourself, Before your God, In private, If you are able, To say at times, Lord, Thou knowest, All my desire, Is before thee, My groanings, Are knotted from thee, Lord, Don't leave me, In this wretched place, Have mercy, Upon my poor soul, Is that be with you,

[26:05] Sinner? Jesus said, I came, Not to call, The righteous, But sinners, To repentance, And he'll bless you, Oh, What favour it is, To be found, Near your God, In humility, And confession, Of sin, What's the answer now?

[26:30] The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, Cleanseth us, From all sin, Men speak of this, At times, As though it were of no account, They quote it, But I tell you, Friends, That precious, Precious blood, Of Jesus, Pleaded by a poor, Hell-deserving sinner, Lisp, By him at times, Humbly, Trembling, Helpless in self, Lord, Help me to plead, The blood of Jesus, Do you know, What the effect will be, When, I see the blood, I will, Pass over, It's not history, Friends, It's not that account, In the Old Testament,

[27:31] Of the avenging angel, Passing over, When he saw the blood, Of beasts, On the lintels, And the doorposts, It's the living God, His infinite justice, Obtaining satisfaction, At the sight of the blood, Of his well-beloved son, The satisfaction given, Which putteth away, All sin, And brings in, A full redemption, For the vilest, Of sinners, For the vilest, Of sinners, For the vilest, Of sinners, Blessed character, Whose eyes, Are fixed on Christ, It's what he's done, Sinner, Not what you shall, Ever do, Or what you seek, To attain, To do, Tis what your Jesus, Has brought in for you, An everlasting salvation,

[28:35] I came not to call, The righteous, But sinners, To repentance, Oh, Tis sweet, To look to Jesus, Kind, And strong, To believe it, Friends, Pity, And mercy, And it's joined, With power, The power, Of your God, The living God, Oh, More and more, I desire of him, To enable me, To set these things forth, As living realities, Friends, It's not just something, You read in Gadsby's hymn book, And say, Because it's there, It must be right, It's a living experience, Of a sinner, Looking to, Jesus, And proving, To him, To be kind, And as strong, As he is kind, Able, To deliver from hell,

[29:36] Because, He is Jesus, It's a living religion, Friends, It's not something, Taken up by men, It's the gift of God, Sweet, Sweet, Precious faith, Given to a cast out sinner, Cast out by a holy God, Until he sees his dear son, Standing in his room, Place instead, Real things, These are, What's your religion mean, To your sinner?

[30:11] Does he bring you, Before him, From time to time, Seeking his gracious, Help in the way, Do you live, By your God, And on your God, Here's how you'll get, To heaven, Sinner, It's not coming to chapel, Week in and week out, That's not the essence, Of real religion, It's a right thing to do, To worship, As helped, In spirit and in truth, Publicly, But a living soul, Will worship his God, In his life, Away from chapel, As he moves about, Whether it be in the home, Or in his business, Wherever it be, Seeking that he will go, Before him in the way, Pleading with him, To help him when he falls,

[31:13] Pleading, That his spirit, Will make known unto him, Of the power, Of precious atoning blood, To deliver him from death, Where are you sinner, Our word says, They that are whole, Have no need of the physician, But they that are sick, Are you sick, Sick of self sometimes, Sick of the way, Sick of sin, You look to Jesus, Blessed character, They that are whole, Need not the physician, But they that are sick, You won't die that way, Sinner, Sick in life often, Because of the many things, That spring out, Of your ruined nature, But one day,

[32:15] It will be, Fashioned in a body, Like unto his glorious body, No more sin, No more sorrow, No more death, Swallowed up in a precious Christ, Is this real?

[32:33] They that are whole, Need not the physician, But they that are sick, I came not to call the righteous, But sinners to repentance, Let's look for a moment, Or two, And see if we can find, Some evidences, Some men deride it, And they're not all, In the world, Some religious men do, But it's sweet, To look back, And see your name, In the Lamb's book of life, Isn't it?

[33:10] How do you do that? Look back, And see if you can find, One or two spots in your life, When Jesus was precious, To your soul, You don't have to have your name, On the church book either, To have such places as that, Some of you here, Haven't got your name, On the church book, But dare you say, Your name isn't in the Lamb's book of life, It's tried, Isn't it?

[33:41] You're concerned about it, Aren't you? Why are you? In case it isn't, Who gave you such a concern as that? And what does it matter to you, Whether it is or not?

[33:54] It is, My friends, Because the Spirit of God, Hath revealed, Unto you, A precious Christ, Made him precious to you, In desire, You want to be right, Don't you?

[34:11] Look back to the beginning, Haven't you got one? Wasn't there a former day with you, When things were not the same?

