Pentecost (Quality: Good)

Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 5

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Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] We turn this evening to the words found in the book of the Acts of the Apostles in the second chapter and at the first verse.

[0:12] The second chapter in the book of the Acts of the Apostles at the first verse. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

[0:28] And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

[0:42] And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues.

[0:58] As the Spirit gave them utterance. Now the separation of the public holiday from what used to be known as Quit Sunday has meant, I think, in many circles, a common forgetfulness of the historic event of the coming of the Holy Spirit into the world on the day of Pentecost.

[1:30] I am neither a servant nor a slave of the ecclesiastical calendar. But since we observe the traditional dates of the birth and the death and the resurrection of our blessed Lord, then so should we remember that fifty days after the resurrection, ten days after the ascension of Christ, the Holy Spirit was given.

[1:58] This is as surely and as certainly and as unmistakably a fact of history as those other great glorious gospel events.

[2:11] God's purposes, the gospel, are all wrought out in time through historical events.

[2:25] And these are the events. We should never forget that. And if we make this annual observance of these events, it is, to say the least, a way of remembering these things.

[2:43] Of course, the observant is not essential. It is not commanded upon us. We are under no obligation to observe any of these occasions, and indeed some Christians refuse to observe them.

[2:57] On the ground that the only day we are commanded to observe in Holy Scripture is the first day of the week. And they have a great deal of evidence on their side.

[3:07] But I say, and I put it no higher than this, that as aids to memory, these occasions are useful.

[3:20] Well, this evening then, let me endeavour to call your attention to three things concerning the coming of the Holy Spirit into the world.

[3:31] I would like to speak first about the time of his coming, and then about the manner of his coming, and then about the results of his coming.

[3:46] In the first place, there is much to learn from the time when the Spirit of God came into the world.

[3:56] Nothing is without significance in Scripture, or in what God does. And it is of considerable significance that the Spirit of God came when the day of Pentecost was fully come.

[4:15] I ask you to notice, therefore, that the Spirit of God came in God's chosen and God's appointed time.

[4:33] There are set times to favour Zion. There are chosen times. The Holy Spirit, who, of course, did not come into being on the day of Pentecost, but who is as eternal as the Father and the Son.

[4:50] The Holy Spirit is not at all times as active as in his manifest workings. The wind bloweth when, as well as where, it listens.

[5:06] Indeed, God is a God of order, as we are told in Scripture that he is. If God carries out a predetermined plan in time and in history, as we are assured by, certainly God must have decreed the date of the gift and the coming of the Holy Spirit in that year A.D. 30.

[5:31] It was a date in God's mind. It was a date that was kept. And on that principle I say every time of refreshing in a church or a nation comes only as God selects the time.

[5:53] The occasion. At times God withholds. At times he pours out his spirit. And God has his times.

[6:05] And it is wise for us to remember that whatever our feelings or desires, we cannot alter those times. It is much to the regret of many of us that we have never lived in a season of what would be understood historically as a season of awakening or reviving.

[6:27] Nothing of the kind has been known in England in the lifetime of anyone now living. That is not to say that God's spirit has not been at work.

[6:38] Indeed he has. But a time of awakening, of quickening. When not only one here and there, but many.

[6:50] Dozens, scores, hundreds of people. Are brought to conviction and conversion. At times God withholds his spirit.

[7:01] At times he pours the spirit out. But the time is in God's hand. Just as was the coming on the day of Pentecost.

[7:15] There are times of course that God appoints in individual experience. The appointed time rolls on apace as Daniel Herbert says in his hymn.

[7:27] Who's appointed time? Not yours. Not mine. But God's. The time of the spirit's coming.

[7:39] Is something chosen and appointed by God. Another thing concerning the time of the coming of the spirit.

[7:53] Is that the giving. The spirit of God was given. After the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. After. Not before.

[8:06] Not after the resurrection. But after the ascension. Not after he rose from the dead. In all the power and glory.

[8:16] Of his bodily resurrection. But after he had returned to heaven. Whence he came. Had sat down at the right hand of God.

[8:28] And was glorified. Then. And not before. Did the spirit come. And there is purpose in that. There were forty days of public ministry.

[8:41] In the life of our Lord. Between his resurrection. And his ascension. And then there were ten days of waiting. Before the spirit was poured forth.

[8:54] It is a fact that every essential thing. In the living experience of a living soul. Has its relationship with one or other.

