Is not my word like a fire? (Quality: Good)

Tenterden - Jireh - Part 95

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Aug. 1, 1996


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[0:00] Trusting once again in the help of the Lord, we'll turn to the book of Jeremiah, chapter 23, verse 29.

[0:17] The book of Jeremiah, the 23rd chapter and the 29th verse. Is not my word like as a fire, saith the Lord, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

[0:42] The book of Jeremiah, the 23rd chapter, the 29th verse. We have a very solemn and discriminating searching chapter in this 23rd chapter of Jeremiah, more particularly in the latter part of the chapter, which of course we have not time or we do not desire to speak in that way.

[1:23] But what I do just briefly want to bring to our notice this evening is how the Lord himself hath distinguished between the false prophets and those that he hath sent in his own name.

[1:51] And of course, this is not only concerning the prophets, but also it concerns all of God's dear people.

[2:05] For if you just look at the latter clause of the 28th verse, the Lord speaking by Jeremiah, he says, what is the chaff to the wheat, saith the Lord.

[2:24] And I do not doubt for one moment that there are many concerns and anxieties, perhaps not under this figure, but under a variety of figures, which the Lord acquaints his dear people with, that they may see and that they are amongst that people, that he hath saved with his almighty grace.

[2:59] For we know this, and that the chaff is separated from the wheat. They were together.

[3:11] You can remember, of course, undoubtedly, the parable of the tares and the wheat. And the servant said, shall we go and pull up these tares?

[3:28] And the Lord said, let them grow together until the time of harvest. And undoubtedly, there are many, I trust with my own self, we are concerned in respect unto that harvest.

[3:50] That is, when the Lord shall remove us from time and to eternity. And of course, we know this, that the chaff was very close to the wheat.

[4:07] But at the time of harvest, we know that the chaff is separated from the wheat. And you don't want me to tell you the great distinction and what happens to the chaff and what happens to the wheat.

[4:31] The chaff is put to one side and it is subject to the fire. It is burned. The wheat is gathered into the garners.

[4:47] Well, dear friend, perhaps there is very little need, I know not, but sometimes you and I may be found careless or indifferent for we have a heart and that would put these things as far from them as it possibly could.

[5:13] And the adversary would say this, even to you that are younger, you've got plenty of time to consider these things in a later date.

[5:24] But dear friends, whether we are younger or older, may this word be made a word to discriminate and to help us and search the dear Lord and see if there are any wicked way within us and lead us in the path of everlasting life.

[5:46] What is the chaff to the wheat, saith the Lord? Then he comes with this word, Is not my word like a fire?

[5:59] You may say, Well, is then the chaff and the wheat going to be subjected unto the fire? Well, we know that the Lord hath made a comparison with his word as like a fire.

[6:19] And we know also that the fire hath many and various things that it can accomplish.

[6:32] And I want them to just trace out just a little of the word of God that is likened as a fire.

[6:46] That we may know and that we are amongst those that are that real wheat that shall be gathered into that heavenly garner.

[7:00] You know, and the dear Lord writing by the Apostle Paul, he says, Every man's work, of course, it doesn't only mean the males, it means females as well, every man's work shall be tried by fire.

[7:18] And what an unspeakable mercy, you see, dear friend of us, if there is and that real substance where you see the chaff and will be easily burned.

[7:30] It soon goes up and it soon is brought to nothing. But my word, it is like as a fire. First then, dear friend, let me just, let's just trace, as it were, as helped by the Holy Spirit and at which we believe that every child of God will know something of.

[7:56] there are those that are, that are, are led, of course, in a variety of ways. But there, there are those things which I believe and, and that all of God's dear children in a greater or a lesser measure will, will be, will be brought into.

[8:16] And that is, dear friends, God's fiery law. Do we know, do we know, do we know a little of, of, of that fiery law, that, that, that, that, that law, and that, that demands a perfect righteousness, a perfect obedience, and, and perfection in, in everything and that, that we do think or walk in.

