[0:00] First book of Samuel, in the 30th chapter and at the 6th verse. The first book of Samuel, chapter 30 and at verse 6.
[0:18] And David was greatly distressed. For the people spake of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved.
[0:30] Every man for his sons and for his daughters. But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.
[0:45] It is the opening and the closing praises of this verse. To which I particularly call attention. Standing as they do in close relationship and yet in close contrast.
[1:06] And David was greatly distressed. But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.
[1:19] The kind of situation that many a Christian man finds himself in from time to time. At one and the same moment.
[1:34] Greatly distressed. Greatly encouraged. Or as the Hebrew reads. Not so much encouraged as strengthened.
[1:47] A strength that produces encouragement. Very often Christian people find that things are black and bright.
[1:59] Not by turns. Not by turns. But both at once. That was David's experience in this case. Let us see what it has to say to us.
[2:17] David was greatly distressed. But David encouraged. Strengthened himself. Strengthened himself. In the Lord his God.
[2:32] The first thing that I would set before you. Is this fact that. David's experience shows us that God's people are not exempt.
[2:42] Or accepted. Or accepted. From. The common distresses. And ills. And sorrows. Of human life. And I would lay that down as a proposition.
[2:57] God's people. Christian people are not. By reason of the fact that they are Christian people. Automatically. Exempt. From the ordinary ills.
[3:08] And distresses and troubles. Of human life. At this moment. David. Was called.
[3:19] And was chosen. By God. But he was not yet king. He had a measure of experience. As a servant of the Lord.
[3:31] But he was still. A relatively young man. Saul. Was still on the throne. David. Was Saul's lieutenant.
[3:43] In the army. Of Israel. And here. In this situation. The account of which. We read in the 29th chapter. Not for the first time.
[3:55] It may be said. David finds himself. Frustrated. By the turn of events. He finds himself. Distressed. By his own personal.
[4:07] And family circumstances. He finds himself. Therefore. As a result. Baffled. By the apparent.
[4:19] Inconsistence. Of it all. Why should this happen. To him. Why should this kind of thing.
[4:29] Happen to any truly. Christian man. Are not God's people. Chosen. Before the foundation.
[4:39] Of the world. Are they not loved. With an everlasting love. Are they not placed. Into Christ. And brought. Into an inheritance.
[4:50] Incorruptible. And undefiled. And that. Fadeth. Not away. Are they not more. Than conquerors. Through him. That love. Indeed.
[5:01] They are. And yet. David. Greatly. Discussed. And that is something.
[5:13] I surmise. That. Almost every one of us here. Today. Who is a Christian. Would have. To say. Is something.
[5:26] That we know something about. I lay it down. As a. Basic principle. That will help us. Very greatly.
[5:37] In our understanding. Of life's distresses. That God does not. Exempt. His people. From the common. Troubles. And sorrows. Of life.
[5:50] Beware. My friends. The people. Within Christendom. Who promise you. That if only. You become a Christian. Or if only.
[6:01] You are a certain. Kind of Christian. Or if only. As a Christian. You do this. Or that. You'll never have to face. Illness.
[6:12] Or sorrow. Or family trouble. Or any of those. Things. That fall upon men. As men. Those black. Sorrows.
[6:22] That bow. The spirit. To the ground. People who promise that. Promise what they can't perform. People who promise that.
[6:32] Promise what your God. And heavenly father. Never undertook. To do. For you. For you. If their theory were right.
[6:45] The most godly. Would be the most immune. From natural sorrows. And troubles. And yet. The testimony of scripture.
[6:57] The testimony of Christian. Biography. That it may be. I know not. It may be. The testimony of your own heart. Would be. The more you have known.
[7:11] Of the Lord. The more. The floodgates. Of sorrow. In a natural sense. Have been opened. Upon you.
[7:22] Here is David. A man. After God's. Own heart. What greater tribute. To a Christian man. Could be paid than that.
[7:34] Here is a man. After God's own heart. And he's. Greatly. Distressed. You're a beast. And you've been.
[7:46] Tempted to think. That you're. The only one. Ever to walk. Such a path. Here is a man. Before you. This morning. Who's walked.
[7:58] That path. Now let me. Unfold this matter. A little further. God. Does not. Automatically. And mechanically.