[9:06] Of these great things in the life of Christ. Christ's life is our imputed righteousness. We have no righteousness of our own.

[9:19] But Christ's life was a life of perfect righteousness. And it is that righteousness of his perfect life. That is imputed or reckoned.

[9:31] To his people. We depend on his life. It is equally true of course. That we depend on his death.

[9:42] For his death is our pardon. His death is our ransom. So there is a connection. Between the different events.

[9:56] And then of course the scripture makes it perfectly plain. That Christ's resurrection is our justification. We are reckoned righteous.

[10:08] In ourselves. We are reckoned justified before God. On the ground of the fact that Christ has risen. And in his rising received the vindication of his finished work.

[10:24] And then when we come to his ascension. To his return to glory. We come to that which brings about the sending of the Holy Spirit.

[10:36] And the spiritual gifts. That edify the body of Christ. There is a great statement about this. In the epistle to the Ephesians.

[10:47] In the fourth chapter. At verse 8 we read. When he ascended up on high. He led captivity captive. And gave gifts unto men.

[11:00] And he gave some apostles. And some prophets. And some evangelists. And some pastors. And teachers. For the perfecting of the saints.

[11:13] For the work of the ministry. For the edifying. Of the body of Christ. And this is. Something of a parallel.

[11:24] To what happened in ancient times. When a king went to war. When war. When war was so much. A limited thing.

[11:36] By comparison. With anything we know today. A king went to war. Conquered. Another city. Or distant. Returned in triumph.

[11:48] To his own nation and people. And he was duly honored. And a part of the ceremony. Of honoring. Of honoring. The conquering king.

[11:59] Was that that king. Then dispensed. Gifts. Privileges. Ransoms. Pardons. All manner of benefits. To his own subject.

[12:09] Why? To celebrate his victory. Now I say. That's a parallel. That's a picture. Of what happened. To our blessed Lord. Jesus Christ.

[12:20] When the triumphant Christ. Went home to glory. Under completion. Of his work. He received honor. From his father. And he.

[12:32] Stattered gifts. Unto his church. That is when it happened. And clearly that is why it happened.

[12:43] It was in this historical setting. That it happened. The spirit of God. Was not sent forth. Before Jesus. Was glorified.

[12:54] In his ascension. Then when he went home. When he was glorified. At the father's right hand. He liberally poured out.

[13:05] Upon his church. Below. In the person and work. Of the Holy Spirit. Those gifts. The church needed. For her own edification.

[13:16] And for her own witness. And testimony. You may say. But why then did ten days elapse. Between the ascension of Christ.

[13:28] And the giving of the spirit. The only reason I can suggest. Is in order to teach the church patience. And the church still needs to learn patience.

[13:38] To teach the church patience. To wait God's time. And God's moving. We can see no reason. So far as our understanding goes.

[13:52] Why the spirit should not have come. After. The day after. Or at the time. As the Lord Jesus sat down. At the right hand of the majesty on high.

[14:03] God. But God had a reason. And that's what matters. And I submit. That the reason was. In order to teach the church patience.

[14:15] To teach us. That divine gifts. Are sovereign. And cannot be commanded. To teach us. That the timing of these things. Is in God's hands.

[14:27] Every gift. To the church. Is a gift of the spirit. And the spirit himself. Is the gift. Of the father. And of the son.

[14:39] The time of the gift. Was as it had to be. After the ascension. Of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[14:54] But then again. I ask you to notice. The spirit was given. At Pentecost. Pentecost. You well know. Was a feast of the Jews. Connected.

[15:05] With harvest. And. It was as old. As the Levitical law. There are many. Ancient writers.

[15:16] Who say. That Pentecost. In antiquity. Was the time. When the law. Was given. At Sinai. When the law.

[15:29] Was given. At Sinai. Now. If so. If that be so. Surely. It is of significance. That on the anniversary. Of the giving of the law.

[15:40] Amidst thunder. And lightning. On the anniversary. Of that giving of the law. The gospel. God knew.

[15:51] God's better law. Was proclaimed. With mighty wind. And tons of fire. Pentecost. To the Jews. As I say.

[16:02] Was a harvest. Thanksgiving. They weighed. A sheaf. Before the Lord. They consecrated. The harvest. They returned. Thanks for it. Well.

[16:13] To our blessed Lord. The Passover. Was his time of sowing. That was when he began. His passion. That was when he entered.

[16:25] Into his sorrows. The Passover. Passover. Was his time of sowing. Pentecost.

[16:35] Was the day. Of his reaping. Pentecost. Was the day. When he sent forth. The spirit. The spirit. Who began. The gospel harvest.

[16:46] In the new testament. Sense. The choice. Of the day. Of Pentecost. As the time. Of the effusion. Of the spirit. Is full.

[16:58] Of significance. Yet again. I call attention. To the fact. That the spirit. Of God. Was given. At Pentecost.

[17:09] At this particular. Time of year. Because. There was. On. On that occasion. The most. Need of it. You recall.

[17:22] The occasion. As recorded. In the. Book of. The acts. Of the apostles. The crowds. Were gathered. In Jerusalem. On that occasion. They'd come.

[17:33] From all parts. We are told. The parts. From which. They came. Parthians. Medes. Elamites. Mesopotamia. Judea. Cappadocia.

[17:43] Pontus. Asia. Phrygia. Pamphylia. Egypt. Libya. Cyrene. Rome. Crete. Sarabia. Jerusalem.

[17:54] Was filled. With people. Crowded. With people. What. Would have. Been. The point. Of giving. The gift. Of many. Languages.

[18:06] If there. Were no. Strangers. Who knew. Those. Languages. Present. To hear. The people. Who spoke. Those languages. In their own. Country. Were there. All together.

[18:17] On that. Occasion. That the city. Was full. They were there. For a feast. The feast. Of Pentecost. There was a festival.

[18:28] Atmosphere. Abroad. And it was opportune. It was fit. It was right. That God. In high heaven. Should say. To his.

[18:39] Holy Spirit. Trust in the sickle. For the harvest. Of the earth. Is ripe. There was a spirit.

[18:49] Of hearing given. There was the spirit. Of God. To bless the word. There were the apostles. To preach the word. And there were the rest.

[19:01] Of the 120 believers. To help. Those who were inquiring. The way of salvation. The time. I say. Was perfect.

[19:14] It was a time. Of much need. And it was a time. When the spirit. Was given. Yet again.

[19:25] I cannot help. But point out. That the time. Of the spirits. Given. Was a time. When there was. Complete unity. Among God's people. We read.

[19:37] They were all. With one accord. In one place. They were of one heart. They were of one might.

[19:51] Of one concern. And one desire. And it was spiritual. And my friends. Here's a lesson. For us. We say.

[20:01] We desire. Prosperity. We say. We. Have a hope. For reviving. For quickening. Quickening. For the Holy Spirit. Outpouring. On his word.

[20:12] Here. And indeed. Everywhere. Everywhere. But if scripture. Means anything. At all. If scripture. Precedent.

[20:22] Is anything. To go by. There will be no. Pouring forth. Of the spirit. Of God. Until there is. One. Accord. Among us. In this place.

[20:34] Or in any place. When there are no. Cold hearts. When there's no. Apathy. When there's no. Prejudice. When there's no.

[20:45] Bigotry. Then we may. Expect. To see. The spirit. Of God. Coming. In power. And resting. Upon us. They were. All.

[20:56] With. One. Accord. In one. Place. The time. Of this. Outpouring. Was significant. Even the.

[21:06] New Testament. Churches. Were not always. One. By one. Of one. Accord. You read that. You find that. When you read. The epistles.

[21:17] There were troubles. At times. In the church. At Corinth. There were troubles. In various places. In various churches. But this. Was a time. When there were. Of one accord.

[21:27] And that. Was the time. When the spirit. Of God. Was poured forth. The timing. Of the coming.

[21:38] Of the spirit. Was highly. Significant. Then of course. I cannot help. Point out. The fact.

[21:48] That the spirit. Of God. Was given. At a time. When there was. Unusual. Energy. And purpose. In prayer. Men should. Always pray.

[21:59] In. But we all know. Both personally. And corporately. That prayer. Is a variable. Thing. In terms of experience.

[22:10] Sometimes it flows. And sometimes. It seems to be stocked up. Sometimes. It is. Free. And. Forceful. Sometimes.

[22:21] It's as dry. And. Barren. As can be. Well. This was a time. When there was. Unusual. Energy. And purpose. All these people.

[22:32] These 120. Believers. In the upper room. Had been praying. We are told. In verse 14. Of chapter 1. These all. Continued. With one accord.

[22:42] In prayer. And. Supplication. In fact. They did little else. In those 10. Waiting. Days. Wrestling.

[22:54] Power. Wrestling. Prayer. Can wonders do. When there's a spirit of prayer. Abroad in the church. It's likely.

[23:04] That the spirit of God. Comes. With mighty power. I say likely. I dare not say more than that. Certainly. That is the time.

[23:15] That the spirit of God. Chose. A time. When the church. When the church. Is bathed. In prayer. But again.

[23:26] I would. Put it like this. And say the time. When the spirit of God. Was given. Was a time of quietness. And of expectation. The picture. You've got to have in mind.

[23:37] Is not of the multitudes. Out in Jerusalem. Gathered for the feast. The picture. You have in mind. For the time. For the circumstances. Of the coming. Of the spirit. Was the 120.

[23:48] In the upper room. That the church. The church. Of Jerusalem. There may have been. Excitement. Undoubtedly. There was excitement.

[23:59] Among the festival. Visitors. To Jerusalem. But there was no excitement. In the upper room. There was no dancing about. There was no jigging about.

[24:12] In the upper room. Among those 120. They were there. And they would have. One accord. More than one heart. And mind. And purpose. And they continued.

[24:22] In prayer. And supplication. And remember. It was upon them. It was upon the 120.

[24:33] It was not upon the multitudes. In the city. That the spirit came. The spirit did not come. On the multitudes. It came on the church. And that's always.

[24:44] Where reviving begins. In the church. You can't revive. Where there is no life. The very term. The very word. Revive. Means. Bring to life.

[24:55] That which has it. But appears. To have lost it. It happened. In the upper room. Where there was this quietness. Of expectation.

[25:06] When we add expectation. When we add expectation. To supplication. When we do it in a regular. Unexcited way. We may look for the spirit to work.

[25:21] Excitement. And enthusiasm. Especially psychologically. Or emotionally induced. Is so common. Is so common. Nowadays. In so many circles.

[25:33] And it is so commonly believed. To be an essential thing. In connection with any activity. Or function. Of the Holy Spirit. I think Spurgeon's advice.

[25:47] Is very good advice. Don't mistake perspiration. For inspiration. The spirit was given.

[25:58] When there was a sober. Wholesome. Quiet. Prayerful. Believing expectation. In the church. When the day of Pentecost.

[26:10] Was fully come. They were all. With one accord. In one place. The time. When the spirit came.

[26:22] Had. A manifold significance. The time was ripe. And the time was right. Very well.

[26:35] Let me turn from the time. Now. In the second place. To say something about the manner. In which the Holy Spirit. Was given. And here again.

[26:45] Each word in the account. Is significant. And suggested. First. Will you notice. That the Holy Spirit. Was given.

[26:56] Suddenly. There was an element. Of surprise. Even though. They were praying. And waiting. And hoping. There was an element. Of surprise.

[27:06] The giving of the spirit. Was not like. The coming. Of the Son of God. When there was a choir. Of angels. There was no herald.

[27:20] Of the event. As these people. Prayed. And waited. With expectancy. And with one heart. The event. Took place.

[27:33] God plans. God arranges. All is in perfect order. God fixes his dates. But he doesn't disclose. All his mind. It is.

[27:45] Says the scripture. It is the glory of God. To conceal. A thing. So the spirit. Secretly prepares.

[27:56] But acts. Outwardly. With total surprise. To those who look on. There are usually.

[28:08] Preparatory factors. To a revival. Of religion. And yet the thing itself. Is usually subtle. Even among those.

[28:20] Who are waiting. And hoping. And praying. Back in the year. Sixteen thirty. At Kirkashots. In Scotland.

[28:32] The. Churches. Of the area. Had been holding. Many a prayer meeting. And many a preaching service. Along the lines.

[28:43] Of this. Waiting of the one hundred and twenty. In the upper room. They were concerned. About the deadness. The religious. The spiritual. Deadness. At the times. They were concerned.

[28:54] That people were. Unconcerned. And there had been. Preaching services. And there had been. Prayer meetings. And there had been. All manner of. Preparatory things. And nothing happens.

[29:07] Nothing happened. For days. And weeks. On end. Then one day. They asked. One of the ministers. A man named. John Livingston. To preach.

[29:17] The next day. Livingston. Tells us. That he lost. A night's sleep. In anticipation. Of the event. But when the day came.

[29:29] It was pouring. With rain. And they thought. There had been nobody. In the church. When they got. To the church. The church. Was not only full. But there were people.

[29:39] Outside. Crowded. Outside. Who couldn't get in. So they all. Came outside. Into the church yard. And John Livingston. Stood on a gravestone.

[29:50] And preached. The gospel. Of the grace. Of God. And as the rain. Came down. So the spirit. Of God. Came down. And literally. Hundreds.

[30:01] Were born. In a day. To Christ. And to glorious. Salvation. God. Suddenly.

[30:12] You can't. Organize it. There is an. Unpredictable. Matter. About it. You can. Anticipate it. You can.

[30:22] Pray for it. Wait for it. Prepare for it. You can't. Command it. God. Reserves. That. Right. To himself. The manner.

[30:34] Of the spirits. God. Suddenly. Again. The spirit. Was given. With. A sound. The normal.

[30:45] Working. Of the spirit. Of God. Is silent. Yet. His. Works. Are not silent. In their results. The object. Of the sound.

[30:56] We are told. There was a. Sound. Like. As. The object. Of the sound. Was to tell. The. 120. That the spirit.

[31:06] Work. Was to be heard. In the world. As the voice. Of God. Faith. Cometh. By hearing. And hearing. By the word. Of God. The sound. The pentecost. Was a type.

[31:18] Or a symbol. Of the verbal. Oral. Testimony. Of those. 120. Apostles. And disciples. Suddenly. The sound.

[31:31] Another thing. About. The manner. Of the coming. Of the spirit. Of course. Was that it was like. Wind. As. Wind. It wasn't. Wind. But it was. As. Wind.

[31:43] And then. Speaks. Of its. Mysteriousness. Spirit. And wind. Are. The same word. Both in the Hebrew. And in the Greek. Ruach.

[31:54] In the Hebrew. And Numa. In the Greek. Same word. Spirit. And wind. And the spirit. Is like. The wind. Thou canst not.

[32:05] Tell. Whence it cometh. Or whether it goeth. It's free. So is the spirit. Of God. Utterly free. In his world. But then you see.

[32:18] Another feature. Is that we are told. That it was. As a. Russian. So. What do you think. Of when you think. Of anything.

[32:28] Rushing. Speed. To indicate. The rapidity. Of the spirit. Influence. And operation. When he decides.

[32:39] To act. It doesn't matter. What obstacles. Are in his way. When he comes. He moves. Instantaneously. And he moves. Extensively. He did on that day.

[32:51] And he did on many a day. After. So that within. Fifty years. From that day. The gospel. Had been preached. In every country. Of the known world. The Holy Spirit.

[33:02] Moves. With swiftness. That will. A rushing. Mighty. Mighty. And that's another feature.

[33:13] Mighty. Mighty. Mighty. A wind. Against which. Nothing could stand. No wonder. The house. Was shaken. The wind.

[33:23] Was irresistible. And so is the spirit. Of God. Irresistible. Grace. Is it. Is compatible. With an irresistible. Spirit. When he comes.

[33:36] All defenses. Fall. The mighty. Element. In this event. Preaches to us. The omnipotence. Of the spirit. Of God.

[33:48] Then notice this. It filled. All the house. Where they were sitting. But we've already noticed.

[33:58] You see. They occupied. An upper room. Which probably. In an eastern house. At the time. Was. The rooftop. But we are told. That it occupied.

[34:09] All the house. Not just the upper room. My friends. When the spirit. Of God. Falls in awakening. He doesn't stay. Inside the church.

[34:21] He doesn't just. Fill the pews. There's an extended. Influence. To quote Spurgeon. Again. He once said. When a revival. Comes to a village.

[34:33] It penetrates. The pot house. The public house. Yes. You cannot. Confine. The influence. Of the spirit.

[34:44] Of God. To the church. Or the chapel. When he is. Mightily. At work. It spills over. You can't. Keep it to yourself. Nor will you want. To in such a time.

[34:55] All might. Such a time. Then of course. Another feature. Is the fact. That the Holy Spirit. Was given with tongues. Of fire.

[35:06] As a sign. As a symbol. A symbol. Of what? Well. The symbol. Of the tongues. Of fire. Is the symbol. Of a gracious.

[35:16] Spiritual. Indwelling. And empowering. And that was. Exactly what. These 120. Believers. Needed. Apostles. And disciples.

[35:28] You see. This was immediately. Before Peter. Preached his sermon. There were going to be. 3,000 conversions. There were going to be. 3,000 inquirers. There were going to be.

[35:38] 3,000 people. Inquiring. Their way. With their faces. Towards Zion. There was going to be.

[35:48] Need for great. A great amount. Of gracious. Enabling. And help. From those. Who were already. Believers. And that's what is needed. In revival.

[36:00] When converts. Come. Not in ones. And twos. But by the score. And by the dozens. The manner. In which. The spirit.

[36:10] Came. Was full. Of significance. Well. I've spoken of the time. I've spoken of the manner. Now.

[36:21] Just a word. On the third thing. The result of it all. Well. It takes the rest. Of this second chapter. To tell us. The result of it all.

[36:33] And all I can do. Is to summarize. The first result. Of the coming. Of the spirit. Of God. On this great. Pentecostal.

[36:44] Occasion. Was that there was. A sermon. There was a sermon. Peter preached. Peter was helped to preach.

[36:57] If you want the perfect. Sermon style. Look at this sermon of Peter's. He preached Christ. He documented everything. From scripture. He reasoned out of the scripture.

[37:09] He applied the message. To his hearers. And in it all. He was enabled. By the spirit of God. The spirit of God. Preached a sermon. Through Peter. What is the right.

[37:22] Way. Of presenting. The gospel. Well. Here it is. On the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit. Prompted. Enabled. Blessed.

[37:32] And used. The preaching. Of the word of God. There was a sermon. Secondly. There was conviction. Of sin.

[37:45] Many. Among the vast multitudes. In Jerusalem. Were pricked. In their hearts. And said. What should we do? We might have said.

[37:56] Well. How disorderly. You should be quiet. When a sermon. Is being preached. You should be quiet. In a service. To cry out.

[38:07] In a service. What shall we do? Oh my friends. Would to God. That we knew. A little of that. Holy. Disorder. Would to God.

[38:19] That he would. Cause his spirit. To come. And cause a turmoil. In unsaved hearts. That's follow. What follows. His coming. On the word.

[38:29] Conviction. Of sin. And sometimes. When there is conviction. Of sin. A man can't wait. And he cries out. What must I do? First.

[38:41] The sermon. Second. Conviction. Of sin. Thirdly. There was repentance. And faith. Expressed. In baptism. You've got it.

[38:52] Recorded there. In verse. Psalm. Thirty-eight. Peter said. Unto them. Repent. And be baptized. Every one of you. In the name. Of Jesus Christ.

[39:03] For the remission. Of sins. And ye shall receive. The gift. Of the Holy Ghost. They haven't received. The Holy Ghost. It was the 120.

[39:13] Who had. Repentance. Flows from conviction. Of sin. And faith in Christ. Is the only balm. To heal. A convicted soul.

[39:25] And baptism. Is the Savior's way. Of expressing. And confessing. It all. Or when the Spirit. Of God. Works in a man. That man. Doesn't make excuses.

[39:37] As to why. He shouldn't obey. His Savior. And be baptized. The same Spirit. Who convicts. Of sin. Convicts. Of the need. To heed.

[39:47] The Savior's command. Repent. And be baptized. In the name. Of Jesus Christ. For the remission. Of sins. The timing.

[39:59] Of the Spirit's coming. Was highly significant. The manner. Of the Spirit's coming. Was highly significant. And the result.

[40:10] Of the Spirit's coming. Was highly significant. Oh let us ponder. These things. From every point of view. The presentation.

[40:20] Of the gospel. Demands preaching. The blessing. Of the preaching. Leads to conviction. The conviction. Of sin. Leads to repentance. Of faith.

[40:31] And repentance. And faith. Are to be confessed. In the ordinance. Of believers. Baptism. Now my friend. Where do you stand?

[40:43] The Spirit. Of God. Has come. His business. Is to apply. The Savior's work. Has he applied it. To you? Are you concerned.

[40:53] That he shall apply it. To you? Look. Not to the Spirit of God. Look to Jesus. If you look to Jesus. It will be the Spirit of God.

[41:04] Who so leads you. And he will so bless. The Savior's work. To yourself. That you will rejoice. In him. And you will confess it.

[41:16] In the way he commands. Amen. Amen. Amen.