[8:46] And, and that, and that, and that fiery law demands all these things, but, and, and have, do we know something of, of its power, as, as it were, to, to burn up everything relative and, and, and to our self-righteousness and to, and to anything that we are meritorious or anything that is commendable unto God and all, all these things and they, and that, that we thought perhaps we was equally as good as, as, as some that walked perhaps in an open profession but now that, that fiery law hath, hath, hath burnt all hope in self but he has brought us my dear fenders and to, and to seek for that, that righteousness that is in Christ Jesus.

[9:45] Now dear fenders, do you and I know something then because in that, in that last hymn, in our middle hymn, it seemed to touch upon the, upon the point that I, I want to just briefly bring before myself and bring before you each.

[10:05] That second verse says he brings them to the test and, and the, and that work is brought to the test and by the word of the Lord and that is likened unto the fire, the, the, the word of, of his righteous law and tries them by his law.

[10:27] They are tried by fire but, but, that is not left there. Oh dear friends, what an unspeakable mercy. Perhaps there may be one come, and here, here with us this, this evening and that, that, that may feel to be under that fiery law of the dear Lord.

[10:49] The word, the word of the law, the law of God is trying them, is bringing them to the test. Let me just say this dear friends, as sure as, as you and I know something of being brought to the test and being tried by, by, by the law, there, there, there will, there will be something that will, must follow because the, the, the Lord, he trieth the righteous and, and the, and that, that verse goes on and leads them to the promised rest from whence they comfort draw.

[11:33] The offenders, you know, and do, do we know, you see, the, and the erroneous or those and that, that, that have, have not a, a holy spirit and teaching or religion they know but very little of the word of God being, being likened as a fire.

[11:57] Now, not only, and does that word then show us what we are in God's sight. Well, perhaps you, perhaps there's many before me, before me this, this evening can go back to that time and when you was brought, it's, it's a phrase of course that is so frequently quoted indeed.

[12:21] And that we are sinners. But, but when under the, the fiery law of God, and this is a reality, and, and, and this, and this, and this soul knows what that, that fiery law is.

[12:39] But the offending, and I know something, have been brought before a holy God as, as a, as a guilty, lost, an undone sinner.

[12:50] And, and you, you've had the language of the publican in your heart, I'm not saying you use the words, but the inference, God be merciful to me, a sinner.

[13:07] It's a wonderful thing, my dear friends, if, if, if you, you and I have been brought to plead and mercy through blood and we make our plea, oh God be merciful to me.

[13:25] Is not my word like a fire? Let's, let's then just look at one or two characteristics of a fire.

[13:36] First, I would, I would just, just like to say a word and that's, that there is light and from a fire. And, and what a, what an unmistakable mercy it is.

[13:51] If, if, if that light, you know, then the, the, the apostle Paul, he says, God commanded a light to shine out of darkness and, and if it is shined in, in our hearts to give the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

[14:12] Now, do we, do you and I know just a little of, of that unerring light? The entrance of, of thy words giveth light.

[14:24] It's what the psalmist says, and, and it giveth understanding also. Do, do you and I know something of, of this, the word of God likened unto a fire where it giveth that light and, and you've, you've, you've seen in, in a measure light in God's light.

[14:47] Perhaps you thought you was quite a respectable, and undoubtedly you were, a respectable, moral, upright person. And, of course, naturally speaking, and, and we, we would not disagree there, but dear friends, we are speaking, of course, in, in respect on, on, on, on this, on this great point of how shall we stand before a holy God?