[8:08] Exempt. Christian people. From the natural. Sorrows. And troubles. Of mortal life. Notice. In the case. Of David. That this is so.
[8:19] In spite. Of David's. Obedience. To God. When. God. Called. David. From his shepherding.
[8:32] To. Become. A courtier. It's my natural. Inclination. Or. A. A. It's a better.
[8:42] Economic. Proposition. That's. Where I want. To be. God. Called. David. From keeping. The sheep. To a place.
[8:52] In the court. Of Saul. David. Obeyed. David. Went. Saul's court. And yet. While in natural terms.
[9:05] It must have seemed. Seemed. And does seem. A grand promotion. From wandering. The hills. With a flock. Of sheep.
[9:16] To a place. In a royal. Court. A royal. House. It was natural. Promotion. But. Saul's court. Was a treacherous. Place. For any man. To be.
[9:29] That. Philip. Who. Hid. Javelins. Under his. Ceremonial. Robes. And hurled them. At people.
[9:40] In his audience. Chamber. Against whom. He happened. To take it. It's like. Saul's court. Was not. Exactly. A safe place. David.
[9:51] Discovered it. And David. Was subjected. To it. But after. The first. Experience. David.
[10:02] Didn't turn around. And say. Well that's a risk. I'm not prepared. To take. I'm back. To my sheep. God. Put him there. And David. Stay.
[10:16] Or again. When God. When God. Caused the heart. Of every man. In Israel. To fail. For fear. Of Goliath. Of God.
[10:27] Every man. That is. Except one. And that man. David. David. Didn't. Shirk. The situation. The honor.
[10:37] Of his God. Was at stake. He obeyed. My friends. If. To be. Obedient. To the heavenly vision.
[10:49] Is the way. To find. Natural. Mortal. Life. Easy. Then David. Should never. Have been. In any distress. At all. Obedience.
[11:02] Is. A path. Of blessing. Obedience. Can be. A path. Of blessing. But it. Isn't. A mechanical. Guarantee. That mortal. Circumstances.
[11:12] And human. Life. Will be. Plain. And easy. And straightforward. Obedient. And yet.
[11:24] David. Was. Greatly. Distressed. Or again. Let me put it. Like this. Still.
[11:34] Pressing. This point. That God. Does not. Exempt. His people. From the common. Troubles. Of life. You will see. That David's. Distress. Is also.
[11:45] In spite. Of his. Evident. Faithfulness. To God. I am not. Implying. That David.
[11:56] That David. Was a perfect man. Who never. Failed. Who never. Sinned. But how. Do you. Account. For the fact.
[12:06] That David. Stayed. In. Saul's. Court. Which was. Corrupt. Which was. Wretched. Which was. Dangerous. Which in many. Respects. Was evil.
[12:16] And profane. How do you. Explain. The fact. That he. Stayed. There. Except. That he. Knew. That God. Put him. There. And he. Was. Faithful. To God's.
[12:27] Call. The profanity. And the wickedness. His soul. Hated. He. Would. Gladly. Have. Turned. His. Back. On it. And gone. Back. To the hills. And the sheep. The bleating.
[12:38] Of the sheep. Would have been. Music. In his ears. Many. A time. In his experiences. Within. Saul's. Court. God.
[12:50] Put him. There. And David. Was not only. Obedient. He was. Faithful. To God's. Call. Faithful. But. Also. Greatly.
[13:02] Distressed. Or. Again. I put it. Like this. Still.
[13:13] Stressing. This fact. That God. Does not. Automatically. Or. Mechanically. Exempt. His people. From. Natural. Sorrows. Observe. The fact.
[13:23] That David. Came. Into. This. Bitter. Experience. In spite. Of. His. Zeal. For. God. And. The things. Of. David's.
[13:34] Was. A. Warm. Hearted. Religion. David. Was. No. Cold. Hearted. Servant. Heart. And. Soul. Were. Bent. On. God's.
[13:44] Cause. And. God's. Glory. The. Fervor. Of. His. Youth. The. Ardor. Of. His. Faith. The. Flame. Of. His. Devotion. The. Passion. Of. His. Warm.
[13:54] Hearted. Spirit. All. Ran. Out. In. An. Amazing. Zeal. For. God. Zeal. According. To. Knowledge. Zeal.
[14:05] According. To. Understanding. And. Yet. To. David's. Great. Zeal. There. Was. Added. Great.
[14:16] Distress. God. Does. Not. Automatically. Exempt. His. People. However.
[14:27] Obedient. However. Faithful. However. Zealous. In. His. Name. And. His. Cause. He. Does. Not. Automatically. Exempt. His. People. From. The. Troubles. And. The. Sorrows.
[14:38] That. Pertain. To. Natural. Mortal. Life. Let. Us. Then. Endeavor.
[14:48] To. Learn. The. Lesson. Of. These. Things. First. Of. All. I. Would. Put. It. Like. This. And. Say. What.
[14:59] Is. The. Reason. That. A. Christian. Man. Obeys. God. And. Is. Faithful. To. God. And. Loves. God. The.
[15:13] Reason. Why. A. Christian. Man. Obeys. God. And. Is. Faithful. To. God. And. Loves. God. With. All. His. Heart. And. Soul. Is. Is. Is. Is. Is. God. Is. His. God. And. God.
[15:24] Is. That. God. Is. The. Right. To. Require. These. Things. Of. His. People. We. Are. Wrong. If.
[15:35] We. Think. If. We. Allow. Ourselves. Even. To. Begin. To. Think. That. Obedience. And. Faithfulness. And. Zeal. On. The. Part. Of. A. Christian.
[15:46] Man. Is. Some. Kind. Of. A. Bait. Some. Kind. Of. An. Inducement. Some. Kind. Of. A. Persuasive. To. God. To.
[15:56] Do. Certain. Things. For. His. People. That. He. Has. Never. Promised. To. Do. There. No. Mechanical. Connection. Between.
[16:06] Our. Response. To. Him. In. Those. Things. And. What. He. Does. With. Us. In. Natural. Things. God. Is. Not. A. Pagan. Deity.
[16:18] Whose. Favor. Has. To. Be. Bought. With. Sops. And. Persuasives. And. Inducement. We. Don't.
[16:28] Love. Him. To. Get. Something. From. Him. We. Love. Him. Because. We. Have. Got. Something. From. Him. We. Love. Him. Because. He. First. Loved. Us. And. We. Can't.
[16:38] Help. Ourselves. Loving. Him. In. Return. We. Don't. Obey. His. Commands. In. Order. To. Drag.
[16:49] Something. Out. Of. Him. That. He. Has. Never. Promised. To. Give. We. Obey. Him. Because. We. See. Who. He. Is. Because. We. Know. Who. He. Is. Because. We. Recognize.
[17:00] That. What. He. Requires. Is. Right. And. Good. To. His. Glory. And. To. Our. Blessing. We. Are. Not. Faithful.
[17:10] To. That. Degree. To. Which. We. Are. Faithful. To. His. Call. To. Us. Each. In. Our. Particular. Calling. And. Station. We. Are. Not. Faithful. In. Order. To. Persuade. Him. To.
[17:21] Do. That. Which. He. Has. Never. Promised. To. Do. But. Because. Because. We. Love. Him. We. Will. Do.
[17:32] That. Which. Pleases. It's. Spiritually. Unhealthy. Indeed. It is. An. Unchristian. Thing. If. We. Let. Ourselves.
[17:42] Ever. Get. To. The. Point. Where. We. Regard. The. Degree. Of. Our. Christian. Standing. Or. Service. As. The. Means. Or. The. Measure.
[17:54] Of. The. Lord's. Exemption. Of. Us. From. The. Common. Ills. And. Troubles. Of. Life. Something. I. Repeat. That.
[18:04] He. Has. Never. Promised. To. Do. Then. I. Think. Another. Lesson. We. Need. To. Learn. From. This.
[18:17] Is. To. Understand. Clearly. And. Plainly. That. The. Common. Ills. And. Sorrows. Of. Life. Are. Not. Necessarily. Signs.
[18:28] Of. God's. Displeasure. With. His. People. They. Are. Not. Necessarily. Judicial. Punishments. At.
[18:39] All. God. Does. Punish. His. People. God. Does. Discipline. His. People. God. Does. Sometimes. Judicially. Bring. A. Sense. Of. Desertion.