[34:23] A day when it didn't matter, Like it does today? Well there was a beginning, Wasn't there? There was a time of change, And when that change began, There was a hankering after Christ, Wasn't there?

[34:42] Satan will dispute with you, Over these things, And he'll endeavor to cover them up, But he can't blot them out, Can he?

[34:55] There have been some times, In your past, Experience, When Jesus was precious to your soul, When he visited you, When he spoke into your soul, Words of life, It isn't fantasy, Is it friends?

[35:18] And what's the evidence of this? Because you can't give it up, Can you? You wouldn't want it washed out, Would you?

[35:28] No, You want it to come again, Don't you sinner? You want the Lord, To bless your soul again, You want him to revive, Those times of love, You want him to confirm, With a living, Precious kiss, Salvation in your soul, It's his own work sinner, They that are whole, Need not the position, They that are sick, And that's where you are, You want him to come again, And heal your soul, With that loving kindness, And tender mercy, That is inherent, In the manhood of a precious Christ, Come and bless me Lord, This is your desire, Isn't it?

[36:27] I came not to call the righteous, But sinners to repentance, It isn't self-righteousness with you, It doesn't cause you to go about, With your head high in the air, Does it?

[36:45] Found amongst those, Who would sooner sit at the back, And then stand in the front of men, It's the work of God, The grace of God, Brings one into a place, Of humility, It brings him again, And again to this place, He must increase, I must decrease, Blessed character, Lay that a hole, Need not the position, You won't die without him, Sinner, He's going to make it over, To you in his own good time, He's going to tell you, With sweet assurance, He loves you forever, What the Lord does, Is perfect, He doesn't begin, And leave the matter, What he begins,

[37:45] He finishes, He'll bring you home, To glory, Ah, But friends, It isn't only those, Who are, In this way, Of seeking, It's you, Who have found, You, To whom the Lord, Hath made himself precious, You want him too, Don't you, Again, They that are whole, Need not the physician, You who've made public profession, You who've joined the church, You can't rest there, Can you, You want those days, To return again, The days, When he dandled you, Upon his knee, When without almighty power, He forced you in, Satan's been many times,

[38:46] Since then, Isn't he, He's convinced you, You're a sinner, Still, How has he done that, By showing you time, And time again, Your weakness, Brought you into places, Where you've fallen again, Hasn't he, This great arch enemy, Of your soul, He never separates you, From your God, He's open, To your understanding, They that are whole, Need not the physician, But they that are sick, And it's simply confirmed, Again to you, None but Jesus, None but Jesus, Can do, Helpless sinners good, Oh these are, Blessed realities, Friends, Tis the pathway, Of a child of God, Called by, Free and sovereign grace,

[39:49] Brought to an understanding, Of his entire, Helplessness, In his old nature, Dependent upon, A kind and gracious God, But the words, Of Jesus, Will ever suffice, I came, Not to call, The righteous, But sinners, To repentance, My friends, If he brings you, To his dear feet, Pleading mercy, For his own, Great namesake, He'll carry you, Through all, The changing, Scenes of time, Until he takes you, Home to glory, His name, Is in it, He'll never leave you, Nor forsake you, You'll fight your battles, For you, You'll prove the word, Given in the old testament, The battle is not yours, But God's, It is, For Jesus' sake, The end,

[40:50] Will be sure, There is that rest, Then, That remaineth, For the people of God, It's a rest, You come into the house of God, For at times, Isn't it, A rest, From the things, Of this life, To be separated, For a little while, From the troubles, That arise, Again and again, To be found, In the little of their peace, That is, Centered in Jesus, But that rest, That remaineth, For the people of God, Will be a permanent rest, Swallowed up, In everlasting love, In the rolling ages, Of eternity, Do you look forward, Sinner, Sometimes, It's certain, None will ever be able, To alter that, The enemy, The enemy, With all his charges,

[41:51] Against you, All his endeavors, To separate you, From your God, Never be able, To alter that certainty, They shall be mine, In the day, When I make up my jewels, One day, It will be, To see him, Whom your soul loveth, A precious Jesus, Is there anything, Comparable to him here, What a question, Here again, We prove it, Don't we, The flesh, Battling against, The spirit, For the flesh, Says sometimes, Well I'm going to get, As much, Comfort as I can, While in this world, And seeks for it, But when the spirit, Of God, Opens a little, Of a living Jesus,

[42:52] To the soul, What can compare, With his beauty, King Jesus, All your salvation, May the Lord, Help us then, Encourage us a little, In his word tonight, I came, Not to call, The righteous, But sinners, To repentance, The Lord, Have his blessing, In his name, We shall have the praise, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen,