[0:00] In dependence alone upon the help of the Lord, I would direct your prayerful attention to the Gospel as recorded by John chapter 6 and the 37th verse.
[0:16] The 6th chapter of the Gospel by John verse 37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
[0:38] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
[0:50] What a gracious word is the text. It has, as in other places, the complete Gospel in it.
[1:08] In it there is encouragement. In it there is hope. In the word there is stability. In the word there is certainty.
[1:21] It's a gracious word. It fell from the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the Lord Jesus Christ had a view by faith, I feel, of the whole election of grace.
[1:36] The Church of Christ. The condition of every one of them in nature's darkness. Where they will be. Where they were. Where they shall be.
[1:47] And as time shall continue. They shall be born into this world. But the blessing is that this all.
[1:59] That the text begins with. Is as the 7th of Revelation tells us. Is a number that no man can number. All. Every one of them.
[2:11] None shall miscarry. None shall fall out of the covenant. None shall ever be lost. Thou all. And they are a complete number.
[2:25] Not one shall be added to them. And not one shall be taken from them. All. Wonderful word. Comprehensive word. It ranges across the scriptures.
[2:38] From Genesis to Revelation. It ranges across the time. From the beginning of days. As it is recorded in the book of Genesis.
[2:48] To the day when the angel shall say. Time shall be no more. That all. Is incorporated in. That time. All that the father.
[3:01] Giveth me. Shall come to me. It takes in the prodigals. It takes in the backsliders. It takes in the souls.
[3:13] That some of you are burdened with. All. And if you've got. Members of your family. That God has burdened your heart with. Thou are amongst them.
[3:24] And it may be. If you've got. Others. Not in your family. That God has burdened you with. Thou are amongst this all. Because if I'm sure of this.
[3:35] If there's a mother or a father in Israel. In this house of prayer. That has the souls of one and another. Laid upon them. To pray over. And to watch over.
[3:47] And to seek for. Great blessings. That God has put them there. Thou are amongst this all. Amongst this all. Are far.
[3:58] Sinners far out from Christ. By nature. Amongst this all. Are the soul of Tarsus. Amongst this all. Are those like Ruth.
[4:09] The Moabitess. Amongst this all. Is a people. That have has not yet heard. The gospel. Or ever desired the gospel.
[4:20] But are in the Lamb's book of life. They're amongst this number. And amongst this all. And included in this all. Are a people.
[4:32] That are eternally loved. And when I say eternally loved. My friends. I mean from eternity. And to all eternity.
[4:43] The love of the Trinity. Was placed upon this all. Before they were born. Forever they were conceived. Before ever this world was created.
[4:55] This all. Were under. The. Gracious love. Of a triune Jehovah. But then. This all.
[5:07] Shall be born into this world. Born in sin. And shaped in iniquity. Oh. What a blessed number. Oh.
[5:19] You'll find my friends. That. And I suppose. It's been in all days. And every day. Of the experiences. Of the church of Christ. There will be those.
[5:32] Characters. Who. Would. Suggest. That we can add to this number. You'll find the. So called. Preachers of the gospel.
[5:42] Will. Persuade. Will. Constrain. Will. Offer. Will do all sorts of things. To get believers. Into the church of Christ.
[5:54] But my friends. This all. Incorporated. Incorporates all. For whom. Jesus Christ died for. For whom. He. Entered into this world for.
[6:07] All. That the father. Giveth me. Shall come to me. And having loved this all. From before time. And this all.
[6:18] Was then chosen. Chosen. Chosen in Christ. Chosen. Though. As loved. Chosen from. Lost mankind.
[6:29] In eternity past. They was as good as saved. And they was as good as being in heaven. My friends. Because this all. Was loved. And was chosen.
[6:41] And then. They were brought into this world. In time. One by one. They entered into this time state.
[6:52] They were born in sin. As we said. And shapen in iniquity. They were born amongst godly parents. They were born in the world. Away from God and godliness.
[7:03] This. This all. But what was different about this all. The love of god was placed upon them. And that love was a sovereign love.
[7:16] You will never fathom the love of christ. My friends. If you live to be a hundred. And you will never fathom the calls. Of the love of christ.
[7:26] To sinners. You only come to this conclusion. That's if you know it. You'll come to this conclusion. You'll ask the question.
[7:37] Why was I to hear his voice. And enter wildest room. While thousands make a wretched choice. And rather starve than come.
[7:48] That's the question you'll ask. And you'll not find the answer. The answer's in the love of christ. The answer's in the love of the trinity. To a people.
[7:59] Who were loved and chosen. Not on grounds of merit. But because he would. Because he would. All that the father.
[8:10] Giveth me. But all these. Whether thou born. Amongst the. Spiritual family of God. Or whether thou born.
[8:22] In the world. And amongst worldly parents. And. Religion. Of. Various hues and sort. No matter where thou born.
[8:34] This all. Shall one day. In time. According to the sovereign. Will and purposes. Of God. Shall be brought. Into spiritual life. And this mercy.
[8:47] My friends. Is also. Done. According to the. Sovereignty of God. And by the means. Which he will use. All.
[8:58] That the father. Giveth me. They shall be brought. Into life. It may be. That you can trace. The beginning of days. And I am sure of this.
[9:09] My friends. That you've seen. The sovereignty. Of God in it. Because when he begins. No power on earth. And no power in hell.
[9:20] Can stop. When he begins. When his work. Is begun in the soul. Amongst this all. No power can prevent.
[9:31] I know it is. In such a sovereign way. That he does it. The epistle of Paul. To the Ephesians. And the second chapter.
[9:42] Begins. And you. Hath he quickened. Who. Were dead. Very solemn words. They are. Very sacred words. Because my friends.
[9:53] Is aligned. The. The. Line. Of sovereignty. Goes through. That first. Verse. Of that second chapter.
[10:04] You. Hath he quickened. Who. Were dead. You and I. Either were dead. Or are dead. There's no two ways. My friends. You can't. Sit on the fence.
[10:16] When it comes. To real religion. The work. Of the Holy Spirit. Is to quicken. Souls into life. Ah. But this. All.
[10:26] That the Father. Giveth me. Are in possession. Then of a life. That shall. Never die. The Lord Jesus Christ. In the tenth of John.
[10:36] Said. I give unto my sheep. Eternal life. And they shall. Never perish. I said. In the beginning. There is a stability.
[10:46] In this blessed text. There is a sureness. In it. There is something. Which is unchangeable. In it. It's a. It's a people.
[10:57] That rests. Upon one foundation. And. They shall be. In possession. Of a life. That shall. Never die. Or it may be. In various ways.
[11:08] That life. Shall be imparted. Let me say this. And don't hide. Behind this. My friends. Nobody. You'll hear people say.
[11:19] Well I don't remember. The day I was born. So do I really. Have to know. The day I was born again. Does the call of grace. Have no effect.
[11:30] Does the call. By grace. In the soul. Have no effect. Upon your soul. And hide behind. The day. Of your natural birth. You obviously. Couldn't remember that.
[11:41] The faculties. Of your mind. Wasn't such. That you would remember that. And you only grew. A wear to life. As you grew. But. I believe this. In all my heart.
[11:53] When God begins. With a sinner. Thou shall know. You'll know. You'll know. What it is then. To be. In possession. Of something. You wasn't born with. All that the father.
[12:05] Giveth me. Shall come to me. And that life. Will bring. With it. Those. Evidences. The witness. Of that life. Will be seen.
[12:15] In your walk. And conversation. Will be seen. In your desires. Will be seen. In your prayers. And heard. In your prayers. And it will be seen.
[12:27] My friends. In many. Many ways. All that the father. Giveth me. What will be the first way. That it will be seen. This.
[12:38] And it may be. In a. Not in a public way. But in a private way. In a secret place. And a work of grace. Will bring. From your heart. A cry.
[12:50] A cry. What will that cry be. Will it be. One. One or more. Ways. In which that cry. Shall be demonstrated.
[13:02] Because every living soul. Shall cry. Every living child. That's born into the world. What. That's the first thing. We look for. Isn't it. That's the first thing. We listen for.
[13:12] A cry. You know. If you go into. A hospital. Into a maternity ward. What do you listen for. When a child. Was brought into this world.
[13:23] A cry. The evidence of life. That's what you listen for. That's what the church. Of Christ. Listens for. A cry. And the desires.
[13:35] That flow from the heart. All those humble desires. You know what it is. To cry. You know what it is. To listen. You know what it is. To watch.
[13:46] And you'll be listening for. And watching over. And. You'll be. Waiting upon the Lord. Oh it's the evidence. Of life.
[13:56] Life. Then again. There is. The evidence of life. Is what. The Lord. Will bring you. To know. In relationship. To the people. Of God.
[14:07] The apostle said. We know. That we have passed. From death. Unto life. Because we love the brethren. Do you trace that. In your pathway. Do you come along. With that dear woman.
[14:18] That's. Only known. In the scriptures. As the Shumanite. I dwell among. My own people. Divine grace. My friends. Joins you. To the people of God. And brings a love.
[14:30] To the people of God. In your heart. And they to you. Oh they may be crooked sticks. By nature. And you may not like their nature. Ah but when you see.
[14:40] Jesus Christ. On the throne. And when you see. Jesus Christ. In their heart. You will love them. For Christ's sake. And thou. Your people. What was Ruth.
[14:51] Attracted to. To Naomi. Was it because of a fortune. Was it going to be a good. Ah join. Was it. That joining together.
[15:02] Union. Which was between. Naomi and Ruth. Was it a union. Because it got attractions. Was it union. Because it got prosperity. Was it union. Because it was seemingly.
[15:12] To be a. A comfortable life. An existence. In Bethlehem. No such thing. My friends. When she. Gave. Gave the testimony.
[15:23] Of a work of grace. In her soul. To Naomi. It was. That which. Drew her. To Naomi. And drew her. To God's people. Entreat me.
[15:34] Not to leave. The or to return. From following. After thee. For whither thou goest. I will go. Where thou lodgest. I will lodge. Thy people. Shall be my people.
[15:45] And thy God. My God. Do you go back. Some of you. That have made. An open profession. When the love of Christ.
[15:57] Constrained you. To do so. What yearning. You felt. To God's. Spiritual people. What bond. Was felt. You lost sight. Of what their natures was.
[16:08] And you saw Christ. In them. All that the father. Giveth me. Shall come to me. The evidence. Of life. We know.
[16:18] That we have passed. From death. Unto life. Because we love. The brethren. And then. There will be this. There will be. The knowledge. Life.
[16:29] Will bring knowledge. It will bring. A knowledge. Of sin. You know. What it is. To be. Burdened. By your own. Sin.
[16:40] When you. Was a Pharisee. If so you was. You was. Contemptuous. Of other people's sins. But when the Lord. Made you a publican. And brought you in.
[16:52] As a destitute. Desperate. How deserving. Sinner. It was your sins. That was the burden. And it was the consequences. And the condemnation.
[17:03] That came. For your sins. That you was concerned. With them. This is amongst these things. That they all. Shall.
[17:14] Indeed. Be realized. And shall realize. And know. But I just want to just. Bring this out also. And I mentioned.
[17:25] I would mention this. For the comfort. Of any mother. Or father. In Israel. Every. Burdened soul. That is burdened.
[17:36] With other souls. That have watched. And waited. That have sought. The mercy seat. That have lost. Hours of sleep.
[17:47] Over never dying souls. God has laid that. In your heart. You will continue. And you will. Be brought. With errands.
[17:58] To the mercy seat. But. There is one or two things. I want to say. To. Encourage. As well as to point out. This. Stability. Of this all.
[18:11] If the Lord. Has burdened you. With souls. And you watch over them. You may be surprised. That they go. To greater lengths. And deeper.
[18:24] Troubles. And sorrows. That you. As you pray over them. Instead of answers. To prayer. It may seem to you. As if it's going. The opposite direction.
[18:35] Satan knows. My friends. Where the people. Of God are. Satan knows. But remember this. What the good hymn writer. Reminds us of.
[18:48] I've ever been thankful. Some of the experiences. Are written in the hymns. And as you. Sometimes. Come close to despair. As you're distressed.
[18:58] And troubled. About those souls. That are found in your heart. To pray over. Because there's no evidence. Signs. Remember this.
[19:08] What this blessed hymn writer wrote. Glory to God. They ne'er shall roam. Beyond the limits of his love. Fenced by Jehovah's shells and wills.
[19:23] Firm as the everlasting hills. The appointed time rolls. On a pace. Not to propose. But call by grace.
[19:34] To change the heart. Renew the will. And turn the feet. To Zion's hill. To pray. Or if there are those. That are burdened. You may feel.
[19:45] As you. Pray over these young ones. It may be. Or others as well. Because there's no evidence. Of answers to prayer. And you're harassed. And you're tempted.
[19:55] Well it's no point. It's giving up. Praying. My friends. That's what Satan would want you to do. To give up prayer. But oh if God has a purpose of grace.
[20:09] And he has. In such that are burdened. Upon the hearts of others. If God has a purpose of grace. To a soul. Thou not.
[20:20] Be found wanting. At the day of judgment. Whilst they walk this time state. God will bring them to. This truth.
[20:32] That they shall know him. And they shall know him. As the only true God. And Jesus Christ. Whom. He has sent. All that the father giveth me.
[20:46] I find it's such a. A comprehensive word. It's. It's an all inclusive word. Isn't it? It's a word that's got no shadow. Nor doubt upon it. It's a word that shall come to pass.
[21:00] It rests. Not in the strength of man. Ah but then. Let us look at. Some of these. All. That I mentioned here. These characters.
[21:12] Characters. You and I. Wouldn't think. Oh you may. Scan the people. You know. And you may. In your mind's eye. Look at this one. And that one. And say well.
[21:23] Yes they walk upright. And yes. They show evidences. And signs of. Of a nature. Which is subdued. And so on. But God displays.
[21:35] His grace. My friends. They're not called on merit. They're not separated. Because. There's something. Which is attractive. To God in them.
[21:46] All have sinned. And come short. Of the glory of God. Ah but his. Grace. His all sufficient. Grace. Is found.
[21:57] In the most unlikely. Of circumstances. And in the most unlikely. Of characters. But they're amongst. This all. You take a look.
[22:07] At those. That are recorded. In the scriptures. Of truth. That are. The subjects. Of mercy. Manasseh.
[22:18] That made the streets. Of Jerusalem. Run with blood. God. But God dealt with him. Brought him under thorns. Brought him into trials.
[22:28] And troubles. And then Manasseh. And then Manasseh. And then Manasseh. And then Manasseh. And then Manasseh. And then Manasseh. knew that. He was his God. And then you look at. As we've mentioned. Ruth. The Moabites. An idolatrous.
[22:39] Worshipper. Of Moab. Brought by marriage. Into the family. Of the. People of Israel. Brought to be willing.
[22:51] To be separate. Brought to be willing. To leave. All. And father. Remarkable character. Is Ruth.
[23:01] The Moabites. Remarkable character. What solemn things. Came into her pathway. Pathway. Which was fraught. With bereavement.
[23:13] Fraught with sorrow. And yet. You know. In his mercy. God brings. The people of God. To where. He would have them be.
[23:24] Joins them. To Israel. Brings them. To Israel. And works. A work. Of grace. In their soul. We could look.
[23:35] To. At Saul. Of Tarsus. Who would believe. In all the world. That a persecutor. Should be made a preacher. Only grace.
[23:46] My friends. Only grace. And Pharisee. Of the Pharisees. Brought up. A defeat. Of Gamaliel.
[23:57] Full of. The letter. Of the law. Full of the ceremonies. Of the. Temple. Knew it all. Zealous.
[24:08] To good works. Thought. He did. God's service. Went about. Throwing men and women. To prison. For Christ's sake.
[24:20] And. Witnessing. Without. Moving a muscle. Education. And. Martyrdom. Of his people. But his name.
[24:32] Was in the Lamb's book. Of life. My friends. He was eternally. Chosen. Eternally. Chosen. Asked. The question. As you read.
[24:43] These. Most. Remarkable. Cases. And yet. You know. It's the same grace. Called Saul of Tarsus. That it will call you. It's the same grace.
[24:55] The same mercy. That was displayed. With Saul of Tarsus. Was displayed. In your. Displayed. In your call. By grace. If so be. That you are called. All that the father.
[25:08] Giveth me. A number. That are sinners. By birth. And practice. A number. Who are in possession. And will be in possession.
[25:19] Of life eternal. A number. For whom. Jesus Christ. Died for. Thou shalt call his name.
[25:31] Jesus. The angel said. For he shall save. His people. From. Their sin. But let us come a little closer. We've told.