[15:13] We shall not be able to stand, stand before, be before God in our, in our respectability before man, or our uprightness. We should be, my dear friends, I, I believe that, we, we try to be, and, but, we want something even greater than this, because, as, as, as you, you and I have been shown, and light in God's, in, in, in, in God's light, you, you will find that, that you are a sinner in God's sight, but, blessed be the dear Lord, he leaves not that soul, in, in, in, in that deplorable state, and, and, but, he, he shines, as well, I'm airing light, and very often, and, and, and, of course, not very often, but, but, but, but he, he speaks that word, or shows him that word, of life, and there, and they, and they discover, and, and, and the Lord, who says this,

[16:18] I am the light of the world, and, and, and, and that, and that glorious light, and, and brings a little, and hope, and, and, and, and, and faith, in, in the, in the Lord Jesus, and, because, and it's not my word, like a fire, you see, a fire, as it were, burns into, into an object, and dear friends, although you and I, may come under, and some great temptations, and the adversary, may, may sift us, as wheat, you know, it was, the Lord spake that, the dear Peter, that he said, and Peter, the Lord shall sift you, as wheat, but I have prayed for you, that your faith, fail not, and, and of course, that, that, that case of Peter's, was not a unique case, the Lord, the Lord had prayed for, all his dear people, now you see, this, this, this, this, um, a type of representation, of a, of a word like a fire, it, it, it burns into that soul, and that which is burn, burn in, it can never be raised, my dear friends, you may perhaps, try to search for it, but, but, and perhaps you, you cannot even, even find, a glimmer, a glimmer of hope, this night, but, we, we know this, and that what the Lord, the Lord does, he does, he does, he does for, and for ever, the dear apostle Paul, says this, and, and, writing to the church at Philippi, and, and speaking of, of those church members at Philippi, he says, he that hath begun, a good work, in you, he was confident, of this very thing, and dear friends, are we not, and confident, of that very thing, under, the very darkest, and trial, and, and the, and the, and the greatest fire, that may, that may seem to, to consume, all we got, and, but, and, but, we are confident, of this, that the, that the Lord, as our friend, was just saying, just prior to, we came in here, there's something, and that, that the Lord, and keeps, he will, let's put it in this way, he will not leave, my soul, destitute, because, that word, has been burned, in your poor heart, dear friends, and it cannot, be erased, you may not, you may not, be able to, distinguish it, you may not, you may not have, you may not have, had the, the comfort of it, you may, you may not have, the sweetness of it, that still remains, my dear friends, and be it because, once he loves, he never leaves, he loves that soul, unto the end, and Paul says,

[19:28] I'll never finish that, Paul says, I am confident, this very thing, he that hath begun, a good work in you, and shall perform, but unto, the day of Jesus Christ, what an unspeakable mercy, and so, and so, as we see, and can we not see, and that, and that the word, the word of the Lord, is like, as a fire, and should we not, be truly thankful, that this word, is like a fire, be it because, not only, and does it, and does it, and put in our souls, that which can, that which can never be, be cut out, but it also, it raises, all, all, all that, self-righteousness, that pride, and those, and those many things, that, by, by nature, and we all have, and, and those things, are consumed, as the chaff, from time to time, we know these things, erupt again, and again, but, that, that, the Lord said, is not my word, like a fire, with an unspeakable mercy, because, let's, let's just look at it, in this way, dear friends, because, these things, have been on my mind, of late, and very much, where, the, and where we read, in the book of, of Revelation, that there will be nothing, that will defile, shall enter, into heaven, well, dear friends, what a mercy, that the word of God, is like, unto a fire, not, not, not only, to burn, in, in, in our hearts, look at, look at those dear disciples, and, and that were on, on their way, to Emmaus, and the, and the, the, the, the dear Lord, joined them, or, as the word says, drew near, and went with them, and, and, and, and look, what that, what the dear Lord, spake unto, unto them, and, what was the effect of this, when, when the Lord, had made himself known, and the, the dear disciples, said this, did not our hearts, now mark the singular, did not our hearts, burn within us, as he talked with us, by the way, and we, and we are certain of this, that the, the, the Lord would talk, concerning, the word of God, or, concerning himself, because, and what we are told that, and, and I want to come now, and perhaps, because there's many things, that we could say, and, in, in respect, unto the word, is like a fire, but what I want, want to come to, perhaps, just to, and, and, bring, bring this word, that is like a fire, can we not use, and those, those, those same words, as the, as the dear Lord, and, and speak to those, those, those dear disciples, and when, when, when he, when he went with them, and talked with them, by the way, and, and he said, he said this, after, after he had questioned them, about what things had happened, he said, then he said unto them,

[23:03] O fools, and slow, and slow of heart, to believe, well, it doesn't offend you, does it, the offends, it doesn't offend me, I feel to be so, slow of heart, and I, I, I feel, I feel to be, and so slow, of heart, to believe, and he said, he said, O fools, and slow of heart, to believe, all that the prophets, have spoken, those prophets, that spake, in the name, of, of, of the Lord, and they, and because we, read this, that all scripture, was given by, inspiration, and for, for our prophet, for doctrine, for teaching, for reproof, and for, and for correction, and for instruction, and that the man of God, may be perfected, in all those things, as, now, now, now, this, this word, is, is like an, unto a fire, in this respect, that I just want to leave, leave with you, then the Lord says, ought not Christ, and to have suffered, these things, and to enter, into his glory, oh, look, dear friends, here, look, look what is, manifest, manifested here, is not my word, like as a fire, ought not Christ, to have suffered, and to have entered, into his glory, you know, my dear friends, how, the, the, the Lord, entered, into his glory, he entered, into his glory, as the, first fruits, of that great harvest, there would not, been a vestige, of hope, for you and I, if, if the Lord, had not, entered into, or, let me say, a little, let's go back, just a little, there would not, be a vestige, of hope, if Christ, had not, suffered, and entered, into his glory, now, dear friends, can we come, to this great point, have, have, have these words, that Christ said, to his dear disciples, as it were, have been, burned, in our hearts, for the word, actually, is not, my word, like, as a fire, and, and these words, have been, these words, have been, burned, in our hearts, look, look at, that word, my dear friend, who is likened, under fire, and, and that, that love, my dear friend, has, and that, that compassion, that mercy, that brought, that brought, the dear Lord, forth, to do the Father's will, ought not Christ, to have suffered, and to enter, into his glory, the Lord, did not leave it, leave it at that, he says, and beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expounded unto them, in all the scriptures, the things, concerning himself, now, this word, my dear friends, that, that the word, speech by, by, and Jeremiah, is not my, my word, like, as a fire, can we just come to this point, very briefly, and, this evening, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, do we know, something of this word, that's, likened unto, the fire, concerning, himself, the Lord,

[26:49] Jesus Christ, has not that word, dear friends, warmed your heart, from time to time, has, has, has that, has that, has not the word of God, and, cause you, and, to hope, in, in the, in the dear Lord Jesus, and, suffering, and, dying, and, being buried, and, and, and, and, and, and, being risen again, and, and, and, and, to, to, and, to, and, suffer in the, ruined place instead, of his dear people, and it is not this word being burned, as it were, into our hearts, and, and, and, it is something which will, we trust, and we believe, it will, will remain, may, may this be, our concern, you see, how vastly different, let, let me just say, you see, the, the, the previous verse, the, the, the Lord is speaking of, of a prophet, that hath a dream, let him tell a dream, that is, let him, let him tell those erroneous things, they may be plausible, they may be pleasing, to the flesh, they may be morally upright, and they, and they, they may, they may, may have, they may have some truth in them, and, but, it was, how vastly different, and, the word of God is, to a dream, we, we know, we, we know, a dream, and soon vanishes away, but my word shall, and, and shall, shall last forever, ever, it is, it is, it is an endearing word, then, then, then he goes on, and he that hath, hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully, what is the chaff to the wheat, saith the Lord, is not my word like a fire, then just very briefly, dear friends, there, there, there's another one,

[28:52] I, I want to, come into, and the experience, if I'm not deceived, of this word, and, and the word of God, as, as a fire, is, there is, there is this effect of a fire, as well, not only to consume, and not only to lighten, but, but also there is smoke from a fire, can we not say, my dear friends, and that, and that, and as, as that smoke, ascends from that fire, and that, that, we have been brought to this point, and whereby, we have sought the Lord, earnestly, by prayer, and supplication, as, as, as, as, you see, when, when Ananias was, well, was sent to Saul of Tarsus, of course, he'd heard of this man, how he had persecuted the church, and what quietened the mind, of, of, of Ananias, the Lord, the Lord spoke this, simple, but most profound word, behold, he prayed, now, dear friends, and what, what a great distinction, there is, between, a dreamer, and, and he, and he, that hath been brought, to pray unto the dear Lord, you see, these things are, set before us, and, and, and, and, and, is not my word like, as a fire, and, and you, you have sought the Lord, earnestly, and, though, though, has perhaps said, in the substance, if not the actual word,

[30:33] Lord, say unto my soul, I am thy salvation, the dreamers, my dear friends, would never think of lowering, themselves, to come to, to such, to such a low point, as they think as this, they're all right, but, but, but, but they know nothing of, the searching, and the fiery work, of, of the dear Lord, and the soul, has to come time, and time again, say unto my soul, I am thy salvation, is it not then, dear friends, that the word of prayer, hath risen, as smoke, and, and, and, and, and, they are often found, that the throne, of mercy, and grace, what a sweet testimony, is this a testimony, of the scriptures, of, of one, and that, that, that hath been brought, acquainted, with, with the word of God, and look at the beauty, of, of that word, and where, where the Lord, opened their understanding, to understand, the scriptures, that is, that is one of your prayers, is it not, you, you, you want the word, opened up, up to you, that, that word, that came not only, in word, as Paul writes, to the church, at, at Thessalonica, but in power, and, and, and in, the, and in the, joy, of the Holy Spirit, now just one more thing, very briefly, in respect to, to, to this, fire where the smoke, has sent us, can we not say, dear friends, there has been, and we doubt, we desire, more and more, and to, praise the dear Lord, for, his wonderful, mercies, that he hath not, left us, to, to, continue, in, in, in, in a, false doctrine, or false teaching, and, but, but, that he hath shown us, a little, of that way of salvation, and can we not say, with, the dear psalmist, oh bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name, here's, here's the effects, of that fire, and for he hath redeemed, my soul, from destruction, he hath led me, in that, right path, and that, and that leads, that city of habitation, whose builder, and maker, is God, well, what an unspeakable mercy, well of course, there are, there are many things, perhaps, that, that I trust,

[33:03] I've said, sufficient, and whereby, if that one, have come in, to this, to his earth, earthly courts, this evening, and with, who can, do I really love the Lord, oh no, and, and if, if we can trace, a little, of, of the word, of, of the Lord, and, as that incorruptible seed, and being, being implanted, in our poor hearts, and, is there not, then, then, something, of, of that time, where, there will be those fruits, of prayer, and praise, unto, his adorable name, now, secondly, I, and, and, I, I know, that the, the subject, perhaps, is almost inexhaustible, and, and, but we must just press on for that second clause briefly, and like a hammer, that breaketh the rock, in pieces, well, you will not be offended with me,

[34:09] I am certain, if, if, if I mention this, and that our hearts, by nature, are as hard as a rock, and, and, and they, and they, and they would still be, in that, in that stubborn way, in that rebellious way, against a good, kind, and a most gracious God, now, if, if, if the Lord, and by his hammer, and the hand of the spirit, you see, the, and the hammer, as, as you know, in of itself, and cannot do, do very little, there must be a hand, and to wield that hammer, and, and, and that, and that hammer, in this respect, it is handled by, the blessed spirit, and, and that, and that blessed spirit, brings, and brings this, this hard heart, and to, a broken, and a constant, trite heart, and when, and when, by, by the word, and they, the, the Lord, have opened their understanding, and softened their heart, and with, with these blows, of, of this hammer, and by his good spirit, and they, and they've seen, a little, of, what the Lord, endured, and what he suffered, and, and, and, and what he, what he had done, and for the salvation, of his dear people, and, and, and, and, and that great work, and whereby, our hearts, are, softened under, the, under the blow, of this hammer, by, by the good spirit, into, true, true repentance, and godly, sorrowful sin,