[18:49] Into. The. Soul. And. The. Heart. And. The. Understanding. Of. His. People. But. I. Repeat. That. As. A. General. Rule. The. Common. Ills. And. Sorrows.
[18:59] Of. Natural. Life. Which. Afflict. The. People. Of. God. Are. Not. Normally. Judicial. Punishments. When.
[19:10] These. Things. Come. Upon. God's. People. They. May. Know. That. God. Will. Use. Them. For. Their. Blessing. We.
[19:21] Know. That. All. Things. Work. Together. For. Good. Everything. He. Does. He. Shall. Prosper. Now. The. Good. More. Ill. Can.
[19:32] Come. But. God. Will. Use. It. For. The. Sanctification. Of. His. People. But. A. Common. Distress. A. Common. Illness.
[19:44] A. Common. Sorrow. That. Is. To. Say. A. Sorrow. Or. A. Trouble. That. Is. Common. To. All. Humanity. When. It. Comes. To. A. Christian. Man. Is. Not. Usually. A. Special.
[19:55] And. Particular. Judgment. Of. God. And. So. In. That. Situation. It. Is. Wise. And. It. Is. Right. And. Is. Is. Good. For. Us. To. Stop. And. Examine. Our.
[20:05] Relationship. With. God. And. Ask. The. Question. Now. What. Is. God. Saying. To. Me. Through. This.
[20:16] Thing. Now. Surely. This. Proposition. Is. Proved. To. Be. Right. By. The. Fact. That. Exactly. The.
[20:26] Same. Common. Troubles. Fall. On. Non. Christians. As. Upon. Christians. A. Man. Who. Has.
[20:36] A. Weak. Constitution. Or. Physique. Will. Naturally. Be. Prone. To. Illness. Whether. He's. A. Christian. Or. A. Non. Christian. His.
[20:48] Christian. Status. Does. Not. Normally. Alter. That. Fact. A. Man. Who. Is. Foolish. And. Goes. Out. Into. The. Cold. Insufficiently.
[20:59] Improperly. Clad. In. Winter. Weather. Need. Need. Be. Surprised. If. He. Takes. Cold. If. Nothing. Worse. Whether. He's. A. Christian. Or. A. Non. Christian. The.
[21:10] Processes. Of. Life. Resulting. From. The. Fall. Are. Common. Men. To. Men. And. There. Are. Defects. Of. Human.
[21:20] Nature. That. Work. Out. Their. Course. In. A. Man. And. Bring. Consequent. Troubles. And. Sorrows. Sorrows. Whether. A. Man. Is. A. Christian. Or.
[21:31] Not. These. Things. Are. The. Lot. Of. All. Men. They. Are. Therefore. Not. Necessarily. God.
[21:42] Of. His. People. So. I. Submit. That. David. Shows. Us. That. We. As. Christians. Are.
[21:52] Not. Exempt. We. Are. Not. Promised. That. These. Things. Will. Never. Happen. We. Must. Persevere. In. Our. Life. In.
[22:03] Spite. Of. Them. We. Mustn't. Blame. God. Nor. May. We. Overs. Sensitively. See. Them. As. God's.
[22:13] Displeasure. When. It. Isn't. Really. The. Case. David. Was.
[22:23] Greatly. Distressed. Well. Now. In. The. Second. Place. Let. Us. See. In. David's. Case.
[22:33] Something. Of. The. Cause. Of. These. Common. Troubles. Some. Not. Everything. We.
[22:44] Can. Find. I. Believe. Some. Comfort. In. The. Fact. That. We. Are. Not. Alone. In. These. Things. For. Here. As. A. Great. Man. Of. God. Who. Was. Such. A. Power.
[22:54] For. God. Suffering. For. Just. The. Same. Things. That. We. Suffer. Look.
[23:05] Into. The. Context. Of. Our. Text. And. In. The. Previous. Chapter. You. Find. That. One. Thing. That. David. Endured. Was. Suspicion. And. Suspicion.
[23:16] Is. Never. A. Pleasant. Suspicion. Is. Always. A. Troubles. We. Have. To. Distinguish. Of. Course. Between. Legitimate. And. Illegitimate.
[23:27] Suspicion. Suspicion. That. We. Arose. That. We. Bring. On. Ourselves. By. Our. Own. Follies. Suspicion.
[23:38] That. Comes. From. The. Fact. That. We. Destroy. Other. People's. Confidence. In. Ourselves. And. They. Are. Caused. To. One. Caused. To. Wonder. Whether. We. Are. Reliable. Or.
[23:48] Dependable. Well. That's. Legitimate. Suspicion. But. That. Ill. Natured. Suspicion.
[23:59] That. Illegitimate. Suspicion. That's. Grounded. In. Fear. Or. Jealousy. Or. Something. Worse. Suspicion. That. Imputes.
[24:09] False. Motives. To. Everything. A. Man. Does. Or. Say. That's. The. Kind. Of. Suspicion. That. David. Fell. Under. Saul.
[24:20] Was. Suspicious. Of. David. And. Saul. Was. Suspicious. Of. David. Because. Saul. Was. Jealous. Of. David. But.
[24:32] In. This. Particular. Instance. Surely. The. Philistines. Was. Suspicious. Of. David. Because. Of. A. Certain. Fear. David. In.
[24:42] This. Passage. Had. Fled. From. Saul. He. Had. Found. Refuge. With. The. Philistines. David. Was. Ready. To. Help. Them. And.
[24:53] Achish. One. Of. The. Philistine. Lords. Welcomed. Him. And. His. Men. The. Armies. Were. Lined. Up. Side. By. Side. And. All. Was. Ready. When.
[25:06] Somebody. Raised. The. Cry. What. Is. David. Doing. Here. Achish. Knew. David's.
[25:17] Character. Achish. Protested. David's. Character. He said. Has he not. Been. As an. Angel. Of. God. To. Me. Achish.
[25:28] Knew. David's. Character. But. The. Other. Philistine. Lords. Wouldn't. Have. A. Word. Of. It. They. Imputed. Subtle. Motives. They. Insinuated. All. Matter. Of. Evil.
[25:38] Ends. And. Objectives. To. David's. Coming. Among. Them. And. The. Issue. Was. That. David. Had. To. Leave. Now.
[25:49] Isn't. This. One. Of. The. Common. Pauses. Of. Common. Trouble. Common. Sorrow. People. Say. Why.
[25:59] Is. He. Doing. A. Without. Inquiring. Without. Understanding. Why. A. Man. Is. Doing. A. Particular. Thing. They. Assign. Their. Own. Reason.
[26:11] Which. Is. Usually. Wrong. And. Often. Malicious. And. The. Man. Becomes. A. Victim. Of. This. Illegitimate. Suspicion. Just. As. David. Was. Oh.
[26:22] To. Be. Deliberately. Misjudged. To. Be. The. Victim. Of. Evil. Suspicion. Is. To. Be. Greatly. Distressed. David. Knew. It.
[26:36] And. The. Scripture. Tells. A. Christian. Man. Let. Not. Your. Good. Be. Evil. Spoken. Of. Now.
[26:47] Another. Thing. That. Increased. David's. Distress. Was. Outright. Opposition. When. David. Had. To. Leave. The. Philistines. Here. We. Find. That. He. Walked.
[26:57] Three. Days. To. His. Own. House. Which. Was. In. The. City. Of. Ziklag. When. He. Arrived. At. Ziklag. He. Found. That. The. Amalekites.
[27:07] Had. Attacked. And. Plundered. The. Place. They. Burned. It. They. Taken. Captives. All. The. Women.
[27:17] And. All. The. Children. David. Own. Wife. And. Friends. Included. There's. The. Common. Trouble. Of.
[27:29] Life. Loss. Of. Home. Loss. Of. Wife. Loss. Of. Family. Loss. Of. Friends. All. Through.
[27:39] The. Violence. Of. An. Enemy. No. Wonder. We. Read. Grave. David. Was. Greatly. Distressed. Now. My. Friends. It. Doesn't. Matter. What.
[27:49] Name. You. Write. On. That. Enemy. Call. It. Disease. Or. Death. Or. Poverty. Or. Misfortune. Or. Calamity. Or. Common. Deceit.
[27:59] Or. Suspicion. The. Effect. Is. The. Same. By. These. Things. We. Are. Brought. To. A. Stand. By. The. Opposition. Of. The. Enemy. We.
[28:11] In. A. Situation. Everything. Seems. To. Be. Overturn. What. Was. Is. Now. No. More. What. We. Thought. Was. The. Stable. Case. And. Situation. It.
[28:21] All. Gone. There's. That. Empty. Feeling. Of. Desertion. There's. That. Gnawing. Sense. Of. Irreplaceable. Loss. There's. That. Great.
[28:32] Distress. That. Bows. Us. Down. Blackens. That. Very. Heavens. Above. Us. David. Was.
[28:44] Greatly. Distressed. By. The. Opposition. Of. His. Enemies. But. Then. I. Ask. You. To. Notice. The.
[28:54] Fact. That. David. Found. To. His. Amazement. His. Distresses. Were. Doubled. By. His. Own. Friends. We've.
[29:09] Got. It. In. This. Passage. Here. You. See. In. The. Beginning. Of. Chapter. Thirty. That. The. Men. Of. Ziklag. Argued. That. By. David's. Absence. From.
[29:19] Ziklag. He. Was. Responsible. For. Its. Fall. To. The. Amalekites. That's. Why. They. Spoke. Of. Stoning. Him. Because. The. Soul.
[29:30] Of. All. The. People. Was. Grieved. Every. Man. For. His. Sons. And. For. His. Daughters. And. You. May. Say. Well. Of. Course. They. Were. Grieved. They.
[29:41] Were. As. Much. In. Trouble. And. Sorrow. As. David. Was. In. This. Particular. Matter. Yes. It. May. Have. Been. Natural. But.
[29:51] It. Wasn't. Right. It. Wasn't. Right. That. They. Blamed. David. And. Human. Nature. Seldom. Stops. To. Think. Whether. Her. Reasons.
[30:01] Are. Right. How. Much. Sin. How. Is. On. The. Grounds. That. It. Only. Human.
[30:11] Nature. As. Though. Human. Nature. Is. Infallible. The. Door. Man. Human. Nature. Has. Got. To. Be. Pandored. And. Could. Do. No.
[30:22] Wrong. How. Many. A. Man. Comes. Before. A. Court. Guilty. Of. A. Crime. Before. God. And. Man. And. Is. Discharged. On.
[30:32] The. Plea. Of. Diminished. Responsibility. Because. It's. His. Nature. To. Do. This. Kind. Of. Thing. Now.
[30:43] What. Happened. In. David's. Case. Here. Is. This. That. When. David. Went. Away. From. Zichlag. To. The. Court. Of. Saul. He. Did. It. At. God's. Call.
[30:54] But. He. Also. Did. It. With. The. Ascent. And. Consent. And. The. Admiration. And. The. Applaudits. Of. All. His. Neighbors.
[31:04] And. Friends. Almost. Like. A. Brilliant. Young. Man. In. A. Village. Community. In. Time. Of. War. He. Goes. Away. To. Fight. For. King. And. Country. And. Everybody.
[31:16] Applauds. Him. For. His. Loyalty. That's. The. Spirit. With. Which. David. Was. Sent. Away. From. Zichlag. To. The. Court. Of. Saul. But.
[31:27] No. Because. He's. Away. From. Zichlag. At. The. Court. Of. Saul. When. Zichlag. Is. Plundered. They. Blame. Him. For. Being. There. At. The. Court. Of. Saul. And.
[31:37] Not. In. Zichlag. To. Help. Defend. All. The. Unreasonableness. The. Heartlessness. The. Crass. Contradictoriness. Of. Human.
[31:48] Nurture. Says. Our. Lord. A. Man's. Foes. Shall. Be. They. Of. His. Own. Household. It.
[31:59] Was. So. With. David. Yes. But. Let. Us. Not. Get. This. Out. Of. Proportion. It. Isn't. Always. The. Other. Person. Whether. It's.
[32:09] In. The. Family. The. Community. The. Church. The. Nation. That. Is. Wrong. The. Human. Heart. Is. Deceitful. And. Desperately. Wicked. And. That. Includes.
[32:20] Yours. And. Mine. We. Are. Often. Our. Own. Worst. Enemies. Because. We. Misjudge. Ourselves. We.
[32:32] Flatter. Ourselves. When. We. Ought. To. Rebuke. Ourselves. We. Please. Ourselves. When. We. Pretend. We're. Pleasing. God. My.
[32:43] Friends. Nobody. Deceives. Us. As. Much. As. We. Deceive. Ourselves. Especially. In. Spiritual. Things. That. Even. David. Was. Guilty.
[32:54] Here. As. He. Admits. Again. And. Again. In. His. Psalms. So. The. Lesson. Surely. Must. Be. You. Find.
[33:04] Yourself. Troubled. And. Distressed. Before. You. Blame. The. Philistines. Or. The. Amalekites. Be.
[33:14] Sure. You're. Not. In. That. Position. Because. You've. Done. Some. Foolish. Thing. That. Has. Rebounded. On. Your. Own. Head. Well.
[33:26] There. It. Is. The. Common. Troubles. Of. Life. Christian. People. Are. Not. Exempt. From. But.
[33:38] I. Remind. You. And. I. Can. Only. Remind. You. In. Closing. This. Morning. That. At. The. Same. Time. That. David. Was. Greatly. Distressed. He. Was. Also. Encouraged.
[33:52] In. The. Lord. Is. God. Godly. Godly. Godly. Godly. Godly. So. That. Shows. Us. The. Difference. Between. The. Godly. And.
[34:02] The. Ungodly. In. A. Time. Of. Natural. Sorrow. Mortal. Drunk. Human. Nature. Rebels. Against.
[34:13] Its. Trials. The. Non. Christian. Demands. A. Reason. For. His. Trials. The. Non. Christian. Doesn't.
[34:23] Stop. To. Think. Of. God. Until. He. Wants. Someone. To. Blame. For. His. Trials. That. Was. Not. The. Case. With. David. That.
[34:34] Is. Not. The. Case. With. The. Truly. Christian. Man. He. Seizes. Troubles. They. Rise. Like. Mountains. But.
[34:44] Towering. Over. All. The. Mountains. As. The. Lord. Is. God. And. In. The. Lord. Defines. Encouragement. And. Strength. Trials.
[34:55] Are. Black. His. God. Is. Bright. He. Doesn't. Want. His. Troubles. But. He. Does. Want. His. God. He. Needs. Strength. And. Courage. If.
[35:05] He. Isn't. To. Go. Under. That. He. Finds. In. His. God. So. He. Is. Greatly. Distressed. And.
[35:17] At. The. Same. Time. He. Strengthens. Himself. In. The. Lord. His. God. In. The. Time. Of.
[35:28] Natural. Trouble. Natural. Forrow. That. Is. Common. To. The. Lot. Of. All. Men. Where. The. Man. Of. The. World. Rebels. The. Man. Of. God.
[35:38] Discovers. His. Hidden. Resources. Where. The. Man. Of. The. World. Can. Only. Then. Be. The. Man. Of. God.
[35:50] Puts. Faith. To. The. Test. And. Provides. In. The. Time. Of. Such. Sorrow. When. A. Man. Of. The. World. Resolves.
[36:00] His. Universe. Into. It. Self. And. Becomes. Morbid. And. Self. Pity. The. Man. Of. God. Discovers. The. Vastness. Of. God. Grace. The.
[36:10] Strength. Of. God. Power. And. Love. Oh. Trouble. By. Itself. Is. Tragedy. Indeed. But. Trouble.
[36:20] That. Has. God. To. Reckon. With. Has. Met. Its. Master. If. God. Can. Master. Your. Sin. He.
[36:30] Can. Master. Your. Son. David. Was. Greatly. Mistressed. But. David. Encouraged. Himself.
[36:42] Strangely. And. Helf. In. The. Lord. His. God. He. Met. His. Sorrow. In. The. Strength. Of. His. God. I've.
[36:52] Lived. Many. A. Year. To. Honor. Him. And. Serve. Him. After. That. Particular. Sorrow. Had. Passed. Away. And.
[37:03] His. Testimony. Was. And. His. Commendation. Of. His. God. To. The. People. Of. God. Was. Passed. Thy. Burden.
[37:15] Upon. The. Lord. For. He. Shall. Sustain. The. David. Was.
[37:25] Greatly. Distressed. God. That. David. Encouraged. Himself. In the. Board. Is.
[37:37] God. May. God. Enable. Us. To. Do. The. So. And. Know. The. Same. This. Amen.