[25:42] We've spoken of the. Record of scripture. We've spoken of the remarkable. Way of divine grace. And the sovereignty of it.
[25:52] The eternal choice. Of God. For his people. And for the purpose. Of their salvation. But that's about others.
[26:03] My friends. That's about those. Who are recorded. In the book. That's about others. Who you can look back. Upon. And those you can look upon.
[26:14] Now. As you know. That are in possession. Of grace. But what of you. And I. And let me say this. It's no. Evidence of grace.
[26:25] For being in the Lord's house. On this Lord's day. There's no evidence of grace. In itself. Being brought up. Amongst God's people. And. In the denomination.
[26:37] Is not the evidence of grace. Which save it. It is a mercy. If you are. Married to the people of God. Or joined to them. In marriage.
[26:48] And brought under the sound. Of the truth. Is. Providentially. A mercy. No saving grace. In that. There's been many.
[26:59] That lean. And rest upon. That which will come short. At last. But all the evidences. Look in your own heart.
[27:09] Trace in your own heart. The evidences. The desires. Which were not there. By nature. The burdens. Which were not there. By nature.
[27:19] Let me ask a question. And this will settle the question. To seeking souls. It will settle the question.
[27:30] To burdened souls. It will settle the question. Whether you and I. Are found. Amongst God's spiritual people. This is the question. This is the question. What think ye of Christ.
[27:43] This is the question. To the church. Of Christ. In all ages. He is the one thing needful. The altogether lovely.
[27:53] Mary. Mary was quite content. To sit at Jesus feet. Food was not in her mind. Or in her interest. Martha could be careful. And troubled about many things.
[28:05] But not so Mary. Christ was all she wanted. The gospel was all she wanted. And nothing else mattered. And so the saints of God.
[28:16] From Adam's day to this. Coming under this question. And can answer this question. What think ye of Christ. What is he to you.
[28:28] What is he to you. My friends. The spells. Oh let me encourage. A seeking soul here. Who have cut themselves off sometimes.
[28:39] Because of waiting. Because they feel they'll wait in vain. That the time seems to go by. And years were over their head. And they seem no nearer to the blessing.
[28:51] That they have sought for. You read the song of Solomon. And it speaks of a character there. By night. It says I sought him.
[29:03] Home. My soul loveth. That's Jesus Christ. My friends. Your soul loves. And we read of the experiences.
[29:14] Of the spells. And she said. I went about the streets. Seeking him. Whom my soul loveth. She was burdened.
[29:25] She was a seeking soul. God made her a seeking soul. The Holy Ghost. Made her a seeking soul. But there was only one thing. She sought for. That's the evidence of a seeking soul.
[29:37] One thing. And it's a mercy my friends. If you're brought to seek for. And know the one thing that is needful. I sought him. I sought him.
[29:50] And I found him not. Is that the experience? Is that where you are? I will rise now. And go about the city. In the streets.
[30:01] And in the broadways. I will seek him. Home my soul loveth. I sought him. But I found him not. And then we come to the means of grace. The house of God.
[30:12] The watchman that go about the city found me. To whom I said. So ye him. Home my soul loveth. My friends.
[30:22] The watchman's occupation. Employment is to point sinners to Christ. It's not to bless. Don't look to the minister for the blessing. The minister is the messenger.
[30:36] The blessing is God's to give. And it's in his sovereign way. And according to his mercy. And in his appointed time. The day of revelation will come.
[30:47] The watchman that go about the city found me. To whom I said. Saw ye him. Home my soul loveth. And then the spell says this.
[30:59] It was but a little. Home that I passed from them. But I found him. Home my soul loveth. I held him. And would not let him go.
[31:12] You wouldn't my friends. In that blessed spot you would live. And in that blessed spot you would die. If you could. The Lord Jesus you know.
[31:23] Before he went to Calvary. He said this. You now therefore have sorrow. But I will see you again. And your heart shall rejoice. And your joy no man taketh from you.
[31:36] And in that day. That day. What day? The day of the spells. When she said. It was but a little. That I found.
[31:46] That I passed from them. But I found him that day. And in that day. You shall ask me nothing. Why? Because there's nothing to ask for.
[31:57] Christ is precious my friends. To seek in souls. In the want of him. And Christ is precious. In the possession of him. And you would die there. If you could.
[32:08] You know. There's a word in the. Gospel of Luke. There was a man called Simeon. Waiting. For the consolation of Israel. He was amongst this all. And he was under the Holy Ghost teaching.
[32:21] And the Holy Ghost said to him. That he would not die. Till he had seen the Lord's Christ. And the Holy Ghost led him by. Led him and brought him into the temple.
[32:32] And he saw the Holy Child Jesus. And he was unable to take him up in his arms. But what did he say? He blessed God. He said. Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.
[32:46] For mine eyes have seen thy salvation. Blessed characters these are. These waiting souls. All that the Father giveth me.
[32:56] Shall come to me. But then they shall be. Under the teaching of the Holy Ghost. They shall be in possession. Of this blessed life eternal.
[33:08] What think ye of Christ? Oh that's not a question you want to answer. Publicly. That's a question you can answer God.
[33:21] In the secrets of your own heart. What think ye of Christ? It's evidence my friends. You come some place.
[33:32] Sometimes in your spiritual experience. This is how you think of Christ. This is what you think of Christ. You'll say with the good hymn writer. Oh you'll remember it well.
[33:45] If you've ever been brought there. Oh could I know. And love him more.
[33:56] And all his wondrous grace explore. Now. Near what I covet man's esteem. But part with all. And follow him.
[34:08] Him. This blessed man. The man Christ Jesus. This is the evidence. And lots more. Is the evidence of being found. Amongst this all.
[34:19] For now. Let us get closer to it. This all. Needs to be redeemed. This all.
[34:29] Were born in sin. And shapened in iniquity. This all now. And will in time. Know. What it is to be. As Solomon said.
[34:40] At the dedication. Of the temple. Didn't he. All those that approached God. And he mentioned. The various circumstances. And situations. That brought the people of God.
[34:51] To prayer. Various things. Oh how encouraging it was. Then. Hear thou in heaven. Thy dwelling place. Solomon said. And when thou hearest. Forgive. But what was the.
[35:02] All the essential. My friends. All the essential. Preach the essential things. Seek for the essential things. The plague of your own heart.
[35:15] That's what brought sinners to the temple. Brought the publican didn't it. The plague of his own heart. Brought him to cry.
[35:25] God be merciful. To me a sinner. But we strain away slightly from the path. But as I felt inclined to walk just a moment ago.
[35:38] All that the father giveth me shall come to me. They are to be redeemed. And they are to be saved with an eternal salvation.
[35:49] For those who are the subjects of his love and mercy. Those who are chosen before all time.
[36:00] And loved before all time. Chosen. Love first. Ever remember my friends. The dealings with sinners. From the purposes of grace and mercy.
[36:13] Love's first. Love is first. Go to the time when the saints of God. Will stand around that white throne. What will they sing?
[36:24] Unto him that has loved us. That's first. The first grace you will ever be able to trace. My friends. Is the grace of love.
[36:35] But they need to be saved. They are born in sin. They are the generations that followed. The Adam fall.
[36:46] They are all contaminated with sin. And for the purpose of their salvation. They were given to Jesus Christ. I sometimes feel that it's very simple.
[37:00] The gospel isn't it? Though it's profound. And though it's solemn. It is exceedingly simple. They were given to Jesus Christ.
[37:11] And Christ in turn. By his offering. Purchased them. Offered a price. Brought them back. Paid the price.
[37:21] All that the Father giveth me. Shall come to me. The work of redemption. It was given to Christ. He in love to this people.
[37:34] In covenant engagement to this people. Was brought into this world. Was given a body like our own.
[37:45] A union that was never to be dissolved. Oh I heard something awful. Very recently about Christ. I didn't understand it till I thought more about it.
[37:58] But it was given out that he was crucified. And died. And he came back as a spirit. Doesn't say that in my book.
[38:10] I thought of those words in the same gospel. Where it says. Where Jesus says. A spirit is not flesh and blood. As you see me have. I offered him food.
[38:22] And he ate. That's not the spirit. My friends. He came in that. Union that he went. Deity. And humanity. Went to the cross.
[38:34] Laid his life down for sinners. Rose again for sinners. And demonstrated it by. Revealing himself to his own.
[38:45] Oh thou need redeeming. Thou need redeeming. Their sins will speak against them. The condemnation that is due to their sin.