[35:59] I know you're saying, I can quite agree with you, my dear friends, all that my heart, was ever, and softened, and broken, and when, and when, by precious faith, and we, and we desire to sing, the, the dear Lord, standing in our room, place and stead, suffering, what we would have suffered, throughout, a never ending eternity, he who knew no sin, became sin for us, and that we might be made, the righteousness, of God, in him, he was found, in fashion, as a man, he humbled himself, it wasn't, anyone else, that humbled him, he humbled himself, and he became, obedient unto death, even the death, of the cross, now this hammer, as it were, in the hand, of the Holy Spirit, and brings this soul, to, and to that, that sweet, contrition, whereby, whereby we fall, as it were, not merely weeping, with our eyes, but we weep, with our heart, that the Lord, went to such great lengths, and untold sufferings, even to save our souls, from sin, death, and hell, now do we know, or can I say this, to us, this evening, is it something, that you desire, that blessed spirit, will lead us, into more, and more, you see, and you perhaps, heard me say this, before, because it's something, which I trust, that is frequently, on one's mind, as the dear apostle, quotes it, that I may, know him, and the power, of his resurrection, and the fellowship, of his suffering, be made conformable, unto his death, oh, you see, here is a soul, that desires, to be softened, under, under the spirit's dealings, or this hammer, to be softened, in respect, unto, the love, that the Lord, has made manifest, even to such sinners, as, as you and I, you know, how vastly different, the offenders, you see, there's a great comparison, here, and be, between those, that are, that are children, of the Lord, and those, that are not, you know, those of course, that, that know something, of that word, like as a fire, saith the Lord, and like a hammer, that breaketh, a rock, in pieces,

[38:46] I feel certain, of this, the offenders, if you and I, and I do trust, that we may all, have this great desire, in our hearts, in a greater, or lesser measure, you desire, and that, that the Lord, would make himself, known, or reveal himself, unto you, in the fullness, of his grace, to such unworthy, undeserving sinners, as you and I are, how shall we receive, this favor, this blessing, we shall receive, the fullness of Christ, in a broken heart, you'll never, and I shall never, receive Christ, in the fullness, of our heart, but we shall receive, in the brokenness, of our heart, and, and our text says, is not, is like a hammer, that breaketh, the rock, in pieces, how solemn, to be left, as, a rock, and go through life, pass through it, and, and, and, and, and, and, our days, still, in that hard, rebellious, and that, awful state, by which we were born in, untouched, by, and by the grace, or the hand of the spirit, but, oh dear friends, although, you perhaps mourn, the lack of these things, but, can we not say, the little that the Lord, has so, so favoured us with, we can say, we can say this, it hath given us, a greater desire, to know more of, that I may know him, and that we may be, found in him, not having our own, righteousnesses, you see, these, these, our own righteousnesses, and which is, but which is of the law, will be burnt up, but, but having that righteousness, by faith, in our Lord and Saviour,

[40:56] Jesus Christ, is not my word, like as a fire, saith the Lord, and like a hammer, that breaketh, the rock in pieces, but there, I shall have to leave, those few remarks, may the Lord, and his blessing, Amen.

[41:14] Let us close this evening, by singing hymn number 553, the tune is Geyser, 164, hymn number 553, the breaker, is gone forth in love, with power, and skill divine, descending from, the realms above, to quell, his foes, and mine, in love to Zion, he has broke, the powers of death, and hell, and her from Sinai's, dreadful yoke, has broken off as well, hymn number 553, the bells in peace.

[42:45] HoONE RINGS The End The End

[43:46] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End

[44:48] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End Welcome to theÕs public and welcome to the beneficent Lord of the Rings, summed by heaven and heaven, and while the Lord and the more Christ shall die, THE END