[38:57] Was laid upon the Lord Jesus Christ. In Gethsemane's garden. It was the burden of their sins. That he sweat as it were.
[39:08] Great drops of blood. Falling down to the ground. It was in the judgment hall. That he was. Crowned with a crown of thorns. That's not just something.
[39:19] That wicked men decided to do. My friends. What's the evidence of sin. In the third of Genesis. Thorns and thistles. Thorns and thistles.
[39:30] And he was crowned with thoughts. For sinners. For this all. For this people. That would suffer. The condemnation. Due to their sin.
[39:43] All. And then in Gethsemane. He was scourged. At the judgment hall. He was scourged. In Gethsemane.
[39:54] Sweat as it were. Great drops of blood. Falling down to the ground. And he was taken from the judgment hall. Condemned to die. For this all.
[40:06] Crucified on the cross. In the place of this all. You've heard the word. Substitution. Surety.
[40:16] And it speaks of Christ. This glorious second person. That speaks in our text. Christ. Speaks of the office. As a surety.
[40:28] As a substitute. And he paid the penalty. He paid the price. Look in the 33rd of Job. The 33rd of Job.
[40:40] Speaks of Christ. And it speaks there. Of a price being paid. And it speaks to there. Of there. Of a ransom being acceptable.
[40:55] If there be a messenger with him. An interpreter. One among a thousand. To show unto man his uprightness. Then is he gracious unto him.
[41:05] And saith deliver him. From going down. Into the pit. I have found a ransom. Calvary was the place. Where the ransom was paid.
[41:17] The price was paid. All that the father giveth me. And his blood was shed. For their sins. There the prophet of old said.
[41:30] In that day. There shall be a fountain open. For sin. And uncleanness. But he says also this. And this is the mark.
[41:40] My friends. You want to pray for. Pray to have. Believing views. Of Jesus Christ. Pray the Lord. I'll take you to a place. Called Calvary.
[41:52] To see Christ. And it says there. In the chapter before. I mentioned. In the prophecy. Of Zachariah. And in that day. What day.
[42:05] This day of revelation. My friends. A day of blessing. Have some of you been there. Have you had a view. Which this. Good prophet of old.
[42:17] Saul. When he speaks. Of that special day. Blessed day. It was in the. Pathway of. God's. God's. Spiritual people.
[42:28] And it shall come to pass. In that day. That I will seek. To destroy all nations. That come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon.
[42:40] The house of David. And upon the inhabitants. Of Jerusalem. The spirit of grace. And of supplication. And they shall look upon me. Whom.
[42:50] They have pierced. Have you been there. Sin took Christ. To Calvary. My friends. Sin. Love took Jesus Christ.
[43:00] To Calvary. Love for sinners. The soldiers. Pierced his sight. Is true. But we have pierced him. Through and through. What a day that was.
[43:13] And Christ. Died upon the cross at Calvary. Shed his blood. Gave his life. Voluntarily. What a glorious.
[43:24] Sound was heard. At Calvary. And Jesus. Cried. With a loud voice. It is finished. Oh. The heavens. Rang with the sound.
[43:36] The work was done. Christ. Accomplished. What he has set out. To do. His work. Which his father. Gave him to do. Oh.
[43:46] That the father. Giveth me. Shall come to me. Thou shall be redeemed. And pain of God. Cannot twice demand. First at my bleeding. Short his hand.
[43:58] And then again at mine. Oh. The devil. Will tell you. You keep sinning. The devil. Will stir your old sins up. And bring them to your notice. But read the tenth of Hebrews.
[44:11] Thy sins. And thy iniquities. Will I remember. No more. Why? Because thou washed away. Because. And this. We must be reverent.
[44:23] When we speak of Christ. And of God. When God forgives. God forgets. Wonderful mercy. My friends. If you and I. Are amongst this. All. For the time has gone.
[44:35] All that the father. Giveth me. Shall. Come to me. Amen. Amen. Amen. Shall we conclude this morning by singing hymn number 757 to the tune Rest 211.
[45:29] Hymn number 757 Great God, how deep thy counsels lie, supreme in power art thou.
[45:42] All things to thy omniscient eye are one eternal now. 757 Al Black people All things to live in this no present you ciao.
[45:56] 2 Par� Every El El El El El El El El El El El El